Spark in the Heart - Chapter 6 - Lanefawn - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

The wake up cycle for the “Bakusquad” remained consistent almost every time the group had a sleepover. The first to get up was Bakugo, early in the morning. There he would take a cold shower, and wait for the rest to get up. Unless the host’s parents were up and working on breakfast, in which case he’d offer to help, in his own curt way.

Next was Ashido and Kaminari. The two were very close so one would always get up with the other, no matter what. As soon as they were fully awake, a fight would erupt between the two of them to get to the bathroom first. They’d go from platonic cuddling all night to hastily grabbing their towels and trying to beat the other to the shower, while trying to not wake up the others.

Jirou of course would be woken up next specifically by their fight, and complain openly but be ignored as they bickered. She would put in her earbuds and listen to music while the loser of the fight sulked nearby. She’d eventually wake up Sero, who undoubtedly was the last to fall asleep, staying up most of the night from his crippling video game addiction.

No one bothered to wake up Kirishima, he was a heavy sleeper and the time it’d take wouldn’t be worth it. Besides, Bakugo would manage to do it himself effortlessly, usually while bringing food into the room(just his and Kirishima’s, the others were forced to get up for their own).

On these kind of days the group was allowed to eat their food together in the host’s room, rather than the kitchen that wouldn’t fit all of them. When the eating was done, the other half of the group would take their showers while Bakugo did the dishes, the others lounging around and trying to figure out what to do the rest of the day. Eventually everyone had gathered, but this time they had no ideas.

“I realllllly don’t wanna go home so soon.” Ashido whined.

“Yeah I agree, it’s still the start of summer, lets do something fun this morning.” Kaminari said cross legged, rocking back and forth.

“God your social batteries never f*cking drain do they?” Bakugo said annoyed. “Can’t we just get this sh*t over with already?”

“Quit your complaining.” Jirou idly said.

“SHUT UP EARS!” Kirishima would wrap his arms around him from behind and pull him back before he could lash out, hugging the dear boy.

“C’mon Bakubro, you always have fun when we hang out!” He said cheerily while Bakugo was frothing at the mouth at the public affection.

“Ooh ooh ooh! What if we had a PICNIC!” Ashido said excitedly. Everyone looked at her a little confused, except for Kaminari.

“A picnic? Didn’t we like, just eat though?” Jirou asked.

“Well, yeah we can do it later duh! But doesn’t a picnic sound at least a little fun?”

“Yeah we could enjoy the weather while eating and drinking! Lets give it a shot.” Kaminari said excitedly. The two looked at each other with a shared glee. While they both had one brain cell, they also had the same wavelengths the others just couldn’t replicate.

“Can I bring my switch?” Sero asked.

“You’re obsessed with that thing.” Kaminari said.

“C’mon it’s a retro console I JUST got, gimme a break!”

“Whateverrrr, you can bring it man.”

“Then I am perfectly down.” The gamer stated. Three more just had to agree and they could do it.

“Ehhh sure why not?” Jirou murmured, taking a sip from her drink.

“Yeah, that sounds great!” Kirishima joyfully said. Everyone else looked over to Bakugo, who scowled at the group, then looked away.

“Don’t expect me to make the f*cking food.” He muttered. Everyone else cheered, but Kaminari was quick to complain.

“But your food is so GOOOOOOD.” The blonde whined. “Come onnnnn!”


After getting the okay from her, and Sero’s mom leaving for work not long after, the group started preparing for the picnic. Bakugo and Kirishima went on a walk, Bakugo not wanting to help with the set up, and his boyfriend just wanting to hang out. Sero and Jirou meanwhile, would gather a container, blanket, and anything else they could think of. The boy had to dig through several ancient containers to eventually find a very dusty, red cooler. Jirou looked over as he was cleaning it, adjusting her grasp on the blanket they’d be using.

“You sure we can put stuff in that thing?” She looked at how coated in dust it was, looking disgusted.

“Of course! It just needs some good cleaning that’s all.”

“How long has it been in there exactly?”

“Uh…well the last time I remember using this wassss uh, five, six years ago?” Sero murmured while trailing a finger through the thick dust. Jirou sighed at the response.

“If there’s any spiders in that I’m not doing this picnic.” She turned around, right in time as he opened it. He quickly shook the dead arachnid out of it and hastily went to wash the inside out.

Elsewhere, Ashido and Kaminari had been raiding the pantry and fridge to figure out what food they could bring. Kaminari was struggling to hold the several snack boxes Ashido had piled into his hands, while she looked through the fridge.

“Hmm, sandwiches sound good right?” She asked the blonde. The fridge was packed with lunch meat and other toppings, surely these would go bad if they DIDN’T take some of it, right?

“Yeah, they do! We can make lots of different ones.” Kaminari thought out loud, adjusting his body to not drop the unbalanced boxes. Ashido quickly grabbed what they needed, putting them on kitchen counter neatly. Eventually Kaminari had to drop the boxes, they scattered across the table. Ashido needed bread next, so thats where she went. When Sero and Jirou checked on the two, Ashido gave him an angry look, holding two loaves of bread.

“ONLY WHOLE GRAIN??” She sounded disgusted. “What the hell why don’t you have any white bread???”

“That crap is unhealthy for you.” Sero defended his bread. “Don’t be a baby, whole grain is a lot better for you.”

Ashido pouted, stamping her foot. “We’re not having a picnic to be healthy, come on!!!” Kaminari taking perhaps more of the snacks then needed made that point stand better, a pile of sweets on the table. But Sero stood his ground.

“Grow up, and enjoy it.” Was all he could say. Ashido whined to no one in particular while he put the cooler down, going to get ice for it. Jirou went up to the sandwich components, looking them over.

“Don’t you think Sero’s mom will be a bit mad we’re taking all this food?” She eyed the three different lunch meats, packs of cheese and condiments. Ashido shrugged.

“She buys this much because we come over all the time doesn’t she? Plus she’s like, RICH.”

“Well can you find anything besides meat and condiments for these? Jeez, there is nothing green here. What would Bakugo say?”

Ashido groaned, going to the fridge to get the lettuce, cheese, and cucumbers. Jirou sighed.


“I saw it on TV! Cucumber sandwiches are real!”

“Whatever, lets do this.”

The four of the them eventually got to work on them, with Jirou and Sero having to repeatedly stop the other two from adding too much stuff to one sandwich. Kaminari was originally in charge of cutting them in half and wrapping, but when they saw how poorly he did both he was swapped out quickly. By the time Bakugo and Kirishima returned, they had finished several half slices in plastic wrap, with varying fillings.

“Dude, these look great!” Kirishima said excitedly while looking at the cooler. Bakugo didn’t look quite as impressed.

“I could do better in my sleep. Who let Kaminari cut and wrap this sh*t??” Kaminari was offended.

“Sorry I’m not a master chef like you, I’m too busy being cool for that!” Jirou sarcastically clapped at the reply.

“Nice comeback dude.” Her little smirk dissipated when she realized he took her quip seriously, looking content with himself now. The focus went back to the food before a classic Bakugo argument could unfold.

“The weather was good when we took a walk, so we should be good to go soon. Let’s see if we can get anything else before we go!”

Sure enough they had forgotten drinks, and of course chips. Those were added to the near full cooler, Sero struggling to close it right. With that, everything was set. They just needed to figure out where to go.

“Ooh, there was this park near UA me and Bakubro would walk through last year, lets go there!”

“Awww that’s so cute!” Ashido said.


“That’s not gonna be too far a walk will it?” Sero asked concerned. He had tried to lift the cooler, but even with the whole hero training, it was more difficult then he’d like to admit.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Kirishima effortlessly took the handle with one hand and carried the cooler just fine, to Sero’s dismay. “Bakugo will carry you if you get tired, right?” He looked over to him, a glare piercing his soul as an answer.

Kaminari fell back, leaning against the kitchen table. “Ahh, I can’t feel my legs, can you help me Bakugo?” Ashido did the same thing, right next to him.

“Aghhh, I also need help! Please carry me too!”

“f*ck OFF I have a boyfriend!” He yelled at them both, Kirishima got between the three.

“Okay okay enough messing with him guys. Lets go to the park!” Kirishima said, wrapping an arm around Bakugo’s shoulder. Everyone got ready, talking excitedly about how fun it’d be.

The walk was fine, the weather wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately for Jirou she wore a lot of black and carried a heavy blanket, which meant taking a water from the cooler early to stave off the heat. Sero asked Kirishima if the park was usually full.

“Well, there were a couple people when it was just me and Bakugo, but since it’s summer it’ll definitely be packed.” Ashido looked starry eyed.

“Oooh maybe our other friends will be there!”

“Hey, maybe. They can absolutely join us too!” Kaminari said.

“Aw I wish we made more sandwiches for them though.” Ashido said, a little dismayed.

“Maybe they should have joined us before we f*cking made them then.” Bakugo groaned.

The group eventually got there, watching small groups of people as they walked the pathway to find a good spot. Kirishima pointed at a tree in the distance.

“Hey, lets set up there guys!” He wasted no time in hurrying over to it. Everyone followed along, Bakugo practically dragging his feet along the way. Jirou dropped the heavy blanket on the ground, eager to shed the weight. Once it was straightened out, the cooler was placed right in the middle. With that, everyone finally sat down. Kaminari was the first to open the cooler, pulling out a chocolate treat. Jirou looked on in horror as he tried opening the plastic packaging with this teeth. She looked over to see the other’s reactions but saw Ashido doing the same thing. Her earjacks straightened in despair, she quickly pulled out her phone to find music for the group, eventually settling for simple lo-fi music.

Meanwhile, Kirishima and Bakugo sat next to each other, the redhead leaning against the blonde.

“It’s nice to be back here huh?”

“Eh.” Bakugo murmured, his arms crossed.

“Don’t be like that…I know you love it here.”Kirishima had a small smile at his boyfriend’s insistence of being mad. He nudged his head on the boy’s neck, subtly noticing Bakugo leaning against him a tiny bit.

Kaminari and Ashido had gathered around Sero, who sat against the tree, giving him questionable help on his game. They eventually went to arguing over who was right and wrong, while eating away at the food reserves. Eventually Jirou had to smack their hands away from the cooler, lest they eat everything they have.

All was going great for the group. Jirou watched the scenery in front of them, bobbing her head along with the music. It was then that she noticed a particular individual in the distance. It seemed fate was going to drag him to them one way or the other. She was so focused on him she didn’t notice Kaminari quickly taking a sandwich half from behind her. As the purple haired boy got closer, she’d hope he’d notice them, or that the group wouldn’t react too crazily.

Everyone was a bit distracted with their own antics to see him come by. Kirishima and Bakugo were looking at each other, Jirou was pretending to check her phone, and Ashido and Kaminari were too busy debating something silly. But Sero looked up from his switch just in time. His eyes locked with Shinsou’s, who must have watched them for a bit.

“Hey Shinsou!” He waved an arm at him, happy to see his new friend already. That got everyone’s attention, they looked over, an audience for the boy now. He looked at them, a bit surprised, and they looked back. Everyone but Bakugo greeted Shinsou happily. Kaminari however, stared silently, unable to make a sound.

After all, it’s not everyday you get to see your crush right in front of you.


Shinsou stared at the group, horribly unsure what to do. Perhaps he could walk away. Or run even. No, that’d look weird. And of course, he wasn’t weird. He let out a strained, nervous “H-Hey.”

“I didn’t take you for an outside person.” Jirou flatly said. A little rude…he eyed his pale skinned hand…and justified.

“...It’s a nice day.” He murmured.

“Hey, wanna join us?” Ashido asked. Bakugo turned to her.

“Sure why not invite the whole f*cking park too?” Bakugo complained.

“Ignore him.” She ordered. He gave her a short glare and turned away.

Shinsou reluctantly came up to the group, awkwardly sitting next to Jirou. He had his knees up, arms wrapped around them. He could see they put in quite a bit of work for this trip, looking at the basket. It also seemed they went through a good lot of the food. Either they were here for a while or they ate too fast. He attempted his hand at small talk when the silence grew too much.

“So…do you guys do this stuff often?” He asked. Sero spoke up first.

“Oh, not picnics specifically, but I think we should do it more often, right guys?” He was answered with several agreements.

“Maybe we can have Bakugo make the food next time too!” Ashido said. The blonde reacted as expected.

“If I do it’ll be better than your sh*t.”

“Hey, our foods still good!” Ashido retorted. “Just cause me and Kami aren’t master chefs like you doesn’t mean our food is bad.” She crossed her arms at him.

Kami huh? He looked over to see the other blonde, sitting next to Sero. Their eyes locked for a bit, but Kaminari quickly turned his eyes back to Sero’s game. He remembered him from the Joint Training, if only a little bit. He recalled him saying “You’re totally a future hero” and “I like you.”

People were too nice to him. Considering his actions at the Sports Festival and his attempts to distance himself from others, it was a wonder people even interacted with him, let alone want to hang out with him. Back then he didn’t like it, he didn’t want distractions on his quest to become a pro hero, he had enough of those in his home life. He was lucky he got as far as he did with Aizawa with the troubles he had, before things broke down the way they did.

Now he felt a little less inclined to hate people being nice to him, but it was replaced with uneasiness and uncertainty now. He wasn’t sure if he liked the feeling of anxiety over annoyance, feeling worried people didn’t like him rather than not caring if they did or didn’t. Why would anyone like him after how he treated people? Why would he be given a chance to train under Aizawa, and even live with him? Why-

“Shinsou?” The voice of Sero snapped him out of his thoughts, the group looked at him briefly. “You okay?”

“Uh…yeah. I was thinking about something…”

“Oh that happens to me all the time too!” Ashido assured him.

“You think?” Jirou replied. She was given a thrown empty can as an answer. Sero resumed whatever he was going to say.

“Anyway, I was asking if you wanted some of the food we made.” Shinsou looked at the cooler.

“Are you sure?” He asked hesitantly.

“Of course dude. We wouldn’t invite you over and NOT share the food.” Sero explained.

“Plus you can prove Bakugo wrong and say it’s good!” Ashido added.

With approval, Shinsou slowly took out a wrapped sandwich half. He ate in quiet, which was surprising, given how loud he’d heard this particular group could be. Maybe going outside had it’s benefits, especially for these people.

He should let Yamada know where he was, after all he was originally just going on a walk. Pulling out his phone, he was dismayed to see the screen not turn on. Of course, he forgot to charge his phone. He let out a small “damn…” which Jirou overheard.

“Something wrong dude?”

“Ah, yeah I just forgot to charge my phone.” Ashido’s eyes seemed to light up at that.

“Ooh! Kaminari can fix that! Right Kami?” She looked at him, he seemed to have been spaced out, he jolted up when he heard his name.

“I uh, what?”

“Can you charge Shinsou’s phone for him?” Ashido asked, a large smile on her face but, giving him a stare he could easily interpret as ‘Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it.’

“O-Oh, yeah sure. What kind of phone is it?” He asked Shinsou. He answered, and Kaminari took a couple seconds rifling through his pockets. Eventually he pulled out a short white cord.

“Can I uh, see your phone please?”

Shinsou handed it over, and Kaminari plugged it in. He put the other end of the charger between his teeth, Shinsou could hear a very faint hum from the boy, and a vibration from his dead phone. Sure enough, it turned on, flashing a 1% symbol on the screen.

“Thisll take abit.” Kaminari tried to say while gripping the charger between his teeth. It wasn’t like he had anywhere urgent to go, Shinsou could deal with it.

“Fine by me. I guess it’s pretty cool you can charge it at all really.” An innocuous comment by Shinsou meant a lot to Kaminari, who almost discharged too much power into the phone in surprise, his teeth clamping against the metal harder.

“Hey, you think it’s safe to use my phone while you’re charging it? I just wanna tell Ya-my dad where I am.” Bakugo let an amused huff, interrupting the two.

“You gotta tell your dad where you are all the time or something?” he snarked. Ashido pointed a finger at the rude blonde.

“Didn’t you ask both your parents permission for our sleepover?”

Bakugo let out a frustrated growl, digging his hand into the blanket. Sero told him to watch his quirk, since he preferred no burn marks on it. When Bakugo relented, Kaminari finally got to answering Shinsou.

“Sno problem.” He said simply, looking over at the now 5% charge. Shinsou got up and over to Kaminari’s side. The length of the charger meant he had to sit pretty close by. While he texted away, Kaminari had to control his excitability. Jirou and Ashido gave each other knowing stares, watching him fidget in place with Shinsou just a few inches away.

“Alright, I’m clear.” Shinsou was about to get back to his spot, but Jirou stopped him.

“You don’t have to move back if you want.” She started to lay down on her side. “I kinda wanna lay down with the free space anyway.”

“Uh, okay?” Shinsou sat back down next to his secret admirer. While Shinsou was busy unwrapping a treat, Jirou gave Kaminari a thumbs up, resting her head on a hand while she checked her phone.

The time they had wasn’t too eventful. Shinsou kept quiet for most of it, silently eating and drinking while the others talked. Kaminari was also surprisingly quiet, and maybe it had to do with his mouth having to hold a charger, or because he was sitting next to someone he really really liked and that made talking hard.

Eventually Shinsou felt he had to leave. He’d been out for an hour, way longer than he intended. While Aizawa and Yamada Certainly wouldn’t care about him being gone so long, he wasn’t planning on more socialization…even if he kind of liked it a little. Unplugging his phone, he started to stand up.

“Well, I think I should be going.”

“Aww come on you can stay a little longer!” Ashido complained, looking up at him in dismay.

“I know but I uh, just need to do stuff at home.” He half lied.

“Well hey, maybe we can walk you home.” Kirishima offered. He really didn’t need them seeing he lived at UA so he declined.

“I prefer walking alone, thanks though.”

With that, he started to head off, saying bye to the group. He did say a little more to Kaminari however.

“Oh and uh thanks for charging my phone.” Kaminari nodded along, and Shinsou took off to return home.

When he was out of sight, Kaminari leaned back against the tree, sliding onto a now slightly annoyed Sero’s shoulder. His hands went to his chest while the others looked at him with mild amusem*nt.

“Gay ass.” Jirou said.

“Takes one to know one. Also I’m bi stoopid.” Kaminari retorted.

“f*ck you.”


An empty can was thrown at Kaminari’s face, the others laughing along the scene as he grabbed his face dramatically.

“I dunno why you’re so f*cking into him man.” Bakugo said, annoyed. “You met like once, why do you like him so much?”

“Don’t ask questions like that it’s hard to answer them.” Kaminari whined. “You don’t see us asking about you and Kirishima!”

“That’s because it’s not your f*cking business!” Bakugo spat out.

“Crushes are weird, I don’t blame you for having trouble explaining them.” Kirishima said, wrapping his arms around Bakugo, who grumbled quietly to himself.

“I just hope you get him like I got this cutie here!” Kirishima’s grip tightened around the now thrashing, embarrassed boy who spat out several curses at the person embracing him.

Kaminari further slumped into Sero’s shoulder, who put his switch down, having trouble focusing on his game now that he’d become a headrest. The blonde let out a sigh.

“A guy can dream, huh?” He hated and loved feeling this way about someone. Usually his interests in others had been casual, but then he met Shinsou and that interest went farther than he intended. The closest to the feelings he had with him before was with Jirou before she came out. While he got over those feelings pretty quickly, he wasn’t sure how well he’d cope if things didn’t go well with Shinsou.

“Come on, don’t be so down about it.” Sero said, giving a little comfort to him. “You’ve got plenty of time to get with him.”

“Yeah dude. Bakugo and I didn’t get together instantly. You just gotta be patient about it.” Kirishima reassured him.

“What if he doesn’t like boys?” Kaminari murmured. Bakugo let out an amused huff.

“Half our class is queer as sh*t, I bet the same applies for UA too”

“Yeah, sh*ts just gayer nowadays Kami.” Jirou said. Her and Bakugo agreeing on something was always a treat for the group.

“Heh, thanks guys. I wasn’t expecting this much support over my dumb crush.”

“You know Kami…” Ashido started, a devious smile on her. “We could always jump start it and tell him how you feel right now.”

“Shut uppppp.” Kaminari groaned. “If you do that I’m frying your laptop!” He threatened.

“Yeah Ashido. You should tell Momo how Jirou feels instead.” Sero suggested. Jirou’s face flushed red as she shot up.

“How I what??” The usually stoic girl was now fervently denying her own crush, while Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero repeatedly referred to her as ‘Gay ass’. While the group squabbled, Kirishima hug Bakugo at the side, getting a similar response from the other. The two of them watched the argument unfold as passerbys looked on, confused.

“Funniest sh*t, huh?” He asked. Bakugo let out a small smile.

“A little bit yeah.”


The walk back to UA was fine, Shinsou was glad to get back to some quiet for the time being. Hopefully this wouldn’t be a daily occurrence for him, socializing was pain. The gates to UA opened as he walked in. He wondered how any passerbys watching the scene felt about it, if they’d discuss it…and it would get to Sero and the others, and they’d ask him why he’s at UA, and he’d have to open up more than he’d really want to and that’d…

Shinsou stopped walking and took a deep breath. His thoughts were getting to him. He just wanted to get home, and lay in bed in quiet. He could deal with those situations when or if they happened. But as he was about to enter the building, a familiar man exited. And the two of them locked eyes in awkward silence. Finally Shinsou spoke up.

“Hey there Vlad King…”

“Shinsou. Good to see you.” The teacher said.

They continued the silence, Vlad coughing. Shinsou had the mind to run past him into the building.

“So you’re the student staying in UA this summer huh?” Vlad asked.

“Uh, yes sir. That is me.” Does ANYONE in UA know about him living here besides Aizawa and Yamada? Was he sure Nedzu even knew about him until today?

“I…wasn’t expecting Nedzu to have you in the staff housing. Who are you staying with?” The teacher inquired.

“Aizawa.” Shinsou plainly stated.

“HA! I should have known. He acts like a hardass but is such a softie, funniest sh*t I swear!” Vlad King laughed, slapping his knee. Shinsou didn’t quite get the humor in it but let him have his moment.

“Yeah…I was thankful to have that happen…I really wasn’t expecting it honestly.”

“Well if there’s one positive thing I can say for the man is he loves his students a lot. And after what you went through, it was a given.”

Shinsou stayed silent, briefly reliving what happened to lead up to this. Vlad King got closer, kneeling down with a more serious tone to his voice.

“We weren’t told details, but we were told a student went through some horrible things. If you need to talk to someone I can get Ryo to do some counseling sessions with you, okay?”

Shinsou was going to thank him for the offer, with some hesitance. But he wasn’t sure who he was talking about.

“I’m sorry…who’s Ryo?”

“Ah, you’d probably know him as Hound Dog, my mistake.”

Shinsou remembered him somewhat. The guy that looked like a dog, and went on rabid raves on a semi frequent basis…

“He’s a therapist!?” Shinsou asked, shocked. The miserable look on Vlad’s face implied this was a frequent occurrence.

“Yes. He is a guidance counselor AND a child therapist. And he is very good at his job.”


“YES HIM.” Vlad loudly said, followed by a sigh.

“Well…I’ll talk to Aizawa or Yamada about that…Thank you Vlad King.” Shinsou said quietly. Vlad got up, a semblance of a smile on him.

“It’s no problem kid. By the way, Mr. Kan also works when we’re not in classes.” Shinsou nodded, and with that the two went their separate ways.

‘Was it really this easy to get on the teachers good sides?’ Shinsou thought to himself as he entered the building. He had the good will of four teachers and he barely talked to them ever. Maybe they’re just really friendly.

Or they just feel obligated to be nice to the kid who got a f*cked up card in life…Just like the students probably.

Shinsou walked into the apartment, looking perhaps a little tired. The only person present was Yamada, who laid on the couch. He waved at the boy, sitting up.

“Welcome back.”


“How was your hangout?”

“Went fine…” He murmured. Yamada co*cked his head.

“You don’t make it sound so fine.” He made room for Shinsou as he took his own seat.

“I’ve realized I’m not used to caring what people think of me, that’s all.” Shinsou sighed and continued, while Yamada listened.

“Before, when 1A had me hang out, I’d do it and not do anything. Almost no talking or plans from me. I didn’t care, and they didn’t seem to mind either. But now I feel like I need to say something, now I feel like they do care that I’m not doing anything. I’m not even sure if they like me.”

“Well, I guess a year of isolating yourself from other students can do that to you…among other things…” Yamada murmured. “But I think you’re underselling their niceness by a lot.”

“And what makes you think that?” Shinsou sighed. “Why should they care about some general studies kid?”

“Cause Midoriya liked you, and he’s a good judge of character.” Yamada simply said. Shinsou didn’t have a retort so he continued.

“I think they know you’re a good person, even if you never showed it, or they never knew the things you went through that made you act how you did. If Midoriya considered you a friend then the others are going to agree.” Yamada pulled Shinsou in for a small side hug.

“Do you really think they’d invite you unprompted to a picnic otherwise? He reasoned. “I promise you you’re overthinking things. Just give it some time, and you’ll start to fit in.”

Shinsou thought about it. The worry didn’t go away, but at least there was something he could use to reason against it.

“You’re probably right…I guess I don’t have good common sense.”

“Nobody in this school does.” Yamada muttered. The two shared a small laugh at that, and his guardian let go. He wasn’t sure he’d be getting used to being liked and having to acknowledge it, but at least he had some people willing to watch him go through the process.

“Thanks for that.” He said quietly, leaning back on the couch.

Spark in the Heart - Chapter 6 - Lanefawn - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.