the shinobi sorcerer - Chapter 13 - nerdm4id (2024)

Chapter Text

She sighs, breathing has become a little easier with time.

There’s a slight breeze ruffling her hair and the sun doing its best to avoid the messy clouds around.

Her hand moves the piece of shogi carefully, Wasuke snorts.

It’s one of those days where they’ve decided to come out of the house in the evening just to enjoy themselves.

It 's mid November.

It’s not cold yet, they do have their coats by their sides.

They’ve brought everything necessary, their shogi board, some snacks and of course, Yuuji.

In the background they could hear families arrive, others leave since they were a few hours near sunset.

For them, it wasn’t a big deal since the house was in a 5 minute walk.

Wasuke makes a move and Sakura tilts her head.

Yuuji has a lollipop on his mouth while following a ladybug across the grass.

Peace suits them well, under their eyes there’s still bags that show in their color how they still struggle with sleep.

Sometimes, a loud sound might make them flinch, but they don’t recoil as they used to do.

They’re learning how to progress, mostly because they know it’s what Yuuji needs at the end of the day.

Sakura has vowed herself to protect him until the end, to not let him go through any of what she did.

She promised, and she never breaks promises.

“How’s Todou lately? Is he finally getting chemistry?” Wasuke asks after placing another shogi piece on their board.

Sakura puckers her lips while staring at the board, Wasuke did an interesting move on the board and now she’s tilting her head.

Taking a sip of her iced tea, she lifts her eyes to her grandpa who is partially looking at her and then at Yuuji.

She knows that this conversation has a deeper meaning.

“I mean, I guess… he did pass his exam this week, barely.” She says, it’s not a lie though, they had a chemistry exam and he did pass.

But she knows that’s not all he’s asking.

These past weeks, she has been busy training and actually helping Todou with chemistry.

She arrives a little late everyday and just goes straight to take care of Yuuji and do her homework.

Sometimes she gets home and Wasuke is waiting for her so he can go and do the groceries.

They’ve been apart for a little, she regrets it but knows that it’s necessary, she feels that she’s getting to a certain level where she could defend them with might.

If something like that happened again, she has the skills now.

Wasuke snorts.

“That tells you he’s not a total brick head.” His voice is rough with a chuckle.

Sakura grins and finally finds an opportunity to place her own shogi piece.

Wasuke nods, appreciating the move while looking up to his granddaughter.

Some might call him a little selfish, but he’s glad that Sakura has never gone through the needy toddler phase.

He feels that the thought is horrible, but at the same time is what made them bond like this.

After everything they’ve gone through, he truly loves his tiny family.

“He’s smart, just… gets distracted.” She says, chuckling a little bit while Yuuji runs towards them with a piece of a leaf in his hand.

The toddler bumps softly against her leg and shows her the leaf.

Wasuke lifts her shogi piece and moves it, Yuuji goes back to the grass, probably searching for another bug.

“And you, Sakura, how is school lately?” She looks at him.

Humming, she extends her hand to the bowl they’ve brought to the park with some snacks and cookies, getting a chocolate one she sighs.

“Mmh, boring, like always.” She chews at the chocolate.

The breeze brushes against her hair, it’s getting a little chilly.

“Nothing new?” It’s his turn to tilt his head.

She shakes her hair, then gets a flash of intelligence and places a new shogi piece in another space.

Wasuke hums at this, agreeing and then crosses his arms while he thinks.

“Nope, the teachers believe that giving us more homework we will retain more information, but that’s a lie.” She says, and he nods.

There’s a normality in their conversation that fills her with calm.

There’s no thought of cursed energy or techniques.

There’s no pinky nickname.

There’s not a loud voice laughing at her with bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

Or the smell of ramen when she gets off the train.

There’s no expectation, she’s just Sakura Itadori playing Shogi with her grandpa.

And she likes it.

She finally doesn’t feel guilty for thinking that.

“Is that so?” Another shogi piece is moved, another sip of iced tea.

Yuuji giggles loudly because a lizard went running away from him.

“It is, it’s annoying.”

The breeze is chilly but it’s not too bad when she feels warm all over by being with her family.

Family that she knows, even when she felt like the sky was falling down.

Like she couldn’t breathe and she was being ripped apart, can’t ever regret it.

Yuuji lifts his arms so Wasuke can pick him up. Looking at the both of them she sighs.

She could never regret them.

December went through with a soft glide.

They had decided to celebrate it for Yuuji’s sake.

They dressed up in red Christmas sweaters and went out to eat at their closest KFC as most of the families did around.

They built a small Christmas tree and took pictures together.

She knows Yuuji had a great time, they had gone to a few Christmas events like a little children's party in the center of the city where a few restaurants organized a pretty gathering.

There were a few inflatable trampolines and food.

Yuuji spent at least two hours on the trampoline and then another hour eating sweets.

Sakura wasn’t that bored though, an hour after they started eating a group of Digimon mascots arrived to do a little show.

Let’s just say Sakura was more focused here than in her training sessions with Yuki.

Talking about the training, they had to pause them for the month since Todou had left with her mom for some family vacation.

And Yuki had left as well, apparently being in one spot for a long time wasn’t something she liked.

So the month had been filled with baby giggles and warm food, cuddles and watching silly little Christmas movies.

Peace and family all around.

She wasn’t mad about it, Yuuji deserved it.

“‘ua-eesa!” The toddler cooed while waddling as fast as an actual toddler can towards her.

With three years, Yuuji was good at creating sentences but the pronunciation was still a little of a struggle.

Sakura turned around from the TV screen, they were showing a new show that seemed interesting.

But nothing was as interesting as her brother.

“Yes, Yuu-chan?” The small boy lifts his arms to be picked up, Sakura smirks and does it.

She places him on her lap and stares at him, he’s moving a little until he’s not and lifts his big and expressive eyes towards her.

“where gan-pa?” Sakura brushes his hair off his forehead with a smile.

His hair has been growing wild lately, and while she doesn’t mind one bit, Wasuke has been talking about cutting it.

She kinda likes the wild hair, it reminded her of her old times where teammates would never be condemned to normal hairstyles.

She smirked when an image of Shikamaru and her pineapple hair popped into her head.

“He went to pick up some dinner, he’ll be back in a bit.” Yuuji was clever, he was always so smart he would pick up cues no one would think he could.

Sure, his mind conjectures were basic, but he understood his little family.

Wasuke, or “gan-pa”, sometimes “ji-ji” was a little grumpy, but he made the best milkshakes in the world!

He also gave the best tummy massages and while he might be (sometimes) a little rough when handling him, he was always there for him.

His love was rough around the edges, but he understood.

And there was “ua-eesa”, the best big sister, the one who would drop everything around to just be with him.

He knew that if he went to her, she would play with him, tell him stories and sometimes even dance with him.

She was like a doll, so she sometimes would show him tricks a doll would do, for example she could spread her legs so wide it was crazy! Or lift one leg in the air!

He has only seen a cat do that!

Or a doll!

She was the coolest, and she was allowed to sometimes climb the fridge to reach the highest places grandpa couldn’t reach! Yuuji sighs against his big sister's body with a smile.

He doesn’t think he can admire her more.

“Food?” Sakura giggles and nods.

With the caring touch of a big sister, she softly hugs him against her and sways in her seat, rocking him a little.

It’s been three years since the day she saw him for the first time.

That day had been terrifying, deep loss was set into her belly ever since that day but Yuuji also dissipated it.

How could she feel like that when a ray of literal sunshine was in her arms?

She hadn’t been ready to be a big sister, but she was happy.

She had vowed to her fathers memory to just grip into her tiny little family and survive.

It’s mid January, December is long gone.

The cold is still making their noses red and shiny.

Christmas decorations are being taken off the pretty cafes they like to go to.

School is back on, Todou is back, Yuki is back.

February is around the corner and she realizes that deep grief that had once drowned her and made her struggle to breathe, was now pushing her to do so.

It’s like it’s trying to make her breathe more air, like it learned it’s own way to survive.

A mechanism that instead of dragging her, was helping her.

Yuuji cuddles closer, feeling safe with his big sister.

A few years back this kind of peace would throw her out on a loop, maybe make her anxious.

The need of producing or training was overwhelming and tiring on her mental psyche, there’s just so much her young brain can comprehend.

Even when deep inside she knows she’s older, her brain is still developing as a normal child one and it can’t do wonders.

Now though, she thanks the peace she finds in her cuddling sessions with her brother.

She enjoys the peace she gets whenever they go on a family trip to drink tea and eat cookies at the park.

It’s not like she feels different or the power has gone through her head, it’s just that from what she knows peace never lasts.

Peace is such a weavering thing, it floats like a feather waiting for the storm to wash it away.

She understands the weight of that peace now in Yuuji's life. So she welcomes it, placing her head on his head, swaying softly to the tune of the song on the tv.

Nothing will disturb his peace.

“Maybe after dinner we can play puzzles.” The giggle that comes out of her tiny little soldier in her arms confirms her last thought.

It’s March and there’s pollen.

Sakura can’t say much about it, sneezing for the fourth time she catches Todou’s giggle at her.

They’re in the forest again, they’ve gone through their fighting stances, a quick repetition of combos and then a small spar.

However, they did notice that Yuki had something under her sleeve, the way she was smirking told them that.

The woman had gone to Europe on her Christmas trip only to come back more energized than ever.

They didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

“Alright! This time we will practice something super amazing!” She claps her hands with a loud sound joining her.

Sparking curiosity is spread around her young students, like curious puppies they perk their heads.

Yuki smirks, Todou’s spotted shirt almost made him truly look like some sort of Dalmatian.

The boy in question processes the words quickly and fist pumps the air, always the most enthusiastic.

“Yay! Yuki-neesan always brings the good stuff!” The pinkette on the other hand sits down.

She knows that it is time for a small lecture by the way that Yuki gathers herself dramatically and ruffles her sleeves.

It almost looks like she’s about to do a dramatic act in a theater production.

“Sorcery is lonely, sometimes to reach a goal we have to work alone, even if we started as a team, why is that?” She says, her hands moving while acting a few of her words.

Hands shot towards the sky as soon as the questions were finished.

It makes her proud to see that both kids are absorbing the information like that.

Take that, idiotic higher ups!’ She thinks, spitting in each and every one of their cursed windows (in her mind).

Her thoughts are interrupted by a very impatient Todou that just can’t help himself by yelling his answer.

How can he even resist? This topic is so cool! “

Because it’s cooler?!” Sakura looks at him and rolls her eyes.

Her own hand is in the sky, the blonde acknowledges her by nodding towards her after Todou’s amazing input.

“It helps when getting a terrain overview.”

Yuki already knew the pinkette would have the correct answer but still, she gives her a thumbs up. Todou nods along, capturing the answer into his brain.

He also feels a tiny sense of pride, little sister rocks!

The blonde claps loudly and then opens her arms with a sudden motion, excited and happy that her tiny students were actually getting it, even if it was only the pinkette for the moment.

Todou had its moments and she knew he would catch up quickly.

“Fantastic! Whenever we have big missions where we have to be alert at all times, we always run to the question.” She walks around them like a teacher.

Both kids look up towards her and furrow their brows, asking themselves if they know the question she’s talking about.

Sakura purses her lips and looks at the boy who tilts his head, he shrugs at the end of it.

The girl sighs and turns around towards the tallest one who stares at them with a knowing smirk.

“How can I know that there’s cursed energy around when I can’t see it?” Todou lets out a tiny groan and then he lets himself fall into the ground like a bag of potatoes, then he turns into his back and looks up.

His brows are furrowed as if he had spent years trying to come up with the answer.

Little dramatic as always, Sakura rolls her eyes fondly.

“But neesan, we do see the curse!” He whines, voice high and petulant.

The blonde snickers, just as dramatic as the younger boy and kneels right in front of him to place her hand on his shoulder.

It’s like a dramatic movie, Sakura sighs now.

“My little Todou tadpole, remember what I said! Curses have levels, and when they’re above level three they can become intelligent.” She says with a smile, pushing him up so he’s sitting again.

The girl then takes a seat in front of the kids, crossing her legs in front of her as she stares at the kids.

Sakura’s brain is running like crazy, she’s used to knowing all the answers, to connect them back to what she used to know and understand.

She feels as if shifts, cursed energy and chakra are similar in some aspects, so the bad sh*t that comes out of it can also be connected.

Bijuus and all of that drama, it must have a connection somehow.

Feeling confident about it, she leans a little forward while a question dances in her mind.

“So they learn to hide?” “Exactly, for that, we need to learn how to sense them.” She cannot lie, a shiver runs up her spine.

Blinking softly, she schools her expression and gulps down a doubt that bubbles in her throat.

Calm down, calm the f*ck down, she yells into her brain.

There was always a possibility that what she lived through had a stronger connection with all of this world than what she used to think.

There’s also the possibility of it not being over.

The panic flares but she pushes it into a little black box inside of her brain, it’s staying right there until she’s alone and ready to let it all out.

Not here, she’s still wary and nobody could fault her.

She knows it’s not like before, she has more support in a world that she’s meeting and knowing about.

Her blonde mentor with all her idiocy and impulsivity had her back, she knew that she would at least help her understand what happened.

Maybe if she spoke… Maybe if she said something….

“Are we going on a curse hunt?” Todou’s voice pulls her out of her inner turmoil.

Blinking with a poker face, she decides that this is not the moment, maybe later.

Nothing has happened in so long, she would despise making something or say something that makes all of those memories come back.

She’s happy as she is, talking about it, opening her grief for others to see it’s such an uncomfortable feeling that she’d rather pass on.

Yuki’s laughter brushes against her as the breeze across the forest.

Sometimes when they spend time there, surrounded by green and brown she gets these flashes of the past, like flashing lights that show her a moment in time where she used to run things as she wanted.

When they forage, Sakura sometimes pretends she’s still back there, gathering flowers for Ino and herbs for Tsunade, a fruit for Naruto.

Her world used to be ruled by the color blonde.

Now the only blonde she has is in front of her, moving her finger like a cartoon while using her voice, inflexing it to make Todou more excited about it.

As if he needed to be more hype about practicing.

“Nope! That’d be a little irresponsible of me and I am a lot of things, but not irresponsible!” Sakura scoff, as if.

Yuki squints at her, trying to fake a glare but she knows it is all a joke.

Todou in the other hand fist pumps with a big smile on.

“Never!” Yeah, officially too pumped.

Sakura breathes in, if her mind is coming up to the real answer, she might be onto what’s being implied here.

With a curious blink, she stares down at the blonde who only smirks at the intensity of the pinkette who always seems way too serious for her age.

“Then?” She pushes, her now shoulder length pink hair drapes over her side.

Taking the moment in, Yuki decides to be a little more serious now that she’s gotten their attention.

With a swift movement of her hand, she calls out some of her cursed energy, showing it to the young kids who look at it with attention in their eyes.

Faces full of concentration.

“We’ll practice our energy, how to turn it on and off, and then how to sense others.” She shows it to them, she turns it on, makes it brighter until it illuminates their faces.

Then she turns it off in a second, making it disappear from one moment to another, Todou looks confused since with them it’s a whole thing of making it show and then dissipate.

It takes them a little bit of concentration and time to make those changes, Yuki is quick and agile with it, it shows her expertise.

Sakura’s eyebrow twitches in concentration, even with her own knowledge the ability to turn on her cursed energy doesn’t come as easy as Yuki makes it look.

The whole concentration activity still has to be done, then preserving it in her hand, making it strong enough and then utilizing it.

It’s such a small thing, but she admires it.

“We will learn our own energies, that way we'll always be aware of the other.” She continues, her cursed energy comes back and jumps from one hand to another. It almost looks as if she’s juggling with it.

The cursed energy jumps as excited as Todou looks at the show.

It’s like they’re in front of a fire, heat radiating from it in waves, Sakura keeps her ears open attentive to anything she might catch.

“When your abilities grow, it won’t matter if one of us is across the country or the world, we will feel them.” She ends up throwing little specks of her cursed energy towards the kids.

It brushes against their chest and then disappears, it leaves a warm feeling against their skin and it makes them wonder about the technicality of separating it to the smallest points possible.

It’s surely a class for Sakura whose brain starts to work as quickly as it comes, working on ways to mobilize her energy and try to do what she sees.

The spot where the energy left was still leaving out a few warm waves until it completely dissipates.

If what Yuki says is true, this changes things.

They can become real life hunters, like Kiba used to be, able to localize energy, identify them and categorize them.

Sakura could be aware of her loved ones, if one of those things are close to them so she could protect them against anything.

She could find them anywhere, that soothed something within herself.

Her back straightened, if this was all true, if that thing came back…

She wouldn’t be caught off again.

She would be ready.

“Will we be able to point to the location?” Yuki notices things, little and big, and the way Sakura’s expressions shift in the most minimal way until they're back to a determined and fiery stare will always be so peculiar to her.

It’s been a while since she met these kids and she hasn’t been able to figure her out yet, she’s got some information, but she’s not stupid.

She knows that she hasn’t got the full story, there’s more lines to read in between than she imagined.

More coding in her sentence structure, she understands it though.

Sakura is a bright girl with bright thoughts, she knows that even if she exasperates her and makes her groan five times a day she trusts her.

If this were to become an issue, she knows the younger would come to her, and she would be more than ready to assist.

“It is possible, it might take a little more skill though.” She points out with a tilt of her head.

The flames inside Sakura’s green eyes are intense and malevolent.

The determination is fixed and without a single doubt in her head she knows she’ll get it.

She cannot mistrust her in her abilities, for these months she has reached and done everything she says she will do.

Why would she doubt her now?

A proud jiggle moves around her mind, maybe Jujutsu tech doesn’t truly have the sorcerers with the biggest potential this year.

Maybe that sorcerer they’re all expecting back in the city is right here, with pink hair and an attitude.

She pushes herself after a moment and stands up again, moving her hands to show the kids to do so as well.

Brushing her pants from the dirt and the leaves that are caught in it, she smirks at the kids who are doing something similar.

Todou shakes his legs with his eyes still captured in her persona.

The pinkette is just brushing her purple pants from a few tiny rocks and a couple of leaves.

Humming a popular radio song, Yuki stretches her arms to the sides while looking at the kids, a smile appearing into her face.

It’s time to get more serious.

She truly doesn’t know how much she can stay in the country without being spotted, she knows that even if she gets spotted she won’t go back to the dorms or school but it’s always annoying to hear the higher ups yell at her.

For years she has been able to avoid it by traveling and laying low, but these months she has done nothing of the sort.

These kids are taking it all, her knowledge, her courage and if she pushes it further, her freedom.

If she gets pulled, she’ll have to leave them.

If she escapes again, she’ll have to leave them.

As much as she hates that thought, she might, so all she can do is give them as much experience and mastery as she has over cursed energy.

There’s nothing more valuable for them right now.

“After we practice, I'll go hide in the vicinity and you guys will have to find me.” Her announcement makes the kids stay quiet and nod firmly.

Stretching enough, she places herself into the position they know to practice their cursed energy flow and they follow immediately.

They dip into deep squats and then push their cursed energy up.

They make sets of this, stretching and then dipping again, their concentration grows in between their eyebrows.

Sakura’s thighs burn after the tenth repetition but it works, her cursed energy learns how to turn itself up and off quicker.

After a while of just practicing their cursed energy and how to turn it on and off, Yuki pushed them to keep it on.

Making them run a few laps with it still on, it’s difficult and their brain feels like it’s getting punched by the amount of energy and the amount of strain that this activity pushes through them.

But it’s not like when they just started, this was way more manageable.

The work out is always well received by the two of them, Sakura is used to the burn, it makes her feel a little closer to home.

It makes her believe that in one of those turns, she will see the Konoha mountain in the distance.

The connection that she has with practice and working out is gigantic, she appreciates it and pushes through.

Todou also loves the exercise, he goes on to say that when he grows older he’s going to be huge.

Probably like those fighters he loves to see on the TV sometimes, he’s always yelling how he’s going to get ripped.

Sakura always tells him that he can be whatever he wants.

They attempt their first group concentration workshop after their laps.

Centering their cursed energies right on their core, they flare them and shut them off.

Concentration makes them sweat and sway a bit.

“Try to find your energies, they should be right at your core with these exercises… push them towards the outside, do it slowly.”

They don’t get it in their first try of course, but they do make amazing progress by just pushing their energies further and further.

Yuki starts to feel them after the fifth and the last try of the day, it’s not much and since they’re all together it makes sense.

Their cursed signatures are pretty evident, they’re not as recognizable as they would like it though.

And it’s alright, they’re young and get it quickly, when they leave Yuki is sure they won’t stop practicing their new set of skills.

And they don’t. In every tiny moment they get, they push themselves to exercise and push their energies until they’re exhausted.

Todou farts a lot trying to push out his energy to make it known to the others.

Yuki finds it hilarious.

It’s Yuuji’s birthday when she finally gets it, they’re setting things in the park so they can celebrate with her little brother.

There’s cake and food, toys and juice. Yuuji is in a pretty blue outfit and a cap, Wasuke was bringing the things to the table when Sakura did as she usually does (as an act of pure practice) a little push of her cursed energy.

She had taken it as a normal thing to do, pushing it all the time, every day while doing homework, at school, when eating, all the time.

It gave her results though, because now when she did it without truly thinking she captured something.

Perking up, she lifts her head and looks around with a furrowed brow.

Her energy is identifying someone, but around them families are just starting to get settled.

They’re also too far away from them, she knows her range of recognition might be small just yet, so they’re out of the picture.

Her eyes rack over the tables around them, trying to find this certain energy.

She can tell it’s bubbly and… familiar.

A sweet humming distracts her, Yuuji is sitting right on the table with a piece of watermelon in his hand.

He’s humming the digimon opening song while chewing on his piece of fruit happily.

Big brown eyes stare at her, his cheeks are already stained with the fruit juice, the energy flares again.

Sakura gasps and gets closer to him even if they’re literally at arms length.

“…Yuuji?” She mutters with wonder in her eyes.

He responds with a bright smile, chubby cheeks full of watermelon, hands sticky and cheeks stained.

With a smile of her own, she gets closer to him and pushes their foreheads together in a cute and sweet way they’ve developed over the years to center themselves.

He has cursed energy, is tiny but it’s there, one can even say that it’s childish the way it moves and floats.

But it 's familiar.

She would recognize it across the country or across the world, her little brother’s signature energy.

“I am supposed to be the one giving you a surprise, not you.” She giggles against his little cheek.

It worked in the end, her whole work, her whole passion for this cursed energy to work is to take care of her family. It couldn’t work better.

“Happy birthday Yuuji, thanks for this gift.” It seems like such a small thing in the huge sea of things that surrounds them, but it still feels like a win.

She tattoos the energy and it’s feeling into her soul, stitching it with cord and burning it there.

Never in her life will she let herself forget it, they will always be connected somehow.

Now that she has advanced in her process to learn how to identify cursed energy, she prioritizes the usage of it.

She always makes a post-it note in her head to keep it open for Yuuji, always.

To learn how to keep it open and extended.

“Is it time for cuddles now?” Wasuke’s voice makes her blink, she nods with a smile.

The youngest of them lifts his arms, showing his stained hands and her grandpa sighs.

She attempts to get into Wasuke and see if she can sense anything but her cursed energy is way too excited and focused on Yuuji.

Sighing, she knows she’ll try it again on another day, right now her focus is her family.

It feels weird to say it like that in her mind, but the weird feeling lifts a little more every day.

They end up spending an amazing evening.

Right before her birthday, she’s able to now recognize Todou’s and Yuki’s energy.

And finally after what it’s been feeling like an eternity, she feels she has gained a small win.

April is about to arrive when Yuki has an announcement.

They'd been in the middle of practicing their energies ranges and how they could manipulate them.

It had been the topic of the week, after their entire month of recognizing and identifying cursed energy, it was time to actually put it into work.

They’ve been doing it successfully, it was still a little tiring and they had to actively be activating the ability.

Sakura was eager to get to the point of it just being activated at all times.

Yuki sighs in her usually dramatic way and then lifts both of her arms towards the sky, stopping their movements.

The weather is warm and their shoes are muddy, a drizzle had been going on for the whole morning so now the earth was humid.

Both kids stop their activities and turn towards the blonde, messy hair and muddy hands all visible.

“You guys! I won’t be here to train you this weekend, I’ll be off to some other adventure…” She lets herself fall into a nearby log, posing as if she was some sort of damsel in distress.

Hand in her forehead and all.

“Good, some peace.” Sakura scoffs.

“Hey!” The blonde jumps with a glare, the pinkette snorts and dusts her hands off the dirt she had on.

It was always fun to tease her mentor.

On the other hand, Todou got closer with a severe pout on his face.

All worried and also a bit nervous of the girl leaving. When she had left in December, he had left as well, all distracted with family and relatives that he had so little time to actually miss her.

But now, he felt sad… but also, very very curious.

“Yuki-neesan? Where are you going?” The boy comes closer to the blonde girl and sits in front of her like a puppy, lost but curious about where this is all going.

Sakura stays behind him, standing and looking over them with her normal blank stare.

Not truly thinking about what this break could even mean.

Yuki however, takes it with the most suspense ever, she smirks and then sits on the log she acted out in.

Her pose is similar to those that anime villains do when they’re sharing their secret plan.

She flicks her wrist and moves a strand of hair out of her face.

“I’ll be off to… Tokyo.” She adds, the last part lingers a bit though, the drama getting to the kids.

She knows it’s going to get them.

Sakura blinks, not really caring about it, so she goes back to dust her hands and clothes.

But Todou could never, he’s way too energetic to let that slide.

“Woah?! So sudden! I wanna go too!” Todou jumps immediately in front of the girl.

Looking like an overly enjoyed little kangaroo, Yuki laughs and pats his head.

It’s always fun to make the kids laugh and overly enjoy themselves with her shenanigans.

Even if Todou sometimes goes over that excess.

Sakura has a moment though, she goes over what it’s said and then turns to look at the blonde who keeps on patting Todou’s head softly.

A little bug of curiosity rolls around in her brain.

A past conversation resonates within the realms of her memories.

However, what she heard next made her stop all of her movements.

“I’ll be investigating something really close to the city but not truly there.” Yuki said, her tone calm and relaxed.

As if the words that she had just spoken hadn’t created a storm in Sakura’s mind, connecting going wild and conjectures trying to find a way.

The blonde continues patting Todou’s head without giving the girl a glance, probably feeling her anxiety rising, or maybe waiting for the upcoming rain of questions.

But the pinkette won’t say anything, she stays rooted in her place, shaky and anxious but also shocked.

She had truly thought that their conversation and her saying that she would actively look into her parents’ death was just a promise made in the moment.

Blinking a few confused thoughts she comes up with the response of just ignoring it for the moment.

Maybe in the near future, she’ll ask about it, or if she’s truly going to investigate… Maybe she won’t have to ask anything.

She fixes her pants and walks slightly towards the both of them, her hands making fists and then releasing them in a way to soothe herself.

“Can we go?!” The boy jumps on his knees like a bunny.

Obviously not hearing the part of the investigation and only about the trip, typical Todou.

Yuki glares at him with a teasing tone on her voice when she speaks, she had obviously had expected that too.

“Didn’t you hear? I’m investigating! It is not a trip!”

“But it could be!” Sakura sighs and stands right by the boy, staring down at him.

“Todou, stop, we’re kids.” She speaks with an obvious tone of voice, as if she’s reminding him of something so obvious it’s crazy.

The boy waves his hand dismissing the words he had just heard and stands up.

Feet going into a little tippy tap, excited and jumpy.

“We can say it’s a school trip!” He yells, turning around to his little sister who is looking at him all bored.

Her left hand on her hip, staring at him as if she was an adult that was judging him or even just trying to scold him.

She raises an eyebrow and sighs, a scoff lingering around her lips.

“What’s with you and lying nowadays?” A boyish smile starts in his face, he looks so much like one of those stupid shows he likes to watch.

A power ranger poses in his persona.

“It’s fun and it doesn’t hurt anybody!” Sakura raises her eyebrow.

Her arms are crossed on her chest while observing the boy and the blonde.

While the curiosity is truly bubbling against her, she is also wary at the thought of intervening.

She doesn’t know how she would feel if they had to go to the actual place where her parents were found.

Yuki groans, acting like slime against the log and then the floor.

“As much as it sound like a cool trip, I’m working Todou, investigation!” She says the last part with emphasis in every syllable.

Sure it could be a cool adventure, and the kids are always fun to be around but her duty as a mentor is bigger!

Todou turns towards the blonde, his eyes wide and big, there’s a small pout on his face and there’s stars around him.

He’s using the ultimate weapon.

Yuki can’t escape now.

“Please? I’ve never been outside Sendai! I would love to take a trip with my little sister and my favorite neesan!” The boy puts on his best act.

Even better than when he made his mom get him the super cool Gungdam building set.

She had said something about costing her an arm and a leg, but she still had both of hers so it must have been a lie! Or maybe she had taken those from her father, well, sucks to the loser!

Outside Todou’s mind, he keeps on looking at the blonde with the puppiest eyes to ever exist.

Sakura scoffs, this plan is bullsh*t, it will be stupid if Yuki fell into it like a fool, she thinks. While her mentor is kind of an idiot, a little arrogant and reckless, she’s also smart and on some occasions cool.

Always reminding them how much experience she has in the field.

This little scheme is way, way, way below her-

“Ow, that's so cute…”

Never mind.

Sakura stomps on the floor, the foolishness tiring her fast.

“Enough, it’s not going to happen.” Big pout Todou turns to his little sister but soon lets it go, it just doesn’t work on her.. Never has!

She told him once she could see through it, kinda creepy!

But cool!

“Please?! For my birthday!” he tries again, it has to work somehow!

He’s now really excited about Tokyo, there’s no other way!

“Your birthday was in September, it’s April.” The pinkette deadpans.

“Alright! Late-early birthday present!” Sakura stares at him with a blank expression and then turns towards the oldest one, the blonde who looks like she’s having a deep thought.

She believes that she will…

“I mean… it could work! Why not?! You guys must have memories and memories are built on bad decisions!” Sakura's head turns like it’s an animatronic head, slow and glaring.

The blonde in question shrugs at the boy with a smirk on her face and it only makes him more excited.

“Us traveling by train with you? That seems like a terrible decision.”

The pinkette girl scoffs, her arms going across her chest. This is truly unbelievable.

“Who said train? I have a bike!”

“Yeah, she has a bike!”

“We won’t all fit there, it’s impossible.” Sakura's brow furrows.

It’s like no one’s truly thinking.

For a moment she can see how the boy’s mind runs, probably thinking of an answer.

He gets serious and for about a minute she believes this whole thing will be dropped.

She hates to destroy his dreams but this is ridiculous.

“Then, some of us travel by train and the others by bike!” The blonde exclaims with a winner’s pose.

She hasn’t expected that, damn it!

“I wanna go on the bike too, Yuki-neesan!” Todou jumps while screaming and moving his arms.

Yuki in return laughs like a maniac and pats him on the head like a puppy.

“Huh.” Sakura turns to the boy with a neck breaking speed and then glances at her mentor.

Totally expecting for her to deny this request of him.

But then, she gives him a thumbs up with a gigantic smile.

“It’ll be part of the present!” Sakura’s mind short circuits and sends her to a mini spiral.

She waits for a moment to pass by, waiting for the ‘ha! I’m kidding, your ass is staying right here!’ But another moment passes by, and another one, and another one…

And it doesn’t arrive.

Sakura jumps out of her spot and with a crazed stare at the boy who has betrayed her, she would’ve never saw it coming!

Her finger points at him in an accusatory action.

“HUH?! You’re leaving me by myself on the train?!” She feels her breathing pattern go a little quick at her words only to receive a cheeky smile in return.

This was the worst betrayal.

The betrayal of your imaginative blood, her fake flesh!

“Little sister! I really wanna go on a bike!” He insists with a little cute jump.

Sakura crosses her arms, her conviction and anger melting into a pout.

Yuki notices that this is the most childish thing that the pinkette has looked in all the time she has known her.

A little insane since she has met her ever since fall and now spring is starting.

“This is your idea and I’m just getting dragged into it, am I just gonna be left alone?!”

“I’ll ride back on the train with you, I promise!” Sakura’s shoulders sag with a dramatic pause.

By the smile that Todou creates, she knows she lost.

This is all useless now.

“This is stupid.” Yuki takes the moment to bark a laugh and with a resonating back palm she makes the younger girl stumble softly.

“Alright! All settled! Tokio trip is on!” Sakura looks at the both of them, when did her life become such a crazy f*cking story.

“I didn’t agree to this.” Todou giggles in a very telling way, teasing and playful, just Todou.

“Little sister, we're going to have so much fun!” He pokes at her arm and hugs her as if she was a plushie.

Sakura just stares, looking at the horizon with a blank stare.

“Kamisama… take me now.” There’s nothing that can save her now from the foolishness that is surely about to happen.

This has to be her karma for making Naruto go with her in all her crazy shopping sprees in Suna.

God f*cking damn it.

She had the slightest hope that it would all fall through, that maybe Todou’s mom would catch on and stop them.

But she hadn’t thought of Yuki having an actual brain that can process human thoughts. She always thought the blonde was an airhead full of just curse information.

But apparently, that was not the case.

Somehow, they had created a plan where Todou faked that they were having a special trip to Tokyo to see a science exhibition.

Sakura had thought this was too ambitious, mostly because everybody knows that Todou is terrible at science and also despises everything to do with that subject, but also because their plain intended for them to have a paper (that they created) signed by their guardians and then if they needed confirmation they would give Yuki’s hotel number.

Then, after they’ve received their signatures they would forge a paper for the school to excuse them that Friday from school safely.

If you think about it enough, one might find several holes in that plan.

A lot of variants could play into them being discovered and harshly punished.

Sakura must admit, she truly hated to lie and to create fake stories to her grandpa.

So she had waited and waited, a little too anxious to pull the plan.

But she did, at the last moment.

After a few moments of looking at the older man checking the paper and revising it, Sakura pondered if he might believe it or not.

After vividly imagining him just discovering the plan in a heartbeat and being angry at her, maybe telling her how disappointed he is or something, she sees something different..

He just smiled and signed it.

Sakura froze and her variants fell into the floor with a loud ‘bonk’.

Maybe she was thinking too much like a ninja.

“Science, huh? Any special comments about it?” Wasuke asked with a smile while returning the paper to the girl.

Sakura purses her lips and stares down at the paper.

“Kinda, I like science.”

“That I know, you’re brilliant.” The compliment makes her smile now.

Wasuke smiles, he likes the little glint that she gets in her eyes when she gets complimented.

Like it makes her feel accomplished.

“I mean, a little…” Her grandpa hums, Sakura raises her eyes.

She knows that he adores her.

Wasuke loves to feel part of her world even if he doesn't always show it.

Whenever she tells him stuff about school or homework, topics she enjoys, or even a chapter in her favorite Tv show, he listens with attention.

Soaks in every word even, it’s something that she has soon figured out.

Probably, after it all happened, he got scared of maybe Sakura becoming a little isolated or closed off.

Not like she’s usually super chipper and talkative, but just quiet.

He will never admit that he got scared of never listening to her again in the way he knows her.

So now, every word she says, it’s music to him.

He feels connected to her by it, their conversation time is special to him, sometimes Sakura let’s information slip away from her.

Sakura sometimes allows it, like right now.

“I’d like to be a doctor someday, so… I guess being good at science is the move.” She ends up adding, she tells herself that it’s for the sake of their little getaway.

Wasuke widens his eyes and lets out a small huff of what seems like a proud bark of laughter.

Sakura blinks with a bright glint in her eye.

It’s not like it’s a crazy route to take, it was her first option before all of the bullsh*t of cursed energy got to her.

“A doctor, huh? I can see it.” He adds with a proud raise of his eyebrows.

Sakura shuffles for a moment, a small blush paints her plump cheek and Wasuke’s heart soars.

“Can you truly, grandpa?”

“Of course, you’re the brightest kid I know, you for sure can do it.” His rough voice makes it sound like a little scolding, but Sakura knows better.

She creates a smile and shuffles closer to the man.

“You believe too much in me.” The man scoffs and pats her head with a heavy hand.

She doesn’t know how she would have survived without him in this world.

At the end, they did whatever the f*ck they wanted to do.

Sakura was going on the train, while Todou and Yuki were riding the bike.

Those f*cking idiots.

That Friday they were early at the train station since the two assholes were kind enough to drop her off.

After getting her ticket and then glaring at them for the eleventh time that hour, the duo of assholes left.

She saw them disappear at the end of the street, the black bike zooming down the corner with its characteristic sound.

Then, it was silent and she was alone.

She sighed and turned around, questioning how she even got to this decision, she walked towards her entrance and got into her train.

It was not as packed as she imagined it would be, probably because it was at the crack of dawn.

It had been at least half an hour since the sun went up.

Pursing her lips, she decided that she was already on the stupid train, she might as well enjoy the ride and maybe the actual city.

She had made a tiny list of things she could get Yuuji and Grandpa from there, her monthly allowance from back to back for a few years was laying in a money bag inside her backpack.

The window by her side showed her the landscape, bright and sunny.

A perfect spring day. Sighing, she got comfier in the seat when nobody approached it.

She was going to ride it completely alone and she was fine by it.

She hoped that once they got there, they would go to some caffee to eat something delicious…

Her hands went to the front pocket of the backpack and took out a bright pink mp3 player with its earphones.

She plugged them in and she closed her eyes.

She tried to relax, listening to the music she enjoys with ease, ignoring some of the few people that walked her way that gave her weird stares (because what the hell is a child doing so early in a train to Tokyo).

Fixing her dark purple top, swaying her feet.

Drinking some water from her water bottle.

But nothing helped, it was as if something was telling her that this trip was going to shift something.

Like nausea, she felt her stomach churn at the mere thought of her world moving again.

She was truly not a fan of that. It didn’t matter how much she tried, the thought wouldn’t leave her.

Something was going to happen, she needed to be ready.

She needed to be prepared.

So she meditated, she tried to follow that instinct.

Getting in contact with her core energy, it flushed her with a bright light that told her to be prepared, and she swore that she was.

At the end, the train was calm and quick, in one and a half hour her ride concluded.

Her nerves were still going a little nuts inside of her brain.

Buzzing with expectation and a little bit of anxiety, she exited the Train with her backpack on and her earphones still plugged into her ears.

Soft rock playing on a low volume.

She psyched herself that whatever her energy captured wasn’t truly something to be wary of.

“Maybe it’s just the amount of people…” She muttered softly to herself.

Sendai was way smaller than Tokyo, so maybe the amount of Cursed Energy made her alarms go nuts for a moment, it wasn’t anything more than that, she thought.

With a last hanging thought, her doubt danced around her mind with a controlled beat while her reassurance tried to catch up with a missing step.

“If something does happen… We’re ready.” She tells herself in the mirror of the train’s station bathroom.

The white bright wall reflecting behind her like a halo to her head like a bad omen.

Walking out of the place with a sigh and a tightness in her step, she decided to just face it out whenever it happened.

She was prepared anyways, she had been training for a while now. Nothing to worry about.

She didn’t even know what hit her.

“They said I had to wait near the station but it’s so packed…” She spoke, low and soft only for herself.

She had exited the station after getting genuinely sick of the stuffiness of the place.

The crowd outside the train station was bigger than she had expected, in Sendai at specific hours the crowds would be a little tedious, so all you needed was to be wary of those and prevent it.

The waves were sporadic and usually, Sakura wouldn't have an issue by hanging out in space or waiting for the next train to get her.

But this crowd was something else. I made her feel a little uneasy about how packed it was. And let’s not even talk about how curses were slipping through the people like slime.

People were rushing in, almost running, some others were against the walls trying to get out quickly while others tried to get in.

Curses were clinging, hugging, and touching people while their disgusting smell was floating around like a smoke bomb.

It was dizzy, the amount of smells, the amount of movement.

It was nauseating and anxiety-inducing the amount of people that were just there trying to get somewhere.

Now, Sakura wasn’t the tallest kid, so moving around became a little difficult.

After thinking of an escape route, she planned to get out by using one of the rails as a way to avoid the bigger crowds of people right after a bunch of them got into the following scheduled train.

Cringing at the touch on her arms for a moment, she decided to be sneakier and move along the wall with a faster step.

She found out quickly that train stations were not her favorite place, at all.

Moving and pushing, she finally got out.

The bright blue sky welcoming her to Tokyo with a few white clouds and a plane far, far away from land moving in its parallel direction.

She allowed herself to admire the place for a moment by taking off her headphones, she had thought that the movement inside the station had been crazy.

Outside, it was crazier.

People moving like they knew how to do it in groups, there were a lot of sounds around of people talking, children laughing, phones going off.

Curses were not as visible since it was such an open space, but she could feel them.

Sellers were on the street with big posters of their shops, giving freebies.

Cars going on the streets.

A curse taking a deep dive on the pavement.

A few police officers on duty, music coming from near food stands and shops.

Bright colors and letters.

A curse clinging on a small girl’s shoulder.

The advertising world in Tokyo was bigger than she anticipated.

It was as if nearly everywhere she looked, she would find something that was being marketed for her.

Her hands were right at the straps of her backpack, her feet started to move forwards, leaving behind the door of the station.

She had been there for at least fifteen minutes, and a police officer had already given her the weird eye.

It was the moment to move, she was practically in incognito mode, she couldn’t be the focal point for a police that might call her grandpa.

Either way, maybe moving she would feel the others and get to them.

They were assholes at the end, so they might’ve gotten distracted somewhere in the city.

With a swift movement on her heel, she turned towards a nearby alley and went a street back from where the train station was settled.

A new row of different stands and shops received her with a bright enthusiasm that made her feel a bit overwhelmed.

Walking as if she knew where she was going made her avoid a few of the street’s sellers that were a bit pushy about their products.

The amount of people was impressive to say the least, even if it was early, the rush and movement was everywhere.

Even when she looked inside a few open restaurants, they were packed.

Not even Konoha had been this busy, not even when the festival times arrived and they would receive people from all nations.

It seemed as if the sea of people was never-ending.

“Huh, the city is truly big. I’m thankful we don’t live here.” She muttered to herself.

She hadn’t stopped to think about how peaceful (for the most part) her life at Sendai was, sure there were people and a lot of options to shop and eat, but the quantity in comparison to Tokyo still left her speechless.

Curses were not as visible back at Sendai either, they chose to hide and stay in dark corners like f*cking ghosts.

Probably because they knew that the people around were big on superstitions and ghost stories, they chose to play their part.

Curses around here were a little more bold in showing themselves, probably because their amount was bigger, she didn’t know what was more worrying.

With a purse of her lips, she continued walking, over viewing a few places and fluttering her cursed energy to try and feel Todou.

She crossed the street and then went left until she reached another spot in the city, this one spot was more focused on bride’s and wedding arrangements.

Pretty white dresses on some aparells, in other’s she could see traditional Yukatas and more modern twists to the items.

Families going in for what she could only guess a try out.

An older girl was getting in one of the shops while an older woman was excitedly walking behind her.

She looked forward again.

Breaking into another alley, she found a small store with a small table outside, right at her passway, there were small plushies in keychain forms of Pokemon and Digimon figures.

She stopped (of course), stared at the stand for a few seconds with bright eyes and a moving hand.

The kind man behind the table smiled at the pink haired girl.

Amusem*nt in his eyes.

“We got a 2x1 promo today.” He added, Sakura nodded at the little poster on the table.

Humming, she moved until she got a Ditto since Yuuji always would squeal when he saw the purple thing on the Tv screen.

It was also the only color he could flawlessly pronounce somehow.

“Yuuji would love this…” The man nodded, he probably thought about the name belonging to a sibling.

Then, her hesitant hand moved towards the Digimon keychains and grabbed a Koromon, the pink and plump blob made her smile softly.

“I choose this, as well.”

“Very well, you’d like something else?” Said the man while grabbing a small plastic bag to place the keychains.

Sakura took her money bag out of her backpack and got the money, thinking for a few moments about Todou and Yuki, but soon enough she erased those thoughts.

They had abandoned her in a train, and then they had not even worried about being there for her afterwards. Shaking her head with a tiny pout that she couldn’t even notice, she paid.

The man smiled at her petulant and childish attitude.

“Thank you, have a nice day.” The girl nodded and bowed with the small bag in her hand and kept on walking until she got out of the alley into another crowded street.

She stopped right in front of a closed shop and placed the keychain bag into her backpack, taking out her own.

She started to put it on her zipper like a cute charm she would see the older girls back at school do with their own backpacks.

“Tokyo is bigger than I thought, too many people… and a bunch of curses.” Whispering to herself, she observed for a few moments her spot.

Looking right, she perked at the characteristic spot she managed to find.

She had seen this place before in a magazine.

With a new burning interest, she pushed herself from the wall of a random shop and started to walk again.

“Mh, I read in my digimon magazine how near this spot there’s a cool Digimon store.” She smirked to herself, maybe this trip hadn’t been her idea, maybe it had been planned to be spent hanging out with Todou and Yuki, but right now this was kind of cool.

Just hanging out in Tokyo by herself, going into Digimon stores and seeing stuff, buying stuff.

Maybe it wasn’t how she would plan a trip, she would’ve probably invited grandpa and Yuuji, but it was still kind of cool.

It made her remember how it would feel to travel by herself back in Konoha. So it didn’t matter that she was alone, she was… having fun.

Her feet were taking her down the street, if she was correct, she had to keep on walking until she got to a distinctive alley and then turn to the right…


An explosion sound made the ground vibrate, she stood still while some of the people around her started to react to it by running away yelling words like evacuate, run.

“What’s.. what’s that?!” Her eyes went crazy for a moment.

Her hands went to her own torso, a moment of foggy memories soaking her in, but she was complete, no limbs missing, no blood.

It hadn’t happened there.

Sakura evaluated the situation by expanding her curse energy to try and find what it was, but it didn’t reach as far as where the explosion had actually happened.

Her feet switched, she started to go the way the explosion had happened.

In her mind, the two idiots she was looking for were probably behind this, maybe one of their shenanigans was pulling sh*t up and by it, blowing it out.

Or maybe it was something else, what was it again that Yuki was actually researching? She had only hinted to something about her parents, but not the actual reason…

Breaking into a corner, she could see more people evacuating and running away, a few policemen nearby calling back to their stations with frightened expressions.

While running, she couldn’t help but maybe think that it wasn’t all because of her friends but maybe something mundane happened.

Maybe a car crash or a gas explosion, even though the smoke she could see from the actual explosion told her otherwise.

Something pinched her cursed energy radar and she stopped right in a tight alley.

She had run so much, she hadn’t noticed how she wasn’t at the commercial area anymore, this area was filled with houses.

Normal looking, plain and regular.

What could this thing even be? The ninja in her told her to run and get right into business, and normally, she would because that train of thought was tattooed in her mind and line of action, even if it was created and formed in a life that no longer existed.

Curiosity killed the ninja, Ino used to say whenever they heard of some idiot getting injured in a mission because they just needed to see, hear or confirm something.

But this life was different, in this one she had to be more careful, she couldn’t just run and get herself into every situation ever.

That would give Wasuke a heart attack.

So she didn’t, instead she did what any other person would, she climbed a roof.

Grabbing on to a window edge, crouching down softly she propulsed herself until she reached the roof.

She was thankful the house felt empty, pushing her energy out for a moment.

She could feel that nobody was there, maybe they evacuated from the explosion.

The feeling of thankfulness came from her landing being a little rough. Getting her strength back was a journey she had embarked on, for the moment, getting a hold of it was still a bit tricky.

Dusting her hands off, she walked towards the edge of the rooftop and squinted.

It appears to her a house exploded.

She was expecting blonde and loud in between the dust floating around, black leather and a bike, but for the moment all she saw was destruction.

Just pieces of wood all around in a hole in the floor.

Her eyes roamed for a few more minutes, searching for that yellow.

But what she found was white.

“Utahime, you crying?” Her ear picked up, adjusting her stance her eyes couldn’t stop focusing on the dot of white right in front of the hole on earth.

Her eyebrow went up, judging however said that.

She didn’t want to expand her cursed energy in the mere thought that these people might be dangerous, she was trying to stay under the radar.

Instead of raising it, she instead started to diminish it, slowly and calmly.

Then, she started to squat slowly onto the floor of the roof, the less she noticed, the better.

“Am not!” A higher voice is heard, a girl.

For what she could gather, these people had been behind the actual explosion, but her question was how did it work?

How could these basically kids make an explosion so powerful to actually destroy a house to bits?

She felt an itch on her brain, there were a lot of questions running through her mind.

A bunch of gibberish by Yuki’s mouth became a dizzy spell on those moments, being hidden right on a rooftop.

She knew that there were people around there, messing with cursed energy and being freaking powerful… But how powerful exactly.

She didn't have to wait long for the answer, a big curse appeared from the hole, preparing itself to munch on whatever was in front of it like a predator from a horror movie.

Frozen, her eyes went down to the faint figure of a girl right down the whole, she could only make out the top of hair.

The white dot of a man was just standing there, no move, no reaction. Sakura was so tempted to blow her hiding spot.

She thought she couldn’t be more shocked, until she was, a bigger curse appeared behind the first once in a millisecond, eating the curse with an ability that left her paralyzed.

The curse… Ate another curse. Her mind was totally blown right now.

For the longest she had thought about curses being just evil, meant to hurt and kill, not things that can be guided and moved, but this…

Behind the shadow of the curse a man appeared with a co*cky stance, even in the distance Sakura could see it.

Curiosity was still floating around her body with a grip on her own moves.

Had she gotten herself somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be?

“Satoru, you shouldn’t be laughing at the weak..”

“Who would be as dumb to laugh at the strong?”

Well, f*ck.

She had, unfortunately, entered the wolf's cage. Yuki would definitely give her a good slap on the forehead if she knew what she was doing.

Sighing since she knew what her mentor would say if she stayed around like an idiot, she decided to just leave those idiots alone.

They had enough issues now that their veil was nonexistent and the damage had been felt and heard all across the zone.

She could hear the police in the distance, so she knew that she had to move quickly and get away if she didn’t want to get severely involved because, what the hell is a child doing on a roof like this?

Wiggling down until the further edge of the roof, she felt the edge and crouched until her hands were touching it, then she jumped as quietly as she could.

Touching the ground, she turned towards the direction she had come from remembering her forgotten journey to that one Digimon store.

Pushing a little intent to her step, she was out of the nearby alley in a quick motion, then back down the streets until she could see many people redirecting themselves to the explosion.

Sakura couldn’t even believe how weird this trip was getting, she hadn’t even thought about encountering the Gojo Satoru, not maybe in her lifetime.

She had always thought of him as a myth kind of, someone you might know of but you don’t see until it’s too late.

Kinda like how Madara was, but… not as evil…. maybe.

Finding him in such an stupid situation was one of the dumbest things she could ever imagine, it was truly not in her bingo card.

However, it didn’t matter anymore, she was not going to get her fingers into that situation.

She had heard enough stories of Jujutsu sorcerers who followed the law, as Yuki mentioned, it was not worth it.

So she kept on walking, brushing that moment out of her mind.

Because all that was worth it right now, was finding her two idiots, getting a cool digimon figure and eating something nice.

That was all she needed.

“By the way you guys, where’s the veil?” The white haired woman smiled amused at the incompetence of the younger sorcerers.

In her mind, a scoff sounded with a roll of her eyes.

And they were apparently the strongest of all, a bunch of idiots who didn’t even do the first security measure towards non-sorcerers.

Good excuse to pull money from the Gojo state, if they paid good, she wouldn’t report it.

Win win situation.

A brunette girl rolled her eyes, and the frightened girl that clinged to her as if she was her life saver did scoff out loud.

“Bunch of losers.”

The situation f*cking sucked.

They would get yelled at, it was a given at this point.

It would be the tenth scolding in this week.

At the edge of the stairway, a white haired boy perked with a small movement in his head.

His round, black glasses blocked the sunshine out of his eyes, but the clear shadow of his eyes was still present even if those were as black as they could be.

Something had picked his interest like a new show could only do.

Or maybe, was it somebody? Turning around, his head moved until he could tell where this little new character had been, he could tell it was gone right now, but the trace of where it had been was clear as water.

It was so interesting…

“Oh, what do we have here…” A smile started to form in his face.

He hadn’t been able to feel them for at least ten minutes, not when the explosion happened, or their whole conversation went off.

It was until… It had actually left.

The small residuals in a random rooftop were so diminute, he had to actually focus to be able to pinpoint them, and Satoru Gojo doesn’t really do that.

Why would he when he’s the strongest man alive?

“Mh? What is it?” A hand went right on his shoulder, didn’t even flinch at the movement, he knew who it was.

Suguru leaned in, observing how the other man was looking away at a certain location, near the rooftops around their zone.

His eyes went on as well, not truly finding anything.

Side-eyeing the lunatic, he sighed, he shouldn’t even be surprised by his antics.

“I see with my little eye…”

“With your big ass, spider ass, bulging out ass..”

His six eyes were going in a trail towards whoever had been observing them, the trail was far from their spot right now, so the strain was felt.

But after going frantic for a few seconds, he found it.

Or well, found her.

“A little one.” He said, his smile growing in his face.

Suguru took his hand off his shoulder with a grimace on his face, probably thinking something different than what Satoru was implying.

But could you blame him? The whole thing was shady as hell.

“You’re so f*cking creepy, get help.” The tallest one kicked the floor with a childish tone on his movements, seeming like the beginning of a tantrum.

His glasses gliding softly down his nose, bright blue eyes staring down at a very disgusted looking Suguru.

However, this lasted for around a couple of seconds before said eyes moved just so slightly that if you were not Suguru, you wouldn’t have noticed it.

Almost like a vibration in the pupils. It meant they were doing their work, they were searching and analyzing.

It was freaky to know those things about your best friend, but the feeling had gone away so now all he had was a pulsating awareness over anything that Satoru did.

“No! Suguru, it’s a kid but… the cursed energy it possess…” Now he was talking business, his curiosity was itched.

He got closer to Satoru, wishing he had as well some sort of ability to see that far without using his curses out in the open like that.

But also trusting the man and his word, Satoru was not truly interested in many things that were about cursed energy lately.

Being the strongest was boring.

But this was a spark of something new, something he wanted to decipher so badly because there were only so many coincidences that it wasn’t possible for all of them to exist in this era.

This kind of energy, of strength was something he expected from someone like them, not from what it felt so clearly like a kid skipping town.

This was different, new, so intricate and strange.

It sent shivers down his spine.

“Kind of, out of this world.” The smirk that showed up in his face was wild.

the shinobi sorcerer - Chapter 13 - nerdm4id (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.