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Sinn und Bedeutung 15

Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference ofthe Gesellschaft für Semantik

Edited by

Ingo ReichEva HorchDennis Pauly





Sinn & Bedeutung – the annual conference of the Gesellschaftfür Semantik – aims to bring together both establishedresearchers and new blood working on current issues in naturallanguage semantics, pragmatics, the syntax-semantics interface,the philosophy of language or carrying out psycholinguisticstudies related to meaning.

Every year, the conferencemoves to a different location in Europe.

The 2010 conference – Sinn & Bedeutung 15 – took place onSeptember 9 - 11 at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, organizedby the Department for German Studies.

universaarUniversitätsverlag des SaarlandesSaarland University PressPresses Universitaires de la Sarre

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Sinn und Bedeutung 15 - [PDF Document] (2)

Ingo Reich, Eva Horch, Dennis Pauly (Eds.)

Sinn und Bedeutung 15

Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conferenceof the Gesellschaft für Semantik

universaarUniversitätsverlag des SaarlandesSaarland University PressPresses Universitaires de la Sarre

Sinn und Bedeutung 15 - [PDF Document] (3)

© 2011 universaarUniversitätsverlag des SaarlandesSaarland University PressPresses Universitaires de la Sarre

Postfach 151150, 66041 Saarbrücken

ISBN 978-3-86223-038-9 gedruckte AusgabeISBN 978-3-86223-039-6 Online-AusgabeURN urn:nbn:de:bsz:291-universaar-300

Projektbetreuung universaar: Isolde Teufel

Satz: Eva Horch, Dennis Pauly, Ingo ReichUmschlaggestaltung: Julian Wichert

Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier von Monsenstein & Vannerdat

Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek:Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der DeutschenNationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über<> abrufbar.

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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence: German IndefiniteDemonstrativesKlaus von Heusinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

On the Semantics of Existence PredicatesFriederike Moltmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

How the Emergence of Propositions Separates Strict Interfaces fromGeneral InferenceTom Roeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Appositives in Modal ContextsKjell Johan Sæbø . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

An Unaccusativity Diagnostic at the Syntax-Semantics Interface:there-Insertion, Indefinites and Restitutive againArtemis Alexiadou, Florian Schäfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Optatives: Deriving Desirability from Scalar AlternativesMaría Biezma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

On French un même and AntispecificityIsabelle Charnavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Performative Verbs and Performative ActsCleo Condoravdi, Sven Lauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Identity and Definiteness in Chinese wh-ConditionalsStephen Crain, Qiong-Peng Luo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Total vs. Partial Adjectives: Evidence from ReduplicationMojmír Docekal, Ivona Kucerová . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Focus Marking via GesturesCornelia Ebert, Stefan Evert, Katharina Wilmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

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Imperatives as Future PlansRegine Eckardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Focus Influences the Presence of Conditional Perfection: ExperimentalEvidenceMarie-Christine Farr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Stative Passives and Event KindsBerit Gehrke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Events in Adjectival PassivesHelga Gese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Facts and Ideals: On the Role of doch in Conditionals and OptativesPatrick Grosz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Conventional and Free Association with Focus in Ngamo (West Chadic)Mira Grubic, Malte Zimmermann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

The Concept of Semantic Phase and the Different Readings of ‘again’Sabine Gründer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Degree Modification in Russian Morphology: The Case of the Suffix-ovatOlga Kagan, Sascha Alexeyenko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

On the Relation between Coherence Relations and AnaphoricDemonstratives in GermanElsi Kaiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Lexikal vs. Pragmatically Derived Interpretations of NumeralsMasaaki Kamiya, Akemi Matsuya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

Optional and Obligatory Modal SubordinationPeter Klecha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365

Direction and Obviation in Plains Cree: A Referent Systems ApproachUdo Klein, Marcus Kracht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

Thematic Roles and the Interpretation of one-another ReciprocalsChris LaTerza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

Evidentials in Interrogatives: A Case Study of KoreanDongsik Lim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419

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On the Encoding of the Definite/Indefinite Distinction in KaritianaAna Müller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

On Temporal QuantificationEdgar Onea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

Focus and wh-Questions in MongolianEdgar Onea, Dolgor Guntsetseg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467

Relevance TopicsSophie Repp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483

Early Implicatures by Children and the Acquisition of ScalarImplicaturesStefanie Röhrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499

Semantic Reconstruction and the Interpretation of ChainsEddy G. Ruys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515

Be Positive! Norm-Related Implications and BeyondGalit W. Sassoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531

English Comparative Correlatives, Conditionals, and Adverbs ofQuantificationE. Allyn Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547

How many Mosts?Stephanie Solt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565

Psycholinguistic Evidence for Presuppositions: On-line andOff-line DataS. Tiemann, M. Schmid, N. Bade, B. Rolke, I. Hertrich,H. Ackermann, J. Knapp, S. Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581

Verification Strategies for Two Majority Quantifiers in PolishBarbara Tomaszewicz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597

Accomplishments: Their Telos and Their StructureLucia M. Tovena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613

Nominal Reference in Two Classifier LanguagesTue Trinh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629

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On the Rise and Fall of DeclarativesTue Trinh, Luka Crnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645

Degree Possession Is a Subset Relation (As Well)Zhiguo Xie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661

Divergent ApproximatorsErin Zaroukian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677

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PrefaceThese proceedings contain all papers presented at the 15th annual conferenceof the Gesellschaft für Semantik, »Sinn & Bedeutung 15«, which took place onSeptember 9 - 11, 2010, at Saarland University, Saarbrücken.

The papers in this volume cover current issues in natural language semantics,pragmatics, the syntax-semantics interface, psycholinguistic studies related tomeaning, and the philosophy of language.

The »Sinn & Bedeutung 15« conference was organized by the Gesellschaftfür Semantik and the Department for German Studies at Saarland University,Saarbrücken.

We would like to thank the countless reviewers for providing detailed andfair reviews in due time, the members of the program committee for puttingtogether such a great program, and finally all supporting institutions, whosefunding made »Sinn & Bedeutung 15« possible in the first place.

These proceedings are also available electronically from Saarland UniversityPress (universaar) at

Saarbrücken, July 2011The editors

Local Organizers

Ulrike DemskeEllen Geibel-StutzNele HartungEva HorchSergey KulakovSabine Mayer-SaarAnna MönnichDennis PaulyChristian RamelliIngo ReichUlyana SenyukJulia Stark

Programm Committee

Claudia MaienbornCécile MeierIngo ReichMagdalena SchwagerArnim von StechowEde Zimmermann

Supporting Institutions

DFGMinisterium für Wirtschaft

und Wissenschaft desSaarlandes

Freunde der Universitätdes Saarlandes

KWTOxford University PressPalgrave MacmillanMouton de GruyterEmeraldDUDENPeter Lang Verlag

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Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence: German Indefinite Demonstratives*

Klaus von Heusinger

University of Stuttgart [emailprotected]

Abstract. There are various notions of specificity, ranging from Fodor & Sag’s (1982) referentiality view to Givón’s (1983) discourse prominence view. Ionin (2006) discusses the relation between these two perspectives by analyzing the English indefinite this. She represents indefinite this as a referential operator in the sense of Fodor & Sag (1982), but also adds the felicity condition of “noteworthiness”. She notes that it is an open question how these two properties of indefinite this are linked to each other. Wright & Givón (1987) claim that the discourse prominence is primary and that referential properties are derived from it. I argue that the contrary holds: On the analysis of German indefinite demonstrative dies (‘this‘) and so’n (‘such-a’) I demonstrate how we can derive discourse properties of indefinite demonstratives from their referential properties.

1 Introduction Specificity is a semantic-pragmatic notion that distinguishes between different uses or interpretations of indefinite noun phrases. It is related to the communicative notion of “referential intention”. A speaker uses an indefinite noun phrase and intends to refer to a particular referent, the referent “the speaker has in mind”. This function of the indefinite has various consequences for sentence and discourse semantics. In this article I focus on two aspects of specificity: Fodor & Sag’s (1982) notion of referentiality and

* Part of this presentation is joint work with Sofiana Chiriacescu (so’n) and Annika Deichsel (indefinite dies). I am grateful to the audience of Sinn und Bedeutung for helpful comments, and to Sofiana Chiriacescu, Annika Deichsel, Cornelia Ebert, Donka Farkas, Ljudmila Geist, Jeanette Gundel, Dag Haug, Irene Heim, Elsi Kaiser, Hans Kamp, Edgar Onea, Albert Ortmann, Alice ter Meulen for constructive comments and considerable assistance on earlier versions of this paper. The research is supported by the German Science Foundation by a grant to the project C2: Case and referential context, as part of the Collaborative Research Center 732 Incremental Specification in Context at the University of Stuttgart. Furthermore, I gratefully acknowledge the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the VolkswagenStiftung (opus magnum).

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 9–30. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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Givón’s (1983) notion of discourse prominence as the central effect of specific indefinites. This two-sided behavior of specific indefinites was illustrated by the referential and discourse properties of indefinite this in English (Perlman 1969, Maclaran 1980, Prince 1981, Ionin 2006). The demonstrative this in English has an “indefinite” or “presentative” use, as in (1) and (2a). In (1) the noun phrase this man is clearly indefinite as it appears in an existential context. It is discourse- and speaker-new and Ionin (2006) argues that it is felicitously used if it introduces an interesting or “noteworthy” property into the discourse. The use of indefinite this in (2b) is not felicitous as the given information is not noteworthy, but rather expected (examples from Maclaran 1980 and Ionin 2006):

(1) There is this man who lives upstairs from me who is driving me mad because he jumps rope at 2 a.m. every night.

(2) a. I put a/this 1$ stamp on the letter and realized too late that it was worth a fortune.

b. I put a/*this 1$ stamp on the letter. I wanted to mail the letter to Europe.

Besides these discourse properties, Prince (1981) also discusses particular referential properties that are characteristic for specific or referential in-definites (Fodor & Sag 1982). Indefinite this always takes wide scope with respect to extensional operators, as illustrated in (3a). On the other hand, the indefinite noun phrase a poem in (3b) is ambiguous between a wide-scope reading and a narrow-scope reading, thus allowing for the inference that different students might have read different poems.

(3) a. He gave an A to every student who recited this poem by Pindar. (à Only one poem overall) b. He gave an A to every student who recited a poem by Pindar.

(à Possibly many poems)

Indefinite this in (4a) always allows an existential entailment or presupposition, while the ordinary indefinite article a does not. (5a) shows that it is a presupposition, since it allows an existential inference even under negation.

(4) a. Alice wanted to kiss this sailor boy. (à There was a sailor boy) b. Alice wanted to kiss a sailor boy. (-/-> There was a sailor boy)

(5) a. Mary didn’t buy this pink truck. (à There was a pink truck) b. Mary didn’t buy a pink truck. (-/-> There was a pink truck)

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Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence 11

Fodor & Sag (1982) observe that the use of indefinite this is different from the use of the definite article in such contexts. The definite article pre-supposes familiarity of speaker and hearer with the associated referent, while the indefinite demonstrative only indicates familiarity of the speaker, but unfamiliarity of the hearer. It is the prototypical instance of a specific (or referential) indefinite noun phrase. Its definition (6) expresses that a specific or referential indefinite introduces a new discourse referent such that the speaker has a “unique individual in mind”. Heim (2011, ex. (56)) formulates Fodor & Sag’s (1982) original idea in a two-dimensional semantics with a context set c and an evaluation point i. The indexical or referential meaning of an indefinite only depends on the utterance context, as it is the case for regular indexical expressions. Ionin (2006) adds a felicity condition to this definition in order to motivate the use of such a referential indefinite, as in (7). The use of indefinite this is only felicitous if the speaker contributes a noteworthy property to the introduced referent.

(6) Referential indefinites (Fodor & Sag 1982, Heim 2011, ex. (56)) [[aref α]]c,i is defined only if there is a unique individual that the speaker

of c has in mind in c, and this individual is in [[α]]c,c; where defined, [[aref α]]c,i = this individual.

(7) Indefinite this (Ionin 2006: 187) A sentence of the form [sp α] φ expresses a proposition only in those

utterance contexts c where the following felicity condition is fulfilled: the speaker of c intends to refer to exactly one individual xc in c, and there exists a property u which the speaker considers noteworthy in c, and xc is both α and u in c. When this condition is fulfilled, [sp α] φ expresses that proposition which is true at an index i if xc is φ at i and false otherwise.

Ionin (2006) combines the two characteristics of indefinite this in her definition (7): (i) the “referential intention” of the speaker yielding the semantic property of high referential strength described above; and (ii) the noteworthiness property closely related to the pragmatic property of high prominence in the discourse. She discusses the relation between these two properties, but without conclusion. Wright & Givón (1987) focus on dis-course prominence and compare the grammaticalization of indefinite this with the indefinite article a. They argue that such indefinite articles first acquire a pragmatic discourse function and only then the referential function. Generalizing the empirical data they found, Wright & Givón (1987, 29) maintain the claim (8) and argue that grammaticalization starts with

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pragmatic discourse functions and then proceeds to semantic functions such as high referential strength.

(8) Implicational relation between pragmatic and semantic reference “If a nominal is prag-referential, then it is most likely to also be SEM – referential (but not vice versa)”

With this short overview on indefinite this we are now in a position to formulate the research questions of this paper with respect to specificity: (i) Are discourse prominence and referentiality two instantiations of specificity, (ii) if so, are they related, and (iii) if they are related do they exhibit the implicational relation in (8) or the opposite. I argue that (8) does not correctly describe the situation with indefinite this in English and with its two German equivalents. While the analysis of indefinite this in English might not be conclusive (cf. Ionin 2006) the comparison with the two German specific indefinite articles dies and so’n (< so+’n, ‘such+encl*tic indefinite article’) indicates that the semantic function is primary and the discourse prominence derived.

Section 2 summarizes different types of specificity and discusses the different ways to group these subtypes together. Section 3 presents the semantic analysis of specificity in terms of referential anchoring. Section 4 and 5 provide information about the different uses and functions of German indefinite dies and so’n. Section 6 discusses some of their discourse functions and section 7 focuses on their referential properties. Section 8 presents an analysis of the function of indefinite demonstratives and section 9 formulates a first hypothesis concerning the semantics of such demonstratives in terms of referential anchoring. Section 10 concludes with a brief summary and some new research questions.

2 Types of Specificity The notion of specificity is associated with various types of data and accounted for in different theories (see Farkas 1994, Ionin 2006, Kamp & Bende-Farkas 2006, and von Heusinger 2011 for an overview). I suggest to classify the various notions of specificity in seven types: (i) Specificity in opaque contexts (referential specificity) expresses a contrast between a reading that allows existential entailment (9a) and a reading that does not (9b); (ii) scopal specificity (often also including type (i)) refers to the ability of certain indefinites to escape scope islands like the conditional in (10a), that a universal quantifier cannot escape (10b); (iii) epistemic specificity ex-

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Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence 13

presses the contrast between speaker’s knowledge (11a) and speaker’s ignorance (or indifference) (11b) about the referent of the indefinite.

(9) a. Paula believes that Bill talked to an important politician. (-> there is an important politician) b. Paula believes that Bill talked to an important politician. (but there is no important politician)

(10) a. If a friend of mine from Texas had died in the fire, I would have inherited a fortune. (possible reading: there is a friend of mine

and…) b. If each friend of mine from Texas had died in the fire, I would have

inherited a fortune. (not possible: for each of my friends, if one of them…)

(11) a. A student in Syntax 1 cheated in the exam. I know him: It is Jim Miller. b. A student in Syntax 1 cheated in the exam. But I do not know who it is.

(iv) specificity is sometimes associated with different types of familiarity such as d-linking, partitivity, and presuppositionality: the indefinite is part of an already introduced set, as in (12a), or not, as in (12b); (v) specificity is also related to topicality as in (13a), where the topical element can be understood as a specific expression, while (13b) only expresses an existential claim.

(12) a. 50 students entered the room. I knew two girls. b. 50 students entered the room. They greeted two girls (already in the


(13) a. Some ghosts live in the pantry; others live in the kitchen. b. There are some ghosts in this house.

There are two further notions of specificity that concern the forward referential potential of indefinites: (vi) specificity as noteworthiness assumes that the presentative this in (14) signals that the speaker intends to assert a noteworthy property of the referent, as in (14a), while (14b) is reported to be infelicitous since no such property is mentioned. (vii) specificity as discourse prominence refers to an aspect of discourse prominence, namely “referential persistence” or “topic shift”, i.e. the potential of an indefinite to introduce a referent that will be mentioned again and may even become a topic in the subsequent discourse.

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14 von Heusinger

(14) a. He put a/this 31 cent stamp on the envelope, and only realized later that it was worth a fortune because it was unperforated.

b. He put a/#this 31 cent stamp on the envelope, so he must want it to go airmail.

(15) a. There was a king and the king had a daughter and he loved his daughter …

b. There was a king and # the season was very short and hot …

These different subtypes of specificity can be roughly categorized into larger groups as in Figure 1 with a referential notion, a familiarity notion and a dis-course prominence notion of specificity.


referential notion

(sentence semantics and pragmatics)

familiarity-based notion

(backward reference)

discourse prominence

(forward reference)


referential specificity


scopal specificity


epistemic specificity


partitivity, presup-

positionality, backgrounding






discourse prominence

Figure 1: Family tree of specificity

Researchers on specificity differ in their assumptions on (a) which subtype qualifies for specificity proper and (b) how many representations are necessary to cover these types. Fodor & Sag (1982) take the subtypes (i)-(iii) as the central notion of specificity and assume the single representation (6) for them. Farkas (1994) argues that (i)-(iv) are independent subtypes but with similar effects. She suggests different representations, which are, however, similar in the effect that they reduce the restrictor set of the indefinite. Kamp & Bende-Farkas (2006, submitted) assume that epistemic specificity is the central notion which is basically the same as (i) and from which we can

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Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence 15

derive effects described under (ii). Prince (1981) and Ionin (2006) analyze indefinite this and show that (vi) is related to (i)-(iii). Givón (1983) focuses on the discourse prominence aspect (vii) and assumes the implicational hierarchy of object domains in Figure 2, according to which a discourse prominent expression implicates that the associated referent is intended by the speaker, and what is intended also has a reference in the world. It is the general scheme from which Wright & Givón’s (1987) more specialized implicational relation (8) above is derived.

discourse prominence > speaker’s intentions > reference in the “world”

Figure 2: Ranking of specificity types according to Givón (1984: 135)

3 Referential Anchoring Different contrasts associated with different kinds of specificity can be best unified by the following generalization: In its prototypical use, the concept of specificity is associated with the communicative notion of referential intention. Grammatical contrasts, such as specific articles, indefinite pro-nouns or differential object marking associated with this function are also used to express relations between discourse entities which do not express “referential intentions” in the literal sense. Rather, it seems that specificity is a grammaticalized means to structure the relations among discourse items: A specific indefinite is referentially anchored to a salient discourse participant or another discourse referent, i.e. “the referent of the specific expression is linked by a contextually salient function to the referent of another expression“ (von Heusinger 2002: 45). Under this account the context has to provide two parameters: the anchoring function and the anchor itself. The speaker has to be able to specify the anchoring function, while it must be unfamiliar for the hearer, the same way as the intended referent must be unfamiliar. Still the hearer has to represent the fact that there is an anchoring function. The anchor, however, must be familar to both speaker and hearer, which allows speaker and hearer to share the scopal properties of the indefinite. This concept of specificity is a refinement of Fodor & Sag’s (1982) original account in terms of referential (Kaplan-style) expressions. Below I present a sketch of the theory by stepwise modifying Fodor & Sag’s (1982) original proposal. They assume two semantic representations for exis-tential indefinites and referential indefinites, as in (16).

(16) a. [[aquant N]] = λQ. ∃x. [N(x) & Q(x)]

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b. [[aref N]] = is defined only if there is a unique individual that the speaker of the sentence has in mind, and this individual is N

The definition (16b) might be adequate for English indefinite this, but it has been shown that it is not sufficient to account for various other types of specific indefinites. It needs additional modifications affecting the parameters listed in (17):

(17) Modification of the original Fodor & Sag (1982) account (= (4b)) (i) replacing the uniqueness condition by an explicit anchoring

function (ii) allowing for other anchors than the speaker (iii) allowing for different content of the anchoring function

The uniqueness condition in definition (16b) is ‘built in’ by a function from the anchor to the referent: f(anchor) = referent. The second modification concerns potential anchors, which can be the speaker in (18), but also some other attitude holder in (19). But we can abstract even further, as the anchor can also be realized by a quantifier phrase, as in (20).

(18) Paula believes that Bill talked to an important politician.

(19) a. George: “I met a certain student of mine today.” b. Jack: “George said that he met a certain student of his today.”

(20) Every husband had forgotten a certain date – his wife’s birthday.

The third modification affects the status of the content of the anchoring function. The anchor must in principle be familiar to both speaker and hearer, i.e. it must be contextually given or accessible. The content of the anchoring relation must be hearer-new in order to distinguish between specific indefinites and definites. (21) and (22) demonstrate that the exact definition of the function may even be unknown to the speaker (see Enç 1991: 20 for discussion):

(21) The teacher gave every child a certain task to work on during the afternoon.

(22) Each reporter was assigned to a certain politician by the editor of the paper.

We can summarize the modifications and give the informal definition of referential anchoring in (23):

(23) Informal definition of specificity in terms of referential anchoring

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A specific indefinite a N is represented by an anchoring function f from an anchor to an individual and this individual is N. Both the anchor as well as the anchoring function must be given in the context

a) anchor is speaker- and hearer-given b) content of anchoring function is hearer-new

Von Heusinger (2002 based on earlier work) cashes out the idea of referential anchoring in terms of parameterized or Skolemized choice functions, also known from Kratzer (1998) and Chierchia (2001, 2005). The idea is that the indefinite article can translate into the complex pronominal element fx with x being a parameter that might be bound by some context agent or some quantifier phrase that has wider scope than the indefinite. The function f applied to the anchor yields a choice function that is applied to the set denoted by the descriptive content of the indefinite yielding the referent, as in (24) adapted from Roberts (2007) (for alternative treatments of this idea see Kamp & Bende-Farkas (to appear), Onea & Geist 2010).

(24) Referential anchoring with parameterized choice functions i) complex pronominal element fx ii) x parameter (= anchor), the argument of f, binding is pragmatically

given a) might be bound by some context agent (speaker etc.) b) might be bound by a wider scope QP to yield intermediate scope

iii) f(x): a choice function that takes a set denoted by DC as its argument and yields an element of that set

In summary, the concept of referential anchoring provides a consistent account of specificity. It links the notion of referential intention to a semantic representation with an anchoring function and an anchor. The anchor must be familiar to speaker and hearer, while the content of the function must not be familiar to the hearer (and is generally familiar to the speaker). Still the hearer has to establish a permanent representation for the specific indefinite, based on the assumption of the existence of such an anchoring function. Thus, this account ties in with the other concepts of specificity, including familiarity-based and discourse-based concepts, discussed in the next sections.

4 Indefinite dies German has a proximal demonstrative dieser, diese, dies(es), and a not very productive distal jener, jene, jenes. The proximal demonstrative has various functions, the most important of which are listed in Table 1:

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a) deictic discourse status further

characterization ex.

b) anaphoric speaker- and hearer-known perceivable in situation


c) discourse deictic

speaker- and hearer-known discourse-given (26)

d) recognitional speaker- and hearer-known reference to discourse (items)


e) indefinite speaker- and hearer-known, but discourse-new

shared (personal) knowledge


f) emotional speaker-known hearer-new, discourse-new

unaccented (29)

g) deictic speaker-known emotional / social distance


Table 1: usages of dies in German

(25) Nimm diesen Apfel. Take this apple.

(26) Es war einmal ein König. Dieser König hatte eine Krone. Once upon a time there was a king. This king had a crown.

(27) Er sagte: „Ich liebe Dich“, und mit diesen Worten ging er. He said „I love you“, and with these words he left.

(28) Weißt du was mit diesem Telefon passiert ist, das immer in deinem Zimmer war?

Do you know what happened to that (dieses) phone that used to be in your room?

(29) Gestern kam ich in eine Bar und da war dieser Fremde, der mich die ganze Zeit anstarrte.

Yesterday I walked into a bar and there was this stranger who stared at me all the time.’

(30) Und dann traf ich diesen Nachbarn von dir. And then I met this neighbour of yours.

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The deictic use (25), the anaphoric one (26) and the discourse deictic one (27) are expected from the general function of demonstratives. They are clearly definite and discourse-given. The recognitional (or “anamnestic”) function (27) is discourse-new, but speaker- and hearer-given, i.e. definite. The indefinite (or presentative) use in (29) is speaker-given, but discourse-new and hearer-new. Lakoff (1974) describes an emotional use of the demonstrative in (30) and subsumes the indefinite use under it. However, I maintain that the indefinite use is independent as it is the case for the English indefinite this. The recognitional and indefinite uses are somewhat informal, but still to be found in written texts.

5 Indefinite so’n German provides another indefinite demonstrative, namely the form so’n, which derives from the demonstratives for properties so ‘such’ and the reduced and encl*tic indefinite article ‘n. It can substitute most, if not all, instances of indefinite dies in German. This form is rarely found in formal language, but quite frequent in informal registers. The spelling varies between so’n and son. Both forms can be found in the literature as well as in written versions of informal registers. It is controversial whether it constitutes an independent determiner with its own semantics, or is a merged form with a compositional semantics of demonstrative and indefinite article plus some pragmatic rules (as in the case of German prepositions with weak definite articles). Henn-Mennesheimer (1986) and Lenerz & Lohnstein (2004) assume that it consists of two underlying forms, while Hole & Klumpp (2004) maintain that it constitutes one form. They argue that so’n shows a plural paradigm in (31), which cannot be explained by a merged form since the indefinite article in German has no plural form (See also Chiriacescu 2011, von Heusinger (to appear) for more examples and a detailed discussion. Note that we could not find examples for the genitive):

(31) Paradigm of so’n Sg. Pl. Nom. so’n Pullover Nom. so’ne Pullover Gen. so’nes Pullovers Gen. so’ner Pullovers Dat. so’nem Pullover Dat. so’nen Pullover Akk. so’nen Pullover Akk. so’ne Pullover

German has a second demonstrative for properties, namely solcher, solche, solch(es), which behaves in function and distribution like English such. So is

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more flexible as it does not take nominal inflection. It has various functions, but we focus on usages with adjectives and unmodified nouns as in Table 2:

notion discourse status further

characterization ex.

a) gradable + deictic speaker- and hearer- known

refers to a grade (32)

b) gradable + anaphoric speaker- and hearer- known

refers to a grade (33)

c) deictic speaker- and hearer- known

refers a to a property or to a type (kind)


d) anaphoric speaker- and hearer- known

refers a to a property or to a type (kind)


e) intensifier speaker-known shifts the standard upwards (only with gradable nouns)


f) „hedging“ noun for exact description is unknown

denotation is extended (37)

g) indefinite speaker-known, hearer-new, discourse-new

unaccented (38)

h) emotional speaker-known emotional / social distance


Table 2: usages of so in German (Ehlich 1986, Eisenberg 1994, Umbach & Ebert (to appear))

(32) Ana ist so groß. Ana is so tall.

(33) Ana ist 1,80m groß. Maria ist auch so groß. Ana is 1.80m tall. Mary is also so tall.

(34) Er hat so ein Auto. He has such-a car.

(35) Maria hat ein Auto mit Heckklappe. So ein Auto hat er auch. Mary has a car with a hatchback. Such-a car does he also have.

(36) Er ist so ein Kind / so ein Pedant. He is such a child/ pedant.

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The deictic and anaphoric uses of demonstrative so are illustrated with adjectives and nouns in (32) – (35). So refers to a grade if applied to adjectives and to a situationally or anaphorically given property if applied to nouns. It can trigger an intensified reading if applied to (unmodified) nouns that are inherently gradable, as in (36). So can trigger different kinds of hedging processes, as in (37), where it signals that the client can identify the referent, but does not have the correct lexical item at hand. With semantically bleached nouns like type, man, guy or with nouns in their typical environment, as in (38), neither an intensified nor a hedging function seems appropriate. Rather the form signals that a speaker-known, but hearer- and discourse-new referent is introduced. So’n also shows an “emotional” use, as in (39). In the following we focus on the indefinite function of so’n.

(37) Kunde im Geschäft: „Haben Sie so eine Klammer?“ Client in shop: Do you have such a clip?

(38) Da gibt’s so’nen Lehrer in meiner Schule in den ich verliebt bin. There is such -a teacher in my school whom I’m in love with.

(39) Peter hat so’n Hund gekauft. Peter bought such-a dog.

6 Discourse Properties Prince (1981) and Ionin (2006) report that indefinite this in English is only felicitous if the referent is taken up in the discourse and a noteworthy property is asserted with respect to it. Givón (1983) presents a quantitative study on the referential persistence of referents introduced by indefinite this. Here I can only report a first impression from corpus searches and the results from a pilot study on discourse prominence. A referent introduced by in-definite dies or indefinite so’n is typically picked up in the subsequent discourse, as in (40) and (41). Please note that the two indefinite determiners can replace each other and can also be replaced by the indefinite article (for more examples see Chiriacescu 2011, von Heusinger (to appear)).

(40) Da war dieser Typ aus Deutschland, den ich in einem Hostel auf der neuseeländischen Insel Waiheke kennen lernte. Vielleicht hieß er Wolfgang, vielleicht Volker - nicht so wichtig. Ich erinnere mich nur, dass er nett, ... (Cosmas)

‘There was this guy from Germany who I got to know in a hostel on the New Zealand island Waiheke. May be he was called Wolfgang, maybe Volker – not that important. I just remember that he was nice…

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(41) In unsrer Stadt gibts so’n Mann er ist nicht irgendeiner, nein, er ist unser neuer Bürgermeister, er sieht aus wie ein Vogelstrauß. (Google) ‘In our city there is such-a man, he is not anyone, no, he is our new mayor, he looks like an ostrich.’

I distinguish three different types of discourse prominence that can be measured. (cf. Givón 1983, Chiriacescu & von Heusinger 2010): (i) referen-tial persistence or the number of anaphoric expressions referring back to the discourse referent; (ii) topic shift potential or the distance between the discourse referent and its use as topic in the subsequent discourse, and (iii) discourse activation or the level of activation that determines the DP-type of the next anaphoric expression (according to the Givenness Hierarchy of Gundel et. al. 1993). Sofiana Chiriacescu and Annika Deichsel performed a pilot sentence continuation test. 10 subjects read the small fragment in (42) and were asked to continue it with five sentences. We then analyzed the five continuation sentences according to the three discussed parameters. I present the results from referential persistence (see Chiriacescu 2011 and Deichsel 2011 for more results). We counted the absolute number of all referential items that were anaphorically linked to the expression ein / so’n / dieser Mann in Figure 3.

(42) Das Essen in dem Restaurant war wirklich total lecker, aber ziemlich teuer. Als ich nach fünf Gängen beim Dessert war, hab’ ich gesehen, wie ein / so’n / dieser Mann Sekt bestellte.

‘The meal in the restaurant was really excellent, but quite expensive. When I got to dessert after five courses, I saw that a / such-a / this man ordered champagne.’

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Figure 3: Referential persistence of ein / so’n / dieser Mann in (42)

The sum of all items referring back to the indefinite in the five sentences provided by the 10 subjects is 29 for indefinite dies, 24 for indefinite so’n, but only 8 for the indefinite article ein. This clearly indicates a difference be-tween indefinite dies and the indefinite article ein, with indefinite so’n taking an intermediate position. We can safely conclude that both indefinite demon-stratives signal discourse prominence.

7 Referential Properties The two indefinite demonstratives also show particular referential properties. I can only provide a few test sentences concerning referential specificity in (43) and (44), scopal specificity in (45) and epistemic specificity in (46). Table 4 summarizes the results of my own judgments and of the judgments of some informants (we also did a pilot questionnaire which confirmed the first intuitions – see Chiriacescu 2011 for so’n and Deichsel 2011 for dies).

The indefinite article in (43) and (44) allows a referential and a non-referential reading, with a preference for the latter. The use of indefinite dies is only compatible with the referential reading, while so’n has a preference for a referential reading, but is compatible with a non-referential reading, which is particularly obvious in (44).

(43) Eva will einen / so’n / diesen Film über Eliade sehen.

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Eva wants to watch a / such-a / this movie about Eliade.

(44) Maria will einen / so’nen / ?diesen Prinz auf einen weißen Ross heira-ten.

Mary wants to marry a / such-a / this prince on a white horse.

The indefinite article ein in (45) signals a preference for narrow scope, the in-definite dies always indicates wide scope, and the indefinite so’n either allows a wide-scope reading or a narrow-scope reading of the referent (co-variation with the universal quantifier), but then with a wide-scope reading of a property that is characteristic for all referents. We find similar intuitions for the epistemic reading in (46): The indefinite article allows both readings (with a preference for a non-specific reading), the indefinite dies only the (epistemic) specific reading, and the indefinite so’n clearly signals the specific reading, but may also by compatible with the non-specific reading, however, intuitions are unclear and blurred by other functions of so+n.

(45) Jeder meiner Kollegen hat ein / dies / so’n Buch von Eliade gelesen. Each of my colleagues read a / this / so-a book by Eliade.

(46) Ein / so’n / dieser Student in der Einführung hat beim Examen ge-schummelt.

A / this / such a student in the introduction has cheated in the exam.

Table 4: Referential properties of ein, so’n, dieser

This brief overview of the referential properties of the two indefinite demonstratives clearly indicates a high referential strength in contrast with the indefinite article ein, but also some differences between dies and so’n. Dies is more like the English indefinite this, always referential, scopal and epistemic specific, whereas so’n shows more variation which has to be inves-tigated in more detail.

Referential specificity (43) + (44)

Scopal specificity (45)

Epistemic specificity

(46) ein non-ref > ref narrow > wide non-spec > spec

so’n ref > (non-ref) wide > narrow (with wide scope for a property)

spec (*non-spec)

dieser ref (*non-ref) wide (*narrow) spec (*non-spec)

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Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence 25

8 Demonstration and Topic Shift I assume a Kaplan- (1977/1989) style semantics for demonstratives according to which a demonstrative expression refers directly to its referent. The expression needs an accompanying demonstration (ostension), which raises the attention of the hearer to the intended referent. This semantics can be applied to demonstrative dies referring to entities, and to demonstrative so, referring to properties, as in (47) (see also Roberts 2002).

(47) Deictic readings of demonstratives a. [[dies N]] = is defined only if there is a demonstration d focussing on

(raising the attention to) a unique referent such that the referent is N (some additional conditions that the referent must be close to speaker etc.)

b. [[so’n N]] = is defined only if there is a demonstration d focussing on (raising the attention to) a unique property P and there is a referent x such that x is N and P. (some additional conditions that the referent must be close to speaker etc.)

Demonstratives are used without demonstration in their anaphoric use. They even introduce new discourse items as discussed in this article. It seems that the act of demonstration to a visible or perceivable object is shifted to the intention of the speaker towards a referent, which is unknown to the addressee. We can formulate a preliminary hypothesis that demonstrative nouns raise the attention of the hearer towards a new discourse item in (i) the (visible) situation, (ii) in the previous text, or (iii) in the subsequent text. We modify (47) to an informal definition of indefinite readings of demonstratives in (48):

(48) Indefinite readings of demonstratives a. [[diesindef N]] = is defined only if there is an intention of the speaker

to focus on (to raise the attention to) a unique referent such that the referent is N.

b. [[so’nindef N]] = is defined only if there is an intention of the speaker to focus on (to raise the attention to) a unique property P and there is a referent x such that x is N and P.

If the hearer recognizes the referential intention of the speaker, the hearer will establish a permanent discourse representation for the introduced referent: (i) indefinite dies: for an individual discourse referent; (ii) so’n: for the intended property and therefore also for the individual that falls under that property.

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This provides the link between a noteworthy property (see Ionin 2006) and the prominence of the discourse referent (Givón 1983).

9 Referentiality and Discourse Prominence In the last section we have sketched the shift from a deictic or anaphoric use of a demonstrative to an indefinite use. The idea is that one of the fundamental functions of demonstratives is to raise the attention towards a new referent. In this section I want to propose the link to the semantics of specific indefinites spelling out the relation between the referential properties and the discourse properties of the indefinite demonstratives in German (and English). Definition (48) for the indefinite reading of demonstratives includes as one of its central conditions the speaker’s intention. We have seen earlier that definition (23), repeated as (49), for specificity semantically represents this intention as an anchoring function between an attitude holder (or some other discourse referent) and the intended referent. This anchor is speaker- and hearer-given, but the content of the anchoring function is hearer-new, and therefore the intended referent is new, too.

(49) Informal definition of specificity in terms of referential anchoring A specific indefinite a N is represented by an anchoring function f from

an anchor to an individual and this individual is N. Both the anchor as well as the anchoring function must be given in the context

a) anchor is speaker- and hearer-given b) content of anchoring function is hearer-new

If we use this definition for representing the informal concept of “referential intention” in (48) we can formulate (50) for a semantics of indefinite demon-stratives. For both the anchor must be the speaker (thus reflecting the “demonstrative” or indexical nature). For dies the anchoring function yields the intended referent, while for so’n the anchoring function yields a property with which we uniquely identify the referent (reflecting the original nature of so as a demonstrative of properties). Thus indefinite so’n only indirectly pro-motes a referent to high referential strength and high discourse prominence.

(50) Indefinite readings of demonstratives a. [[diesindef N]] = is defined only if there is an anchoring function

from the speaker to an object such that the object is N. b. [[so’nindef N]] = is defined only if there an anchoring function from

the speaker to a property P such that the referent is N and that there is a referent x such that x is N and P.

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We can conclude that the referential property of “referential intention” is the core meaning of indefinite demonstratives. It is best represented by refer-ential anchoring. We can then derive from this core-meaning the discourse function of “raising attention” as illustrated in section 8. We can also account for the differences between the two indefinite demonstratives – they are of different semantic types, they are represented by different semantic repre-sentations (giving rise to different semantic properties) and thus they also trigger different kinds of discourse prominence as reported above.

10 Summary I have shown that German has two additional indefinite articles, indefinite dies and (informal) so’n corresponding to English indefinite this. Both articles have grammaticalized from deictic expressions. They are different: indefinite this derives from the demonstrative for objects, while so’n derives from the demonstratives for properties. They are used to signal discourse prominence and they show a strong tendency for a referential meaning (wide scope with respect to other operators, rigid reference etc.). Indefinite dies has a higher discourse prominence and a higher referential strength than indefinite so’n, which only indirectly promotes the referent to high referential strength and high discourse prominence. I have argued that the shift from the deictic or anaphoric use of a demonstrative to an indefinite use can be best explained by a semantics of “referential anchoring”. This semantics makes it possible to represent the “referential intention” of the speaker in an adequate way, qualifying for a specific interpretation of these demonstratives. The specific semantics then allows for discourse prominence, e.g. for referential persistence. In this view the referential properties are primary and the discourse properties are derived, contradicting Wright & Givón’s (1987) claim. This picture needs more empirical coverage and a carefully worked out semantic representation, which are two challenging research issues.

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On the Semantics of Existence Predicates

Friederike Moltmann IHPST (Paris1/ENS/CNRS), Paris [emailprotected]

Abstract. The most common philosophical view about the notion of existence is that it is a second-order property or existential quantification. A less common view is that existence is a (first-order) property of 'existent' as opposed to 'nonexistent' (past or merely intentional) objects. An even less common view is that existence divides into different 'modes of being' for different sorts of entities. In this paper I will take a closer look at the semantic behavior of existence predicates in natural language, such as 'exist', 'occur', and 'obtain', arguing that existence predicates in natural language support the two less common philosophical views. I will develop explicit analyses of existence predicates in their time-relative and space-relative uses which will explain why they apply to some kinds of entities, but not others.

1 Introduction The most common philosophical view of existence is that existence amounts to existential quantification (the Quinean tradition) or is a second-order concept (the Kant-Frege tradition). A less common philosophical view is that existence is a first-order property distinguishing between nonexistent (past, possible, or merely intentional) objects and existing objects. An even less common philosophical view is that existence divides into different ‘modes of being’ for different kinds of entities (a view held, for example, by Aristotle, Heidegger, Sarte, Ryle, and more recently McDaniel).1 The aim of the present paper is to take a closer look at how the notion of existence is in fact expressed in natural language. In natural language, it appears, existence is not so much expressed by quantification, which can be shown to be neutral as regards any distinction between existent and nonexistent objects that one might draw. Rather existence is expressed by predicates, and that is, first-order predicates. Furthermore, there is, at least in English, no single existence predicate, but rather at least three: exist, occur (or related predicates such as

1 For a recent defense of the Quinean view, see van Inwagen (1998). For a recent defense of a view of existence dividing into different modes of being see McDaniel (to appear a, b).

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 31–54. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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happen or take place), and obtain. The semantic behavior of such existence predicates (regarding the kinds of entities that they can apply to and the sorts of adverbial modifiers they allow) reveals a notion of existence that divides into at least three different kinds of modes being, reflecting the distinction between endurance and perdurance, as well as their space-related analogues, but also the particular mode of being of such entities as states, facts, conditions, and laws. Existence predicates reflect such distinctions primarily in their time- and space-related uses, but in fact the location-independent uses of existence predicates should best be understood as derivative upon their location-dependent uses.

I will first clarify the notion of an existence predicate itself as well as some fundamental semantic differences in natural language between constructions of existential quantification and existence predicates. I then discuss the semantics of the three existence predicates exist, occur, and obtain in greater detail.

2 The Notion of an Existence Predicate While many philosophers take existence to amount to just existential quantification, it has hardly escaped philosophers’ attention that natural language displays existence predicates, in particular, of course, the predicate exist. A number of philosophers, most notably Frege, have taken exist to be a special, second-order predicate, applying to concepts rather than individuals. However, from the point of view of natural language semantics, exist clearly is a first-order predicate.2 It does not require, like putative second-order predicates, predicative terms, but rather requires expressions in subject position that act as singular terms, as in (1a, b) and (2a, b), or that act as quantifiers binding individual variables, as in (1c):3

(1) a. The president of France exists. b. Mars exists.

2 Philosophers that have argued that exist is a first-order predicate include Miller (1975, 1986, 2002), Salmon (1987, 1989), and McGinn (2000). 3 Exist also allows for bare plurals or mass nouns in subject position, in which case it does seem to express existential quantification: (i) a. Giraffes exist. b. Gold exists. However, as will be shown later, bare plurals and mass nouns in the subject position of exist-sentences are in fact kind-referring, and thus singular terms. This means that exist is a first-order predicate in sentences like (i-a, b) as well.

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c. Some planet exists.

(2) a. The king of France does not exist. b. Vulcan does not exist.

When exist is viewed as a first-order predicate in positive existence statements as in (1a, b, c), it is generally taken to express a trivial or almost trivial property, the property every entity has or, less trivially, the property that every present and actual entity has. The occurrence of exist in negative existentials, as in (2a, b), is more difficult to handle. The main focus of this paper is the application of time- or space-relative uses of existence predicates to particular kinds of entities, but for an appropriate discussion of existence predicates a few words are necessary concerning negative existentials.

There is a significant debate of how to analyse negative existentials with singular terms, while treating exist as a first-order predicate. On one view, the subject term in negative existentials is an empty term, exist expresses the trivial property everything has, and negation is taken to be external negation. On that view, (2b) will mean: ‘it is not true that Vulcan exists’. On another view, the Meinongian view, the subject term in a true negative existential always stands for an entity, but a ‘nonexistent’ entity, an entity of which exist is false. There is also a third, hybrid view, that of Salmon (1987, 1998), on which the subject term in true negative existentials sometimes stands for an object of which exist is not true, namely an object that has existed only in the past or a merely possible object. If the subject of the negative existential is a fictional term, though, Salmon takes it to be empty, with negation then being external negation.

Negated existence predicates in existentially quantified sentences pre-sent a particularly interesting phenomenon which appears to give support for the Meinongian view. Meinongians have long argued that existential quan-tification, unlike predication with exist, is not existentially committing.4 This is displayed by the following ‘Meinongian’ statement:

(3) There are things that do not exist.

The Meinongian statement in (3) can hardly serve as a piece of ‘linguistic evidence’ for the Meinongian view, though: a sentence like (3) serves to express a philosophical position, rather than being a ‘natural’ sentence of natural language, a sentence that can be used without thereby making explicit a philosophical conviction. But there are constructions in natural language that appear to involve intentional objects as semantic values of subject terms 4 Recent Meinongians include Parsons (1980) and Priest (2005).

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in negative existence statements. The relevant sentences are entirely natural in the sense that they hardly sound like the expression of a philosophical view. These are examples:

(4) a. Some people John mentioned do not exist. b. Some things John thought of do not exist.

In (4a, b) the subject consists of a definite description formed, crucially, with an intentional verb, such as mention or think of. Such verbs appear to take intentional ‘nonexistent’ objects as arguments when the intentional act they describe is not successful, and these entities appear to be the ones the existential quantifiers in (4a,b) range over.

If intentional ‘nonexistent’ objects are involved in existentially quan-tified negative existentials as in (4), then they may just as well be involved in negative existentials with apparent empty proper names and descriptions associated with a failed or pretend act of reference (and in particularly des-criptions formed with intentional verbs as in the woman John mentioned does not exist). However, this paper is not the place to defend such a view further.5 What is important in the present context is simply the difference displayed by existential quantification and existence predicates in natural language.

The apparent ability of natural language quantifiers to range over non-existent objects is not the only respect in which existential quantification in natural language differ from existence predicates. There is a further fun-damental difference between sentences with an existence predicate and with existential quantification. Existential quantifiers in natural language may range over entities of any kind whatsoever, but existence predicates in natural language are generally restricted to a particular kind of entity. Thus, exist is restricted to enduring objects (basically material objects), at least in its tensed form. For perduring entities, that is, events, occur (or happen or take place) is the appropriate existence predicate instead. Moreover, for entities of the sort of states or facts, abstract entities in a certain sense, there is a specific existence predicate in English, namely obtain.

The apparent variety of existence predicates in natural language raises the question of what makes a predicate an existence predicate in the first place. This question obtains importance in view of the fact that in the history of philosophy there have been a variety of views as to what ‘modes of being’ there are. Thus Sartre took conscious entities to engage in a distinctive mode of being and in the phenomenological tradition ‘being experienced’ was considered a mode of being (even the only one). The question thus is: is there 5 See McGinn (2000) for a philosophical defense of that view.

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a criterion that tells us whether a predicate is an existence predicate in a linguistically relevant sense? There is in fact a very clear criterion for exis-tence predicates, namely the semantic behavior of predicates under negation. Negative existentials display the peculiarity that they can be true even if the subject does not refer to or stand for an actual object. Other predicates simply do not display that particular feature. Ordinary predicates when negated will in such a case lead to sentences that intuitively lack a truth value (such as the present king of France is bald).

Intentional verbs like think of, mention, or describe, as already men-tioned, arguably take intentional objects as arguments (John thought of the woman Bill mentioned). Unlike existence predicates, though, they do not sys-tematically yield truth when negated. Thus, the sentence below may very well be false, even if the woman John described does not exist:

(5) Bill did not think of the woman John described.

Ordinary (non-intentional) predicates thus are subject to the following condition:

(6) a. A (intransitive) predicate P is an ordinary predicate iff for any world w and time t, for any singular term T, if T does not stand for an actual entity in w, then neither [T not P]w, t = true nor [T not P]w, t = false.

By contrast, existence predicates are subject to the following condition (formulated so as to remain as neutral as possible regarding the treatment of negative existentials):

(6) b. Criterion for Existence Predicates An (intransitive) predicate P is an existence predicate iff for any world w and time t, for any singular term T, if T does not stand for a (present, actual) entity in w, then [T not P]w, t = true.

Applying the criterion to some putative existence predicates, exist obviously is classified as an existence predicate, as are occur and obtain given the possible truth of the sentences below:

(7) a. The event John mentioned did not occur. b. The situation John described did not obtain.

Live and be alive are putative existence predicates, but by the criterion they do not come out as such:

(8) The person Mary mentioned does not live / is not alive.

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Live and is alive presuppose that the object they apply has been alive before; they do not specify the actual existence of an object of thought. The criterion also rules out as existence predicates a range of other predicates that according to particular historical philosophical views might be regarded as such, for example being experienced.

With this clarification of the notion of an existence predicate as such, let us now focus on the semantic differences among different existence predicates as well as their time- and space-related application.

3 The Difference between exist and occur Existence predicates when they occur in a positive sentence in a tensed form have a particular lexical meaning relating an entity in a certain way to its location in time. Let us first look at the two existence predicates exist and occur. We have already seen that tensed exist applies to ‘enduring’ objects (which I will call simply ‘objects’), whereas occur applies to ‘perduring’ object’, that is, events.

The categorial restrictions of exist and occur give support for ‘three-dimensionalism’ as opposed to ‘four-dimensionalim’ regarding material objects. On a four-dimensionalist view, events and objects are both space-time worms bearing the same relation to space and time: they are both ‘spread out’ in space and time. This means that they both occupy a spatio-temporal region by having parts that occupy the subregions of the spatio-temporal region. Given the four-dimensionalist view, it is hard to see how time-relative exist could be restricted to one sort of four-dimensional object rather than another. By contrast, on a three-dimensionalist view, objects and events will be fundamentally different kinds of entities, bearing fundamentally different relations to time: objects endure, whereas events perdure. These restrictions are easy to formulate on a three-dimensionalist view

The standard view of endurantism draws the distinction between en-during and perduring entities as follow (Lewis 1986, Hawley 2001): An enduring entity occupies a time t by being wholly present at each moment of t, whereas a perduring entity occupies a time t by some part of it being present at any moment of t. Endurance thus requires complete presence of an object at each moment of its lifespan. By contrast, perdurance requires only the presence of a part of an entity at any moment of its duration. The notions of endurance and perdurance correspond to time-relative existence and extension, in the following sense of Fine (2006): enduring entities exist at a time, which means they are completely presence at each moment of the time;

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by contrast, perduring entities are extended over a time, which means only a part of them needs to be present at any given moment of the time. This way of drawing the distinction means that perduring entities can have temporal parts, whereas enduring entities cannot. Entities such as organisms, artifacts, and entities with lasting spatial boundaries, such as countries or stones, are among the enduring entities, whereas events are examples of perduring entities.

The distinction between enduring and perduring entities in terms of time-related existence and extension seems well suited for capturing the lexical meanings of exist and occur. However, exist cannot just express the property that holds of an object x at a time t iff the whole of x is present at each moment of t, and occur cannot just express the property that holds of an object at a time t iff for any moment t’ of t, some part of x is present at t’. This would allow both occur and exist to apply to momentaneous events. Exist and occur will in addition impose particular sortal constraints on the entities they can apply to. Exist imposes the condition that the entity it applies to not be able to have temporal parts, in virtue of the kind of entity it belongs to. Occur imposes the condition that the entity it applies be able to have temporal parts, in virtue of the kind it belongs to.

Thus the lexical meanings of tensed exist and of occur will be as follows:

(9) a. The lexical meaning of tensed exist For an entity x that cannot have temporal parts, for a time interval t, x ∈ [exist]t iff for every t’ < t, the whole of x is present at t’.

b. The lexical meaning of occur (preliminary formulation) For an entity x that can have temporal parts, for a time interval t, x ∈ [occur]t iff for every t’ < t some part of x is present at t’.

There is a problem, though, with giving the meaning of exist and occur as in (9), and that is that it fails to account for the fact that exist is a stative verb, whereas occur is an eventive verb. It is remarkable that in natural languages there is generally no stative existence predicate of events, even though ‘extension in time’ appears to be a state. English occur clearly is an eventive verb: it takes adverbials modifiers that are typical of event predicates, such as suddenly or quickly, modifiers that are impossible with stative predicates; moreover it allows for the progressive (the event is occurring right now), which again is typical of eventive predicates. Occur thus does not describe a state of extendedness over a time, but rather it describes a transition, or rather

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a series of transitions, from an event part being at a time to another event part being at a subsequent time.

In order to account for this difference between exist and occur, it is useful to adopt the Davidsonian view of the semantics of verbs on which events (and states) act as implicit arguments of verbs. Given the Davidsonian view, the implicit event arguments of verbs will also be the referents of the corresponding nominalizations such as the occurrence of the murder or the existence of the house. Occur will thus express a two-place-relation between occurrences and (occurring) events and exist a two-place relation between states of existence and (existent) entities.

Occurrences appear to be a kind of temporal abstraction from the occurring events. This is indicated by the differences in the kinds of pre-dicates that occurrences and occurring events accept: occurrences, unlike occurring events, do not accept qualitative predicates:

(10) a. The murder was grisly / brutal. b. ??The occurrence of the murder was grisly / brutal.

Occurrences do allow for other types of event predicates, though, for example temporal and attitudinal predicates:

(11) The occurrence of the murder was sudden / unexpected.

Thus it appears that occurrences are events that retain none but the temporal features of the corresponding occurring events. Occurrences may therefore be viewed as transitions from the presence of a proper part of the occurring event at a time to the presence of a proper part of the occurring event at a subsequent time. I will take the ‘presence’ of an event part at a time to be a temporal trope: the relational trope that is the instantiation of the temporal at-relation (AT) in the event and the time. Within the Davidsonian semantics of events, the lexical meaning of occur can thus be reformulated as follows, where f is the function mapping an n-place relation and n entities to the instantiation of the relation in those entities:

(12) The lexical meaning of occur For a time t and events e and e’, <e, e’> ∈ [occur]t iff e = the sequence of transitions from f(AT, e’’, t’) to f’(AT, e’’’, t’’) for any subsequent times t’, t’’ < t for which there are event parts e’’ and e’’’ of e.

What about momentaneous events, a flash or a crack? The account applies here as well: the occurrence of such a momentaneous event is simply a single trope that is the manifestation of the temporal ‘at’-relation with respect to that event and the moment it occurs.

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The Davidsonian semantics of verbs can also be applied to exist. Exist is a stative verb, satisfying standard linguistic criteria for stativity. Also its nominalization existence clearly describes a state rather than an event. Looking at the range of predicates that can apply to ‘existences’, though, it appears that existences are states of a particular sort: existences have fewer properties than one might have thought states of existence should have. For example, a state of existence, one might think, should have a spatial location, being located just where the object is during its existence. But sentences with exist do not allow for spatial modifiers:6

(13) a. *John exists in Germany. b. *The king of France existed in France.

Obviously, the location modifiers cannot be predicated of the state of existence, and thus existences, if they are Davidsonian event arguments, simply cannot have spatial location.

The location modifiers in (13a, b) may be understood in another way than as predicates of the Davidsonian event argument. In natural language semantics, two different kinds of adverbial modifiers in fact need to be distinguished: adverbials that act as adjuncts and adverbials that act as complements. If an adverbial modifier is obligatory, it will be a complement; if it is not, it may be adjunct (though it need not be). As an adjunct, an adverbial acts as a predicate of the state or event described. As a complement, it provides an argument of the relation expressed by the verb, and thus generally provides a component that is constitutive of the described event or state.7 Exist does not allow for location modifiers as complements either, when it applies to material objects. The reason is that material objects do not exist in space: for an entity e to exist at a spatial location l requires e to be completely present at each sublocation of l. But this is impossible for material objects. Material objects are rather extended in space: they occupy a space by having some part being at any sub-region of the space. Since material objects have spatial parts, they cannot be completely present at each sublocation of their location.

6 There is one important exception to this generalization, namely exist-sentences with bare plurals and mass nouns, which in fact are kind-denoting terms: (i) Giraffes exist only in Africa. I will turn to those in Section 3. 7 A variety of syntactic tests distinguish adjunct and complement adverbial modifiers, which I will not go into.

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Recent linguistic semantic work on stative verbs can help give an answer to the question why exist resists location modifiers as adjuncts. It has long been observed that in fact most stative verbs do not allow for location modifiers and thus display what is known as the Stative Adverb Gap (Katz 2003). Among those verbs are know, own, and weigh:

(14) a. ??John knows mathematics in France. b. ??John owns a watch in Munich. c. ??John weighs 100 kilos in Germany.

In fact, such verbs also resist a range of other modifiers, such as manner modifiers, and they cannot form the complement of perception verbs:

(15) a. ??John owns a watch with a lot of effort. b. ??John knows French in a strange way.

(16) a. ??Mary heard John know French. b. ??Mary saw John weigh 100 kilos.

Exist in fact patterns with that class of verbs also in these two respects:

(17) a. *The house has existed for a few years in a strange way. b. *John saw the house exist for many years.

Maienborn (2007) has proposed an ontological account of the Stative Adverb Gap, tracing it to the particular nature of the state most stative verbs describe.8 Maienborn argues that stative verbs take states as arguments that are abstract in the sense of a Kimean conception of events or rather states. A Kimean account of states will consist in a specification of the existence and identity conditions of states on the basis of a property, an individual, and a time, as below.

(18) The Kimean account of states a. For a property P and an object o, f(P, o) obtains at a time t iff o ∈Pt. b. For properties P, P’, o, o’, f(P, o) = f(P’, o’) iff P = P’, o = o’.

The Kimean account of states amounts to an implicit definition of states. This means that states will have only those properties as intrinsic properties that are specified by the account itself. Thus, they will have properties of temporal duration, but not of spatial location. On a Kimean account, states will come

8 There is an alternative proposal concerning the Stative Adverb Gap, namely that of Katz (2003). Katz argues that stative verbs lack an event argument position. But see Maienborn (2007) for discussion.

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out as abstract in the sense of not involving a particular manifestation; rather all there is to a Kimean state is what is specified by the account itself.9

The condition of complete presence that exist imposes requires some qualifications. It cannot be that strictly all the parts of an enduring object need to be present at any moment of the lifespan of the object; this should only hold for atemporal parts, not the parts that a material object may have only at some point during its lifespan (Fine 2006). Also the atemporal parts need to be understood appropriately. An object may have functional parts which can be constituted by different material at different times and thus are not strictly speaking material parts. Furthermore, the question arises whether complete presence should not also include essential features of an object, such as its configuration or form if it is essential or qualitative features. In any case, what defines existence at a time should be the recurrence of features and parts constitutive of an object throughout the time, not the presence of material parts as such.

4 Space-­‐Relative Existence Ordinary material objects generally cannot bear the existence relation to a spatial location because they cannot be completely present at the spatial sublocations. But there are entities for which space-relative existence is possible. Fine (2006) in fact argues for a generalization of existence at a time, as complete presence at a time, to existence at a spatial location, that is, complete presence at a location. Fine gives the example of a composite aroma of coffee and vanilla whose presence at a location, he argues, requires the presence of both the aroma of vanilla and the aroma of coffee. This example is not unproblematic from the present point of view, though: aromas do not go along very well with the existence predicate exist:

(19) a. ??The aroma exists in that room.

The reason why aromas do not go along with exist appears to be an ontological one. Aromas as particulars simply cannot be wholly present at different locations. Only aromas as kinds can, as in the examples below:10

9 Verbs that describe Kimean states contrast with verbs that describe what Maienborn calls ‘Davidsonian states’. The latter include verbs like stand, sit, and sleep. Concrete states do allow for location and manner modifiers and can be the object of perception. 10 Sounds and physical fields for Fine are other cases of entities involving complete presence at a given location. I find the example of sounds even more problematic than aromas. Sounds neither as particulars nor as kinds seem to accept existence predicates, including location-relative existence predicates in particular:

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(19) b. This kind of perfume does not exist in France anymore. c. This kind of aroma only exists in oriental countries.

What are aromas as particulars? Arguably aromas as particulars are tropes without a bearer: they are mere spatio-temporally located features. Tropes in fact in general do not go along very well with space-relative existence pre-dicates:

(20) ??The greenness of the plants exists everywhere in the garden.

Space-relative exist with tropes is not possible because tropes as particulars (with or without a bearer) cannot be present at different locations at once.

But there are entities, particular sorts of abstract entities, with which space-relative exist is perfectly natural. One such case is languages. Lan-guages can be completely present at different places, and they do allow for location modifiers with exist:11

(21) This dialect does not exist in this region anymore.

It is easily explained why languages have space-relative existence. The lo-cation of a language is the region where the language is spoken, and every part of that region should count as a location of the language, and of course the entire language.

Other entities that display space-relative existence include condition-like entities such as situations and laws, which also allow for space-relative obtain, as will be discussed later.

Another important case of abstract entities displaying space-relative existence are kinds. This requires a little linguistic elaboration. It is a com-mon view among linguists that kinds can be the referents of bare mass nouns and plurals, in particular with predicates like widespread or rare:12

(22) a. Ants are widespread. b. White gold is rare.

Whereas kind reference of bare plurals and mass nouns with predicates like widespread is considered unproblematic, linguists are not unanimous that bare plurals and mass nouns are always kind-referring. Some linguists, in

(i) a. ?? The sound exists throughout the house. b. This kind of sound does not exist in modern opera houses anymore. 11 Thanks to Roger Schwarzschild for bringing this example to my attention. 12 Obviously these need not be natural kinds, but may include kinds of artifacts – in fact kinds of any sorts of entities.

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particular Carlson (1977) and Chierchia (1998), held the view that bare mass nouns and plurals are (almost) always kind-referring (with the predicate being responsible for different readings). Other linguists hold the view that with some predicates, such as eat or buy bare plurals or mass nouns express existential quantification ranging over the instances of the kind (such as quantities or individuals). The present discussion fortunately can stay entirely neutral as regards those two linguistic views. There are a range of tests for kind reference that tell if a given occurrence of a bare mass noun or plural can only be kind-referring, and these tests show clearly that with exist a bare plural or mass noun must be kind-referring.

First, anaphora when they take a bare plural as subject of an exist-sentence as antecedent stand for the entire kind, not one of the instances that an existential quantifier would range over:

(23) a. Dinosaurs do not exist. But they once did exist. b. Three dinosaurs do not exist. *But they (three dinosaurs or other)

once did exist.

Moreover, bare plurals and mass nouns can be modified by a relative clause whose predicate is an instance-distribution predicate:

(24) Dinosaurs, which used to be widespread in Europe, do not exist anymore.

Also temporal modifiers of exist with bare plurals or mass nouns show kind reference:

(25) a. Dolphins still exist. b. Dinosaurs no longer exist.

The same holds for aspectual predicates such as continue or cease:

(26) a. Dinosaurs continued to exist. b. Dinosaurs ceased to exist.

Finally, bare mass nouns and plurals do not allow an interpretation on which they act as existential quantifiers taking wide scope over other quantifiers or negation in the sentence, unlike ordinary existentially quantified NPs:

(27) a. Dinosaurs do not exist anymore. (impossible as: for some dinosaurs x, x does not exist anymore)

b. Two dinosaurs do not exist anymore. (ok as: for two dinosaurs x, x does not exist anymore)

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Thus, bare plurals and mass nouns in exist-sentences stand for kinds, in the relevant (linguists’) sense.

An important observation about exist-sentences with kind terms is that they also allow for terms referring to kinds of events:

(28) Great wars still exist.

The crucial observation now is that exist-sentences with kind terms, including terms for kinds of events, allow for location modifiers:13

(29) a. Giraffes still exist in Africa. b. Political protests do not exist in Bhutan.

What does the existence of a kind amount to, and the existence of a kind at a location in particular? Given the semantics of existence statements with kind terms, obviously, the existence of a kind as such means that there is an actual instance of the kind, and the existence of a kind at a location means that there is an instance of the kind at the location. That is, the existence of a kind at a location means that the kind is instantiated in an individual at the location (or at a part of the location).

Location-relative existence applied to kinds should also amount to complete presence at the relevant locations. But in what sense could a kind be completely present at a location, being instantiated in an individual at the location? It should somehow mean that all the parts of the kind are present at the location of the individual instantiating the kind. But what are the parts of a kind? One might think that the parts of a kind are the instances of the kind, a kind being a sort of plurality of all its instances (or all its possible instances). But this would give the wrong result since not all the instances can be at any location at which a kind is instantiated. In fact, the more common view about the parts of a kind is that the parts are the characteristics of the kind, that is, the attributes that together make up the ‘essence’ of a kind. Complete presence of a kind at a location would thus mean instantiation of all the attributes of the kind in an individual at the location.

There is one remaining puzzle concerning the space-relative existence of kinds. One might have thought that an existence statement locating a kind

13 There are in fact two linguistically relevant notions of kind: referents of bare plurals or mass nouns and kinds as referents of definite singular kind terms as in (i) below. Only the former not the latter allow for space-relative exist, as seen in (ii): (i) The giraffe is mammal. (ii) a. Giraffes exist everywhere. b. ??The giraffe exists everywhere.

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at a spatial region such as (29a) should state the complete presence of the kind at each sub-location of the location mentioned by the location modifier, just as a time-relative existence statement requires the complete presence of the individual at each moment of its lifespan. This is not the case in (29a), though, which does not require the complete presence of the kind ‘giraffes’ in each part of Africa. It is in fact sufficient that the kind be completely present just at the locations in Africa, and it suffices that there be just some instances of the kind in Africa.

It seems that this puzzle has less to do with space-relative existence for kinds as such than with the semantics of English locative sentences. A weak, existential condition seems to be part of the semantics of locative modifiers in general, for example in the sentence below:

(30) John resides in Munich.

In Munich specifies that John’s residence is located somewhere in Munich, not that it is located everywhere in Munich or all over Munich.14

Not just location modifiers with in, but also those with a variety of other spatial prepositions locate the described event or individual in fact just somewhere within the location mentioned. This is illustrated with location-relative existence statements below:

(31) a. Giraffes exist outside of Africa. b. Giraffes still exist near the coast.

Also the location modifiers in (31) do not give the precise location of the entity in question. Thus, for a term T, in T locates an entity somewhere in the location that T refers to, outside T locates it somewhere outside that location, and near T locates it somewhere ‘near’ that location.

Only special locational modifiers such as throughout and all over require that every part of the location mentioned is where the entity or event in question is located:

(32) a. Giraffes exist throughout Africa. b. Giraffes exist all over the world.

14 Existential quantification is in fact also involved in the semantics of temporal modifiers: (i) John resided in Munich last year. Last year requires John to have resided in Munich at some point in the last year, not throughout the last year.

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This is because such location modifiers are in fact quantificational, containing an explicit (all in (32b)) or implicit (thoughout) quantifier ranging over the parts of the location.

A distinction thus needs to be made between the location mentioned by the location modifier and the strict location, the location that is in fact where exactly the entity or event in question in located. The complete-presence condition of exist needs to be fulfilled only with respect to the parts of the strict location, not the location mentioned.

With an ordinary location modifier, an existence statement concerning a kind requires just that the kind be instantiated in an individual at some sublocation of the location mentioned by the modifier, the strict location. But would this not require that the kind be present at each sublocation of the location of a relevant instance of the kind? This is certainly not the case. The location of an instance should in fact count as a minimal location for the kind. The reason for that is this. Kinds inherit their location from the location of their instances; they cannot have a location in any other way. Thus they could not possibly be located at a proper part of the location of an instance of the kind.

As a consequence of the possibility of the space-relative existence of kinds, kinds can be multiply located. That is, exist may locate a kind at different locations, which amounts to the kind being ‘entirely’ present in instances of the kind at those locations. This matches well the Aristotelian view of universals as being able to be multiply located, located just where the instances are located.

The existence of a kind at a location obtains in virtue of an entity that completely instantiates the kind being at the location. Note that this in-virtue condition does not require that the instances of the kind ‘exist’ at the location in question. A requirement that the instances exist at the location could not be fulfilled by instances that are enduring objects and thus cannot exist at locations. Moreover, such a requirement could not be fulfilled by instances that are events, since events do not ‘exist’ in the first place. Rather for the existence of a kind at a location l, it suffices for an instance to simply be at l. The relation of being at a location is applicable both to enduring objects and to events.

Kinds generally have properties in virtue of their instances exhibiting particular conditions. So far the examples involved kinds as referents of bare mass nouns and plurals. In the linguistic semantic literature, it has been argued that kinds in this sense obtain certain of their properties in a particularly strict sense from their instances. Ever since Carlson (1977), it has become a common view to take the application of so-called stage-level and

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individual-level predicates to kinds to be obtained from predicates applying to individuals on the basis of existential and generic quantification over instances of the kind. Individual-level predicates generally are taken to be predicates that are true of individuals throughout their lifespan. Such predicates generally exhibit a generic reading when applied to kinds, as in (33a):

(33) a. Firemen are intelligent.

Stage-level predicates are generally taken to be predicates that are true only of a ‘temporal stage’ of an individual. Such predicates generally exhibit an existential reading when applied to kinds, as in (33b):

(33) b. Firemen are available.

On the Carlsonian view, individual-level predicates are lifted to kind pre-dicates on the basis of generic quantification over individuals and stage-level predicates on the basis of existential quantification, as below:15

(34) a. For an individual-level predicate P, for a kind x, x ∈ [Pkind] iff Gn y [y I x; y ∈ [P]].

b. For a stage-level predicate P, for a kind x, x ∈ [Pkind] iff ∃y [y I x; y ∈ [P]].

Given the Carlsonian view, the question arises, should exist be classified as a stage-level predicate or as an individual-level predicate? Exist when applied to kinds of concrete objects clearly triggers an existential not a generic interpretation. But exist is not easily classified as a stage-level predicate. Exist necessarily holds of an entity throughout its life span. A characterization of stage-level predicates as predicates expressing accidental properties seems to do better. Concrete entities generally exist only accidentally, not essentially. Since this paper does not provide the space for an in-depth discussion of the stage-level/individual-level distinction as such, let us just note that exist, if anything, goes along with the class of predicates generally classified as ‘stage-level’, rather than those classified as ‘individual-level’.

Exist as a stage-level predicate applying to kinds could obviously not be obtained by the condition in (34b), by existential quantification over instances with the application of exist to particular instances. Location-relative exist as a kind predicate is not obtained from location-relative exist as a predicate applying to individuals. Rather location-relative exist involves 15 Gn is the generic quantifier, see Krifka et al. (1995).

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existential quantification over instances fulfilling a ‘weaker’ condition than existence relative to the location in question.

Exist is not alone in that respect. The same also holds for certain other ‘stage-level’ predicates, such as recognize:

(35) John recognized gold (in virtue of coming across some instances).

In order for John to recognize gold, he must have ‘come across’ an instance, though ‘recognize’ would not apply to that instance. Recognize applies to a kind rather directly, requiring a weaker condition on an instance, that of having ‘come across’ an instance.16 To conclude, some stage-level predicates, including exist and recognize, need not apply themselves to an instances; rather only a weaker condition than that expressed by the predicate itself may be applied to an instance.

There is another reason not to trace the existential reading of exist with kinds to a Carlsonian account of stage-level predicates with bare mass nouns or plurals in general. The reading of exist involving existential quantification over instances is equally available for certain other kind terms than bare mass nouns and plurals, in particular demonstrative kind terms of the sort this flower or this animal:17

(36) a. This flower exists in many countries in Europe. b. This animal does not exist in this region anymore.

To summarize, space-relative exist can apply to kinds because of the particular nature of kinds, their ability to be completely present at different locations at once.

5 The Existence Predicate obtain We have seen that location-relative exist expresses the condition of complete presence at all the relevant sublocations. The same condition is in fact ex-pressed by location-relative obtain, even though obtain imposes different requirements on the entities it can apply to. Obtain, recall, is an existence

16 Another example of a stage-level predicate applying to a kind ‘directly’ is disappear, as in Geach’s (1968) example below: (i) Dinosaurs have disappeared. Here in fact no existential quantification is involved at all in the interpretation of the predicate. 17 Obviously demonstrative kind terms like this flower behave differently in that respect from definite kind terms of the sort the giraffe, see Fn. 10.

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predicate that applies to entities such as states, situations, conditions, and facts. It does not apply to material objects, persons, or events:

(37) a. The state / situation / condition / fact obtains. b. *The house / The person / The event obtains.

The restriction imposed by obtain cannot be one to abstract objects: obtain does not apply, for example, to mathematical objects, properties, or pro-positions.

Obtain like exist is an abstract state verb. Moreover, it has a time-relative as well as a space-relative application, with entities such as states, situations, or conditions:

(38) a. The state / situation / condition still obtains. b. The state of emergency / The same situation / The same condition obtains in Arizona.

Time-relative and space-relative obtain does not apply to facts, though. The reason clearly is that facts are themselves already location-wise complete.

What characterizes the entities to which obtain is restricted is that they are constituted by certain conditions holding, that is, by certain properties or relations holding of an object or a number of objects. Let me call those entities condition-like entities and the conditions in question constitutive conditions. Some condition-like entities go along with canonical descriptions, that is, descriptions that display exhaustively the nature of the entity in question. Facts have canonical descriptions of the form the fact that S, states have canonical descriptions of the form the state of NPs being VP, and similarly conditions have standard descriptions of the sort the condition of NP’s being VP. It is the canonical description that explicitly displays the property or relation whose holding is constitutive of the fact, state, or condition. The states will thus be abstract states as described earlier. In fact, the four kinds of entities to which obtain applies are precisely the kinds of entities for which a Kimean account would be suitable (that is, the account Kim originally proposed for events discussed earlier).18 This account, recall, gives identity and existence conditions in terms of a property or relation holding of an object or a number of objects as well as possibly a location. (Of course the property of relation may itself be complex, involving connectives or quantifiers.)

18 This implies a Strawsonian view of facts, on which facts are not in the world, but abstractions from things going on in the world (Strawson 1950), rather than an Austinian view (Austin 1979).

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Time-relative and space-relative obtain involves as its application condition a condition that like the application condition of location-relative exist, is the condition of complete presence at the relevant sublocations of the ‘strict location’. But in the case of obtain, the condition manifests itself in somewhat different ways. Obviously, for an entity e to ‘obtain’ at a time interval t, the constitutive conditions must hold of the objects in question at t, and in fact at all the moments of t. If not, the entity may not be a state, but rather a sort of event, involving a transition from one state to another, distinct state. Similarly, it is plausible that if obtain applies to an entity e relative to a strict spatial location l, this will require the fulfillment of the constitutive condition of e at relevant sublocations of l. Thus, the sublocation condition holds for location-relative obtain just as it did for location-relative exist.

It remains then the complete-presence condition. What could the complete presence of a situation, state or condition at a time or location consist in? That is, what could count as the parts of a condition-like entity? The objects and times from which condition-like entities are obtained (in the ‘Kimean’ way) certainly do not count as parts of such entities. This manifests itself in the fact that they are not treated as parts by part-related expressions of natural language: part of the situation, part of the condition, or part of the state can never ‘mean’ a participant or location of the situation, condition, or state. Furthermore, if the parts of condition-like entities include properties, it is hard to make sense of them being ‘present’ at a time. The only suitable candidates for involvement in the complete presence condition are in fact any constitutive sub-conditions. This corresponds well to the way the part-of construction is used in natural language: part of the condition, part of state, part of the situation can only make reference to constitutive subconditions. Thus, condition-like entities, unlike material objects, do not have spatial parts, and unlike events, they do not have temporal parts. Their only parts are constitutive subconditions. It is relative to them that complete presence at sublocations needs to be fulfilled when obtain applies. Thus for a situation, condition, or state e to obtain relative to a location means that all the constitutive subconditions of e are fulfilled at all the relevant sublocations of l. Because condition-like entities have neither temporal nor spatial parts they can be completely present, in the sense of complete obtaining, at different times as well as different places. In that sense, they ‘endure’ both throughout time and across space.

The closeness between obtain and exist manifests itself also in that exist can apply to all the entities to which obtain can apply. Thus, (39a) and (39b) (with location-relative exist) are fairly acceptable, unlike sentences with exist applying to events:

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(39) a. The state / The situation / The condition / The fact exists. b. The same state / situation / condition still exists in some countries.

Location-relative obtain thus shares the condition of complete presence at the relevant sublocations with location-relative exist. The way obtain differs from exist resides in its sortal restriction to condition-like entities as well as the particular notion of ‘presence’ it involves: exist requires presence in the sense of spatial or temporal location, whereas obtain requires presence in the sense of a property being true of an object relative to a location. (What makes exist in (39a) and (39b) acceptable is obviously that the presence condition imposed by exist is extended so as to cover the ‘holding-at-a-location’ condition as well.)

Condition-like entities raise the question on what grounds their constitutive conditions hold, be it at a time, at a place, or absolutely. There are in fact two fundamentally different kinds of condition-like entities: those based on empirical facts (about the time or spatial location, or the world), and those based on normative conditions or conditions resulting from ‘declarations’ (which may or may not be restricted to a time or a spatial location). The state of someone’s mind or health is a state of the first kind, as are habits; a state of war, requirements etc are condition-like entities of the second kind. The first kind of state holds in virtue of what is taking place at the relevant location; the second kind of state holds by declaration or whatever may ground normative conditions. Thus for a condition-like entity to obtain at a location, either all the various things need not happen at the location in virtue of which the condition can be said to obtain or else the relevant condition, with all its subconditions needs to have been put into place for that location. Either way, the condition-like entity will need to enjoy endurance throughout the location as long as the constitutive condition holds. Note that both obtain and exist are applicable to normative condition-like entities, including laws:

(40) a. The law still obtains / exists in some countries. b. The requirement for a president still exists / obtains in many


6 Conclusion Existence predicates in English, I have argued, form a clearly characterized semantic class of predicates. In their location-relative use, exist and obtain have a nontrivial meaning, specifying the complete presence of an entity at the relevant sublocations. Occur, by contrast, tracks the temporal locations of

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subevents of an event, describing an event that reflects the mere temporal structure of the occurring event.

There is one remaining question, and that is: what is the meaning of location-independent uses of existence predicates? It is important to note that location-independent uses of existence predicates still impose the same sorts of restrictions on the kinds of entities they can apply to. Location-independent exist like location-relative exist is inapplicable to events. Location-independent exist is also applicable to mathematical and other abstract objects, unlike location-dependent exist. Location-independent obtain, unlike location-dependent obtain, is applicable to facts. But it is still inapplicable to entities other than condition-like objects. The preservation of the sortal restrictions is an indication that the location-independent meaning of existence predicates is derivative upon their location-relative meaning.

How can the location-independent meaning then be derived from the location-dependent one? Time-independent exist applying to abstract objects may be obtained from time-relative exist by universal quantification over times. That is, exist is true atemporally of an object o if it is true of o at all times (which means o is completely present at all times). Exist with that meaning could not apply to events: it would require the complete presence of an event at all times, which is impossible.

Can the time-independent use of obtain can be derived from the time-relative use in that way as well, namely by universal quantification over times? In the case of obtain, this should mean complete fulfillment at all times of the constitutive conditions of the condition-like entity. Facts that are constituted by the holding of a property of objects at a particular time could not fulfill this condition, though. Thus, the time-independent use of obtain must be derived differently for that case. It is plausible that condition-like entities that are complete regarding the parameters of the holding of the constitutive condition are completely present at any time (and any space). Time-independent obtain still presupposes that the entity it applies to be condition-like and that is because it is derived from location-relative obtain, which which specifically relates to the constitutive conditions of the entities it applies to.

Can space-independent exist be derived from space-relative exist? This would require complete presence everywhere of entities that exist space-independently. Complete presence everywhere is of course impossible for

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material objects (which are extended in space). Perhaps space-relative exist is in fact itself derived from time-relative exist by form of analogy.19

Overall, we have seen that tied to the notion of existence is fun-damentally that of complete presence throughout a location. This condition is inapplicable to some entities, such as events. It is in this sense that events might be said to have ‘being’ in a weaker sense. What is constitutive of objecthood is recurrence of the essential parts or features of an entity across locations, which is what the more fundamental notion of existence amounts to.

It has sometimes been argued that our linguistic intuitions about the verb exist should not be taken too seriously, for making either a semantic or a philosophical point, since exist is a relatively recent verb and tied to a more ‘technical’ use in philosophical contexts.20 I think this caution is unjustified. We have seen that our intuitions about the verb exist are in fact very systematic and allow for a natural explanation within a fairly well-established ontological view. Furthermore exist is not alone in displaying the relevant semantic behavior. In English, the existence predicate obtain behaves strikingly parallel to exist. The linguistic intuitions associated with exist thus are better viewed as displaying an important underlying concept of location-relative existence rather than peculiar features of a somewhat special lexical item.

References Austin, J. L. 1979. ‘Unfair to Facts’. Philosophical Papers. Oxford

University Press, New York. Carlson, G. 1977. ‘A Unified Analysis of the English Bare Plural’.

Linguistics and Philosophy, 413–457. Carlson, G. / J. Pelletier 1995. The Generic Book. Chicago UP, Chicago. Chierchia, G. 1998. ‘Reference to Kinds across Languages’. Natural

Language Semantics 6, 339–405. Fine, K. 2006. ‘In Defense of Three-Dimensionalism’. Journal of Philosophy,

699–714. Frege, G. Grundlagen der Arithmetik. Olms, Hildesheim. Geach, P. 1968. ‘What Actually Exists’. Proceedings of the Aristotelian

Society, Supp. Vol. 42, 7–16. Hawley, K. 2001. How Things Persist. Oxford UP, Oxford.

19 Other uses of exist applying to material objects may involve implicit existential quantification, as part of the interpretation of tense. 20 See in particular Simons (2006).

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van Inwagen, P. 1998. 'Meta-ontology'. Erkenntnis 48, 233–250. Katz, G. 2003. ‘Event Arguments, Adverb Selection, and the Stative Adverb

Gap’. In E. Lang (eds.): Modifying Adjuncts, de Gruyter. Krifka, M. et al. 1995. ‘Genericity: An Introduction‘. In Carlson / Pelletier

(eds.). Lewis, D.K. 1986. On the Plurality of Worlds. Blackwell, Oxford. McGinn, C. 2000. Logical Properties. Oxford UP, Oxford. Maienborn, C. 2007. ‘On Davidsonian and Kimian States’. In I. Comorovski /

K. von Heusinger (eds.): Existence: Semantics and Syntax. Springer, 107–130.

McDaniel, K. to appear a. ‘A Return to the Analogy of Being’. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

McDaniel, K. to appear b. ‘Being and Almost Nothingness’. Nous. Miller, B. 1975. ‘In Defense of the Predicate Exist’. Mind 84, 338–354. Miller, B. 1986. ‘“Exists” and Existence’. The Review of Metaphysics 40,

237–270. Miller, B. 2002. ‘Existence’. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Parsons, T. 1980. Nonexistent Objects. Yale UP, New Haven. Priest, G. 2005. Towards Nonbeing. Oxford UP, Oxford. Russell, B. 1905. ‘On Denoting’. Reprinted in R.C. Marsh (ed.): Logic and

Knowledge. Allen & Unwin, London. Salmon, N. 1987. ‘Existence’. Philosophical Perspectives 1, 49–108. Salmon, N. 1998. ‘Nonexistence’. Nous 32.3., 277–319. Sider, T. 2001. Four-Dimensionalism. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Simons, P. 2006. ‘Modes of Extension: Comments on Kit Fine’s ‘In Defence

of Three-Dimensionalism’. The Royal Institute of Philosophy 83, p. 17–20.

Strawson, P. 1950. ‘Truth’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, reprinted in Strawson 1971, Logico-Linguistic Papers, Methuen, London, 1971.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 55–77. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

How the Emergence of Propositions Separates Strict Interfacesfrom General Inference∗

Tom RoeperUniversity of Massachusetts


Abstract. How does a child utilize inferences in acquisition and ultimately sepa-rate inferences from implicatures from semantic composition? How exactly doesa child recognize a truth-functional proposition? It is argued that the child beginswith rich, free inferences that are systematically replaced by syntax/semanticscompositional rules. Strict syntax/semantics interfaces are discussed and linkedto the syntax of subject auxiliary inversion and acquisition evidence of copying(Is Bill is busy?) and long-distance movement in opaque contexts (What did shesay she bought?). A connection between Tense, propositions, and Phase bound-aries is argued to be a critical syntax/semantics interface.

1 Acquisition Goals: the Syntax/Semantics InterfaceWhile acquisition has been conceived of largely in syntactic terms, it is intu-itively obvious that semantics and pragmatics motivates a child to unlock mys-terious adult utterances, not just their unusual syntactic character. But what,actually, are the steps a child takes if syntax, semantics, and pragmatics con-verge upon her? Where does she begin and how can she simplify the process?The original notion of the autonomy of syntax offered an illusory image that thechild could see through every linguistic situation to see the syntactic skeletonwithin. It cannot be so simple.

Our account will be deliberatively intuitive, dwelling upon imprecise no-tions of propositionality and presupposition, but it parallels in spirit the ideaof compositionality: each syntactic step has a semantic and pragmatic conse-quence. The hope is that an intuitive discussion helps us see just where morerigorous formalization is appropriate and where it may not be.

∗ Acknowledgements: Thanks to the Sinn and Bedeutung audience and audiences at IASC: in Ed-inburgh, Assymmetry conference in Montreal, Information Structure conference at Potsdam, andthe Ex-FA conference in Campinas, Harvard, and UMass where parts of this talk have been pre-sented and to Cedric Boeckx, Seth Cable, Noam Chomsky, Jill deVilliers, Kyle Johnson, WolframHinzen, Bart Hollebrandse, and Ian Roberts for helpful remarks. Errors are mine, not theirs.

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1.1 LearnabilityIf an interaction with semantics and pragmatics is assumed to be relevant, thenin classic terms, the set of possible grammars should go up exponentially andthe learnability problem is then dramatically increased. The child must identifythe optimal grammar not only in terms of syntactic derivation, but in terms ofthe set of meanings she map onto it as well. If structure X defines a set ofpossible meanings within the grammar, then each member of the set must beevaluated for presence in a particular grammar, not just the syntactic structure.It should be obvious that we must reverse that logic: the presence of semanticand pragmatic factors should serve to constrain the set of possible grammars,not expand them. How could that work? What prevents a child from makingarticles recursive: the the hat. One answer could be that syntax does not preventthis possibility, but that no semantics can be attached to a recursive articlethat would make sense: an object cannot be specific in two ways. In fact, apragmatic meaning is not that far off: the the hat I like could mean the hat ofthe hats that I like. So we would want the exact semantics of the syntax – thesemantics of recursion in fact – to be incompatible with this option.

If one takes the literature in formal semantics as a starting point, it is farfrom obvious how to make it work for the child. First we must see that there isa significant division between the inherent logic of cognition, and the speciallogic of a syntactic semantics. The difference is important if we wish to see ex-actly which acquisition hooks are actually used by the child. Formal semanticshas not, to my knowledge, explicitly sought to articulate such a distinction.1

1.2 Interface HypothesisLet us begin then, with an interface hypothesis which serves as a motivatingdesideratum:

(1) Strong Interface Hypothesis: Every step in acquisition must satisfysyntactic, semantic, and pragmatic criteria.2

An acquisition pragmatic principle is a natural consequence:

(2) Pragmatic Principle: Connect to Context as quickly as possible.

From an acquisition perspective, we need an hypothesis of this kind to explain,for instance, the fact that small children can project and interpret single words.

1 This article is written from an acquisition perspective and there well may be appropriate literatureof which I am unaware.2 The hypothesis is surely too strong because there may be morphological or movement (scram-bling) operations which fail to constitute a shift for each criterion.

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Let us elaborate a simple example to see how pragmatics and semantics canparticipate in syntactic triggering. In an early approach to the interface ques-tion, Lebeaux (2000) argued that semantics served to confirm syntactic hy-potheses which are derived from context. How does a child acquire the passive?If he can independently determine meaning from context, and then generate asyntax to match the meaning, then semantics/pragmatics confirms the syntax(as in Roeper (1982)). Suppose the child hears:

(3) The cheese was eaten by the mouse.

If the child knows semantically and pragmatically that it must be the mouse whoate the cheese, therefore cheese must be restored to a position after eat wherethat meaning is available. If UG syntax can find an operation – reverse objectto subject movement – which restores cheese to the object position, then themeaning will be consistent with common sense. Once acquired, but only then,the syntax can become autonomous and can generate a meaning inconsistentwith pragmatics (plausible real-world knowledge) such as:

(4) The mouse was eaten by the cheese.

The emergence of propositional representations can, as we shall see, be repre-sented from this interface perspective. In broad terms, children first:

(5) Represent propositions as events.

In general, the emergence of propositional interpretations can be profoundlyclouded by general inference capacities. For adults, strictly speaking, the in-ference is not warranted but often occurs. Ultimately, the child must separatelogical implicatures from insecure situational inferences. That is, she must cre-ate an autonomous semantic space – constrained by syntax – which blocks theinappropriate use of general inference.

(6) Move from rich inference to constrained compositional readings.

The differences between inference, implicature, and syntactic compositionalsemantics are part of the acquisition challenge. The immediate relevance ofinference is obvious to any parent whose child’s first word is “no”. It is oftennot clear exactly to what the “no” applies. When a child resists socks, does“no” mean:

(7) Don’t put any socks on me or don’t put those socks on me.

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And the child is confronted with the same conundrum when the parent says“no!”. We assume a situational salience of something in a “Common Ground”,but it is not only unwarranted, but the failure of inference is a reasonable moti-vation for a child to acquire an articulated grammar.

2 How Do Propositions Emerge?Propositions, as well as logical inferences and systematic implicatures, havea long history in philosophy and they are the subject of many definitions inPropositional Logic. At the same time, there are those (Hinzen 2007; Chomsky2007) who have suggested that the notion proposition needs to be delicatelyintroduced into linguistics and may not have a single logical definition. Ourdiscussion will follow this tradition. Nonetheless one goal must ultimately beto say how a child arrives at a notion of proposition that is useful in traditionalsyllogistic reasoning:

(8) John is a man. All men are mortal.⇒ Therefore John is mortal.

All indications are that this kind of explicit reasoning is far from nursery schoolchildren. At the same time, many implicit logical relations are undoubtedlypresent and a prerequisite for every stage of acquisition.We should note that our approach is orthogonal to formal semantics. Many ofthe rich and detailed distinctions found in formal semantics are natural fod-der for experimentation in the future. We aim to look at the “moving parts”in acquisition. This may leave the reader unsatisfied because we will avoid arigorous treatment which may be found in philosophical discussions. Many in-teresting questions arise, for instance, whether and when children grasp upwardand downward entailments for which there are ongoing experiments.Nonetheless, the most primitive first stage kinds of initial entailments in lan-guage seem to refer to how thinking of any kind operates. What belongs topresuppositions or entailments about thought in general, and what calls for aspecial mapping onto linguistic structure? To trace the acquisition path wisely,we need to draw this line correctly. Our account builds from the point wherea proposition is a syntactic projection that is distinct from a semantic prim-itive. Ultimately, it must all be embedded in a realistic version of children’spragmatic experience.

2.1 Syntactic Propositions and DeniabilityWhere should we begin to look for “moving parts”? One prominent feature ofpropositions is the notion of deniability which happens to be elicited preciselyby syntactic movement, inversion:

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(9) John is playing baseball⇒ is John playing baseball

The movement of the Tensed element cancels the property of assertion and au-tomatically introduces deniability via a yes/no question construction. Thereforeour definition of propositions is:

(10) Propositions are deniable: True or False.

We argue, consistent with classic syntactic claims, that this property resultsfrom a strict interface between syntax and semantics which pivots upon thisUG claim (Klein 2006; Schulz 2003):

(11) Universal Grammar: Tense projects a proposition.

This has led to concepts like “Propositional-Island Constraint” for tensed clau-ses. A child should, if UG is innate, grasp this notion of proposition, not im-mediately, but very early, as a UG reflex of the acquisition of Tense.Yes/no questions via inversion give overt manifestation of this:

(12) John is singing⇒ is John singing

Most of the meaning of yes/no questions, we claim, emerges automatically viaa Strict Interface, and therefore predictably, emerges before other propertiesof propositions, clouded by inference, but after entailments that are direct re-flections of cognitive organization. First we look at the child’s semantic andpragmatic environment and the kinds of propositional distinctions, hanging ina world of inferences, that a child must ultimately master.

2.2 Non-Assertion PropositionsOther forms of meaning that are stateable as propositions include:

(13) Entailments Implicatures Presuppositions

Each of these properties is close to situational pragmatic reasoning that doesnot depend upon language (at least in my estimation). Entailments are not sub-ject to deniablility (unless elevated to an overt assertion) – and they are prereq-uisite to the composition of any kind of meaning, linguistic or non-linguistic.Therefore I claim, that propositions are obscure, but in some measure they arepart of any form of knowledge, as when we presuppose the existence of anobject when we speak of it.

(14) Hypothesis: The capacity for “proposition” is innate and immediate,but not necessarily available to conscious deduction.

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Presuppositions and their triggers are notoriously difficult to pin down, but theyemerge as intuitively critical in what follows.3

2.3 EntailmentsSuch a notion of proposition is present in much of our thought, but not au-tomatically subject to any other linguistic operation like: denial, contrast, ordeductive consequence.For example if:

(15) John has a blue car.

It entails the proposition: John has a car. A sentence like:

(16) John likes the car.

has the existential presupposition that:

(17) A car exists.

But we do not expect that children – nor probably animals – lack this mentalcapacity. It underlies not only language but many actions. It is plausible to ar-gue that more sophisticated structures partake of this connection. For instance,understanding:

(18) John was sad that the Bruins lost.

involves sad [clause] where the truth of the complement is assumed (“Speaker-factivity”). It could, therefore, share a presuppositional basis with blue car.We predict therefore that adjective complements should be easier for cognitivereasons than attitude verbs that create opaque contexts. Thus:

(19) a. John was unaware that the Bruins lost.b. John did not think that the Bruins lost.

(19a, b) might seem pragmatically close in content, but the grammar deliversthe meaning of the complement in different ways, where (a) has speaker orCommon Ground factivity, but (b) is marked without a fixed truth value. Legere(2008) has shown that this is true in acquisition. With sentences roughly like ina carefully controlled experiment, 92% of 5yr olds understood (20a), but only62% understood (20b)

(20) a. She is happy she has a hat.

3 See Beaver & Geurts (2010) for an overview.

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b. She knows she has a hat.

This kind of data is consistent with diverse contexts under which presupposi-tions are triggered as the literature attests.

2.4 ImplicaturesLinguistically-based implicatures involve derived propositions usually by con-trast.

(21) a. John has some of the marbles.b. ⇒ John does not have all of the marbles.

Linguistically-based implicatures involve derived propositions usually by con-trast.

(22) a. John has some of the marbles.b. ⇒ John does not have all of the marbles.

Nevertheless implicatures, at least some of those relating to quantification, ap-pear to involve an extra semantic operation that takes more time and showsup later in acquisition (see work by Snedeker and colleagues (e.g. Panizza,Chierchia, Huang & Snedeker (in press) for recent discussion)). They occupya different propositional corner.

2.5 Entwined InferencesWhat stands in contrast to all of these forms of logical reasoning are rather sim-ilar situational inferences, which form a backdrop to all language and mingle insubtle ways with grammatical properties. Such inferences are ever-present butless constrained and not subject to logical verification. For instance, for (22),while some⇒ not all is fixed, I might infer that someone other than John has afew marbles. But such an inference is insecure: some of the marbles could beunder the couch, not in someone else’s possession. In general we make whatshould be a virtually self-evident claim:

(23) Acquisition shifts, systematically, from an over-reliance upon infer-ence to a reliance upon systematic semantics.

This view leads to the natural question: What is the system whereby the shiftoccurs: Does a child know when a situational interpretation corresponds tothe grammar or when it is an inference that exceeds the meaning grammarcarries? This is a significant acquisition problem whose solution will engagemany dimensions of linguistic theory.

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2.6 Inferences and GrammarBefore we proceed, we would like to demonstrate how intimately woven un-substantiated inferences can compromise systematic semantics in the eyes of achild. They are immediately available to children and confound the acquisitionpath. One can easily conclude the truth of both (24b, c) from the observationof (24a).

(24) a. Situation: John observes Bill drinking beer.b. John saw Bill drink beer. = Eventc. John saw that Bill drinks beer. = Proposition

The event seems to entail the proposition and the proposition seems to entail theevent, although neither conclusion withstands careful scrutiny (Higginbotham1983). But it is a part of how we commonly understand things, and court caseswill show it. Imagine this scene:

(25) Mary said “Bill saw John drink beer.”Now if someone were asked in court:“Did Mary say that John drank beer?”Most people would in fact say “yes”.

But linguists know that if you saw John drinking, but did not know what it was,someone might say: “You saw John drink beer – you just did not realize it wasbeer.” And if you only saw empty bottles afterwards, you might say: “you sawthat John drank beer” without entailing that you saw him drink beer.Some constructions are ambiguous:

(26) She saw the boys drink beer. = Event perceptionor Proposition = She saw (that) the boys drink beer.

If a child at first depends upon these inferences in the initial state (as do adultsunderstanding children), they can be legitimately confused as to whether theconstruction they heard was the representation of an event in a small clause ora proposition.This reasoning extends to False Belief environments that surround opaque ut-terances as well. We commonly allow inferences to overrule opacity in ourunderstanding as well. Consider this scene:

(27) Grandma asks Dad: “What did Mom buy at the store?”and he answers: “Plastic toys.”“How do you know?”Dad: “I heard a friend talking to Mom on a cell phone at the store and

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I asked the friend: “What did Mom say she bought at the store?” andthe friend said she had said “Plastic toys.”

Although under two recursive verbs of “saying” the complement is opaque andtechnically Dad does not necessarily know what she bought, this inference iscommonly accepted in normal communication as a basis of “knowing”. There-fore it is something a child easily hears and must, ultimately, learn to qualifyor discount in his construction of the sentence:

(28) What did Mom say that she bought __

Acquisition experiments aim very precisely at creating situations where adultswill apply a notion of opacity to the complement of say, but in real life we areoften entitled to make this inference.Suppose again this were a court case, one could imagine a defense lawyerseizing upon the distinction and asking a witness, who is under oath:

(29) A: “Do you know what she bought at the tobacco store?”B: “Yes, I know she bought drug paraphernalia.”A: “How do you know?”B: “She told me she bought drug paraphernalia.”A: “Has she ever lied to you?”B: “Yes.”A: “Then she could have been lying?”B: “She could have.”A: “Then in fact you do not know that she bought drug

paraphernalia, because you never saw it and shemight have been lying.”

In a court, reasoning of this kind, pivoting on the illegitimacy of common in-ferences is a standard technique to downgrade the value of testimony. Here isa putative adult caught in the fact that his statements, under oath, dependedupon an inference and not actual knowledge. What he actually knew was thatshe said she bought drug paraphernalia but this was allowed to shift to: Knowthat she bought drug paraphernalia. No one would be indicted for perjury forsuch an assertion: He said he knew what she bought, but he didn’t, thereforehe lied. Moreover, the information would not be disallowed as evidence. Thefact that she said she bought drug paraphernalia could be legitimately relevantto the judgement, in a juror’s mind, that she did buy drug paraphenalia.If adults are easily uncertain about the boundaries of semantic meaning, then itmust be a challenge for a child as well because his experience has inconsistent

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information. Sometimes “saying that” can be relied upon to introduce a truth,and sometimes not. It is no wonder that children must learn to disentangle themeaning from the inferences when such inferences are a part of normal life.There is subtle naturalistic evidence that children may take the verb say to carrya factive complement. In the adult language factive complements for verbs likeknow are deletable (b) as opposed to non-factive verbs like think (c) with whichwe generate the opaque complement via verbphrase-prominalization with theword so (d):

(30) a. A: John went outside.b. B: I know.c. B: *I think.d. B: I think so.

Children are known to do the same in conversation but with the non-factive saybeing treated like a factive, although adults do not do this:

(31) “Can we have cookies?”“Yeah, Mom said.”

In fact, the Childes database has examples with exclamations that feel non-adult, as if a factive complement has been deleted, which suggests that a childmight first understand the word that way.

(32) “You said!”

We turn now to an examination of acquisition data. Much of this data can beregarded as experimental hints – in a way like “??” grammatical judgments –that need to be subject to more careful scrutiny, as do many grammaticalityjudgments, but which nonetheless carve out the terrain that needs exploration.

3 The Emergence of Tense and PropositionalityWhere does a child begin? One-word utterances like

(33) “uh-oh”, “no”, “dat”, “fish”, “milk”, “juice”

have the same variety of interpretations, expanded by intricate inferences thatthey do for adults who say:

(34) “John!”, “No way!”, “Beer!”

and leave it to speaker/hearer inferences to fill in the communication. Parentand child must both exercise inferential capacities, which often run awry, pre-

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sumably providing the child with motivation to acquire more grammar in orderto be clear. Nonetheless, the efficiency of such inferences must be present earlyon to make the utility of one-word utterances a good starting place for children.The child who says “milk” is, often but not always, trying to express an imper-ative like “please give me some milk”. Early work in acquisition claimed thatchildren had full sentences here, but there is no more reason to believe that thanthe notion that adult exclamatives should be expanded as full sentences.Potts & Roeper (2005) argue that the same analysis holds for two-word utter-ances, which are like expressives for adults:

(35) Exclamations: You fool! You idiot! You jerk!

These utterances are not equivalent to a tensed sentence:

(36) You are an idiot.

The latter has a profoundly different force, just as a parent who screams at achild “You idiot!” is not dealing with the same meaning as a psychologist whosolemnly pronounces:

(37) Your son is an idiot.

Where the tensed element implies reference to evidence like intelligence testscores.Expressive exclamations cannot be cancelled or tagged or take articles:

(38) *You idiot, but it does not look that way.*You idiot, aren’t you.?*You an idiot.

3.1 The Pre-Propositional StageA child utterances often seem to carry exclamative force:

(39) “it big” or “dat here” or “Mommy sock”

They are therefore plausibly using the syntax of expressives, though his com-municative intent might be closer to an assertion, the notion that it is an asser-tion is then an inference.Therefore we argue that they are pre-propositional. They show no indicationsof a proposition, like tense-marking, tag-questions or even proto-tag questions(as far as we know):

(40) *It big, isn’t it?

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*It big, huh?

What drives us – in particular children – to abandon these rich inferences infavor of grammar? We are left with many uncertainties in a world of pure in-determinate inference. We seek the precision and reliability of assertions thathave an evidential relation to context.

3.2 The Semantic Side of Root InfinitivesWhat exactly happens when the child moves from (a) to (b):

(41) a. he big ⇒ b. he is big

He is taking both a big semantic and a big syntactic step. There is evidencevery early that precisely its deniable propositional character is quickly recog-nized, when a child uses Verum Focus in a context where someone claims thatsomething is not working:

(42) “ it IS working!” (Danilo Azcarate 3,4yrs)

Thus we have early evidence that a putatively UG-mediated and innate con-nection falls into place easily and quickly, much like children once standing upquickly learn to walk.A large literature on Root Infinitives argues specifically that children initiallylack Tense (see Wexler (to app.) for a summary). What the literature fails toaddress is the fact that propositions are carried by tense. Therefore until thechild can project a proposition – which we define as carrying deniability – thesemantics as well as the syntax can be inhibiting the move from expressionslike:

(43) a. Hände waschen [hands to wash]b. wäscht die Hände [washes the hands]

The child who moves from (43a) to (43b), not only raises the verb and addsa tense-marking, but adds a deniable proposition as well. It is notable that animportant form of language disorder is the failure to express tense. We takethat to be not only a syntactic, but a semantic failure, and the step toward tenserecognition to engage the strict interface between syntax and semantics.A close look at a child’s departures from the adult language indicate that thenotion of proposition is psychologically present.4 Why do we ask a yes/no

4 We have undertaken no analysis of languages that lack Tense marking. It is perfectly possible thatUG has a few innate avenues where propositionality is linked to syntactic markers or constructions.

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question with inversion?5 Why don’t we just add a word that carries that mean-ing, like whether:

(44) a. Is John here?b. *Whether John is here?6

It is really a strange fact that we can signal that a whole proposition is question-able by just moving an auxiliary. We argue that something deeper is at work:an operation on the notion proposition.We argue that the interpretation arises from what we call a syntax/semanticsStrict Interface. An application of this principle leads to Chomsky’s StrongMinimalist Thesis:

(45) Strong Minimalist Thesis (SMT):Each syntactic Phase undergoes semantic interpretation.

(Chomsky 2005, 2008)

It now becomes plausible that if something is removed from the Phase – liketense-marking – then it cannot be interpreted, which I call Vacate Phase. Thus ifa clause is a Phase, then moving something out of it, blocks an interpretation.Movement is motivated to create new discourse meaning, like questions, butalso to avoid meaning.Consider the contrast between (46a) and (46b), two questions around the sameproposition:

(46) a. Can you t play baseball?b. You can play baseball, can’t you?

In (46b) the proposition is advanced and then the tag asks for confirmationor disconfirmation. In (46a) the proposition is never assumed, although recon-struction allows the system to know what the proposition would be.In other words, by movement out of the Phase, the pragmatic projection toa presupposition of a question, as in (b), does not occur. The trace of Aux-movement allows reconstruction of thematic meaning, but the proposition car-ried by tense is not projected if the tense is not pronounced in the Phase.This requires technical expression that differentiates Phase Head and Phase-

5 See Roeper (2011) and deVilliers & Roeper (to appear) where a detailed minimalist syntacticaccount is provided.6 Note that it can be said in German (M. Zimmerman pc),i. Ob er da ist [whether he here is]but with some presupposition difference, as if the proposition is in the Common Ground, which ishard to pin down.

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complement, limited reconstruction, and a relation between pronunciation andpresupposition which we will not articulate here, but which Strict Interfacesallow (see Roeper (2011)):

(47)[CP can [IP you trace play baseball]Phase-Head Phase-complement

Only the Phase Complement is initially transferred to interpretation (Boeckx2008). UG and a Strict Interface delivers, by movement out of the complement,a block on the propositional presupposition. By hypothesis:

(48) Strict Interfaces are a part of UG and therefore immediately availableto a child.

Now the odd fact that inversion undoes a presupposition follows directly fromStrict Interfaces and the seemingly natural whether-question option is automat-ically rendered superfluous.If indeed, this is UG-derived, hence innate, then it should be available for chil-dren very early. In fact, Van Valin (2002), advocating a similar view of the roleof Tense, shows that precisely overtly tensed elements invert first: “Is, are, was,do, does, did, have, has and had occur in inverted questions at the initial stage67% of the time, while can, could, may, might, shall, shoul, will occur only14%.”Moreover, further operations become quickly possible. As mentioned, young3yr olds say things like:

(49) “it IS working” (Danilo Azcarate 3.4 years)

showing an awareness of Verum Focus, requiring Contrastive stress on thetensed element, presupposing the Tense-Proposition connection. In fact, wehave explicit dialogues that reveal the presence of the presupposition when, viacopying, the tense continues to be present in the clause for children:

(50) Father: Do you want to go outside?Child: No.Child (to friend): Do you don’t want to go outside ?

The copying, by maintaining the auxiliary inside the Phase, preserves the pre-supposition and asks a question about it, while the inverted case not only lacksthe presupposition, but acquires a suggestion reading:

(51) Don’t you want to go outside?

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Other examples include:

(52) a. “ Where are we ARE?” (Danilo Azcarate 3.8 yrs)b. = Where is it that we are?

which is uttered in a strange forest, with the meaning like a cleft (52) wherethe fact that we are somewhere is presupposed.Now let us ask more carefully what the copying implies. It has been noted anddebated for 40 years in the acquisition.7 It occurs for a brief period of time,before tag-questions are available (Jesney 2007):8

(53) “Is Bill is busy” “Can you can do that”“Is it’s Stan’s radio” “Is this is the powder”“Is that’s a belt” “why do you’re going outside”“why do you’re giving juice” “why do you’re cutting the meat”“what’s he’s doing” “what’s the mouse is doing”“why is there’s big tears” “what is the woman is doing”“why do deze don’t unrase” “why did you didn’t want to go”

Under our hypothesis, the yes/no questions should have the meanings of tag-questions, not open yes/no questions, although the claim is hard to prove, andthe wh-questions are like clefts with presupposed relatives (why is it you’recutting meat).Under the Strict Interface, syntax and semantics converge. One reason that achild would use copying is precisely to preserve the presupposition. A secondreason is that copying transformations can be first learned at phonetic opera-tions with Total Reconstruction, thus the interpretation would involve treatingboth the copy and the trace as if it were the full tensed element.This notion of Total Reconstruction has been articulated by Sauerland & El-bourne (2002) and Miyagawa (2005). If the child first does Total Reconstruc-tion, then we predict that even non-copied inverted SAI questions initially arelike tag questions. Here is a pilot experiment that goes in that direction. Con-sider the contrast between:

(54) a. anyone can lift a ball→ exhaustive = everyoneb. can anyone lift a ball→ Qp-neg→ anyone = Free Choice

(or exhaustive reading)

7 See Guasti (2006); deVilliers, deVilliers & Roeper (2010) for some references.8 Fitzpatrick (2005) shows inversion changes presupposition in wh-questions too. Note the con-trast: why don’t you go outside (no required presupposition) and how come you don’t go outside(necessary presupposition). Conroy (2006) shows that variation in inversion in wh-questions inchildren patterns with this distinction.

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This Scene was given to a child and the child was asked:

(55) [insect, dog, fish, child]Can anybody play with a ball?→ adult: yes, the child or dog (yes-bias chooses)

An adult if asked, would give “no, not a insect or a fish” to a tag-question:

(56) Anybody can play with a ball, is that right?

If the child has a yes-bias (and because anybody has a person or personlikebias), we would expect “yes” for “Can anybody play with a ball” instead the4yr old child gave a tag-like response:

(57) “no, not the fish or the insect”

Even for an adult, the copied version seems to prefer this Free Choice, notuniversal reading :

(58) → Can anybody can play with a ball?

To sum up, the experiment supports both the notion of Total Reconstructionand the presupposed proposition reading.What can we conclude from the early evidence:

(59) a. early use of inversionb. verum focusc. copying to create tag-questionsd. disorder linked to Tense

We take this to reflect a mechanical and strict interface between syntax andsemantics.

What is astonishing and critical is that this evolution happens very earlywith children in the 2-3 yr range, while the block of a presupposition underattitude verbs like say, think, tell which are not inherently more complex, is notworked out until several years later, to which we now turn.We argue below that the presence of easy pragmatic inferences that overrulewhat strict syntactic/semantic connections require, like those courtroom con-fusions outlined above, are an important part of why some realizations of StrictInterfaces seem not strict to children and delay acquisition.

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4 The Inference toward Default TenselessnessLater stages, nonetheless, show an application of inferences to what may be adefault Tenseless repesentation. Children show:

(60) Event interpreted as proposition.Proposition interpreted as event.

In a pilot experiment conducted by Mary Wilson and associates at LaureateLearning Corporation, 6 children were given scenes and sentences like this:

5/6 answered “Amy” (or comparable for other stories) for “who heard thatJack played the trumpet in his room.” None of the children did the reverse:took heard Jack play the trumpet to be “grandma”. Therefore a tensed clausewas taken to be, or entail, an untensed small clause event, but not the reverse.While the primary direction is: Proposition ⇒ Event, there is some evidenceof the opposite as well.While adults know when an inference from a proposition to an event is war-ranted, a child may not.

4.1 Inferences that Overrule GrammarInference, however, hangs in the air over many situations and is the motive formany statements. Thus the statement above:

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(61) “Don’t you want to go outside?”

is usually expressed as a suggestion not a request for a propositional judge-ment of truth or falsity equivalent to: ‘Is it the case that you don’t want to gooutside.” Because such pragmatic goals as suggestion are the purpose of thespeech act, there is an understandable inclination to build this into the gram-mar directly. However, we believe it is of apiece with inferences that overrulethe overt meaning of the grammar.Schulz (2003) explored the contrast in a series of experiments with numeroussimilar stories like this one:

(62) Kermit went shopping and he was supposed to buy eggs.Then in the evening, he got really hungry, but he said “I have nothingto eat in the house.” He didn’t remember the eggs.Did he forget to buy eggs?⇒ noDid he forget that he bought eggs?⇒ yes (Schulz 2003)

A group of 38 children 4-6 yrs made errors on both types. 82% of the childrenmade errors on these sentences and Schulz states that “younger children treatfactive verbs as non-factive.” Consider the younger children who were mostprone to take the non-factive and interpret it as factive: “Did he forget to buyeggs” to mean “did he forget that he bought eggs” and answer “yes”.Unlike the Strict Interface discussed above, verbs like forget are negative im-plicatives which means they do not carry a fixed truth, but rather an implica-tion. The fact that he forget to buy eggs does not entail that he did not buyeggs strictly, just that he forgot the obligation at some point. Inference mustbe applied to know which implication to apply. Consider these more elaboratescenarios.

A boy is supposed to buy eggs to make omelettes. He forgets and bringsno money to the store. When he comes home, his mother says, “Did you forgetto buy eggs?”. He says yes and quickly runs back to the store to get some eggs.His father comes home and says:

(63) “Did you forget to buy eggs?”

The natural, pertinent answer is “no” because he did eventually buy eggs, buthe also had forgotten as well. Most adults would answer such a question withthe most recent and relevant answer: No. Now consider an altered context:Suppose the father comes home, and says “Johnny is always forgetting things– I bet he forgot to buy eggs.” “Did you forget to buy eggs?” Now the answermight be “Yes, even though he got them eventually.” This answer would, in a

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way, respond to both interpretations.The conclusion is that the child must decide by a broader situational inference– which should not be collapsed with Conventional implicatures – to decidewhich event should be the basis of an answer. So we see that direct syntac-tic projections, implications, and inferences are all pertinent. It is possible, atearly stages, that a child arrives at a neutral reading, which gives free rein toinferences? Suppose she deleted any tense marking and instead generated agerund:

(64) Did he forget about buying eggs?

This could allow both meanings: forget to buy or forget that he bought. Weconsider this a plausible syntactic move. It is plausible in part because theact of deletion would signal (unconsciously) the fact that the grammar wasincomplete. It is exactly what the children did in the hear him play the trumpetscenario.

4.2 False BeliefA great deal of work has surrounded the fact that children make errors in FalseBelief contexts. In deVilliers et al. (2010); Roeper (2011); deVilliers & Roeper(to appear) we have developed an approach that parallels our discussion ofinversion at the syntactic level. Children allow Total Reconstruction to occurwith respect to a syntactic chain which enables them to obey the Strong Min-imalist Thesis. Children are known to give the wrong answer in this scenario(“birthday cake” instead of “paper towels”):

(65) This mother snuck out one night when her little girl was asleep andbought a surprise birthday cake. The next day the little girl saw thebag from the store and asked, “What did you buy?” The mom wantedto keep the surprise until later so she said, “Just some paper towels.”– What did the mom say she bought?⇒ “a birthday cake”

We argue that when the wh-word is interpreted in the lower clause, the SMTdemands interpretion there, and then they give a factive answer. Thus they putthe what back into the second trace position:

(66) What did she say [ (what) she bought trace.]

That position is inside the first Phase and therefore is interpreted there. Theinterpretation for the adult is ultimately altered by the impact of the higher verballowing the lower CP to inherit a feature in syntax. The Total Reconstruction isexactly like what we saw with auxiliary inversion. In fact several other branches

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of adult behavior coincide with this analysis to enhance its plausibility. First inFrench it has been argued that wh-in-situ, unlike the fronted case, entails apresupposed propositon:

(67) Ilhe



vs. Oùwhere

va-t’il.goes he

The first entails that one went somewhere, while the second might be answeredwith “nowhere”. In addition, in German, it has been claimed that (substandard)partial movement where the wh-word is repeated requires factivity for somespeakers (Herberger 2001):

(68) Waswhat








Although this is regarded as substandard and obscure, the effect is exactly whatwe find with children, who are also known, in a variety of languages, to spon-taneously repeat (see deVilliers & Roeper (to appear)):

(69) “What did she say what she wanted for her birthday.”

And finally when a wh-word is in-situ in English the “correct” reading emerges,as this contrast reveals:

(70) What did he guess t the number was t. [=what was his guess]Did he guess what the number was. [=guess correctly or just make aguess]

Thus, looked at carefully, the child’s decision falls within the options of UGand is shown in parallel adult behavior.

But why do children persist in this reconstruction so much longer thanfor yes/no questions? In our initial court cases, we discussed how we developbeliefs from imperfect verbal evidence. In these experiments, a story with twoprongs is developed, both of which in the larger world of inferences is roughlyplausible. The experiment, in effect, seeks to see when children are able to usea precise interpretation of grammar to see which is appropriate. Adults mustlikewise sense that this discrimination is called for. If adults also allow infer-ences to exceed what grammar allows, then why should children not do thesame? If say often takes factive complements and if they are allowed to infer aproposition from a small clause with an event (see John drink), then the mannerin which the child uses inference to expand, and overinterpret, then their ma-neuver is within the larger comprehension strategies available to human beings.

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Ultimately, the child must grasp that the momentum of the story is preciselya call for the hearer to contrast what was bought with what was said to havebeen bought, and therefore the factive assumption must not be made.

5 ConclusionsThe reasons, then, that children pass through the misanalysis of SAI years be-fore they reliably handle such False Belief environments involves both the factthat UG favors an SMT analysis of clauses and that they must grasp the role ofcontrast in the story narrative.We have allowed several ideas to circle around the Strict Interface that: Tenseentails a proposition. We have argued that

1. it motivates the first major step to a transformation in the Root infinitivestage.

2. it promotes Total Reconstruction in order to maintain a tag-questionmeaning in early yes/no questions and in later long-distance questions,and

3. it allows deletion in some tensed clauses to fulfill pragmatically invitedinferences.

This article seeks primarily to embed these syntactic options within a largersemantic and pragmatic context by showing that what children do largely re-mains in the repertoire of adult response to language as well.What must the child do to become an adult? She must recognize certain con-texts, particularly those where contrast is part of the rhetoric of a narrative,that calls for, in effect, blocking our usual broad inferences about the possiblemeanings of human utterances.

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Roeper, Tom. 1982. The acquisition of gerunds. In Lila Gleitmann & Eric Wan-ner (eds.), Language acquisition: The state of the art, 3–48. CambridgeUniversity Press.

Roeper, Tom. 2011. Vacate phase and a symmetrical theory of movement.Manuscript Umass.

Sauerland, Uli & Paul Elbourne. 2002. Total reconstruction, PF movement,and derivational order. Linguistic Inquiry 33(2). 283–319.

Schulz, Petra. 2003. Factivity: Its nature and acquisition. In LinguistischeArbeiten, Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Van Valin, Robert D. 2002. The development of subject-auxiliary inversion inenglish wh-questions: An alternative analysis. Journal of Child Lan-guage 29(1). 161–175.

Wexler, Kenneth. (to appear). Grammatical computation in the optional in-finitive stage. In Jill G. deVilliers and Thomas Roeper: Handbook ofGenerative Approaches to Language Acquisition.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 79–100. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Appositives in Modal Contexts∗

Kjell Johan SæbøUniversity of [emailprotected]

Abstract. It has recently been argued (by Harris and Potts 2009: 523–552) thatso-called non-speaker oriented readings of appositives are a matter of pragmaticperspective shift and thus do not show that appositives contribute to descriptivecontent. In contrast, I argue that appositives are indeed building blocks of propo-sitions and that non-speaker oriented readings are de dicto readings of classicalpresuppositions (definedness conditions on concepts) in modal contexts. Down-ward entailing modal contexts, like surprise contexts, provide the key to thisconclusion: here, appositives provide a useful means to ensure that an individualretains its relevant properties across the modal space.

1 IntroductionThe question whether appositives, like “, a virgin,” as in (1), are building blocksof descriptive meaning is answered in the negative by Harris and Potts (2009)(henceforth: HP) but in the positive by Schlenker (to appear).

(1) . . . she, a virgin, would have a child . . .

In particular, HP hold that ‘non-speaker oriented’ readings, as attested by (3)(from Amaral et al. 2007), as opposed to ‘speaker oriented’ readings as attestedby (2) (from Potts 2005), are a matter of perspective shift: an appositive isusually used to implicate that the speaker is committed to the proposition thatthe referent has the property (in (2), that Chuck is a psychopath), but pragmaticfactors can shift the attribution of that commitment to someone else, typicallythe holder of an attitude (in (3): Sheila).

(2) Sheila believes that Chuck, a psychopath, is fit to watch the kids.

(3) Sheila believes that Chuck, a sweetheart if ever there was one, is fit towatch the kids.

∗ I am greatly indebted to the members of the group Meaning and Understanding across Languagesat the Oslo Center for Advanced Study 2010, particularly to Regine Eckardt, as well as to theaudience at the lecture at Sinn und Bedeutung 15 in Saarbrücken in September 2010 on which thispaper is based.

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In contrast, I will argue that ‘non-speaker oriented’ readings of appositives arede dicto readings and that under such readings, appositives do contribute todescriptive content: they help build propositions in contexts like (4).

(4) Mary could not believe that she, a virgin, would have a child.

Generally, I will propose that appositives introduce ‘classical’ presuppositions,i.e., definedness conditions on functions from evaluation indices, starting withindividual concepts and projecting to propositions. In extensional contexts andon de re readings in intensional contexts, they are “mere” presuppositions, buton de dicto interpretations in intensional contexts, they enter into the argumentpropositions, thus making a genuine contribution to truth conditions.

I thus follow Schlenker (to appear) in pursuing a semantic strategy fordealing with appositives generally and ‘non-speaker oriented’ interpretationsparticularly.1 Our tactics are a bit different, though: while Schlenker uses factsabout the French subjonctif and Sequence of tense to show that non-restrictiverelative clauses can interact with mood and tense operators, concluding thatthey convey a mixture of assertion and presupposition, I will use facts aboutdownward entailing intensional contexts to show that nominal appositives caninteract with attitude predicates, constraining their argument propositions, andconclude that they convey more traditional presuppositions.

HP offer two major arguments in support of their pragmatic strategy. First,they present experimental evidence to show that non-speaker oriented readingsare available outside intensional contexts. I try to counter this in part by arguingthat their extensional contexts are intensional after all and in part by appealingto a mechanism of ‘concealed quotation’.

Second, conducting a corpus study of appositives under attitude verbs,HP report a bias for speaker orientation. However, their attitude predicates areall upward entailing (if monotone). By contrast, in downward entailing attitudecontexts, such as surprise contexts, there is a bias for non-speaker orientation.Thus there is no empirical basis for marginalizing this orientation.

I confront the arguments supporting HP’s pragmatic account in Sect. 2.In Sect. 3, addressing the semantics of surprise predicates, I show how the biasfor non-speaker orientation in such contexts provides indirect evidence thatappositives contribute to propositions, and present direct evidence that they do,in terms of entailment patterns derived from standard analyses.

1 A note on terminology: the term “appositive”, or “apposition”, is sometimes used to cover bothnominal appositives like the indefinite descriptions in (1)–(4) and non-restrictive relative clauses(which form the main concern of Schlenker (to appear)), or even other forms of non-restrictivemodifiers; though most of the points made in this paper are probably relevant for appositives inthat broad sense, I will concentrate on nominal appositives in the form of indefinite descriptions.

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In Sect. 4 I demonstrate how this contribution can be captured through clas-sical presuppositions, i.e., definedness conditions on functions from worlds.The emerging picture is that when they are read de dicto, appositives providea means to ensure that an individual referred to in a modal context retains itsrelevant properties across the modal space. Sect. 5 brings conclusions.

2 The Arguments for the Pragmatic StrategyHP offer two major arguments in favor of their pragmatic theory of perspectivalorientation for appositives. One is a finding that perspective shift, from speakerto non-speaker, occurs outside intensional contexts. The other is a finding thatin intensional contexts, non-speaker orientation is relatively rare. In this sectionI examine this evidence and try to counter it.

2.1 Perspective Shi� in Extensional Contexts?HP present evidence from experiments eliciting informant judgments to showthat non-speaker oriented interpretations are available even when appositivesare in “matrix clauses” (pp. 530ff.). One of their cases is (5):

(5) I am increasingly worried about my roommate. She seems to be grow-ing paranoid.a. The other day, she told me that we need to watch out for the mail-

man, a possible government spy.b. The other day, she refused to talk with the mailman, a possible

government spy.

The idea is that in (5a), the appositive a possible goverment spy is in a modalcontext while in (5b) it is not. Schlenker (to appear) notes, however, that refusemay well be an attitude verb. To me, it is clear that it is. A test will be if we candetect a de dicto / de re ambiguity in a definite description in a refuse context,and it appears that we can. Consider (6):

(6) Goddess Parvati, wife of God Shiva, lonely during one of her husband’slong absences, molds a son from mud. Ganesh grows up, and one day,Parvati tells him to guard the front door and not let anybody in whileshe bathes.a. Shiva returns home. Ganesh refuses to let his father in, and Shiva

beheads him.b. Shiva returns home. Ganesh refuses to let the intruder in, and Shiva

beheads him.

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(6a) is true on a de re interpretation but false on a de dicto interpretation, whilethe converse holds of (6b). This strongly suggests that one of HP’s key casesdoes not show what it is supposed to show, namely, that a non-speaker orientedinterpretation is possible in an extensional context. But it is not their only case:they also report non-speaker oriented readings in one or two contexts whichare much less clearly intensional, like (7):

(7) My brother Sid hates school.He puts off his homework, a complete waste of time, to the last minute.

I see here two ways to salvage the semantic strategy, on which the orientationof the appositive a complete waste of time toward my brother Sid is a de dicto,intensional phenomenon: either

1. one can argue that put off is an attitude verb in disguise, or2. one can argue that the appositive is a piece of quotation in disguise.2

Way 1 predicts that a non-speaker-orientation reading is unavailable if the verbcannot under any conditions be an attitude verb. (7a) seems to bear this out:

(7) a. ?My brother Sid hates school. His homework, a completewaste of time, earns him bad grades.

Way 1 also predicts that there can be a de dicto / de re ambiguity in a contextunder a transitive verb like put off – and (8) might seem to show that there can;the Senate might or might not subscribe to the characterization of the bill asthe most important one ever presented to it.

(8) The Senate has postponed the most important bill ever presented to it.

Way 2 is to appeal to a mechanism of ‘concealed quotation’ which can affectdescriptions generally, as, for example, in (9):

(9) The ship that could not sink sank on her maiden voyage in April 1912.

According to Geurts and Maier (2005), pieces of quotation create local dicendicontexts with contextually anchored sources (for (9) on a quotation-in-disguiseanalysis of the definite description, this source might be the White Star Line).On a piece-of-quotation-in-disguise analysis of the appositive, (7) will receivemore or less the same interpretation as (7b).

(7) b. My brother Sid hates school. He puts off his homework,

2 At a more general level, this has been suggested by Anand (2007).

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“a complete waste of time”, to the last minute.

The contextually anchored sources are subject to constraints, and presumably,one constraint would account for the mild infelicity of (7a) above. Anyway, ifthe mechanism of concealed quotation is otherwise freely available, it servesto create local attitude contexts with implicit attitude holders and thus to takethe edge off the evidence adduced by HP against a semantic strategy.

2.2 A Bias for Speaker Orientation in Intensional Contexts?HP report on a corpus study designed to measure the frequency of non-speakeroriented readings of appositives in embedded contexts, based on a sample of 31embedding predicates; attitude predicates and verbs of saying (pp. 540–547).They discover a bias for speaker orientation; non-speaker orientation appearsas an exception.

However, apart from non-monotone verbs like ask, the attitude verbs inHP’s sample are all monotone increasing (upward entailing): believe, claim,say, etc. Once we turn to downward entailing attitude predicates like surprised,the picture actually seems to be reversed: there then appears to be a bias fornon-speaker-oriented readings. (10a) is a case in point:

(10) a. Mary is surprised that John, a Laestadian, wears a necktie.

In Laestadianism, a conservative Lutheran revival movement centered in theextreme north of Scandinavia, men are (often) not supposed to wear neckties.Hence it is surprising if a Laestadian man does wear one.

So the appositive in (10a) seems to contribute to the argument proposition,constraining it; the intuition is that worlds where John is not a Laestadian arenot to be counted when the predicate surprised is evaluated. True, in contrast tothe case (3) in Sect. 1, with the non-factive, upward entailing predicate believe,the appositive is here not controversial: there is (due to the factive predicate) noconflict between the beliefs of the speaker and those of the attitude holder, butit is still evident that the appositive is an ingredient in the object of the attitudeand hence that it is essentially oriented towards the holder of the attitude.

In fact, it is typical of appositives in surprise contexts that there is not thatmuch of a difference between a conjoined predicate and an appositive:

(10) b. Mary is surprised that John is a Laestadian and wears a necktie.

To be sure, there is a difference; there is a partition into background and focusin (10a), corresponding to a distinction between ‘old’ and ‘new’ knowledge:the property expressed in the appositive seems to count as ‘old knowledge’ ofJohn on the part of Mary, whereas the property expressed in the carrier clause

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seems to count as a piece of knowledge just acquired, triggering the surprise.Speaker-oriented readings are possible in surprise contexts, but rare:

(11) Mary is surprised that John, a notorious casanova, betrays her.

That John is a notorious casanova is something the speaker knows, not Mary;that she does not know it is the reason for her surprise.

The asymmetry between upward and downward entailing attitudes as towhat is the ‘normal’ orientation – toward the speaker with the former, towardanother individual with the latter – calls for an explanation. Could there be apragmatic explanation? Well, one might think that the ‘normal’ orientation iswhat provides an explanation for the attitude in discourse relational terms – butnote that while that is indeed the normal case under surprised, cf. (10a), it is theexceptional case under believe, cf. (3); in other words, non-speaker orientationis consistently what would go to explain the attitude.

Other pragmatic explanations may be conceivable, but in the next sectionI will suggest an explanation building on the semantics of surprise predicates,and also supply more concrete evidence that non-speaker oriented appositivesunder such predicates play a semantic role.

3 Appositives and the Semantics of SurpriseBelow, I go into the semantics of surprise predicates and show that in regard tothe inference patterns that standard analyses predict, appositives in embeddedclauses commonly behave as if they were integral parts of those clauses. Theypattern with conjoined predicates in expressing properties that are relevant forevaluating the surprise predicates, thus serving a significant semantic purpose.

3.1 Surprise Semantics and Contextual PerspectivesHP predict widely different inference properties for (10a) and for (10b): whileaccording to their theory of pragmatic perspective shift, (10a) means the sameas (10c) in the dimension of descriptive content and implicates (10d) in thedimension of expressive content, there is no prediction that (10b) entails (10c).

(10) a. Mary is surprised that John, a Laestadian, wears a necktie.b. Mary is surprised that John is a Laestadian and wears a necktie.c. Mary is surprised that John wears a necktie.d. Mary believes that John is a Laestadian.

In fact, scholars who have analyzed predicates like surprise agree that clauseslike (10b) do not entail clauses like (10c) but that clauses like (10c) togetherwith clauses like (10d) do entail clauses like (10b). As acknowledged by those

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scholars, our intuitions may not be so clear in these regards, and I will return tothe reasons for that below; but note at once that (10a) does not seem to entail(10c) any more than does (10b). That is to say: contrary to what HP predict,in certain contexts, appositives are intuitively not more detachable from thedescriptive content than conjoined predicates.Asher (1987) identifies a class of ‘negative factive’ attitude verbs, obeying, i.a.,the inference rule ‘weakened downward entailment’ (WDE) (a for the agent,α for the attitude predicate at issue, β for believe):

(12) Weakened downward entailment:aα φ ∧ JψK⊆ JφK ∧ aβ ψ ⇒ aα ψ

This class contains a variety of predicates, but the adjective surprised is usuallyconsidered as the paradigmatic case. Thus (10c) and (10d) are to jointly entail(10b), but (10b) is not to entail (10c).3 There is a consensus on this: von Fintel(1999), Sharvit (2002), and van Rooij (2006) concur in predicting (12).

The reason that (weakened) downward entailment is predicted by all isthat all assume the basic truth condition to be that the argument proposition isa subset of something (the ‘unexpectation’ worlds) or has an empty intersectionwith something (the ‘expectation’ worlds); cf., e.g., Sharvit (2002: 103):

(13) Semantics of Surprise according to Sharvit (2002: 103):J surprise K(w)(P)(a) = 1 iff P(w)⊆ NONEXP(a)(w)

And that is of course easier the stronger the argument proposition, P(w), is.Reality is not quite so simple, though. It may often appear as if surprised

fails to entail downward, or even as if it entails upward. (14) would provide acase in point for the former, (10b, c) might go to suggest the latter.

(14) John is surprised that Mary won a medal, but he is not surprisedthat she won a bronze medal.

(10) b. Mary is surprised that John is a Laestadian and wears a necktie.c. Mary is surprised that John wears a necktie.

The customary way to account for the apparent failure of surprise predicatesto entail downward, or their semblance of entailing upward, is to appeal to animplicit restriction, surreptitiously modifying (as the case may be, weakeningor strengthening) the argument proposition in the putative conclusion.

3 Strictly, (10c) and “Mary believes that John is a Laestadian and wears a necktie” are to entail(10b), but since (10c) presupposes that Mary believes that John wears a necktie, (10d) is enough.

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To be specific, when we pass from (10b) to (10c) to test whether the latterfollows from the former, it is very difficult to keep the context constant and notlet the property explicitly ascribed to John in the complement of the premisscarry over, as an implicit restriction, to the complement of the conclusion. Thuspremiss and conclusion are easily judged to be equivalent.

Kadmon and Landman (1993) call this implicit restriction a ‘perspective’and propose to code it as a contextual parameter in the meaning of surprised:

To be surprised that A is always relative to a certain perspective on A, a perspec-tive that determines what it is about A that is surprising and in virtue of what it issurprising. The perspective is a contextually determined parameter in the inter-pretation of surprised, very much in the same way that a ‘modal base’ (Kratzer1981) is a contextually determined parameter in the interpretation of modals.[. . . ] The perspective enters into the semantics of surprised and affects the truthconditions of sentences containing it. (Kadmon and Landman 1993: 381)

Perspectives “can be at least partly specified by explicit linguistic text”, e.g.:

(15) – I can’t believe she’s divorcing HIM.– Yeah, such a rich man.– No, such a KIND man!

von Fintel (1999) elaborates on Kadmon and Landman’s proposal by providing“a semantics for the attitudes that is specifically sensitive to a shifting domainof ordered worlds”. His (main) proposal for surprised is, slightly adjusted:4

(16) Semantics of Surprise according to von Fintel (1999: 122–125):J surprised K f,g

w = λ pλα : Bα(w)⊆ p , Bα(w)⊆ fα(w),fα(w)∩ p 6= /0 , fα(w)−p 6= /0 . ∀w′∈ maxgα (w)( fα(w)) : w′ /∈ p

Here f and g are parameters similar to the modal base and the ordering sourcein Kratzer’s theory of modality, f assigning a set of worlds and g assigning a setof propositions to the subject of surprised and the current index of evaluation.The definedness conditions ( between : and . ) say that the subject of surprisedbelieves the complement p and the set of relevant worlds fα(w) and that therelevant worlds contain p- and non-p-worlds. The content proper is, in words,that in all the most expected of the relevant worlds, p is not true. Note that thelogical structure of this definition is the same as that of Sharvit’s definition (13);the two definiens clauses are contrapositions of each other, and the attitude is

4 von Fintel does not actually define surprised but sorry, intending that definition to carry over tosurprised “with suitable adjustments”. I substitute a ‘denotation equation’ for his truth condition,and I omit his coindex on the attitude predicate and on the functions f and g on the understandingthat f and g are here the functions fitting surprised.

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downward entailing. The essential novel feature of von Fintel’s definition is therelativization to a set of relevant worlds compatible with the subject’s beliefs.

It is natural to think of fα(w) as the intersection of a set of propositions,e.g., the proposition that Mary is a virgin, or that John is a rich man, or a kindman, or a Laestadian, – or that the topic time is Good Friday:

(17) Bjarne was in Hamburg on Good Friday in 1984 and was outraged thatthe brothels were open.

More generally, if the set fα(w) is the intersection over a set of propositions Φ

and p involves rigid or de re reference to an individual, with a name, a pronoun,or a definite description on a de re interpretation, it is reasonable to expect Φ

to include the ascription of a property to that individual.

3.2 Surprise Semantics and AppositivesThe way appositives function in the cases so far considered suggests that theyprovide a means to ensure that individuals referred to in intensional contextsretain their relevant properties across the possible worlds under consideration,making explicit what would otherwise have to be left implicit and ascertainingthat certain properties are carried along throughout the modal space at issue.In short, they contribute content that can be much at issue. In the next section,I sketch a way to formalize this notion. But first, I will present evidence thatappositives matter for the truth conditions of downward entailing attitudes, andprovide an answer to the question why non-speaker oriented interpretations arenot rare but frequent when appositives are in such contexts.

Consider (18a–c). (18a) contains two instances of complex appositives,appositives consisting of two predicates – Jewish man, Samaritan woman. In(18b), the second member of each pair is deleted, in (18c), the first member is.

(18) In John 4 Jesus spoke with a Samaritan woman and asked for a drink.She had two things against her: she was a woman, and a Samaritan.a. She was surprised that he, a Jewish man, spoke to her, a Samari-

tan woman.b. She was surprised that he, a Jew, spoke to her, a Samaritan.c. She was surprised that he, a man, spoke to her, a woman.

There is a strong intuition here that (18a) entails neither (18b) nor (18c). Thatis to say, surprise contexts are not closed under the weakening of appositives.This is predictable if the appositives help to build the argument propositions,but not – or only with difficulty (see below) – if they do not.

So why does this case present a different picture from a case like (10a, c),

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where the intuition that the first sentence fails to entail the second is weaker?

(10) a. Mary is surprised that John, a Laestadian, wears a necktie.c. Mary is surprised that John wears a necktie.

Here, as with (10b) in relation to (10c) (see Sect. 3.1), it is difficult to blot outthe property explicitly ascribed to the subject of the first complement clause;it easily influences the second as an implicit constraint on the relevant worlds.This source of error is evidently eliminated in (18a/b) and (18a/c), presumablybecause by explicating a property, we signal that implicit ones are not relevant.

Now if an appositive can never contribute to a proposition, the missinginferences in (18) are mysterious: (18a–c) should then be equivalent.

Note, in addition, that the appositives in (18a) represent old information,both in regard to the common ground and to the belief state of the experiencer:the context entails both that he was a Jew and a man and she a Samaritan anda woman and that she knew that. This makes a theory where appositives justdescribe separate, scopeless bits of expressive content not seem very plausible;in fact, they would appear to be superfluous in such cases. More clearly still,noone needs reminding that someone referred to with she or Maria is a female:

(19) She became accustomed to the double-takes from male firefighterswho were surprised that she, a female, could head the station.

(20) Maria tells us that the students are surprised that she, a woman, talksto them about math and natural sciences.

Admittedly, one might try to account for the missing inferences in (18) whilemaintaining that (18a–c) are equivalent by appealing to discourse relations: itcould be argued that experiencer-oriented appositives in attitude contexts arecommonly intended as explanations; if the complex appositives in (18a) givefull explanations, then the simple ones in (18b or c) cannot be expected to doso too. After all, the semantics of surprised refers to contextually determinedrelevant beliefs, and the appositives could be argued to supply those by generalpragmatic principles. Hence it is difficult to actually prove that the appositivesmake a semantic contribution.

But if we do assume that they do, we are able to answer the question whysubject-oriented readings are frequent in downward entailing attitude contextsalthough they are infrequent in upward entailing ones. If under such readings,appositives do restrict argument propositions, then there is a close analogue indeterminer domain restriction, more noticeable, because it is more useful, withdownward than with upward entailing determiners, cf. Heim (to appear):

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For all we can tell, every determiner may be construed with a covert restrictorin addition to its overt one and thus apply to an effectively narrowed set of con-textually relevant or salient entities. We just don’t see this as clearly with somedeterminers as with others. the, along with every . . . , is not upward monotone,so covert restrictors weaken the presupposition or assertion, giving an otherwisetruth-value-less or false claim a chance to be felicitous and true.

By analog, we can say that decreasing attitude contexts show a bias for subject-oriented readings because here, such readings serve to weaken the statement,giving an otherwise potentially false assertion a better chance to be true, whileincreasing attitude contexts show a bias for speaker-oriented readings becausethere, subject-oriented readings serve to strengthen the statement. If that is so,we would expect negated versions of increasing attitude predicates to show apropensity for subject orientation as well, and this seems to be borne out:

(4) Mary could not believe that she, a virgin, would have a child.

I conclude from the evidence that appositives can help build propositions. Thequestion is now how.

4 Appositives as Definedness ConditionsFaced with a picture of appositives in different roles in different contexts – innonmodal contexts or on speaker-oriented readings in modal contexts, they addinformation on referents in a de re mode, but on non-speaker-oriented readingsin modal contexts, they add information on referents in a de dicto manner – Iwill attempt to unite these two roles by describing appositives as introducingdefinedness conditions on partial individual concepts, or more generally, asthese project, on partial functions from worlds, ultimately partial propositions.This approach necessitates a method of intensional composition, roughly à laBeaver and Krahmer (2001), and I will now specify the necessary machinery.

4.1 From Appositives to Partial PropositionsAt the bottom, I posit a silent appositive functor A whose meaning is:5,6

(21) JA K = λPe(st)λx(se)λw : xw ∈ De , Pw(xw) . xw

Suppose we build the meaning of “surprised that Mary, a virgin, is pregnant”.I consider the indefinite article in the appositive as spurious, i.e., disregard it.

(22) JA K(JvirginK) = λx(se)λw : xw ∈ De , Vw(xw) . xw

5 This is the indefinite case, where the first argument is a function from individuals to propositions;a definite case, where this argument is an individual concept, is also definable.6 Notation: Stuff between : and . are definedness conditions. Convention: fw(g) = f (g)w.

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This is the full appositive meaning, an operation on partial individual concepts.It carries two presuppositions (definedness conditions): one projected from itsargument, the other coincident with its own content. (V = JvirginK.)

The proper name Mary is, standardly, taken to mean a constant, though inprinciple a partial, function from worlds to individuals.

(23) JA K(JvirginK)(JMaryK) = λw : Mw ∈ De , Vw(Mw) . Mw

This is Mary with the definedness condition that she is a virgin.For partial individual concepts like this to combine with properties like

JvirginK or J pregnant K, which are (as in Beaver and Krahmer 2001) functionsfrom individuals to propositions, they are lifted to functions from such e(st)‘properties’ to propositions by the abstract filter function F :

(24) JF K = λ f(se)λPe(st)λw : fw ∈ De . Pw( fw)

(25) JF K(JA K(JvirginK)(JMaryK)) =

λPe(st)λw : Mw ∈ De , Vw(Mw) . Pw(Mw)

This lifted DP meaning can be used directly in subject position, applying toa property like J pregnant K, resulting in (26), or more generally in a positionhosting a DP after QR, maybe from object position. (V = J pregnant K.)

(26) JF K(JA K(JvirginK)(JMaryK))(JpregnantK) =

λw : Mw ∈ De , Vw(Mw) . Pw(Mw)

This is the partial proposition that Mary, a virgin, is pregnant.

4.2 From Partial Propositions to SurpriseNow we need a meaning for surprised which can take partial propositions andproject their definedness conditions appropriately. It is commonly assumed thatsurprised introduces the presupposition that the subject believes the argumentproposition.7 This will now incorporate the presuppositions brought along bythe argument proposition, in particular, the one originating in the appositive,because what the subject must believe is not the partial argument propositionbut its positive extension, the set of worlds where it is defined and not negative.By the same token, what must lie outside the subject’s relevant expectationsfor the attitude predicate to hold of its two arguments is not the first argumentit*elf but the set of worlds where it is true, which means that the definedness

7 van Rooij (2006: 217), following Asher (1987), assume that such predicates introduce two layersof presupposition, the argument proposition itself and the proposition that the subject believes it;however, von Fintel (1999), following Heim (1992), only assumes the latter layer, as I will too.

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condition (Mary is a virgin) and the content proper (Mary is pregnant) bothcontribute to define the set of worlds at issue.

(27) is an augmentation of (16) in Sect. 3.1, based on von Fintel (1999):

(27) J surprised K f,g = λφλxλw : Bx(w)⊆ λw′φw′=1 .

maxgx(w)( fx(w))∩ [λw′φw′=1] = /0

(maxgx(w)( fx(w)) = those relevant worlds compatible with x’s beliefsthat x most expects)

(28), then, is the meaning of “surprised that Mary, a virgin, is pregnant”.

(28) J surprised K f,g(JF K(JA K(JvirginK)(JMaryK))(JpregnantK)) =

λxλw : Bx(w)⊆ λw′Mw′ ∈ De,Vw′(Mw′),Pw′(Mw′) .

maxgx(w)( fx(w))∩ [λw′Mw′ ∈ De,Vw′(Mw′),Pw′(Mw′)] = /0

Applied to Joseph, this becomes the partial function from worlds to truth valuesthat is defined iff Joseph believes that Mary is a virgin and pregnant and true iffit is defined and the worlds where Mary is a virgin and pregnant all lie outsidethe most expected relevant belief worlds of Joseph.

That may be a fair first attempt at a definition of the definedness and truthconditions of (29a), but note two problematic aspects of it:

1. The definition of the attitude in (27) fails to predict a difference between(29a) and (29b), that is, between appositives and conjoined predicates inembedded positions.

(29) a. Joseph is surprised that Mary, a virgin, is pregnant.b. Joseph is surprised that Mary is a virgin and (is) pregnant.

2. It seems contradictory to say, for (30) for simplicity, on the one hand thatfor the proposition to be defined, the subject must believe that Mary ispregnant, and on the other that for it to be true, the set of worlds whereshe is must lie outside the subject’s most expected relevant belief worlds.

(30) Joseph is surprised that Mary is pregnant.

Now in fact, both problems can be tackled with one tool, by distinguishing inthe definition of surprised between the intersection over x’s ‘old beliefs’ in w,Bx(w), and the intersection over x’s ‘full beliefs’ in w, B+

x (w) (a subset of it).It is the old beliefs that x’s most expected relevant worlds should be based on,before the new belief coming from the argument proposition is formed, and it is

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the old beliefs that the presupposition inherited from the argument proposition,originating in the appositive, should be required to include. So I propose thisamended definition (needless to say, to do a proper job of it, the notions of oldand full beliefs should be defined in terms of eventualities of surprise):

(31) J surprised K f,g = λφλxλw : Bx(w)⊆ λw′φw′ ∈ Dt ,

B+x (w)⊆ λw′φw′ = 1 .

maxgx(w)( fx(w))∩ [λw′φw′=1] = /0

(maxgx(w)( fx(w)) = those relevant worlds from Bx(w) thatx most expects)

This definition leads to the following revised definition of the definedness andtruth conditions of “Joseph is surprised that Mary, a virgin, is pregnant”, (29a):

(32) J surprised K f,g(JF K(JA K(JvirginK)(JmK))(JpregnantK))(J jK) =

λw : B j(w)⊆ λw′Mw′ ∈ De,Vw′(Mw′) ; B+j (w)⊆ λw′Pw′(Mw′) .

maxg j(w)( f j(w))∩ [λw′Mw′ ∈ De,Vw′(Mw′),Pw′(Mw′)] = /0

(maxg j(w)( f j(w)) = those relevant worlds in B j(w) that j expects the most.)There are two layers of definedness conditions here: Joseph must have believedand believe that Mary is a virgin and he must believe now that she is pregnant(to accord with the truth condition, this must be a new belief); by contrast, onthe definition of the definedness and truth conditions of (29b), there is only onesubstantial level of presupposition: Joseph must believe that Mary is a virginand (is) pregnant (and, sloppily, one of the two conjuncts must be a new belief).Thus we have now a reasonable truth condition and a distinction between anappositive and a conjoined predicate at the level of definedness conditions.

4.3 The Speaker Oriented Case: de reHow about speaker-oriented readings? Consider (33), akin to Potts’ (2):

(33) Mary is surprised that John, a notorious casanova, betrays her.

Mary is not aware that John is a notorious casanova. I will treat this reading asa de re reading of the DP “John, a notorious casanova”, employing a designatedvariable for the actual world – v – and an abstract actualizer operator – @:8

8 There are of course various ways of construing de re interpretations (for recent surveys of thestate of the art, see von Fintel and Heim (2009) and Schwager (to appear)); if @ as defined in (34)is considered the general method, it would seem to imply that only definite DPs, with individualconcept, type (se), meanings, can have such readings; for indefinite descriptions, to the extent that

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(34) J@K = λ f(se)λw . fv

In extensional contexts, this operator is redundant. To see this, consider (35)and its two semantic structures (36) and (37), one with, the other without @:

(35) Professor Duriarti, a notorious criminal, has escaped from prison.

(36) JF K(JA K(Jnotorious criminal K)(JDuriartiK))(JescapedK)

= λw : Dw∈ De , N C w(Dw) . Ew(Dw)

(37) JF K(J@K(JA K(Jnotorious criminal K)(JDuriartiK)))(JescapedK)

= λw : Dv∈ De , N C v(Dv) . Ew(Dv)

The main difference is that the presupposition stemming from the appositive ison the construal in (37) anchored to v, the actual world. This does not make adifference once the sentence is evaluated, though. What has been built above,and all along, are not sentence denotations (truth values) but propositions. Butwhen these are ‘finished’ and are to be used as assertions or more generally asrepresentatives, they are applied to v, yielding a denotation, a truth value. Andthen the difference between (36) and (37) is levelled out.

Returning to (33) and the de re interpretation of the embedded appositive,when J@K applies to JA K(Jnotorious casanovaK)(JJohnK), the result is:

(38) J@K(JA K(Jnotorious casanovaK)(JJohnK)) =

λw [λw : Jw∈ De , N C w(Jw) . Jw](v) =

λw : Jv∈ De , N C v(Jv) . Jv

This is a partial constant function, defined if and only if the name John actuallydenotes an individual and this individual is actually a notorious casanova, andyielding, if defined, that individual no matter what. The partial proposition thatJohn, a notorious casanova, betrays Mary (here the type e(st) property Bm) is:

(39) JF K(J@K(JA K(Jnotorious casanovaK)(JJohnK)))(Jbetrays MaryK)

= λw : Jv∈ De , N C v(Jv) . Bmw (Jv)

So far, this is parallel to (37), and the actualizer is redundant. But when (39) isembedded in an intensional context, this changes. The full partial propositionthat Mary is surprised that John, actually a notorious casanova, betrays her is:

(40) λw : Bm(w)⊆ λw′Jv∈ De,N C v(Jv) ; B+m (w)⊆ λw′Bm

w′(Jv) .

transparent evaluation readings are desired, one could consider a choice function analysis.

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maxgm(w)( fm(w))∩ [λw′Jv∈ De,N C v(Jv),Bmw′(Jv)] = /0

There are two cases: either the name John actually denotes an individual andthis individual is actually a notorious casanova, in which case the proposition isdefined iff Mary believes that this individual betrays her and true iff she is alsosurprised that he does; or not, that is, John is not actually a notorious casanova;then the proposition is only defined if Mary believes the empty set of worlds.That may be thought to be possible; after all, one can have inconsistent beliefs.If we want the proposition to be plainly undefined in case John is not actually anotorious casanova, we could consider including the factive presupposition inthe definedness condition introduced by the attitude: λφλxλw : φw = 1 . . . .

Importantly, though, however the definedness conditions are dealt with,in contrast with the de dicto construal, on the de re construal the content of theappositive plays no role in the content of the clause (the second line in (40)) andso does not affect its truth conditions: if John is indeed a notorious casanova,the conjunct N C v(Jv) is superfluous.

4.4 DiscussionThe analysis developed above has some welcome consequences but also someproblematic features. First, since the actualizer can apply below an appositive,the analysis predicts that there can be de re readings of definite descriptionswith appositives read de dicto, – and this seems to be borne out:

(41) Thoas wants Iphigenia to sacrifice her own brother, a stranger who hastried to steal the statue of Artemis.

Thoas is not yet aware that Orestes is Iphigenia’s brother. But he is well awarethat Orestes has tried to steal the statue of Artemis, and he is convinced thatOrestes is a stranger. If this is a natural reading of (41), it is derivable.

By the same token, however, it is predicted that there cannot be de dictoreadings of definite descriptions with appositives read de re, – and this questionseems more open. To test it, we may consider cases like (42).

(42) ?Gloucester wants his loyal son, a traitor to him, to inherit his title.

The only sensible interpretation is that the son that Gloucester wants to inherithis title is Edmund, loyal in his belief worlds but actually a traitor. To the extentthat this interpretation is unavailable, it serves to confirm the prediction that ifthe appositive is in the scope of @, so must the expression it applies to be. Butit may not be obvious that (42) is dubious. (43) is predicted not to be dubious:the son that Gloucester wants to disinherit is Edgar, a traitor in his belief worldsbut loyal in reality. It is not clear that this derivable reading is more accessible

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than the intended but not derivable reading of (42).

(43) ?Gloucester wants to disinherit his loyal son, a traitor to him.

If (43) is indeed felt to be no more felicitous than (42), this reflects unfavorablyon the formalism developed in this section.

Another, more general, point of discussion that should be raised concernswhat Schlenker (to appear) terms the epistemic status of appositives in relationto the presupposition-as-definedness-condition that their contribution has beenidentified as. According to Schlenker, nonrestrictive relative clauses introduceconditions similar to presuppositions but special in being easy to accommodate(translucency). Thus their content, while not trivial, should be uncontroversial.The close parallel between (35) and (44) indicates that Schlenker would intendthis characterization of nonrestrictive relatives to carry over to appositives.

(44) Professor Duriarti, who is a notorious criminal, has escaped from prison.

(35) Professor Duriarti, a notorious criminal, has escaped from prison.

The analysis proposed in this paper simply predicts that (35) lacks a truth valueunless Professor Duriarti is actually a notorious criminal, and the question ishow this definedness condition on the world of evaluation can be brought intoaccord with Schlenker’s notion of a ‘translucent’ condition. On the face of it,the two notions seem very different; in particular, it seems too strong to deny(35) a truth value should the professor turn out not to be a notorious criminal.

The relevant notion of presupposition has been referred to as a ‘classical’or ‘traditional’ notion, and my intention has been that this notion is appropriatefor some but not all triggers and coexists with a context oriented conception,apt for triggers like again and also, start and stop, non-emotive factives, andanaphoric definite descriptions. In these and more cases, being entailed by thecontext is the ideal and accommodation is difficult. Appealing to a definednesscondition for appositives or nonrestrictive modifiers more generally can be seenas a way to decrease the demands on the context and to allow for a comparativeease of accommodation, and thus as a way to emulate ‘translucency’.

Thus as long as the information contained in the appositive, though new,does not conflict with the information state of the addressee, she will typicallybe willing to accept it on faith. Conversely, if that information does conflictwith the addressee’s information state, she may well be prepared to disregardit and still assess the information contained in the carrier sentence:

(36) It says here: “Professor Duriarti, a notorious criminal, has escaped

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from prison.” Since he is innocent, I am glad to learn that he is a freeman.

The additional assumption needed is thus that (simplex) sentences containingnonrestrictive modifiers can still have a truth value even if the modifier shouldbe false or undefined – and the need for such a notion of ‘accommodation’,consisting not in adding information but in disregarding it, is shared by otherpresupposition triggers which lend themselves to a definedness analysis, likereferential definite descriptions, as in (45), or gender markers, as in (46).

(45) – Who is the man drinking a martini? (from Donnellan 1966)– It’s not a martini, but anyway, it’s Smith.

(46) – PirminsPirmin’s







– Esit









On the whole, a critical point of discussion is whether and to what extent theanalysis of appositives presented in this paper should be expected to extend tononrestrictive modifiers such as those exemplified by (47)–(49):

(47) The pharmacist was surprised that this old woman was interested incondoms.

(48) My friends are surprised that shy and sweet me is learning self defense.

(49) She was startled to see the devoted detective Mickey Mouse shakehands with his ruthless rival Black Pete.

In all these cases, the italicized NP or AP is redundant in the sense that it doesnot contribute to the identification of the referent of the description it is part of.In (47), this individual would be sufficient for the identification of the referent,in (48), the pronoun I (am) would, and in (49), the name Mickey Mouse would(cf. Matushansky (2008: 595ff.) for a recent analysis of this last construction).All three descriptions are embedded in a downward entailing modal context,and seem to give the same interpretive effect as the above-studied appositives:they may not convey new, or even nontrivial, information, but the informationthat they convey plays a critical role for the evaluation of the modal predicate.What made it surprising to the pharmacist that this individual was interested incondoms was the property of being an old woman, etc. So at least with respectto the contexts in focus in this paper, a parallel treatment of several, if not all,sorts of nonrestrictive modifiers appears as desirable – and to the extent that the

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different sorts turn out to display a different behaviour in other environments,for instance, in simplex sentences, it is to be hoped that this can eventually bedescribed as a variation within the general frame of analysis developed above:Supplements, including nominal appositives, nonrestrictive relatives, and thetypes of nonrestrictive modifiers exemplified in (47)–(49), can contribute tothe content of a clause because they introduce presupposition-like conditions.

5 ConclusionsThe point of departure for this study was the following double claim made byHarris and Potts (2009) concerning the perspectival orientation of appositives:

1. Non-speaker oriented readings are independent of intensionality; theyare possible even in extensional contexts.

2. However, speaker-oriented readings predominate even in intensional con-texts.

I have disputed both claims, the first by arguing that the relevant extensionalcontexts are intensional after all, in the spirit of Hintikka (1973: 214):

Surprisingly often modal notions are tacitly being considered in apparently non-modal contexts.

The second claim was countered by pointing out that the intensional contextsconsidered by Harris and Potts are not representative; in fact, once downwardentailing attitude contexts are taken into consideration, non-speaker orientedreadings predominate. In turn, this realization paves the way for a recognitionthat appositives are not generally vehicles of expressive meaning, orthogonalto descriptive meaning, but that they do sometimes help to build propositions.The prime piece of evidence for that consists in the observation that weakeningappositives fails to preserve the truth of certain attitude ascriptions, primarilyascriptions of surprise. If a pharmacist is surprised that Mrs. Otis, an old lady,is interested in condoms, it does not follow that she is surprised that Mrs. Otis,a lady, is interested in condoms. Another fact which supports the ‘semanticstrategy’ is that appositives in surprise contexts often represent old information.

The function that appositives fill in this type of context is best understoodagainst the background of the theory of emotive factive attitudes like surprised.When we ascribe surprise to somebody at a certain individual having a certainproperty (like being pregnant or interested in condoms), we tacitly understandsome additional relevant properties (like being a virgin or an old lady), andthese are encoded in a contextual parameter providing a set of relevant (‘old’)belief worlds. If, for fear of being misunderstood because the context mightnot be sufficiently clear in this regard, we want to make a property explicit,

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expressing it in the form of an appositive is a natural move.Thus in modal contexts, appositives act as reminders of properties which

are to follow an individual along through the set of worlds under consideration.They provide a means to ensure that a thing retains its relevant properties acrossthe modal space. This task can be argued to be more important in downwardentailing than in upward entailing modal contexts, and that could be the reasonthat (non-speaker oriented) appositives are more frequent there.

For modelling this behaviour of appositives in a way that also allows forspeaker-oriented interpretations, in extensional as well as intensional contexts,a treatment in terms of partial meanings along the lines of Beaver and Krahmer(2001) commends itself. I hope to have shown how such an approach can yieldcoherent results in a fully compositional fashion: Starting from an abstract so-called appositive functor, appositives add definedness conditions to individualconcepts, conditions that become definedness conditions on higher intensions,finally on propositions. When these propositions are embedded under attitudes,those definedness conditions (on the usual, de dicto construal) become integralparts of them (to be exact, their positive extensions), and thus the intuition thatagent-oriented appositives convey attitude-relevant properties is accounted for.

As far as speaker-oriented interpretations are concerned, it is difficult todiscern a decisive difference between a ‘bidimensional’ view of appositives asbelonging to the dimension of implicature, to do with expressive meaning only,and a ‘unidimensional’ view where appositives give definedness conditions onpartial concepts and propositions. Once we take non-speaker oriented readingsseriously, however, not only in upward entailing but also in downward entailingmodal contexts, it becomes clear that, at the very least, the two ‘dimensions’should be able to communicate: the piece of content expressed in the appositiveshould be allowed to merge with the larger piece expressed in its local context.The present paper has presented one way to produce this effect.


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An Unaccusativity Diagnostic at the Syntax-­‐Semantics Interface: there-­‐Insertion, Indefinites and Restitutive again

Artemis Alexiadou

Universität Stuttgart [emailprotected]

Florian Schäfer Universität Stuttgart


Abstract. This paper argues that the unaccusativity mismatch observed in the literature concerning the availability of there-insertion points to a syntactic difference between two classes of unaccusatives. The paper shows that the theme argument of change-of-location unaccusatives occupies Spec,ResultP, while that of change-of-state unaccusatives occupies Spec,vP. Insertion of there is blocked in the latter case, as the theme and the expletive compete for the same position.

1 Introduction As is well known, there-insertion is possible in the context of unaccusative verbs but impossible with unergative and transitive verbs.1 However, only a subset of unaccusative verbs allows there-insertion (Levin 1993), leading to an unaccusativity mismatch (1a vs. 1d).

(1) a. There arrived a man (in the garden) (unaccusative-1) b. *There walked a man (in the garden) (unergative) c. *There kissed a girl a boy (in the garden) (transitive) d. *There broke a glass (in the kitchen) (unaccusative-2)

In this paper, we argue that this unaccusativity mismatch points to a syntactic difference between the two classes of unaccusatives. Building on the “low-there” hypothesis, recently proposed by Richards & Biberauer (2005), Richards (2007) and Deal (2009), we argue that the theme argument of the two classes of unaccusatives can occupy different structural positions within the vP, namely Spec,vP and Spec,ResultP, see (2a vs. 2b). Insertion of there is blocked, if the theme DP obligatorily occupies Spec,vP, because the two compete for the same position. This is the case for break-type verbs.

1 We only discuss “presentational there”, i.e. expletive there in the context of lexical verbs. We will not be concerned with expletive there in the context of the copula be (i.e. in progressives, passives and existentials); see Deal (2009) for a recent discussion within the “low-there”-hypothesis applied here.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 101–115. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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(2) a. [vP there [ResultP theme ]] b. [vP *there/theme [ResultP ]]

2 The Standard Account of there-­‐Insertion: there in Spec,TP Chomsky (1981, 1995 and subsequent work) proposes that there is externally merged in the derived subject position Spec,TP to satisfy the Extended Projection Principle (EPP) (i.e. to check the strong D-feature on T). On this logic, (1b, c) are ungrammatical for the following reason: in English, a language lacking Transitive Expletive Constructions (TECs), the subject and the expletive compete for a single specifier position, Spec, TP.2 In TEC-languages such as Dutch in (3), the counterparts of (1b, c) are grammatical because these languages have two specifier positions available for subjects outside the vP.

(3) dat er iemand een appel gegeten heft (TEC) that there someone an apple eaten has

Note that this standard analysis of there-insertion cannot account for the contrast in (1a, d) (cf. also Borer 2005, Deal 2009, Alexiadou 2011).

3 Against the Standard Analysis: there down in Spec,vP The standard analysis of there-insertion has recently been challenged by Richards & Biberauer 2005, and Richards 2007 (see also Deal 2009) as it faces a number of problems which we can touch upon here only super-ficially. In Chomsky (2000, 2001, 2004), there is a head with [uF] and probes from Spec,TP into TP and values T. This proposal faces a technical problem: only root nodes should probe. Since there in Spec,TP is not the root node (which is T), its probing is counter-cyclic. Moreover, it needs a number of extra assumptions to derive Bure’s Generalization, i.e. the observation that TECs are available only in languages with Object Shift(OS)/Scrambling of full DPs. (Why should the availability of a second specifier in the TP-region be related to the availability of a derived object position? (Cf. Alexiadou & Anagnostopoulou 2001, 2007, Richards 2004).

As the aforementioned authors argued, for conceptual reasons, MERGE-Expletive should be a property of phase heads (C, v), i.e. expletives are externally merged either in Spec,CP or in Spec,vP. If an expletive occurs in

2 A crucial assumption is that the subject must leave the vP (see Alexiadou & Anagnostopoulou 2001, 2007).

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Spec,TP, it must have moved there. The consequence is that the EPP on T is checked only via MOVE.

In agreement with Richards & Biberauer (2005) and Richards (2007), we conclude that i) there is not a probe but a goal (like any other nominal category/DP); ii) it merges in Spec,vP where it is in the probe domain of T; iii) it has the interpretable but incomplete φ-feature set [person], rendered active via an unvalued Case feature.3 It is probed by T and gets its case valued. T’s φ-feature set remains unvalued as there is φ-incomplete. T there-fore remains active for Agree with the associate DP. Afterwards, there moves to Spec,TP.

As expletives are dummies (they do not have reference and cannot bear a theta-role), they can merge (externally) only in non-thematic specifiers, i.e. as a) the specifier of a defective head vpassive; b) the specifier of a defective head vunaccusative or c) the outer specifier of thematic v/Voice (the OS-position).

The third option determines the availability of TECs; English lacks both TECs and OS as it has no outer Spec,vP/outer Spec,VoiceP (the complementarity between Expl and external arguments is due to the mutual exclusivity of thematic and non-thematic v in English).4 It also explains the complementarity between expletives and raised internal arguments of unaccusatives in (4)-(5); both target the non-thematic specifier of vPunaccusative. Note that under the traditional Expl-in-TP-approach (4c)/(5b) should be fine. It also explains why in languages that have both OS and TECs the former bleeds the latter (6): again, we have competition for the same position.

(4) a. *There seems [TP a man to be ta man in the garden] b. There seems [TP to be a man in the garden] c. *[TP There [VP a man [VP arrived ta man]]] d. There arrived a man

(5) a. dat *(daar) gister ’n skip gesink het (Afrikaans) that (there) yesterday a ship sunk has b. dat (*daar) ’n skip gister gesink het

3 But see Deal (2009) for the claim that there must have uninterpretable φ-features and that it locally probes the associate DP. This, she claims, is necessary in order to avoid the “too-many-theres” problem (*There seemed there to arrive a train in the station). We do not discuss the feature content of there but concentrate on its configurational, i.e. external-merge properties. 4 Something in addition has to be said about cyclic A’-movement of vP-internal elements which is, of course, possible in English.

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(6) a. *dat er veel mensen dat boek gisteren gekocht hebbe that EXPL many people the book yesterday bought have (Dutch) b. dat daar baie mense baie/*die bier gedrink het (Afrikaans) that EXPL many people many/the beer drunk have

The conclusion we can draw for English is that there is blocked if i) an external argument occupies the specifier of v/Voice or ii) an object raises to Spec,vdefective in passive or unaccusative structures.

Now, recall our mismatch within the class of unaccusatives in (1a vs. 1d) replicated in (7):

(7) a. There appeared a man in the garden. b. *There melted a lot of snow on the streets of Chicago.

The verb’s influence on there-insertion holds also in raising constructions (Deal 2009).

(8) a. There seemed to appear a dagger in front of Macbeth. b. *There seemed to melt a lot of snow on the streets of Chicago.

Ideally, we should be able to explain the contrast between the two classes of unaccusatives along the same lines as the contrast between e.g. transitives and passives. More concretely, appear/arrive-verbs should make available an empty Spec,vP where there can merge, while melt/break-verbs should not make available such an empty Spec,vP; it follows then that Spec,vP of break-unaccusatives must be occupied. The question then is: what is located in Spec,vP of melt/break-unaccusatives?

4 What Does there Correlate with? Two Classes of Unaccusatives

4.1 A Classification of Verbs Allowing there-­‐Insertion

Levin (1993) characterizes the verbs allowing there-insertion roughly as verbs of existence or appearance. They can be broken down into the following subclasses (a-f) of unaccusatives. Verbs of change of state (g) do not permit there although they are unaccusatives too:5 5 Levin (1993) points out that verbs of manner of motion also allow for there in the context of directional PPs, but they differ in that the subject must follow this PP. (i) a. There arrived three gentlemen from Verona. b. ??There arrived from Verona three gentlemen. (ii) a. *There ran a raggedy looking cat into the room. b. There ran into the room a raggedy looking cat.

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(9) a. Verbs of Existence: blaze, bubble, cling, coexist, … b. Verbs of Spatial Configuration: crouch, dangle, hang, kneel, … c. Meander Verbs: cascade, climb, crawl, cut, weave, wind, … d. Verbs of Appearance: accumulate, appear, arise, … e. ?Verbs of disappearance: die, disappear, vanish, … f. Verbs of Inherently Directed Motion: arrive, ascend, come, … g. *Verbs of Change of State: bend, break, chip, rip, shatter, split, …

4.2 Is there a Causative Event in Spec,vP (Deal 2009)?

Deal (2009) offers an account for the contrast between the two classes of unaccusatives concerning there-insertion that strongly influenced our analysis. Specifically, she proposes that there is inserted at the edge of a vP that lacks an external argument, i.e. into a non-thematic Spec,vP position. Unaccusatives rejecting there have Spec,vP already occupied by a causative event.

While we are sympathetic with her blocking account, her proposal faces a number of theoretical and empirical problems which we will not discuss here for reasons of space. Below, we make an alternative proposal about what blocks there-insertion at the edge of vP which, in turn, strongly builds on the work by Dobler (2008a, b).

4.3 Hypothesis: There Is an Internal Argument in Spec,vP

Hale & Keyser (2000) assume two different lexical syntactic representations for unaccusatives. With verbs such as arrive, occur, …, the theme is introduced within the complement of the verb, in the specifier of a small-clause headed by a (potentially covert) P-projection (10a). With verbs such as break, open, … the theme is introduced in the specifier of the verb that takes an adjective as its complement (10b). ((10b) is a composite dyadic lexical projection, also called a complex predicate; see e.g. Beck & Johnson 2004, Embick 2004, McIntyre 2004).

(10) a. [vP arrive [PP many guests [ Pcovert/in the garden ]]] b. [vP the sky [ v Aclear ]]

Hale & Keyser do not actually propose this solution, but with the background of the “low-there”-hypothesis discussed above, these structures

(iii) Suddenly there flew through the window [that shoe on the table] Cases such as (iib) are called “outside verbals” in Deal (2009). Outside verbals do not obey the definiteness restriction (iii) and allow “a bewildery variety of verbs” (Milsark 1974). See Deal (2009) for an analysis of these cases. We concentrate here on “inside verbals”.

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could, in principle, explain the distribution of there in the context of unaccusatives. With clear-type predicates, Spec,vP is already occupied by the theme argument; with arrive-type predicates, Spec,vP is available. In the next section, we investigate whether this is the correct explanation for the unaccusativity mismatch observed with there.

5 Tracing the Position of Internal Arguments Both structures in (10) above are bi-eventive/resultative. They differ con-cerning the position where the theme argument is merged; either it is merged as the argument of the lower-event small-clause or as the argument of the higher-event verb. Over the years, there has been a lot of discussion about the correct analysis of resultative structures. Some authors argued that the small-clause analysis is generally correct (e.g. Hoeckstra 1988), some claimed that the complex-predicate analysis is generally correct (e.g. Beck & Johnson 2004).

Dobler (2008a, b) discusses transitive, resultative constructions and con-cludes that both structures co-exist. The small-clause analysis is correct for transitive resultatives referring to a change of location, i.e. the position of the object in (11a) is similar to that of the theme argument in the unaccusative structure in (10a). The complex-predicate analysis is correct for transitive resultatives referring to a change of state, i.e. the position of the object in (11b) is similar to that of the theme argument in the unaccusative structure in (10b).

(11) a. Thilo sent the plane to Yubara . b. He wiped the floor clean.

To determine this, she investigated whether an existential operator in object position can be part of the presupposition of restitutive again. In what follows, we summarize her argumentation.

5.1 The Interaction of wieder/again and Existential Operators in Object Position

Von Stechow (1996) argued in detail that the repetitive vs. restitutive interpretation associated with the adverb again is the result of a structural ambiguity. Evidence for this is provided by word order facts such as the ones in the German examples in (12), where the syntax disambiguates between the two interpretations. Von Stechow took this as evidence for the syntactic decomposition of the VP into a vP and a ResultP component.

(12) a. Thilo öffnet die Tür wieder

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Thilo opened the door again i) He had opened the door before (repetitive & ii) The door used to be open restitutive) b. Thilo öffnet wieder die Tür (only repetitive)

As is well known, German definite objects always leave the vP, cf. (13) (von Stechow 1996, Dobler 2008a, b modifying Webelhuth 1992). The examples in (14) show that if the adverb again precedes the theme, it has necessarily wide scope over vP and ResultP, leading to a repetitive reading. If the adverb follows the theme, the adverb might either outscope just the ResultP, leading to a restitutive reading, or once again both the vP and the ResultP leading to the repetitive reading.

(13) a. weil er (wohl) das Buch (wohl) gelesen hat as he particle the book particle read has b. weil er (wohl) [vP das Buch [vP(wohl) [vP tsubj tobj lesen]]

(14) a. weil er wieder die Tür geöffnet hat as he again the door opened has a’. wiederrepetitive [ die Tür [vP tsubject v [AP tobj offen b. weil er die Tür wieder geöffnet hat as he the door again opened has b’. [ die Tür [(wiederrepetitive) [vP tsubject v [AP (wiederrestitutive) tobject offen

(15) shows that indefinite objects remain inside the vP (unless they get a strong interpretation). As shown in (16), this is compatible with both the small-clause analysis as well as the complex predicate analysis of re-sultatives, if we assume that the subject is introduced by an extra projection (VoiceP):

(15) weil er (wohl) ein Buch (*wohl) gelesen hat as he particle a book particle read has

(16) [VocieP Subject Voice [vP (Object) v [ResultP (Object) state]]]

Von Stechow (1996) only discusses the interaction of definite DPs and again. Nissenbaum (2006) investigates scope-interactions between again and in-definites. In (17), we get different readings, depending on where the indefinite is interpreted, within the vP or in the IP.

(17) Someone is sneezing again a. again [∃x.x is sneezing] (different person) b. ∃x [x is sneezing] (same person) c. [IP Someonei is [ [vP ti sneezing] again]

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In German, the readings are determined once again by the surface order:

(18) a. weil [wieder [VoiceP jemand [vP nießt (different person) b. weil [VoiceP jemand [vP wieder nießt (same person) as (again) someone (again) sneezes

Dobler (2008a, b) uses the scope-interaction between restitutive again and an indefinite object to investigate the position of the internal argument in transitive resultative constructions. The main goal of her investigation is to determine whether the internal argument is an argument of the result state (small-clause (SC) analysis) or of the verb (complex-predicate (CP) analysis). Importantly, only the small-clause analysis predicts that the existential operator can be interpreted inside the result-state clause, i.e. inside the presupposition triggered by restitutive again (cf. 19).6

(19) [VoiceP Subject Voice [vP (Objectindef) v [againrest [RP (Objectindef) state ]]]] | | same potentially different

Dobler argues that the following interpretative picture emerges (in both, English and German):

(20) Change of state: Pandora scrubbed a donkey clean again a. #again [∃x.x is a donkey and x is clean] (SC-analysis) b. ∃x.x is a donkey and again [x is clean] (CP-analysis)

(21) Change of location: Pandora put a donkey in her stable again a. again [∃x.x is a donkey and x is in Pandora’s stable] (SC-analysis) b. ∃x.x is a donkey and again [x is in Pandora’s stable] (CP-analysis)

Dobler concludes that the theme is (syntactically) the argument of the verb (vP) in change-of-state resultatives, while it is the argument of the secondary predicate (ResultP) in change-of-location resultatives. In the latter case, it can, of course, move out of the scope of again yielding reading (21b).

Below we list some further examples provided by Dobler (2008a) which test whether the relevant reading (restitutive again outscopes the indefinite theme) is available or not in English and German. (22)-(23) illustrate the situation with change-of-state predicates, (24)-(25) illustrate it with change-

6 The #-sign indicates that a reading ‘restitutive again > indefinite theme’ is not available.

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of-location predicates. The contexts given before the test sentences are meant to exclude an irrelevant repetitive reading and force a restitutive reading:7

(22) a. Context: Sally owns a brown mouse and a great number of white mice. While she is gone, Harry takes care of them and the brown mouse dies. Harry is freaked out and wants to cover up the loss…

b. #Er färbt wieder eine Maus braun. c. #He dyes a mouse brown again.

(23) a. Context: Yesterday, Sally visited a popsicle factory. There she had the opportunity to taste the popsicle mixture before it was frozen. She really loved it.

b. #Daheim angekommen hat Sally wieder ein Eis am Stiel geschmolzen.

c. #Once she was home, Sally melted a popsicle again.

(24) a. Context: Until about 200 years ago, bears used to live in the Alps. b. Gestern haben Biologen wieder Bären in den Alpen angesiedelt. c. Yesterday, scientists put bears in the Alps again.

(25) a. Context: The island had a mountain that practically disappeared in the course of an earthquake.

b. Die Bewohner der Insel haben wieder einen Berg errichtet. c. The inhabitants constructed a mountain again.

5.2 Conclusion

To conclude, Dobler (2008a, b) shows that there are two classes of transitive bi-eventive verbs that differ in whether the indefinite/existential object can be in the scope of restitutive again or not. Below, we list some further verbs of these two classes:

Group A: #restitutive again > existential operator

7 The repetitive reading (repetitive again > indef) is available in English and German but it is irrelevant for the present argumentation. The sentences in (22b, c) have therefore the following interpretative properties: (i) a. again [∃x.x is a mouse and x is brown] impossible reading (restitutive) There is a brown mouse and there was a (different) brown mouse. b. again [∃x.x is a mouse and x is dyed brown] possible reading (repetitive) A mouse is (being) dyed brown and at a previous time, there was a (different) mouse that was (being) dyed brown.

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melt, freeze, cool, warm, empty, fill, open, close, paint (in) pink, dye brown, …

Group B: restitutive again > existential operator put, place, donate, construct, build, …

At first sight, it seems that group A contains verbs undergoing the causative alternation. However, this does not seem to be the correct generalization, as group B contains such verbs too (e.g. German (sich) ansiedeln and its English counterpart settle). Group A contains de-adjectival verbs, but we get the same result if we replace for example “paint pink” with “paint in pink”. The correct generalization is a division into change of state verbs and change of location verbs (as well as creation verbs ≈ cause to be in a location (see Dobler 2008a, b for detailed discussion)).

To explain these differences, we conclude with Dobler (2008a, b) that the direct object of change-of-state predicates is necessarily located outside of the Result phrase (when scope is computed). With change-of-location predicates, we note the reverse situation; the direct object can be located inside of the Result phrase (when scope is computed). Following Hale & Keyser (2000), we assume the structures in (26) for these two types of (transitive) verbs/predicates. (For structural variants of (26a, b) which are, in principle, compatible with the above findings, see Beck & Johnson (2004), von Stechow (2007), Dobler (2008a, b) or Ramchand (2008)).

(26) a. [VoiceP subject Voice [vP object v [RP Result ]]] (change-of-state) b. [VoiceP subject Voice [vP v [RP object Result ]]] (change-of-location)

6 On the Position of the Subjects of Unaccusatives; Are They Blocking there-­‐Insertion in Spec,vP?

Dobler (2008a, b) investigated transitive constructions while we are interest-ed in unaccusatives. Many of the verbs in Group A discussed in Dobler’s work express a change of state and have an unaccusative counterpart. If the widely held assumption is correct that the object of transitives has the same syntactic base position as the sole argument of unaccusatives, we expect that the unaccusative counterparts of these verbs should behave alike in terms of scope interaction between an indefinite theme argument and restitutive again. The transitives in Group B are change-of-location verbs. As noted in 4.1, the unaccusatives allowing there-insertion also express a change of location (come into existence ~ come to be in a location). We thus predict that these verbs should behave like transitive change-of-location verbs as far as scope interaction between an indefinite theme argument and restitutive again is

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concerned. In other words, if the argument of change-of-state unaccusatives is responsible for the blocking of there-insertion, it should necessarily be located outside the ResultP in the specifier of the un-accusative vP and it should never occur inside the scope of restitutive again. On the other hand, the argument of change-of-location un-accusatives should be located inside the ResultP and thus inside the scope of restitutive again; if it stays there, it does not block there-insertion in Spec,vP. These predictions are indeed borne out, as shown in the following two sub-sections.8

6.1 Verbs of Change of Location

Unaccusative verbs of appearance (27) and unaccusative verbs expressing an inherently directed motion (28) both allow, as predicted, the relevant reading where the indefinite/existential theme argument is in the scope of restitutive again.9

(27) a. Context: Until about 200 years ago, bears used to live in Bavaria, but they were completely wiped out by the inhabitants in the 19th century.

b. Letzten Sommer ist wieder ein Bär in Bayern aufgetaucht/erschie-nen.

c. Last summer, a bear appeared in Bavaria again.

(28) a. Context: Until about 200 years ago, bears used to live in Bavaria, but they were completely wiped out by the inhabitants in the 19th century.

b. Letzten Sommer ist wieder ein Bär nach Bayern gekommen. c. Last summer, a bear/bears came to Bavaria again.

6.2 Verbs of Change of State10 Unaccusative verbs of change of state, on the other hand, do not allow the relevant reading; their indefinite/existential theme argument cannot be

8 We would like to thank Eva Dobler (German), Andrew McIntyre, Walter Pederson, Marc Richards and Mike Putnam for their judgements. 9 Levin (1993) notes that verbs of disappearance allow there-insertion marginally. Deal (2009) argues that these verbs do not allow there-insertion. We do not discuss this class here, as it is hard to test (see also footnote 10). 10 There is a general complication with change-of-state verbs. Many of these verbs express “the disruption of material integrity” (Levin 1993). Since we are interested in a restitutive reading, these verbs are complicated to test; how can something start out broken, become united and break again?

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interpreted as being in the scope of restitutive again. (Repetitive again can outscope the indefinite theme but this reading is irrelevant for the argument.)

(29) a. Context: Yesterday, Sally visited a popsicle factory. There she had the opportunity to taste the popsicle mixture before it was frozen. She really loved it.

b. #Daheim angekommen ließ sie wieder ein Eis am Stiel schmelzen. c. #Once she was at home she made/let a popsicle melt again.

(30) a. Context: Many years ago, a type of squirrel existed which was yellow. Unfortunately, they all died due to a mysterious infection.

b. #Forscher haben es geschafft, dass sich in einem Labor wieder ein Eichhörnchen gelb gefärbt hat. c. #Scientists working in a Swiss laboratory managed to bring it about

that a squirrel turned yellow again.

6.3 ‘Verbs of Change of State’ under a ‘Come into Existence’ Reading

In addition to its use as a verb of change of state, the verb break also has a use as a verb of coming into existence, as in “The war broke (out)”. Similarly, the verb open has an appearance sense which can be paraphrased as ‘become visible’ or ‘come into existence’ in addition to its change-of-state sense. The question then is whether this difference is relevant for the availability of there-insertion. The judgements of our four informants shown in (31a, b) vs. (31c, d, e) suggest that such an effect indeed exists at least as a general tendency (1[(very good] - 5[very bad]).

(31) a. There broke a vase in the living room 5 4 4 4 b. There opened a window in the living room 5 4 3 5 c. During the spring, there suddenly broke (out) a war in west India 5 2 2.5 2 d. Suddenly, there opened a cavity underneath their feet 1 2 2 3 e. Suddenly, there opened a gap in the middle of the street 3 1 4 3

Crucially, and in accordance with our overall proposal, the ‘come into existence’ reading of these basically change-of-state verbs makes available the scope againrestitutive > indefinite:

(32) a. Context: For hundreds of years, people could get into the mountain through a small hole/crack. After a strong earthquake, this entrance was blocked. But after a long period of rain,

b. A hole opened in the rock again which allowed people to enter.

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c. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich aber wieder eine Lücke geöffnet.

(33) a. Context: When we started here, all the walls were covered with numerous gaps and holes which we closed with great effort.

b. But during the storm, a huge gap opened again. c. Durch den Sturm hat sich plötzlich wieder ein Spalt in der Wand


This suggests that the relevant parameter is not strictly syntac-tic/categorial (adjectival vs. prepositional), but semantic/conceptual (change-of-state vs. change of location/existence). However, this semantic parameter is syntactically reflected in the position available for the theme.

We thus conclude that the theme of change-of-location verbs originates inside the Result phrase where it can stay in principle. The theme of change-of-state verbs is obligatorily located in Spec,vP, not in the Result phrase. There-insertion is blocked in the latter context as it competes with the theme argument, see (34).

(34) a. [vP there [ResultP theme]] vs. b. [vP theme/*there [ResultP ]]

7 Conclusion In this paper, we argued that the unaccusativity mismatch observed in the literature concerning the availability of there-insertion points to a syntactic difference between two classes of unaccusatives. We showed that the theme argument of change-of-location unaccusatives occupies Spec, ResultP, while that of change-of-state unaccusatives occupies Spec,vP. Insertion of there is blocked in the latter case, as the theme and the expletive compete for the same position.

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Dobler, Eva. 2008a. ‘Again’ and the structure of result states. In Proceedings of ConSOLE XV.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 117–132. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Optatives: Deriving Desirability from Scalar Alternatives∗

María BiezmaUMass Amherst


Abstract. A compositional analysis of optative sentences is challenging for atleast two reasons: they encode desirability without having any overt marker, andthey are if -clauses with or without consequents, raising the question of whetherthey are actually conditionals. In this paper I argue that optatives are condition-als even when they do not have overt consequents. With respect to desirability, Iargue that in optatives modality is pragmatically derived. The investigation of op-tatives sheds light on the interaction between syntax, pragmatics and discourse.

1 Introduction: Where Does Desirability Come from?Structures like (1) are known as optatives in the literature, and they presentchallenges in several respects.

(1) If only I had been taller, I would have played in the NBA.

The utterance of an optative like (1) signals the speaker’s desires, and yet thereis no lexical item encoding desirability. Notice that what is desired when aconditional optative is uttered is not the antecedent proposition, i.e. that thespeaker were taller. What the speaker desires is the consequent, (2).

(2) A: If only I had been taller, I would have played in the NBA.B: That would not have been necessary, you were such a great player!

What would have made a difference was if you had been in a bettercollege team.

A: Yeah. . . !, you are right. . . , If only I had played for UCLA, I wouldhave played in the NBA.

The dialogue in (2) illustrates that what is really desired is not being taller orhaving played for UCLA. What the speaker really desires at the time of utter-ance is to have played in the NBA. The antecedent proposition is not desiredper se but just as means to bring about the consequent, i.e to have played in theNBA.∗ I would like to thank Rajesh Bhatt, Lyn Frazier and Chris Potts for comments and help. Alsothanks to the audience of Sinn und Bedeutung 15, especially Cleo Condoravdi, Sven Lauer andMalte Zimmermann.

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The main question this paper addresses is where desirability comes from. Iwill propose that the modal meaning in optatives comes about pragmatically.It arises from the discourse assumptions leading to the utterance of the opta-tive, and is revealed by the topic-focus structure in optatives and the semanticsof conditionals. Optatives illustrate the importance of investigating meaningwithin the larger context provided by discourse and paying attention to prag-matic meanings derived from different components.

Overview: in §2 I investigate the syntax of optatives, in §3 I argue that alloptatives are conditionals, in §4 I show that optative conditionals differ withrespect to topicality, in §5 I argue that the reversal of topicality brings aboutdesirability by constraining the questions that license optatives in the discourse.

2 Scope and StructureI will adopt the view that if -clauses restrict the domain of quantification of amodal (Lewis-inspired proposal by Kratzer 1977). For a conditional to bringabout optativity, there must be a focus adverb in the antecedent that obeyscertain distributional restrictions. Let us consider the contrast between (3) and(4).

(3) OptativesIf only I had left earlier/ If only he didn’t have a gun/ If I had only leftearlier/ If he had only always acted honorably/ If he only didn’t havea gun/ If a hurricane only had razed the city/ If he had only not had agun/ Had I only read a letter

(4) Not Optatives (ungrammatical or not optative meaning)a. If he had always only acted honorably.b. *If he did only not have a gun.c. If he didn’t only have a gun.d. If he hadn’t only had a gun.e. *Had only I read a letter. (Rifkin 2000)

Only is an adverb, and can attach at any level in the structure that is seman-tically permitted. The data in (4) shows that in order to obtain an optativemeaning, the adverb must adjoin higher than vP. In (4a) there is no optativemeaning and only has attached either at the vP level or at the VP level (alwaysis adjoined at the vP level and only adjoins below it). The same is illustratedby (4c) and (4d), in which negation is constituent negation at the vP level. Thestructure below offers a summary of the positions where only may show upwith an optative interpretation (see Biezma in progress for details regarding

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the structures).

(5) [CP[TP only [TP[T only [T [PerfP only [PerfP [vP. . . ]]]]]]]]

To sum up so far, we have seen that the syntax of conditional optatives in-volves a focus adverb scoping over a clause denoting a proposition (vP or TP).In what follows I argue that it also needs to associate with the entire proposi-tion.

If only does not associate with the proposition there is not optativity, (6b).

(6) a. If only mom invited grandpa, he wouldn’t come.b. If only [F MOM] invited grandpa, he wouldn’t come.

The sentence in (6a) has an optative meaning, i.e. it is inferred that the speakerwants grandpa not to come. The contrast in (7) illustrates the meaning of (6a):

(7) a. I wish so much to see grandpa, # If only mom invited grandpa, hewouldn’t come.

b. I do not want to see grandpa this weekend,√

If only mom invitedgrandpa, he wouldn’t come.

I assume that the intonation in (6a) is just neutral intonation and as we seein (7), with neutral intonation there is optative meaning. (6b), however, is notan optative, i.e. it is not understood that the speaker does not want grandpa tocome. In (6b) the small caps on mom indicate emphatic intonation. In this case,only associates with mom, and the optative meaning disappears.

(8) A: Grandpa is getting old. He only travels when the whole family triesto convince him to get together.

B: Well, there is a possibility that mom ask him to visit us next week.A: Don’t be stupid! If only [F MOM] invited him, he wouldn’t come.

In (8) the conditional does not carry an optative meaning even though there is afocus adverb in the antecedent. The meaning of A’s utterance is that were momto be the only person inviting, he would not feel compelled to visit at all.

A second related argument to claim that optativity arises only when thefocus adverb associates with the entire proposition comes from the possibilityof having silent consequents.1 When the focus adverb does not associate withthe entire antecedent propositions, the absence of the consequent is ungram-matical.

1 In §3 I argue that optatives with and without spelled-out consequents are indeed conditionals.

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(9) a. If only mom invited grandpa.b. *If only MOM invited grandpa.

If we use the strategy of placing emphasis on a constituent to mark focus, (9b),thus forcing the association of only with something that is not a proposition,the result is a regular conditional and the consequent needs to be spelled out.If there is no special intonation, (9a), and only can associate with the entireproposition, it’s understood as an optative and the consequent can be silent.

In this section we have seen that optativity only arises when there is afocus adverb c-commanding a proposition level constituent, and associatingwith the entire proposition. In the next section we will see that, despite theabsence of consequents in some cases, optatives are always conditionals.

3 Optatives Are ConditionalsOne of the main characteristics of optatives is that they are fine with a conse-quent that is not spelled out. Indeed, this is even preferred and has been takento cast doubt on their characterization as conditionals. In what follows I reviewRifkin’s (2000) arguments against the view that optatives without consequents(if only!2) are conditionals, showing that a closer look at the data underminesRifkin’s conclusions. The main claim made in this section is that in spite of ap-pearances, if only! constructions have a conditional structure (cf. Rifkin 2000).We do not see a conditional because the structures denote properties of proposi-tions with a variable ranging over propositions that have been abstracted over.3

(10) Proposal: if only! constructions are abstractions over propositionsλ p.q⇒ p (where ‘⇒’ stands for the semantics of the modal)

In order to support the proposal in (10) I offer arguments to show that ifonly! constructions do not denote propositions, but denote instead propertiesof propositions, and to show that if only! constructions are conditionals. Argu-ments of the first kind are presented in §3.1 and §3.2, of the second kind in§3.3.

3.1 EmbeddingRifkin (2000) argues against if only! optatives being conditionals by showingthat they cannot be embedded, whereas regular conditionals can.

(11) a. Avi thinks that if it would snow, things would be good.b. *Avi thinks that if only it would snow.

2 I adopt Rifkin’s (2000) label for optatives without spelled-out consequents in the rest of the paper.3 See Biezma (in progress) for details.

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c. Avi thinks that if only it would snow, things would be good.

The data in (11a) illustrates a regular embedded conditional. (11b) shows thatif only! constructions cannot be embedded. The example in (11b) contrastswith (11c), in which an optative spelling out the consequent can be embed-ded. According to Rifkin, if if only! constructions were conditionals withoutconsequents they should behave like regular conditionals, but they don’t.

Rifkin’s (2000) observations regarding embeddability actually lend sup-port for the view presented above according to which if only! constructions donot denote propositions. This is the reason why they cannot be embedded in thesame way as optatives in which the consequent is spelled out, which do denotepropositions. The predicate think takes a proposition as argument, and if only!constructions are not of the right type to instantiate this argument.

3.2 ConjunctionRifkin (2000) claims that if if only! constructions were conditionals, they shouldbehave as conditionals across the board, and signals (12) as a counterexample.

(12) a. *If only Sue had money and if she had time, she would ski Mt.McKinley

b. *If Sue had money, she would ski Mt. McKinley, and if only shehad money

c. If Sue had money, things would be good, and if she had time, shecould ski Mt. McKinley (Rifkin 2000: ex. (31), (33) and (32))

Rifkin (2000) uses the data in (12) to argue that if only! constructions do notbehave like regular antecedents of conditionals with respect to coordination. Inprinciple we could conjoin two conditionals without only, (12c), but we cannotconjoin one with only and one without only, (12a) and (12b).

However, Rifkin himself points out that it is possible to conjoin two an-tecedents with only.

(13) I can’t believe the picnic went so poorly!a. If only Meg had brought a corkscrew and if only Jim had made a

decent saladb. If Meg had only brought a corkscrew and if Jim had only made a

decent salad (Rifkin 2000: footnote 5, ex. (iv))

Rifkin’s (2000) observations regarding coordination also provide support forthe view according to which if only! constructions are properties of proposi-tions. The contrast between (12a), (12b) and (13) is perfectly explained once

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we consider that if only! constructions are properties of propositions and notpropositions. The ungrammaticality of (12a) and (12b) is explained by the gen-eral impossibility of conjoining two objects of different semantic types (propo-sitions, in the case of regular conditionals, and properties of propositions in thecase of if only! constructions). This problem does not arise in (12c), since thetwo conjuncts are regular conditionals (and hence of the same type), and doesnot arise either in (13), where we have two if only! optatives conjoined.

3.3 Recovering the ConsequentEven though if only! constructions denote properties of propositions, they areused in contexts in which it is possible to recover a consequent, thus supportingthe claim that they are conditionals. Example (14), where B’s response showsthat B has worked out the silent constituent in A’s statement, illustrates this:

(14) A: If only I were taller.B: Then your desires wouldn’t have become true either.4

(14) illustrates that we process A’s statement as giving sufficient conditionsfor a desired consequence to be brought about. After the utterance of an ifonly!, we accommodate a consequent. In the most general case, as in (14),such consequent is merely that the consequences of the antecedent being trueare desired.

The fact that we can take B to be contradicting A’s claim is importantbecause B’s claim is itself an overt conditional. The proform in B’s statementprovides the antecedent for the modal ‘would’. In this context, it picks out thesame antecedent as the one in A’s statement. What follows in B’s claim is thenegation of the implicit consequent in A’s claim, and thus we understand thatB is disagreeing with A.5 The shape of B’s disagreement provides support forthe view that upon hearing A’s utterance, we process a conditionalized claim.

3.4 Summary and Further DataIn this section we have seen arguments that support the view that if only! con-structions are conditionals and we have proposed that in these cases the conse-quent is a silent pronoun that is abstracted over to generate a property of propo-sitions. With these ingredients we have been able to review Rifkin’s (2000)original arguments and show that the data does not actually argue against aview of if only! constructions as conditionals. There are further arguments thatcan be provided to support the view that conditionals and optatives have thesame underlying logical form (contra Rifkin 2000). These include the fact that

4 I thank a Sinn und Bedeutung 15 anonymous reviewer for this data.5 B’s utterance form is very telling since it is if α⇒¬β , the negation of the conditional statement.

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counterfactuality is not obligatory in optatives, the fact that the same ques-tions follow up conditionals and optatives, and the behavior of stacked an-tecedents. This discussion cannot be included for reasons of space (see Biezmain progress).

4 Reversed TopicalityIn this section, we turn to the issue of why the consequent can remain silent inif only! constructions and take the first steps towards explaining desirability. Ithas been argued in the literature that the antecedents of conditionals are topics(Haiman 1978).6 In the kind of regular conditionals that interest us here, theantecedent is an aboutness topic (Reinhart 1981).7 When the conditionals areoptatives, however, topicality is reversed. Since in optatives the focus adverbscopes and associates with the antecedent proposition, α , it is the antecedentproposition that is the focus. In these structures, the consequent, β , is nowthe topic. Recall that it is crucial for optativity that the focus adverb scopesand associates with the entire antecedent proposition. It is this that allows the(sentence level) information structure to be reversed in this type of conditional(we can also have focused elements in topic constituents, as in (6b) above,while the constituent itself remains the sentence topic).

The fact that the consequent in optatives is the topic, thus treated as dis-course old, explains why it can remain silent. The possibility of not spellingout the consequent in optative conditionals is the result of topic drop (and thisalso explains why speakers actually prefer not to spell out the consequent).8

The presence of focus adverbs in optatives plays a crucial role in ex-plaining the reversal in topicality. So far we have only considered optativescontaining only in the antecedent, but optativity can arise with other adverbstoo:9

(15) a. EnglishIf at least I had been taller, I would have played in the NBA.

b. SpanishSiif



/ tan sóloas only





habríawould have

6 Indeed, antecedents of conditionals can constitute topics of different kinds. See Ebert, Endriss &Hinterwimmer (2008) a.o.7 See Biezma (in progress) for arguments on this respect.8 Notice that in regular conditionals, in which the antecedent is the topic, the antecedent can remainsilent (see Kasper 1992). This is the opposite of what we find in optatives, since in optativesinformation structure is reversed.9 Below there is data from English, Spanish and German. My account is meant to explain the caseof English and Spanish. Further research would be needed to discuss the German data.

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c. German (optatives are preferred without a spelled-out consequent)? Wenn

















What about desirability? Where does this come from? The data in (15) showsthat there is a range of focus adverbs whose presence in the conditional an-tecedent brings about desirability, (with the constraints in §2). Given that onthe surface, optatives differ from conditionals only regarding the presence of afocus adverb in the antecedent, but do not depend on the semantics of that par-ticular focus adverb (there are several that do the trick), desirability needs to bederived from the mere presence of a focus adverb, not from its truth conditions.In what follows I argue that desirability arises from the interaction between thetypes of interpretations associated with focus adverbs and the Immediate Ques-tion Under Discussion.

5 Deriving DesirabilityIn this section we will finally tackle the issue of how desirability arises in op-tatives. We have reached the following important conclusions: (i) in optativesa focus adverb scopes over and associates with a proposition, §2; (ii) optativesare conditionals that spell out the antecedent, §3; (iii) information structure inoptative conditionals is reversed with respect to regular conditionals, §4. Wewill now bring these ingredients together to argue that desirability in optativesarises because the focus adverb appeals to a scale setting up discourse licensingconditions such that the question under discussion can only be a goal orientedquestion. Desirability is analyzed as an implicature arising from the discoursegiven an (implicit) goal oriented question.10

To reach this conclusion I proceed by first giving a brief overview ofRoberts’s (1996) discourse model, §5.1. Then I discuss the questions underdiscussion that license optatives, §5.2. Afterwards I establish a link with thescales in optatives, §5.3. Finally I show how desirability is derived, §5.4.

10 I am using the term goal oriented in a very broad sense. Goal oriented is meant to indicatethat the question inquires about how to bring about the desired state of affairs, without implyingagentivity.

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5.1 Topicality and the IQuDRoberts’ (1996) theory of discourse is devoted to the recognition of the in-terlocutor’s intentions in understanding the meaning of the utterance. Robertsprovides a framework for discourse as a sequence of intentional actions struc-tured with a given goal. Following Stalnaker, Roberts considers that the maingoal of a discourse is the communal inquiry to discover what the actual worldis like. During discourse, the participants’ goal is to reduce the context set (aset of possible worlds) characterized by the Common Ground (CG).

Roberts takes questions to be the obvious counterpart of an inquiry anduses them as the formal objects reflecting interlocutor’s goals. In Roberts’ sys-tem, we can track the speaker’s intentions by assuming that every utterance iseither an answer (pay-off move) to an (implicit) question that the speaker ac-cepts to address (the immediate question under discussion (IQuD)), or a ques-tion itself (set-up move). Assertions are pay-off moves because they choosebetween the alternatives proffered by a set up move. In this system the in-terpretation of every move involves two aspects: (i) the presupposed content,which constrains the contexts in which an utterance can be made, and (ii) theproffered content, which corresponds with what is asserted (in assertions) andthe non-presupposed content of questions and commands.

Besides recognizing that the primary goal of every discourse is a com-munal inquiry, Roberts also recognizes the existence of more particular goals,domain goals. These particular goals are ultimately what lies behind the type ofconversational inquiry conducted by the speaker. In the next section I explorewhat are the domain goals behind the utterance of an optative (i.e. the IQuD).

5.2 Mention-Some and the IQuDs in OptativesIn this section we will discuss the role of optatives in the discourse. Our goal isto identify the IQuDs that can be answered (paid off ) with an optative. This isimportant because my objective is to link desirability in optatives to the IQuD.Let us start by noting that, in general, in answers we find focus on the elementsthat are under question, (16).

(16) A: What did Lauren buy?B: Lauren bought [F BANANAS]

Even if B’s utterance is not preceded by an explicit question, we can assume,given the structural characteristics of B’s utterance (syntax and intonation),that the utterance is answering the question what did Lauren buy?. This fol-lows from the fact that the question under discussion has to be congruent withthe utterance. So, in order to find out the IQuD in optatives, we first need to

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understand the semantics of the conditional, since the implicit question has tobe congruent with this too. A conditional if α , β claims (roughly) that in themost similar worlds to the actual world in which α is true, β is true (à laLewis-Stalnaker). With this semantics in hand, and considering the informa-tion structure of regular conditionals as discussed above (α is the topic), theIQuD when a regular conditional is uttered would be as in (17).

(17) What does α bring about? or What would α have brought about?

The conditional uttered as answer to the question in (17) provides the answervia the consequent, β , which bears focus.

(18) A: What would happen after the fall of the dictatorial Government?B: If the Government fell, a democratic system would be estab-


The consequent proposition, a democratic system is established, is the answer.As argued above, however, in optatives (if only α , β ) topicality is reversed

and β does not bear focus. The sentence focus is α , the antecedent, whereas β ,the consequent, is now the topic. Given this, and considering the semantics ofconditionals, I claim that the (implicit) IQuD for optatives is (19).

(19) How do we bring β about? or How would we have brought β about?

The IQuD when an optative is uttered asks what are sufficient conditionsto bring about the consequent (the topic).

Notice that the questions in (19) are a special kind of question. They aregoal oriented questions. We understand that the speaker wants to know aboutthe best way to bring about β . In the case of goal oriented questions, we donot ask about all the alternatives that bring about the truth of the embeddedproposition (β ), but about the best alternative that the addressee is aware of.

The questions in (19) have another important characteristic, they implythat the proposition embedded in the question is desired by the speaker. To seethat this is so, let us consider the questions in (20).

(20) a. How do I get to the supermarket?b. How do I get to play in the NBA?c. How do I get to die?

The question in (20a) implies that the questioner wants to get to the supermar-ket and asks about the best way to get there that the addressee is aware of,(21).

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(21) John is walking on the street and John asks a passer-by a question.John: How would I get to the supermarket?Bill: Walk south and turn right on the next street.

If after Bill’s directions John starts walking north, Bill would be perplexed,since he would wonder why he is going in the opposite direction to that of thesupermarket. He would be even tempted to call him out and indicate that he isjust walking opposite to what he indicated, south is in the other direction. Thisis because John’s utterance implied that he wants to go to the supermarket. Thesame strategy would show that in (20b) it is implied that the speaker wants toplay in the NBA. And (20c) is odd in most contexts because it implies that thespeaker wants to die and that is an odd desire to have.

If the IQuD when an optative is uttered is a goal oriented question, thiswould provide us with an explanation for why we understand that optativesconvey the desirability of the consequent: the IQuD asks how to bring the con-sequent about and implicates that the consequent is desired. However, we stillneed to provide arguments to support the claim that the IQuD addressed by anoptative is of the kind in (19), i.e. goal oriented.

Notice that the claim that it is goal oriented questions that license opta-tives is not trivial. If we just consider the semantics of conditionals and theirinformation structure, other types of questions may be expected to serve asIQuDs leading to optatives. Paying attention only to the semantics of condi-tionals and the reversal in information structure, one could also argue that (22)could serve as an IQuD licensing an optative answer.

(22) What are the circ*mstances that would bring about β?

Given (22), a conditional in which the antecedent is the sentence focus wouldbe an appropriate answer, and this is exactly what we find in optatives giventhe presence of a focus adverb. But, of course, if the IQuD were something like(22), we would not explain desirability in optatives. (22) is not a goal orientedquestion and we do not understand that the embedded proposition is desired.

Why can’t (22) be the IQuD for an optative? The important differencebetween the questions in (19) (goal oriented) and questions like (22) is thatthey privilege different readings. The questions in (19) privilege a mention-some reading, whereas in (22) a mention-all reading is prominent.11 In themention-some readings, the answerhood conditions for a question require thatthe answer meet the questioner’s goals. The relevant answer is then the one

11 How to account for these two readings in a theory of questions is a debate far from settled andbeyond the scope of this paper.

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indicating the best alternative for achieving the goal (mention-some questionsare goal oriented questions). It has been argued that some questions are spe-cialized for mention-some readings (e.g. Asher & Lascarides 1998) argue thathow and where questions give rise to a mention-some reading in most of thecases). In what follows I argue that the IQuD in optatives has to be a questionwith a mention-some reading. Since such questions are typically goal orientedquestions this explains the desirability effects in optatives. In my explanation Iwill appeal to the semantics of focus particles present in optatives. In the nextsections I will argue that certain aspects of the semantics of the focus adverbsin optatives are crucial in establishing the IQuD addressed by an optative. Inparticular, I will appeal to the fact that these adverbs are scalar.

5.3 The Scale in OptativesIn this paper I adopt Beaver & Clark (2008) analysis of conventionally focussensitive expressions (like only and at least). This analysis argues that such ex-pressions encode a dependence on the IQuD. As these authors point out, theirproposal is not the first proposal claiming that there is a relation between focussensitive expressions and the IQuD. Other authors already established such linkwith the discourse topic or the IQuD (von Fintel 1994; Roberts 1996). How-ever, Beaver & Clark (2008) go a step further and claim that this relationship isencoded in the meaning of the expressions and that these must comment on theIQuD. In what follows I focus on only and conditional optatives containing thisadverb. According to Beaver & Clark (2008), “the function of exclusives likeonly is to say that the strongest true answer to the IQuD is weaker than someexpected answer.” Thus, utterances containing only trigger a partial rank of al-ternatives (the possible answers) ordered according to a contextually providedscale (see Beaver & Clark 2008 for details).12 According to these authors, ut-terances containing only carry the presupposition that “the strongest true al-ternatives in the IQuD are at least as strong as the prejacent”,13 and that thedescriptive content of utterances with exclusives indicates that “the strongesttrue alternatives in the IQuD are at most as strong as the prejacent”. With theprevious background in hand, let us see now how only works in optatives. Con-sider the optative in (23).

(23) John had a job interview this morning. He drove there but his car brokedown. John called Tom, a mechanic friend, but by the time he got thecar running it was too late for John to make it.

12 The ordered alternatives do not need to logically entail alternatives lower in the scale.13 The prejacent of an utterance containing only is the proposition denotated by the sentence inwhich the exclusive is not present.

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Tom:If only I had arrived earlier

In order to make use of Beaver & Clark’s (2008) proposal, we need to adaptit to the case of conditionals. The optative uttered by Tom is “If only I hadarrived earlier, John would have gotten to his interview on time”. With theassumption that the antecedent proposition is focused, the prejacent itself is X.In the context of the optative conditional, we obtain (24):

(24) If X, John would have gotten to his interview on time.(Where X= Tom arrives on time and repairs John’s car)

The alternative values for X are presented in (25). The alternatives in (25) areordered according to a scale provided by what could intuitively be thoughtof as likelihood (factors like the degree of deviation from the history of theactual world, the effort required to bring about the truth of the proposition, andplausibility can all play a role here). The strongest alternatives are the mostlikely ones, while the weakest alternatives are the ones that require more effort,are more implausible given the history of the world, etc.

(25) +(likely) John drove his car more carefullyTom arrived earlier and fixed the carTom fixed the car faster

−(likely) John went out and bought a new car

In (25) we find a variety of alternatives. The order is provided by likelihoodand the amount of effort required to bring each about. Suppose that John isactually a careful driver and Tom is habitually late. It would have been morelikely/easier for John to drive even more carefully than he actually did thanfor Tom to arrive on time. John is actually rather poor, so the amount of effortit would have taken for him to buy a new car, and the unlikelihood of thathappening, is much greater than for the alternative of Tom arriving on time.

I will follow Beaver & Clark (2008) with respect to the presuppositionsand descriptive content associated with only. Since we are dealing with alterna-tives that are antecedents of (counterfactual) conditionals, we cannot ask for thestrongest true alternative. Instead, in the context of a conditional, we will lookfor the strongest sufficient alternative. When Tom utters the optative in (23), hepresupposes that the strongest sufficient alternatives are at least as strong as theantecedent proposition. The descriptive content associated with Tom’s claim isthat the strongest sufficient alternatives are at most as strong as the antecedent.

Let us examine the predictions made by this proposal with respect to (23).Tom’s utterance carries the presupposition that the sufficient alternatives are atleast as strong as the chosen alternative. This is true, since the only other suffi-

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cient alternative (that Tom fixed the car more quickly) is as strong as the chosenalternative (the other sufficient alternatives are weaker). The descriptive con-tent associated with Tom’s utterance is that the strongest sufficient alternativesare at most as strong as the chosen alternative. This is true given our scale, sincethe stronger alternatives are not sufficient (the car breaking down had nothingto do with John’s driving style).

The proposal above makes correct predictions regarding unacceptable op-tatives in this context. Imagine that in the scenario above, Tom had uttered Ifonly you had driven more carefully!. This would have been deviant in the con-text, since driving more carefully would not have had any useful consequences.We would be surprised by Tom’s utterance. The deviancy is predicted. The de-scriptive content associated with such a claim would have been false. This isnot the strongest sufficient alternative. Indeed, this is not a sufficient alternativeat all. With the assumption (following Beaver & Clark 2008) that only marksthe strongest sufficient condition, this optative is predicted to be deviant.

Let us turn now to another deviant optative. Suppose that in the scenarioabove, Tom had uttered If only you had bought another car. This optativewould also have been deviant. John would have felt that Tom’s utterance wasa bit exaggerated. This is also predicted by the proposal above. The presup-positions associated with Tom’s utterance would not be respected. There aresufficient alternatives that are stronger than the chosen alternative. Again, theproposal predicts that this optative is deviant.

The role of only in an optative is to signal the position that the antecedentproposition occupies on a scale. We have followed Beaver & Clark (2008) withrespect to the presuppositions and descriptive content associated with only.Given that our interest lies in only in the antecedent of conditionals, we havenot relativized the scale to truth, but to the sufficiency of the proposition tobring about the consequent. The scales we have adopted order the alternativesin terms of likelihood, with the most likely being considered stronger. This hasthe result that propositions that are harder to bring about, or wildly implausible,are characterized as weaker. This may appear rather unintuitive, but, as we haveseen, this scale fits our intuitions regarding the acceptability of optatives.

We have not discussed Beaver & Clark’s (2008) claim that only weakenssalient or natural expectations. A discussion of this point remains for futurework. It is worth noting that the case of conditionals is different from the caseof assertions discussed in Beaver & Clark (2008). It is unclear how expec-tations would work in the antecedent of (counterfactual) conditionals. Noticethat in Beaver & Clark’s (2008) example Brad only got a Soames, getting aSoames is understood as being ‘less’ than was expected/hoped for. However,in the context of a conditional If only Brady had gotten a Soames! the judgment

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disappears. Expectations seem to work differently in the case of conditionals,but this discussion lies outside the scope of the current work.

An optative provides the best/strongest alternative that a speaker knowswould bring about the desired consequent. If an optative is considered a pay-offmove, it requires an IQuD that asks for the best strongest alternative that bringsabout the consequent. These are goal oriented /mention-some questions.

5.4 Desirability Derived!When uttering an optative the speaker indicates that he is answering a mention-some/goal oriented question. This is because of the congruence requirementbetween the optative and the IQuD. Optatives require a IQuD that asks aboutthe best alternative amongst the set, and mention-some/goal oriented questionsdo exactly that. Since only mention-some/goal oriented questions can licenseoptatives and these questions imply that the embedded proposition14 is desired,we understand that the consequent in optatives is desired.

6 ConclusionIn this paper I have proposed an analysis of optatives that draws heavily on theinteraction between syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse to explain themeaning of the construction. The focus of the paper has been the expressionof desirability in optatives. I have shown that the modal meanings associatedwith desires can be derived pragmatically. There isn’t a “desirability modal” inoptatives. There is, however, a focus adverb that appeals to ordered alternativesand invokes a question under discussion with desirability implicatures.

ReferencesAsher, Nicholas & Alex Lascarides. 1998. Questions in dialogue. Linguistics

and Philosophy 23(3). 237–309.Beaver, David I. & Brady Z. Clark. 2008. Sense and Sensitivity: How focus

determines meaning. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.Biezma, María. in progress. Anchoring pragmatics in syntax and semantics.

Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Amherst dissertation. Ms.Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2008. A unified

analysis of indicative and biscuit conditionals as topics. In T Fried-man & S Ito (eds.), Proceedings of semantics and linguistic theory 18,Ithaca: Cornell University.

von Fintel, Kai. 1994. Restrictions on quantifier domains: University of Mas-

14 The embedded proposition in the question is also the (implicit) consequent in the optative con-ditional.

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sachusetts Amherst dissertation.Haiman, John. 1978. Conditionals are topics. Language 54(3). 564–589.Kasper, Walter. 1992. Presuppositions, composition, and simple subjunctives.

Journal of Semantics 307–331.Kratzer, Angelika. 1977. What ‘must’ and ‘can’ must and can mean. Linguis-

tics and Philosophy 1. 337–355.Reinhart, Tanya. 1981. Pragmatics and linguistics: An analysis of sentence

topics. Philosophica 27. 53–94.Rifkin, Jay I. 2000. If only if only were if plus only. In Cls 36, 369–383.

Chicago, Il: Chicago Linguistics Society.Roberts, Craige. 1996. Information Structure in Discourse: Towards an Inte-

grated Formal Theory of Pragmatics. In OSU Working papers in lin-guistics 49: papers in semantics, 91–136.

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On French un même and Antispecificity

Isabelle Charnavel University of California, Los Angeles/Institut Jean Nicod, Paris


Abstract. In this paper, I examine the definiteness problem raised by sentence-internal même 'same' in French, as in this language (vs. English), même does not only combine with the definite determiner (le même), but also with the indefinite article (un même). Even if le même, like the same, does not behave like typical definite descriptions do, it contrasts with un même with respect to definiteness and distribution: un même is more indefinite than le même in that it does not trigger any presupposition at all; moreover, un même is more restricted in distribution than le même in that it only exhibits sentence-internal readings in antispecific contexts. I hypothesize that both le même and un même are quantifiers over a plural event that has been distributed, but also contain a domain variable: that of un même has to be quantificationally bound while that of le même can also be identified by the context.

1 Introduction Sentence-internal same (like different) poses a problem of compositionality that aroused the interest of several linguists (Carlson 1987, Moltmann 1992, Barker 2007, Brasoveanu 2009, ...): due to its meaning involving comparison, the interpretation of same relies on the presence of a licenser (underlined in 1) that does not directly combine with the DP containing same. Under the sentence-internal reading, (1) means that there exists some book x such that Mike read x and Sue read x (while the sentence-external reading depends on identifying some contextually salient book).

(1) Mike and Sue read the same book.

But in this paper, I will focus on another related issue raised by sentence-internal same: even if DPs with sentence-internal same do not behave the way typical definite descriptions do, 'a same' is ungrammatical in English; C. Barker (2007: 428) formulates this definiteness puzzle as follows:

Why does same require the definite determiner? (Baker 2007: 428)

However, French equivalent of 'same' même interestingly combines either with the definite (le/la/les même(s)) or the indefinite (un/une/de même(s))

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 133–147. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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article. Moreover, le même behaves like the same in that it also presents indefiniteness effects. The same can always be translated by le même, but also by un même in certain cases; in other cases, un même cannot be translated by the same without changing the meaning. The main issue is thus to understand in which cases un même is licensed if le même already behaves like an indefinite. My goal is to describe the semantics and the distribution of un même and examine the theoretical implications with respect to definiteness and specificity. To this end, I will first compare le même and un même with respect to definiteness, then with respect to distribution, and I will finally suggest an hypothesis about the antispecificity of un même: I will propose that un même and le même are quantifiers containing a variable that gets interpreted in different ways.

2 Le même, un même and Definiteness 2.1 Le même and Indefiniteness Effects Sentence-internal même differs from other terms expressing identity and difference with respect to determiner use.

(2) a. Julie et Paul ont lu le même livre/#le livre différent/similaire. ‘Julie and Paul read the same/#the different/#the similar book.’ b. Julie et Paul ont lu ??un même livre/un livre différent/similaire. ‘Julie and Paul read ??a same/a different/a similar book.’

Moreover, le même exhibits indefiniteness effects. First, it does not trigger a presupposition of unique existence as typical definite descriptions do (cf. Barker 2007: 428). This is shown in (3) presenting basic tests for presuppositions: even if the sentence is negated or questioned, the existence of a unique book that Luc and Flore read is not presupposed, but this is precisely what is at issue here.

(3) a. Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre. ‘Luc and Flore read the same book.’ b. Est-ce que Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre? ‘Did Luc and Flore read the same book?’ c. Luc et Flore n'ont pas lu le même livre. ‘Luc and Flore did not read the same book.’

Also, le même can introduce a new discourse referent like indefinites (cf. Novelty Condition) as opposed to standard definites.

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(4) A: Pourquoi tu penses que Luc et Flore ont des goûts similaires? B: Pendant les vacances, ils ont lu le même livre. ‘A: Why do you think Luc and Flore have similar tastes? B: They read the same book during the holidays.’

Furthermore, le même can occur in existential constructions unlike typical definites.

(5) a. Il existe le même problème dans ces trois pays. ‘There exists the same problem in these three countries.’ b. * Il existe le/ce problème dans ces trois pays. ‘*There exists the/this problem in these three countries.’

Finally, le même can be non specific as exemplified in (6). This is not predicted based on Enç (1991) who argues that specificity corresponds to an inclusion relation in a contextually determined set; since the linking relevant for definite DPs is the identity relation and identity of referents entails inclusion, all definites are expected to be specific.

(6) Claire et Anne ont acheté la même robe. ‘Claire and Anne bought the same dress.’ a. Specific: there is a particular dress that the speaker has in mind that

Claire and Anne each bought. b. Non specific: there exists a unique dress – whatever it is, the speaker

does not know which one – that Claire and Anne each bought.1

So le même behaves like an indefinite in several respects.

2.2 Un même more Indefinite than le même? If le même has the properties of an indefinite, how can un même contrast with le même? First, le même unlike un même triggers what I call a global presupposition of unique existence. As seen above, (3) does not presuppose the existence of a unique book that Luc and Flore read (usual presupposition of existence), but it presupposes that Luc and Flore each read a unique book (global presupposition of existence), as shown by Solomon (2009) for same. This idea is corroborated by the following examples: the infelicitousness of (7) points to a global existence presupposition, while that of (8) indicates the existence of a global uniqueness presupposition.

1 Note that specificity cannot be determined by scope when same is involved: because of its meaning, narrow scope of same does not entail covariation.

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(7) Est-ce que Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre? #Non, Luc n'a pas lu de livre. ‘Did Luc and Flore read the same book? #No, Luc didn't read any book.’

(8) ??Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre pendant les vacances, et Luc a également lu les Misérables et Madame Bovary. ‘??Luc and Flore read the same book during the holidays, and Luc also read les Misérables and Madame Bovary.’

On the other hand, un même does not trigger any presuppositions at all: when un 'a' is used, (9) does not presuppose that the children eat round a table, and (10) does not presuppose that each country only has one enemy.

(9) Dans la plupart des familles nombreuses, les enfants ne mangent pas autour de la/une même table. ‘In most large families, the children do not eat round the/UN same table.’

(10) Quand deux pays ont le/un même ennemi, ils s'allient. ‘When two countries have the/UN same enemy, they form an alliance.’

Furthermore, un même has to be non specific (what I call antispecificity) while le même can be either specific or non specific. (11) illustrates that un même unlike le même cannot be used when the referent can be identified by the context.

(11) a. Dans chaque système planétaire, toutes les planètes tournent autour de la/une même étoile.

‘In each planetary system, every planet revolves around the/UN same star.’

b. Dans le système solaire, toutes les planètes tournent autour de la/*une même étoile. ‘In the solar system, every planet revolves around the/*UN same star.’

So the semantic difference between un même and le même pertains to pre-suppositions and specificity.

3 Le même, un même and Distribution It appears that un même can always be replaced by le même, but the reverse does not hold. What is then the contrast between un même and le même with respect to distribution?

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3.1 DP-­‐internal Distribution of même First, let's note that même does not exhibit the DP-internal distribution of standard adjectives, which supports the hypothesis that le même and un même are actually complex determiners. In fact, même cannot be used predicatively.

(12) a. Ces livres sont *(les) mêmes. ‘These books are *(the) same.’ b. *Je ne le trouve pas même aujourd'hui. ‘*I don't find him same today.’

Secondly, the only determiners compatible with sentence-internal même are the definite determiner le/la/les, and the indefinite one un/une/de.

(13) a. lire *quelques/*divers/*certains/*plusieurs/*trois/de/les même livres. ‘to read *some/*various/*certain/*several /*three/ø/the same books.’ b. lire un/*leur/#ce/le même livre. ‘to read a/*their/#this/the same book.’2

Thirdly, même cannot be modified by adverbs.

(14) Luc et Flore ont lu le (*vraiment/*très/*presque/*tout) même livre. ‘Luc and Flore read the (?really/very/?almost/very) same book.’

Finally, même cannot be coordinated with any adjective.

(15) Luc et Flore ont acheté le (*petit et/*premier et/*seul et) même livre. ‘Luc and Flore bought the (*small and/*first and/*only and) same book.’

Based on these data, I hypothesize that le même and un même are complex determiners. This is supported by crosslinguistic evidence: Braseovanu (2009) shows that in Romanian, while singular and plural 'different' are adjectival in nature (alt and diferit, respectively), 'same' is a determiner – the so-called demonstrative article (or pronoun) of identity acelaşi (agreeing in gender and number), which is the counterpart of the English 'the+same' rather than just 'same'.

3.2 Only one Reading for un même But there are several distributional differences between un même and le même. First, un même unlike le même only has sentence-internal readings.

2 # indicates that the sentence-external reading is possible, but not the sentence-internal reading that concerns us here.

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In fact, le même appears in three kinds of contexts: it can have sentence-internal readings (cf. 3); but it can also exhibit sentence-external-readings that depend on identifying some contextually salient book, whether deictically (16) or anaphorically (17); and it can occur in comparative constructions (18).

(16) Regarde! Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre. ‘Look! Luc and Flore read the same book.’

(17) J'ai lu Germinal pendant les vacances. Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre. ‘I read Germinal during the holidays. Luc and Flore read the same book.’

(18) Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre que toi/l'année dernière/celui que tu as emprunté à la bibliothèque. ‘Luc and Flore read the same book as you/last year/the one you borrowed from the library.’

On the other hand, un même only presents sentence-internal readings (19): it cannot appear in comparative constructions (20) and cannot have sentence-external readings whether anaphorically (21) or deictically (22) constructed.

(19) Une même expression peut avoir plusieurs sens. ‘UN same phrase may have several senses.’

(20) On ne peut jamais employer *une/la même expression que Paul. ‘One can never use *UN/the same phrase as Paul.’

(21) Paul a choqué l'assistance en employant une expression très familière. Ses collègues ne pourraient pas employer *une/la même expression. ‘Paul shocked the audience by using a very colloquial phrase. His colleagues could never use *UN/the same phrase.’

(22) Ecoute ça! On employait *une/la même expression il y a dix ans. ‘Listen to that! One used *UN/the same phrase ten years ago.’

So un même is more constrained than le même in that it only presents sentence-internal readings.

3.3 The Distributional Constraints on un même Furthermore, the sentence-internal reading of un même is itself more constrained. To realize that, we need to first identify the distributional constraints common to le même and un même.

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Le/un même requires distributive licensers, whether obligatorily distributive (some quantifiers, cf. 23a) or optionally distributive (plurals and conjunctions, cf. 23b).

(23) a. Chaque enfant doit lire le/un même livre. ‘Each child has to read the/UN same book.’ b. Ces enfants/Luc and Flore doivent lire le/un même livre. ‘These children/Luc and Flore have to read the/UN same book.’

Conversely, elements that cannot be distributive (singulars or collectives cf. 24a, mass nouns cf. 24b) cannot license le/un même.

(24) a. Luc/la classe doit lire #le/*un même livre. ‘Luc/the class has to read #the/*UN same book.’ b. Le riz coûte #le/*un même prix. ‘Rice costs #the/*UN same prize.’

Moreover, the relation between the licenser and le/un même resembles the relation between two scope-taking quantifiers. Thus, le/un même does not need to be c-commanded by its licenser as opposed to anaphors.

(25) Le/un même joueur peut remporter tous les tournois. ‘The/UN same player may win every tournament.’

Also, le/un même is sensitive to island constraints (adjunct constraint (26), coordination constraint (27), extraction constraints related to non-bridge verbs (28), wh-islands (29), subject islands (30)).

(26) a. Aucune région n'est en colère parce que #le/*un même nombre de députés a démissionné.

‘No region is angry because #the/*UN same number of deputies resigned.’

b. Aucune région ne peut élire le/un même nombre de députés. ‘No region can elect the/UN same number of deputies.’

(27) a. Chaque électeur peut voter pour ce président et #le/*un même trésorier. ‘Each voter can vote for this president and #the/*UN same treasurer.’

b. Chaque électeur peut voter pour le/un même trésorier. ‘Each voter can vote for the/UN same treasurer.’

(28) a. Si tous les habitants chuchotent que #la/*une même personne a commis le crime, il n'y a pas d'espoir.

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‘If every inhabitant whispers that #the/*UN same person committed the crime, there is no hope.'

b. Si tous les habitants accusent la/une même personne, il n'y a pas d'espoir.

‘If every inhabitant accuses the/UN same person, there is no hope.’

(29) a. Quand Anne et Flore se demandent où #la/*une même personne ira, elles finissent par le savoir.

‘When Anne and Flore wonder where #the/*UN same person will go, they end up finding it out.’

b. Quand Anne et Flore critiquent la/une même personne, elles n'ont pas de pitié. ‘When Anne and Flore criticize the/UN same person, they have no pity.’

(30) a. Qu'un individu commette #le/*un même acte peut constituer un crime contre l'humanité et un crime de guerre.

‘That an individual commits #the/*UN same act can constitute a crime against humanity and a war crime.’

b. Le/un même acte peut constituer un crime contre l'humanité et un crime de guerre. ‘The/UN same act can constitute a crime against humanity and a war crime.’

Furthermore, le/un même is not only licensed by distributive DPs, but also by conjoined PPs, conjoined Ps, conjoined VPs, conjoined APs and possibly conjoined Advs, as observed for same and different by Carlson (1987) and Moltmann (1992), who based on such data proposed an analysis of same in terms of events.

(31) a. Le/un même homme peut composer des opéras et jouer au football. ‘The/UN same man may compose operas and play soccer.’ b. Le/un même homme peut aimer peindre dans son atelier et à l'exté-

rieur. ‘The/UN same man may like painting in his studio and outside.’ c. Le/un même homme peut voter pour et contre un projet de loi. ‘The/UN same man voted for and against the bill.’ d. On peut peindre le/un même jouet en rouge et en bleu. ‘One may paint the/UN same toy red and blue.’ e. On peut cuisiner le/un même plat joyeusem*nt et tristement. ‘Luc cooked the/UN same meal joyfully and sadly.’

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I showed in Charnavel (2011) that moreover, le/un même is also licensed by several possible aspectual notions, such as frequentativity, iterativity (32, 33) or continuativity, durativity (34, 35), which can be expressed by several categories (verbs, adverbs, preverbs, nouns, adjectives).

(32) Lire le/un même livre plusieurs fois est instructif. ‘Reading the/UN same book several times is instructive.’

(33) La répétition de la/une même erreur n’est pas acceptable. ‘The repetition of the/UN same mistake is not acceptable.’

(34) Il est difficile de continuer à travailler dans la/une même entreprise quand on aime le changement. ‘It is hard to keep working in the/UN same company when one likes changes.’

(35) Une habitation prolongée dans le/un même logement peut poser problème.

‘Extended habitation in the/UN same housing may pose problems.’

In all these cases, a plural event is involved, which is distributed over the overall running time in several ways depending on the aspect that is expressed. So I hypothesize that le/un même is an existential quantifier over a plural event (see Charnavel 2011 for more details); this event needs to have independently been distributed through participants or times as formalized below: le/un même takes two arguments, its restriction Y and the event predicate Z, and says that for every event en part of this (obligatorily) plural event, there is a corresponding individual xn in en part of the restriction set, and all these individuals xn are identical:

(36) [[ le/un même]] =λY<et>.λZ<e,vt>. ∃x1, x2… xn ≤ x (en-1 ≠ en; n is a positive integer and n ≥ 2) such that Y(xn)=1 and Z(xn)(en)=1, and xn-1=xn

This is illustrated in (37). In (a), the event has been distributed through participants (possibly through a silent distributive operator): for every subevent e1 (Luc reading) and e2 (Flore reading), there is a book x1 and a book x2, such that x1 is identical to x2. In (b), the event has been distributed through times by the adverbial quantifier: for every subevent e1 (Flore reading at time t1) and e2 (Flore reading at time t2), there is a book x1 and a book x2, such that x1 is identical to x2.

(37) a. Luc et Flore ont lu le même livre. ‘Luc and Flore read the same book.’ b. Flore lit toujours le même livre.

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‘Flore always reads the same book.’

Besides, un même has further distributional constraints (note that in the previous examples, these additional constraints were fulfilled so that the constraints common to le même and un même could be independently examined). The presence of a plural event is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for licensing sentence-internal un même, which is only licensed by the following contexts: inside a DP (38), in the context of modality and genericity (39), in the context of arbitrary PRO (40), or in the context of hypotheses (41).

(38) a. Quatre générations sous un/le même toit ‘Four generations under UN/the same roof.’ b. Ces quatre générations ont vécu sous ??un/le même toit. ‘These four generations lived under ??UN/the same roof.’

(39) a. Un/le même mot peut avoir plusieurs sens. ‘UN/the same word may have several senses.’ b. Un/le même mot a (généralement) plusieurs sens. ‘UN/the same word (generally) has several senses.’ c. Dans ce texte, ??un/le même mot a plusieurs sens. ‘In this text, ??UN/the same word has several senses.’

(40) a. Utiliser un/le même mot de passe pour différents services, ordi-nateurs et sites internet augmente les risques de se faire voler des informations personnelles. ‘Using UN/the same password for different services, computers and websites increases the risks of having personal informations stolen.’

b. J'ai utilisé ??un/le même mot de passe pour différents services, ordi-nateurs et sites internet. ‘I used ??UN/the same password for different services, computers and websites.’

(41) a. Si un/le même joueur fait plus de 5 fautes, il est disqualifié. ‘If UN/the same player makes more than 5 mistakes, he gets dis-qualified.’

b. ??Un/Le même joueur a fait plus de 5 fautes. ‘??UN/The same player made more than 5 mistakes.’

So the intuition is that un même is licensed in contexts presenting a flavor of generality, i.e. when multiple situations are involved: it is unfelicitous as soon as a particular situation is at stake (antispecificity).

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To sum up, I have proposed several hypotheses concerning both le même and un même: based on the fact that même does not exhibit the standard distribution of an adjective, I have hypothesized that un même and le même are complex determiners. Based on the observation that un même and le même require distributive licensers (individuals or times) and that they are sensitive to island constraints, I have proposed that un même and le même are quantifiers over a plural event. Furthermore, I have observed that un même has a more constrained distribution than le même: un même only exhibits sentence-internal readings in antispecific contexts. The question is now to know how to analyse the antispecificity of un même.

3 Un même and Antispecificity Let's review in which sense un même is antispecific as opposed to le même. First, un même cannot be used when the speaker has an individual in mind as its referent.

(42) Dans le système solaire, toutes les planètes tournent autour de la/*une même étoile.

‘In the solar system, every planet revolves around the/*UN same star.’

Secondly, un même is not licensed if the referent of its DP has a linking relation with an antecedent, as shown by the absence of sentence-external readings with un même. According to Enç (1991), nonspecifics require that their discourse referents not be linked to previously established discourse referents, while specifics exhibit an inclusion relation or any other association with an antecedent.

(43) Paul a choqué l'assistance en employant une expression très familière. Ses collègues ne pourraient pas employer *une/la même expression. ‘Paul shocked the audience by using a very colloquial phrase. His col-leagues could never use *UN/the same phrase.’

Thirdly, un même does not trigger any presupposition of existence.

(44) Dans la plupart des familles nombreuses, les enfants ne mangent pas autour de la/une même table. ‘In most large families, the children do not eat round the/UN same table.’

Finally, un même requires variability of situations.

(45) Utiliser un/le même mot de passe pour différents services, ordinateurs et

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sites Internet augmente les risques de se faire voler des informations personnelles. ‘Using UN/the same password for different services, computers and websites increases the risks of having personal informations stolen.’

(46) Quatre générations sous un/le même toit ‘Four generations under UN/the same roof.’

(47) Un/le même mot peut avoir plusieurs sens. ‘UN/the same word may have several senses.’

(48) Si un/le même joueur fait plus de 5 fautes, il est disqualifié. ‘If UN/the same player makes more than 5 mistakes, he gets dis-qualified.’

(49) a. Dans chaque système planétaire, toutes les planètes tournent autour de la/une même étoile.

‘In each planetary system, every planet revolves around the/UN same star.’

b. Dans le système solaire, toutes les planètes tournent autour de la/*une même étoile. ‘In the solar system, every planet revolves around the/*UN same star.’

Thus in (49), the plurality of planets illustrates the requirement for même that there be several events: même expresses uniqueness across multiple events; furthermore, the plurality of planetary systems in (a) illustrates the requirement for the indefinite article combined with même that there be several situations: un même requires a covarying interpretation and expresses uniqueness relativized to a situation.

Based on Von Fintel (2004)'s idea that quantifiers have a hidden domain argument, I propose that un même is not only a quantifier over a plural event, but also contains a domain variable (resource situation pronoun) whose value has to be quantificationally bound; it cannot be identified by a contextually supplied situation. That's why un même is licensed by contexts which contain a quantifier over situations or worlds.

(50) [Dans chaque système planétaire]i, toutes les planètes tournent autour d'unei même étoile. ‘In each planetary system, every planet revolves around UN same star.’

On the other hand, the variable contained in le même can be either bound by the same operators (non specific reading) or identified by the context

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(specific reading). This is formalized below. In the case of un même expressing uniqueness relativized to a situation, s needs to be quantificationally bound, but since le même expresses uniqueness either relativized to a situation or in a particular context, s is either quantificationally bound or contextually supplied in this case.

(51) [[le/un même]] =λs.λY<et>.λZ<e,vt>. ∃x1, x2…xn ≤ x (en-1 ≠ en; n is a positive integer and n ≥ 2) such that Y(xn)(s)=1 and Z(xn)(en)(s)=1, and xn-1=xn in s.

The contrast between un même and le même is parallel to other phenomena. First, it is reminiscent of Florian Schwarz's dissertation (2009) concerned with the description and analysis of two semantically different types of definite articles in German (weak and strong).

(52) a. Hans ging zum Haus. (Schwarz 2009: 12) Hans went to-theweak house ‘Hans went to the house.’ b. Hans ging zu dem Haus. Hans went to-thestrong house ‘Hans went to the house.’

The weak article encodes uniqueness (relativized to a situation); the strong article is anaphoric in nature (dependent on a antecedent). The interpretation of the weak article definite depends on the interpretation of its situation pronoun, which can stand for the topic situation or a contextually supplied situation, or be quantificationally bound.

So, le même contrasts with un même like the strong article with the weak article in that it has an anaphoric capacity that un même lacks as shown in sentence-external readings. Like the weak article, un même expresses uniqueness relativized to a situation, which can be analyzed by use of a resource situation pronoun.

Nevertheless, the empirical divisions between the weak/strong articles and un/le même are different: the resource situation pronoun of the weak article can also stand for the topic situation or a contextually supplied situation while that of un même cannot: it has to be quantificationally bound. Moreover, the contrast between le même and un même is the reverse of the contrast observed by Beghelli and Stowell (1995) between each and every: the set variable of each must be identified by the context, while the set variable of every can also be bound by operators.

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(53) a. Every dog has a tail. (Beghelli and Stowell 1995: 32) b. Each dog has a tail.

(53a) can be construed as a claim about dogs in general, whereas (53b) must be construed as a claim about a particular set of dogs previously mentioned in the discourse. Thus, the sentence with each means that there is a particular situation s, a set X of all dogs in s, such that all the members of X have a tail, while the sentence with every means that in the default situation s where X is the set of all dogs in s, all members of X have a tail. When every-DPs occur in generic contexts, they are interpreted as though they were universal-generic quantifiers because they contain restricted variables (ranging over sets) bound by a silent generic quantifier. When every occurs in a context associated with reference to a single situation time, it acquires its contextualized universal-distributive reading because it is bound by a silent definite quantifier (existential quantifier ranging over situation-time (existential counterpart of GEN)).

Note that Beghelli and Stowell distinguish quantifiers ranging over situation-times from quantifiers ranging over events. This fits the present analysis since un même and le même, being quantifiers over events, could not be bound by quantifiers over events themselves, but can only be bound by hierarchically higher operators like quantifiers over situations.

Domain variable bound by operators Domain variable contextually supplied

le même x x un même x

every x x each x

4 Conclusion To summarize, même presents two main puzzles: a compositionality problem and a definiteness issue. Concerning the first one, I hypothesized that le même and un même are existential quantifiers over an event that has been distributed over participants or times. As for the second problem which was my main concern here, I observed that French un même documents the availability of the indefinite determiner with same, even if le même already presents indefiniteness effects. The distribution of un même shows its antispecificity and therefore questions the following generalization: definites are assumed to be specific while indefinites are specific or non specific; but

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actually, le même is specific or non specific while un même is non specific (antispecificity). To account for that, I proposed that un même introduces a variable that has to be bound by operators over situations, while the variable introduced by le même can also be contextually supplied. I believe it would be worth further investigating this phenomenon and similar ones, as it may be fruitful to relate definiteness and specificity with the interpretation of domain variables in quantifiers.

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Brasoveanu, Adrian. 2009. Sentence-internal different as Quantifier-internal Anaphora. In Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. 72–80.

Carlson, Greg. 1987. Same and Different: some Consequences for Syntax and Semantics. Linguistics and Philosophy 10.

Charnavel, Isabelle. 2011. On the Sentence-internal Reading of French le même. In Proceedings of the 20th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference.

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Fintel, von, Kai. 2004. A Minimal Theory of Adverbial Quantification. In Barbara Partee & Hans Kamp (eds), Context Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning, Volume 11 of Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface. 137–175. Elsevier.

Moltmann, Friederike. 1992. Reciprocals and same/different: towards a Semantic Analysis. Linguistics and Philosophy 15. 411–462.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 149–164. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Performative Verbs and Performative Acts∗

Cleo CondoravdiPalo Alto Research Center &

Stanford [emailprotected]

Sven LauerStanford University


Abstract. Searle (1989) posits a set of adequacy criteria for any account ofthe meaning and use of performative verbs, such as order or promise. Centralamong them are: (a) performative utterances are performances of the act namedby the performative verb; (b) performative utterances are self-verifying; (c) per-formative utterances achieve (a) and (b) in virtue of their literal meaning. He thenargues that the fundamental problem with assertoric accounts of performatives isthat they fail (b), and hence (a), because being committed to having an intentiondoes not guarantee having that intention. Relying on a uniform meaning for verbson their reportative and performative uses, we propose an assertoric analysis ofperformative utterances that does not require an actual intention for deriving (b),and hence can meet (a) and (c).

Explicit performative utterances are those whose illocutionary force is madeexplicit by the verbs appearing in them (Austin 1962):

(1) I (hereby) promise you to be there at five. (is a promise)

(2) I (hereby) order you to be there at five. (is an order)

(3) You are (hereby) ordered to report to jury duty. (is an order)

(1)–(3) look and behave syntactically like declarative sentences in every way.Hence there is no grammatical basis for the once popular claim that I promise/order spells out a ‘performative prefix’ that is silent in all other declaratives.Such an analysis, in any case, leaves unanswered the question of how illocu-tionary force is related to compositional meaning and, consequently, does notexplain how the first person and present tense are special, so that first-personpresent tense forms can spell out performative prefixes, while others cannot.Minimal variations in person or tense remove the ‘performative effect’:

(4) I promised you to be there at five. (is not a promise)

(5) He promises to be there at five. (is not a promise)

An attractive idea is that utterances of sentences like those in (1)–(3) are asser-∗ The names of the authors appear in alphabetical order.

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tions, just like utterances of other declaratives, whose truth is somehow guar-anteed. In one form or another, this basic strategy has been pursued by a largenumber of authors ever since Austin (1962) (Lemmon 1962; Hedenius 1963;Bach & Harnish 1979; Ginet 1979; Bierwisch 1980; Leech 1983; among oth-ers). One type of account attributes self-verification to meaning proper. An-other type, most prominently exemplified by Bach & Harnish (1979), tries toderive the performative effect by means of an implicature-like inference thatthe hearer may draw based on the utterance of the explicit performative.

Searle’s (1989) ChallengeSearle (1989) mounts an argument against analyses of explicit performativeutterances as self-verifying assertions. He takes the argument to show that anassertoric account is impossible. Instead, we take it to pose a challenge that canbe met, provided one supplies the right semantics for the verbs involved.

Searle’s argument is based on the following desiderata he posits for anytheory of explicit performatives:

(a) performative utterances are performances of the act named by the per-formative verb;

(b) performative utterances are self-guaranteeing;(c) performative utterances achieve (a) and (b) in virtue of their literal mean-

ing, which, in turn, ought to be based on a uniform lexical meaning ofthe verb across performative and reportative uses.

According to Searle’s speech act theory, making a promise requires that thepromiser intend to do so, and similarly for other performative verbs (the sincer-ity condition). It follows that no assertoric account can meet (a-c): An assertioncannot ensure that the speaker has the necessary intention.

“Such an assertion does indeed commit the speaker to the exis-tence of the intention, but the commitment to having the intentiondoesn’t guarantee the actual presence of the intention.”

Searle (1989: 546)

Hence assertoric accounts must fail on (b), and, a forteriori, on (a) and (c).1

Although Searle’s argument is valid, his premise that for truth to be guar-anteed the speaker must have a particular intention is questionable. In the fol-lowing, we give an assertoric account that delivers on (a-c). We aim for an

1 It should be immediately clear that inference-based accounts cannot meet (a-c) above. If theoccurrence of the performative effect depends on the hearer drawing an inference, then such sen-tences could not be self-verifying, for the hearer may well fail to draw the inference.

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account on which the assertion of the explicit performative is the performanceof the act named by the performative verb. No hearer inferences are necessary.

1 Reportative and Performative UsesWhat is the meaning of the word order, then, so that it can have both reporta-tive uses – as in (6) – and performative uses – as in (7)?

(6) A ordered B to sign the report.

(7) [A to B] I order you to sign the report now.

The general strategy in this paper will be to ask what the truth conditions ofreportative uses of performative verbs are, and then see what happens if theseverbs are put in the first person singular present tense. The reason to start withthe reportative uses is that speakers have intuitions about their truth conditions.This is not true for performative uses, because these are always true when ut-tered, obscuring the truth-conditional content of the declarative sentence.2

An assertion of (6) takes for granted that A presumed to have authorityover B and implies that there was a communicative act from A to B. But whatkind of communicative act? (7) or, in the right context, (8a-c) would suffice.

(8) a. Sign the report now!b. You must sign the report now!c. I want you to sign the report now!

What do these sentences have in common? We claim it is this: In the rightcontext they commit A to a particular kind of preference for B signing thereport immediately.

If B accepts the utterance, he takes on a commitment to act as though he,too, prefers signing the report. If the report is co-present with A and B, he willsign it, if the report is in his office, he will leave to go there immediately, andso on. To comply with an order to p is to act as though one prefers p. One neednot actually prefer it, but one has to act as if one did. The authority mentionedabove amounts to this acceptance being socially or institutionally mandated.

Of course, B has the option to refuse to take on this commitment, in eitherof two ways: (i) he can deny A’s authority, (ii) while accepting the authority, hecan refuse to abide by it, thereby violating the institutional or social mandate.Crucially, in either case, (6) will still be true, as witnessed by the felicity of:

2 Szabolcsi (1982), in one of the earliest proposals for a compositional semantics of performativeutterances, already pointed out the importance of reportative uses.

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(9) a. (6), but B refused to do it.b. (6), but B questioned his authority.

Not even uptake by the addressee is necessary for order to be appropriate, asseen in (10) and the naturally occurring (11):3

(10) (6), but B did not hear him.

(11) He ordered Kornilov to desist but either the message failed to reachthe general or he ignored it.4

What is necessary is that the speaker expected uptake to happen, arguably aminimal requirement for an act to count as a communicative event.

To sum up, all that is needed for (6) to be true and appropriate is that (i)there is a communicative act from A to B which commits A to a preference forB signing the report immediately and (ii) A presumes to have authority over B.The performative effect arises precisely when the utterance itself is a witnessfor the existential claim in (i).

There are two main ingredients in the meaning of order informally out-lined above: the notion of a preference, in particular a special kind of preferencethat guides action, and the notion of a commitment. The next two sections laysome conceptual groundwork before we spell out our analysis in section 4.

2 Representing PreferencesTo represent preferences that guide action, we need a way to represent prefer-ences of different strength. Kratzer’s (1981) theory of modality is not suitablefor this purpose. Suppose, for instance, that Sven desires to finish his paperand that he also wants to lie around all day, doing nothing. Modeling his pref-erences in the style of Kratzer, the propositions expressed by (12) and (13)would have to be part of Sven’s bouletic ordering source assigned to the actualworld:

(12) Sven finishes his paper.

(13) Sven lies around all day, doing nothing.

But then, Sven should be equally happy if he does nothing as he is if he finisheshis paper. We want to be able to explain why, given his knowledge that (12)and (13) are incompatible, he works on his paper. Intuitively, it is because thepreference expressed by (12) is more important than that expressed by (13).

3 We owe this observation to Lauri Karttunen.4

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Preference StructuresDefinition 1. A preference structure relative to an information state W is apair 〈P,≤〉, where P⊆℘(W ) and ≤ is a (weak) partial order on P.

We can now define a notion of consistency that is weaker than requiring thatall propositions in the preference structure be compatible:

Definition 2. A preference structure 〈P,≤〉 is consistent iff for any p,q ∈ Psuch that p∩q = /0, either p < q or q < p.

Since preference structures are defined relative to an information state W , con-sistency will require not only logically but also contextually incompatible propo-sitions to be strictly ranked. For example, if W is Sven’s doxastic state, and heknows that (12) and (13) are incompatible, for a bouletic preference structureof his to be consistent it must strictly rank the two propositions.

In general, bouletic preference structures need not be consistent, and theyoften will not be. We assume that the desires, preferences, and obligations ofvarious kinds of an agent A are represented by a set Pw(A) of preference struc-tures, some of which may be inconsistent, internally or with each other.

A consistent preference structure will give rise to a partial order≺ amongworlds. There are various ways to define this partial order, but for the presentpaper, we leave it open which definition is most appropriate. Nothing in whatfollows hinges on the choice. The basic intuition is that ≺ should be ‘lexi-cographic’: lower-ranked propositions in the preference structure should onlymake a difference for the ranking of two worlds w and v if they are on equalfooting with respect to all the higher-ranked propositions.

Consolidated PreferencesGiven the multitude of preference structures influencing an agent’s decisions,if an agent wants to act, he has to integrate these structures into a global one,resolving any conflict. Thus, a rational agent A in world w has a distinguished,consistent preference structure


⟩. We call this A’s effective pref-

erence structure in w.We require that Pw(A) ⊆

⋃Pw(A) and also that if p,q ∈ Pw(A) such that

there is 〈P,≤P〉 ∈ Pw(A) and p <P q and there is no 〈P′,<P′〉 ∈ Pw(A) such thatq≤ p, then p <Pw(A) q, ensuring that no spurious goals are introduced into theeffective preference structure and rankings that are consistent are retained.

In w, A’s induced preference order �Pw(A) will partially5determine theagent’s behavior: If A has the choice between w1 and w2 (as continuations of wdiffering in what action, if any, A performs), and w1 ≺ w2, then A will choose5 Only partially, as an agent may be genuinely indifferent between two possible courses of affairs.

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w2. That is, the definition of � is a first step to defining a non-probabilistickind of Decision Theory,6 with preference structures corresponding to utilityfunctions in classical decision theory, while information states correspond tosubjective probability distributions.

We propose the following desiderata for a more developed version of sucha theory:7

Positive introspection for effective preferences If an agent a effectivelyprefers p, he believes that he does.

Negative introspection for effective preferences If an agent a believesthat he effectively prefers p, he does effectively prefer p.

3 CommitmentsThe idea that a main effect of utterances is to modify the commitments of theinterlocutors is an old one, going back at least to Hamblin (1971). More re-cently, it has been fruitfully developed by Gunlogson (2008) and Davis (2009),who take utterances to update commitment states, typically modeled as sets ofpropositions.

Commitments as Restricting Future States of the WorldHamblin and Gunlogson only model discourse commitments, that is, commit-ments that constrain the linguistic actions of the interlocutors in the future ofthe present discourse. This enables them to characterize commitments simplyas a set of ‘legal’ (Hamblin) or ‘expected’ (Gunlogson) future discourse states:If the discourse ends up in a state that is not in this set, something is off.

While such a model may be sufficient for what these authors were after,it is not quite enough in general. Commitments arising by linguistic meansalso constrain non-linguistic actions and actions that are performed after thediscourse has ended. Promises and orders are particularly obvious examples.

In order to capture this more general notion of commitment, we can thinkof the taking on of a commitment as excluding possible future states of theworld, thereby making certain future states of the world impossible. Given thisconception, we cannot just specify a set of ‘good’ futures (in which all com-mitments are honored), for, of course, taking on a commitment does not ex-clude the possibility of violating it. However, we can think of commitments asexcluding those futures in which the agent does not act according to the com-

6 By ‘decision theory,’ we mean any theory that models how agents choose actions on the basisof their beliefs and preferences. We use the term ‘classical decision theory’ for what is called‘decision theory’ in mathematics and economics.7 It should be kept in mind that what we want to model are conscious preferences. Thus, thesedesiderata are appropriate even though an agent may be influenced by factors he is not aware of.

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mitment, yet is not at fault. Before the commitment was taken on, this kind offuture was possible, afterwards it is impossible.

Consider the simple case of an agent committing himself to raise his handwhen prompted the next time. There are three kinds of possible futures:

(i) futures in which the agent is prompted and raises his hand(ii) futures in which the commitment is voided, either by being rescinded be-

fore the agent is prompted, or because it becomes evident that the agentwill not be prompted

(iii) futures in which the agent is prompted and does not raise his hand, butthe commitment was not voided before he was prompted.

Taking on the commitment excludes those futures of type (iii) in which theagent does not count as having violated a commitment.

Keeping a CommitmentIn the (somewhat contrived) example above, it is clear what ‘acting in accor-dance with the commitment’ amounts to (raising the hand when prompted),and also at which time the commitment has to be voided so as to not count asviolated (before the prompting).

In general, matters are more complicated. If I promise to meet you at theairport at noon tomorrow, what is required of me is not only to be at the airportat noon. Rather, what is required is a complex ensemble of actions that resultin me being at the airport at noon. Suppose the trip to the airport takes an hour,and I sleep in until 11:30. I am at fault, even if you call at 11:35 to tell me thatyour flight has been delayed by several hours and so I do not have to meet youat noon. You may never know that I violated my commitment, but I did violateit. On this conception, there is not only a time when the commitment was kept,there is also a time when the commitment was (first) violated: The (first) time Ifail to act in a way that would ensure my being at the airport at noon.

Commitments are always commitments to act. When we say ‘an agent iscommitted to believing the proposition p’, this is short for ‘the agent is com-mitted to act as though he believes p’. Similarly, ‘an agent is committed to an(effective) preference for p’ is short for ‘an agent is committed to act as thoughhe (effectively) prefers p to be actualized.’ This is exactly the right notion ofcommitment for promises and the like. In the example above, what I am com-mitted to is to act as though I effectively prefer to be at the airport at noon.Some of the required actions have to happen quite sometime before noon.

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So we can characterize the notion of ‘taking on a commitment’ as follows:

(14) If an agent a takes on a commitment, he thereby excludes possiblefuture states in whicha. the agent does not act according to the commitment AND

b. the commitment is not voided before the agent fails to act accord-ing to the commitment AND

c. the commitment does not count as violated.

Construing commitments as commitments to act means that the features of thedecision theory from the last section get ‘lifted’ to the respective commitments:

Positive introspection for preference commitment If an agent is com-mitted to an effective preference for p, he is also committed to act as thoughhe believes he is committed to an effective preference for p.

Doxastic reduction for preference commitment If an agent is commit-ted to act as though he believes that he is committed to an effective preferencefor p, he is also committed to act as though he effectively prefers p.

Positive introspection for doxastic commitment If an agent is commit-ted to act as though he believes that he is committed to act as though he believesthat p, he is committed to act as though he believes that p.

We end this section by introducing the following bit of notation (omitting,for simplicity, a necessary temporal parameter, introduced later):

Definition 3. We let

PEPa(p) :={

w ∈W∣∣∣∣ p is a maximal element of a’s public

effective preference structure in w

}(Where p is a maximal element of a’s public effective preference structure iff ais committed to act as though p is a maximal element of his effective preferencestructure.)

Assertions and Public CommitmentsWe use a deliberately weak notion of assertion: All that it takes to assert is to(sincerely) utter a declarative sentence. We characterize assertions in terms oftheir minimal effect in the sense of Zeevat (2003). With Gunlogson (2003) andDavis (2009), we take this effect to be the coming about of a doxastic commit-ment on the part of the speaker. Additional properties of assertions can arguablybe explained as pragmatic inferences on the basis of this speaker commitment.8

8 A prominent example of such a secondary effect is that it becomes common ground that p. Wefollow Gunlogson and Davis in assuming that an assertion becomes part of the common ground

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(15) An assertion of a declarative φ in context C adds JφKC to the publicbeliefs of the speaker, thereby publicly committing the speaker to actas though he believes JφKC.

Assertions are, of course, communicative events. Let the totality of the doxasticcommitments of a speaker S resulting from a communicative event u be desig-nated as PBS[u] and PBt

S stand for the set of beliefs of S that become publiclymanifest at time t. We do not identify PBS[u] strictly with the truth-conditionalcontent of u. Rather, the commitment can come about as a result of the meaningof the utterance plus information available in the context in which it is made.9

Part of what it means to say that a commitment results from an eventis that the commitment comes about at the very end of the event. We henceassume the following principle, where tu is the final instant of the runtime of u:

(16) p ∈ PBS[u]⇔ (p ∈ PBtuS ) ∈ PBS[u]

Analogously, we let PEPS[u] and PEPtS refer to the set of preferences resulting

from u and that become publicly manifest at t, respectively, and assume

(17) p ∈ PEPS[u]⇔ (p ∈ PEPtuS ) ∈ PBS[u]

4 Explicit Performatives as Self-Verifying AssertionsIn this section, we present our assertoric analysis of explicit performatives us-ing the three verbs claim, promise and order, which are representative, inSearle’s (1975) classification, of ASSERTIVES, COMMISSIVES and DIREC-TIVES, respectively. What performative verbs have in common is that they allreport communicative events. In the following, we conceive of these events asconcrete particulars, and hence take every communicative event u to be associ-ated with a unique context c(u) whose speaker is the agent of u and whose timeis the runtime of u. The shape of the argument that the utterance ensures theperformative effect will be the same in all three cases, but the lexical seman-tics for the verb will get progressively more complex. What we have to showin each case is that an utterance of a sentence S with an explicit performativeverb is self-verifying, i.e., for any world w, if u is an utterance of S in w, thenw ∈ JSKc(u).

only as a secondary effect, after the hearer has accepted the assertion.9 We leave it open here whether the commitments a speaker takes on with an utterance can beidentified with Gricean speaker meaning.

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Commitment to a Belief: ‘I claim that p’The problem posed by assertive performative verbs like claim and assert isnicely illustrated by what has come to be known as Cohen’s problem (Lycan(1999), based on Cohen (1964)). On the one hand, claim is ‘truth-conditionallytransparent’: the speaker of (18) cannot react to the continued absence of rainby saying ‘Well, I only said I CLAIMED that it was going to rain’. On the otherhand, claim obviously contributes to truth conditions: For example, (18) entailsthat somebody claims that it is going to rain.

(18) I claim that it is going to rain.

Cohen’s problem can be solved by analyzing claim as a performative verb. Thecontent of (18) is just a statement about what the speaker claims, but there isalso a performative effect, through which the speaker also becomes committedto the complement of claim in the way we demonstrate below.

The Reportative UseWhat has to be the case for (19) to be true?

(19) Peter claimed that it was going to rain.

There must have been a communicative event u from Peter (to someone). Whatkind of sentence out of Peter’s mouth could verify (19)? (18) would do, but sowould any utterance that, in its context, commits the speaker to the belief thatit is going to rain.

(20) w � claim(u,a, p) iffa. u is a communicative event from a: w � CEa(u)b. in c(u), u commits a to the belief that p: w � p ∈ PBa[u].

(18) and the plain assertion of (21) will bring about the required commitmentin any context in which they are sincerely uttered.

(21) It is going to rain.

However, recall that the commitments resulting from an utterance can go be-yond its truth-conditional content, hence, (19) can be supported by utterancesof sentences that have (21) as a contextual implication.

The Performative UseThe goal is to explain why, by virtue of uttering (18), a speaker is doxasticallycommitted to (21). Let u∗ be an utterance of (18) in context C∗ and world w∗.The truth-conditional content of (18) is given in (22), where the identification

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of the run time τ of the two utterance events is contributed by the simple presenttense. Given the semantics of claim in (20), (22) is equivalent to (23).

(22) {w |w � ∃u : τ(u) = τ(u∗)∧ claim(u,S,Rain)},where Rain = Jit is going to rainKC∗

(23) {w |w � ∃u : τ(u) = τ(u∗)∧CES(u)∧Rain ∈ PBS[u]}

u∗, as an assertion, commits the speaker to the belief in (22)/(23). The speakeris therefore committed to the belief in the existence of a communicative eventthat commits him to the belief that it is going to rain, i.e.

(24) w∗ � (23) ∈ PBS[u∗]

Therefore, at the final instant t∗ of τ(u∗), we have:

(25) w∗ �{

w∣∣w � Rain ∈ PBt∗


}∈ PBt∗


Given positive introspection for doxastic commitment, (25) reduces to (26):

(26) w∗ � Rain ∈ PBt∗S

(24) and (26) together imply (27), which by postulate (16) reduces to (28).

(27) w∗ � (Rain ∈ PBt∗S ) ∈ PBS[u∗]

(28) w∗ � Rain ∈ PBS[u∗]

This means that u∗ satisfies the conditions in (23) and hence w∗ ∈ (23), in otherwords, an utterance of (18) is necessarily self-verifying.

Commitment to an Effective Preference: ‘I promise to p’Moving to commissives, what has to be the case for (29) to be true?

(29) Peter promised (Mary) to get the tickets.

Once again, there has to have been a communicative event from Peter (to Mary)that creates a particular kind of commitment. And again a number of sentencescould have been uttered in order to make (29) true:

(30) a. I promise you to get the tickets.b. I will get the tickets.c. You will have the tickets tomorrow.

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We propose the following semantics for promise:10

(31) w � promise(u,a,b, p) iffa. u is a communicative event from a to b: w � CEa→b(u)b. in c(u), u commits a to PEPa(p): w � p ∈ PEPS[u]

Thus, any utterance that verifies (29) publicly commits its speaker Peter (toMary) to effectively prefer to get the tickets. As before, (30b,c) will bring aboutthe requisite commitment only if the context is right, while the explicit perfor-mative (30a) will create it in any context in which it is sincerely uttered.

The Performative UseAn utterance u∗ of (30a) to addressee A in context C∗ and world w∗ commitsthe speaker S to acting as if he believes the proposition in (32):

(32) {w |w � ∃u : τ(u) = τ(u∗)∧CES→A(u)∧Tickets ∈ PEPS[u]},where Tickets = JS will get the ticketsKC∗

The derivation of the performative effect is as follows:

(33) w∗ � (32) ∈ PBS[u∗]

(34) w∗ �{

w∣∣w � Tickets ∈ PEPt∗


}∈ PBt∗


Given doxastic reduction for preference commitment, (34) reduces to (35):

(35) w∗ � Tickets ∈ PEPt∗S

(33) and (35) together imply (36), which by postulate (17) reduces to (37).

(36) w∗ � (Tickets ∈ PEPt∗S ) ∈ PBS[u∗]

(37) w∗ � Tickets ∈ PEPS[u∗]

We have thus derived that the assertion of (30a) is a witness for its own truth—and hence, an utterance of (30a) is necessarily self-verifying.

Commitment to an Effective Preference for an Effective Preference:‘I order you to p’Finally, what has to be the case for (38) to be true?

(38) Mary ordered Peter to sign the report immediately.

10 The semantics we give only spells out the truth-conditional part of the meaning of promise.There is a presuppositional part, as well. The presupposition, roughly, is that a presumed that b hasa stake in p.

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As before, there must have been a certain kind of communicative event fromMary to Peter. In the right context, an utterance of (7) or any of the sentencesin (8) will suffice.

(7) I order you to sign the report immediately!

(8) a. Sign the report immediately!b. I want you to sign the report immediately!c. You have to sign the report immediately!

In section 1, we said that order requires that the event commit the speaker to acertain kind of preference. We can now refine this claim. The event in questionmust commit the speaker to effectively prefer that the hearer commit himselfto effectively prefer that he signs the report immediately.11

(39) w � order(u,a,b, p) iffa. u is a communicative event from a to b: w � CEa→b(u)b. in c(u), u commits a to PEPa(PEPb(p)): w � Pb(p) ∈ PEPa[u],

where Pb(p) ={

w∣∣w � ∃t > τ(u) : p ∈ PEPt


}The Performative UseAn utterance u∗ of (7) to addressee A in context C∗ and world w∗ commits thespeaker S to believe the proposition in (40):

(40) {w |w � ∃u : τ(u) = τ(u∗)∧order(u,S,A,Sign)},where Sign = JA signs the report immediatelyKC∗

The derivation of the performative effect is like that for promise except that,given the lexical semantics we propose for order, the equivalent of (33) is (42):

(41) {w |w � ∃u : τ(u) = τ(u∗)∧CES(u)∧PA(Sign) ∈ PEPS[u]}(42) w∗ � (41) ∈ PBS[u∗]

From this, we can derive

(43) w∗ � PA(Sign) ∈ PEPS[u∗]

As before, this means that w∗ ∈ J(7)K, i.e. (7) is self-verifying.

11 Again, order also carries a presupposition, namely that a presumes to have authority over b withrespect to p, i.e. that b is socially or institutionally obligated to take on the commitment effectivelypreferred by a.

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Features of the AnalysisWhich verbs give rise to explicit performative utterances? Our analysis pre-dicts that it is those verbs that denote communicative events and whose truth-conditional content is fully specified in terms of speaker commitments. Whilethis is the case for verbs like claim, promise, or order, it is not the case forverbs like insult, annoy, or frighten.

Our account, unlike some of its assertoric predecessors, derives the self-verification of explicit performative utterances without assuming that they areself-referential. They can be made self-referential, though, by the use of hereby,which on the present analysis is best seen as an adverbial modifier that requiresthe identification of the described event with the utterance event.

Another central issue about explicit performatives that our analysis canexplain is their interaction with the progressive. A well-known generalizationis that utterances in the progressive cannot (usually) be used performatively.Our account plus the assumption that performative verbs are accomplishmentsimplies that the utterance of a performative progressive sentence does not com-mit the speaker to the existence of a commitment. This is so because progres-sive sentences describing accomplishments do not entail the culmination of thedescribed event.

Our proposal is similar in several respects to two recent, independentlydeveloped accounts by Eckardt (2009) and Truckenbrodt (2009). We cannotundertake a detailed comparison here but we note that it differs in (a) how itderives the self-verifying property of performative utterances, (b) the lexicalmeaning it assumes for assertives, commissives and directives, (c) in the ex-planation of how performative utterances restrict possible future states of theworld.

5 Concluding RemarksSearle’s argument against assertoric accounts relies on the assumption that anintention is required for a speech act to happen. We circumvent the problem byrequiring only that the speaker be committed to having a belief or an intention(in our terms, an effective preference). On our view, what matters for speechacts, or at least the truth conditions of performative verbs, is public facts.

Our analysis can also readily meet a challenge brought up by Jary (2007).He argues that explicit performatives cannot be assertions because their contentgets added to the common ground automatically, rather than being conditionedon the acceptance of the addressee, as is the case for run-of-the-mill assertions.However, as Jary himself notes, the fact that the assertion happened alwaysautomatically enters the common ground. Our account then predicts Jary’s ob-

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servation. Since the utterance itself is a witness for its own truth, the contentof the assertion is entailed by the fact that the assertion happened, and so thiscontent will become part of the common ground automatically.

ReferencesAustin, J. L. 1962. How to do things with words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University Press.Bach, K. & R. M. Harnish. 1979. Linguistic communication and speech acts.

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Bierwisch, Manfred. 1980. Semantic structure and illocutionary force. In

John R. Searle, Ferenc Kiefer & Manfred Bierwisch (eds.), Speech acttheory and pragmatics, 1–35. Dordrecht: Reidel.

Cohen, L. Jonathan. 1964. Do illocutionary forces exist? The PhilosophicalQuarterly 14(55). 118–137.

Davis, Christopher. 2009. Decisions, dynamics, and the Japanese particle yo.Journal of Semantics 26(4). 329–366.

Eckardt, Regine. 2009. Integrated speech acts. Manuscript, University of Göt-tingen.

Ginet, Carl. 1979. Performativity. Linguistics and Philosophy 3(2). 245–265.Gunlogson, Christine. 2003. True to form: Rising and falling declaratives in

English. New York: Routledge.Gunlogson, Christine. 2008. A question of commitment. Belgian Journal of

Linguistics 22(1). 101–136.Hamblin, C. L. 1971. Mathematical models of dialogue. Theoria 37(2). 130–

155.Hedenius, I. 1963. Performatives. Theoria 29. 115–136.Jary, Mark. 2007. Are explicit performatives assertions? Linguistics and Phi-

losophy 30(2). 207–234.Kratzer, Angelika. 1981. The notional category of modality. In H. J. Eikmeyer

& H. Rieser (eds.), Words, worlds, and contexts. New approaches inword semantics, 38–74. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Leech, Geoffrey N. 1983. Principles of pragmatics, vol. 30 Longman linguis-tics library. London and New York: Longman.

Lemmon, E. J. 1962. On sentences verifiable by their use. Analysis 22(4).86–89.

Lycan, William G. 1999. Philosophy of language: A contemporary introduc-tion. Routledge.

Searle, John R. 1975. A taxonomy of illocutionary acts. In K. Gunderson (ed.),Language, mind, and knowledge, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota

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Press.Searle, John R. 1989. How performatives work. Linguistics and Philosophy

12(5). 535–558.Szabolcsi, Anna. 1982. Model theoretic semantics of performatives. In Hun-

garian and general linguistics, 515–535. John Benjamins.Truckenbrodt, Hubert. 2009. Performatives and agreement. Manuscript, ZAS,

Berlin.Zeevat, Henk. 2003. The syntax semantics interface of speech act markers.

In Proceedings Diabruck, 7th workshop on the semantics and the prag-matics of dialogue, Wallerfangen.

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Identity and Definiteness in Chinese wh-­‐Conditionals

Stephen Crain Macquarie University


Qiong-Peng Luo Macquarie University


Abstract. Previous studies of Chinese wh-conditionals leave several issues unresolved, including (i) definiteness effects; (ii) apparent violations of the novelty condition and (iii) accounting for the range of readings of Chinese wh-conditionals. We attempt to resolve some of these issues by analysing wh-indefinites as unique indefinites and wh-conditionals as special instances of topic-comment structures (i.e. wh-conditionals are topic-comment structures with an identity relation). Chinese wh-conditionals can refer to either a single situation or multiple situations, leading to either a definite interpretation or a generic interpretation respectively.

1 Introduction For several decades, the semantics of wh-indefinites and wh-conditionals in Chinese has been a topic of debate for Chinese linguistics. In this study, we offer a somewhat novel analysis for wh-conditionals. A typical wh-conditional always contains a pair of matching wh-phrases, one in the antecedent clause and the other in the consequent clause. The wh-phrases in the antecedent and consequent clauses must be identical in number, form and reference. We add one more observation: Chinese wh-conditionals sometimes have an additional flavour of definiteness, semantically akin to free relatives in English.

Several accounts of Chinese wh-conditionals have been advanced in the literature. The most frequently cited account, by Cheng and Huang (1996), treats wh-indefinites as recurring indefinite expressions, but this appears to violate the novelty condition, which requires indefinites to introduce novel entities into the domain of discourse. To circumvent this problem, Chierchia (2000) proposes that wh-indefinites in Chinese are indefinite pronouns (i.e. pronominals), thus they can appear in the consequent of wh-conditionals without violating the novelty condition. However, Chierchia’s account does not explain why ordinary wh-indefinites display Principle C effects, a finding that seems to indicate that wh-indefinites are R-expressions rather than pronominals. We propose to reconcile the tension inherited from previous research by analyzing wh-conditionals as identity statements, which are not

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 165–179. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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subject to the novelty condition. On the present account, Chinese wh-con-ditionals are ambiguous between being correlatives and conditionals. On one hand, when definiteness is added into the equation, wh-conditionals can be seen to share properties with free relatives in that they refer to a particular (unique) individual in a particular situation. When the context/antecedent establishes a plurality of situations, the unique individuals picked up by wh-phrases get relativised to situations, and the identity of the referent is not known, or not relevant. This reading is semantically akin to–ever free re- latives in English. This reading involves universal quantification over situations. Therefore, the intuitive insight in Cheng & Huang (1996) is intact on the current account; wh-conditionals are donkey conditionals and have a generic interpretation.

2 Chinese wh-­‐Conditionals: Definiteness Effect The seminal Cheng & Huang (1996) summarize the typical properties of wh-conditionals as follows (Cheng & Huang 1996:132):

(1) Properties of wh-conditionals a. The (donkey) anaphor must take the form of a wh-word b. The (donkey) wh-word must be identical to the wh-word in the

antecedent clause c. There must be an element in the consequent clause referring back the

wh-word in the antecedent clause

What appears mysterious here is that unlike donkey conditionals in English, where the anaphors always take the form of a pronominal, Chinese wh-conditionals take an identical wh-word as the donkey anaphor. This is the notorious ‘matching effect’: wh-phrases in the antecedent and consequent clauses of wh-conditionals must be identical in number, form and reference. Even minor variations are unacceptable. Example (2) below illustrates a typical wh-conditional in Chinese, while (3) illustrates the matching effect:

(2) Shei xian lai, shei xian chi. who first come who first eat Lit.: ‘If X comes first, X eats first’

(3) *Shei xian lai, shenme ren /tongyang de ren xian chi. who first come what person the-same DE person first eat

Cheng & Huang analyse the wh-conditionals as a case of ‘unselective binding’ a la Heim (1982) and Kamp (1981). They treat wh-phrases in wh-conditionals as indefinites (i.e. variables) that are unselectively bound by a

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default universal necessity operator. The implicit operator provides universal quantificational force for wh-conditionals. Their semantic representation for (2) are provided as (4) below:

(4) ∀x (x come first → x eats first) (Cheng & Huang 1996:132)

According to Cheng & Huang, (2) means everybody who comes first eats first. This semantics has a plurality commitment. It is committed to multiple comers and eaters. However, intuitively, (2) is true if for one particular situation, say, Ann’s birthday party tonight, there turns out to be exactly one individual who comes first and eats first. It is semantically odd to say everybody in the room studies the kangaroo if there is exactly one man in the room. If this is the case, it shows (2) has a unique reading in the sense of Kadmon (1990).

The unique reading of wh-conditionals correlates with the definiteness effect of wh-conditionals, an observation missed in Cheng & Huang (1996). The definiteness effect of wh-conditionals can be illustrated by example (5), which shows that the wh-indefinite in the antecedent clause can be referentially linked to a partitive expression in the consequent clause:

(5) Shenme ban biaoxian hao, what class perform well shenme ban de sanfenzhiyi jiu keyi dedao jiangli. what class DE one third then can get reward ‘One third of whatever class that perform(s) well will get a reward’

Example (5) casts doubt on Cheng & Huang’s claim that wh-indefinites in Chinese wh-conditionals are genuine indefinites, because the wh-phrase is used as the complement of a partitive with the form ‘NP of wh-NP’. An ordinary indefinite cannot be used as the complement DP in a partitive. It is well-known that the partitives with the form ‘NP of DP’ are subject to the Partitive Constraint (Jackendoff 1972, Barwise & Cooper 1981).

If we take a stand that wh-indefinites in wh-conditionals are definite description-like expressions, we may be able to capture both the uniqueness and the definiteness effect.

3 The Novelty Condition and Principle C Cheng & Huang treat wh-indefinites as Heimian indefinites (e.g. a farmer, a donkey, etc.), but this runs into a problem with the novelty condition. Ordinary indefinites are subject to the novelty condition (cf. Heim 1982, 365f):

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(6) * If a mani comes first, a mani eats first.

As example (6) indicates, ordinary indefinites are required to introduce novel entities into the discourse. If wh-phrases are like indefinites, they should each introduce a novel entity to the discourse. This prediction hasn’t been borne out, because in Chinese wh-conditionals, the wh-phrase in the antecedent and the one in the consequent are identical in reference. In other words, the wh-phrase in the consequent of a conditional introduces a familiar referent rather than a novel one. As Chierchia (2000:17) puts, this represents a very bizarre picture:

(7) a. wh-words must introduce a novel variable in the antecedent of a con-ditional

b. wh-words must introduce a non-novel variable in the consequent of a conditional

Chierchia has convincingly shown that if (7) is right, then we no longer have a predictive theory of indefinites. The question is why Chinese wh-conditionals bluntly violate this novelty condition, which is supposed to be obeyed by indefinites generally.

To solve this problem, Chierchia proposes that wh-indefinites in Chinese are indefinite pronouns (i.e. pronominals). This explains why wh-indefinites can appear in the consequent clause of wh-conditionals without violating the novelty condition. A pronominal can be used as a discourse anaphor. A simple example would illustrate this idea:

(8) If a mani comes first, hei eats first.

At first glance, this seems to be a reasonable solution. Some issues need to be addressed, however. First, if wh-phrases in Chinese are indeed indefinite pronouns (i.e. pronominals), we expect they should always introduce a familiar discourse referent in the antecedent of a conditional, as pronominals (and definite descriptions) always do. But a wh-phrase in the antecedent of a conditional, however, doesn’t require a linguistic antecedent. One might wonder why the familiarity condition doesn’t apply here. The second problem is more severe. On Chierchia’s account, wh-phrases are expected to be subject to Principle B (because they are pronominals) and pattern with ordinary pronouns. However, wh-phrases in Chinese display Principle C effect, a fact unexpected on Chierchia’s analysis. Consider the following examples:

(9) a. Sheii shuo tai xihuan wo? who said he like me

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‘Who said he likes me?’ {Johni said hei likes me, Peterj said hej like me, …} b. *Tai shuo sheii xihuan wo? he said who like me ‘Who did he say likes me?’ {hei said Johni likes me, hej said Peterj likes me, …}

(9b) is a strong crossover case. The contrast between (9a) and (9b) indicates Chinese wh-phrases are not like pronominals but R-expressions. The following examples adopted from Tran & Bruening (2006) constitute another supporting observation:

(10) a. *Tai shuo sheii xihuan wo meimei? he said who like my sister ‘Who did he say like my sister?’ b. Tai zongshi shuo *sheii / tai xihuan wo meimei. he always said who he/she like my sister ‘Hei (always) says *whoi/ hei likes my sister’ c. Sheii (yaoshi) shuo tai /*sheii xihuan wo meimei, wo jiu zou ta. who if say he who like my sister I then hit he ‘If somebodyi says hei/*whoi likes my sister, I will hit him’

As all the examples under (10) clearly indicates, Chinese wh-phrases stand with R-expressions rather than pronouns. We face a paradoxical dilemma here. On one hand, if Chierchia’s proposal is indeed right, then we have to explain why wh-phrases display Principle C effect everywhere else. On the other hand, if wh-phrases are not pronominals, why can they appear in the consequent clause and remain anaphorically linked to the wh-phrase in the antecedent in wh-conditionals?

4 Indefinites and Uniqueness The definite reading of wh-conditionals is most ready when a unique referent is being established. To consider:

(11) A: (Zai zheci xuanju zhong), Zhang San bu xihuan shei? (in this election,) Zhang San NEG like who ‘Whom doesn’t Zhang San like (in this election)?’ B: Shei bu tou Wang Wu de piao, who neg vote Wang Wu DE vote Zhang San jiu bu xihuan shei. Zhang San then NEG like who

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‘Who doesn’t vote for Wang Wu, Zhang San then doesn’t like who.’

When uttered out of the blue (i.e. in a neutral context), (11B) can mean Zhang San hates whoever that doesn’t vote for Wang Wu. If there is more than one event involving voting for or against Wang Wu, then Zhang San would have correspondingly more than one (possibly different) persons to dislike. This reading is akin to general statement about Zhang San’s personal disposition. However, when the antecedent establishes some unique referent, like in (11A) above, (11B) is true in the situation that there is exactly one person, say, Li Si, who doesn’t vote for Wang Wu, and Zhang San dislikes Li Si. However, (11B) also allows a multiple-individual reading. Suppose there are three persons, Li Si, Ma Liu and Zhang Qi, who decide not to vote for Wang Wu, then (11B) is true only when Zhang San dislikes all the persons that don’t vote for Wang Wu (in this case, they are Li Si, Ma Liu and Zhang Qi).

The exactly one reading is the uniqueness reading. But what is uniqueness? How can an indefinite generate a unique interpretation? In the literature, it has been reported that an indefinite under certain circ*mstances can have a unique reading (cf. Evans (1980), Kadmon (1990), Heim (1990), among others). There are multiple ways to encode the uniqueness into semantic representations. We follow Brasoveanu (2007, 2008), who adopts a Russellian treatment. The Russellian semantics of definites consists in existence, maximality and singleton presuppositions. This can be demon-strated below: When the wh-phrase denotes a singleton:

(12) Shei xian lai ∃X [X≠∅ & X= {y: person (y) & first_come (y)} & #X=1] existence maximality singleton uniqueness

When the wh-phrase denotes a plurality:

(13) Na-xie ren xian lai which-cl (pl.) person first come ∃X[X≠∅ & X= {y: person (y) & first_come (y)} & #X>1] existence maximality plural

When the wh-phrases denote a plurality, we assume there is a maximality operation in the sense of Link (1983) and Grosu & Landman (1998) that turns the plurality into a maximalized individual. In lattice-theoretic terms, if a and b are individuals, then the sum of a and b (written as a ⊕ b) is also an

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individual. The technical details of this lattice-theoretic approach to plurality are immaterial here. We entertain here the maximal individual of a poset <X, ≤> is the least upper bound of X.

The MAX operation always returns a plural individual. In this sense it is still singular, and the wh-phrases remain unique. Kadmon (1990) has another example that shows uniqueness is related to maximal collections. In the following (14), they /three of them refer to the maximal collection of the chairs that Leif owns.

(14) Leif has four chairs. They / Three of them are in the kitchen. (ex. 24)

This uniqueness-based account offers a straightforward explanation for the definiteness effect, for both the singular-individual reading and the multiple-individual reading. Our analysis predicts that the following sentence is ambiguous between distributive and collective interpretations:

(15) Shenme ban biaoxian hao, what class perform well shenme ban de sanfenzhiyi jiu keyi dedao jiangli. what class DE one-third then can get reward ‘One third of whatever class(es) that perform well get(s) a reward’

The sentence allows both the distributive reading and collective reading. On the distributive reading, it means for each class that performs well, one third of its members will be rewarded. The other reading, i.e. collective reading is compatible with the situation that for some class, none of its members get rewarded, while for some other classes, all of the members get rewarded. While this ambiguity can be attributed to a lack of number specification in nominal quantification in Chinese, the definiteness/uniqueness plays an essential role here.

5 Wh-­‐Conditionals as Identity Statements We have shown that the definiteness effect that remains elusive on the previous accounts can be captured by assuming wh-indefinites encode uniqueness. The uniqueness effect shows up when anaphora is attempted. However, there is a notable difficulty with this claim. While a unique indefinite is always referred back by a pronoun (e.g. Leif has a chair. It is in the kitchen), in wh-conditionals, the anaphor is an identical wh-phrase rather than a pronoun. How to account for this matching requirement in wh-conditionals?

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A straightforward solution to this problem is to treat wh-conditionals in Chinese as identity statements. If wh-conditionals are treated along with identity statement, we will also be able to reconcile the tension between the novelty condition and Principle C. It is well-known that overt identity statements are immune to the novelty condition:

(16) A man who drinks alcopops is a man who gets a hangover.

In (16), the indefinite a man doesn’t c-command the other one. However, the novelty condition doesn’t apply here, and the indefinite expressions are happy to remain identical in reference. We assume in identity statements like (20), the novelty condition is being overridden here. It is being overridden because there is an overt identity operation that forces the indefinite expressions to pick up the same referent. In another word, the novelty condition is an Elsewhere Condition (EC) which applies only when it can. If Chinese wh-conditionals are subject to a similar identity operation, then we find a way to reconcile the tension between the novelty condition and Principle C. But how could this be achieved?

On the present account, wh-indefinites are subject to a σ-operation, where σ should be understood to stand for uniqueness:

(17) Shei xian lai, shei xian chi. The antecedent: [[ shei xian lai ]] = σx. person(x) & first_come (x)

The issue here is how the wh-indefinite in the consequent clause is being interpreted. We assume there is a covert identity operation:

(18) Shei xian lai, shei xian chi [who first come]x λx [first eat [σy [person (y) & y=x ]]]

On this account, the antecedent wh-indefinite shei xian lai ‘who comes first’ binds the variables x by λ-abstraction. The wh-anaphor is interpreted as a definite description, introducing a variable that is identical to the one previously introduced, which is x in the antecedent.

It is been proposed, since Cooper (1979), that donkey anaphors should be interpreted as generalized D-type pronouns (cf. also Heim & Kratzer 1998, Elbourne 2005, among others). The D-type pronouns contain both a definite description and a free relation variable R which helps fix the referent of the definite description. Cooper assumes R is provided by pragmatic saliency. This idea has been challenged by Heim (1990), who notices that donkey anaphora is subject to a condition which she dubs as Formal Link Condition, that is, the donkey anaphor requires an explicit linguistic antecedent (e.g. every man who has a wife is sitting next to her vs. */??every married man is

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sitting next to her). Chinese wh-conditionals may constitute another supporting evidence for the D-type pronoun analysis for donkey anaphors. Instead of looking for any linguistic antecedent, the wh-anaphor looks for an identical antecedent to fix its referent. R in this case is always provided by an explicit linguistic antecedent. And ‘identity’ is to be understood in Leibniz’s way (i.e. ‘x =y’ is true iff for any predicate P, P(x) if and only if P(y)). This treatment yields the correct semantics for wh-conditionals:

(19) a. the antecedent: [[ shei xian lai ]] = σx. [person (x) & first_come (x)] b. the wh-anaphor: [[ shei (xian chi) ]] = σy.[person (y) & y=x & R(y))] c. R → λx. first_come (x) d. the wh-anaphor: [[ shei (xian chi) ]] = σx. [person (x) & first_come

(x)] e. the consequent:λz. first_eat (z) (σx. [person (x) & first_come (x)]) = first_eat (σx. (person (x) & first_come (x))) g. [[ shei xian lai, shei xian chi]] =1 iff the individual who comes first is

the individual who eats first.

On this account, wh-conditionals are semantically akin to free relatives in English. Despite the structural differences, it is easy to see Chinese wh-conditionals and English free relatives may share a common semantics, since all English free relatives can be translated as identity statements (cf. Moltmann (2010)):1

(20) Whoever comes first eats first = the first comer is the first eater I don’t like whatever you bought = the thing(s) you bought is(are) the thing(s) I don’t like

The matching requirement provides another independent evidence for this analysis. We assume without the copula to mark identity in Chinese wh-conditionals, identity of form is a prerequisite to identity of reference (see (3)). Not surprisingly, we find the same form-matching restriction is also operative in English identity statements. Consider the following examples:

(21) */? A man who drinks alcopops is someone / the same person / the man

1 The structural differences between Chinese wh-conditionals and English free relatives may turn out to be superficial. Citko (2001) proposes that in a simple free relative like John ate what Mary cooked, the single instance of what is an argument of both ate and cooked. However, due to Deletion under Identity, the lower copy what gets deleted at PF. The only difference between Chinese and English, viewed in this light, is unlike English, the two copies of the wh-indefinite must stay at PF in Chinese.

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who gets a hangover.

To summarize, it is the identity relation that is responsible for the identity in reference between the wh-indefinites and the inapplicability of the novelty condition in wh-conditionals. This identity reading renders wh-conditionals semantically akin to identity statement.

The above discussion results in a novel syntactic analysis for wh-conditionals. That is, wh-conditionals are topic-comment structures like correlatives (cf. Bittner 2001, Dayal 1997, among others), in which the antecedent wh-indefinite is topical, which is commented by the consequent wh-clause. We believe this analysis is on the right track, for several reasons. First, to treat wh-conditionals as topic-comment structures, we can derive the identity in reference between the wh-indefinites effortlessly. All we need to do is to assume the relationship between the topic and comment is that of identity. Second, the analysis suggests a more motivated explanation for the matching requirement in wh-conditionals. On this analysis, the wh-indefinite antecedents are topics, and we cannot mark an indefinite as topical (by means of wh-morphology) and not comment about it: ‘the intuitive idea is that topic-comment sequencing presupposes that the comment is about the topic. It requires … every topical discourse referent introduced in the topic updated to be picked up by an anaphoric element in the comment update’ (Bittner 2001). We believe this move (i.e. to treat wh-conditionals as topic-comment structures) is welcome. Recently, it has been frequently proposed that conditionals are topic-comment constructions (cf. Lewis 1973, Bittner 2001, Schlenker 2004, Ebert, Endriss & Hinterwimmer 2008, among others).

6 On the Generic Interpretation of wh-­‐Conditionals In addition to the definite interpretation, wh-conditionals can also be used as general statements and are open to a generic interpretation. This interpretation has ignorance, indifference and free choice implications.

6.1 The Ignorance Implication

Wh-conditionals have some ignorance implications (i.e. the speaker/agent’s epistemic uncertainty about identity of the referent denoted by the wh-phrase, or more plainly, the speaker/agent doesn’t know who has the property P). So (22a) has some implication as (22b):

(22) a. Shei xian lai, shei xian chi. who first come who first eat b. The person who comes first eats first, but I don’t know who will be

the one that comes first

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6.2 The Indifference Implication

Wh-conditionals also have indifference implications (i.e. the speaker/agent’s intentional or unintentional indiscriminateness with respect to the identity of the referent denoted by the wh-phrase, or more plainly, the speaker/agent doesn’t care who has the property P). (23a) has some implication as shown by (23b):

(23) a. Shei zuihou lai wanhui, shei xi wan who last come party who wash dish b. the person who arrived last for the party washes the dishes Counterfactual implication: it could be anyone else that washed the dishes if he was the last person for the party

6.3 Free Choice Implication

Wh-conditionals also have some free choice implication under certain circ*mstance. To consider:

Context: the university requires 50 credits for a bachelor’s degree, and Mary has already got 47 credits. To fulfill the university’s requirement, Mary has to get 3 more credits. There are three courses Mary can register for this purpose. Each course has 3 credits. The following sentence is felicitous:

(24) Ni xuan na-men kecheng, na-men kecheng jiu keyi you choose which-CL course which-CL course then can rang ni biye. let you graduate ‘Whichever course you take can let you graduate’

6.4 Deriving the Generic Interpretation

These observations bring wh-conditionals semantically closer to –ever FRs in English. Dayal (1997) argues that –ever FRs in English always involve some universal quantification over identity alternatives to the worlds of evaluation. Following Dayal, we assume the generic reading of Chinese wh-conditionals are derived in a similar way. The wh-conditionals contain a null adverbial quantifier GEN over world variables. And wh-phrases are concepts, i.e. from possible worlds to individuals:

(25) [[ shei xian lai ]] = λi. σx[first-come (x)](i)

(26) GEN ⇒ λPλQ.∀i-Alt∈f(w)(s)){P(i),Q(i)}, where (i) f(w)(s) is the set of worlds the speaker’s belief hold and (ii) a world w’∈f(w)(s) is an i-alternative iff there exists some w’’ such that σx[P(w’)(x)]≠σx[P(w’’)(x)]

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This semantics captures the modal implications (i.e. the ignorance, indifference and free choice implications) by treating them as presuppositional content of wh-clauses and attributes the generic reading to a generic context.2 The unique referent denoted by the wh-phrase is being relativised to worlds, i.e. for each world, there is a unique individual involved in it. And quantification is over the worlds rather than individuals. We arrive at the following truth conditions for the generic reading:

(27) a. [[ shei xian lai, shei xian chi]] = 1 iff ∀i∈f(w)(s)){first_eat (i) (σx (person (x) & first_come (x) (i))} b. As far as the speaker’s belief is concerned, the first comer is the first


7 Are Chinese wh-­‐Conditionals Ambiguous? The previous discussion unambiguously leads to an ambiguous end, namely, that Chinese wh-conditionals are ambiguous. Semantically, Chinese wh-conditionals are akin to English FRs, which have two varieties: plain FRs and –ever FRs. English plain FRs are argued to have a prima facie definite/unique interpretation, while –ever FRs have some universal quantification interpretation (cf. Jacobson (1995), among others). Dayal (1997) proposes the universal quantificational force of –ever FRs is contributed by ever, which adds some modality to the semantic representation and renders FRs to be interpreted attributively.3 A plausible assumption extending to Chinese wh-conditionals is that Chinese wh-conditionals conflate this distinction (between plain FRs and –ever FRs) and are always open to two interpretations. Chinese lacks a lexical item like ever for the generic interpretation, and sometimes only the context/pragmatics can tell which reading is the most salient one.

At this moment, we should give some credit to Cheng & Huang (1996), who analyse wh-conditionals on a par with donkey conditionals in English. The ambiguity between definite and generic readings of wh-conditionals is also present in English donkey conditionals. Kadmon (1990) observes that donkey conditionals have both an absolute unique (definite) reading and a universal reading. She distinguishes one-case conditionals from multi-case conditionals (e.g. one-case conditionals: If there is a doctor in London and

2 For a slightly different version about the modal flavour of –ever FRs please see von Fintel (2000). Limit of space prohibits a fuller comparison and implementation of those ideas. 3 Donnellan (1966) distinguishes two uses of definites: referential vs. attributive. According to Dayal, the primary semantic function of ever is to force the FRs to be read attributively. Otherwise, FRs always receive a referential /absolute unique reading.

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he is Welsh, then we are all set vs. multi-case conditionals: If a semanticist hears of a good job, she applies for it).

We propose the choice between the two interpretations is regulated by context in Chinese. When the context is unspecified about the fixation of the referent, it has a generic reading, whereas when the context imposes some absolute uniqueness requirement of the referent, it has a definite reading:

(28) Wo wangji ni jie-le ji-ben shu gei wo le I forget you lend-ASP how-many-CL book to me ASP Danshi, ni jie-le shenme gei wo, wo jiu huan-gei ni But you lend-ASP what to me I then return-to you shenme le. what ASP I don’t remember how many books you lent me, but I’ve returned to you whatever books you lent me I’ve returned to you the books you lent me I’ve returned to you all the books you lent me

In (28), when the antecedent specifies a particular case/situation (i.e. book-lending by you to me), the generic reading is no longer the preferred one. And the ignorance and indifference implications also disappear. (28) simply expresses the speaker has returned all the books the addressee lent to him.

Semantically, the difference between the definite vs. universal readings of Chinese wh-conditionals boils down to a difference in granularity level of the quantification (see Brasoveanu 2007). The quantification can be coarse-grained, i.e. we ‘collectively’ quantify over topical cases/situations, which boils down to quantifying over topical individuals – and the consequent clause is predicated about these individuals. This yields the definite /unique reading. Alternatively, the quantification can be fine-grained, i.e. we ‘distributively’ quantify over the topical cases/situations introduced by the antecedent – and the consequent clause is predicated of each of such cases/situations. This yields the universal interpretation.

References Bhatt, Rajesh & Roumyana, Pancheva. 2006. Conditionals. In Martin

Evearert et al. (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Syntax I, 638–687. Oxford: Blackwell.

Bittner, Maria. 2001. Topical referents for individuals and possibilities. In R. Hastings et al. (eds.), Proceedings of SALT 11, 36–55.

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Bruening, Benjamin & Tran, Thuan. 2006. Wh-conditionals in Vietnames and Chinese: Against unselective binding. Paper presented at Berkeley Linguistic Society 32. University of California at Berkeley.

Cheng, Lisa & Huang, James. 1996. Two types of donkey sentences. Natural Language Semantics 4. 121–163.

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Cooper, Robin. 1979. The interpretation of pronouns. In F. Heny and H. Schnelle (eds.), Syntax and Semantics 10, 61–92. New York: Academic Press.

Dayal, Veneeta. 1997. Free relatives and –ever: identity and free choice reading. In A. Lawson & E. Cho (eds.), Proceedings of SALT 7, 99–116. CLC Publications.

Donnallan, K. 1966. Reference and Definite Descriptions. Philosophical Review 75. 281–304.

Ebert, Christian, Endriss, Cornelia and Hinterwimmer, Stefan. 2008. Topics as speech acts: an analysis of conditionals. In Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 132–140. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Elbourne, Paul. 2005. Situations and Individuals. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

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Theory 10, 27–39. Grosu, Alexander & Landman, Fred. 1998. Strange relatives of the third kind.

Natural Language Semantics 6. 125–170. Gu, Chloe. 2008. Maximalization and the definite reading in Mandarin wh-

conditionals. Paper presented at NELS 40. MIT. Heim, Irene. 1982. The semantics of definite and indefinite noun phrases:

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Philosophy 13. 137–177. Jackendoff, Ray. 1972. Semantic interpretation in generative grammar. Cam,

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Jacobson, Pauline. 1995. On the quantificational force of English free relatives. in E. Bach, E. Jelink, A. Kratzer and B. Partee (eds.), uantification in natural language, 451–486. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Kamp, Hans. 1981. A theory of truth and semantic representation. In J. Goenendijk et al (eds.), Formal Methods in the Study of Language, 277–322. Amsterdam: Mathematical Center Tracts.

Kadmon, N.. 1990. Uniqueness. Linguistics and Philosophy 13. 274–324. Kratzer, Angelika & Heim, Irene. 1998. Semantics in generative grammar.

Cam, Mass.: The MIT Press. Lewis, David. 1973. Counterfactuals. Harvard University Press. Li, Y.-H. Audrey. 1992. Indefinite wh in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of East

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 181–192. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Total vs. Partial Adjectives:Evidence from Reduplication∗

Mojmír DocekalMasaryk [emailprotected]

Ivona KucerováMcMaster [emailprotected]

Abstract. This paper provides evidence for a structural difference betweentwo classes of antonym adjectives, namely, total and partial adjectives, for ex-ample, clean and dirty (Yoon 1996; Rotstein & Winter 2004). Based on datafrom morpho-phonological processes in Czech we argue that only total adjec-tives have their standard value represented in the derivation. In contrast, the stan-dard value of the partial adjectives is determined pragmatically. Furthermore, weargue that antonym adjectives must be at least sometimes represented by over-lapping scales. A consequence of the proposed analysis is that an empiricallyadequate account of antonym adjectives must supply a part of the denotationfrom lexical semantics and part from the context.

1 IntroductionCzech, West Slavic, has a productive system of a semantically driven morpho-phonological reduplication (Marantz 1982; Inkelas & Zoll 2005). One suchexample comes from the morphological marking of aspect. The imperfectiveverbal morpheme -va- is often called habitual since it may encode iterativityif reduplicated, as in (1). The effect of reduplication is indeed semantic and assuch has truth-conditional effects: the reduplicated form may be used in habit-ual or generic sentences, as seen in (2a), but it is incompatible with episodicsentences, as can be seen in (2b).

(1) a. praco-va-lwork-IMPERF-PP.M.SG.‘he worked’ Imperfective/generic

b. praco-vá-va-lwork-IMPERF-IMPERF-PP.M.SG.‘he used to work’ iterative

c. praco-vá-vá-va-lwork-IMPERF-IMPERF-IMPERF-PP.M.SG.

∗ We would like to thank Chris Kennedy, Henk Zeevat and the audiences at the Szklarska Poreba2010 worhshop and the SuB conference. The authors are happy to acknowledge that MD wasfinancially supported by GACR (grant 405/09/0677).

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‘he used to work’ iterative (emphatic)

(2) a. PetrPetr





‘Peter used to clean the window every morning.’ Xhabitual/ge-neric

b. *PetrPetr





‘Peter used to clean the window yesterday in the morning.’ *episo-dic

This paper focuses on another type of semantically driven reduplication, na-mely, reduplication in antonym adjectives. Czech gradable antonym adjectivesmay contain a degree morpheme which meaning roughly corresponds to En-glish very. If the degree morpheme undergoes a process of reduplication, the re-sulting meaning of the adjective may be paraphrased as ‘very, very. . . (clean)’,i.e., emphasizing the standard value of the adjective. Native speakers charac-terize the resulting interpretation as that of reaching the absolute degree ofadjectiveness (for example, of cleanness).

The fact that interests us here is that not every gradable antonym adjectivemay undergo the reduplication process. Even though any gradable antonymadjective may contain a degree morpheme, the morpheme may be reduplicatedonly in so-called total adjectives, never in their partial counterparts, followingthe terminology of Yoon 1996. The contrast is shown in (3) and (4). Here,the adjectives cistý ‘clean’ and zavrený ‘closed’ provide an example of totaladjectives and the adjectives špinavý ‘dirty’ and otevrený ‘open’ provide anexample of partial adjectives.

(3) cistý ‘clean’ vs. špinavý ‘dirty’a. cistý→ cist’ounký→ cist’oulinký→ cist’oulilinký. . . Xredupli-

cationb. špinavý→ špinavoulinký→ *špinavoulilinký. . . *reduplication

(4) zavrený ‘closed’ vs. otevrený ‘open’a. zavrený→ zavrenoulinký→ zavrenoulilinký Xreduplicationb. otevrený→ otevrenoulinký→ *otevrenoulilinký. . . *reduplication

For presentational purposes we demonstrate the reduplication process in stages.First, we observe that for the degree morpheme to be inserted the stem of theadjective need to be modified. The change of the stem is independently moti-vated by phonotactic constraints on this type of morphological formation anddoes not directly concern us here. Once the morpheme – in our case, an in-

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fix -li-, meaning roughly ‘very’ – is inserted, the morpheme may be redupli-cated without any further phonological or morphological change of the stem. Incontrast, as the (b) examples show, even though the partial adjectives špinavý‘dirty’ and otevrený ‘open’ may be modified by the same degree morpheme,reduplication of this morpheme is impossible. Further examples demonstratingthe contrast are given in (5).

(5) Some further examples (source: the Czech National Corpus):

cistý (clean) cist’oulilinkýzavrený (closed) zavrenoulilinkýzdravý (healthy) zdravoulilinkýrovný (straight) rovnoulilinkýtenký (thin) tenoulilinkýjemný (slight) jemnoulilinkýchabý (faint) chaboulilinkýkrehký (fragile) krehoulilinkýšpinavý (dirty) *špinavoulilinkýotevrený (open) *otevrenoulilinkýnemocný (ill) *nemocnoulilinkýzahnutý (bent) *zahnutoulilinkýtlustý (thick) *tlust’oulilinkýhrubý (rough) *hruboulilinkýpevný (solid) *pevnoulilinkýnerozbitný (unbreakable) ???

The observed restriction on reduplication is rather puzzling since it does nothold for its semantically closest variant, i.e., adverbial modification by velmi‘very’, as can be seen in (6). Similarly, the closest English paraphrase (therepetition of ‘very’) is compatible with both total and partial adjectives as well,as in (7).

(6) No restriction on adverbial modification:a. velmi


b. velmivery


(7) No restriction on English adverbial modification:a. very very very cleanb. very very very dirty

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Crucially, the restriction on reduplication cannot be explained in phonologi-cal or morphological terms either because neither semantic class of the ad-jectives forms a phonological or morphological natural class. Furthermore, ifthere were any phonotactic restrictions they should be equally resolved withinthe morpho-phonological changes accompanying the primary modification bythe degree morpheme.

The rest of the paper provides evidence that the restriction on reduplica-tion stems from distinct semantic properties of the two classes of adjectives.Concretely, we will argue that the reduplication process refers to a meaningcomponent that is structurally present only in total adjectives. The correspond-ing meaning component in partial adjectives is never present in the derivation.Instead, it is supplied by the context. Consequently, it cannot serve as an anchorfor morpho-phonological processes. We will outline our semantic assumptionsand present the actual proposal in section 2. Section 3 investigates Englishadverbial modification by almost and compares it with the Czech reduplica-tion case. As we will see, there is a sharp contrast between English and Czech:while the English type of modification is sensitive to the context, this pragmaticstrategy fails to rescue reduplication of Czech partial adjectives thus providingfurther evidence for the present proposal. Section 4 concludes.

2 ProposalWe assume scalar semantics for adjectives, i.e., the positive form of an adjec-tive denotes a subinterval of the scale SA where the subinterval depends on astandard value dA in the scale and where the scale is ordered by a relation RAdefined with respect to the standard value dA ∈ SA (Cresswell 1977; von Ste-chow 1984; Bierwisch 1989; Klein 1991). Furthermore, we assume that thestandard value variable dA is context dependent.1 The denotation of the posi-tive form of an adjective can be formalized as in (8) (after Rotstein & Winter2004: ex. (18)):2

(8) JAKde f= {x ∈ SA : RA(dA,x)}

The complete lexical semantics of the adjective like long can be then formal-ized using λ -abstraction as follows:

(9) JlongK = λdAλx.long(x)≥ dA

1 For example, the standard value for big is set differently in a big house than in a big mouse.2 Notice the denotation of an adjective in (8) must be mapped on the set of entities for the degreeof A-ness to be included in JAK otherwise the intersection interpretation of the AP within an NPyields a type-mismatch.

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In the function talk – the denotation of an adjective like long is a functionfrom a context set degree dA and an individual x which yields truth value 1 ifand only if the degree of the length of the individual x exceeds the degree dA.3

Degree dA can be given explicitly (in most cases by a noun which is modified bythe adjective) or implicitly. The relation ≥ is supplied by an invisible operatorpos which operates on the adjective and assigns truth value 1 only to thoseindividuals (when the adjective is used predicatively) which exceed the averagedegree for the comparison class. Von Stechow (1984: R6) defines pos in thefollowing way:

(10) PositiveLet A0 be any adjective meaning, C be any appropriate property, x beany appropriate individual and w be any world. Then w ∈ JposK iff(∃d) [d is an A0-degree & d > average [A0,C] & x has d in w & w ∈C(x)].

A sentence like Ferda is a big cat is true in a world w iff Ferda has a degree ofbigness which exceeds the average degree of bigness for cats in the world ofevaluation.

Here we are concerned with two basic types of antonym adjectives: par-tial and total adjectives.4 We semantically represent total and partial adjectivesby a scale and a standard value. A partial adjective indicates some amount ofthe relevant property (moisture, dirt, sickness etc.), while a total adjective in-dicates no amount of such property (e.g., a dirty object has some degree ofdirtiness, but it is not necessarily free of cleanliness; in contrast, a clean objectis free of dirtiness). As for their semantic denotation, we follow Rotstein &Winter (2004) in formalizing total v. partial adjectives as overlapping scales,schematized in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Total and Partial adjective scales

3 Notice that the type of the adjective is not a predicate, 〈e, t〉, but a function from degrees into afunction from individuals to truth values: 〈d,〈e, t〉〉.4 We put aside so-called relative adjectives. In relative adjectives, no member of an antonym pairhas it standard value set independently of the context (Kennedy & McNally 2005; Kennedy 2007).

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In Figure 1, SP is a partial scale, without a fixed standard value (context-dependent). ST is a total scale; its standard value is fixed as the lower boundof its partial counterpart (a healthy man is a man that lacks any illness). Cru-cially, ST and SP are ordered inversely and SP may partially overlap with ST .What this means is that some amount of the relevant partial property does notexclude some amount of the complementary total property. For instance, if acoat is dirty it can mean that it is stained on sleeves but the rest of the coat isclean.

Following von Stechow (2007); Heim (2008), among others, we representantonym adjectives as complements/negations of each other, the denotation ofadjectives like clean and dirty are related by the operation of being a com-plement of each other’s respective scales. We thus follow a linguistic traditionwhich treats antonyms as lexically related instead of being syntactically de-composed in syntax.5

More formally, we define the relation between partial and total adjec-tives with respect to the standard value of the total adjective represented as thelower bound of its partial counterpart (following Rotstein & Winter 2004 contraKennedy & McNally 2005). Crucially, the scales may partially overlap and theimpression of their antonymous interpretation (not clean dirty) comes froman interaction of their interval boundaries and their standard values. As for thedenotation of partial adjectives, their standard value is determined contextu-ally. Consequently, the standard value of a partial adjective has no structuralrepresentation:

(11) dP ∈ SP; SP . . . closure of the partial scale

In contrast, the denotation of a total adjective defines the standard value of thetotal member of an adjectival pair as the lower bound of its partial counterpart:

(12) dT = Pmin ∈ ST ; ST . . . closure of the total scale

With the formal semantics of antonym adjectives in place we can ap-proach the question of the denotation of reduplication. The intuition is thatreduplication corresponds to semantic modification, i.e., adjectives with redu-plicated morphemes denote some interval close to the standard value. Sincethis is semantic modification, it depends on the type of the scale in the denota-tion of the adjective with which it combines. More formally, we argue that thedenotation of reduplication corresponds to a limit function where the limit isdefined as the standard value of the total adjective. Thus, our first step to the

5 Heim (2008) provides an argument that antonyms are not decomposed in syntax contra Büring(2007a,b).

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formalization can be captured as follows:

(13) J-li-li-K≈ dT

The resulting denotation corresponds to approaching the standard value of theadjective. If we apply the denotation of the reduplication to a total adjective,for example, to cistý ‘clean’, we get the following outcome:

(14) J cist’ou-li-li-. . . nký K = λx∃d[d ≈ dT ∧ clean(d)(x)]

The formalization captures the fact that the denotation of a total adjective isnot a function from degrees and individuals to truth values, but instead it is afunction from individuals to truth values. This stems from the fact that the de-gree dA is not a context dependent variable,6 but instead the variable is existen-tially closed and its value approaches the standard value of its total counterpart.Consequently, the denotation of a reduplicated adjective is not dependent on acontext fixation of the standard value dA anymore.

After we further abstract over the adjective, we end up with the followingdenotation:

(15) J -li-li-. . .K = λGλx∃d[d ≈ dT ∧G(d)(x)]

We speculate that the reduplication takes place instead of the invisible oper-ator pos which can be found in relative adjectives. There are two differencesbetween pos and reduplication morpheme: First, since the reduplication mor-pheme replaces pos, it does not need any comparison class from the linguisticor extralinguistic context, consequently, a reduplicated adjective is not depen-dent on the context. Second, the relation between the degree and an individualis a limit function, instead of ≥.7 Even if both pos and the reduplication mor-pheme existentially close the degree variable, they do it in a different way – theoperator pos makes the denotation of the adjective dependent on a comparisonclass C but the reduplication is not dependent on any comparison class at all.8

The proposed formalization makes certain predictions about interactionsbetween different types of adjectives and reduplication. First of all, since redu-

6 As it is the case in the denotation of relative adjectives.7 We put aside any relativization to possible worlds because we use a purely extensional frameworkin this paper.8 We assume that different speaker standards for total adjectives come from extralinguistic factorsand not from the semantics itself – e.g. if we consider the sentence The dishes are clean, which canbe true for one speaker and false for another one depending on their personal standard, one mightthink that the interspeaker disagreement comes from a semantic context dependency. However, webelieve this type of difference in speakers judgements come solely from extralinguistic factors anddoes not need to be represented in semantics proper.

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plication is a morpho-phonological process, it may only apply to a materialpresent in the derivation.9 What this means with respect to our data is that redu-plication is possible only if the standard value is structurally represented. Con-sequently, we predict that reduplication applies only to total adjectives sinceonly total adjectives have their standard value structurally represented as somevalue in the closure of the total scale. In contrast, the standard value of a partialadjective is determined contextually and may fall anywhere within the inter-val. What this means is that there is no structural representation of the standardvalue. Consequently, there is no material that could be used for reduplication.Thus, we have successfully derived the contrast between partial and total ad-jectives with respect to reduplication.

3 Further Evidence: Context and the Standard ValueInterestingly, English adverbial modification by almost shows similar proper-ties to the Czech adjectival reduplication. As can be seen in (16), almost usuallycombines with total adjectives but not with partial adjectives. This restrictionis parallel to the restriction observed for the Czech reduplication paradigm andas such invites the question of whether we deal with the same phenomenon.

(16) (from Rotstein & Winter 2004: ex. (9))a. The work is almost complete/*incomplete.b. The patient is almost dead/*alive.c. The explanation is almost clear/*unclear.

The basic observation about almost is that almost cross-categorically denotesnegation of the denotation of the constituent it modifies:

(17) a. John almost passed the exam John didn’t pass the examb. Almost every student passed the exam Not every student passed

the examc. John is almost healthy John isn’t healthy

In order to account for the semantics of English almost, Rotstein & Winter(2004) proposed that the interval associated with the phrase almost A denotesdegrees that are adjacent to the standard value of A and are in the oppositedirection from the ordering of the scale associated with the adjective A. If weapply this denotation to our semantics of total and partial adjectives, the in-

9 We believe this claim is fairly theory neutral. At least, we are not aware of any generative modelof morpho-phonology where this reasoning wouldn’t apply. In fact, this type of dependency can beeasily reformulated in representational terms as well, yielding the same result.

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compatibility of almost and partial adjectives can be derived in the followingway. First, recall that under our semantics for total and partial adjectives, ifthe standard value of a partial adjective equals the standard value of a totaladjective (just on the opposite scale), then the adjectives are complementary.Consequently, the partial adjective cannot be modified by almost because thereis no complement interval between dP and 0.

There is an interesting prediction stemming from this formalization. Oneof the crucial distinctions between total and partial adjectives lies in the waytheir standard value is represented. While the standard value of a total adjectiveis structurally fixed as the lower bound of its partial counterpart, the standardvalue of a partial adjective is not fixed in the structure but instead it is con-textually dependent. What this amounts to is that in a neutral context Englishspeakers tend to fix the standard value of a partial adjective as the minimum.However, this is not necessary. If we create an appropriate context, the standardvalue can be shifted further up the scale. If this happen, we create a non-emptyinterval between dP and 0. Such a shift is schematically shown in Figure 2. Ifsuch an interval exists, then it should be able to feed into the denotation of al-most. Consequently, if such modification is possible, a partial adjective shouldbecome modifiable by almost. This prediction is indeed borne out as observedby Kennedy (2007). Examples in (18) and (19) demonstrate the shift.

Figure 2: Modification by almost

(18) (from Kennedy 2007)a. We need a rod that is bent in an angle of 90 degrees. Let’s pick

up that rod over there and bend it a little: it should be easy, as it’salmost bent already.

b. We consider a glass dirty and wash it as soon as there are fivespots on it. This glass is now almost dirty – it has four spots onit.

(19) (from Kennedy 2007)a. We need a TALL basketball player – one whose height is at least

1.95 meters. But we cannot take John, who is 1.90 meters – he’s

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just almost tall.b. The publisher considers a book long if it’s 300 pages or more.

This book is almost long – it’s 298 pages.

In the previous section we have proposed that the impossibility of reduplicationof partial adjectives is a direct consequence of their standard value not beingstructurally present. We have argued that the restriction has nothing to do withthe actual position of the standard value on the scale but instead it results fromthe lack of a structural material available for the morpho-phonological pro-cess of reduplication. Could it be the case that in fact the denotation of theprocess of reduplication should be stated in terms of a complement intervalexactly as the denotation of English almost? These two hypotheses make dis-tinct predictions. If we follow the denotation for English almost, we predictthat exactly as in English, reduplication of partial adjectives should improvein a context that pushes the standard value of a partial adjectives further awayfrom the minimum. In contrast, our structural hypothesis predicts that the dis-tance between the standard value and the minimum should not make any dif-ference: if reduplication depends on the standard value being structurally fixed,it should not matter whether or not the standard value is distinct from the mini-mum value. The reason is that the contextual fixation happens only later in thederivation (in the semantics/pragmatics component) and as such it cannot affectthe morpho-phonological process that necessarily takes place before the prag-matic component sets the standard value. Thus, the prediction of our proposalis that even if we modify the context, reduplication of Czech partial adjectivesshould still fail. Interestingly, this prediction is indeed borne out, as examplesin (20), modelled after Rotstein & Winter (2004), show. No matter how hardwe try to modify the context, what we see is that reduplication in Czech partialadjectives, unlike almost-modification in English, cannot be improved.

(20) a. This glass is certainly not clean, since it has several big spots onit and I am not willing to drink from it even if you insist. Theglass is simply. . .*špinavoulilinká ‘very very dirty’

b. This glass is certainly not dirty, since it has absolutely no dirtyspots on it. The glass is simply. . .Xcist’oulilinká ‘very very clean’

4 ConclusionWe have examined a surprising contrast between partial and total adjectivesthat emerges in a semantically driven morpho-phonological process of redupli-

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cation in Czech. While total adjectives can be reduplicated, partial adjectivescannot. This is unexpected because a formally distinct but semantically parallelprocess of adverbial modification does not show any such restriction. We haveargued that the pattern can be explained if we adopt Yoon’s and Rotstein &Winter’s account of total and partial adjectives. According to them, there is astructural difference between partial and total adjectives: Only total adjectiveshave their standard value represented in the derivation, the standard value ofpartial adjectives is derived from the context. Furthermore, we have argued thatantonym adjectives cannot be represented by adjacent scales but instead theymust be allowed to partially overlap (in agreement with Rotstein & Winter 2004and contra Kennedy & McNally 2005; Kennedy 2007). Crucially, we have ar-gued that the semantics of antonym adjectives must be formalized as a com-bination of grammatically encoded (semantics) and contextually-determined(pragmatics) meanings. Thus, in our model, the proper formalization of thesetwo types of adjective must be represented in two components of the grammar.As we have seen in our case study, the different representations are empiricallytestable.

ReferencesBierwisch, Manfred. 1989. The semantics of gradation. In Manfred Bier-

wisch & Ewald Lang (eds.), Dimensional adjectives, 71–262. Berlin:Springer-Verlag.

Büring, Daniel. 2007a. Cross-polar nomalies. Paper presented at Semanticsand Linguistics Theory 17.

Büring, Daniel. 2007b. More or less. Paper presented at the Chicago LinguisticSociety Annual Meeting.

Cresswell, Maxwell J. 1977. The semantics of degree. In Barbara Partee (ed.),Montague grammar, 261–292. New York: Academic Press.

Heim, Irene. 2008. Decomposing antonyms? In Atle Grønn (ed.), Proceedingsof SuB12, Oslo, 212–225. Oslo: ILOS.

Inkelas, Sharon & Cheryl Zoll. 2005. Reduplication: Doubling in morphology.New York: Cambridge Univ Press.

Kennedy, Christopher. 2007. Vagueness and grammar: the semantics of relativeand absolute gradable adjectives. Linguistics and Philosophy 30. 1–45.

Kennedy, Christopher & Louise McNally. 2005. Scale structure, degree mod-ification, and the semantics of gradable predicates. Language 81(2).345–381.

Klein, Ewan. 1991. Semantik: Ein internationales Handbuch der Zeitgenössis-chen Forschung chap. Comparatives, 673–691. Walter de Gruyter.

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Marantz, Alec. 1982. Re reduplication. Linguistic inquiry 13(3). 435–482.Rotstein, Carmen & Yoad Winter. 2004. Total adjectives vs. partial adjectives:

Scale structure and higher-order modifiers. Natural Language Seman-tics 12(3). 259–288.

von Stechow, Arnim. 1984. Comparing semantic theories of comparison. Jour-nal of Semantics 3. 1–77.

von Stechow, Arnim. 2007. The temporal degree adjectives früh(er)/spät(er)’early(er)’/’late(r)’ and the semantics of the positive. In A. Giannakidou& M. Rathert (eds.), Quantification, definiteness and nominalization,214–233. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009.

Yoon, Youngeun. 1996. Total and partial predicates and the weak and stronginterpretations. Natural Language Semantics 4(3). 217–236.

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Focus Marking via Gestures*

Cornelia Ebert University of Stuttgart


Stefan Evert University of Osnabrück


Katharina Wilmes University of Amsterdam


Abstract. This paper contributes to the recent investigations of speech-accompanying gestures under a formal semantic view. We show that gestures can serve to disambiguate a sentence with respect to its possible focus domains. We provide a statistical evaluation of data gained from a corpus annotated with gestures and information structure. The language under investigation is German. We argue that a sentence that, in isolation, is ambiguous concerning the extension of its focus domain is disambiguated via speech-accompanying gestures. Gesture thus is a means to mark information structure next to intonation and word order.

1 Introduction It is widely known that gestures are temporally aligned with the speech signal, in particular it has often been claimed that the stroke, i.e. the main part of a gesture where the actual gesture movement takes place, falls together with the main accent of the gesture-accompanying sentence (McNeill 1992 among many others). The relationship of complete gestures or gesture phrases and foci, however, has not been investigated systematically yet. We want to fill this gap by showing that the possible focus projection of a focus exponent is restricted by the point of time at which a speech-accompanying gesture starts. Gesture thus serves as a means to mark focus domains. Consider the following example for illustration (the main accent is indicated by capital letters):

(1) I ate baNAnas.

* First and foremost, we would like to thank Hannes Rieser and Florian Hahn for giving us access to the gesturally annotated SAGA-corpus of the University of Bielefeld. This work would not have been possible without the possibility to access and make use of the accurate and fine-grained gestural annotations of the SAGA-corpus. We would also like to thank Hannes Rieser and Florian Hahn for their constant help with technical and other questions of all sorts as well as for numerous valuable discussions about gestures and information structure.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 193–208. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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The sentence in (1) with the given intonation pattern can be read as an answer to the two questions in (2), each inducing a different focus-background structure.

(2) a. What did you do? b. What did you eat?

(2a) is a VP-focus invoking question, while (2b) requires narrow focus on the direct complement. Following (2a), (1) allows for the focus pattern in (3a); if (1) follows (2b) on the other hand, the focus pattern is the one of (3b).

(3) a. I [ate baNAnas]F. b. I ate [baNAnas]F.

In the following we will defend the hypothesis in (4).

(4) Hypothesis (Focus-gesture alignment): How far a focus projects is determined by the onset of the ac-companying gesture (if one exists).

In other words, the onset of a speech-accompanying gesture indicates the left border of the focus phrase (independent of the type of gesture – be it a beat, a deictic or an iconic gesture or any other kind of gesture). A speech-accompanying gesture can thus serve to disambiguate an information-structural ambiguity in a sentence towards a certain focus-background pattern. Simplifying matters for now, we expect the patterns in (5). (|G marks the hypothesized onset of the speech-accompanying gesture.)

(5) a. I |G[ate baNAnas]F. b. I ate |G[baNAnas]F.

Although (1) is ambiguous with respect to the underlying information structure, |G disambiguates the sentence towards one of the focus-background patterns in (3). In order to test the hypothesis in (4), we looked at the temporal occurrences of gestures and foci. We therefore annotated the multimodal Bielefeld Speech-And-Gesture-Alignment (SAGA) corpus with focus features – in addition to the existing gestural annotation – and marked the nuclear accents of certain intonation units. A subsequent statistical analysis confirmed our hypothesis that the onsets of focus and gesture align indeed – with a systematic shift, however: on average gestures start about 0.3 seconds earlier than the corresponding focus phrases. That is, there is a certain time lag between the onset of a gesture and its associated focus.

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In this paper, we mostly present material that has also been discussed in Wilmes (2009). We re-evaluate some of the results of Wilmes (2009) and further elaborate on various aspects. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 sets the stage and discusses the relevant findings from the gesture literature that will be needed in the remainder of the paper. Section 3 presents the methodology underlying our investigations. Here, we explain what the data set that our study is based on looks like, how we annotated these data and how we finally investigated the temporal interdependence of gestures and foci. Section 4 then presents the results of a statistical investigation of the temporal occurrences of gestures and foci. In section 5, we evaluate and discuss these results. Section 6 discusses some controversial issues and loose ends. And finally, section 7 concludes the paper.

2 Speech-­‐Accompanying Gestures It is a widely held view that gesture is a distinct mode of expression and that the study of gestures can tell us more about language than one might think at first sight (see e.g. Kendon 1972, 1980 and Loehr 2004 and references therein). We subscribe to this view and we will argue in particular that for a comprehensive view of focus phenomena it is inevitable to take speech-accompanying gestures into account.

To set the stage, we will have a look at some important findings concerning the interpretation of speech-accompanying gestures. First of all, one has to define what a gesture phrase is, i.e. where it starts and where it ends. In order to determine which movements can be considered to contribute to a particular gesture, Kendon (1972, 1980) identified a certain structure that can be found for gestures quite generally. The smallest unit of a gesture is its main element, i.e. the minimally required element for being reckoned as a proper gesture: the stroke. The stroke can be identified with the strongest movement within the gesture. A stroke is usually preceded by a preparation phase and followed by a retraction phase, for the hands must be brought into an appropriate position for the stroke to be executed and back into the resting position. Taken together, these three phases constitute the gesture phrase1. Preparation and retraction are optional, so a gesture phrase may consist of nothing but a stroke. Between preparation and stroke and stroke and

1 This notion of a gesture phrase cannot be applied to all kinds of gestures. So-called beats are only biphasal, i.e. they consist of two movement phases, constituting a repeated movement pattern, like up and down or in and out.

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retraction holds may occur, which are termed pre- or postholds, respectively. These are considered to enhance timing between speech and gesture (cf. McNeill 1992, Lascarides and Stone 2009).

Importantly, it has been argued that gesture and speech can work together to convey one single thought (McNeill 1992, Kendon 1980) and hence that the semantic content of speech-accompanying gestures is intertwined with the semantic content of the speech signal. What is especially important for our purposes is that speech-accompanying gestures are known to be temporally aligned with the speech signal. It has been argued that speech and gesture synchronise in that the stroke of the gesture falls together with the main accent of the gesture-accompanying utterance (see among others: Pittenger, Hockett, & Daheny 1960; Kendon 1980; McNeill 1992; Loehr 2004; Jannedy & Mendoza-Denton 2005). The general claim is that the stroke occurs just before or at the same time as (but not later than) the nuclear accent. Although there are very few empirical studies that back this claim (see Loehr 2004 for a recent study), this is a fairly established finding in gesture theory.

What has been far less investigated is the interaction of entire gesture phrases and speech. In the literature one can find only a few hints and claims concerning their interdependence and there seems to be no general agreement. Kendon (1972: 184) suggests that gesture phrases align with so-called ‘tone units’ (i.e. ‘the smallest grouping of syllables over which a completed intonation tune occurs’, cf. Loehr 2004). Loehr (2004) on the other hand argues that gesture phrases and ‘intermediate phrases’ in the sense of Pierrehumbert (1980) align. We want to add to this list and argue that it is actually focus phrases that gesture phrases align with. Hence, while Loehr (2004) and Kendon (1972) argue that the temporal occurrence of gesture phrases is mainly triggered by intonational aspects, we think that gesture phrases rather synchronise with focus phrases, which means that their temporal appearance is determined by information structure. While there is, of course, a clear connection between intonation and focus, we still believe that the alleged interdependence between gesture phrases and whichever kind of intonationally motivated category is – at best – an epiphenomenon of the gesture-focus alignment for which we argue.

3 Methodology To verify our hypothesis in (4) that (the onsets of) gesture phrases align with (the left border of) focus domains, we investigated the temporal interdependence of gesture phrases and focus domains. In addition, we also

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looked at the timing of stroke and nuclear accent. Our study is one of the very few empirical studies about the interplay between gesture and intonation; to the best of our knowledge, it is the first empirical study of the interplay between gesture and focus. We analysed a 20-minute video sequence with 275 gestures, which makes this study the most extensive empirical study on gesture and speech (cf. Loehr 2004: Condon & Ogston 1966: 5 sec; Kendon 1972: 90 sec; McClave 1991: 125 gestures; Loehr 2004: 164 sec and 147 gestures).

3.1 Data For our study, we worked with one sequence of the Bielefeld SAGA-corpus (Lücking et al. 2010), which is a multimodal corpus (video and audio) that collects dialogues from an experiment where one subject (the router) gives directions to another subject (the follower) for navigation through a dynamic virtual world (see Lücking et. al 2010 for details). While talking, the movements of the subjects’ hands were recorded by sensors attached to the hands and fingers. Three video cameras recorded the scene from different angles. Sound was also recorded.

From this corpus we selected a 20-minute sequence with two male participants. Gestures were already annotated, including gesture type (e.g. iconic or deictic) and duration of gesture phases (i.e. preparation, stroke, holds and retraction).

3.2 Annotation For our purposes, it was necessary to add information-structural annotation (accent and focus) to the existing gestural annotation of the selected video. Our annotation was entirely based on the audio material, which had already been transcribed (but not annotated with parts of speech or other morpho-syntactic information). The information-structural annotation was carried out without reference to the video and its gesture annotations in order to exclude a possible bias. We annotated nuclear accents and distinguished two types of foci: new-information and contrastive. All annotations were based on the recommendations of Dipper et al. (2007) (in particular Chapters Phonology and Intonation (Féry et al. 2007) and Information Structure (Götze et al. 2007)). We treated as new-information focus those cases where information is provided which is new and/or carrying the discourse forward. Here, we predominantly found rather broad focus domains: whole sentences (all-focus sentences), e.g. if these sentences were text-initial or answers to polar questions, and VP-foci. However, our data also contain narrow foci such as

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DP- or AdjP-foci. An expression was tagged as contrastive focus if it overtly contrasted with other elements in nearby utterances. We kept track of all pitch accents in the data, i.e. the points of highest or sometimes lowest pitch that make syllables intonationally salient (X* in the ToBI framework2) and filtered out the nuclear pitch accents among them. There was always one unique nuclear accent for each new-information focus domain. For reasons of space, we cannot go into the details of the annotation procedure and refer to (Wilmes 2009: 26-31) for further information.

3.3 Data Extraction To verify hypothesis (4), i.e. to show that gesture phrases and focus phrases align in fact, we investigated the temporal interdependence of focus phases (FocPs) and gesture phrases (GPs). This left us with the following task:

(6) Verification Task (Focus-gesture alignment): For each gesture phrase, find the corresponding focus phrase and compare the temporal position of the two.

For each gesture, we had a look at the associated speech (not the other way round).3 Making use of the result from the literature that nuclear accents and strokes align, we associated a gesture phrase with a focus phrase if the nuclear accent of the focus phrase overlapped with the gesture phrase’s stroke (see Figure 1 for an example). In the few cases where there was no main accent coinciding with the gestural stroke, we considered a focus phrase overlapping with at least the stroke phase to be associated with the gesture, unless the overlap was very small and a close investigation of the gesture-focus pair made an association implausible (because there was another focus that was more likely to associate with the gesture). This was the case for only two gestures. Moreover, there were eight cases of strokes that did not overlap with any focus. In one case, an entire gesture did not coincide with any focus at all and for seven gestures, though they overlapped with a focus in some parts, it was not the stroke that overlapped with the focus. We excluded these ten gestures and strokes from our statistical evaluation.

Figure 1 illustrates an example that shows how gesture time and focus time can be compared. Time differences are assessed by subtracting focus

2 TOBI stands for Tone and Break Indices. The system is based on work by Pierrehumbert (1980). In our study, we did not distinguish between different kinds of pitch accents like high (H*), low (L*) or rising (L+H*). 3 Thus, if there is no gesture there is also no need to identify a focus to verify our hypothesis. However, in most cases we found a one-to-one mapping of focus phrase and gesture phrase.

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times from gesture times (e.g. start difference = gesture start – focus start). The corresponding sentence from the corpus is given in (7):

(7) Ja, also die Busfahrt, die hat äh fünf Stationen, die auf jeden Yes so the bus tour RP has eh five stops that on every Fall angefahren werden müssen. case approached will must

‘Yes, so on the bus tour there are five stops that have to be approached in any case.’

The onset time of the focus phrase (StFoc) is subtracted from the onset time of the associated gesture phrase (StGest), i.e. the onset of the preparation phase (or the stroke if there is none). The time when the focus phrase ends (EFoc) is subtracted from the time when the stroke ends (representing the end of the gesture phrase, hence EGest). We treat the end of the stroke and not the end of the retraction phase as the end of a gesture for two reasons: First, according to McNeill (1992: 29) the retraction phase is ‘semantically neutral’ and second, Loehr (2004) discusses the possibility to disregard retractions and post-holds in his statistical evaluation as well, because they seem to have a different status as the other phases of a gesture phrase.4

4 Cf. Loehr (2004: 117): ‘Typically, an entire g-phrase [CE/SE/KW: gesture phrase] aligned with an intermediate phrase. Occasionally, however, it was clear that a g-phrase aligned with an intermediate phrase only when disregarding post-stroke holds, [or] retractions [...] within the g-phrase. These internal components are included within g-phrases by definition, following

Figure 1: Comparison of focus and gesture times

StGest EGest

StFoc EFoc

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As a base for comparison, we also studied the temporal occurrences of nuclear accents (NAcc) and strokes in order to verify the by now well-established claim from the literature that nuclear accents and strokes align (cf. section 2). For each stroke, we considered a nuclear accent that overlapped with the stroke as associated with the stroke. If there was no such accent, we took the nearest nuclear accent. Time differences were again calculated by subtracting accent time from stroke time (e.g. start difference = stroke start – accent start).

4 Results In the following we present our results on the hypothesized gesture-focus alignment and our reassessment of the question whether stroke and main accent align, as has been claimed in the literature. Statistical analysis was carried out with the R environment for statistical computing (R Development Core Team 2005).

4.1 Alignment of Main Accent and Stroke In total, we analysed 275 stroke-accent pairs. In the majority of cases (209 pairs) the stroke began earlier than the main accent (versus 66 pairs where accent began earlier). Similarly the stroke ended later than the main accent for 183 pairs (versus 92 pairs where the accent ended later). In 124 cases, the stroke encompassed the main accent, in 100 cases stroke and main accent overlapped in some other way, and in 51 cases they did not overlap at all. Figure 2 shows a histogram for the time difference between the onsets of nuclear accents and the corresponding strokes. As can be seen, the distribution is ap-proximately Gaussian (the solid line shows the empirical distribution, the dashed line a Gaussian approximation). On average, the stroke starts 0.36s earlier than the corresponding nuclear accent. The standard deviation is about 0.55s. We interpret this as a tendency for gestures to precede the corresponding accent (though there are a

Kendon’s hierarchical packaging. However, there may be some different quality about these post-stroke components. Occurring after the heart of the gesture, they may have a less important status in terms of timing with speech.’

Figure 2

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considerable number of cases where the gesture starts later). For comparison, the offset differences have a mean of 0.53s (i.e. stroke usually ends later than the accent) and a standard deviation of 1.25s (Figure 3). It is obvious that the onsets align much better than the offsets: their standard deviation is considerably smaller. On the whole, we take our results to show that there is indeed an alignment between the beginning of the stroke and the beginning of the main accent, as claimed in the literature.

4.2 Alignment of Focus and Gesture Having obtained experimental confirmation for the alignment of nuclear accents and strokes, we now turn to our hypothesis that gesture phrases and focus phrases are also synchronised. We found that contrastive foci and new-information foci behave somewhat differently with respect to their accompanying gestures, so we evaluated the two types of foci separately. We analysed 260 new-information focus–gesture pairs and 56 contrastive focus-gesture pairs. As pointed out above in Section 3.3, ten gestures were excluded from the analysis because no focus could be associated with them.

4.2.1 New-­‐Information Focus and Gesture Figure 4 shows the distribution of the onset differences of gesture and new-information focus (we refer to new-information focus simply as focus in the following), which corresponds almost perfectly to a Gaussian distribution. With 0.41s, the standard deviation is rather small. Again we find a systematic shift: gestures start on average about 0.31s earlier than foci, and there are only few cases where focus precedes gesture. While there is thus a certain time lag, most gesture-focus pairs are within less than one second of each other and can be considered to be aligned. A one-sample t-test shows that the time lag effect is genuine (t=12.41, df=259, p < .001; H0: mean time lag = 0). The corresponding Figure 4

Figure 3

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95%-confidence interval places the true mean time lag between gesture and focus in the range from 0.264s to 0.363s. We consider these results as a confirmation of our hypothesis (4) that gestures and foci align in their onsets. For the offsets, the situation is not as clear. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the time differences between the end of a gesture (i.e. the end of the stroke) and the end of the corresponding new-information focus. With a mean of –0.15s, there is no evidence for a systematic shift. The standard deviation of 1.24s, however, is comparatively huge, and some gestures end several seconds after the corresponding focus phrase. On the basis of our data, offsets of gestures and foci thus do not seem to synchronise.

4.2.2 Contrastive Focus and Gesture For contrastive foci and the accompanying gestures, the alignment was not as neat as for the new-information foci. Figure 6 shows a histogram of the onset differences between gestures and contrastive foci. With 0.70s the standard deviation is rather high. The mean is –0.77s, so gestures have a clear tendency to start earlier than the corresponding foci. We interpret these data to show that there is no tight alignment between the onsets of contrastive foci and those of the associated ges- tures. We also tested whether contrastive foci align with the stroke rather than the entire gesture. The histogram for the onset differences of contrastive foci and strokes is given in Figure 7. Again, the standard deviation is quite large (0.75s), but in this case there is no evidence of a systematic shift (mean lag = –0.11s). With such high variability, it is impossible to inter-pret these results as evidence for an alignment of contrastive foci and strokes.

Figure 5

Figure 7

Figure 6

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To conclude, we have not found any focus-gesture or focus-stroke alignment effects for contrastive foci. One has to keep in mind, though, that our data set of contrastive foci is rather small. We therefore leave a detailed investigation of contrastive foci and their accompanying gestures for future research, which will need to build on larger amounts of empirical data in order to draw any reliable conclusions.

5 Discussion In the following we will briefly discuss and evaluate the results that we presented in Section 4. Since our data set for contrastive foci is too small to draw reliable conclusions, we limit our discussion to the comparison of new-information foci and gestures as well as nuclear accents and strokes.

5.1 Shift Effect As indicated above, our observation that strokes usually start 0.36s earlier than the corresponding nuclear accents is entirely in line with the claims from the literature, where it has been noted that a stroke usually coincides with or starts earlier than its corresponding nuclear accent, but in general does not start later than the accent (Kendon 1980, McNeill 1992). We found the same type of shift for gesture phrases and focus phrases, too. Gestures usually start 0.31s earlier than the corresponding focus domains. We believe that this significant time shift may have its roots in the fact that it allows the hearer to draw attention to the upcoming focus phrase, as its occurrence is made predictable by the preceding gesture. Moreover, it is plausible to assume that gesture production is faster than speech production and that the time lag between the onsets of speech and gesture is due to this difference in generation complexity (cf. also Loehr 2004: 29).

5.2 Alignment We interpret our results above as support for hypothesis (4), i.e. they show that gesture phrases and (new-information) foci align (with a certain time lag). We still need to clarify what exactly counts as ‘alignment’, though. Our main arguments supporting the gesture-focus alignment hypothesis are as follows. First and foremost, we take the stroke-accent alignment, which is a well-established effect from the literature, as a point of reference. The onset differences between nuclear accents and strokes have a mean of –0.36s and a standard deviation of 0.55s. Our results show a considerably better gesture-focus alignment, with a similar shift of –0.31s and smaller standard deviation (0.41s). Compare the corresponding histograms in Figures 2 and 4: the better alignment of gesture and focus is immediately obvious.

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There is a second argument to support the interpretation of our results in favour of hypothesis (4). As to our knowledge, there is one empirical survey that our study can directly be compared with (Loehr 2004). When interpreting his results, Loehr (2004) was confronted with the same problem, i.e. to define what exactly can be considered as an alignment. He found that the so-called apex (the peak of a stroke) and the main accent coincide with a standard deviation of 0.27s (and without any significant shift). He interpreted this as showing that there is a tight alignment of apex and nuclear accent. Furthermore, he also suggested that there is an interdependence of Pierrehumbert’s (1980) intermediate phrases and gesture phrases. Similar to our results for gesture phrases and focus phrases, he found that gesture phrases usually start before the corresponding intermediate phrases. The standard deviation for the onset differences between intermediate phrases and gesture phrases was 0.55s. As Loehr (2004) interpreted his results as evidence for a genuine alignment, we think that our study (with standard deviation of only 0.41s) can safely be interpreted to show an alignment of gesture and focus, too.

We did not find evidence for a corresponding alignment of the offsets of gestures and focus phrases. With 1.24s, the standard deviation was very large (recall that the end of a gesture is defined as the end of the stroke). Looking at the histogram in Figure 5, however, it seems that for some gestures there is a good alignment (the main peak of the histogram), while for others the stroke is held much longer (the long right-hand tail of the histogram). This suggests that there may be two different types of gestures – one that aligns well with the focus of the accompanying speech signal and another type that does not. We have not investigated this possibility in depth yet, but it would be worthwhile for future research to examine whether there are certain types of gestures (e.g. beats, deictics and iconic gestures) whose purpose it is to structure information and which thus align better with the speech signal than others (e.g. discourse gestures) that might serve a different purpose.

Finally, let us briefly point out once again that we did not reach a conclusion with respect to contrastive foci. We would need more data in order to see how they relate to the accompanying gestures (see Section 4.2.2 for a discussion) and we hope that future research will shed light on this question.

6 Further Issues Some issues are still open for discussion and call for further research. In the following, we address some of these topics. In particular, we want to point

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out that the alignment of focus phrases and gesture phrases is ‘real’ and not merely an epiphenomenon of some underlying alignment effect of a different nature.

6.1 A Qualitative Argument It has been proposed in the literature that gesture phrases align with ‘tone groups’ (Kendon 1972) or ‘intermediate phrases’ (Loehr 2004), cf. section 2. We have now added another suggestion: gestures align with focus phrases. However, it is possible that none of these claims are true, and that gestures are simply synchronised with certain syntactic categories, e.g. entire sentences or VPs. As our corpus predominantly consists of all-foci sentences and VP-foci, this possibility cannot be excluded without further inspection. Unfortunately, the SAGA corpus is not syntactically annotated, so a quantitative evaluation of how well different kinds of syntactic categories align with gestures cannot easily be carried out without time-consuming manual work. However, we attempted a qualitative assessment of this question. We took a closer look at narrow foci and foci that begin a considerable time later than the corresponding utterance and checked how well they align with an accompanying gesture. We found that if a focus does not begin at the start of the utterance, the corresponding gesture also begins at some later point in nearly all cases. In (8) we give some examples in point:

(8) a. genau äh also [e|Grst Kreisverkehr]F exactly eh so first roundabout ‘exactly, eh, first the roundabout’ b. die haben beide |G[dieselben Türen und dieselben Fenster]F they have both the same doors and the same windows ‘they have both the same doors and the same windows’ c. rechts von dieser Kap|Gelle [ist ein großer Laubbaum]F right of this chapel is a big broadleaf tree ‘to the right of this chapel there is a big broadleaf tree’

In all three example cases, the gesture starts near the start of the focus phrase and not at the beginning of the utterance. The gesture phrase thus seems to be aligned with the focus phrase and not with the entire utterance. Furthermore, we found no evidence for a general alignment of gesture phrases with any syntactic categories such as sentences or VPs (see Wilmes 2009 for details).

6.2 A Quantitative Argument Here, we attempt to show that the alignment of gesture phrase and focus phrase cannot be a secondary effect of the well-known stroke-accent

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alignment and the fact that the initial part of the focus phrase (up to the main accent) and the preparation phase have similar lengths. Note that the time difference ΔtF between onset of gesture and focus phrase is the sum of the time difference ΔtA between onset of nuclear accent and stroke and the length difference Δl between preparation phase of the gesture and focus phrase up to the main accent. Assuming that ΔtA and Δl are independent alignment effects, we would expect the standard deviation of the resulting gesture-focus alignment ΔtF to be greater than the standard deviations of ΔtA and Δl. This is not the case: the standard deviation of ΔtF was only 0.41s in our study, whereas the expected standard deviation would be 0.82s (see Wilmes 2009 for details on this calculation). Moreover, we would then expect a strong correlation between the time differences ΔtF and ΔtA as well as ΔtF and Δl, while ΔtA and Δl themselves should be independent or weakly correlated. Our data show an opposite effect: there is only a weak correlation between ΔtF and ΔtA (Pearson’s r ≤ 0.219), but a very strong correlation between ΔtA and Δl (Pearson’s r = 0.759). From these results and the pairwise correlation plots (omitted for lack of space), we conclude that the length differences arise from two independent alignment effects for stroke and main accent, and for gesture and focus phrase.

7 Conclusion In our study, we were able to verify claims from the literature that gestural strokes and nuclear accents align (albeit with a systematic shift). We also found a clear, but shifted alignment for the onsets of gesture phrases and (new-information) foci. We interpret these results to show that gestures are a means of marking information structure next to intonational and syntactic means, i.e. speech-accompanying gestures can indicate focus domains.

Furthermore, we were able to show that gestures can serve to disambiguate. A sentence that is information-structurally ambiguous in iso-lation can be disambiguated by its accompanying gestures. This is yet another observation suggesting that ambiguity might be less of a problem for natural language than was originally thought. While many sentences (e.g. simple SVO sentences with two quantifiers) that seem ambiguous at first sight are disambiguated via intonation in natural speech, we showed that sentences that seem ambiguous even when intonation is taken into account are in fact disambiguated by accompanying gestures.

We hence support the view of Lascarides and Stone (2009) that a formal semantic model should represent not only the usual semantics of linguistic

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expressions, but also take care of the semantic contribution of their accompanying gestures.

References Condon, William & W. Ogston. 1966. Soundfilm analysis of normal and

pathological behavior patterns. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 143. 338–347.

Dipper, Stefanie, Michael Götze & Stavros Skopeteas. 2007. Information structure in cross-linguistic corpora: Annotation guidelines for phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and information structure. ISIS 7. 147–187.

Jannedy, Stefanie & Norma Mendoza-Denton. 2005. Structuring information through gesture and intonation. Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure, 3. 199–244.

Kendon, Adam. 1972. Some relationships between body motion and speech: An analysis of an example. In A. Siegman & B. Pope (Eds.), Studies in dyadic communication. New York: Pergamon Press.

Kendon, Adam. 1980. Gesticulation and speech: Two aspects of the process of utterance. In Mary Ritchie Key (Ed.), The Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. The Hague: Mouton.

Lascarides, Alex & Matthew Stone. 2009. A formal semantic analysis of gesture. Journal of Semantics. 1–57.

Loehr, Daniel. 2004. Gesture and Intonation. PhD thesis, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.

Lücking, Andy, Kirsten Bergman, Florian Hahn, Stefan Kopp & Hannes Rieser. 2010. The Bielefeld Speech and Gesture Alignment Corpus (SaGA). In M. Kipp, J.-C. Martin, P. Paggio & D. Heylen (eds.), LREC 2010 Workshop: Multimodal Corpora–Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality.

McClave, Evelyn. 1991. Intonation and Gesture. Doctoral Dissertation, Georgetown University, Washington DC.

McNeill, David. 1992. Hand and Mind: What gestures reveal about thought. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.

Pierrehumbert, Janet B. 1980. The Phonology and Phonetics of English Intonation. PhD dissertation, MIT. [IULC edition, 1987].

Pittenger, R., Hockett, C. & Danehy, D. 1960. The first five minutes: A sample of microscopic interview analysis. Ithaca, NY: Paul Martineau.

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R Development Core Team. 2005. R: A language and environment for statistical computing, reference index version 2.x.x. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL

Wilmes, Katharina A. 2009. Focus marking by speech-accompanying gestures. Bachelor Thesis. University of Osnabrück. Germany.

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Imperatives as Future Plans

Regine Eckardt University of Göttingen


Abstract. Disjoint imperative sentences like (Nimm die) Hände hoch, oder ich schiesse!, literally (take your) hands up, or I’ll shoot! intuitively present the addressee with all her alternatives for action. The speaker informs that all future worlds, as far as the speaker can forsee, are such that the addressee raises her hands or gets killed. I propose a semantic/pragmatic analysis for sentences in the imperative mood that adopts this exhausitve description of future alternatives as a semantic backbone. Different contextual instantiations of alter-natives capture a wide range of uses of sentences in imperative mood, as well as coordinations of imperative and declarative sentences, in a uniform way.

1 Some Observations about Imperatives 1.1 Variety It has frequently been noted that sentences in imperative mood (Simp) can express a wide variety of speech acts, some directive, some not. I will take my starting point from the following range of examples.

(1) Leave my garden! (command/request)

(2) Lend me your bike, please! (plea)

(3) Take a cookie! (offer, invitation)

(4) Take an umbrella with you! (advice)

(5) Ok. Go kill yourself. Smoke! (concession, „giving in“)

(6) Get well soon! (well-wish)

(7) Come and take the ball (if you dare)! (dare)

These are part of the agenda set by Condoravdi & Lauer (C&L, 2010a, b) in a recent series of talks, drawing on earlier literature (e.g. Schwager 2006a,

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 209–223. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.


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2008, Donhauser 1986, Bybee, Pagliuca & Perkins 1994).1 It would be desirable to derive the different types of act compositionally from the literal content of the sentence, the semantics of mood, and knowledge in context that pertains to the interpretation of imperatives. Such an approach would certainly be preferable over stipulating a range of speech act operators and leave the choice of the correct operator subject to a holistic, noncompositional evaluation of the overall utterance situation (Searle 1969). An operator approach would, for instance, force us to postulate categorical distinctions between different act types where in practice, we find a gradual continuum between e.g. command and request, request and plea, request and advice and so on. Schwager (2006) and Portner (2007) have led the way in demonstrating how compositional semantics for imperative mood in speech acts can look like.

1.2 Conjoining Simp and Sdecl Simp can be conjoined with sentences in declarative mood Sdecl. The result are speech acts of different natures, including anti-directive acts such as threats, like in (10).

(8) Clean your room, and I will take you to the movies. (request + incentive) (9) Open the newspaper, and you will find the king’s picture on page 2. (conditional) (10) Touch this glass, and I will kill you. (threat + sanction)

Sometimes, the speaker wants the addressee to act as required by the imperative (Do!) but sometimes he aims to avoid exactly that, practically intending to say Don’t! (Schwager 2006a, Russell 2007, van Rooij & Franke 2010, Bolinger). A commonality of examples like (8) to (10) seems to be that they all can equivalently be expressed by a conditional (‘If you clean your room, then I will take you to the movies’ etc.). This is why scholars have proposed to class Simp as pseudo-imperatives here and propose a common conditional meaning for the construction. It would be attractive to have an analysis that relates the meaning of (8) to (10) to the interpretation of “normal” imperative sentences in a transparent manner.

1.3 Disjunctions Simp or Sdecl Simp can likewise enter disjunctions with a “face the consequences” clause, like in the following example. 1 Two more types of act that they include, namely WISH and ILL-WISH, will only be touched later in this paper.

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(11) Freeze! or I’ll shoot you.

These intuitively present the addressee with all her alternatives for action. The speaker informs that all future worlds are such that the addressee raises her hands or gets killed. It is not possible to add a disjunct that describes more promising alternative prospects, in order to prohibit the addresse from acting as specified by Simp (Russell 2006, van Rooij & Franke 2010 a.o.).

(12) Go on fighting, or you’ll get chocolate. ≠ ‘If you stop fighting, you’ll get chocolate’ (ironically?)

Whenever the speaker seriously attempts to motivate the addressee to act according to Simp, it is standardly possible to spell out his underlying in-centives by an or-clause. Hence, while conjunctions like in 1.2 might be viewed as a deviant case, the use of disjunctions frequently just explicates the reasoning behind a typical directive uses of Simp.2 Again, it would be appealing to read that off directly from the semantics of imperative mood.

2 Modal Theories for Imperatives 2.1 Earlier Theories I agree with earlier authors on imperatives who assume that literal meaning and speech act should be captured in one integral overarching theory. This leads naturally to analyses of Simp that play on their semantic closeness to deontic necessity. A recent prominent example is Schwager (2006a, b and subsequent). We will generally assume that the sentential root [[ Simp ]] denotes a property which gets instantiated by the addressee A to yield [[ Simp ]] (A).

[[ Freeze! ]] Schwager = ∀w [ “BEST-WORLDS(w, wo)” → FREEZE(A, w)) ]

I use BEST-WORLDS as a cover term for factors that determine the domain of quantification. These include the choice of a modal base (FUTURES which are CIRc*msTANTIALLY POSSIBLE) and a partial ordering of the worlds which, among other criteria, refers to what ACCORDS.WITH.SPEAKERS.DESIRES(wo,w). Schwager proposes that this is further specified by context (“In what sense does the speaker want this to happen?”) which leads to different flavours of imperatives. The modal quantification is contributed by an imperative mood operator, and finally the scope of this quantification is contributed by the content Simp(A) (following Kratzer 1981, 1991). Schwager’s analysis is attractive because it shows tight fit with necessity modals, it can be naturally 2 See Schwager 2006a, 2008 for a very lucid discussion of the relation between sentence mood and typical associated speech acts.

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extended to conditionals, and it has a smooth semantics-speech act interface. The theory doesn’t need extra components or ontology like TO-DO-lists, plans, action schemes or the like.

Another, more recent proposal in a similar line was issued by Condo-ravdi and Lauer (C&L, 2010a, b). They suggest that Simp expresses the desire of the SPEAKER that the ADDRESSEE commits herself to act as if she (= A) preferred [[ Simp(A) ]] (Condoravdi & Lauer 2010a: 10). Like Schwager, they assume that the information content of imperatives alone is sufficient to predict its speech act qualities, and envisage a smooth semantics – speech act interface. Portner’s (2007) analysis will be disregarded here because it stipulates the use of an extra list of propositions called the TO-DO LIST.3

2.2 Coverage of Observations Variety is accounted for by both approaches, where both fit more naturally for some cases than for others. Specifically, as both analyses rest on speaker desires, they will need to ascribe the speaker strangely desinterested and altruistic desires in some cases. Schwager captures flavours by different specific ACCORDS.WITH.SPEAKERS.DESIRES properties (capturing offer, warning, advice, wish, and several “deviant” uses). C & L (this volume) likewise attempt to derive known examples from their intricate mix of speaker and hearer preference, which I will discuss in section 4. The coordination cases can not be captured easily by a naive extension of the modal analyses (Schwager, 2006a); perhaps to the exception of the Simp and Sdecl,good cases. In view of the obvious problems that arise, Schwager (2006a) proposes very different, and much more sophisticated ways to interpret the respective conjunctions and disjunctions. The coordination Simp and Sdecl is simply interpreted as conditional. The imperative operator will contribute the modal quantification scheme:

∀w [ FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧ … P(w) … → Q(w) ]

In non-coordinate imperatives, the syntax-semantics interface instantiates P(w) with speaker-desire, and Q(w) is instantiated by Simp(A). In the conjunctive case, however, P(w) gets instantiated by the speaker’s desires plus the content of imperative (if you do Simp…) whereas Q(w) instantiated by and-clause (…then Sdecl will happen). The result is descriptively adequate, but the semantic derivation of dubitable legitimation. (It is claimed that a topical status of the imperative leads to its analysis in the restrictor of some

3 While the components of Portner might be reconstructed in terms of the other two competing theories, a full comparison is beyond the scope of the present paper.

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quantifier; the topical status is attributed to the imperative on basis of prosodic cues that are inconclusive.) According to Schwager on Simp or Sdecl, the idea that ‘or’ could mean Boolean disjunction has to be radically denied. Her treatment of Simp or Sdecl rests on Geurts (2005) who proposes that ‘or’ denotes a conjunction of modal quantifications where background and propositional slots get instantiated by the sentence to be interpreted. Ci are contextually given sets of worlds; Mi ∈ {¸,¨} and Pi = disjuncts.

(14) C1 M1 P1 ∧ C2 M2 P2

Schwager makes use of this scheme in a sophisticated way, assuming that C1 = CG (common ground); M1 P1 = ¸Simp(A) ∧ [[ Simp ! ]] , second context C2 = CG \ Simp(A) and finally M2 P2 = ¨ [[ Sdecl ]] . The result can be spelled out as “It is possible that Simp; and in all speaker-desirable worlds, Simp actually happens; and in all worlds where it does not happen, Sdecl will necessarily be true.” This leads to a descriptively adequate semantic representation. How-ever, Geurts’ background theory and the cases at hand do not yet match perfectly. The first conjunct doesn’t unify well with Geurts’ scheme (14), likewise Geurts does not discuss changes between modal bases extensively (e.g. from epistemic to buletic to future-no-matter-what).4 Condoravdi & Lauer do not address coordinate constructions with imperatives. I will come back to their proposal and undertake a more detailed comparison once the Hands-Up theory has been presented.

3 Hands-­‐Up Theory for Imperatives 3.1 The Backbone I propose two kinds of imperative construction operators [ ! ] and [ ¡ ], each with syntactic requirements, denotation and presupposition. Given that I will not deal with conflicting desires or obligations explicitly, I will notate modal quantification in an entailment format. FUTURE, CIRC, DEONT etc. are intended to deliver the future, circ*mstantial etc. alternatives of wo and LEWIS-SIM is used to remind us of the fact that we want to exclude the more obscure of all logical possibilities sometimes. The notation should be reversible to one based on modal base and ordering source.

[ ! ]: Syntax: one obligatory argument: finite sentence in imperative mood Simp

4 Schwager herself comments on the analysis in much the same spirit. It should be kept in mind that all simpler mappings from syntax to semantics were inevitably bound to yield wrong results, so this analysis constitutes true progress.

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one optional argument: or-phrase with or-P → ‘or’ Sdecl Semantics: λpλq∀w[FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w) → p(w)∨q(w)] Presupposition: the speaker believes that the addressee, taking a choice in all life future options λw.Future(wo,w)∧Circ(wo,w)∧Lewis-Similar(wo,w) prefers p-worlds to q-worlds.

[ ¡ ]: Syntax: first obligatory argument: finite sentence in imperative mood Simp second obligatory argument: and-phrase with and-P → ‘and’ Sdecl Semantics: λpλq∀w [FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w) → p(w); q(w) ∨ C(w)] Pragmatics: C propositional variable to be instantiated in context C ⊆ ¬p and C ∩ ¬q ≠ Ø (hence C-worlds might avoid the consequences presented in second conjunct5)

The coordinations and and or do not enter semantic composition but are interpreted syncategorematically. Coordinating and is reflected as narrative sequencing; as in DRT. Usually, Simp and Sdecl are tightly linked anaphorically under conjunction. I will not go into the details of [[ Simp;Sdecl ]] which would require dynamic lambda logic. The disjunction is strengthened to exclusive disjunction in most cases. I will in one case below refer to this strengthening. Finally note that the approach once again stipulates a semantic difference between and-coordinations and or-disjunctions. Unlike other analyses, the one defended here treats the two cases maximally parallel, differing only in how the same semantic parameters get instantiated in either case, and in the presence or absence of one presupposition.

3.2 Examples of [ ! ]-­‐Imperatives I will now survey how the analysis can treat various kinds of uses of the imperative. Different types of propositional OR arguments yield different flavours of imperatives. I assume throughout that if the second argument of [ ! ] is not overtly realised, it will be instantiated in context. Let us start with Command, the most prototypical use of imperative mood.

(16) Remove your car! 5 Thanks to Sven Lauer who suggested this specific version of restriction.

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The first argument of the [ ! ] operator λw[REMOVE(A, CAR-OF-A, w)] is provided by the imperative sentence. The hearer understands the presupposition that the speaker believes that the addressee will prefer REMOVE-CAR-worlds to q-worlds. Depending on the situation at hand, the hearer might guess that leaving the car will cause trouble with the police, e.g. she will get a ticket. Hence, the overall proposition conveyed is this:

∀w[FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w) → [REMOVE(A, CAR-OF-A, w) ] ∨ TICKET(w) ]

The utterance presupposes that REMOVE-worlds are better than TICKET-worlds. The “force” of the command derives from the threatening nature of the alternatives. The more likely the speaker holds the TICKET case, and the less she is inclined to loose money, the more likely will she comply to the command. — Next, consider Warning/Advice, like in (17).

(17) Wear a raincoat!

The speaker in (17) need not have a personal desire for the addressee to comply. (Theories that rephrase imperative sentences as reports about the speaker’s desires will find such examples worrisome.) The present analysis predicts that [ ! ] will take λw[WEAR(A, RAINCOAT, w)] as its first argument. The second derives from common knowledge about the current weather, the health state of the addressee; let us assume a simple q = ‘you will get wet’. The speaker conveys, and the hearer accepts the presupposition: RAINCOAT-worlds are better for the hearer than WET-worlds.

∀w[FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w) → [WEAR( A, RAINCOAT, w)] ∨ WET(A, w)]

In giving desinterested advice, the speaker points out certain facts and leaves it to A to act in the most reasonable way. We’d expect, however, that the speaker does not mind if A reacts in the indicated manner—or else, the speaker would not have pointed out these facts in the first place. We will come back to this fact. The analysis can nicely reflect speaker’s Authority and, more interestingly, the Lack of Authority. Consider the unspecific request in (18).

(18) Be quiet! (or ... ?) ∀w[FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w) → [QUIET( A, w) ] ∨ PUNISHMENTS(A, w) ]

The hearer could draw on knowledge about speaker like “wow, this speaker is a fierce guy who could earlier think of nasty PUNISHMENTS”. The speaker

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conveys the presupposition: “I, the speaker, believe that you’ll like the QUIET-worlds better than PUNISHMENT-worlds”. Drawing on earlier knowledge, the hearer will believe this presupposition and accordingly hold her mouth. Speakers with little authoritative force lead to a different kind of hearer knowledge, e.g. “this speaker’s PUNISHMENTS are not severe”. Again, the speaker conveys the presupposition that ‘he believes that the hearer finds QUIET-worlds are better than PUNISHMENT-worlds’. The addressee, however, might disagree with the speaker and therefore opt for the worlds where λw.¬[QUIET(A, w)]. We see that Authority can be based on the experience that S was able to think about drastic measures in the “or”-case on earlier occasions. I will next address Permissions like the cookie invitation.

(19) Take a cookie! λq∀w[FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w)→ [TAKE( A, COOKIE, w) ] ∨ q(w) ]

(19) suggests that—contrary to earlier belief of A—it is not forbidden to take a cookie. Why? The speaker conveys the presuppositions that the addressee will prefer COOKIE-worlds to NO-COOKIE-worlds. If the speaker can be trusted, this includes a commitment to not punish Addressee if she takes a cookie. (19) is typically understood as a permission in contexts where the only disadvantage of NO-COOKIE-worlds for A is that she does not get a cookie (which the speaker should believe a desirable thing to have). Consequently, the addressee can decide to decline this offer—for instance if she is on a diet or does not like cookies very much. Hence, permissions arise as one possible instantiation of q. — Let us finally look at Concessives. I will use an example in a naturally sounding prediscourse.

(20) a. Don’t smoke (, or you’ll die young)! b. (nag nag nag) — Well, then do smoke! Kill yourself!

Intuitively, (20) shows that speaker and addressee disagree in certain respects. This is reflected in the presuppositional discourse record. (20a) entails that the Speaker believes that Addressee prefers NON-SMOKE-worlds (= LIVE-LONG-worlds) to DIE-YOUNG-worlds (= SMOKE-worlds). In (b), [ ! ] takes a first argument λw[SMOKE( A, w) ] with the second argument missing. With the presupposition conveyed in (b), the Speaker acknowledges that Addressee prefers SMOKE-worlds (= DIE-YOUNG-worlds) to NON-SMOKE-worlds (= LIVE-LONG-worlds). As part of the discourse record, however, the speaker has made it clear that she does not share this preference and does not think it reasonable. This also leads to an ironic undertone.

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I will leave the remaining cases to the reader. PLEAS are characterized by the moral pressure of the ‘or’-alternative. The speaker hopes that the addressee will prefer making her happy to making her miserable. WELL-WISHES straightforwardly acknowledge addressee’s preferences without that either addressee or speaker can do anything to drive the course of events towards such happier alternatives. DARE! cases, finally, convey an intricate conditional preference of the addressee: If A ‘dares’, i.e. overcomes her fear of bad consequences, then she will prefer worlds where she takes the ball (ex. 7) to worlds where she doesn’t take it. ‘Daring’ is tantamount to ‘countering the situation with enough strength and energy so as to overcome the obviously threatening dangers’. We find a continuum of attitudes between the encouraging “come, take the ball if you dare” by the provocative coach and evident threats as Dare! (and you will see what happens). As the present analysis assumes that the flavour of imperatives derives from contextual instantiation of the ‘or’-cases, we’d expect such a continuum.

3.3 Examples of [ ¡ ]-­‐Imperatives I will now turn to the conjunction Simp-and-Sdecl which are analysed with [ ¡ ]. Recall that the second argument is obligatorily instantiated (i.e. we overtly see the and clause) and there is no presupposition as to what is good or bad for the addressee. The content of the second argument alone determines whether the worlds where Simp(A) is true are better or worse for A.

(21) Come in, and you will get coffee.

[ ¡ ] = λpλq∀w[FUTURE(wo,w)∧CIRC(wo,w)∧LEWIS-SIM(wo,w) → p(w);q(w) ∨ C(w)] will apply to the first argument λz.COME-IN(A, z) and the second argument by dynamic update: λz.GET(A, COFFEE, z). Pragmatics requires that C is a proposition to be instantiated in context where C ⊆ [[ NOT Simp ]] = λz.¬ COME-IN(A, z) and moreover C ∩ [[ NOT Sdecl ]] = C ∩ λz.¬GET(H, COFFEE, z) ≠ Ø. The elsewhere-case C describes a missed occasion: Speaker believes that Addressee prefers COFFEE-worlds to NO-COFFEE-worlds.6 As in the cookie example, the “force” of the offer depends on the addressee’s eagerness not to miss an occasion to get coffee. Note that it is incoherent to combine motivational conjuncts and threatening disjuncts.

(21) a. #Come in, and you will get coffee, or I won’t talk to you for days.

6 In a richer account, the not-getting coffee needs to be tied to a limited interval of time; the time that would correspond to the time after the non-occurring entry.

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This is captured by the syntactic (raw) analysis. Given that the coordinate clause Simpand/orSdecl as a whole does not count as Simp, the structure is not recursive. More interestingly, perhaps, is what happens in the Threat case.

(22) Touch this cookie, and I will kill you. (22) a. first argument of [ ¡ ]: λz.TOUCH(A, COOKIE, z) second argument of [ ¡ ], dynamic update: λz.KILL(S, A, z) Psp. for alternatives C: (i) C ⊆ λz.¬TOUCH(A, COOKIE, z) (ii.) C ∩ λz.¬KILL(S, A, z) ≠ Ø

The speaker assumes that Addressee prefers not being killed to being killed. The imperative informs her that if she avoids touching the cookie there is a chance to stay alive. Earlier theories interpret Simp-and-Sdecl as conditionals. The present analysis treats Simp-and-Sdecl maximally similar to other imperative clauses but it predicts that Simp-and-Sdecl entail conditional statements. The example in (23) is a typical conditional case, but the reasoning holds for all examples.

(23) Open the newspaper, and you’ll see the king on page 2. first argument of [ ¡ ]: λz.∃x(NEWSPAPER(x) ∧ OPEN(A, x, z)) second argument of [ ¡ ]: λz.SEE(A, KING, PAGETWOOF(x), z) Presupposition: C in context, (i) C ⊆ λz.¬∃x(NEWSPAPER(x) ∧ OPEN(A, x, z)) (ii.) C ∩ λz.¬∃x(NEWSPAPER(x)∧SEE(A, KING, PAGETWOOF(x), z)) ≠ Ø i.e. there is a chance for A to see the photo of the king.

The instantiation of C is restricted to sets of worlds where A doesn’t open a newspaper. The overall modal quantification states that all future courses where newspapers get opened by A are such that the king’s picture is on p.2. This entails the conditional “If you open the newspaper, you’ll see the king”. Admittedly, the entailment is again hard-wired in the interpretation of [ ¡ ] and maybe therefore no less stipulative than in competing analyses. However, the stipulation here echoes the strengthening of disjunction in the plain imperative case. [ ! ]-imperatives typically inform the addressee what happens if, and what happens if she does not engage in certain actions (e.g. freezes). In the simple case, this dichotomy can be modeled by exclusive disjunction. In the [ ¡ ] case, exclusive disjunction will not be sufficient to maintain this division of worlds into cases. The condition that C ⊆ ¬p therefore simply transfers exclusivity of cases to the [ ¡ ] denotation. This concludes the discussion of examples. What is missing so far are ill-wishes like “Die!”, “Eat sh*t!”. These obviously rest exclusively on what is

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desirable for the speaker. They do not fit into the basic version of the analysis and will be touched in section 4.2.

4 More Ties to Earlier Literature 4.1 Van Rooij and Franke, 2010 In making the assumption that there are two imperative operators [ ! ] and [ ¡ ], I stipulate a fundamental difference between and and or in imperatives. Of course, it would be desirable to derive the different behaviours from more basic facts about imperatives and coordination. In a recent paper, van Rooij & Franke propose that it can be predicted on a game theoretic basis. They address the fact that only and can be used to “reverse” the intention of an imperative, as illustrated again in (24). Only (24b) conveys a serious invitation to eat spinach.

(24) a. *Don’t eat your spinach, or I will give you a dollar. b. Leave your spinach, and I will beat you.

R&F’s idea is simply this: Both imperatives in (24a) and (24b) state what the speaker wants not be done. Both erroneously prime the listener to not eat spinach. (24a) counteracts by promising a reward for the elsewhere case; (24b) counteracts by promising a punishment in the imp! case. Now the reward case competes with other ways to call out similar rewards, e.g. (25).

(25) If you eat your spinach, I will give you a dollar.

Van Rooij and Franke argue that the reward in (25) can be somewhat lower than the one in (24a) because in (25), it only needs to overcome the addressees reservations against spinach whereas (24a) has to overcome these plus the additional linguistic priming to not eat spinach, caused by the imperative. Therefore (25) systematically wins over (24a). In principle, the dual threat in (24b) faces a similar competition. The speaker likewise could decide to say ‘If you eat your spinach, I will not beat you.’ or such. And again, cheaper threats are required here because priming of the unwanted action has been avoided. However, van Rooij and Franke say, a costly punishment is not as binding a social commitment as a costly reward. Society will sanction those who promise big rewards and do not pay. In contrast, society rather rewards those who lower punishment. Therefore, false priming is not equally uneconomic when it only raises punishment costs: You can always lower your costs again by simply not punishing so badly. This argument would certainly be appealing, but there are parallel examples where speakers indeed offer promising vs. unpromising alternatives in those

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costly ways that R&F want to exclude. This is possible both with disjoint declaratives and with disjoint imperatives. (26) demonstrates the strategy in a common parent-child interaction (the parent wants actually to get home).

(26) You can either stay on the playground longer, or we’ll have time to have an ice cream on our way home.7

(27) is to be understood in a context which advertises cosmetic surgery. (Of course, I do not submit to the argument.)

(27) It’s your decision: Remain an unremarkable average person for the rest of your life, or make an appointment with Dr. Knock’s cosmetic surgery clinics today!

Such examples show that speakers are indeed willing to make suggestions in ways where priming has to be countered with higher rewards, even sugges-tions that are worded in the imperative mood. The pattern is just conven-tionally not available for the Simp or Sdecl coordination. I therefore conclude that the asymmetric behaviour of and/or coordination is a conventional part of the pragmatics of Simp coord Sdecl and needs to be coded in grammar.

4.2 Condoravdi and Lauer, again C&L (2010a, b, 2011) argue in favour of a general model for speech acts in terms of public beliefs and commitments. Specifically, they propose that “the utterance of an imperative p! commits the speaker to act as if he had a preference for the hearer committing himself to act as if he preferred p” (C&L, 2010b). They assume that commitments are part of public beliefs in common ground update (Stalnaker, 2002). Public commitment to p will add p to a (public) list of the agent that reveals his preferences that drive his decisions for action. Preference lists feed modal quantification and offer a natural link to statements like ‘I must p’ that are entailed by imperatives. General public will watch whether the agent’s behaviour accords with his public commitments. If discrepancies get too large, the general public can decide on sanctions, thereby taking responsibility for the ‘elsewhere’ worlds that are part of the imperative’s meaning in the Hands Up! approach.

C&L’s analysis is a sophisticated variant of a speaker-buletic modal. It is therefore ideally suited to analyse imperative uses for wishes, including ill-wishes. These are hard for my own proposal, according to which the speaker basically asserts that it would be in the hearer’s own interest to take a certain action. Arguably, this does not fit the ‘drop dead’ example.

7 Thanks to Manfred Sailer who brought up this type of example.

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(28) Please, be blond! (wish in absence of addressee) Drop dead! (ill-wish)

For the same reason, however, C&L’s analysis has problems with imperatives used for desinterested ADVISE, cookie INVITATIONS, CONCESSIVES and DARE! imperatives. They do not discuss the use of imperatives in threats of the Simp and Sdecl form, but given that the speaker will not have an interest for the listener to follow Simp! in these cases either, these coordinations should be extremely problematic in that approach. The appealing vision in C&L’s approach is that ordering sources in modal semantics can be reconciled with preference lists in action planning. In accepting an imperative p!, the addressee is assumed to rank p high on his list of preferences. The actual ranking of preferences will not be fully determined by the imperative utterance, because the hearer could have other aims that he pursues with even higher priority. This underspecification is certainly adequate.

The Hands Up! analysis, in contrast, contributes in a more local, but also more explicit way to the facts that determine the addressees actions. Take the drastic initial Freeze, or I will kill you! Before hearing and believing the content of this imperative, the addressee A might have planned (= pre-ferred with high priority) to not freeze but have a coffee. By learning that his next future options are either to freeze or to get killed, A does not simply demote his earlier plan ‘I will now have a coffee’ to a somewhat lower rank. What A indeed faces is a quite drastic belief revision: He learns that the coffee plan is not part of any possible future at all, and that his choice is a quite different one.

4.3 Ross’ Paradox Let me finally show how Ross’ paradox can be avoided. Ross (1944) is quoted as the first to observe that simple-minded modal analyses of imperatives carry the danger of falsely predicting that (29) entails (30).

(29) Come! (30) Come, or stay!

The problem arises due to the fact that any world that has property p also has the weaker property p∨q. The Hands-Up! analysis does not predict this false entailment: In the following, I will use the proposition SANCTIONS as a cover predicate for contextually given sanctions that the hearer could understand.

(29’) [[ [ ! ] Come! ]] = [ ! ] (λw.COME(A,w)) (λw.SANCTIONS(A,w)) = λz.∀w[FUTURE(z,w) ∧ CIRC(z,w) ∧ LEWIS-SIM(z,w) → Come(A,w) ∨ Sanctions(A,w) ]

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Presupposition: Speaker believes that A will like worlds in λw.COME(A, w) better than worlds in λw.SANCTIONS(A, w).

(30’) [[ [ ! ] Come, or stay! ]] = [ ! ] (λw.COME(A, w) ∨ STAY(A, w)) (λw. SANCTIONS (A, w)) = λz. ∀w(FUTURE(z, w) ∧ CIRC(z, w) ∧ LEWIS-SIM(z, w) → (Come(A, w) ∨ Stay(A, w)) ∨ Sanctions(A, w) )

Presupposition: Speaker believes that A will like worlds in λw[COME(A, w) ∨ STAY(A, w)] better than worlds in λw.SANCTIONS(A, w). There are two ways to avoid Ross’ paradox. The first way is to assume, as we did in earlier places, that the or which separates the sanction case from the Imp! cases is an exclusive or ∨e. With this assumption, (29’) no longer entails (30’): Assume that there is a world which is both a STAY(A)-world and a SANCTION-world. Then (29’) can be true but (30’) will be false. Hence, (30’) is not entailed by (29’).

Exclusive disjunction: ( φ(x) ∨e ξ(x) ) –×→ ( (φ(x) ∨ ψ(x)) ∨ ξ(x) )

The second way to block the inference from (29) to (30) will leave us the option for inclusive ‘or’ in the representation of imperatives in the Hands Up! format. It argues via presuppositions. (29) presupposes that the speaker believes that the addressee prefers worlds in λw.COME(A, w) over worlds in λw.SANCTIONS(A, w). (30) presupposes that the speaker believes that the addressee prefers worlds in λw(COME(A, w) ∨ STAY(A, w)) over worlds in λw.SANCTIONS(A, w). We can model these preferences by universal statements of the following kind: All worlds in λw(COME(A, w) ∨ STAY(A, w)) are better than any world in λw.SANCTIONS(A, w). With this explication of preferences, the person who utters (29) will not be committed to the content of the presupposition of (30) because s/he believes that some STAY worlds are also SANCTION worlds and therefore not any better than other SANCTION worlds. The details of weighing worlds against worlds would need to be worked out in detail, but the approach opens up another way to avoid Ross’ paradox in the Hands Up! theory.

References Austin, J. 1972. How to Do Things With Words. Edited by J.O. Urmson, M.

Sbisà. Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Bach, K. & R. M. Harnish. 1979. Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts.

Boston: MIT Press.

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Bybee, J, W. Pagliuca & R. Perkins. 1994. The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Languages of the World. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Condoravdi, C. & S. Lauer. 2010a. Imperatives and Public Commitments. Handout, 11th Annual Semantics Fest, Stanford, March 2010.

Condoravdi, C. & S. Lauer. 2010b. Performative Verbs and Performative Acts. Handout, Sinn und Bedeutung 15, Saarbrücken, September 2010.

Donhauser, K. 1986. Der Imperativ im Deutschen. Hamburg, Buske. Geurts, B. 2005. Entertaining alternatives: disjunctions as modals. Natural

Language Semantics 13. 383–410. Jary, M. 2007. Are explicit performatives assertions? Linguistics and

Philosophy 30. 207–234. Kratzer, A. 1981. The Notional Category of Modality. In Words, Worlds, and

Contexts. New Approaches in Word Semantics, edited by H. J. Eikmeyer & H. Rieser. 38–74. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Portner, P. 2007. Imperatives and Modals. Natural Language Semantics 15. 351–383.

van Rooij, R. & M. Franke. 2010. Promises and Threats with Conditionals and Disjunctions. Ms., University of Amsterdam.

Ross, A. 1944. Imperatives and logic. Philosophy of Science 11: 30–46. Russell, B. 2007. Imperatives in Conditional Conjunction. Natural Language

Semantics 15. 131–166. Schwager, M. 2006a. Interpreting Imperatives. Dissertation, UFrankfurt. Schwager, M. 2006b. Conditionalized Imperatives. In: C. Tancredi et al.

(eds.) Proceedings of SALT 16. CLC Publications. Schwager, M. 2008. Optimizing the Future. Course material at the 20th

ESSLLI summer school, Bordeaux. Searle, J. 1969. Speech Acts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Searle, J. 1989. How Performatives Work. Linguistics and Philosophy 12.

535–558 Stalnaker, R. 2002. Common Ground. Linguistics and Philosophy 25. 701–

721 Truckenbrodt, H. 2009. Speech Acts and Agreement. Draft, HU Berlin

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 225–239. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Focus Influences the Presence of Conditional Perfection:Experimental Evidence

Marie-Christine FarrGoethe University Frankfurt


Abstract. This contribution tests whether focus has a determining influenceon the occurrence of Conditional Perfection. Two off-line experiments supportthis hypothesis. Conditional Perfection occurs significantly more often if the an-tecedent of the conditional is focused compared to the non-focused case. Ad-ditionally, in contrast to the scalar implicature associated with or (Zondervan2009), Conditional Perfection occurs only infrequent if the antecedent is not fo-cused. The second experiment suggests that this distinct behavior is due to dif-ferent properties of the scalar implicature and the implicature associated withConditional Perfection.

1 IntroductionConditional Perfection (CP) describes the phenomenon that speakers interpretconditional sentences, under certain conditions, as biconditionals. The phe-nomenon was given its name by Geis & Zwicky (1971), who observed thattheir students extended or “perfected” the meaning of conditionals. ConsiderGeis & Zwicky’s original example:

(1) a. If you mow the lawn, I’ll give you five dollars.b. If you don’t mow the lawn, I won’t give you five dollars.c. Only if you mow the lawn, I’ll give you five dollars.

As McCawley (1993) points out, “Only if p, q” can be paraphrased as “If notp, not q”. So examples (1b) and (1c) should be regarded equivalents. CP thusdescribed the inference from (1a) to (1b) or (1c). Geis & Zwicky note that per-fection of conditionals is clearly wrong from a logical viewpoint. The utteranceof a sentence like (1a) does not exclude the possibility that the hearer gets a re-ward for some other effort, for example, for cleaning the living room. Still theyaffirm that many speakers interpret conditionals in exactly this way and thatCP is “highly regular” (Geis & Zwicky 1971: 564). This paper addresses theconditions that influence the occurrence of CP.

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2 Conditional Perfection Is a Pragmatic PhenomenonStandard approaches analyze conditionals within the framework of possibleworlds semantics, as in (2):

(2) “If p, q” is true in w if and only if:∀ w′ such that w′ ∈ C(w) & p(w′) : q(w′)with w being the actual world and C(w) being the set of possible worldsaccessible from w.

A conditional “If p, q” is considered to be true in w, if for all possible worldsthat are accessible from w and in which p is true q is also true. No informationis incorporated in the conditional meaning about what will be the case if pdoes not hold. So if we want to keep the semantics for conditionals unchanged,we must assume that CP is pragmatic. To affirm this claim, conditionals thatdo not allow perfection offer convincing support. If CP was contingent uponthe semantics it must arise with all conditionals. Biscuit Conditionals, as thestandard example taken from Horn (2000), belong to this group:

(3) a. If you’re thirsty, there’s some beer in the fridge.b. If you’re not thirsty, there’s no beer in the fridge.

The conditional in (3a) clearly does not invite the inferences in (3b). The rea-son for this is that the two propositions are conditionally unrelated. Furtherevidence in favor of a pragmatic analysis of CP provides the fact that the infer-ence is usually cancelable. That is, it can be “taken back” by adding additionalinformation. The following example illustrates this (van Canegem-Ardijns &van Belle 2008):

(4) If you mow the lawn, I’ll give you five dollars.But also if you paint the garage.

Through adding the additional condition under which five dollars will be paid,the CP inference that mowing the lawn is the only possible way to earn themoney is canceled.1 Another feature suggesting a pragmatic account of CP isexpressed by Boër & Lycan (1973). They support the idea that not all condi-tionals, in all situations are perfected and give the following counterexample:

(5) If John quits, he will be replaced.

1 As discussed in van Canegem-Ardijns & van Belle (2008: 371 ff.), this cancels just the “Onlyif p, q” inference. Canceling the “If not p, not q” inference is often not possible for speech actslike promises, threats or warnings. This might indicate that the two inferences “If not p, not q” and“Only if p, q” are indeed not equivalent. Still, we will stick to this assumption.

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Here, according to Boër & Lycan, CP does not arise, because common senseinhibits the implication that if John does not quit his job, he won’t be replaced.It is easily imaginable that John will be replaced, e.g. because his work lacksquality or because he does not get along with his colleagues. This constitutesthe main argument of Boër & Lycan. CP does not arise because of the specialform or intrinsic features of conditionals but simply because of additional in-formation like world or common-sense knowledge.All this provides convincing evidence that CP is a pragmatic rather than a se-mantic inference.

3 Conditional Perfection Is not a Scalar ImplicatureOriginally, Geis & Zwicky claimed that it is difficult to explain CP in terms ofimplicatures (cf. Grice 1989) and that the inference is clearly not a conversa-tional implicature. They argue that Grice, when characterizing conversationalimplicatures

looks for general principles governing the effects that utterances have, principlesassociated with the nature of the speech itself. CP is, in some sense, a principlegoverning the effects that utterances have (...) but it is in no way that we cansee derivable from considerations having to do with the nature of the speech act.(Geis & Zwicky 1971: 565)

Later in their squib, Geis & Zwicky relativize this claim and state that an ex-planation of CP in terms of conversational implicatures is not easily establish-able. Unfortunately they conclude without further elaboration or clarification.Despite this rejection, it is the most popular assumption today to explain CPwith respect to conversational implicatures. One particularly favored approachis to analyze CP in terms of Scalar Implicatures (SI). The general idea of a SIis that an inference can be drawn based on the amount of information that isexpressed. As Grice’s first maxim of Quantity advises, speakers should maketheir contribution as informative as required. Thus, very simplified, if we knowthat more informative statements than the one actually made exist (and somefurther assumptions hold (cf. e.g. Geurts 2010)) we can argue that the speakerdoes not believe that the more informative statements are true. For this reason,Horn Scales are created to order terms according to their information content.In the following, three scales will be introduced that were suggested to accountfor CP.

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3.1 Attempt 1: Atlas & Levinson (1981)Atlas & Levinson (1981) discuss the following scale:

i f and only i f p, q↑ i f p, q

There are two problems with this scale: First and most important, this scaleis inadequate to explain CP. As mentioned above, by uttering a weaker state-ment the speaker expresses that he does not believe that the stronger statementholds. Thus an effect opposing CP arises. Uttering a conditional would alwaysimply that p is only one among more conditions which will bring about q (Horn2000). Atlas & Levinson assumed that this scale does not elicit SIs, hence theydid not see this problem. They argued that the scale is not well-formed becausethe two terms are not lexicalized to the same degree. This is why the unwantedSI does not arise. However, this restriction does not hold, as will be discussedbelow. The second deficiency of the above scale is pointed out by van der Auw-era (1997,b). The element at the top of the scale is just the literal meaning plusthe SI which is expected. It is clear that this combination will always be moreinformative than the literal meaning on its own. Since a construction of thistype is excluded with respect to other scalar terms like <some, some but notall>, it should also be excluded for CP. A related weakness is the complexity ofthe statement at the top of the scale. A restriction which is often proposed forpotential alternatives is that they must not be considerably longer or more com-plex than the statement made. In these cases, the speaker could just choose theshorter statement in order to be brief. However, this restriction does indeed nothold. As Matsumoto (1995) points out, more informative statements need to beasserted if they contain relevant information and even if they are of a greatercomplexity. Therefore, the above scale does elicit the unwanted SI. However,the scale can be ruled out due to other reasons such as the above-mentioneddeficiencies and additional constraints on monotonicity.2

3.2 Attempt 2: van der Auwera (1997b)Van der Auwera (1997; 1997b) assumes the following scale for his approach:

...i f p, q and i f r, q and i f s, qi f p, q and i f r, q

↑ i f p, q

If someone utters “If p, q” the comparably stronger statements such as, e.g., “Ifp, q and If r, q” are automatically denied and hence the speaker expresses that p

2 Horn scales must not include items of different monotonicity behavior. (cf. e.g. Matsumoto 1995).

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is the only condition that will bring about q. The weakness of van der Auwera’sscale is that he has to assume an infinitely large expression at the very top ofthe scale that incorporates all possible antecedents. Only if the statement “If p,q” negates for all other antecedents r that “If r, q” is true, CP arises. The prob-lem of this account is the reference to particular antecedents. Someone whohears a conditional like (1a) would have to reason for all possible antecedentsthat they will not bring about q. This however, does not seem appropriate torepresent the reasoning involved in CP. It is implausible and probably impossi-ble that someone who hears a conditional has an infinitely long list of possibleantecedents in mind (Horn 2000; von Fintel 2001).

3.3 Attempt 3: Horn (2000)Horn (2000) suggests yet another approach. He believes that the CP effect isdue to pragmatic strengthening and suggests the following scale:

q /Whatever the case, q↑ i f p, q

Unfortunately, a proposal like Horn’s is also not sufficient to derive CP, asvon Fintel (2001) notes. Uttering “If p, q”, and thereby negating the simplestatement q/whatever the case, q, does not mean that p is the only neces-sary and sufficient condition under which q will occur. It only elicits the muchweaker implicature that q is not unconditionally true. Whether only one or sev-eral conditions exist that render q true cannot be decided at that point. ThusHorn’s account is missing an important step towards CP. Still, following Horn,CP is derivable under his account (Horn 2000, 2004). Horn performs a reduc-tion of Grice’s maxims which is motivated by the desire to be in accordancewith the idea of a dualistic functional model which guides conversation. Thismodel assumes that utterances are subject to two forces. All of Grice’s maximsand submaxims, except for the maxim of Quality which remains unchanged,can be reduced to express just these two forces. Horn ends up with the follow-ing two principles (Horn 1993):

• Q Principle: Make your contribution sufficient. Say as much as you can,given quality and the R Principle.

• R Principle: Make your contribution necessary. Say no more than youmust, given the Q Principle.

The Q Principle embodies the first maxim of Quantity and the first two sub-maxims of Manner. It corresponds to a lower bound on information content.Within the R Principle the maxim of Relation, the second maxim of Quantityand the third and fourth submaxims of Manner are collected. This principle

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constitutes an upper limit on the form of the utterance.Under these prerequisites uttering “If p, q” implies that the speaker does notbelieve that q is unconditionally true. Given the R Principle, this contributionmust be more relevant to the conversation than uttering q alone. This is why CParises. As Horn puts it: “what could make such a condition [i.e. “If p”] morerelevant than its necessity?” (Horn 2000: 310). Thus, CP occurs naturally andregularly due to systematic strengthening which is evoked by the R Principle.A serious problem of Horn’s account is that it would never be relevant to claimthat p is just a sufficient condition. This is however, wrong. With mention-somequestions it is typically sufficient to provide only the most relevant out of sev-eral conditions (cf. von Fintel 2001).The attempts to explain CP as a SI have not been satisfactory. The next sectiondiscusses the possibility to analyze CP still as a Quantity Implicature (QI) butnot as a SI.

4 Conditional Perfection as Quantity ImplicatureThe basic idea, following von Fintel (2001), is that CP is a QI3 which arisesas a by-product of an exhaustive interpretation. The following examples, takenfrom von Fintel (2001) and Groenendijk & Stokhof (1984) illustrate exhaustiveinterpretations.

(6) a. Q: Who left the party early?A: Robin and Hilary left the party early.

b. Robin and Hilary but no one else left the party early.

(7) a. Q: Who walks?A: John and Mary walk.

b. John and Mary but no one else walk.

If the answers in (6a) and (7a) are interpreted exhaustively, they correspondsto (6b) and (7b). These inferences are thought to be QIs. However, they can-not be derived by the “standard procedure” introduced for SIs, i.e. by negatingstronger statements. The problem is the set of relevant alternatives. In orderto infer “John and Mary but no one else walk” from “John and Mary walk”an infinitely large set of more informative statements needed to be rejected, asillustrated below:

• John, Mary and Peter walk.

3 Although QIs entail SIs, I use QI in the following to refer to all kinds of QIs except for SIs.

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• John, Mary, Ann and Peter walk.• . . .

This is again very implausible.Van Rooij & Schulz (2004) and Schulz & van Rooij (2006) provide an accountof exhaustive interpretation which overcomes these problems. Their theory ofexhaustification captures the intuition that exhaustive reasoning is based onthe closed world assumption. Details of their theory are not important for ourpurpose; what is important is that they explain exhaustification with the use ofminimal models. An exhaustive interpretation corresponds to a minimal model.Consider the following models for example (7a).

M1 M2

Individuals = Individuals ={Robin, Ben, John, Mary} {Robin, Ben, John, Mary}JwalkKM1 ={Robin} JwalkKM2 ={Ben}

M3 M4

Individuals = Individuals ={Robin, Ben, John, Mary} {Robin, Ben, John, Mary}JwalkKM3 ={John, Mary} JwalkKM4 ={John, Mary, Ben}

Table 1: The table presents four potential models for example (7a)

Exhaustification arises with a model that makes the answer true and in whichthe extension of the predicate in question is minimal. From the above givenexamples M3 is the model leading to an exhaustive interpretation. The otherseither make the answer false (M1 and M2) or the extension of walk is not min-imal (M4). An important feature of this account is that the focus-backgroundpartitioning determines the predicate in question that gets minimalized. There-fore, minimalization and hence exhaustification applies only to focused terms.In this regard Rooth (1996) makes an interesting observation with respect tofocus and the nature of question-answer pairs. When we consider question-answer pairs, the position of focus in the answer corresponds to the wh-constitu-ent in the question. Examples (8a) and (8b) illustrate this.4

4 Boldness equals focus in this and further examples.

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(8) a. Q: Who walks?A: John and Mary walk.

b. Q: What do John and Mary do?A: John and Mary walk.

Due to the different focus-background partitioning, different models will beminimal. For (8a) a model in which only John and Mary walk is minimal, butfor (8b) a model where John and Mary do nothing else but walk is minimal.

4.1 Predictions for Conditional PerfectionBased on what we have seen so far, CP can be explained in terms of exhaus-tification which in turn can be explained by the selection of a minimal model.Since exhaustification is sensitive to focus, the same conditional can be in-terpreted exhaustively and non-exhaustively dependent on the question of thecontexts and the predicate it specifies. Consider the following examples:

(9) A: What happens if I sell an eel?B: If you sell an eel, you get 2.50 euros.

(10) A: When/Under which conditions do I get 2.50 euros?B: If you sell an eel, you get 2.50 euros.

Again, depending on the question different parts of the conditional are focused.In the first case, where the consequent is focused, a minimal model is one inwhich selling an eel results in nothing else than getting 2.50 euros. Hence, CPis not expected. With focus on the antecedent, as in dialogue (10), a minimalmodel is one where the only condition under which 2.50 euros are received isif an eel is sold. CP is expected to arises.

5 Experimental InvestigationsThe purpose of the experimental investigations was to test whether the predic-tions with respect to the influence of focus on CP are right. To investigate thissix minimal context pairs were created that differed only in the question asked.The question was either of the type what-if-p or when-q. The answer to eitherquestion was a conditional of the form “If p, q”. Thus, questions of the typewhat-if-p put focus on the consequent of the conditional. Questions of the formwhen-q on the contrary, put the antecedent in a focus position. An alternativeformulation for when-q would be under-which-conditions-q (cf. (10)). How-ever, it was argued in the literature that questions with the Dutch equivalentare necessarily understood to ask for an exhaustive answer (cf. van Canegem-Ardijns & van Belle 2008: footnote 12). If this was also the case for the German

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counterpart (the experiment was conducted in German) the questions would beuseless to investigate the influence of focus. Thus we choose the when-q formu-lation. It is also known that for when-sentences a difference between a condi-tional and a temporal reading exists. In this study, we examined the conditionalreading. To promote a conditional reading, we did not include terms referringto temporal aspects within the contexts of the test items. This was meant to en-sure a conditional reading and with that bring about the effect that the answer“If p, q” rather than “When p, q” was not surprising or unintuitive. The task ofthe participants was then to judge in either case, whether the answer providedby the conditional was sufficient. Hence, felicity judgements rather than truthvalue judgements were collected. It is expected that a felicity judgement task(FJT) is more adequate to investigate whether implicatures were calculated (cf.Papafragou & Musolino 2003). The test items always specify two conditionsthat lead to a particular consequent (cf. 2). Thus participants are expected torate the conditional answer as insufficient when CP occurred. If focus influ-ences CP we expect that subjects rate the conditional answer more often asinsufficient in the when-q condition than in the what-if-p condition.

Monika sells seafood on the market. She gets 1 euro for a crab, 2.50 euros foran eel, 15 euros for a lobster and 2.50 euros for a pike.Kerstin, an employee of Monika, cannot remember the prices. Since she doesnot want to ask Monika again, she asks Sahra, who also works for Monika.Sahra knows the prices exactly.

what-if-p when-qKerstin: What happens if I sell an eel? Kerstin: When do I get 2.50 euros?

Sahra: If you sell an eel, you get 2,50 euros.Did Sahra answer Kerstin’s question sufficiently? [Yes] [No]

Table 2: The table presents a sample item with both what-if-p and when-q ques-tions.

For elicitation of the data a repeated-measures design was used with the ques-tion type as independent variable. Thus subjects were confronted with bothtypes of questions, but never for the same context. The investigations wereconducted in paper-and-pencil form and the questionnaire consisted of six testitems and six fillers. Three out of the six test items contained what-if-p ques-tions and the other three when-q questions. Each questionnaire contained threefillers that tested whether participants were in general able to understand con-ditionals as answers to questions. These conditional fillers were very similar

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to the test items, but they specified only one antecedent for each consequent.Within a true conditional filler, the conditional answer corresponds to whathas been described in the context. False conditional fillers provide the wrongantecedent for a consequence. Furthermore the questionnaires contained threefillers which tested whether subjects were sensitive for exhaustification. Likethe test items, these fillers specified two conditions which will lead to the sameconsequent. Contrary to the test items, the answer in the dialogue was not givenin conditional form, but was a simple statement starting with only. Answers oftrue exhaustification fillers provided both conditions that were specified by thecontext. The false exhaustification filler gave only one of these. Thus, if par-ticipants are in fact sensitive to exhaustification they should rate the responsesufficient in the true condition and insufficient in the false condition. The par-titioning was balanced over all six fillers, so that in total three were of the truecondition and three of the false condition. Two versions of the questionnairewere used and items and fillers were presented in a pseudo-random order. Nomore than two test items were presented in a row. The same was ensured forthe fillers. The second version of the questionnaire contained in each case theother condition of items and fillers and in the inverse order as in version one.

5.1 ProcedureThe experiment was conducted in German. Participants received a paper copyof the questionnaire with written instructions on the first page. Before the ques-tionnaires were handed out, participants also received oral instructions thatsummarized the written ones. Within the questionnaire, three items or fillerswere printed on one page. At the end of the questionnaire participants wereasked to provide some information about their background knowledge of logicand pragmatics. Additionally, space for comments was provided. The partici-pants took about 15 minutes to fill out the questionnaire.

5.2 ParticipantsParticipants were 50 students from an introductory linguistics class of the Uni-versity of Frankfurt. Two subjects were excluded, prior to analysis, becausethey did not provide correct answers to three or more fillers. Hence, the data of48 participants was evaluated.

5.3 ResultsNegative answers, signaling CP, occurred in 89.2 % of the when-q contextsand in 16.3 % of the what-if-p contexts. An analysis of variance showed thatover items as well as over subjects there was a main effect of question type(when-q vs. what-if-p) on the occurrence of CP, F(1,5) = 145.93, p < 0.001and F(1,47)= 309.93, p < 0.001 respectively. Most participants also showed

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a consistent behaviour over all test items. 61 % of the subjects labeled theanswer as insufficient only with when-q and never with what-if-p questions.33 % labeled the answers more often as insufficient in when-q contexts thanin what-if-p contexts. Only 3 participants said that the answers are equallyfrequent insufficient in both question conditions. Moreover, nobody’s answerssignaled that CP occurred more often or even exclusively in what-if-p contexts.

5.4 DiscussionThe results clearly indicate that focus has an effect on the occurrence of CP.This effect was highly significant over subjects as well as over items. We foundthat the percentage of no-answers, signaling CP, was high in when-q contextsand comparably low in what-if-p contexts. These results indicate that von Fin-tel’s theory, together with Schulz & van Rooij’s account on exhaustive inter-pretation, is adequate to account for CP. Focus seems to be the decisive factorfor the occurrence of this inference.

However, the results are important in another respect. Zondervan (2009)investigated the effect of focus on the SI associated with or (the inference from“A or B” to “A or B but not both”). He also found more SIs when or was ina focus-position but the effect, though significant, was much smaller than ex-pected. Zondervan found that the SI occurred in 77 % of the focused cases,versus 51 % of the non-focused cases. In contrast, the present study reflectsa partitioning closer to the expected one. The main problem of Zondervan’sresults was the high amount of implicatures in the non-focus condition. Thiscould be due to the fact that a different paradigm was used. As described, thepresent study used a FJT while Zondervan used a truth-value judgement task(TVJT) in his study. Within the TVJT, participants had to label the target sen-tences true or false. The underlying assumption is that a sentence like “A or B”is considered false in the case that the subjects calculated the SI (“A or B but notboth”) and indeed A and B holds. However, this appears to be rather a strongclaim. The statement is clearly inappropriate if the SI is calculated but does thatlead to falsehood? To judge this could be a problematic task for participants, sothat the responses might not reflect natural understanding. Judging whether ananswer is suitable or sufficient might be more natural. Additionally, labelingan utterance as false does not automatically mean that an implicature arose.As Zondervan (2006) discusses, a false answer can be interpreted in two ways:Either the subject calculated the implicature and thus labels the target sentencefalse in a situation where both A and B were the case. Or alternatively, thesubject did not calculate an implicature but noticed that in the situation whereboth A and B are the case and would be more suitable than or and thus labelsthe target sentence false. So in addition to the problem that labeling sentences

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true or false might be unnatural for participants, interpreting the results is dif-ficult. Furthermore, the different results for the non-focus condition in this andZondervan’s study could be due to different properties of or and if. It could bethe case that for if the occurrence of QIs is more dependent on focus, whileor also elicits the inference regularly when not located in a focus position (forwhatever reason). To investigate which of these two factors was decisive for thedifferent results in Zondervan’s and the present study a follow-up experimentwas conducted.

6 Follow-up ExperimentThe follow-up experiment replicated the first experiment with the exceptionthat a TVJT was used. If this experiment yields the same results as the firstexperiment we can conclude that if and or behave differently when located infocus. If however, Zondervan’s results are replicated we can conclude that thedifferent paradigm was responsible for the response pattern.

6.1 MaterialTest and control items were the same as in the previous experiment, with theonly difference that the question “Did X answer Y’s question sufficiently?” waschanged to “Is the answer of X true?” This was done for test as well as controlitems.

6.2 ProcedureThe procedure, the instructions, oral and written, and the design were identicalto the first experiment.

6.3 Participants36 students from an introductory linguistics class of the University of Frankfurtparticipated in the experiment. Two participants were excluded prior to anal-ysis, because they stated having substantial knowledge of implicature theory.Additionally, one participant was excluded because she did not provide correctanswers to three or more fillers. Thus, the data of 33 participants was evaluated.

6.4 ResultsWithin when-q context negative answers, signaling CP, occurred in 56.6 % ofthe cases and they occurred in 11.1 % of the what-if-p contexts. The effect wasagain significant over subjects, F(1,32) = 58.175, p < 0.001, as well as overitems, F(1,5) = 50.845, p < 0.001. 52 % of the participants labeled the answeronly in when-q contexts as insufficient. One half of the remaining participantslabeled more answers insufficient in when-q contexts. The other half said thatthe answers are equally often insufficient in when-q and what-if-p contexts.

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Nobody’s answers signaled that CP occurred more often or even exclusively inwhat-if-p contexts.

6.5 DiscussionThe results indicate once more that focus influences the emergence of CP andfurthermore that this is independent of the paradigm used. The amount of CPwas again significantly higher in the when-q condition than in the what-if-pcondition. This holds over subjects as well as over items. The percentage ofno-answers, indicating CP, is overall lower when a TVJT is used comparedto the FJT. This may either indicate that felicity judgements are indeed moreadequate to detect implicatures or that the FJT overestimates the amount ofimplicatures. However, what is interesting with respect to Zondervan is thatusing a TVJT also lowers the percentage of CP in the non-focus condition.This signals that the high percentage of implicatures which Zondervan foundin the non-focus condition was due to properties of or rather than due to theTVJT.

7 ConclusionThis contribution provides evidence that von Fintel’s (2001) theory togetherwith the account of Schulz & van Rooij makes right predictions for the occur-rence of CP. The experiments showed that focus influences whether an answeris interpreted exhaustively, i.e. whether CP arise. The amount of CP was sig-nificantly higher when the antecendent was in a focus position. We also foundthat the high amount of implicatures which Zondervan found in his study onor in non-focus conditions was probably not due to using a TVJT rather thana FJT. For the case of if the amount of CP was even lower in the non-focuscondition when a TVJT was used.

As mentioned in the literature, not all implicatures behave the same (cf.Papafragou & Musolino (2003) on numerals and other scalar terms, Geurts& Pouscoulous (2009) on different embeddings and Chemla (2009) on scalarterms and free choice inferences). Geurts (2010: 122 ff.) makes an interest-ing observation with respect to potential differences of SIs and QIs that seemsrelevant for the different behavior of or and if. Even though Geurts proposesone account to derive both inferences he clearly distinguishes between the twotypes of implicatures. While we have a well-defined, closed set of potential al-ternatives for SIs such as, e.g., all, most and many for the scalar term some, thisis not the case for QIs as those involved in exhaustive interpretation. For an an-swer like “Robin and Hilary left the party early” (example (6a)) no such clearlydefined set of alternatives exists. We rather have to deal with an open-ended,possibly infinitely large set of alternatives. This core difference seems to play

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an important role for the different experimental results found by Zondervan andmy study. Zondervan investigated the SI associated with or, so a well-definedset of alternatives was present, namely and. Since CP as analyzed here is not aSI but a QI, an open set of alternatives exists which cannot be clearly defined.This difference appears to be crucial for the reasoning of the participants. AsZondervan had argued, labeling a target sentence false might not mean thatthe SI was calculated but only that the stronger lexical item would be moreadequate. So maybe the amount of SIs is overestimated in the non-focus con-dition and possibly also in the focus condition. It is reasonable that with a finiteand reasonably small set of alternatives, participants think about whether oneof the alternative statements might have been more suitable. This could lead tothe high amount of false ratings in the non-focus conditions. Within the presentexperiments on CP there are no concrete alternatives which could detract theparticipants and lead to a large amount of no answers in the non-focus condi-tion. So answering no seems to be more clearly traceable to the emergence ofthe QI.If this difference was indeed crucial for the different results for or and if, wecould conclude that for the case of or the SI is also not elicited regularly inthe non-focus condition. Rather the clear awareness of the better alternativestatement and interferes and leads the subjects to conclude that the sentenceis false. Furthermore, this predicts that items that are assumed to produce SIs(e.g., some) reproduce Zondervan’s results, whereas items associated with QIs(e.g., the exhaustive interpretation in (6a)) should reproduce the results of thecurrent study.

ReferencesAtlas, Jay David & Stephen C. Levinson. 1981. If-clefts, informativeness, and

logical form. In Peter Cole (ed.), Radical pragmatics, 1–61. AcademicPress.

van der Auwera, Johan. 1997. Pragmatics in the last quarter century: The caseof conditional perfection. Journal of Pragmatics 27. 261–274.

van der Auwera, Johan. 1997b. Conditional perfection. In Angeliki Athanasi-adou & Rene Dirven (eds.), On conditionals again, 169–190. John Ben-jamins Publishing Company.

Boër, Steven E. & William G. Lycan. 1973. Invited inferences and other un-welcome guests. Papers in Linguistics 6. 483–505.

van Canegem-Ardijns, Ingrid & William van Belle. 2008. Conditionals andtypes of conditional perfection. Journal of Pragmatics 40. 349–376.

Chemla, Emmanuel. 2009. Universal implicatures and free choice effects: Ex-

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perimental data. Semantics and Pragmatics 2. 1–33.von Fintel, Kai. 2001. Conditional strengthening.Geis, Michael L. & Arnold M. Zwicky. 1971. On invited inferences. Linguistic

Inquiry 2. 561–566.Geurts, Bart. 2010. Quantity implicatures. Cambridge University Press.Geurts, Bart & Nausicaa Pouscoulous. 2009. Embedded implicatures?!? Se-

mantics and Pragmatics 2. 1–34.Grice, Paul. 1989. Studies in the way of words. Harvard University Press.Groenendijk, Jeroen A.G. & Martin J.B. Stokhof. 1984. Studies on the seman-

tics of questions and the pragmatics of answers: University of Amster-dam dissertation.

Horn, Laurence R. 1993. Economy and redundancy in a dualistic model ofnatural language. In Susanna Shore & Vilkuna Maria (eds.), Sky 1993:Yearbook of the linguistic association of Finland. 33–73.

Horn, Laurence R. 2000. From if to iff: Conditional perfection as pragmaticstrengthening. Journal of Pragmatics 32. 289–326.

Horn, Laurence R. 2004. Implicature. In Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward(eds.), The handbook of pragmatics, Blackwell.

Matsumoto, Yo. 1995. The conversational condition on horn scales. Linguisticsand Philosophy 18. 21–60.

McCawley, James D. 1993. Everything that linguists have always wanted toknow about logic ... but were ashamed to ask. University of ChicagoPress 2nd edn.

Papafragou, Anna & Julien Musolino. 2003. Scalar implicatures: Experimentsat the semantics-pragmatics interface. Cognition 86. 253–282.

van Rooij, Robert & Katrin Schulz. 2004. Exhaustive interpretation of complexsentences. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13. 491–519.

Rooth, Mats. 1996. Focus. mats/.Schulz, Katrin & Robert van Rooij. 2006. Pragmatic meaning and non-

monotonic reasoning: The case of exhaustive interpretation. Linguisticsand Philosophy 29. 205–250.

Zondervan, Arjen. 2006. The question under discussion focus condition forscalar implicatures. Universiteit Utrecht MA thesis.

Zondervan, Arjen. 2009. Experiments on QUD and focus as a contextual con-straint on scalar implicature calculation. In Ulrich Sauerland & KazukoYatsushiro (eds.), Semantics and pragmatics: From experiment to the-ory, Palgrave Macmillan.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 241–257. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Stative Passives and Event Kinds∗

Berit GehrkeUniversitat Pompeu Fabra


Abstract. Motivated by particular restrictions on event-related modificationwith German stative passives, this paper proposes that stative passives instantiatea consequent state kind of an event kind. The participle in such constructionshas to be derived from a verb whose event structure contains a consequent state,represented by an event-semantically interpreted BECOME component. Event-related modifiers with BE-passives modify either the event kind argument or thestate itself, and are therefore semantically licensed.

1 Introduction

German morphologically distinguishes between so-called eventive (or verbal)and stative (or adjectival) passives (Kratzer 1994, 2000; Rapp 1996; Maienborn2007a: among others). In particular, a past passive participle combines withwerden ‘become’ in eventive passives (1a) and with sein ‘be’ in stative passives(1b) (examples after Kratzer 2000).

(1) a. Diethe




‘The tires are (being) inflated.’b. Die




‘The tires are inflated.’

The semantics of sentences like (1b) is the main topic of this paper, and through-out, I will employ the descriptive labels BECOME- and BE-passives to distin-guish between these two constructions in German.

According to the traditional view, going back to at least Wasow (1977),stative passives are copula-adjective constructions, eventive passives periphras-tic verb forms. Nevertheless, an underlying event is still accessible in BE-∗ This paper benefitted greatly from comments at various stages and locations by many people,in particular Sascha Alexejenko, Boban Arsenijevic, Helga Gese, Claudia Maienborn, Louise Mc-Nally, and Carla Umbach. All errors are mine. This work was supported by the grant HUM2007-60599 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and by an award from the FundacióICREA to Louise McNally.

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passives, given the (albeit restricted) availability of event-related modifiers (2).

(2) a. Derthe







b. Dasthe





Kratzer (1994, 2000) and Rapp (1996) therefore propose that it is possible toadjectivise not just verbs but also verb phrases (VPs). Schlücker (2005) andMaienborn (2007a), in contrast, argue that such modifiers are merely pragmat-ically licensed. In this paper, I will argue, contra the latter, that the particularmodifiers available with BE-passives are semantically licensed.1

The paper is organised as follows. In section 2, I will outline the generalsemantics associated with BE-passives, its input requirements, as well as themore restricted availability of event-related modification with this construction.Section 3 proposes a semantic account of BE-passives based on the differencebetween event kinds and tokens. Section 4 addresses the availability of one typeof event-related modifier, by-phrases, and shows how the facts are accountedfor by the proposal. Finally, section 5 concludes.

2 German BE-Passives

In the literature on German, the view prevails that the participle in BE-passivesis adjectival (Kratzer 1994, 2000; Rapp 1996; von Stechow 1998; Maienborn2007a), and that it expresses the result or outcome of an event. If BE-passivesare copula-adjective constructions, their semantics has to be the one commonlyassumed for such constructions: A stative property is ascribed to an individual.

However, BE-passives co-exist with ‘true’ copula-adjective constructionsthat employ primary adjectives (3) (examples from Maienborn 2009).

(3) a. Diethe





b. Diethe






This suggests that there has to be some difference between the two, and it isnatural to assume that the difference is to be found in the nature of the under-lying verb in BE-passives. The following sections discuss the contribution of

1 For reasons of space, this paper will leave aside issues concerning the syntax-semantics inter-face, including whether or not phrasal adjectivisation of VPs exists. It can also not provide a deepcomparison to existing approaches, but see Gehrke (to appear).

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the verb in BE-passives, their input requirements and semantic peculiarities, aswell as restrictions on the availability of event-related modification.

2.1 The Role of the Underlying Verb in BE-Passive Constructions

The stative property, as a rule, is ascribed to the internal (theme) argument ofthe underlying verb. The external argument, on the other hand, is completelyabsent, as illustrated by the unavailability of purpose clauses and depictives(4).2

(4) a. ??? Derthe




umin order


Fahrtjourney continue

b. ??? Dasthe








A first attempt at stating the input requirements for a BE-passive is based onthe assumption that the stative property has to be recovered from the eventstructure licensed by the underlying verb. This means that only verbs whichlicense an event structure with a stative component should be able to deriveBE-passives. This is basically the hypothesis defended in Rapp (1996).

Indeed, the data show that BE-passives are fully acceptable with transitiveverbs that have a lexically specified consequent state (in the sense of Moens &Steedman 1988) ((1b), (5)), i.e. with accomplishments and achievements.

(5) a. Diethe






b. Derthe




c. Diethe




With other verbs, BE-passives are acceptable only in certain contexts ((6)-(8),b. examples from Maienborn 2009) (see also Kratzer 2000). With activities((6), (7)), this is to be expected: The event structure does not contain a state.

(6) a. #Diethe




2 This contrasts with BECOME-passives, where the external argument is syntactically active, evenwhen it remains implicit (see also Gehrke & Grillo 2009: and literature cited therein).

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b. AnnaAnna


















‘Anna has done her neighbourly duties: the mailbox is emptied,the flowers are watered and the cat is petted.’

The BE-passive of a semelfactive verb3 like streicheln ‘stroke’ in (6a) is ratherbad out of context. However, if we create a context under which someonepromised his or her neighbour to take care of things while the neighbour ison holiday, and one of the chores is to stroke the cat, the construction becomesacceptable (6b).

Similarly, the performative verb zitieren ‘cite’ out of context, as in (7a), isnot a good candidate for the construction because it does not license an eventstructure with a stative component. In the right context, in this case adding theby-phrase by Chomsky (7b)4, the sentence becomes acceptable again.

(7) a. #Dasthe




b. Dasthe






What is not expected if all we needed were a stative component to license theconstruction, is the fact that there are also restrictions on deriving BE-passivesfrom some stative predicates ((8), though see (10), below).

(8) a. #Diethe




b. Istis






The BE-passive of wissen ‘know’ out of context is rather bad but gets betterwhen embedded under the question in (8b). It is important to note, however,

3 The terms activity, accomplishment, and achievement are used in the sense of Rothstein (2004).It could be debated whether semelfactives (or performatives, as in (7b)) are activities, but there isgeneral agreement that semelfactives and performatives do not lexically specify a consequent state.4 A German PP headed by von ‘of, from’ in these contexts is commonly translated into English witha by-phrase. However, since it is generally claimed for English that by-phrases are not possible withstative passives, it is not fully clear whether (a) this claim is simply wrong (exceptions for Englishexist; German data are discussed in more detail in section 4); or (b) whether German von-phrasesare not fully equivalent to English by-phrases. Given the facts in (4) (which extend to combinationswith acceptable by-phrases), we have to assume that these by-phrases are still different from theby-phrases with eventive passives, which introduce true external arguments.

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that many speakers do not even accept (7b) and (8b), whereas (6b) is acceptedby everyone. A more restrictive hypothesis, then, is the one in (9).

(9) Only verbs that lexically specify a consequent state derive BE-passives.

It follows from (9) that accomplishment and achievement verbs, whose internalargument undergoes a change of state and as a result is the bearer of a conse-quent state, are the perfect candidates for this construction. In addition, stateverbs that allow an inchoative (re-?)interpretation (see also Gehrke & Grillo2009) are also fine, as evidenced by the acceptable BE-passives of the psychpredicates in (10), in contrast to (8a).

(10) MarieMarie







This hypothesis also makes sense of the fact that the subject is always thetheme argument of the underlying verb: Changes of state, as a rule, affect themearguments.

2.2 BE-Passives Involve Event Kinds

We saw in (2) and (7b) that the underlying event can be modified by event-related modifiers, such as instrumentals, manner modifiers, and by-phrases.However, it has often been observed that such modification is only possibleif it pertains to the consequent state; cf. the contrast between (11) and (12)(examples after Rapp 1996).

(11) Derthe

Mülleimerrubbish bin


(* vonby





) geleert.emptied

(12) a. Dasthe





b. Erhe






The modifiers in (11) are out because they refer to an event participant or themanner of the event that (could have) brought about the particular state de-scribed by the sentence without having an impact on or being ‘visible’ duringthe consequent state. In contrast, the event participants described by the by-phrases in (12) clearly belong to the state described (see section 4).

Similarly, the modifiers in (13) have an impact on the underlying eventthat is still visible during the consequent state.

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(13) a. Diethe







b. Derthe







c. Dasthe






In section 3, I will propose that BE-passives only allow modifiers that eithermodify an event kind (as in (13)) or that modify the state directly (as in (12)).

Another important restriction on the modification of BE-passives is thatthe underlying event cannot be temporally or spatially modified.5 For example,a modifier like recently can only modify the state (14).

(14) Diethe





‘The door was in the opened state recently, but probably is no longer.’(NOT: The door is in the opened state, the opening took place re-cently.)

BE-passives are also incompatible with temporal frame adverbials (15) (exam-ples from von Stechow 1998) (see also Rapp 1996, 1997).

(15) a. *Derthe







(‘The computer is repaired three days ago.’)b. Der







This has to do with the fact that BE-passives with a present tense copula arestatements about the present (in contrast to present perfect BECOME-passives,which - at least in German - are statements about the past6).

Furthermore, spatial modifiers that pick out the location of the event thatbrought about the consequent state are also generally bad (16).

(16) a. ??? Diethe







5 The incompatibility of spatial and temporal modifiers with (many or most) stative predicates isdiscussed extensively in Maienborn (2007b) and literature cited therein.6 See also Rapp (1996); Kratzer (2000); Maienborn (2007a) and literature cited therein for ar-guments against treating BE-passives as an ellipsis of an eventive passive perfect construction.(German werden ‘become’ forms the perfect with the auxiliary be.)

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b. ??? Dasthe



imin the



From these data I conclude that the event associated with the underlying verblacks spatiotemporal location. To capture this fact, the account outlined in thenext section crucially builds on the assumption that BE-passives involve eventkinds, not event tokens.

3 The Proposal

Based on the discussion in the previous section, I propose that a BE-passiverefers to the instantiation of a consequent state kind of an event kind (17).

(17) a. Diethe




b. ∃ek,sk,s [BECOME(ek,sk) ∧ THEME(ek,door) ∧ closed(s)∧ THEME(s,door) ∧ R(s,sk)]

R is Carlson’s (1977) realisation relation whereas BECOME should be under-stood as an event semantic version of Dowty’s (1979) BECOME-operator, asso-ciated with accomplishment and achievement predicates; e.g. (18).

(18) Informal event semantics of BECOME (von Stechow 1996)[[BECOME]] (P)(e) = 1 iff e is the smallest event such that P is not trueof the prestate of e but P is true of the target state of e.

The use of BECOME is motivated by the hypothesis in (9).7

The idea that BE-passives involve event kinds, in turn, is motivated bythe restricted availability of event-related modifiers discussed in the previoussection.8 The unavailability of spatial and temporal modifiers shows that theevent in BE-passives has no spatiotemporal manifestation. Instrumental, man-ner modifiers and by-phrases, on the other hand, are only available if they canbe interpreted as event kind modifiers, or if they modify the state (token) di-rectly. Event kind modification will be discussed in this section, whereas state

7 Something like BECOME is also employed in Embick’s (2004) account of one type of stativepassive participles he identifies, namely the resultative one.8 Event kinds are natural to expect if we assume that events form a subsort in our ontology of(token) individuals (Davidson 1967), kinds form another subsort in that ontology (Carlson 1977),and as a rule, any token in the ontology should be the realisation of some kind in that ontology.Event kinds have an analog in e.g. the Situation Semantics notion of event type (Barwise & Perry1983), though the formal details are quite different. Under a Neo-Davidsonian view (e.g. Parsons1990), events can be decomposed into subevent, which motivates the additional assumption aboutthe existence of subevent kinds.

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modifiers are addressed in section 4.Empirical arguments for event kinds as an ontological category have been

brought forward by e.g. Landman & Morzycki (2003); Ginzburg (2005); Gehr-ke & McNally (to appear). For example, Landman & Morzycki (2003) proposeto model manner modification in terms of kinds. Since their line of argumen-tation provides additional independent support for my analysis of BE-passives,the following subsection will briefly recapitulate the relevant points.

3.1 Modeling Manner in Terms of Kinds (Landman & Morzycki 2003)

Landman & Morzycki observe semantic and syntactic parallels with so-anapho-ra in the nominal and verbal domain across various languages. Their examplesfrom German are given in (19).

(19) a. soso





‘such a dog like this one’b. Er






‘He danced like Mary.’

In (19) there is a direct semantic parallel in the adnominal and adverbial usesof so, which refers back to a particular kind of entity (a kind of dog or a kind ofdancing event). There is furthermore a syntactic parallel in that both can occurwith an additional clause of comparison introduced by wie ‘like’.

Given that elements like so under the adnominal use (19a), in partic-ular English such, are commonly treated as kind anaphors, following Carl-son (1977), Landman & Morzycki (2003) treat adverbial so analogously, asanaphor to event kinds. In particular, they propose that (adverbial) so denotesa property of events that realise a (particular contextually supplied) kind (20).

(20) [[soi]] = λe.e realises ki

An additional argument that kinds are involved comes from the fact that tempo-ral and locative adverbials generally cannot antecede adverbial so (21), unlessthey can be seen as creating a new (or sub-)kind (22) (examples from Landman& Morzycki 2003).

(21) a. *MariaMary











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b. *MariaMary











(22) MariaMary




Schlafsack,sleeping bag





‘Mary sleeps in a sleeping bag and John does so, too.’

For example, the locative modifier in (22) does not serve to specify the locationof a particular sleeping event, but rather serves to create a new sub-kind ofsleeping event, namely the kind of sleeping in sleeping bags. Hence, it is not aproper spatial modifier but rather used as a kind of manner modifier.

Given facts like these, Landmann & Morzycki suggest to treat mannermodifiers as event kind modifiers in general.

3.2 Relevance for this Paper

Returning to the topic of this paper, it is striking to see that the same kindof modifiers that are acceptable antecedents for so are also possible with BE-passives, namely and foremost manner modifiers, which modify an event kind.Spatial and temporal modifiers, on the other hand, modify an event token andare neither good antecedents of so nor acceptable with BE-passives, as observedin the previous section.

If manner modification is taken to be kind modification, one type of re-striction on event-related modification with BE-passives is straightforwardlyaccounted for under the current proposal (abstracting away from state mod-ifiers for the time being). Since BE-passives involve event kinds, only kind-related event modification is possible, including modifiers that serve to createa new or a subkind. It should also be clear, then, that the particular modifiersare semantically and not just pragmatically licensed, contra Maienborn (2007a,2009).

To illustrate how the kind-based approach captures the restrictions onevent-related modification with BE-passives, let us come back to the contrastbetween (11) and (13) (I will return to the stative examples in (12) in section4). The example in (11) without the modifier describes the state the rubbish binis in as a result of an emptying event kind. Combining event-related modifierswith the BE-passive should only be allowed either if these modify the (conse-quent) state (token) or if they create a new subkind, by narrowing down theevent kind of emptying rubbish bins. The particular modifiers in (11), however,do not do either, since they do not relate to the consequent state itself and sincethere are also no common or established subkinds of rubbish-bin-emptying by

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my niece or slowly.9 The modifiers in (13), in turn, pick out particular subkindsof the events in question, namely childish drawings, pencil-writings or sloppycombings.

In the following section, I will take a closer look at restrictions on theavailability of by-phrases and show that some by-phrases modify a state whereasothers should be treated as event kind modifiers.

4 Different Types of by-Phrases with BE-PassivesSchlücker (2005) observes that there are two types of by-phrases that can com-bine with BE-passives. She argues that one type constitutes VP-adjuncts (23),which do not form a prosodic unit with the participle.

(23) a. weilbecause







b. weilbecause







Neutral stress with these phrases is on the participle, secondary stress on themodifier (the latter point is not noted in Schlücker, but see Hoekstra 1999;Gehrke 2008 for similar facts from Dutch).

The second type of by-phrases is argued to be V-adjuncts, which form aprosodic unit with the participle, with neutral stress on the modifier (24), (25).

(24) a. weilbecause






sindare NEUTRAL

b. weilbecause








(25) a. weilbecause





SANGesmusemuse of singing




b. weilbecause





Sangesmusemuse of singing




9 The question remains how to determine whether a subkind is common or established. Ultimately,a pragmatic account should answer such questions, and this is where the current proposal meetspragmatic accounts like Schlücker (2005) and Maienborn (2007a).

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Schlücker observes that the intonation facts with her ‘V-adjuncts’ match thosewith other event-related modifiers that are allowed with BE-passives (26), (27).

(26) a. weilbecause




ROTweinred wine


sindare NEUTRAL

b. weilbecause




Rotweinred wine



(27) a. weilbecause







b. weilbecause







She concludes that these latter event-related modifiers, as well as by-phraseswhich behave like V-adjuncts, are pragmatically licensed in line with the ac-count proposed by Maienborn, by forming a complex ad hoc property with thestative property denoted by the verbal participle.10

In addition, Schlücker notes that the two types of by-phrases further dif-fer with respect to the nature of their complements. With her VP-adjuncts, theby-phrase is stated to denote the agent or direct cause of the underlying event.Animate entities are commonly expressed by proper names or members of agroup denoted by a collective noun, e.g. Polizist ‘police-man’. Inanimate enti-ties are referred to by definite uses of mass nouns, e.g. vom Feuer ‘by the fire’,or by appellatives used definitely, e.g. von der Bombe ‘by the bomb’.

With her V-adjuncts, on the other hand, a by-phrase is argued to denotethe theme of the underlying event or an indirect cause. It is supposed to havean instrumental character and to provide information about the manner or rea-son of the event. Animate entities are referred to by collective nouns, e.g. vonder Polizei ‘by the police’, inanimate entities by generic uses of mass nouns(von Feuer ‘by fire’) or indefinite uses of appellatives (von einer Bombe, vonBomben ‘by a bomb, by bombs’).

In the following, I will make some qualifications with respect to the datadiscussed in Schlücker and relate the facts to the current proposal.

4.1 Some Qualifications

A first observation is that the V-adjuncts discussed by Schlücker are parts offixed expressions and idioms. For example, there is no literal ‘verbal’ mean-ing in (25), in the sense that the muse of singing actually kisses or kissed the

10 This is basically what I called a common or established subkind above. Her account of the syntaxof ‘VP-adjuncts’ remains unclear, given that she rejects the possibility of phrasal adjectivisation.

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daughters.11 A second type of by-phrases behaving like V-adjuncts is foundin examples already discussed in previous sections, such as (7b) and (13a),repeated in (28) with the additional neutral stress pattern identifying them asV-adjuncts.

(28) a. Dasthe






b. Diethe







The ‘VP-adjuncts’ discussed by Schlücker, on the other hand, are fully accept-able only with stative predicates. An example from previous sections, whichdisplays this intonation pattern, is the stative one in (12b), repeated in (29)with the relevant intonation pattern.

(29) Erhe






For the other alleged ‘VP-adjuncts’, i.e. those that do not combine with stativepredicates, I do not find them very good and I do not share the judgments aboutthe intonation identifying them as VP-adjuncts. If acceptable at all, they ratherbehave like V-adjuncts, e.g. there is no secondary stress ((30), Schlücker’s ex-amples, my judgments about stress).12

(30) a. ?? weilbecause








b. ?? weilbecause









11 Similarly, the combination ‘von Feuer geschwärzt’ in (24) appears rather fixed. A preliminarygoogle-search revealed very few instances of ‘geschwärzt’ in combination with a by-phrase. Thesewere limited to von Feuer, von Rauch ‘by smoke’, and von Ruß ‘by carbon black’.12 Other native speakers agreed with my judgments. Further syntactic tests to distinguish betweenV- and VP-adjuncts, mentioned by Schlücker (2005), such as the relative placement (with respectto modifier and participle) of sentence negation, sentence adverbials and floating quantifiers, yieldthe same results.

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I conclude from these facts, then, that by-phrases that behave like VP-adjunctsare fully acceptable only with states.13 Given observations in previous sections,this makes sense, since only with these predicates, the entity denoted by the by-phrase modifies the state (which is interpreted as an inchoative state).

4.2 Rapp (1996)

A similar modification restriction to stative predicates with BE-passives is al-ready observed in Rapp (1996). Rapp notes that by-phrases that relate to theaction or the process itself (as opposed to a stative component) are generallyincompatible with un-prefixation (31), while this combination is more accept-able with stative verbs (32) (examples due to Lenz 1993).

(31) a. Diethe






b. Derthe






(32) a. Diethe







unbeeindruckt.unimpressed‘The citizens of Dresden are not concerned with such problems.’

b. ... weilbecause







‘... because they are not satisfied by their work’

She concludes that the by-phrases with these verbs do not relate to an activity oraction but express arguments of the adjective (i.e. of the state): The constructionexpresses the attitude of an experiencer with respect to his stimulus.

She furthermore observes that there are word order differences betweennon-action-related by-phrases (33) and other event-related modifiers in the BE-passive (34).

(33) a. Diethe








13 The marginal acceptability of such by-phrases with BE-passives could be explained along thelines of Welke (2007), who assumes that there are a few instances where a BE-passive constructionhas to be interpreted as an elliptical BECOME-passive perfect construction.

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b. ... weilbecause







(34) *... weilbecause












Only the former can be extraposed, whereas the latter have to remain within theVP (or the verbal cluster). From these facts she concludes that the modifiers in(33) modify the adjective, while those in (34) modify a VP.14

4.3 Taking Stock: The Licensing of by-PhrasesTo take stock, we have different kinds of by-phrases with BE-passives that arelicensed semantically (and possibly syntactically) in different ways. First, wehave by-phrases that behave like V-adjuncts, diagnosed by intonation and wordorder possibilities. Such by-phrases are only possible with idioms or whenthey serve to create a new (sub-)kind (e.g. (13a)). Furthermore, they behavelike other event-related modifiers of BE-passives with respect to intonation andword order, as the data discussed by Rapp and Schlücker show.

In contrast, there are by-phrases that behave like VP-adjuncts with respectto intonation and word order possibilities, and thus contrast with other event-related modifiers with this construction. Such by-phrases are fully acceptableonly with stative predicates, in which case they modify a state token. It is possi-ble that such phrases are really to be treated as arguments of the AP (along thelines of Rapp), rather than arguments of the underlying VP. By-phrases withstative predicates commonly do not refer to agents, i.e. they are not true ex-ternal arguments. For example, with psych predicates, they rather refer to thestimulus of the state expressed.

Schlücker’s observation, then, that the complements of V-adjunct by-phraseshave more of a generic character fits these conclusions and the overall pro-posal. If the by-phrase modifies an event kind rather than an event token, thepotential agent of such a kind naturally has a more generic character. With theVP-adjuncts, on the other hand, we have by-phrases modifying an actual statetoken, so they are prone to be less generic.15

14 Rapp takes the latter facts as an argument in favour of phrasal adjectivisation (along the lines ofKratzer 1994).15 Recall that Schlücker notes that VP-adjunct by-phrases can also refer to agents or direct causers.I assume that these must be the by-phrases in the non-stative examples, which are not very good tobegin with.

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5 Conclusion

In this paper, I proposed an account of German stative passives (BE-passives),which employed the concept of kinds in the domain of eventualities. On thebasis of the restricted availability of event-related modifiers, it was argued thatBE-passives instantiate a consequent state kind of an event kind. The input re-quirements for this construction therefore involve a participle derived from averb whose event structure contains a consequent state, which was representedby an event-semantically interpreted BECOME component. Event-related mod-ifiers with BE-passives, in turn, were argued to be semantically licensed, sincethey modify either the event kind argument or the state itself.

It was briefly noted that in some cases (for some speakers), BE-passivescan be derived from verbs which do not license an event structure with a con-sequent state component, and it was suggested that these cases have to becontextually (pragmatically) licensed. The precise mechanisms were not dis-cussed, however (see Maienborn 2007a, 2009; Gese 2010: for issues concern-ing the pragmatics of BE-passives); we could also assume that such cases in-volve coercion of the underlying event type. Given that the event kind is notspatiotemporally located, it might also be possible to interpret the scale under-lying BECOME in a non-temporal way. This could explain different readingsascribed to BE-passives that have been discussed in the literature under differ-ent labels, such as consequent state vs. characterisation readings (Brandt 1982;Rapp 1996), resultant state vs. target state readings (Kratzer 2000) or temporalvs. qualitative readings (Maienborn 2009; Gese 2010).16 This remains to beworked out in future research.


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Brandt, Margareta. 1982. Das Zustandspassiv aus kontrastiver Sicht. Deutschals Fremdsprache 19. 28–34.

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Dowty, David. 1979. Word Meaning and Montague Grammar: The Semantics

16 A somewhat different division is found in Embick (2004), who differentiates between stativesand resulatives in English (see also Gehrke to appear).

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of Verbs and Times in Generative Semantics and in Montague’s PTQ.Dordrecht: Reidel.

Embick, David. 2004. On the structure of resultative participles in English.Linguistic Inquiry 35.3. 355–392.

Gehrke, Berit. 2008. Ps in Motion: On the Syntax and Semantics of P Elementsand Motion Events: Utrecht University dissertation. LOT DissertationSeries 184.

Gehrke, Berit. to appear. Passive states. In Violeta Demonte & Louise McNally(eds.), Telicity, Change, and State: A Cross-Categorial View of EventStructure, Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Gehrke, Berit & Nino Grillo. 2009. How to become passive. In KleanthesGrohmann (ed.), Explorations of Phase Theory: Features, Arguments,and Interpretation at the Interfaces Interface Explorations 17, 231–268.Berlin: de Gruyter.

Gehrke, Berit & Louise McNally. to appear. Frequency adjectives and asser-tions about event types. In Proceedings of SALT 19.

Gese, Helga. 2010. Implizite Ereignisse beim Zustandspassiv. Paper presentedat the workshop ‘Zugänglichkeit impliziter Ereignisse’, University ofTübingen, July 2010.

Ginzburg, Jonathan. 2005. Situation Semantics: The ontological balance sheet.Research on Language and Computation 3.4. 363–389.

Hoekstra, Teun. 1999. Auxiliary selection in Dutch. Natural Language andLinguistic Theory 17. 67–84.

Kratzer, Angelika. 1994. The Event Argument and the Semantics of Voice.Ms. University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Kratzer, Angelika. 2000. Building statives. Ms. University of Massachusettsat Amherst.

Landman, Meredith & Marcin Morzycki. 2003. Event-kinds and manner mod-ification. In Nancy Mae Antrim, Grant Goodall, Martha Schulte-Nafeh& Vida Samiian (eds.), Proceedings of the Western Conference in Lin-guistics (WECOL) 2002, California State University, Fresno.

Lenz, Barbara. 1993. Probleme der Kategorisierung deutscher Partizipien.Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 12. 39–76.

Maienborn, Claudia. 2007a. Das Zustandspassiv: Grammatische Einordnung- Bildungsbeschränkung - Interpretationsspielraum. Zeitschrift für ger-manistische Linguistik 35. 83–144.

Maienborn, Claudia. 2007b. On Davidsonian and Kimian states. In IleanaComorovski & Klaus von Heusinger (eds.), Existence: Semantics andSyntax, 107–130. Dordrecht: Springer.

Maienborn, Claudia. 2009. Building Ad Hoc properties: On the interpretation

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of adjectival passives. In Arndt Riester & Torgrim Solstad (eds.), Pro-ceedings of SuB 13, 35–49. University of Stuttgart.

Moens, Marc & Mark Steedman. 1988. Temporal ontology and temporal ref-erence. Computational Linguistics 14.2. 15–28.

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Rapp, Irene. 1996. Zustand? Passiv? Überlegungen zum sogenannten “Zus-tandspassiv". Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 15.2. 231–265.

Rapp, Irene. 1997. Partizipien und semantische Strukur: Zu passivischen Kon-struktionen mit dem 3. Status. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.

Rothstein, Susan. 2004. Structuring Events: A Study in the Semantics of LexicalAspect. Oxford: Blackwell.

Schlücker, Barbara. 2005. Event-related modifiers in German adjectival pas-sives. In Emar Maier, Corien Bary & Janneke Huitink (eds.), Proceed-ings of SuB 9, 417–430. Radboud University Nijmegen.

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Events in Adjectival Passives*

Helga Gese University of Tübingen


Abstract. The paper presents a new analysis of the semantics of adjectival passives mainly concentrating on the status of the implicit event, its agent participant and the dependency relation between eventive base and derived property. On the basis of data from two questionnaire studies it proposes an adjectival ∅-affix, modifying Maienborn’s (2009) analysis in two respects: First, it does not involve existential quantification over an event particular but reference to an event kind. Second, the dependency relation between the event kind and the property denoted by the participle of an adjectival passive sentence is not a causal or temporal one. It is a relation of lexical supervenience in the sense of Kim (1990) which leaves room for the pragmatic character of adjectival passives, for their specific ‘surplus in meaning’.

1 Introduction Adjectival passives such as (1) are combinations of a form of the copula to be plus an adjectivized past participle. In German, copula and auxiliary differ in form: Adjectival passives use the copula sein (‘to be’) whereas verbal passives are built with a form of werden (‘to become’).

(1) Die Tür ist geschlossen. The door is[COP] closed ‘The door is closed.’

(2) Die Tür wird geschlossen. The door becomes[AUX] closed ‘The door is closed.’

* Work on this paper was supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG) as part of the project A1 “The semantics and pragmatics of combinatory meaning variation” within the collaborative research center SFB 833, Universität Tübingen, and by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the European Social Fund (ESF) within the Schlieben-Lange-Programm. I would like to thank Claudia Maienborn, Sebastian Bücking and Berit Gehrke for helpful discussion and comments. I would especially like to thank Britta Stolterfoht for having shared with me her psycholinguistic expertise.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 259–273. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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Semantically, copula adjective sentences are property ascriptions to their subject referent (Maienborn 2005). What is special in adjectival passives, in contrast to copula sentences with genuine adjectives, is that the ascribed property is a complex property which has to be derived from the verbal base of the participle. Most semantic accounts assume that the property causally results from the occurrence of the event denoted by the adjectival passive’s verbal base (cf., e.g., Maienborn 2009, Kratzer 2000; for an exception see Gehrke 2010). There are three problems with this assumption. First, the possibility of schon immer (‘always’) modification, as in (3) and (4), and other non-event-based uses of adjectival passives, such as (5),1 cast some doubt on whether we really have to deal with a causal relation between an event particular and its resulting state.

(3) Die linke Bronchie war schon immer verengt. ‘The left bronchial tube had always been[COP] constricted.’

(4) Der Bildhauer meißelt aus dem Stein Figuren hervor, die nach seinem Verständnis dort schon immer verborgen waren. ‘The sculptor carves shapes out of blocks of granit that he believes have always been[COP] hidden inside of them.’

(5) Bei den Glattnasen sind die Lidspalten bei der Geburt noch geschlossen. ‘The eye-lid slits of the vesper bat are[COP] still closed at birth.’

Second, adjectival passives, contrary to verbal passives, do not regularly combine with agent modifiers (cf. (6) vs. (7)). The acceptability of agentive modification depends on whether or not it is relevant for the ascribed property (cf. Rapp 1997, Maienborn 2010, for more details on this). These restrictions cannot be easily accounted for if we assume that adjectival passives contain an event particular with agent participant as their base.

(6) Der Brief wurde von Gabi / von einem Experten geschrieben. The letter became[AUX] by Gabi / by an expert written ‘The letter was written by Gabi / by an expert.’

(7) Der Brief ist ???von Gabi / von einem Experten geschrieben. The letter is[COP] ???by Gabi / by an expert written ‘The letter was written by Gabi / by an expert.’

Third, there is some evidence that the relation between the eventive base and the derived property cannot be a classical causal one. Typical causal relations

1 The sentences (3) – (5) are adapted from real occurrences found in the world wide web.

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(cf. Engelberg 2005, for more details on this) hold between events but not between states. Adjectival passives with stative base verbs such as (8) do not fit into this pattern. Moreover, causal relations normally correlate with tem-poral succession. This doesn’t hold for adjectival passives like (9) in which the relation is one of simultaneity.

(8) Das Haus ist von Studenten bewohnt. the house is[COP] by students occupied ‘The house is occupied by students.’

(9) Die Gefangenen sind streng bewacht. the prisoners are[COP] strongly guarded ‘The prisoners are closely guarded.’

Examples like (3) to (9), schon immer (‘always’) modification, restrictions on agent modification and properties inconsistent with classical causal relations pose three questions that will be our starting point in this paper: (i) whether the occurrence of the event is in fact a necessary part of the truth conditions of adjectival passives, (ii) what role the agent plays and (iii) how event and ascribed property can be related, if not by a CAUSE or RESULT predicate. After a short presentation of the formal account which constitutes the background of the investigations and the analysis carried out in this paper, section three presents two questionnaire studies with a truth value judgment task (TVJT) which investigate the status of the event and its agent participant in adjectival passives. The results of these studies point towards an analysis relying not on event particulars but on event kinds. The remaining part of the paper concentrates on formalizing the relation between this event kind and the derived property. Borrowing a dependency relation widely used in the philosophy of mind, section four argues for analyzing the link between eventive base and derived property as a case of lexical supervenience. Super-venience allows connecting the derived property to an event kind and captures the intuition that the derived property is ‘more’ than the result state of the eventive base. It leaves room for the specific role pragmatics plays in the formation of adjectival passive by capturing the rather subjective, pragmatic nature of the derived property.

2 Background Maienborn’s (2009) account of the formal semantics of adjectival passives sets the frame for the investigations and modifications presented in this paper. Modeling the semantics of an adjectival passive sentence as the ascription of

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an underspecified property to its subject referent, Maienborn (2009: 44) proposes the following adjectival affix:

(10) Adjectival ∅-affix: λP λx λs ∃e [s: Q(x) & result (e,s) & P(e)]

In (10) the underspecification of the ascribed property is rendered by using the free variable Q for which pragmatics has to provide a suitable value. The only restriction on Q is that it results from the event denoted by the verbal base of an adjectival passive. There are mainly three reasons which speak in favour of an underspecification account and against an account which identifies the ascribed property with the result state contained in the event structure of an adjectival passive’s eventive base. First, the formation of adjectival passives is not restricted to verbs with lexically given result states (which should be the case if their semantics relied on result states), cf. (11).2

(11) Er war geschmeichelt, als der Personenkult um ihn schließlich groteske Formen annahm. ‚He was flattered when the cult of personality surrounding him finally veered into the grotesque.’ (Der Spiegel 40/1994, 10/3/1994)

Second, adjectival passives and genuine adjectives are not distributed in a complementary way, cf. (12) and (13). As „the output of a lexical rule may not be synonymous with an existing lexical item“ (Kiparski 1983: 15), blocking should occur if adjectival passives referred not to an underspecified property but to the lexically given result state. Third, some sentences show a clear meaning difference between derived property and lexically given result state. In (14) geöffnet (‘opened’) cannot be identified with its result state offen (‘open’). The value assigned to Q by the context is not ‘open’, it is the property of ‘not being in the original packaging state’.

(12) Die Tür ist geöffnet. ‘The door is opened.’

(13) Die Tür ist offen. ‘The door is open.’

(14) Das Spiel ist geöffnet, aber unbespielt und absolut neuwertig. ‘The game is opened but unplayed and in pristine condition.’ (Maienborn 2010: 9, my translation)

2 In general, these constructions with non-resultative base verbs need contextual support, cf. Gese, Stolterfoht & Maienborn (2009: 136), Kratzer (2000: 4), Rapp (1998: 243).

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In Maienborn’s formulation of the ∅-affix involved in adjectival passive formation the only constraint on the ascribed property Q is that its value result from the occurrence of the base verb’s event referent. In (10), this is rendered by existential quantification over an event particular. Yet, as already suggested by the non-event-based uses of adjectival passives referred to in the introduction, there are some reasons for doubting that this formalization is on the right track.

3 Experiments on the Status of the Event

Experiment 1: “Status of the Event“

To test whether the occurrence of the event denoted by the verbal base of an adjectival passive sentence is indeed a necessary ingredient of its truth conditions – as it is in the case of a verbal passive – a questionnaire study with a truth value judgment task (TVJT) was conducted (see, e.g. Crain and Thornton 1998, for more details on this method). The study tested how the judgments of verbal passives and adjectival passives can be affected by a context which excluded the occurrence of the events denoted by their base verbs. It compared adjectival passives, verbal passives and, in a control condition, copula sentences with genuine adjectives as utterances in two types of context: an eventive one and a purely stative one, in which any eventive component is excluded: Eventive context:

(15) Pünktlich um 17 Uhr leert der Postbote den Briefkasten. Anna, die das vom Fenster aus beobachtet, freut sich, denn sie ist pleite und hat morgens einen Brief an ihren reichen Onkel eingeworfen. Zufrieden sagt sie zu Erwin: „Der Briefkasten ist geleert / wurde geleert / ist leer.“ ‘At 5 p.m. right on schedule the mailman empties the mailbox. Anna, watching from her window, is glad to see this because she is broke and she had put in a letter addressed to her rich uncle that morning. She tells Erwin: “The mail box is[COP] emptied / is[AUX] emptied / is empty.”’

Stative context:

(16) Soeben ist der fabrikneue Briefkasten an der Eugenstr. aufgestellt wor-den. Der Bürgermeister darf feierlich den allerersten Brief einwerfen. Die Frage, ob er denn wirklich der erste sein wird, der einen Brief in diesen Kasten einwirft, bejaht der anwesende Postfilialleiter und sagt: „Der Briefkasten ist geleert / wurde geleert / ist leer.“

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‘A brand new mailbox has just been installed in Eugenstr. The mayor is expected to post the very first letter as part of a small ceremony. The manager of the post office who is in attendance confirms when asked whether the mayor will in fact be the first one to put a letter in this mailbox: “The mail box is[COP] emptied / is[AUX] emptied / is empty.”’

Given the existence of adjectival passives with schon immer (‘always’) modification noted at the beginning of this paper the following hypotheses were formulated for Experiment 1:

(H1) Adjectival passives should be less dependent on the occurrence of the events denoted by their base verbs than verbal passives. Compared to verbal passives, they should receive more TRUE ratings in purely stative contexts.

(H2) (control condition) As the semantics of genuine adjectives does not con-tain any eventive component there should be no difference between the two sorts of contexts in the ADJ condition.

Method Fourty-two undergraduate students of Tübingen University parti-cipated for course credits or monetary reimbursem*nt. All participants were native speakers of German. Materials consisted of thirty-six experimental sentences in six versions and thirty-six filler sentences. All experimental items began with a context in which the occurrence of an event is described in condition EVENT or denied in condition NoEVENT and ended with the utterance of an adjectival or verbal passive or with a copula sentence with a genuine adjective. The base verbs of the adjectival and verbal passive utterances matched the event used in the EVENT-context. The copula adjective sentences contained genuine adjectives which corresponded to the result state of this event (e.g. EVENT-context: X leert Y (‘X empties Y’), target-utterance: Y ist geleert / wurde geleert / ist leer (‘Y is[COP] emptied / is[AUX] emptied / is empty’)). The filler items presen-ted different sorts of sentences in contexts: filler sentence plus context were either tautologous or contradictory, or the sentence was true but pragma-tically odd in the context. Six presentation lists were constructed in which the 36 experimental items were randomly mixed with the 36 filler items. The six lists were counterbalanced across items and conditions: Each participant saw only one version (AP / VP / ADJ) of each of the target utterance embedded in one type of context (EVENT or NoEVENT). The questionnaires were distributed in an introductory linguistics class. Participants had one week to complete the questionnaire. They were told to read the narratives carefully and to judge the

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truth value of the sentence in the described situation (“Is the utterance in the described situation true?”; possible answers: yes / no). Results and Discussion The results of the questionnaire study are presented in Table 1.

context type sentence type

Event NoEvent

AP 84,1% 20,6%

VP 86,1%


Adj 83,3% 80,6%

Table 1. Percentage of TRUE responses to the TVJT

A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of context type and sentence type and, more importantly, a significant interaction of the two factors (F1(2,82) = 161.89, p1 ≤ .001; F2(2,70) = 155.18, p2 ≤ .001). As predicted by (H2), for copula sentences with genuine adjectives (adj) there was no significant difference between the event and the NoEVENT contexts (all Fs < 1). For the two other conditions, the judgments differed significantly depending on sentence type in the NoEVENT contexts (F1(1,41) = 17.25, p1 ≤ .001; F2(1,35) = 21.83, p2 ≤ .001) but not in the event contexts (all Fs < 1). As predicted by (H1) adjectival passives were judged true more often than verbal passives in NoEVENT contexts (F1 (1,41) = 31.74, p1 ≤ .001; F2 (1,35) = 20.90, p2 ≤ .001). Even though, descriptively, the percentage of true judg-ments for adjectival passives in purely stative contexts is not very high, the difference between adjectival and verbal passives is highly significant. Moreover, participants’ judgments of the filler items in contradictory context (which were judged true only in 8,7% of the cases) were clearly different from the judgments for adjectival passives in the NoEVENT condition but not from verbal passives. Even if event-occurrence is strongly preferred in adjectival passives, this difference from contradictory sentences calls the truth-conditional relevance of event-occurrence into question.

Experiment 2: “Status of the Agent“

The experiment reported in this section focuses on the agent participant. A first hint to the status of the agent in adjectival passives comes from the restrictions on agent modification alluded to in the introduction. As agent modification serves to make explicit the implicit agent argument, the question is whether the restrictions on agent modification point to the absence of implicit agents in the semantics of adjectival passives. In order to test this assumption another TVJT experiment was conducted. Participants judged conditional sentences such as (17) to (19) which contained in their consequent either an adjectival passive or a copula sentence

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with a genuine adjective. The antecedent of the experimental sentences referred either to the whole event denoted by the base verb of the adjectival passive (17) or the participation of an agent was excluded (18). In a third condition which parallelled the NoEVENT-condition of Experiment 1 the antecedent referred to a non-event-based state (19).

(17) Wenn Karla gerade alle Rollläden in ihrem Zimmer heruntergelassen hat, dann ist das Zimmer abgedunkelt / dunkel. ‘If Karla just lowered all the blinds of her room, the room is[COP] darkened / dark.’

(18) Wenn es in einem Zimmer keine Beleuchtung gibt und nach Sonnen-untergang kein Licht mehr von draußen reinscheint, dann ist das Zimmer abgedunkelt / dunkel. ‘If there is no light source in the room and, after sunset, no light falls through the window from outside, the room is[COP] darkened / dark.’

(19) Wenn ein Kellerzimmer schon immer weder Fenster noch Beleuchtung hat, dann ist das Zimmer abgedunkelt / dunkel. ‘If a basem*nt room never had a window or any kind of indoor lightning, the room is[COP] darkened / dark.’

The hypotheses tested in Experiment 2 were based on the restriction on agen-tive modification in adjectival passives and on the results of Experiment 1 which call into question the truth-conditional relevance of event-occurrence and thus the necessity of identifying event participants:

(H1) Adjectival passives should receive more TRUE judgments in non-agentive contexts than in non-eventive contexts.

(H2) (control condition) There should be no differences between the three sorts of contexts in the genuine adjective condition.

Method Thirty-six undergraduate students of Tübingen University partici-pated and received a monetary reimbursem*nt. All participants were native speakers of German and none of them participated in Experiment 1. Materials consisted of 36 experimental sentences in six versions and 36 filler sentences. Filler as well as experimental sentences were of the type Wenn X, dann Y (‘If X than Y’) where Y was in condition AP an adjectival passive sentence and in condition ADJ a copula sentence with a genuine adjective. In condition EVENT X referred to the whole event denoted by the base verb of the adjectival or verbal passive, in condition NoAG the participation of an agent was excluded and in context NoEVENT the whole event was missing.

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The base verbs of all adjectival passives were causative accomplishments such as abdunkeln (‘to darken’), zähmen (‘to tame’), kürzen (‘to shorten’), verschönern (‘to embellish’) or räumen (‘to evacuate’). In the control condition (ADJ), the adjective denoted the result state of the corresponding adjectival passive’s base verb (e.g. abdunkeln – dunkel (‘to darken’ – ‘dark’). Filler sentences were either tautologous or contradictory, or they were true but required, in their consequent part, the cancellation of an implicature which contradicted the antecedent of the sentence (e.g. If all students passed the exam some students passed it.). Design and Procedure Six presentation lists were constructed in which the 36 test items were randomly mixed with the 36 fillers. The six lists were counterbalanced across items and conditions: Each list included only one version of each experimental sentence. Sentences were presented in a self-paced fashion on a PC using E-Prime software (Psychology Software Tools, Inc.). After each sentence the participants were asked to judge its truth by answering the question “Stimmt das?” (‘Is it right?’) by yes or no. Data Analysis and Results Reading times and truth-value judgments were analyzed. Reading times for the adjectival passive sentences were significantly higher in the two non-standard context conditions NoAG and NoEVENT (EVENT 1125 ms., NoAG 1648 ms., NoEVENT 1595) whereas there were no significant differences in the ADJ condition. Due to space limitations and lack of theoretical relevance, I will not report the reading times in detail here. The results of the TVJT are presented in Table 2.

context type sentence type

Event NoAG


AP 92,1% 59,7% 31,0%

Adj 88,9% 87,0% 86,6%

Table 2. Percentage of TRUE responses to the TVJT

For the TVJT, a repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of context type and of sentence type. More importantly, the interaction of context type and sentence type was highly significant (F1(2,70) = 47.68, p1 ≤ .001; F2(2,70) = 49.900, p2 ≤ .001). Whereas, as predicted by (H2), there were no significant differences in the genuine adjective condition (all Fs < 1), in the adjectival passive condition the judgments differed significantly depending on context (F1(2,70) = 75.47, p1 ≤ .001; F2(2,70) = 81.25, p2 ≤ .001): Adjectival passive sentences received more TRUE judgments in the EVENT condition than in the two other conditions and, as predicted by (H1),

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they received more TRUE judgments in condition NoAG than in condition NoEVENT (F1(1,35) = 31.35, p1 ≤ .001; F2(1,35) = 35.51, p2 ≤ .001). Discussion In Experiment 1, participants gave more TRUE judgments for adjectival passives in NoEVENT contexts than for verbal passives in the same contexts (20,6% vs. 5,2%). In both experiments, there were clearly more TRUE judgments for adjectival passives in the NoEVENT condition than for contradictory filler sentences (Experiment 1: 20,6% vs. 8,7%; Experiment 2: 31% vs. 5,2%). In Experiment 2, the percentage of TRUE judgments increased if not the whole event but only the agent component of the base verb’s event structure was excluded by context. Interestingly, adjectival passive sentences in such NoAG condition received even more TRUE judgments than the filler sentences which were true but contained a generalized implicature which contradicted the antecedent of the sentence (59,7% vs. 51,5%). There are two major conclusions which can be drawn from the two experiments presented above. First, adjectival passives in event-occurrence excluding contexts are no clear cases of contradiction. In the light of existing formal accounts of the semantics of adjectival passives, this result is some-what surprising: The adjectival affixes proposed in the literature (e.g., Maienborn 2009, Kratzer 2000) all involve existential quantification over an event particular, i.e. concrete instantiation of the event. If these analyses were correct, the occurrence of the base verb’s event would be a prerequisite for an adjectival passive sentence to be true. The results of Experiment 1 and 2 show that this is not the case. Second, the agent is less important for the interpretation of an adjectival passive sentence than expected for a regular event participant. The agent contained in an event particular is accessible via the event argument. It should thus be equally important for the interpretation of a sentence as the event argument itself. The results of Experiment 2 showed that the agent is less important for the interpretation of an adjectival passive sentence than the event itself. In view of these results, it seems plausible to assume that the semantics of an adjectival passive sentence does not contain an event particular and that concrete instantiation of the event and identification of its participants might just be pragmatic issues. This conclusion receives further support by the results of Experiment 2 where NoAG adjectival passives received descriptively even more TRUE judgments than true filler sentences which required the cancellation of a generalized implicature.

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4 Formal Analysis and Conclusion We now turn to the consequences of these results for the formal semantics of adjectival passives. As already noted, event particulars necessarily have event participants and they are instantiated. On the other hand, reference to an event kind does not need identification of its participants as these are generically bound and it does not require the actual occurrence of the event. It is thus plausible to assume that the semantics of adjectival passives involves event kinds rather than event particulars. Let us briefly return to the problem of schon immer (‘always’) modification mentioned at the beginning of this paper. Under an event kind analysis, the property denoted by the participle in an adjectival passive sentence depends on a generic evidentiality which does not contain information either about a possible instantiation or about specific agent participants.3 This provides a simple explanation for the acceptability of schon immer: the modification specifies that the event kind was not instantiated.4 In the remainder of the paper I will propose a formal analysis of adjectival passives that follows Maienborn’s (2009) underspecification account but modifies it by adding reference to event kinds and by choosing the appropriate link between event kind and derived property. In Maienborn’s adjectival affix, repeated here in (20), the underspecified property Q an adjectival passive sentence ascribes to its subject referent is causally linked to an existentially bound event particular.

(20) Adjectival ∅-affix: λP λx λs ∃e [s: Q(x) & result (e,s) & P(e)] (Maienborn 2009: 44)

To account for the reference to event kinds, a first idea might be to simply replace the event particular P(e) in (20) by the respective event kind ↑P5. There are two reasons why such a solution would be too simplistic. First, it is technically impossible for a property particular to directly result from an 3 In sentences such as Kratzer’s (2000) The blood vessel was obstructed the fact that the event kind does not identify event participants leads to the possibility of referring either to an agentive or to a stative obstructing kind. 4 Under this view, the question why adjectival passives are in fact often interpreted as referring to a concrete event instance has to be answered pragmatically. The explanation amounts to saying that event kinds pragmatically implicate their concrete instantiation under certain conditions (e.g. in post state contexts). The exact spellout of this pragmatically implicated instantiation will be the matter of another paper. 5 This is Link’s (1995: 376) notation for an “up-arrow” operation converting predicates into kind-denoting terms; “for instance if TIGER is a one-place predicate denoting the set of tigers ↑TIGER is a singular term that denotes the kind Tiger.” For a similar operator see, e.g., Chierchia 1998.

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event kind.6 Second, as already noted in the introduction, typical properties of causal relations such as temporal precedence of cause and effect are not shared by all adjectival passives. In fact, one of the most important properties of causal relations is their denseness, i.e. their tendency to form causal chains. Typical causal sentences, such as (21a) can be, potentially infinitively, expanded to more fine grained causal chains like (21b).

(21) a. Smoking causes an increase of blood pressure. b. Smoking causes an increase of adrenalin level, this causes an

increase of blood pressure.

Adjectival passives do not function this way. In (22) the relation between the event kind Mowing the grass in (22a) and the derived property in (22b) cannot be paraphrased by a causal sentence such as (22c) as this would imply the possibility of expansion to a more fine grained causal chain. The deviance of (22d) shows that such an expansion is impossible: There simply is no intermediate cause X which could be inserted.

(22) a. Mowing the grass b. The grass is mown. c. Mowing the grass causes the grass to be mown. d. ???Mowing the grass causes X, this causes the grass to be mown.

This lack of denseness in adjectival passive sentences leads to an explanatory gap which should not be present in causal relations: Causes fully determine their effects and effects are fully predictable on the basis of their causes. In adjectival passives, however, the property denoted by the participle is not fully determined by its eventive base. This was already demonstrated by (14), in which the property denoted by the participle geöffnet (‘opened’) cannot be identified with the lexically given result state ‘open’. The same holds for (4), repeated here as (23), in which the property is not only the result state of hiding, which would be ‘to be out of sight’. Rather, it is something like ‘to be inherently present‘. Similarly, in (24a) eingereicht (‘submitted’) has an additional meaning component, namely ‘to be of high value’ (compared to a contextually salient alternative, e.g. an article which is still in preparation). In (24b) the same participle denotes the property of being of low value.

6 Gehrke (to appear) chooses to solve this problem by an analysis not only referring to event kinds but also to state kinds which are instantiated via a realization operation. The problem with this solution is that there are no independent, non-technical reasons for assuming state kinds in adjectival passives.

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(23) Der Bildhauer meißelt aus dem Stein Figuren hervor, die nach seinem Verständnis dort schon immer verborgen waren. ‘The sculptor carves shapes out of blocks of granit that he believes have always been[COP] hidden inside of them.’

(24) a. Der Artikel ist nicht in Vorbereitung, er ist eingereicht. ‘The article is not in preparation, it is submitted.’ b. Der Artikel ist nicht akzeptiert, er ist eingereicht. ‘The article is not accepted, it is submitted.’

As (23) to (24) show, there is a surplus in the meaning of the participle of an adjectival passive which is not fully determined by its eventive base. In Maienborn’s adjectival affix (20) above, this underdetermination is rendered by using a free variable Q for the property denoted by the participle in an adjectival passive sentence. There is an explanatory gap between Q and its underlying base, the event kind ↑P. Q is ‘more’ than (parts of the event structure of) its eventive base, therefore it is unpredictable from ↑P alone. A similar explanatory gap is known in philosophy as the mind-body problem. There are several formulations of this problem which all rely on the intuition that the mental is somehow determined by the physical but that it cannot be reduced to it. On the one hand, physical events such as firing of C-fibers are more basic than mental states such as pain feeling in the sense that mental states depend on physical events but not vice versa. On the other hand mental properties are unpredictable or unknowable from information concerning their physical base-level phenomena (cf. Jackson’s (1982) ‘knowledge argu-ment’). This explanatory gap led philosophers such as Jaegwon Kim to reject a reductive explanation of mental properties by neurophysiological processes and to opt for a non-temporal, non-dense dependency relation which they called “supervenience” (cf., e.g., Kim 1990). The common core of all defini-tions of supervenience can be captured by the slogan ‘A supervenes on B if there is no A-difference without a B-difference (everything else being equal)’. Applied to the mind-body problem this means that a mental property supervenes on a set of neurophysiological processes in the sense that one cannot imagine differences in mental properties without neurophysiological differences (everything else being equal). The advantage of supervenience over other dependency relations (e.g. classical CAUSE) is that it only partially determines the supervenient property. It thereby leaves room for the subjective, non-reducible character of supervenient properties which cannot be deduced from their underlying base-level phenomena. This dependency leaving room for underdetemination, for an irreducible ‘surplus in meaning’, is precisely what we need for the semantics of

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adjectival passives. Borrowing a term from Engelberg (2005), we will call supervenience in the domain of the lexicon Lexical Supervenience. An informal definition is given under (25):

(25) Lexical Supervenience For any state s and set of events e7, [[ LSV (s, e) ]] = 1 iff there can be no change in s without a change in e (everything else being equal).

In the case of adjectival passives the property denoted by the participle lexically supervenes on the event kind of the verbal base in the sense that if two adjectival passive sentences which are maximally similar, i.e. which share the same subject and the same context, refer to two different properties they also have to differ in their eventive base. On the other hand, lexical supervenience makes it possible to derive different properties from the same eventive base if the context differs too, cf. (24a) and (b). It thereby accounts for the subjective, pragmatic character of adjectival passives. Applying the LSV-relation to Maienborn’s adjectival affix (20) and replacing event particulars by event kinds finally yields our new version of the ∅-affix:

(26) Adjectival ∅-affix: λP λx λs [s: Q(x) & LSV (s, ↑P)]

According to (26) the adjectival affix introduces an underspecified property Q which is ascribed to the subject referent x of the sentence. The assignment of a value to Q must be done by pragmatics with the only restriction that it lexically supervenes on the event kind derived from the verbal base. This means that Q depends on its eventive base ↑P, but that there is an explanatory gap between the two.8 Lexical supervenience accounts for this specific gap in the meaning derivation of adjectival passives. It leaves room for the role pragmatics plays in the interpretation of adjectival passives and for their characteristic ‘surplus in meaning’.

7 Supervenience is usually defined as holding between a property and a set of properties. As kinds can be roughly characterized as the set of all their instances (cf. Chierchia (1998)), this makes the above definition particularly suitable for the dependency relation between event kind and ascribed property in adjectival passives. 8 Depending on the sort of base verb and the context of the sentence this gap may be smaller or bigger. If the meaning component which is supplied by the eventive base is informative enough in the given context pragmatics may choose to identify Q with it, but in other cases Q is a pragmatically derived complex property which contains a characteristic ‘surplus in meaning’ compared to its verbal base.

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References Chierchia, Gennaro. 1998. Reference to kinds across languages. Natural

Language Semantics 6. 339–405. Crain, Stephen and Rosalind Thornton. 1998. Investigations in universal

grammar: a guide to experiments in the acquisition of syntax and semantics. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

Engelberg, Stefan. 2005. Stativity, supervenience, and sentential subjects. In Claudia Maienborn & Angelika Wöllstein (eds.), Event Arguments: Foundations and Applications. 45–68. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Gehrke, Berit. to appear. Passive states. To appear in Violeta Demonte & Louise McNally (eds.), Telicity, Change, and State: A Cross-Categorial View of Event Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gese, Helga, Britta Stolterfoht & Claudia Maienborn. 2009. Context effects in the formation of adjectival resultatives. In Susanne Winkler & Sam Featherston (eds.), The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics, vol. 2, Product, 125–155. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Jackson, Frank. 1982. Epiphenomenal Qualia. Philosophical Quarterly 32. 127–136.

Kim, Jaegwon. 1990. Supervenience as a philosophical concept. Metaphilosophy 21. 1–27.

Kiparsky, Paul. 1983. Word formation and the lexicon. In Proceedings of the 1982 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, 3–29. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas.

Kratzer, Angelika. 2000. Building statives. In Berkeley Linguistic Society 26. 385–399.

Link, Godehard. 1995. Generic information and dependent generics. In Gregory Carlson & Francis Pelletier (eds.), The Generic Book. 358–382.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Maienborn, Claudia. 2005. On the limits of the Davidsonian approach: the

case of copula sentences. Theoretical Linguistics 31(3). 275–316. Maienborn, Claudia. 2009. Building event-based ad hoc properties: on the

interpretation of adjectival passives. In Arndt Riester & Torgrim Solstad (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13, 35–49. Stuttgart: University of Stuttgart.

Rapp, Irene. 1997. Partizipien und semantische Struktur. Zu passivischen Konstruktionen mit dem 3. Status. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.

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Facts and Ideals: On the Role of doch in Conditionals and Optatives*

Patrick Grosz

MIT [emailprotected]

Abstract. This paper addresses optative constructions, constructions that ex-press a wish or desire without a modal that means ‘wish’ or ‘want’. Focusing on German, I argue that “expressing a wish” is a possible use of a conditional antecedent that is freely available. The question is how certain elements, such as the contrastive particle doch (or the focus particle nur ‘only’), which are typical for optative constructions, interact with this wish. I argue that they interact with the wish indirectly; they have a meaning that is independent from optativity, but which can be used to bring out an already available wish reading. This is achieved by eliminating alternative readings. Discussing German doch as a case study, I show how this interaction can be made precise.

1 The Puzzle Optative constructions (Scholz 1991, Rosengren 1993, Rifkin 2000, Asarina & Shklovsky 2008, Biezma 2010, Gärtner 2010) express a wish or desire without containing a modal that means wish or want. This is illustrated in (1); (1a) conveys a wish that appears equivalent to the wish described in (1b).

(1) a. If only John had come to the party! b. I wish John had come to the party.

In many languages, optatives seem to have the shape of conditional antecedents that contain the particle only (Rifkin 2000). In some languages, other particles are prototypical markers of optative constructions; in German, (2a), the unstressed contrast particle doch (cf. Thurmair 1989) seems to support an optative reading; as shown in (2b), Dutch toch can do so as well.

* For helpful discussions, I thank Norbert Corver, Kai von Fintel, Hans-Martin Gärtner, Noah Goodman, Martin Hackl, Irene Heim, Sabine Iatridou, Angelika Kratzer, Pritty Patel-Grosz, Paul Portner, Josh Tenenbaum and Coppe van Urk; I would also like to thank the audience at MIT’s ling-lunch.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 275–289. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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(2) a. Wenn Hans doch einmal auf Maria gehört hätte! German if Hans doch once to Maria listened had ‘If only Hans had listened to Maria once!’ b. Als Jan toch eens naar Marie had geluistered! Dutch if Jan toch once to Marie had listened ‘If only Jan had listened to Marie once!’

A question at the core of research such as Rifkin (2000) is what such particles contribute to an optative clause, specifically whether they compositionally contribute optativity. The present paper analyzes German doch in optatives as a case study, based on the semantics of doch in declaratives (Abraham 1991, Doherty 1987, Grosz in press, Karagjosova 2001, 2004, Lindner 1991, Ormelius-Sandblom 1997). In declaratives, doch roughly marks the modified proposition p as an established fact (in the sense of Kratzer & Matthewson 2009), which in the evaluation context is presupposed to contradict a salient alternative r, as shown in (3).

(3) Hans kocht oder putzt immer, aber [¬[p∧r] nie beides]. Also wissen Hans cooks or cleans always but never both thus know wir, dass [¬r Hans nicht gekocht hat], weil [p er doch geputzt hat]. we that Hans not cooked has because he doch cleaned has ‘Hans always cooks or cleans, but never both. Therefore, we know that Hans didn’t cook, because he [doch] cleaned.’

presuppositions triggered by “doch”: It is an established fact that [p = Hans cleaned], and there is a salient alternative proposition [r = Hans cooked], such that ¬[p∧r].

This paper addresses two questions. First, can we devise a uniform semantics of doch that covers both its optative use and its use in non-optative constructions? Second, how is doch linked to optativity? I answer the first question in the affirmative and present a generalized analysis of doch that covers its optative and its non-optative uses. The second question is answered as follows: The contribution of doch to optative constructions is indirect in the sense that it can block non-optative readings in out-of-the-blue contexts.

2 The Proposal 2.1 A Uniform Analysis of doch Before discussing optatives with the form of conditional antecedents, this section provides the general background for my analysis of doch in optative clauses. Consider first the difference in German between the root clause with

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verb-second movement in (4a) and the unembedded dass-clause in (4b), Truckenbrodt (2006). By virtue of convention, a verb-second clause typically has the force of an assertion, (4a). In contrast, an unembedded dass-clause in German can be exclamative or have the optative force of a command or wish, (4b). I treat such conventional forces as reflecting different uses of the expressed proposition (i.e. as different speech acts, cf. Levinson 1983).

(4) a. Ich hätte Rom noch einmal gesehen. I had Rome still once seen ‘I would have seen Rome once more.’ (assertion) b. Dass ich Rom noch einmal gesehen hätte! that I Rome still once seen had ‘I wish I had seen Rome once more!’ (wish / #assertion)

I will henceforth call utterances like (4a) declarative statements and cases like (4b) dass-optatives. Both utterance types allow for the presence of doch, (5). Again, the verb-second clause in (5a) is used as a (reinforcing) statement, whereas the dass-clause in (5b) expresses a wish. By virtue of doch, (5a) conveys that in a given set of circ*mstances, the speaker takes it to be granted that she would have seen Rome once more. The less transparent contribution of doch in (5b) is discussed further down. The core question is how to account for the presence of doch in both utterances in a uniform way.

(5) a. Ich hätte Rom doch noch einmal gesehen. I had Rome doch still once seen ‘(As we know,) I would have seen Rome once more.’ (statement) b. Dass ich Rom doch noch einmal gesehen hätte! that I Rome doch still once seen had ‘I wish I had [doch] seen Rome once more!’ (wish)

In order to posit a uniform analysis of doch, we need to relativize its meaning to the type of the utterance that it occurs in. To do so, I pursue the following strategy. First, I assume that there are at least two contextually given sets of propositions that are used to manage the discourse (which I will henceforth call context sets): The common ground is the set that contains propositions that are treated as mutual knowledge by the discourse participants (Stalnaker 1974, 1978). The ideal list of a discourse participant i is the set that contains propositions that reflect i’s ideals (subsuming i’s wishes, i’s goals, and laws that i abides to). The ideal list replaces Han’s (1998) Plan Set and Portner’s (2005) To-Do List (which are reminiscent of Lewis’ 1979 sphere of

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permissibility), which it is based on1. It serves to order possible worlds into better worlds and less optimal worlds and thus behaves like an ordering source (Kratzer 1981). Having assumed that discourse contexts involve both a common ground and different participants’ ideal lists, it is natural to assume that assertions (and statements in general), like (4a) and (5a), are speech acts that operate on the common ground, whereas wishes, like (4b) and (5b), are speech acts that operate on ideal lists. In other words, utterance types come with conventionalized instructions on where to assign the modified proposition.

We also need to assume that apart from speech acts that add to the common ground or to an ideal list (like assertions or commands), there must be speech acts that reactivate propositions from a context set, to make them salient in the discourse (e.g. as a premise for something else), cf. (6). An assertion can be rejected as inappropriate if the expressed proposition is shared knowledge, (6a); in contrast, a reactivating statement, marked by the particle ja cannot be rejected in this way, (6b). (Cf. Repp 2009, in the spirit of Krifka’s 2007 common ground management.)

(6) a. adding p to the common ground A: Im März 1968 war Thatcher noch nicht an der Macht. in March 1968 was Thatcher yet not in the power ‘In 1968, Thatcher wasn’t in power yet.’ B: Jaja, das weiß ich eh! ‘Duh, I know that!’ b. reactivating p from the common ground A: Im März 1968 war Thatcher ja noch nicht an der Macht. in March 1968 was Thatcher ja yet not in the power ‘As we all know, in 1968, Thatcher wasn’t in power yet.’ B: # Jaja, das weiß ich eh! ‘Duh, I know that!’

By virtue of the (unstressed variants of the) German particles doch and ja, an utterance can be marked as reactivating old information, rather than adding new information. This is illustrated in (7a) versus (7b). If the modified proposition is shared knowledge of the speaker and hearer, as in (7a), doch and ja are possible, and a declarative without such particles (the lack of which is symbolized by ‘Ø’) is pragmatically odd. In contrast, if the modified information is new information, as in (7b), unstressed doch and ja are odd.

1 The label (i’s) ideal list is chosen (as opposed to Plan Set or To-Do List) to reflect the fact that it can contain propositions that i has no control over, such as that it rains tomorrow.

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(7) a. Context: H is well aware that she’s been to Paris and S wants to make this shared fact salient in order to follow up on it.

Du warst ja / doch / #Ø schon in Paris. you were ja doch #Ø already in Paris ‘You’ve (ja / doch / #Ø) already been to Paris.’

b. Context: H is an amnesiac and believes that she has never been to Paris; S discovers an old flight ticket to Paris with H’s name on it.

Du warst #ja / #doch / Ø schon in Paris. you were #ja #doch Ø already in Paris ‘You’ve (#ja / #doch / Ø) already been to Paris.’

We can now give an analysis of doch, relativized to speech acts, cf. (8). The ‘familiarity’ component discussed above is captured by (8a). Furthermore, (8b) captures the fact that doch differs from ja in that it presupposes that there is a salient alternative proposition r, which contradicts the modified proposition p in the utterance context (see Grosz in press for a recent discussion). I use the term indicates instead of ‘presupposes’ or ‘implicates’, as it is not clear how these terms apply at the speech act level.

(8) Semantics of “doch” (simplified and generalized to speech acts) For any proposition p used in a speech act φ, a. doch p indicates that the speaker considers p to be established as part

of the context set targeted by φ. b. doch p indicates that there is a contextually salient proposition r, such that the common ground entails ¬[p∧r].

Having established a distinction between ideal list and common ground and a uniform analysis of doch, we can now provide an analysis for (5a+b), in (9), omitting the meaning component in (8b) for ease of exposition.

(9) a. Ich hätte Rom doch noch einmal gesehen. I had Rome doch still once seen i. speech act: retrieve [(in certain salient circ*mstances) the speaker would have seen Rome once more] from the common ground.

ii. doch ⇒ [(in such circ*mstances) the speaker would have seen Rome once more] is an established part of the common ground.

b. Dass ich Rom doch noch einmal gesehen hätte! that I Rome doch still once seen had i. speech act: retrieve [the speaker has seen Rome once more] from the speaker’s ideal list. ii. doch ⇒ [the speaker has seen Rome once more] is an established part of the speaker’s ideal list.

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Having shown the analysis at work, it is worth pointing out a further parallel between doch in optatives and doch in non-optative clauses. Grosz (in press) argues that doch interacts with focus, positing that the salient proposition r that conflicts with the modified proposition p (in (8b)) must be a focus alternative, illustrated in (10).

(10) Context: Georg and Peter see a blue Peugeot parked in front of the pub. Peter: Schau, der Hans ist da! ‘Look, Hans is here!’ Georg: Nein, der Hans hat doch einen [GRÜNEN]F Peugeot. no the Hans has doch a green Peugeot ‘No, (as we both know) Hans has [doch] a GREEN Peugeot.’

i. doch indicates that Georg considers [p Hans has a green Peugeot] to be an established part of the common ground (i.e. not under de-bate).

ii. doch indicates that there is a salient focus alternative r = [Hans has a blue Peugeot], such that ¬[pΛr] (given that Hans only has one car).

While I have omitted this feature from (8b) as it is not at the core of the present discussion, such interaction with focus can also be observed in the case of optatives, illustrated in (11). Here, focus indicates which aspect of reality the speaker would like to change.2 This can be taken as further evidence for a uniform contribution of doch.

(11) a. Dass doch [OTTO]F die Nachtschicht mit Anna geteilt hätte! that doch OTTO the night.shift with Anna shared had ‘If only it had been OTTO who shared the night shift with Anna!’ b. Dass Otto doch [die NACHTschicht]F mit Anna geteilt hätte! ‘If only it had been the NIGHT shift that Otto shared with Anna!’ c. Dass Otto die Nachtschicht doch [mit ANNA]F geteilt hätte! ‘If only it had been ANNA that Otto shared the night shift with!’

Having posited a uniform analysis of doch, section 2.2 considers conditional antecedents with doch. The remainder of this paper argues that a uniform approach to doch extends to optative and non-optative if-clauses and sheds light on why doch in an if-clause prefers an optative reading.

2.2 Doch in Conditional Antecedents This section discusses what doch adds to conditional antecedents, covering both non-optative and optative cases. (12a) is a baseline example of a non-counterfactual conditional clause, (12b) is a counterfactual conditional clause.

2 Replacing dass ‘that’ by wenn ‘if’ in (11) does not change the judgments, as counterfactual dass-optatives and counterfactual wenn-optatives are roughly equivalent (cf. Scholz 1991).

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(12) a. Wenn Karl gewinnt, (dann) wird gefeiert! if Karl wins then celebrated ‘If Karl wins, we celebrate.’ b. Wenn Karl gewonnen hätte, (dann) hätten wir gefeiert! if Karl won had then had we celebrated ‘If Karl had won, we would have celebrated.’

Adding doch to a conditional antecedent can have two effects. The first effect is illustrated in (13). Here, by means of using unstressed doch (typically in indicative conditional antecedents) the speaker conveys that the truth of the antecedent proposition is established (cf. also Iatridou 1991 on factual conditionals and since-clauses). For now, I assume that the antecedent is used in a secondary speech act (as an embedded root clause, cf. Hooper & Thompson 1973, Haegeman 2003), by means of which the antecedent proposition is reactivated from the common ground.

(13) a. Wenn Karl doch gewinnt, dann wird gefeiert. if Karl doch wins then celebrated ‘Since Karl is obviously going to win, we will celebrate.’ b. primary speech act: assert [if Karl wins, we celebrate] c. secondary s.a.: reactivate [Karl will win] from the common ground

The second effect of doch in conditional antecedents is shown in (14), (glossing over possible prosodic differences between (13) and (14)). Here, by virtue of unstressed doch (typically in counterfactual conditional antecedents) the speaker conveys a wish for the truth of the antecedent proposition3.

(14) a. Wenn Karl doch gewonnen hätte, dann hätten wir gefeiert! if Karl doch won had then had we celebrated ‘If only Karl had won, then we would have celebrated!’ b. primary s.a.: assert [if Karl had won, we would have celebrated] c. secondary s.a.: reactivate [Karl won] from the speaker’s ideal list

The analysis presented in (8) derives the following. Assume that the sec-ondary speech act is retrieval in both (13) and (14); in (13) it operates on the common ground, in (14) it operates on the speaker’s ideal list. It follows that in (13) doch conveys that the antecedent proposition is an established part of the common ground. By analogy, in (14) doch indicates that the antecedent proposition is an established part of the speaker’s ideal list. In both cases,

3 It is beyond the scope of this paper why optative if-clauses can occur without a consequent, as in (2a) above, whereas non-optative if-clauses require a consequent.

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doch supports (or even triggers) retrieval of this proposition from some context set. I now provide evidence for such a contribution of doch.

(15) and (16) show that doch in a non-optative conditional antecedent indicates that the truth of the antecedent has been established (i.e. made part of the common ground). Therefore, doch can be placed into the antecedent in (15), where it has already been established that the antecedent is true.

(15) A: Es regnet! – B: Und? ‘It is raining!’ ‘So?’ A: (Na,) wenn es doch regnet, müssen wir die Party absagen. well if it doch rains must we the party cancel ‘(Well,) since it’s [doch] raining, we have to cancel the party.’

In contrast, doch cannot be used in the conditional antecedent in (16), where it is still under debate whether the antecedent is true.

(16) A: Regnet es? – B: Ich weiß nicht. Warum? ‘Is it raining?’ ‘I don’t know. Why?’ A: (Na,) wenn es (# doch) regnet, müssen wir die Party absagen. well if it doch rains must we the party cancel ‘(Well,) if / #Since it’s (#doch) raining, we have to cancel the party.’

This shows that doch can only be used in conditional antecedents if the truth of the antecedent is established. For doch in optative antecedents, an analogous point can be made. In example (17b), the doch-marked optative antecedent is ill-formed (as opposed to the straight imperative in (17a)). This follows if doch requires the hearer, Stefan, to accommodate that the modified proposition is already on the speaker’s ideal list. While hearers will often accommodate for such information (explaining that optatives are usually good in out-of-the-blue contexts, cf. Scholz 1991), Stefan has good reasons (e.g. social norms) to refuse to accommodate in (17b). This example thus feels inappropriate, as it conveys that Stefan should have known all along.

(17) Context: Stefan is at Thomas’s place and Thomas has made no suggestion whatsoever that he doesn’t want Stefan to stay for longer. Stefan: Stört es dich, wenn ich mir noch ein Bier nehme? ‘Does it bother you if I have another beer?’ a. Thomas: Ach, Stefan, geh jetzt bitte. Mir wird es zu spät. oh Stefan leave now please me becomes it too late ‘Oh Stefan, please leave now. It’s getting too late for me.’

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b. Thomas: # Ach, Stefan, wenn du doch jetzt gehen würdest. oh Stefan if you doch now leave would # ‘Oh Stefan, if only you’d leave now.’

Contrast (17) with (18); in (18), Thomas’s initial suggestion plausibly adds the proposition that Stefan leaves to Thomas’s ideal list. Therefore, it is felic-itous in (18) to reactivate this proposition in the subsequent optative.

(18) Context: Thomas is sick. Stefan is looking after him even though there is a great party on for tonight. Thomas: Stefan, geh ruhig auf die Party. Das stört mich nicht. ‘Stefan, please do go to the party. That doesn’t bother me.’ Stefan: Nein, nein, ich bleibe bei dir. ‘No, no, I’ll stay here with you.’ Thomas: Ach, Stefan, wenn du doch jetzt gehen würdest. oh Stefan if you doch now leave would ‘Oh Stefan, if only you’d leave now.’ Du hättest so viel Spaß! ‘You would have so much fun!’

2.3 Why Does doch Seem to Cause Optativity? At this point, we can return to the question of what doch contributes to an optative conditional. Specifically, why does doch trigger optativity in (19a), in the sense that (19a) is typically understood as an optative and a non-optative reading is not even considered, even though it is possible, cf. (19b) .

(19) a. Wenn Hans doch geblieben wäre … if Hans doch stayed were ‘If only Hans had stayed!’ b. Wenn Hans doch geblieben wäre, wäre Fürchterliches passiert. if Hans doch stayed were were horrible.things happened ‘Since (under certain circ*mstances) Hans would have stayed, horrible things would have happened.’

To account for this pattern, I propose that the contribution of doch in con-ditional antecedents makes an optative reading more accessible whenever the context does not explicitly favor a non-optative reading. To see this approach at work, we need to consider minimally contrasting pairs of utterances. So far, we have only considered indicative cases of doch in non-optative con-ditional antecedents, as in (20a). Crucially, such constructions are possible in the subjunctive, as shown in (20b) (and also in (19b) above).

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(20) a. Wenn Karl doch gewinnt, dann wird gefeiert. if Karl doch wins then celebrated ‘Since Karl is obviously going to win, we will celebrate.’ b. Wenn Karl doch gewonnen hätte, hätten wir gefeiert. if Karl doch won had had we celebrated ‘Since Karl would have won, we would have celebrated.’

Evidently, (20b) cannot be counterfactual, as doch requires the truth of the antecedent to be established whereas counterfactual antecedents are implied to be false. A context for (20b) is given in (21); as indicated, the antecedent in (20b) and (21) must be implicitly conditionalized. The implicit conditional is made overt (in parentheses) in (21).

(21) Berti: I’m so annoyed that the race was canceled. – Susi: But why? – Berti: Because Karl would have won. – Susi: So? Why do you care? You don’t even like Karl. – Berti: But I like to celebrate and … … wenn Karl (, wäre das Rennen nicht abgesagt worden,) doch if Karl were the race not canceled been doch gewonnen hätte, hätten wir gefeiert. won had had we celebrated ‘Since(, had the race not been canceled,) Karl would have won, we would have celebrated.’

We can now construct an example that allows for both an optative reading and a non-optative reading, given in (22), (23) and (24).

(22) Wenn Karl doch gewonnen hätte … dann hätten wir gefeiert! if Karl doch won had then had we celebrated ‘If Karl doch had won … then we would have celebrated.’

What (22) conveys on its non-optative reading is given in (23).

(23) Non-optative reading of (22): If Karl had won, we would have celebrated. Karl didn’t win (or lose) because the race was canceled. We didn’t celebrate. doch ⇒ I reactivate from the common ground that [Karl would have won if the race had not been canceled].

Contrast this with the optative reading of (22), given in (24).

(24) Optative reading of (22): If Karl had won, we would have celebrated. Karl didn’t win.

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We didn’t celebrate. doch ⇒ I reactivate from my ideal list that [Karl did win].

The fact that doch in such ambiguous conditional antecedents typically gives rise to an optative reading can now be derived as follows. Under an optative use, (24), doch triggers a presupposition/implicature with respect to the speaker’s ideal list. Given that the speaker is the highest authority with respect to her own ideal list, this will by default be self-fulfilling, i.e. the hearer will accommodate unless there are good reasons to refuse to accommodate (cf. Stefan in (17b)). In contrast, in non-optative cases, e.g. (23), doch triggers a presupposition/implicature with respect to the common ground, i.e. with respect to shared knowledge between speaker and hearer. This will fail in all contexts in which no such shared knowledge persists and cannot be easily accommodated. Furthermore, given that optatives with doch are typically in the subjunctive, a further asymmetry arises. Non-optative subjunctive antecedents that contain doch must be implicitly conditionalized, as in (21) and (23), whereas optative antecedents do not have such a requirement. It follows that non-optative readings, like (23), are further restricted to contexts in which the implicit conditionalization of the con-ditional antecedent can be successfully resolved. Therefore, by virtue of placing the particle doch in a conditional antecedent, as in (22), non-optative readings are restricted to very specific contexts and blocked in all other contexts. In contrast, doch in an optative conditional antecedent imposes restrictions that are typically self-fulfilling (in the sense that a hearer will accommodate a presupposition with respect to what the speaker wishes for). This makes doch acceptable in an optative conditional antecedent even when uttered out of the blue, deriving the fact that doch biases an optative reading.

2.4 Against a Strictly Compositional Approach I have argued that doch has a uniform semantics that is sensitive to the type of utterance it occurs in. The meaning of doch is thus in some sense independent from optativity, which predicts that typical optative features such as the particle doch are neither sufficient nor necessary conditions of optativity. We have already seen that particles like doch do not automatically give rise to an optative reading when placed into a subjunctive if-clause, (25).

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(25) Wenn du doch so einfach aufhören könntest zu rauchen, if you doch so easily stop could to smoke warum machst du’s dann nicht? why make you’it then not ‘If, as we’ve established, you could stop smoking that easily, then why don’t you do it?’ (slightly sarcastic)

Similarly, my analysis predicts that optativity should be possible in the absence of any particle. This prediction also seems to be correct, as the bare conditional antecedent in (26)4 can be understood as expressing a wish.

(26) Rico schaute die Blumen an und dachte: ‘Rico looked at the flowers and thought:’ Wenn Stineli diese sehen könnte! if Stineli these see could ‘If Stineli could see these!’ und stand lange unbeweglich am Zaun. ‘and stood at the fence for a long time without moving.’

2.5 Why Optatives without any Cues Fail In sum, I have argued for a particular view of doch in conditional antecedents that can be summarized as in (27), where doch is viewed as an optativity cue.

(27) Summary – Cue for a wish An optativity cue is an element that cues a wish reading for a conditional antecedent as follows: i. Its semantic contribution is independent from optativity. ii. Its meaning is compatible with a conditional antecedent that expresses a wish in a non-specific (or even out-of-the-blue) context. iii. Its semantic contribution to a non-optative conditional antecedent requires a very specific context (which cannot be out-of-the-blue). iv. Therefore, if the context does not determine whether a wish speech act is intended or not, the optativity cue conveys that a wish speech act is intended by blocking alternative readings, due to (iii).

An interesting aspect of optative constructions is that optatives without any cue are typically somewhat marked, (28), making the presence of particles seem obligatory (but see Rosengren 1993, cf. also (26) above).

4 From Johanna Spyri (1878): Heimatlos. Geschichten für Kinder und auch für solche, welche die Kinder lieb haben. Acceptability in modern-day German verified with native speakers.

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(28) in an out-of-the-blue context: Wenn ich ??(doch) reich wäre! if I doch rich were ‘If ??(doch) I were rich!’

While (26) suggests that optatives without particles are not always ill-formed, the question arises why optatives without any particles are dispreferred. I propose that this follows from treating such particles as optativity cues, if we make standard assumptions on rational discourse participants (cf. Lewis’s 1969 signaling games). If a speaker has to decide whether to use optativity cues and the hearer has to decide how to interpret conditional antecedents without such cues, the most successful strategies are typically those where speakers always use cues and hearers always interpret antecedents without cues as true conditionals. It follows that hearers will typically understand (28) without doch as a (fragmentary) non-optative conditional, unless the context overrides this preference. In cases like (26), an optative intention can be inferred from other information (such as the inferred friendship between Rico and Stineli, the description of the context, the verb that is used, etc.).

3 Conclusion I addressed the meaning and role of particles such as German doch in optative constructions. I argued that conditional antecedents can express a wish by virtue of a secondary speech act; particles do not encode this wish, but act as cues that bring out a possible wish reading (i.e. optative reading) by eliminating competing non-optative readings. I showed that this analysis correctly predicts that such particles are neither necessary nor sufficient conditions of optativity. Finally, I showed that this analysis can explain that unmarked conditional antecedents are typically understood as non-optative fragments. This follows, as rational discourse participants will usually pursue strategies where optative cues are used when optativity is intended and conditional antecedents without such cues are understood as non-optative.

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Conventional and Free Association with Focus inNgamo (West Chadic)∗

Mira GrubicUniversity of [emailprotected]

Malte ZimmermannUniversity of Potsdam


Abstract. The paper discusses association with focus in Ngamo (West Chadic,Afro-Asiatic). We present evidence from this non-Indoeuropean language infavour of Beaver & Clark (2008)’s claim that different kinds of focus-sensitive el-ements interact with the meaning of focus in different ways, namely conventionalassociation with focus vs free association. We show that exclusive particles (only)in Ngamo, as in English, conventionally associate with focus. (Scalar-) Additiveparticles (also, even), by contrast, do not pattern like their English counterparts:Same as Q-adverbials, they are more free in their association behaviour, and canalso associate with non-focused elements under certain conditions.

1 Association with FocusFocus-sensitive elements depend on the grammatical placement of focus fortheir interpretation. This semantic dependency is often referred to as associ-ation with focus and can be seen clearly in sentences containing the focus-sensitive particle only (cf. (1)): only is an exclusive particle, it leads to an ex-clusion of the alternatives induced by focus. In (1a), because focus is on Bill,it is excluded that John likes other people, whereas in (1b), because focus is onlikes, it is excluded that John loves or admires Bill. In the case of only, associ-ation with focus actually makes a truth-conditional difference: (1a) is false inthe given context, whereas (1b) is true.

(1) (Context: John likes Mary and Bill, but he loves Sue.)a. # John only likes [BILL]F .

(excluded alternatives: {John likes Mary, John likes Sue})b. John only [LIkes]F Bill.

(excluded alternative: {John loves Bill})

∗ This research was conducted as part of project A5 “Focus realization, focus interpretation and fo-cus use from a cross-linguistic perspective” of the Collaborative Research Center 632 “InformationStructure”, funded by the German Science Association (DFG). We would like to thank the GermanScience Association, as well as our Ngamo informants Jibir Audu Janga Dole, Zakar Yusuf Babash*tte and Hadiza Abdullahi.

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Analogous, but non-truth-conditional effects can be seen with the focus-sensi-tive particles also and even. Also is an additive particle, which includes alter-natives to the focused element. (2a) says that John sent a letter to somebodybesides Bill, whereas (2b) expresses that John sent something besides a letterto Bill.

(2) a. John also sent a letter to [BILL]F .(included alternative e.g. {John sent a letter to Sue})

b. John also sent a [LETTer]F to Bill.(included alternative e.g. {John sent a package to Bill})

Even also has this additive meaning component, e.g. that John sent a letter tosomeone else in (3a). In addition, it has a scalar meaning component (Karttunen& Peters 1979): the presence of even expresses that on a scale of expectability,Bill is less likely to receive a letter by John than any of the implied (focus)alternatives to Bill.

(3) a. John even sent a letter to [BILL]F .(included alternative e.g. {John sent a letter to his mother})

b. John even sent a [LETTer]F to Bill.(included alternative e.g. {John sent an email to Bill})

Again, the alternatives that are added and the corresponding scale shift whenthe focus is shifted: in (3b), what is added is that John sent something elseto Bill – e.g. an email, and that sending this other object is more expectedthan sending a letter. Each of these particles thus associates with focus in anintuitive sense. The main question of this paper is whether the particles only,also and even associate with focus in the same way, intra- as well as cross-linguistically. Chapter 2 describes two unified approaches to this associationprocess, conventional and free association, and presents the mixed approach ofBeaver & Clark (2008), whose general framework and terminology we adoptin this paper. Their main argument is that in English, different focus-sensitiveelements associate with focus in different ways. The focus particles only, alsoand even all conventionally associate with focus, whereas other focus-sensitiveelements like the q-adverbial always freely associate with focus. In section3, we present some data from the West Chadic language Ngamo that showthat, as proposed by Beaver & Clark for English, there are also different kindsof association with focus in Ngamo. The data also suggests, however, that,unlike in English, additive(-scalar) particles associate only freely with focusin Ngamo. Section 4 presents the formal semantic analysis of focus-sensitiveparticles in Ngamo. Section 5 concludes.

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2 Conventional and Free Association with FocusThere are two kinds of unified approaches to the association process: Conven-tional association accounts and free association accounts. Conventional andfree association are the terms used by Beaver & Clark (2008), and correspondto Rooth’s (1992) weak and strong association, respectively.In conventional association accounts (Rooth 1985; Jacobs 1983), focus-sensi-tive elements relate directly to the alternatives introduced by focus. This rela-tion is semantic, i.e. the dependency on focus is coded directly into their lexicalmeaning, as shown for only in (4a). In free association (Rooth 1992; von Fintel1994), on the other hand, focus-sensitive elements quantify over an implicitfree variable C, the reference of which is fixed by the context (4b).

(4) a. JonlyKw = λq ∀p ∈ JqK f : p(w)→ p = JqK0

b. JonlyCKg,w = λq ∀p ∈ g(JCK) : p(w)→ p = q

C usually resolves to the focus alternatives, since these are contextually salient,so the difference is mainly one of empirical elegance: According to Rooth(1992), a free account is stronger because it does not tie the semantic effectsof focus to the meaning of specific lexical items. Moreover, the free associa-tion account makes a prediction that the conventional account does not make:(apparent) association with non-focused elements should be possible if the con-text provides a value for C that differs from the focus alternatives. As Beaver& Clark (2008) point out, this prediction is borne out for some focus-sensitiveelements, but not for others. While only can never associate with grammati-cally non-focused constituents, always can occur in contexts in which it seemsto associate with non-focused material. This can be seen in example (5) fromBeaver & Clark (2008: 193), which tests for association with weak, unstress-able, and hence inherently unfocused pronouns. The test sentence enforces areading in which the focus-sensitive element associates with the weak DO-pronoun, because other possible readings (association with the verb or VP) areexcluded by the context. This reading is not accepted for a sentence with only,but it is fine for the parallel sentence with always.

(5) a. ??People who grow rice only eat it. # ‘People who grow rice eatnothing but rice’

b. People who grow rice always eat it. ‘Whenever people who growrice eat, they eat rice’

Based on the different behaviour of always and only, Beaver & Clark (2008)propose that different focus-sensitive elements associate with focus in differentways, with some elements conventionally associating with focus (e.g.only), and

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others freely associating with focus (e.g. always). According to them, the classof conventionally associating elements in English contains the focus-sensitiveparticles only, also and even discussed above, whereas the class of freely asso-ciating expressions contains, for example, quantificational adverbs like always,generics, counterfactuals, and modals.Another candidate for a freely associating element is the stressed additive par-ticle AUCH (“also”) in German, which appears to associate with the precedingcontrastive topic (Krifka 1999).

(6) (I know that Pia visited the exhibition. But what did Peter do?)Peter hat die Ausstellung AUCH besucht. ‘Peter visited the exhibition,too.’

In these cases, the contrastive topic introduces the alternatives that are rele-vant for the resolution of the free variable C. This is another instance in whicha “focus-sensitive” element can associate with a prosodically weak or evenempty element. In example (7a), the associate of the stressed additive particlecan be elided, because it is given in the preceding context question. This isnot possible for prefocal unstressed auch, which must associate with an overtfocus-accented element (7b).

(7) (You did the dishes. And the garbage?)a. Hab




b. Auchauch





‘I took care (of it) too.’

The next section presents data from Ngamo (West Chadic) that support Beaver& Clark’s claim that there are different kinds of focus-sensitive elements. More-over, the Ngamo data provide further evidence that additive particles, at leastin some languages, do not belong in the same class as exclusives. This is notfully unexpected given the behaviour of German additives mentioned above.

3 Focus & Focus-Sensitive Particles in NgamoThis section gives an overview of grammatical focus marking and focus-sen-sitive particles in Ngamo. Ngamo is a West Chadic language of the ‘A’ sub-branch spoken in NE Nigeria by about 60’000 speakers (Gordon 2005). It hastwo major dialects, Yaya Ngamo and Gudi Ngamo (Schuh 2005). The data inthis paper come from the Gudi dialect.

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3.1 Focus in NgamoAs in many other African languages (Fiedler et al. 2010), overt focus mar-king in Ngamo is asymmetric: Focused subjects must be syntactically marked,whereas focused non-subjects need not be explicitly marked for focus. Thecanonical word order is SVO, but when a subject is questioned or focused, thesubject is inverted to the right edge of vP. The subject cannot occur betweenthe verb and the object (8a), but its word order is free with respect to other con-stituents following the direct object (cf. (8b)). Non-subject focus is preferablyrealized in-situ (9a), but ex-situ test sentences are also accepted (9b).

(8) a. *Salkobuild-PFV







b. Sàlkobuild-PFV












‘Who built a house in Nigeria last year?’

(9) a. ShuwaShuwa




‘Who did Shuwa call loudly?’b. Èsha




‘(she) called JAJEI loudly.’

We suggest that the reason behind the subject inversion to the right edge of vPis an interface requirement that forces the focused element to be right-alignedwith a phonological phrase boundary projected by the right edge of vP (Samek-Lodovici 2005; Truckenbrodt 1999; Zimmermann 2006). Since objects and ad-juncts are canonically realized at the right edge of vP anyway, it follows thatthey can remain in-situ when focused.

Inverted subjects are obligatorily preceded by a morphological markeri/ye (10a), which is again optional with focused non-subjects (10b). Schuh(2005: 27) suggests that i/ye is not a focus marker, but a background marker,which is historically derived from the definite determiner ye’e. This suggestionis supported by the fact that it can occur twice in an utterance, thus markingbackgrounded material following the focused constituent (10c).

(10) a. [Context: Hasha called Yura]O’ò,No,





‘No, KULE called Yura.’

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b. [Context: Who did Shuwa call?]ShùwaShuwa




‘Shuwa called JAJEI.’c. Sàlko








‘Who built a house in Nigeria last year?’

A standard test for exhaustivity in (11) shows that answers with i/ye are inter-preted as exhaustive, or maximal, in contrast to answers without i/ye: In thequestion context in (11), the complete answer A entails the partial answer A1without i/ye, but it does not entail the partial answer A2 with i/ye, which signalsmaximality, making A2 infelicitous in the given context.

(11) [Context: Who did Kule call?] A: Kule called Shuwa and Dimza.→ A1:Kule



‘There was an event of Kule calling Dimza.’9 A2:#Kule




‘The maximal calling event by Kule involves Dimza as a callee.’

We suggest that i/ye is a definiteness marker on events (Larson 2003; Holesubmitted) that introduces a presupposition that there is a maximal contextuallysalient event exemplifying the vP-denotation (excluding the focus denotation)as in (Kratzer 2007), cf. answer A2 in (11):

(12) J-i/yeK = λ f<v,t>: there is a maximal salient event e, s.t. f(e) = 1. f

This analysis of the maximality effect is supported by the fact that it is can-cellable in cases in which we talk about separate events (13).

(13) Sàlkobuild-PFV








‘(lit.) DIMZA did the house-building, and Umar built a(nother) house.’

To sum up, subject focus in Ngamo is obligatorily marked by inversion to theright edge of vP, with background marking of the backgrounded part precedingthe focused subject. Non-subject focus is only optionally marked. The back-ground marker is a definiteness marker on events which introduces a maximal-ity presupposition on the backgrounded vP-denotation.

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3.2 Focus-Sensitive Particles in NgamoThis section presents the distribution and the association behaviour of threefocus-sensitive particles in Ngamo: the additive ke (‘also’), the additive-scalarhar (‘even’), and the exclusive particle yak (‘only’).When associating with non-subjects, the three particles behave alike. All threefocus-sensitive particles can occur sentence-initially, in immediately preverbalposition and after the VP, but not between the verb and the direct object.

(14) (Har)even






‘Baba even SOLD the house.’

(15) (Ke)also









‘Dimza also gave a watch TO ABU.’

(16) (Yak)only








‘She only called him YESTERDAY.’

These examples show that the particles can precede or follow their associate,without a change in meaning. In addition, they have a pre-focal (e.g. har) and apost-focal form (e.g. har’i), the distribution of which appears to be conditionedby prosodic factors, such as the presence of a subsequent prosodic boundary.The examples also show that there is no adjacency requirement: all three parti-cles can associate from an adjacent or distant position. Non-adjacent preverbaland post-VP particles are illustrated in (17).

(17) [Context: Kule built a house.]a. si




‘He also built a SCHOOL.’b. Kule




‘Kule also SOLD the house’

We propose that focus particles in Ngamo typically denote adverbial operatorsthat are adjoined to the extended vP-projection, but there appear to be adnom-inal counterparts as well (e.g. the third yak in (16)).

Crucially, the three particles however behave differently when it comesto association with subjects. Recall that in cases of conventional associationwith focus, the associate of the focus-sensitive particle is obligatorily focus-

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marked, whereas in free association with focus this is not necessarily the case.Since focused subjects are marked by inversion, we therefore predict that con-ventionally associating focus-sensitive elements will only be able to associatewith inverted – and, thus, focus-marked – subjects! This expectation is borneout for exclusive yak, which can only associate with inverted subjects.

(18) a. Sàlkobuild-PFV





‘Only KULE built a house.’b. #Yak






(intended:) ‘Only SHUWA built a house.’

In contrast, ke/har cannot associate with inverted subjects. We suggest that thisis due to a clash of the maximality presupposition of the background markerwith the additive presupposition of the particles. In (19), background markingintroduces the presupposition that there is a salient maximal event of build-ing a house involving Kule (and nobody else), whereas the additive particleke (‘also’) presupposes that someone else took part in the contextually salientevent of house-building, in violation of maximality. According to one con-sultant, this structure is only permitted in a context in which the (maximal)house-building event is juxtaposed to a (maximal) event of a different type.

(19) [Context: Hawwa built a house]a. #Salko





(intended) ‘KULE also built a house.’(Consultant comment: ‘Where there is ‘salko bano-i’, this meansthat the other person did something else.’)

b. *Salkobuild-PFV





(intended): ‘Even KULE built a house.’

Instead, the only way of expressing what looks like association with subjectswith these particles is to leave the subject in its canonical preverbal position.

(20) a. Kè/Haralso/even




b. KulèKule




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c. KulèKule




‘KULE built a house, too.’

Since focused subjects are banned from this position (see above), we are led toconclude that the particles ke and har do not operate directly on the focus valueof the subject in such cases, but interact with the subject denotation in a moreindirect way. In short, we capture the difference between the additive particlesand the exclusive particle by suggesting that the former freely associate withfocus, whereas the latter conventionally associates with focus.

Further evidence for this proposal comes from the association of the dif-ferent types of particles with weak and strong pronouns. In Ngamo, indirectobject pronouns are usually incorporated into the verb. When the pronoun isfocused, it must occur in its strong form, which is headed by the prepositionki (‘to’). Crucially, additive ke can associate with the weak, incorporated, andthus non-focused form of the pronoun (21), whereas yak can only associatewith strong, and hence focused pronouns (22).

(21) [Context: Whom did Kule give a watch?]‘Onkogive-PFV








‘He gave a watch to Dimza, and also gave a watch to me.’

(22) [Context: Did Kule give a watch to all of them?]a. #O’o,





(intended:) ‘No, Kule only gave a watch to HER.’b. O’o,








‘No, Kule only gave a watch to HER.’

Moreover, ke can freely associate with zero subjects, an option excluded forthe exclusive particle, as is shown for the contrastive topic context in (23),which is modeled after an example from (Krifka 1999). Here, an answer witha contrastive topic subject is enforced by explicitly giving a partial answer to asuperquestion of the form “Who did what?”, which is followed by a request forinformation concerning a second individual, functioning as a contrastive topicin this context. As the subject is given, it can be dropped from the answer,although the additive particle ke seemingly associates with it. This is anotherinstance in which the additive particle associates with unfocused material, andthus evidence in favour of free, and not conventional, association with focus.

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(23) a. NèI








‘I know that Kule built a house, but what about Shuwa?’b. Kè



‘(He) also built a house.’

Summing up, additive(-scalar) particles show a different association behaviourwith subject focus when compared to the exclusive particle: While yak (‘only’)must associate with focus-marked (inverted) subjects, ke (‘also’) and har (‘e-ven’) cannot associate with such inverted subjects. Instead, they appear to as-sociate with preverbal subjects, which are never focused. This leads us to con-clude that yak conventionally associates with focus, while ke and har freelyassociate with focus.

4 Analysis & DiscussionThis section presents the formal analysis of the focus-sensitive particles in-troduced in the previous section. First, the framework used for the analysisis presented in section (4.1), then the exclusive particle yak will be discussed(4.2), then the additive(-scalar) particles ke and har (4.3).

4.1 A QUD Approach to Information StructureIn a QUD-approach (e.g. Roberts 1996, Büring 2003), the idea that the goalof discourse is to share previously unshared information is captured by mod-eling discourse as driven by implicit (hearer-) questions: The goal of eachnew conversation is to cooperatively answer the super-question “What is theway things are?”. This question is tackled by splitting it up into subquestions,which each ask for a partial answer to the superquestion. Each new declarativeutterance answers the lowest question in the tree – the Current Question. Inthis model, information structural categories like focus and topic are used fordiscourse-management. They indicate what the implicit questions under dis-cussion are. This is done through question-answer congruence: According toRoberts (1996), the focus alternative set (cf. Rooth 1985; 1992) of the utteranceis congruent to the set of possible answers indicated by the Current Question,e.g. (24) for answer A1 in (25a).1

(24) JCQK0 = JA1KF = {John likes Bill, John likes Mary, John likes Sue}

1 For weaker constraints on question-answer congruence, see Büring (2003: 517) and Beaver &Clark (2008: 47).

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(25) (a) What is the way things are?


CQ. Whom does John like?

A1. [John likes [Bill]F

(b) What is the way things are?


Who likes whom?

CQ. Whom does John like?

A2. [John]CT likes [Bill]F

Contrastive topics indicate the presence of alternatives raised by questionsabove the Current Question (Büring 2003). So in (25b), the focus on Bill inA2 indicates that Bill must be replaced by a wh-element in the Current Ques-tion CQ, but the contrastive topic accent on John indicates that there is anadditional relevant question immediately above the Current Question, in whichthe subject John is also replaced by a wh-element. Büring (2003) proposes thatutterances like this do not only have a normal and a focus value, but also a CTvalue, which marks them as partial answers to this higher question.

4.2 The Exclusive Particle yakIn order to account for the conventional association behaviour of the exclusiveparticle yak ‘only’ in Ngamo, we follow suggestions by Beaver & Clark (2008)on the semantic function of exclusives. According to these authors, the mainfunction of exclusive particles is not to exclude alternatives, but to indicate thatthe proposition modified by the exclusive particle in an answer to an explicit orimplicit CQ indicated by the focus structure is less strong (on a salient scale)than expected by the hearer. By uttering (26A) in response to the explicit CQin (26Q), for instance, the speaker signals that he takes the hearer to expecta stronger alternative out of the question denotation to be true, e.g. that Johninvited Mary, Sue, Bill and John, among others.

(26) Q. Whom did he invite?A. He invited only MaryF .

Technically, this effect can be modelled by assigning yak the lexical entry in(27), which can be conceived of as a variant of the lexical entry for only inBeaver & Clark (2008):

(27) JyakKw(p) = 1 iff ¬ ∃ q ∈ CQyak: p ≤ q ∧ q(w);defined iff ∀q ∈ CQyak p ≤ q; where ‘≤’ stands for ‘weaker on acontextually salient scale’.

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According to (27), the semantic effects of yak are twofold. First, the presenceof yak imposes a restriction - in form of a presupposition - of the original CQindicated by grammatical focus marking. According to the presupposition in(27), the new CQyak contains only propositional alternatives that are at leastas strong (on a contextually salient scale) as the proposition expressed by theutterance containing yak. Restricting the original CQ to CQyak in this way cap-tures the intuition that the hearer expects stronger alternatives to p to be true. Atthe same time, the presupposition excludes alternatives of equal strength (e.g.,Bill and John in the case of (26)) as it requires all the alternatives in CQyak to beeither identical to p, or stronger than p on a relevant scale. The second effect ofyak takes place at the truth-conditional level by specifying that p is indeed thestrongest true alternative in the yak-modified CQyak. Importantly, this analysiscontinues to treat yak as conventionally associating with focus, as yak makesdirect reference to an – albeit modified – CQ as indicated by grammatical focusmarking in its lexical entry.

4.3 The Additive(-Scalar) Particles ke and harThe additive(-scalar) particles ke and har do not refer to the focus alternativesdirectly. Their central semantic constribution consists in presupposing the ex-istence of another contextually salient situation, in which an alternative propo-sition out of a contextually bound variable C holds.

(28) J keCKg,w(p)(s) = p(s)(w);defined iff ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ g(JCK), q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]

Har additionally presupposes that its complement is relatively unlikely.

(29) J harCKg,w(p)(s) = p(s)(w), defined iffi. ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ g(JCK), q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]ii. p is (relatively) unexpected compared to other elements in g(JCK).

Since the Current Question is typically salient in a given context, the contextvariable C is usually resolved to it; e.g. in (30), C is resolved to the CurrentQuestion “What did Kule build?”, giving rise to the meaning in (31).

(30) [CQ: What did Kule build? Kule built a school, and...]KuleKule



‘Kule also built a HOUSE.’

(31) J keCKg,w(J Kule built a school K)(s) = 1 iff Kule built a school in s inw, defined iff ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ {Kule built a school, Kule built

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a house, Kule built a shed, ...}, q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]

As seen in connection with example (19), in the case of focus-marked (in-verted) subjects (32), we see that if C is contextually resolved to the CurrentQuestion: “Who built a house?”, this will normally lead to a clash between thepresuppositions of ke and the background marker (33) (but see below).

(32) [CQ: Who built a house? Hawwa built a house, and...]#salkobuild-PFV





(intended:) ‘KULE also built a house.’

(33) J keCKg,w(J Kule built a houseK)(s) = 1 iff Kule built a house in s in w,defined iff ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ {Hawwa built a house, Kule built ahouse, Shuwa built a house, ...}, q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]Presupposition of i-marking: There is a maximal salient house-buildingevent whose agent is Kule.

Instead, as argued above, any association of a (scalar-) additive particle witha subject is indirect in nature, constituting an instance of free association withfocus. There are at least two ways for such free associations with non-focusedsubjects to arise. First, the Current Question can be resolved to wide-scopequestions of the form “What happened?” (34) in contexts in which the VPis given, as illustrated in (35). Notice that the nuclear accent in the Englishparaphrase falls on the subject because the VP is given.

(34) [What happened? Hawwa built a house, and...]KuleKule



‘KULE also built a house.’

(35) J keCKg,w(J Kule built a houseK)(s) = 1 iff Kule built a house in s in w,defined iff ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ {Hawwa built a house, Hawwabought a car, Kule built a house, ...}, q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]

The second strategy involves apparent association with a (contrastive) topic,which is possible since the canonical preverbal position of subjects is the de-fault topic position. In this case, the ke-sentence with topical subject relates tothe super-question “Who did what?”, which splits up into VP-subquestions asin (36), leading to (37).

(36) [(What did Hawwa do?) Hawwa built a house, and... (CQ: What didKule do?)]

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‘KULE built a house, too.’

(37) J keCKg,w(J Kule built a houseK)(s) = 1 iff Kule built a house in s in w,defined iff ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ {Hawwa built a house, Hawwabought a car, Kule built a house, ...}, q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]

Additional evidence for this second option comes from marked discourse-contexts in which ke actually does occur together with a focus-marked subject(38). In such cases, the focus/background marking suggests that the meaning ofthe i/ye-marked VP ‘building a house’ forms the (contrastive) topic event. Theantecedent super-question is again “Who did what?”, but this time it is split upinto subject questions ranging over contextually given events (38). The resultis shown in (39).

(38) [(Who bought a car?) Hawwa bought a car, and... (CQ: Who built ahouse?)]Salkobuild-PFV





‘Kule (also) built a house.’

(39) J keCKg,w(J Kule built a houseK)(s) = 1 iff Kule built a house in s in w,defined iff ∃ s’ in w, s’ 6= s : ∃ q ∈ {Hawwa built a house, Hawwabought a car, Kule built a house, ...}, q 6= p: [q(s’)(w)]Presupposition of i-marking: There is a maximal salient house-buildingevent whose agent is Kule.

In sum, we have shown that the proposed analysis of ke and har with the de-notations in (28) and (29) can account for the behaviour of these particles ob-served in section 3.2.

5 ConclusionThe Ngamo data presented suggest that there are different kinds of associationwith focus, similar to what was found for English by Beaver & Clark (2008).However, in contrast to English also and even, Ngamo additive particles do notconventionally associate with focus. This corresponds to findings from otherlanguages, e.g. Bura (Hartmann & Zimmermann 2008) and Thompson Salish(Koch & Zimmermann 2010). What remains to be seen is whether the analysisof additive particles in Ngamo can be extended to provide a unified account ofstressed and unstressed additive particles in German.

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The Concept of Semantic Phase and the Different Readings ofa*gain

Sabine GründerUniversity of Bielefeld


Abstract. The paper offers a new kind of approach to the semantic contrastbetween repetitive and restitutive again. The heart of the theory is the new con-cept of Semantic Phase. It parallels the syntactic concept and is motivated asan instance of the Principle of Hierarchical Abstraction. The concept refers toa switch from imperfective to perfective view of a situation at the level of vP.Applying the modifier before or after phase transition derives the two readingswithout stipulation of lexical ambiguity. The framework used is Finite-state Tem-poral Semantics of Fernando. The syntactic background is an Orphan analysis ofright-peripheral adverbials. Syntactic underspecification is resolved by the useof pragmatic information reflected locally by the prosody of the utterance.

1 Introduction1.1 The Basic DataThe paper is concerned with the ambiguity that can arise in connection withthe interpretation of the adverb again (or German ‘wieder’). While in connec-tion with atelic states and activities again expresses plain repetition, appliedto a telic accomplishment or achievement, the adverb either expresses repeti-tion of the entire event (repetitive reading) or repetition of its result state only(restitutive reading). Consider the following telic standard example.

(1) John opened the door again. (rep./rest.)

The restitutive interpretation presupposes that the door has been open some-time before, but it does not require that is has been opened by John or anybodyelse. For the repetitive interpretation to be true, the door must have been openedby John at some point of time in the past.

The surface position of the adverb seems to have influence on the avail-ability of the possible interpretations. On the one hand there is the ambiguoussentences in (1) where we find the adverb in sentence final position, on theother hand the second sentence in (2) with sentence initial adverb for whichonly the repetitive interpretation is available.

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(2) Again, John opened the door. (rep.)

For the ambiguous first construction intonation can be used as a disambigua-tion device. While unmarked intonation goes with the restitutive reading, mainaccent on the adverb forces the repetitive interpretation.

(3) a. John opened the DOOR again. (rest.)b. John opened the door AGAIN. (rep.)

1.2 Some Existing ApproachesThe repetitive/restitutive duality of again/‘wieder’ is probably the most thor-oughly discussed example of the syntactic-semantic flexibility that is charac-teristic of adverbial adjuncts in general. Against this background, the outcomeof the several approaches was not purely descriptive, but was at the same timeaiming at giving us some deeper and more general insights into the syntax andsemantics of verb phrases and into the constitution of interfaces. Therefore, theanalysis of again/‘wieder’ has always been like a measure of what has beenachieved in the linguistic theory of adjuncts. Up to now the issues are far frombeing settled. The controversy primarily concerns the question of where to lo-cate the source of the ambiguity: in semantics, syntax or pragmatics.

The classical treatment of Dowty (1979) presupposes decomposition ina conceptual semantic language. In the representations of the two readings ofthe ambiguous sentence, the adverb occupies the same structural position. Theinterpretational contrast arises from two different semantic representations thatbelong to different syntactic categories: a sentence modifier and verb phrasemodifier. A meaning postulate accounts for the semantic relationship betweenthe two. Although the semantic contrast derives correctly in this framework,no explanation can be given for the influence of syntax or prosody, and thesolution is based on stipulation of lexical ambiguity .

Later approaches that include the concept of lexical ambiguity (with orwithout meaning postulates) are, for instance, Fabricius-Hansen (2001), Reyle,Rossdeutscher & Kamp (2008), Jaeger & Blutner (2003).

The most principled alternative, that tries to do without theoretically costlystipulations on the lexical semantic side, is the theory of von Stechow (1996).It is based on the following kind of data for German ‘wieder’.

(4) a. (weil) Fritz wieder das Fenster öffnete (rep.)b. (weil) Fritz das Fenster wieder öffnete (rest./rep.)

Assuming a single lexical semantic entry, von Stechow claims that the ambigu-ity can be resolved entirely in terms of syntactic scope. Decomposition in the

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style of Generative Semantics is located in the syntax. The theory is based on arather complex and abstract syntactic theory and uses movement of argumentsto Case positions. The leading idea is, that a structural accusative position haswide scope with respect to the agent relation expressed by the head of the VoicePhrase. If ‘wieder’ precedes an accusative object, a repetitive reading is oblig-atory, if it follows the accusative object, two readings are available due to twopossible positions of the adverbial. Since the arguments have moved to theirCase positions outside the Voice Phrase, the D-position of the adverb is nolonger uniquely identifiable from the surface, hence the ambiguity.

Another scope-based account was given by Pittner (2003). On the base ofa single lexical entry for the adverb, the different readings are determined bythe syntactic entity the modifier is related to. Although this assumption seemsvery natural and promising, it is not a trivial matter from a theoretical point ofview. If one accepts that an adjunct that is assigned one and only one semanticrepresentation can modify different types of entities, one would have to accountfor the interaction between the semantic contribution of the adjunct and thesemantic properties of the modified entity in a principled way.

Pointing to German word-order effects in connection with indefinite ob-jects as well as to the disambiguating effects of intonation, Jaeger & Blutner(2003) offer an alternative approach to the syntactically based theories, thatuses the framework of Optimality Theory. Disambiguation is the result of aprocess of pragmatic strengthening, which selects optimal candidates from ahighly underspecified relation between form and meaning. The word-order ef-fects involve scrambling of definite noun phrases. Optional from the point ofview of syntax, scrambling of nominal arguments plays an important role inthe information structural partition of an utterance into background and focus.Semantic material that is known or in some sense anaphoric relative to the con-text is moved out of the focus domain. On this basis it can be explained whythe semantics of example (5) below, with the adverbial preceding an indefiniteobject, is similar to the one given before where the adverbial follows a definiteobject (4b).

(5) (weil) Fritz wieder ein Fenster öffnete (rest./rep.)

Furthermore, considering the connection between pragmatic and prosody, itcan be stated that de-accented constituents are given. Accordingly, de-accentinga verb phrase in a syntactically ambiguous ‘wieder’-construction triggers arepetitive interpretation; in this case the sentence accent ends up on the ad-verbial. Unmarked intonation, on the other hand, places the main accent on theobject if it is verb adjacent and on the verb otherwise, and causes a restitutive

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interpretation. As was shown at the beginning (3), for the English examplesthere are similar disambiguation effects arising from the presence or absenceof an accent on the adverbial.

(6) a. (weil) Fritz das Fenster WIEDER öffnete (rep.)b. (weil) Fritz das Fenster wieder ÖFFNETE (rest.)

Although the approach does justice to the influence of context and intonation,the different interpretations need to be based on different lexical entries again,and there is no compositional semantics available in the theory.

1.3 The Aims of the PaperIn this paper we are going to present a new type of approach that tries to com-bine the virtues of the existing theories while avoiding their drawbacks.

It uses a concept of semantic decomposition that is less abstract than theone introduced by Dowty. There is no assumption of lexical ambiguity. It is ascopal approach but it can do with a much simpler structure and without theconcept of syntactic decomposition. Furthermore, scope is not syntacticallybut pragmatically determined, and mediated by the assignment of constituentsto the information structure domains of focus and background. This kind ofcontext-sensitive scope resolution gets formally implemented using prosodicinformation that is locally available on the constituents of the utterance. Thedifferent readings of the adverbial are determined with respect to the samesituation seen from different aspectual viewpoints. The idea of systematicallychanging the view of a situation follows from an independently motivated andgeneral cognitive principle: the Principle of Hierarchical Abstraction.

The proposal is part of a more general approach to left/right contrastsin the interpretation of English temporal adverbials that was offered in Grün-der (2009). Accordingly, the focus of the investigation is on finding a theo-retically well-motivated and general analysis for the standard cases of repet-itive/restitutive ambiguity for again. Technical solutions for special cases orexceptions, that are known in the literature, will have to be part of a more de-tailed future work. We take the fact that the general strategy motivated in thepaper can also be used to derive several other contrasts in adverbial modifica-tion as giving further weight to the proposal made here.

2 Semantic Phase Theory2.1 Hierarchical AbstractionThe Principle of Hierarchical Abstraction is seen as one of the most fundamen-tal and general cognitive principles to reduce complexity of problem-solving

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tasks. It is a means to reduce details and condense information through step-wise merge of several elements in the problem space into one.

In modern linguistic theory, language too is described as a ‘system of dis-crete infinity, consisting of hierarchically organized objects’ (Chomsky 2008:137). Additionally, the Principle of Hierarchical Abstraction is included inform of Syntactic Phases (Chomsky 2001, 2008).

Phases mark points in the derivation where syntactic material is trans-ferred to the phonological component of the language system. At the level ofCP and vP (or VP if one does without assumption of the v-head), only materialin the head and the specifier is kept available for further syntactic processing;the information contained in the complement is spelled out respectively. In con-sequence, complexity of syntactic processing is reduced by minimizing searchspace and unloading working memory.

Interestingly, pragmatics assumes a similar transition point too. In infor-mation structure theory, the verbal domain is often considered the new infor-mation focus domain of the utterance. This view rests on the assumption thatthe syntactic tree undergoes partition into areas which are treated differently insemantics (for instance, Diesing (1992)).

Now the idea is to integrate this pragmatic differentiation into semanticsand make vP a relevant transition point for semantic composition too. The con-cept of Semantic Phase, that is proposed in this paper is considered an instanceof the general Principle of Hierarchical abstraction. Taking into account theparallel to the syntactic as well as the pragmatic concept, phase abstractionwould become a candidate for a general interface principle.

2.2 Perfective vs. Imperfective ViewpointIn case of the semantic phase concept, phase transition is supposed to consistin a change of the temporal granularity of the model when leaving vP. Moreprecisely, while at a point of semantic processing inside vP, the situation ap-pears to be internally structured into different temporal phases, outside vP it isseen as an unstructured single whole.

These two different views of a situation can be considered a structuralrealization of the concepts of imperfective and perfective aspect. According toComrie (1976), aspectual categories are different ways of viewing the internalconstituency of a situation. ‘Perfectivity indicates the view of the situation asa single whole, without distinction of the various separate phases that makeup that situation; while the imperfective pays essential attention to the internalstructure of the situation’ (ibid.).

Obviously, changing from imperfective to perfective view at the level ofvP is a way of hierarchically abstracting from details and reducing complexity

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of the model and of the representation.

2.3 The Proposal in a NutshellIn the context of the paper, the capacity to describe the world at different levelsof granularity is considered a symptom of the context-sensitivity of natural lan-guage. It is explained as a means to reduce complexity of semantic processingby applying the Principle of Hierarchical Abstraction.

Granularity shifts proceed via underspecifying situations and situationaldescriptions with respect to certain temporal aspects of their interpretation.Conceptual details concerning the internal temporal constituency of a situationare only available during local processing inside the new information focus ofan utterance. They are abstracted away as soon as processing reaches the back-ground domain of the utterance, where the information needs to be globallyhandled and brought into relation to the overall semantic context.

To have available two different conceptual views of a situation makesnatural language a very flexible descriptive means that can be very precise andvery effective at the same time.

In connection with the problem of ambiguities in temporal adverbial mod-ification the idea is the following. The puzzling flexibility in the semantics oftemporal adverbials is due to the granularity of temporal meaning. The im-perfective or perfective view of a situation is chosen as an attaching point forthe adverbial depending on the context of its use inside or outside the new in-formation focus of an utterance. Applying the identical adverbial to the samesituation represented at different levels of granularity causes the entire groupof characteristic interpretational contrasts.

3 The Semantic Framework3.1 Situations as Regular LanguagesWhat is needed to formally analyze the semantic contrast for the adverb againin the way sketched above is a semantic framework that is decompositional. Asituation has to be represented not just as an indivisible atom, but its differenttemporal parts need to be taken into account and made accessible by the for-malism. Additionally, there should be the possibility to implement the idea ofdifferent levels of granularity. Thereby, internal structure of a situation can beincluded or abstracted away by decision.

A modern approach to event semantics that could serve well as a basis forformal implementation is Finite-state Temporal Semantics of Fernando (2003,2004, 2006) Fernando (2003, 2004, 2006). In Fernando‘s theory, a situationalconcept is formalized as a Regular Language.

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Given a finite set Φ of formulas, a symbol σ of such language consists ofa non-contradictory subset of Φ , which non-exhaustively describes what holdstrue at some single point in time. The symbols are combined via the basicregular operations concatenation σ1σ2, alternation σ1+σ2 and iteration σ∗1 (orσ+1 for non-empty iteration) to form regular expressions which define a regular

language as a set of strings. Negation of symbols is defined in the style of DeMorgan as: ¬ = Φ ; ¬ φ1,...,φn = ¬φ1 + ... + ¬φn .

A simple example (by Fernando) is given below. Take the symbols to besnapshots of a camera; then each string can be viewed as a temporal sequenceof such snapshots. With respect to the given example ‘rain from dawn to dusk’this means, that the formalization of the situational concept starts with a pictureon the left, on which there can be seen rain and dawn, followed by a finitenumber of pictures in the middle on which there is rain, and ended by one onthe right that shows rain and dusk.

(7) Λ (rain from dawn to dusk) = rain, dawn rain ∗ rain, dusk

Therefore, a situation is represented not just as an atom, but its internal statesare taken into account as well. No abstract BECOME-operator needs to beused, since the concept just directly mirrors the temporal path of the event.

The model of such a language is given by a Kripke Frame with partialvaluations. More precisely, the interpretational basis consists of a set of statesthat are partial valuations over a set of variables A, the carrier of a first-orderstructure.

Additionally, Fernando includes time variables in language and groundsthem in the model by the help of δ -points. That means, instead of the contin-uum of the real numbers, moments in time get modeled by non-open intervals(r- δ

2 , r+ δ

2 ). This strategy is motivated by the intuition that the precision of ac-tual observations always is finite. The choice of the extension of the δ -pointsdetermines a certain temporal granularity of the model.

3.2 Situational ClassesFernando‘s central idea for a definition of aspectual features is to formallybase it on the symbols α(L) and ω(L) that start and finish a given language,respectively. They serve to encode the property of a situational type of beinginitially or finally bounded or unbounded. If the condition α(L) is immediatelyswitched after the first stage an initial boundary is marked; if α(L) is preservedthe concept is initially unbounded. In the same way ω(L) can be used to marka final boundary, reading the string from right to left in that case. Aspectualfeatures, according to Fernando, then just enumerate all the possibilities for acorresponding concept to be bounded or unbounded in that sense.

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Definition 1. Aspectual Features:

telic (L) = ¬ω(L)+

iter (L) = ω(L)+

prog (L) = ¬α(L)+

reten (L) = α(L)+

Let us assume a situational concept has a minimal length of three sym-bols, in other words, every situation consists of a beginning, a middle part, andan end. On this perspective, the four classical aspectual classes are derivable asthe set of logically possible cross-combinations of the four aspectual featuresas defined above.

Below, the corresponding properties of being initially or finally bounded,are marked by using a short binary code, with the first digit referring to thebeginning, the second to the ending, and 1 and 0 indicating the presence orabsence of a boundary, respectively. If we let a and o refer to the two boundarymarking propositions inside the symbols α(L) and ω(L) we get the abstractcharacterizations on the very right.

Definition 2. Aspectual Classes:

state: reten, iter (0 0) a a, o + o

activity: prog, iter (1 0) a ¬a, o + ¬a, o

achievement: reten, telic (0 1) a, ¬o a, ¬o + o

accomplishment: prog, telic (1 1) a ¬a, ¬o + ¬a, o

The following translations, which give formalizations within the frame-work of some concrete examples, may serve as an illustration. (For the sake ofabbreviation, ¬a is suppressed in presence of o on the basis of obvious entail-ment relations.)

(8) a. Λ (be silly) = be silly(x) be silly(x) + be silly(x)

b. Λ (swim) = ¬∃y 6= /0 (swim(y)) ∃y 6= /0 (swim(y)) + ∃y 6= /0 (swim(y))

c. Λ (reach the summit) = ¬(be at summ.(x)) ¬(be at summ.(x)) + be at summ.(x)

d. Λ (build a tower) = ¬∃y ≤ t (build(y)) ∃y ≤ t (build(y)), ¬build(t) + build(t)

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In example (8a) the relevant proposition - being a and o at the same time- refers to a state of mind of the subject. The valuation of the proposition re-mains unchanged for finitely many states, and so no boundaries are markedfor the state-concept. In the representation of the activity concept in (8b) thevariable is referring to parts of a spatial path the subject is taking. Here, an ini-tial boundary exists due to the change of the truth value of the a/o-propositionfrom the first to the second state. Since after this immediate switch the valu-ation of the proposition then remains unchanged for finitely many states, nofinal boundary is marked, and the situational concept therefore is an iterativeor atelic one. In (8c) the spatial position of the subject is what matter for acharacterization of the phases of the achievement. The change in truth valueof the o-proposition from the second last to the last state marks a final bound-ary, and therefore makes the situational concept telic. But there exists no initialboundary. Finally, in (8d) the constant t is referring to the tower, the values ofthe variable y are the parts of the tower that were already constructed. Condi-tion α (¬∃y ≤ t (build(y))) changes its truth value right after start; conditiono (build(t)) just before the end. Accordingly, the accomplishment-concept isinitially as well as finally bounded.1

4 The Semantic Analysis4.1 The Basic ConceptsThe possibility within the framework to change the granularity of the modelallows a direct formal implementation of the concept of semantic phase, thatwas proposed in Section 2. For a representation of the imperfective view ofa situation, that takes into account its internal temporal structure, the repre-sentation mainly looks like the formula presented in the previous section, justwith the subject included. Below there is the imperfective version of the con-cept ‘John open the door’ (infinitive) from the initial examples (o refers to theopening-angle of the door, j the subject).

(9) ¬∃x ≤ o (open (j, x)) ∃x ≤ o (open (j, x)), ¬open (o) + open (o)

1 In order to differentiate result states that are reversible (‘open the door’) from those that arenot, Fernando marks a set of inertial formula, that hold until a force is applied to stop them holding(‘build a tower’) or cannot be stopped at all (‘write an article’). For Fernando this concept of inertiais relevant in connection with the definition of the perfect, but it also plays a role for temporaladverbial modification. For instance, application of again should be blocked in cases where aresult is strictly inertial. In what follows this problem will be of minor interest though. The mainfocus of the formalization of the initial examples will be on the contrast between telic and atelicconcepts with respect to the interpretational effects they show in connection with the adverb again.

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In order to get a perfective view of the same situation, that abstracts awayfrom its internal structure, one has to increase granularity of the model untilthe entire situation just falls into one state. Metaphorically, the snapshot takenby our camera has an increased duration of exposure such that the entire eventcan be taken by a single picture. Accordingly, after of phase transition at thelevel of vP, the above representation in (9) gets changed and condensed in thefollowing way.

(10) * j open the door

For an analysis of the meaning of the adverb again I assume the followingsingle representation. The formula refers to the last symbol ω(L) of the regularexpression that represents the situational concept the adverb is supposed tomodify.

(11) Λ (again) = ω(L) *

The adverbial concept will get combined with the situational concept by simpleconcatenation. By just writing the two respective string one after the other inthat way, the temporal presuppositional character of the meaning of again iscaptured directly.

4.2 Again and Telic Situational ConceptsNow let us see how the contrast between the repetitive and restitutive reading,which again shows when applied to a telic situational concept, derives on thatbasis.

In case of the restitutive reading, the adverb gets interpreted before phasetransition and with respect to the imperfective view of the situation. In this con-stellation, the symbol ω(L), that is used by the modifier, is just the result stateof the event. Consequently, after modification the concept mirrors a temporalcourse where the result of the event held already at an earlier point in time. Be-low this is spelled out for the initial example ‘John open the door again’. Here,an accomplishment is chosen, but for an achievement the mechanism wouldobviously work quite parallel.2

(12) open (o) * ¬∃x ≤ o (open (j, x)) ∃x ≤ o (open (j, x)), ¬open (o) + open (o)

In contrast, the repetitive reading follows from applying the adverb after phasetransition. Now, the situation is represented from a perfective point of view. Inresult, the relevant symbol ω(L), that it taken by the adverbial, comprises the

2 Tempus is not included in this article, but can easily be following the formalization available inFinite-state Temporal Semantics.

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description of the full situation, that was condensed into a single state of themodel. Accordingly, the regular expression that comes up after modificationdescribes a temporal course where the entire event with the identical subjectalready took place at some previous point in time.

(13) j open the door * j open the door

This means, the identical semantic representation for the adverb again can beused to derive both possible readings. Note, that since the imperfective and theperfective view of the a situation are both just regular expressions, no problemsof type-shift arise in the formalism used here.

4.3 Again and Atelic Situational ConceptsAs was said at the beginning, in connection with atelic situational conceptsno similar semantic contrast appears, but again just always expresses plainrepetition. Let us check whether this empirical fact can be accounted for by theproposed theory.

In the case of atelic states and activities, the last symbol of the imperfec-tive concept does not mark a final boundary. This means that no result state isdescribed but just a continuation of the state or activity phase that characterizesthe situation, respectively. Consequently, it does not make a real difference ininterpretation whether the adverbial gets applied to the imperfective or perfec-tive view of an atelic situation. Below both readings are spelled out for a stativeconcept ‘John be silly again’ and an activity concept ‘John swim again’.


a. be silly(x) * be silly(x) be silly(x) + be silly(x)

b. j silly * j silly


a. ∃y 6= /0 (swim(j, y)) * ¬∃y 6= /0 (swim(j, y)) ∃y 6= /0 (swim(j, y)) + ∃y 6= /0 (swim(j, y))

b. j swim * j swim

5 Syntax (Informal Sketch)5.1 General BackgroundFor reasons of space, the syntactic part of the theory can not be presented informal detail, but we will have to restrict ourselves to giving some generalideas and informal explanations. For a full formal analysis we refer the readerto Gründer (2009) or other material to appear. The framework used there is

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an adapted and extended version of Dynamic Syntax of Kempson, Meyer-Violand Gabbay (2001).

To supplement this semantic approach by a fitting syntactic theory, theright-peripheral adverbials in question are assumed to be orphans. Orphansare constituents that are independent of their host sentence in syntax. Prosodicinformation, reflecting the contextual status of the constituents, is mediatingbetween underspecified syntactic and specified semantic structure. Since therelevant information is read off locally on the constituents of the utterance,contextual principles can be put at work without having to implement heavymechanisms on discourse level.

This idea is methodologically challenging, since in the standard gram-matical systems, following the example of Chomsky, semantic interpretation isfully determined syntactically. Pragmatic considerations take place outside thereal grammar formalism and after semantic processing only. And there is, forprinciple reason, no interaction between the different components of the gram-mar in a way that phonetics would mirror pragmatics and would interact withsyntax in order to determine semantics. But following the considerations fromthe beginning of the paper, this kind of interaction is just what is needed for ananalysis of the meaning of adverbial modifiers, for instance again.

5.2 Dynamic Scope Resolution by ProsodyIn the formalism of Dynamic Syntax, that is used in Gründer (2009) as a formalbasis, syntactic processing is seen as progressive and goal-driven enrichmentof some partial, underspecified structure through stepwise parse of a string ofwords. Information is built up on a left-to-right basis relative to some con-text against which choices may be made as the construction process proceeds.Words are the processing units of the parser, and they include their syntacticinformation in form of a simple program that effects changes in a tree-structurethat is growing top-down. For the placement of the elements in the tree, tree-addresses are used. A number of processing rules govern the integration andfurther processing of information.

Among the several adaptions and extensions we made to the original sys-tem of Dynamic Syntax, the most relevant one is the inclusion of prosodicinformation into the parsing process. This means that the input of words comesmarked with respect to accent, and accent marks have influence on the process-ing and placement of the information inside the tree structure.

In case of right-peripheral again the disambiguation process intuitivelyworks like this. At the point where scanning of the modifier is triggered, itdoes not actually get integrated by the syntactic rule, but its structural posi-tion remains underspecified. Now, depending on the prosodic marking of the

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adverbial as plus or minus accented, the semantic information carried by theword is placed at different position inside the tree. Lower, at the level of vP, ifthere is no accent, or higher, at sentence level, if there is an accent on again.Consequently, the adverbial gets involved into the semantic form at the rightplace relative to the phase transition point, and therefore applies to either theimperfective or perfective view of the situation.

6 ConclusionThe paper offered an explanation of the semantic flexibility of the adverb againon the basis of the concept of granularity. Temporal granularity of meaningrefers to changes in the degree of conceptual detail for time-related aspectsof interpretation. Application of the non-ambiguous modifier to either the im-perfective or perfective view of the same situation can cause the two differentreadings. The choice between both interpretations is not syntactically deter-mined, but it is made relative to the semantic context that is reflected locally bythe prosody of the utterance.

If one considers the results of the paper from a more general theoreticalperspective, then the investigation of adverbial modifiers was shown to havetheoretical depth as well as the capacity to illuminate systematic processes atthe interfaces between syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Additionally, it couldgive a clear and concrete example for the relationship between linguistic theoryand general principles of cognition.

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Degree Modification in Russian Morphology: The Case of the Suffix -­‐ovat

Olga Kagan

Ben Gurion University of the Negev [emailprotected]

Sascha Alexeyenko University of Osnabrück


Abstract. In this paper, we investigate the semantics of the adjectival suffix -ovat in Russian. We argue that this suffix constitutes a morphological degree modifier and propose for it a formal analysis formulated within the framework of degree semantics. The suffix specifies that the degree to which a property holds of an object is slightly higher than the standard of comparison. A detailed consideration of different types of adjectives and standards of comparison available for these adjectives, in combination with the proposed analysis, allows us to account for the distribution of the suffix and for the range of arising interpretations.

1 Introduction: Data In this paper, we investigate the semantics of the adjectival suffix -ovat in Russian as in the following examples where it is applied to the adjectives dorogoj ‘expensive’ and vysokij ‘high’:

(1) a. Etot restoran okazalsja dlja nas dorog-ovat-ym. this restaurant turned_out for us expensive-ovat-M.INSTR ‘This restaurant turned out to be somewhat expensive for us.’ b. Takije kabluki dlja menja vysok-ovat-y. such heels for me high-ovat-PL.NOM ‘Such heels are somewhat too high for me.’

Intuitively, the interpretation associated with -ovat comes close to “a little bit too”: The prices in the restaurant in (1a) slightly exceeded the speaker’s expectations or average prices for restaurants of that type, but were still not simply too expensive such that the speaker was not able to pay them. Similarly, the heels in (1b) are somewhat too high for the speaker as to be absolutely comfortable or to look completely appropriate, however, they are only somewhat too high rather than just too high.

However, it seems that -ovat can make different contributions with different adjectives. While with dorogoj ‘expensive’ and vysokij ‘high’ in (1)

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 321–335. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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its meaning is comparable to that of the English slightly too, this is not the case with adjectives like sladkij ‘sweet’ or vlažnyj ‘wet’ as below:

(2) a. Po utram on pjot proxladnyj sladk-ovat-yj čaj. at mornings he drinks cool sweet-ovat-M.ACC tea ‘In the mornings, he drinks cool sweetish tea.’ b. Lena protjorla mebel’ vlažn-ovat-oj trjapkoj. Lena wiped furniture wet-ovat-F.INSTR duster ‘Lena wiped the furniture with a wettish duster.’

In examples in (2), -ovat implies that the property lexicalized by the stem holds of the argument to an intuitively low degree, e.g., the tea in (2a) is not really sweet, rather it is only somewhat sweetish. In other words, ‘sweet + -ovat’ does not entail ‘sweet’. The same holds for vlažnovatyj in (2b), which implies that objects, of which it is true, are not properly wet, but are not really dry either. Again, this means the lack of entailment to the meaning of the unmodified positive form vlažnyj ‘wet’.

Another interesting fact concerning the distribution of -ovat is that it can be attached to some adjectives but not to others: (a) it is incompatible with non-gradable adjectives, such as žyvoj ‘alive’,

mjortvyj ‘dead’, or čjotnyj ‘even’; thus, *žyvovatyj, *mertvovatyj, and *čjotnovatyj are not acceptable forms;

(b) in many pairs of positive and negative adjectives that lexicalize scales with the same dimension, the suffix can be attached to one member of the pair only, namely, to the one that conventionally has a negative connotation, e.g. grjaznovatyj (dirty+ -ovat) / *čistovatyj (clean+ -ovat); ploxovatyj (bad+ -ovat) / *xoroševatyj (good+ -ovat); dorogovatyj (expensive+ -ovat) / *deše(vo)vatyj (cheap+ -ovat); slabovatyj (weak + -ovat) / *sil’novatyj (strong + -ovat);

(c) in some other pairs, by contrast, both the positive and the negative member can combine with the suffix, e.g. dlinnovatyj (long+ -ovat) / korotkovatyj (short+ -ovat); šyrokovatyj (broad + -ovat) / uzkovatyj (narrow + -ovat); tjaželovatyj (heavy + -ovat) / legkovatyj (light + -ovat).

Finally, we assume that in some cases the suffix cannot attach to a root due to purely morpho-phonological factors, such as, e.g., the length of the word or euphony, cf. *interesnovatyj ‘interesting + -ovat’, *agressivnovatyj ‘aggressive + -ovat’, *prostodušnovatyj ‘simple-minded + -ovat’. For in-stance, the suffix is unlikely to combine with a stem that consists of more than two syllables. However, in what follows we will ignore such cases and concentrate on the semantic-pragmatic nature of the suffix.

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The core idea of our analysis is that the suffix -ovat functions as a degree modifier, similarly to comparative morphemes. We argue that it imposes a relation between two degrees on the scale lexicalized by the adjectival root. One of them is the maximal degree to which the property holds of the individual argument of the adjective. It is entailed to slightly exceed the other one, namely, the standard of comparison.

The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we briefly discuss the necessary theoretic considerations about scales, degrees, and standards of comparison, mainly based on work by Kennedy & McNally (2005) and Heim (2000). In Section 3, we set forth our analysis that accounts for the data from Section 1. We systematically discuss different types of adjectives, both non-gradable adjectives and various sub-classes of gradable adjectives, and different types of standards of comparison, which -ovat can apply to. Finally, Section 4 concludes the discussion.

2 Scales and Standards 2.1 Types of Scales Following a number of studies on the semantics of gradable adjectives (Cruse 1980, Winter & Rotstein 2004, Kennedy & McNally 2005, Kennedy & Levin 2007, among many others), we assume that the meanings of gradable adjectives can be characterized in terms of scales and degrees, defining a scale as a set of degrees totally ordered along some dimension. Depending on the structure of the scale, the following subtypes of scales have usually been distinguished: (a) totally open scales: such scales do not have minimal or maximal

points, and, therefore, adjectives that map their arguments along such scales are not compatible with degree modifiers that pick out end points, e.g., absolutely and completely for the maximal degree, slightly and partially for the minimal degree: - tall, expensive, deep, glad, heavy, etc.

(b) upper-bound closed scales: the property has a maximal possible degree, which constitutes the upper bound of the scale; the corresponding adjectives can be modified by absolutely and completely: - clean, dry, flat, straight, etc.

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(c) lower-bound closed scales1: the property is instantiated to at least a smallest value, which follows the zero degree at the lower bound of the scale; adjectives with underlying scales of this type can be modified by slightly and partially: - dirty2, wet, bumpy, dangerous, etc.

Applying this distinction to Russian adjectives, we can see that adjectives like dorogoj ‘expensive’ / dešovyj ‘cheap’ and vysokij ‘high’ / nizkij ‘low’ lexicalize totally open scales lacking both a minimal and a maximal degree, since neither soveršenno ‘absolutely’ nor slegka ‘slightly’ is compatible with either of them:

(3) a. #soveršenno vysokij / #slegka vysokij #absolutely high / #slightly high b. #soveršenno nizkij / #slegka nizkij #absolutely low / #slightly low c. à highness nizkij vysokij d. à lowness vysokij nizkij

Adjective pairs like grjaznyj ‘dirty’ / čistyj ‘clean’ and sladkij ‘sweet’ / nesladkij ‘not sweet’ lexicalize partially closed scales. More precisely, ‘clean’ and ‘not sweet’ map their arguments along upper-bound closed scales (with the maximal degree at the upper bound), while ‘dirty’ and ‘sweet’ map their arguments along lower-bound closed scales (with the minimal degree at the lower bound):

(4) a. soveršenno čistyj / #slegka čistyj absolutely clean / #slightly clean b. #soveršenno grjaznyj / slegka grjaznyj #absolutely dirty / slightly dirty c. à cleanness (max) grjaznyj čistyj d. à dirtiness (min) čistyj grjaznyj 1 Yoon (1996) and Rotstein & Winter (2004) alternatively use the terms “total” and “partial” for antonymous adjectives lexicalizing upper- and lower-bound closed scales respectively. 2 Antonymous members in pairs of gradable adjectives (such as clean and dirty) map their arguments onto scales with the same dimension and the same degrees. However, their scales are different, since the respective orderings are inverse (but see Kennedy 2001 and Kennedy & McNally 2005 for an alternative view, on which such antonyms lexicalize the same scale but involve positive versus negative degrees).

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An important implication that Kennedy & McNally (2005) draw from the fact of differences in the scale structure concerns the nature of the standard of comparison.

Gradable adjectives, which map their arguments along totally open scales, are claimed to have a context-dependent standard of comparison, therefore they are called relative gradable adjectives. This type of standard of comparison, called distributional standard throughout the paper, is determined with respect to the domain of the adjective, i.e., based on the distribution in the class of objects, which constitute the comparison set in the respective context. The objects, which the positive form is true of, “stand out” with respect to the property that the adjective encodes.

By contrast, gradable adjectives, which map their arguments onto degrees on scales closed from at least one end, are supposed to have a context-independent absolute standard of comparison that corresponds to the minimal or maximal degree on the scale. These adjectives have been dubbed absolute gradable adjectives. The standard of adjectives with upper-bound closed scales corresponds to the maximal degree, i.e., they require their arguments to possess a maximal amount of property they describe (e.g. čistyj ‘clean’ and nesladkij ‘not sweet’). Adjectives with lower-bound closed scales have their standard at the minimal degree on the scale, i.e., they require their arguments to possess some minimal degree of the relevant property (e.g. grjaznyj ‘dirty’ and sladkij ‘sweet’).

In addition, we assume the existence of a functional standard for all types of gradable adjectives, which is determined relative to some purpose relevant in the context of utterance.

2.2 Functional Standard The functional standard is the maximal degree on the interval consisting of degrees that are compatible with the requirements of the situation. The most typical case when this standard is invoked is the modification by the degree modifier too (Heim 2000, Meier 2003). A sentence of the form x is too P means, roughly, that x is characterized by the property P to a degree that is higher “than is compatible with certain (contextually given) goals or desires” (Heim 2000: 19). These goals or desires can be provided explicitly, as in (5) and (6), or need be inferred from the context, as in (7):

(5) Our truck is too tall to go through this tunnel.

(6) This concert is too long to burn to a single CD.

(7) These heels are too high.

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The contextually relevant goals for the sentences in (5)-(6) are packed in a to-phrase: to go through a certain tunnel in (5) and to burn a concert to a CD in (6). The corresponding functional standards in these contexts, i.e., the maximal degrees of height and length that are compatible with the respective goals, although not provided explicitly, are recoverable from the situation. For the sentence in (5), this degree corresponds to the height of the tunnel; for the sentence in (6), it corresponds to the volume of the CD.

By contrast, the contextually relevant goal/desire for the sentence in (7) remains implicit and can vary from context to context. It may be the desire that shoes should be comfortable or the goal to look appropriate in a society, or, essentially, any other contextual requirement.

Heim (2000) captures the meaning component contributed by too by assigning this item a modal semantics (see also Meier 2003 for a similar modal analysis). The analysis she proposes is provided in (8):

(8) [[ too ]] w = λP<s,dt> . max(P(w)) > max{d: Ǝw' ∈ Acc(w): P(w')(d) = 1}

The construction x is too P implies that the maximal degree to which P holds of x in the reference world w is higher than the maximal degree to which P holds of x in any possible world that stands in a particular accessibility relation to w. The accessibility relation Acc maps a world w to a set of worlds in which the contextually specified purposes or desires are achieved or satisfied, and which are similar to w in other relevant respects. As de-monstrated above, the nature of the accessibility relation varies from context to context.

What has been called the functional standard throughout this paper is represented in Heim’s analysis in (8) as max{d: Ǝw' ∈ Acc(w): P(w')(d) = 1}, i.e., it is the maximal degree that is compatible with the situation re-quirements. For the sake of simplicity, below we will abbreviate this formula simply as C to refer to the functional standard, following Nakanishi (2004).

3 A Unified Analysis of -­‐ovat We propose that the suffix -ovat is a morphological degree modifier. It provides information regarding the degree to which the argument possesses the property lexicalized by the stem. The suffix imposes a relation between this degree and the standard of comparison. The semantics of -ovat is provided in (9):

(9) λP<d,et>λd’dλxe . max{d: P(d)(x)} > d’ ˄ (max{d: P(d)(x)} – d’ < dc)

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In prose, the suffix specifies that the maximal degree d to which a property P holds of an individual x is higher than another degree d’, i.e., the standard of comparison, whose source will be discussed below. It further specifies that the difference between the two degrees is relatively low, i.e., lower than dc, which represents a contextually provided expectation value. Thus, the suffix fulfills the double function of (i) imposing a relation between two degrees on a scale and (ii) vaguely measuring the difference between these degrees.

Below, we argue that -ovat consistently contributes the semantics in (9). The different sub-meanings of the suffix, discussed in Section 1, arise by virtue of the fact that the suffix can apply to different types of standards of comparison. In what follows, we systematically discuss the application of -ovat to adjectives with underlying scales of different types and different standards of comparison.

3.1 Non-­‐Gradable Adjectives The analysis predicts correctly that -ovat cannot attach to non-gradable adjectives. Degree modifiers require their adjectival argument to be gradable (Kennedy & McNally 2005). If it is not gradable, a type mismatch occurs. The adjectives *žyvoj ‘alive’, mjortvyj ‘dead’, and čjotnyj ‘even’ are not gradable and, therefore, they are of type <e,t> (the property type). But the suffix requires an argument of type <d,<e,t>>. Hence the unacceptability of such forms as *žyvovatyj, *mjortvovatyj, and *čjotnovatyj.3 On a more intuitive level, the adjectival stems do not provide a degree which could then be compared to the standard of comparison.

3.2 Gradable Adjectives: Absolute Standard

3.2.1 Lower-­‐Bound Closed Scales If the scale lexicalized by the stem is lower closed and, thus, has a minimal value, it is to this value that the suffix applies. Thus, the lowest degree on the scale functions as the standard of comparison.

Let’s illustrate the application of -ovat to an adjective with an underlying lower-bound closed scale, such as, for instance, sladkij ‘sweet’. The compatibility with slegka ‘slightly’ but not with soveršenno ‘absolutely’ indicates that this adjective lexicalizes a lower-bound closed scale, which has

3 Note that the unacceptability of *žyvovatyj and *mjortvovatyj cannot be explained phonologically by the fact that the stem ends in the consonant -v-. This is shown by the acceptability of such adjectives as krivovatyj and čerstvovatyj, whose stems end in -v- as well. Further, the same kind of phonological explanation could not apply to the non-existence of such adjectives as *čjotnovatyj.

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a minimal value and no maximal value (an entity can be absolutely not sweet, but not absolutely sweet):

(10) Čaj slegka / #soveršenno sladkij. tea slightly / absolutely sweet ‘The tea is slightly / #absolutely sweet.’

The adjective sladkovatyj denotes the property of being slightly sweet, e.g. sladkovatyj čaj is tea that contains a small amount of sugar. The argument of sladkovatyj is entailed to possess sweetness to a degree that is slightly higher than the minimum. This meaning is derived in the following way:

(a) The semantics of sweet is provided in (11a). (b) The result of application of -ovat to the stem sladk- reveals the

representation in (11b). The maximal degree to which the argument of the resulting adjective is sweet slightly exceeds the standard of comparison, i.e., the minimal degree on the scale.

(c) The resulting function applies to the standard of comparison associated with the stem, and we get the meaning in (11c).

(11) a. λdλx . sweet(d)(x) b. λd’λx . max{d: sweet(d)(x)} > d’ ˄ (max{d: sweet(d)(x)} – d’ < dc) c. λx . max{d: sweet(d)(x)} > min(Ssweet) ˄ (max{d: sweet(d)(x)} –

min(Ssweet) < dc) d. à sweetness

nesladkij sladkij

sladkovatyj The figure in (11d) graphically represents the relations between the denotations of nesladkij ‘not sweet’, sladkij ‘sweet’, and sladkovatyj. We assume that the lower boundary on the scale of sweetness represents zero sweetness, i.e., corresponds to the absence of the property. In order for an object to fall under the denotation of sladkij ‘sweet’, it has to reach a particular degree of sweetness. Finally, an object counts as sladkovatyj if the degree of its sweetness is higher than the minimal point on the scale, but not considerably higher than this point.4

4 That is, we assume that sladkovatyj is outside of the denotation of sladkij. For further discussion of this issue, see Kagan & Alexeyenko (2010), Section 4.2.

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A further example that illustrates the application of -ovat to an adjective with a lower-bound closed scale is grjaznyj ‘dirty’. The scale of dirtiness has a minimal value (corresponding to zero dirtiness, or absolute cleanliness) but no maximal value (there is no limit to how dirty one can get). The suffix -ovat applies to the minimal value on the underlying scale of this adjective, so that the resulting adjective, grijaznovatyj, denotes the property of being slightly dirty, i.e., slightly dirtier than an absolutely clean entity.

(12) [[ grijaznovatyj ]] = λx . max{d: dirty(d)(x)} > min(Sdirty) ˄ (max{d: dirty(d)(x)} – min(Sdirty) < dc)

Several additional examples of adjectives that lexicalize a scale with a lower boundary and can be modified by the suffix -ovat are provided below:

(13) vlažnovatyj (wet-ovat) ‘slightly wet’, gor’kovatyj (bitter-ovat) ‘slightly bitter’, ostrovatyj (spicy-ovat) ‘slightly spicy’, krivovatyj (crooked-ovat) ‘slightly crooked’, strannovatyj (strange-ovat) ‘somewhat strange’, grustnovatyj (sad-ovat) ‘a little bit sad’, etc.

3.2.2 Upper-­‐Bound Closed Scales When a scale has a maximal value, its upper boundary constitutes another potential standard of comparison for the application of -ovat. However, it turns out that -ovat fails to apply to this standard. Recall that the suffix en-sures that the property holds of an argument to a degree that is higher than the standard of comparison. Trivially, no degree can be higher than the maximal element on the scale.

An example of an adjective that lexicalizes an upper-bound closed scale is čistyj ‘clean’, which lacks a minimal value and whose maximal value corresponds to absolute cleanliness. This scale is almost identical to the one lexicalized by the antonymous adjective grjaznyj ‘dirty’ discussed in Section 3.2.1 above, except for the fact that the two scales are characterized by inverse ordering relations. Roughly, the higher an object is on the scale of cleanliness (i.e., the cleaner it is), the lower it is on the scale of dirtiness. We noted above that the scale of dirtiness has a minimal value but no maximal one. Correspondingly, the scale of cleanliness has a maximal but not a minimal value.

The adjective *čistovatyj does not exist. Formally, the unacceptability of this form can be explained as follows. The standard of the adjective čistyj ‘clean’ is the upper scale boundary. Thus, the application of the suffix -ovat to this adjective would render the semantics in (14a):

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(14) a. λx . max{d: clean(d)(x)} > max(Sclean) ˄ (max{d: clean(d)(x)} – max(Sclean) < dc) b. à cleanness

grjaznyj čistyj čistovatyj

Since no degree on the scale of cleanliness can be higher than max(Sclean), the requirement max{d: clean(d)(x)} > max(Sclean) cannot be satisfied. Therefore, -ovat cannot be felicitously applied.

We now have an explanation of the contrast between the existing grijaznovatyj and the non-existing *čistovatyj. The adjectives grjaznyj and čistyj are antonyms that lexicalize scales with the same dimension. The scales come with one and the same standard (absolute cleanliness), which cor-responds to the minimal value on Sdirty and the maximal value on Sclean. For both adjectives, this standard is a potential candidate for -ovat to apply to. Given the ordering that characterizes each scale, we get the following result. With grjaznyj, the application of the suffix produces the meaning ‘slightly dirtier than the minimum’, or ‘slightly dirtier than an absolutely clean entity’. This is an acceptable interpretation, and the adjective grjaznovatyj exists. With čistyj, the resulting meaning would be ‘slightly cleaner than the maxi-mum’, or ‘slightly cleaner than an absolutely clean entity’. This interpretation is ruled out, and so the adjective *čistovatyj does not exist.

Additional upper-bound closed adjectives that cannot combine with -ovat are provided below:

(15) *rovnovatyj (straight-ovat)5, *ploskovatyj (flat-ovat)6, *sveževatyj (fresh-ovat)7, etc.

It should be pointed out, however, that some upper-bound closed adjectives (such as e.g. suxoj ‘dry’) can combine with -ovat. We argue that this is possible because in such cases, the suffix applies to a different type of standard, namely, to the functional standard. This issue will be addressed in Section 3.3.2 below.

5 Compare to the acceptable krivovatyj (crooked-ovat). 6 The adjective exists under a different, idiomatic meaning. 7 The intended meaning here is one of being a fresh product; presumably, under this meaning, the adjective lexicalizes an upper closed scale, as it is possible to say Jeda absolutno svežaja ‘The food is absolutely fresh’.

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3.3 Gradable Adjectives: Functional Standard In Sections 2.1 and 2.2, we demonstrated that both relative gradable adjectives and absolute gradable adjectives have a standard of comparison other than the absolute and the distributional one respectively. This standard is not computed relative to the distribution in the class, nor does it constitute a (minimal or maximal) boundary on the underlying scale. Rather, it is determined relative to some contextually relevant goal or desire. In this section, we consider cases in which -ovat applies to the functional standard.

3.3.1 Open Scales Relative adjectives lexicalize scales that lack both a minimal and a maximal value. Thus, no absolute standard is available. Still the suffix -ovat is com-patible with adjectives of this kind. With such adjectives, -ovat applies to the functional standard. In particular, it specifies that the degree to which the property holds of an argument is slightly too high to be compatible with the requirements of the situation.8

The adjective velikovatyj ‘big/great-ovat’ illustrates our point. This adjective lexicalizes an open scale and denotes a property of being slightly too big for the present purpose.

(16) a. [[ velikovatyj ]] = λx . max{d: big(d)(x)} > C ˄ (max{d: big(d)(x)} – C< dc) b. à bigness

f velikovatyj

For instance, this adjective can be used to describe shoes that are too big for a given individual, or a piece of furniture that is too big to fit in a particular room. At the same time, the argument of velikovatyj is only en-tailed to be slightly too big for the current purposes. Therefore, if this prop-erty characterizes the shoes that one is trying for size, this may not yet be a reason not to buy them: insoles or socks could solve the problem.

Along with velikovatyj, -ovat applies to the functional standard with numerous relative adjectives, including the following:

(17) vysokovatyj (tall-ovat) ‘slightly too tall’, nizkovatyj (short/low-ovat) ‘slightly too short/low’, šyrokovatyj (wide-ovat) ‘slightly too wide’,

8 Interestingly, -ovat cannot apply to a distributional standard. In Kagan and Alexeyenko (2010) (cf. Section 4.1), we suggest that this is a result of the inherently vague nature of this standard.

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dlinnovatyj (long-ovat) ‘slightly too long’, dorogovatyj (expensive-ovat) ‘a little bit too expensive’, starovatyj (old-ovat) ‘somewhat too old’...

The negative connotation sometimes associated with -ovat comes from the cases when it applies to the functional standard. An excess and the resulting incompatibility with the requirements of the situation create the negative flavour.

3.3.2 (Partially) Closed Scales The suffix -ovat can also apply to the functional standard with some adjectives that lexicalize scales with a boundary. For instance, the adjective suxoj ‘dry’ lexicalizes an upper-bound close scale (an entity can be absolutely dry, but not absolutely wet). -ovat cannot take the maximal value as the standard, for reasons discussed in Section 3.2.2. An object cannot be drier than absolutely dry. However, -ovat can attach to this adjective applying to the functional standard. The resulting adjective denotes a property of being slightly too dry for the present purposes (for instance, a duster may be too dry for an efficient cleaning). The adjective suxovatyj thus receives the semantics in (18)9:

(18) a. [[ suxovatyj ]] = λx . max{d: dry(d)(x)} > C ˄ (max{d: dry(d)(x)} – C <dc) b. à dryness

f suxoj (abs. stnd.) suxovatyj

Turning to adjectives that lexicalize a lower-bound scale, they, too, appear to allow the application of -ovat to the functional standard. For instance, it has been mentioned above that the adjective ostrovatyj (spicy-ovat) can mean ‘slightly spicy’. However, it may also mean ‘somewhat spicier than desirable in the given context’, as illustrated in (19):

(19) Etot sup dlja menja neskol’ko ostrovat. this soup for me somewhat spicy-ovat ‘This soup is somewhat too spicy for me.’

9 Of course, this raises the question of why such adjectives as *čistovatyj do not exist. We have seen why the suffix cannot take the maximal value on the scale as the standard, but why can it not apply to a functional standard, triggering an entailment that the argument is too clean for some purpose? This issue is addressed in Section 3.3.3.

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We therefore propose that ostrovatyj is ambiguous between the following two readings, which differ in terms of the standard selected by the suffix:

(20) a. [[ ostrovatyj1 ]] = λx . max{d: spicy(d)(x)} > min(Sspicy) ˄ (max{d: spicy(d)(x)} – min(Sspicy) < dc) b. [[ ostrovatyj2 ]] = λx . max{d: spicy(d)(x)} > C ˄ (max{d: spicy(d)(x)}

– C < dc)

Under (20a), the adjective denotes the property of being just a little bit spicy. Objects that are included in its denotation do not lack the property of spiciness but have it to a low degree. In turn, (20b) represents the property of being slightly exceeding the functional standard for spiciness, i.e., being slightly more spicy than desirable in the given context.

3.3.3 Conventionalized Gaps: Adjectives with a Positive Connotation If -ovat can apply to the functional standard with absolute adjectives, as demonstrated in Section 3.3.2, why do the words *čistovatyj (clean-ovat) or *rovnovatyj (straight-ovat) not exist? Further, why do we get the asymmetry with such relative antonyms as the following: ploxovatyj (bad-ovat) - *xoroševatyj (good-ovat), slabovatyj (weak-ovat) - *sil’novatyj (strong-ovat), glupovatyj (stupid-ovat) - *umnovatyj (clever-ovat)?

Note that in these pairs the stems consistently denote properties one of which is conventionally viewed as positive and the other one, as negative. That is, by default, it is good to be clever but not to be stupid, and being strong is judged to be preferable over being weak. Analogously, clean is better than dirty. Once such a conventional opposition is present, -ovat is typically compatible only with the member of the pair that carries a negative connotation. Apparently, with these pairs of adjectives, the attachment of the suffix and the resulting interpretation is governed not only by contextual but also by conventional considerations. It is conventionally determined for certain dimensions an excess in what direction is likely to be undesirable. Roughly, ‘worse than desirable’ is much more likely than ‘better than desirable’, ‘weaker than desirable’ is more likely than ‘stronger than desirable’, etc. Conventionally, by default, a high degree of cleanliness, cleverness, goodness, etc. is judged as a good thing, which makes these adjectives less easily compatible with the negative flavour of “a higher degree than desirable”, which is contributed by -ovat.

Of course, in an appropriate context, it is possible to conceptualize of an individual being “too good”, “too strong”, and even “too clever”. Therefore, the degree modifier too is perfectly compatible with such adjectives. However, due to the fact that -ovat is a derivational morpheme, which com-

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bines with the stem in the course of word formation, it is more sensitive to lexical and conventional restrictions. Therefore, it does not easily apply to properties whose degree is unlikely to be higher than desirable. In contrast, too, which is an independent lexical item that combines with an adjective at a much higher level of the derivation, can override the conventionalized preferences of the stem in an appropriate context.

Interestingly, if a polysemous adjective is inherently likely to receive a negative connotation under only one of its sub-meanings, this sub-meaning will be compatible with -ovat. For instance, the adjective prostovatyj (simple-ovat) sounds strange when modifying a problem or a question. Here, we have the positive/negative contrast *prostovatyj/složnovatyj (simple-ovat /strong-ovat) of the kind discussed above. But the adjective prostoj may also be used to modify one’s personality, in which case it receives the meaning ‘simple-minded’. This sub-meaning inherently receives a negative conno-tation, and the word prostovatyj is perfectly acceptable if used in this sense.10

4 Conclusion To sum up, in this paper we have investigated the semantics of the adjectival suffix -ovat in Russian. We argued that this suffix constitutes a morpho-logical degree modifier and proposed for it a formal analysis formulated within the framework of degree semantics. The suffix specifies that the degree to which a property holds of an object is slightly higher than the stand-ard of comparison. A detailed consideration of different types of adjectives and standards of comparison available for these adjectives, in combination with the proposed analysis, allows us to account for the distribution of the suffix and for the range of arising interpretations.

References Cruse, David. 1986. Lexical semantics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge

University Press. Heim, Irene. 2000. Degree Operators and Scope. In Proceedings of SALT 10,

40–64. Ithaca: CLC Publications. Kagan, Olga & Sascha Alexeyenko. 2010. Degree Modification in Russian

Morphology: The Case of the Suffix -ovat. In Proceedings of IATL 26. Kennedy, Chris. 2001. Polar Opposition and the Ontology of ‘Degrees’.

Linguistics and Philosophy 24. 33–70.

10 Similarly, mjagkij ‘gentle’ used with respect to people generally has a positive connotation. By contrast, mjagkovatyj (gentle-ovat) refers to someone who is too gentle, getting spineless.

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Kennedy, Chris & Beth Levin. 2007. Measure of change: The adjectival core of degree achievements. In L. McNally and C. Kennedy (Eds.), Adjectives and adverbs: Syntax, semantics and discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kennedy, Chris & Louise McNally. 2005. Scale Structure, Degree Mod-ification, and the Semantics of Gradable Predicates. Language 81(2). 345–381.

Meier, Cécile. 2003. The Meaning of too, enough and so… that. Natural Language Semantics 11. 69–107.

Nakanishi, Kimiko. 2004. On Comparative Quantification in the Verbal Domain. In Proceedings of SALT 14, 179–196. Ithaca: CLC Publications.

Rappaport Hovav, Malka. 2009. Scalar Roots and Their Results. Handout of a talk given at Roots Workshop at Stuttgart, June 2009.

Rotstein, Carmen & Yoad Winter. 2004. Total adjectives vs. partial adjectives: Scale structure and higher-order modifiers. Natural Language Semantics 12. 259–288.

Yoon, Youngeun. 1996. Total and partial predicates and the weak and strong interpretations. Natural Language Semantics 4. 217–236.

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On the Relation between Coherence Relations and Anaphoric Demonstratives in German*

Elsi Kaiser

University of Southern California [emailprotected]

Abstract. Recent research suggests that pronoun interpretation is guided by the semantic coherence relations between clauses. However, it is not yet well-understood whether coherence effects extend to other anaphoric expressions beyond pronouns. We report an experiment on German, a language in which human antecedents can be referred to both with personal and demonstrative pronouns. How do anaphoric demonstratives – whose referential properties have been argued to be complementary to pronouns – fit into coherence-based views? Our results suggest that although coherence does not modulate the antecedent choice of anaphoric demonstratives to the same extent that it in-fluences pronoun interpretation, demonstratives interact with coherence-related processing by guiding comprehenders’ expectations of coherence relations.

1 Introduction One of the most-researched challenges of language comprehension has to do with the interpretation of pronouns and other ‘underspecified’ referring expressions. An expression such she, it or this is semantically under-informative: on its own, it does not provide sufficient information to identify the intended referent. However, we encounter these kinds of forms very frequently in both written and spoken language and are able to interpret them without difficulties. In this paper, I report a psycholinguistic experiment that aims to shed light on the processes involved in reference resolution by investigating the referential properties of two kinds of underspecified forms in German, namely personal pronouns (er, sie ‘s/he’) and demonstrative pronouns (der, die). The results show that to understand the referential properties of these forms, we need to take into account the semantic coherence relations between sentences, but that pronouns and demonstratives interact with coherence-related processing in different ways. * Thanks to Petra Horvath, Erik Bresch and Samuli Heilala for assistance with coding the data. Thanks are also due to Caroline Féry, Thomas Weskott and Robin Hörnig who made it possible for me to collect data at the University of Potsdam. I would also like to thank the SuB audience for valuable comments. This research was partly supported by NIH grant 1R01HD061457.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 337–351. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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Various approaches to anaphor resolution have been proposed. In this section, I review some key approaches and summarize recent evidence regarding the importance of inter-sentential semantic relations. According to attention-based approaches, the interpretation of pronouns and other forms is guided by a correlation between referring expressions and the salience/accessibility of the antecedent (e.g., Givón 1983, Ariel 1990, Gundel et al. 1993): The most reduced referring expressions (e.g. unstressed pronouns) refer to the most salient/accessible entities, and demonstrative pronouns and other fuller forms refer to less salient entities. Salience is often regarded as being influenced by grammatical role, with subjects more salient than objects, or topicality, with topics more salient than non-topics. However, there are empirical complications for the subjecthood=salience view. In particular, Smyth (1994) and Chambers & Smyth (1998) found structural parallelism effects: pronouns prefer referents in parallel syntactic positions.

Recent evidence suggests that neither attention-based nor parallelism-oriented approaches are sufficient, and argues for coherence-based ap-proaches. According to coherence accounts, the use and interpretation of pronouns depends on the semantic relation between the pronoun-containing clause and the antecedent-containing clause. These approaches view anaphor resolution as a by-product of general inferencing/reasoning about relations between clauses (Hobbs 1979, Kehler 2002, Kehler, Kertz, Rohde & Elman 2008). To see how coherence relations influence pronoun interpretation, con-sider ex.(1). In principle, ‘him’ could refer to Phil or to Stanley. However, if the relation between the sentences is semantically parallel ex.(1a), people tend to interpret ‘him’ as referring to the parallel argument, Stanley (Kertz, Kehler & Elman 2006): Comprehenders construe the two events as similar, i.e., Stanley was tickled and was poked. In contrast, if the relation between the two clauses is a result relation ex.(1b), people are more likely to interpret ‘him’ as referring to the subject Phil (Kertz et al. 2006).

(1) a. Phil tickled Stanley, and (similarly) Liz poked him. Parallel relation: him => bias to object (Stanley) b. Phil tickled Stanley, and (as a result) Liz poked him. Result relation: him => bias to subject (Phil)

As shown in ex.(2), subject pronouns are also sensitive to coherence. When the relation between the two clauses is result/cause-effect, as in (2a), subject-position pronouns prefer the preceding object (Kertz et al. 2006). In contrast, when the relation between the two clauses is a temporal narrative relation (one event preceded the other but did not cause it), Kehler (2002) notes that we may observe a subject bias ex.(2b), see also Kertz et al. (2006).

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(2) a. Phil tickled Stanley, and as a result he laughed uncontrollably. Result relation: he => bias to object (Stanley) b. Phil tickled Stanley, and then he laughed at Mark’s joke. Narrative relation: he => bias to subject (Phil)

It is important to note that particular coherence relations do not always push pronouns to antecedents with certain grammatical roles. What matters is the semantics of the clauses and their relation. E.g., a subject pronoun in a result relation does not have to refer to the preceding object: Both (3a) and (3b) involve a result relation but he can refer to the preceding subject or object:

(3) a. Peter snapped at Ethan, and he sulked the rest of the afternoon. Result relation: he => bias to object (Kertz et al. 2006) b. Peter snapped at Ethan, and he felt guilty the rest of the afternoon. Result relation: he => bias to subject (Kertz et al. 2006)

As a whole, a number of studies indicate that a successful account of pronoun interpretation needs to take into account the semantic coherence relations that hold between clauses (e.g. Wolf, Gibson & Desmet 2004, Kertz et al. 2006, Kehler et al. 2008, Rohde & Kehler 2008, Kaiser 2009).

2 What about Other Anaphoric Forms? Existing work on coherence effects has focused primarily on the behavior of overt pronouns. However, other referential forms are also used to refer to previously-mentioned entities, including null pronouns, demonstratives and definite NPs. This brings up the question of whether coherence sensitivity also extends to other referring expressions. Are coherence effects a core property of all kinds of reference tracking, regardless of form, or are they a specific phenomenon that only occurs with certain anaphoric forms? In particular, could it be the case that only the default anaphoric form in a particular language exhibits sensitivity to coherence relations, and that other forms are governed by factors such as grammatical role?

On a general level, existing work suggests that referring expressions can indeed differ in how sensitive they are to different kinds of information. For example, although Kaiser & Trueswell (2008) did not look specifically at coherence, they found that Finnish personal pronouns and demonstratives differ in how much they ‘care’ about a potential antecedent’s grammatical role vs. its linear position/discourse-status (see also Kaiser (in press) on Dutch). Recently, Ueno & Kehler (2010) found that Japanese null pronouns are primarily sensitive to grammatical role whereas overt pronouns are more sensitive to verb aspect (see also Rohde & Kehler 2008).

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Thus, as a whole, existing research indicates that referring expressions can be asymmetrical in terms of what kind of information they are sensitive to. In the present paper, to test whether referring expressions differ in how sensitive they are to coherence information, I compared the behavior of personal pronouns and demonstrative pronouns in German. Although this research is on German, it is potentially relevant to other languages as well, since demonstrative pronouns are used to refer anaphorically to human antecedents in many languages (e.g. Kibrik 1996 on Russian, Comrie 1997 on Dutch, Kaiser & Vihman 2010 on Estonian, Himmelmann 1996).

2.1 Existing Work on Pronouns and Demonstratives In German, both personal pronouns and demonstrative pronouns can be used to refer back to human antecedents1, but their referential biases are different: Pronouns are described as preferring an antecedent in subject position, while demonstratives prefer non-subject antedecents, as shown in (4a,b).

(4) a. Paul1 wollte mit Peter2 Tennis spielen. Paul1 wanted to play tennis with Peter2. b. Doch {er1/der2} war krank. But {he1/DEM2} was sick. (Bosch & Umbach 2007)

Personal pronouns can be regarded as more default/less marked than demonstratives, based on relative frequency (Bosch, Rozario & Zhao 2003).2 Before investigating the referential properties of these forms, let us consider some background facts. Demonstratives often look like definite determiners (e.g. der Mann ‘the man’), but differ in certain cases/numbers (see Bosch, Katz & Umbach 2007). Although demonstratives are sometimes felt to have a pejorative tone and are more common in informal registers, they also occur in written text (Bosch et al. 2007) and are not consistently felt to be pejorative.

Let us now take a look at the referential properties of pronouns and (short) demonstratives. Given that both forms can refer to human antecedents, what guides the division of labor between them? Based on the NEGRA corpus of written German, Bosch, Rozario and Zhao (2003) found that when the antecedent is in the immediately preceding sentence, pronouns refer to a nominative element in 86.7% of the cases, whereas demonstratives refer to a nominative element in only 23.6% of the cases. (Nominative is the default subject case). Based on these findings, Bosch et al. put forth the

1 Following Bosch et al (2003, 2007), I refer to anaphoric der and die as demonstrative pronouns, 2 German also has longer demonstrative pronouns (e.g., diese(r), jene(r)), which Bosch et al. (2007) describe as less frequent than the short forms (see Abraham 2006 for further discussion of diese(r)). I do not discuss these forms here, but regard them as an important area for future work.

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Complementarity Hypothesis: “Anaphoric personal pronouns prefer referents that are established as discourse topics, while demonstratives prefer non-topical referents.” They regard nominative case (subjecthood) as signaling topicality, so the Complementarity Hypothesis treats pronouns and demonstratives as having complementarity grammatical-role and infor-mation-structural preferences. However, psycholinguistic experiments by Bosch, Katz & Umbach (2007) found that although demonstratives prefer object antecedents, pronouns do not exhibit a clear subject preference. Consequently, Bosch & Umbach (2007) argue that pronouns prefer discourse topics and demonstratives avoid topics. Topicality is also mentioned by Zifoun et al. (1997, vol.1: 558), who suggest pronouns are used for referents already established as topics, and demonstratives for referents that are new information or contrastive. Abraham (2006) also analyzes pronouns as involving topic continuation, and demonstratives as markers of topic shift.

3 How Do Anaphoric Demonstratives Fit into Coherence-­‐Based Views?

Let us now consider how demonstrative pronouns could fit into coherence-based views of reference resolution. As we saw in Section 1, a growing body of work on English points to a close relation between the interpretation of pronouns and the coherence relations that hold between the pronoun-containing clause and the antecedent-containing clause.

One of the key aims of the experiment reported in this paper is to test whether German personal pronouns show the coherence sensitivity observed in English. In addition to providing evidence of crosslinguistic replicability, this question is of interest given that German has a particular anaphoric form specialized for object reference, i.e., the demonstrative pronoun. English has no comparable expression.3 Thus, perhaps English subject-position pronouns can be pushed towards object interpretations by result relations (see ex.2) because there exists no dedicated object-referring anaphor? Continuing with this reasoning, one might expect that the existence of a special object-referring form in German, the demonstrative, means that personal pronouns cannot be pushed to refer to an object antecedent.

3 A possible candidate for English, former/latter, is rare and highly marked. The distinction between stressed/unstressed pronouns is sometimes mentioned as being similar to the pronoun/ demonstrative distinction (see Bosch et al. 2003). However, existing work on English stressed pronouns led to conflicting claims: Some (e.g. Kameyama 1999) argue for a salience-based approach, but others claim use of stressed pronouns is driven by contrast (e.g. de Hoop 2003).

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Furthermore, we wanted to investigate how referential dependencies influence comprehenders’ assumptions about coherence. More specifically, even if the interpretation of anaphoric demonstratives is strongly object-biased and perhaps not influenced by coherence, can demonstratives nevertheless influence comprehenders’ expectations about coherence? If a connective is ambiguous between a result relation and a narrative relation, can com-prehenders’ assumptions about which relation to activate be influenced by the referential biases of the anaphor? I discuss this below.

3.1 Inferring Coherence Relations from Anaphoric Dependencies The question of whether particular referential dependencies can shape comprehenders’ expectations about coherence relations relates to work by Rohde (2008) and Rohde & Kehler (2008). They noted that, if different coherence relations are associated with different referential dependencies, we might expect that encountering a particular referential pattern will lead people to expect a particular coherence relation. In other words, we might find that not only do coherence relations influence the interpretation of pronouns, as argued by Kehler (2002) and Kehler et al. (2008), but that the interpretation of pronouns also influences the construal of coherence relations. Indeed, in a series of sentence continuation studies, Rohde and Kehler showed this to be the case, and thus argued for a bidirectional relation between pronoun interpretation and coherence establishment.

Because the logic of their experiments is relevant for my work, let us take a closer look at one of their studies. In Rohde (2008)’s sentence-completion study, participants read short fragments consisting of a sentence and the first word of the next sentence (ex.5a,b), and wrote continuations. The verbs in the first clause were NP1 implicit causality verbs (Garvey & Caramazza 1974). Prior work has shown that when a sentence with an NP1 implicit causality verb is followed by an ‘explanation’ continuation (ex.5a), the continuation is likely to start with reference to the first noun in the initial clause (the subject). Given this well-known pattern, Rohde hypothesized:

If comprehenders use cues about who has been mentioned next to determine which coherence relation is likely to be operative, then an NP1-referring pronoun is predicted to shift comprehenders’ expectations in favor of NP1-biased coherence relations, whereas an NP2-referring pronoun is predicted to shift expectations in favor of NP2-biased coherence relations. (Rohde 2008:87)

(5) a. John infuriated Mary. He… cheated at Scrabble. b. John infuriated Mary. She… told him to take a hike.

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The results showed that (i) when the gender of the pronoun signalled a subject antecedent, participants were more likely to provide a continuation that constituted an explanation relation (ex.5a), and (ii) when the gender of the pronoun signalled an object antecedent, participants wrote more result continuations (ex.5b). Rohde (2008) concludes that “comprehenders use information about which referent has been mentioned next to update their expectations about the operative coherence relation” (p.97).

As a class of referential forms, pronouns are known to be rather flexible; a pronoun can be used to refer to a preceding subject or preceding object. Thus, one could argue that a pronoun that refers clearly to the preceding subject (or preceding object) provides information about the coherence relation, because the form could also have referred to the other potential antecedent. In contrast, demonstrative pronouns are ‘pickier’ and more rigid in that they have a strong preference for the object antecedent. Thus, I wanted to find out how rigid demonstratives actually are and whether a rigidly object-referring form could also influence participants’ inferences about what coherence relation is operative.

4 Experiment To look at the scope of coherence effects in German, I used a sentence completion task where participants read a sentence followed by a prompt word (e.g. X tickled Y and then he…) and provided a continuation sentence. In critical items, the prompt word was a pronoun or a demonstrative. This task is a combination of comprehension and production: Participants need to interpret the prompt anaphor before they can provide a continuation.

4.1 Methods, Design Twenty native German speakers (mostly students at the University of Potsdam, Germany) participated in a sentence-completion task with 16 targets and 32 fillers. Targets consisted of an initial transitive clause followed by a connective and either a personal pronoun or a demonstrative pronoun:

(6) Die Schauspielerin hat die Schneiderin gekitzelt und dann hat The actress has the seamstress tickled and then has

{sie/die} {pronoun/demonstrative}… ‘The actress tickled the seamstress and then {PRO/DEM}…’

Participants were asked to provide natural-sounding continuations. All target sentences mentioned two same-gender characters in the first clause (e.g. der Bauer ‘the farmer’, der Feuerwehrmann ‘the fireman’, die Kellnerin ‘the

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waitress’, die Friseurin ‘the hairdresser (f.)’). The verbs were action/ agent-patient verbs (as defined by Stevenson, Crawley & Kleinman, 1994).4 As shown in (6), targets contained the connective dann ‘then’ which – like English ‘then’ – is ambiguous between a narrative interpretation and a result interpretation. Use of a connective that is ambiguous between these two readings is crucial, as it allows us to see whether participants’ interpretation of the connective is influenced by the nature of the anaphoric form.

In addition to using the ambiguous connective dann ‘then’, I tested a clearly causal connective, demzufolge ‘therefore, as a result’. However, some native speakers find this connective to be unnatural/odd-sounding with certain types of causal sequences. In some respects, this connective is perhaps akin to English ‘thus’ or ‘hence.’ Thus, while I will briefly mention the results with demzufolge, I focus mostly on dann. More generally, the ways in which German resultative connectives (demzufolge, folglich, deswegen, infolgedessen, etc.) map to different kinds of causal relations is an interesting question (see also Pander Maat & Sanders 2001 on Dutch).

4.2 Research Questions First, to test whether German pronouns show the coherence sensitivity exhibited by pronouns in English, I wanted to see whether result relations would be associated with an increased proportion of object interpretations. When faced with a pronoun prompt, if a comprehender chooses to treat two clauses as being connected by a result relation (recall that the connective dann ‘then’ is ambiguous), does this push the pronoun away from the preceding subject – presumbaly prominent both due to its syntactic position and due to structural parallelism– and boost the rate of object interpretations? To investigate this, I analyzed the antecedents of pronouns depending on whether the relation between the clauses was a result or non-result relation.

Second, I wanted to find out whether the strong object bias that had been previously observed with German demonstrative pronouns would persist regardless of coherence relation and whether it would influence participants’ inferences about coherence relations. More specifically, in light of the behavior of English subject-position pronouns – namely that result relations tend to be associated with object reference (see Rohde 2008) and narrative relations tend to be associated with subject reference (suggested by Kehler 2002) – I wanted to see whether in German, demonstratives push comprehenders to expect a result relation. This is shown schematically in (7):

4 The perfect tense (aux + past participle) allowed us to include a verb + anaphor sequence in the second clause (German is verb-second) without constraining participants’ continuation options.

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(7) a. X verbed Y and then pronoun… => then/next (narrative) b. X verbed Y and then demonstrative… => result

Thus, the prediction is that subject-preferring pronouns may trigger the ex-pectation that we are dealing with a narrative ‘next’ relation, and object-referring demonstratives may trigger an expectation of a result relation.

In addition to shedding light on the referential properties of German pronouns and demonstratives, the issues investigated here can contribute to our understanding of whether and how coherence effects relate to grammatical roles. Recall that work by Rohde (2008) and Rohde & Kehler (2008) suggests that encountering a particular grammatical-role-based ref-erential pattern (e.g. mention of preceding object) leads people to expect a particular coherence relation (e.g. result). However, as discussed with respect to ex.(3), a particular coherence relation does not force a pronoun to ‘point to’ a certain grammatical role: Following a cause-effect relation, a subject-position pronoun can refer to a preceding subject or object. This flexibility raises questions regarding the nature and robustness of the associations between certain kinds of referential dependencies and certain coherence relations. My experiment on German allows us to contribute to these issues by investigating how robustly a particular referential pattern leads people to expect a particular coherence relation – especially when the cue is in the form of a rather rigidly object-referring demonstrative pronoun.

4.3 Data Analysis Participants’ continuations were analyzed independently by two native German speakers blind to the aims of the experiment. A third blind coder’s analyses were used to resolve any disagreements. The continuations were analyzed for (i) whether the anaphoric expression (the prompt word) referred to the preceding subject, preceding object, or whether the antecedent was unclear. Coders also noted (ii) whether the demonstrative was used anaphor-ically or as a definite article, since the demonstrative prompts are ambiguous between these two construals. Furthermore, since the connective dann ‘then’ is ambiguous (ex.8a, b), coders analyzed each dann token individually to see (iii) whether it involved a result or non-result relation.

(8) a. The actress tickled the seamstress and then she sat down and learned her lines. [non-result, narrative relation]

b. The actress tickled the seamstress and then she laughed really hard for 10 minutes. [result relation]

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5 Results and Discussion In this section, we first consider the results for the pronoun conditions (Section 5.1) and then the results for the demonstrative conditions (Section 5.2). At the end of this section, we consider the occasions on which participants used the demonstrative prompt as a definite article (Section 5.3), which occurred frequently, on 75.6% of all demonstrative trials.

5.1 Pronouns Overall, when dann is followed by a pronoun, there are more subject continuations (73.4%) than object continuations (26.6%). The proportion of subject continuations is significantly higher than chance (one-sample t-test, hypothesized mean 0.5 (50%), t1(18)=4.9, p<.001, t2(15)=2.699, p<.02).5 Now, taking a closer look at the data, Figure 1 (next page) shows the percentage of trials on which participants used the pronoun to refer to the preceding subject or object, grouped by whether the relation between the clauses was result or non-result. (20% of dann+pronoun trials were coded as ‘unclear antecedent’; they are excluded from analysis.)

Figure 1 reveals a clear relationship between coherence and choice of antecedent: When participants use the pronoun to refer to the preceding subject, we find mostly non-result relations (4.7% result relations, 68.8% non-result relations). However, when participants use the pronoun to refer to the preceding object, result relations are more frequent (23.4% result re-lations, 3.1% non-result relations). Looking separately at subject and object continuations, we find that the distribution of result vs. non-result relations differs significantly from chance for both kinds of continuations (p’s<.02).

5.2 Demonstratives Used Anaphorically Figure 2 (next page) shows the behavior of demonstrative pronouns when they are preceded by dann ‘then’ and used anaphorically. (Five percent of dann+anaphoric demonstrative trials had an unclear antecedent; they are excluded from these analyses.) Now, contrary to what we saw with pronouns, there are more object continuations than subject continuations: the gray bar is taller than the black bar (88.88% object continuations vs 11.11% subject

5 Some degrees of freedom vary due to empty cells. Also, recall that I also tested the more marked, specifically causal connective demzufolge ‘therefore’; these results are not shown in Figure 1. When pronouns are preceded by this connective, there is no subject advantage: There are 49.33% subject continuations and 50.66% object continuations. This asymmetry between the ambiguous dann ‘then’ and the causal demzufolge ‘therefore’ already suggests that result relations are associated with a boost in object interpretations.

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continuations). The proportion of object continuations is significantly higher than a hypothesized chance level of 50% (p’s<.01).

Figure 1. Personal pronouns preceded by dann ‘then’: How often did participants interpret the pronoun as referring to the preceding subject vs. object, as a function of what the relation between the clauses was.

Figure 2. Demonstrative pronouns preceded by dann ‘then’: How often did participants interpret the demonstrative as referring to the preceding subject vs. object, as a function of what the relation between the clauses was.

Furthermore, it is quite striking that all of the object continuations involve result relations, and all subject continuations involve non-result relations. Thus, with demonstratives we see a very clear connection between referential dependency and coherence relation. Even when the coherence relation is











Result Non-­‐result

Percentag o

f con















Result Non-­‐result

Percentage of Con





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ambiguous, people tend to interpret demonstratives as referring to the preceding object and the coherence relation as being result.6

5.3 Demonstratives Used as Definite Articles Figure 3 shows the behavior of demonstratives in dann conditions when they were used as definite articles. As with demonstratives, we find that – overall, collapsing result and non-result relations – when participants opted to pro-duce a full noun, they were more likely to refer to the preceding object (79%) than the preceding subject (8.6%). The overall proportion of object contin-uations is significantly higher than chance (p’s<.01). Furthermore, echoing the findings with demonstrative anaphors, we find that object continuations are more likely to involve a result relation (65.5%) than a non-result relation (13.8%).The distribution of result vs. non-result relations in object contin-uations differs significantly from chance (p’s<.01.).7 The small number of subject continuations (8.6%) all involve non-result relations.

Figure 3. Demonstratives used as definite articles (in dann ‘then’ conditions): When participants used the demonstrative as a definite article, how often did the resulting noun refer to to preceding subject, object, or some other entity, as a function of what the relation between the clauses was.

Thus, it is not the case that demonstratives are specifically associated with result relations (as Figure 2 might suggest), but rather that any kind of reference to the object – at least with agent-patient verbs, where the object is

6 The link between object reference and result relations also emerges with causal demzufolge ‘as a result, therefore’. Demonstratives followed by demzufolge triggered 93% object continuations. 7 For one-sample t-tests, references to ‚other‘ were excluded as a hypothesized mean of 0.5 was used. On a side note: Not surprisingly, demzufolge resulted in mostly object continuations (88%).











Result Non-­‐result

Percentage of con






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the patient – is associated with result relations. We see this with pronouns in Figure 1, demonstratives in Figure 2 and full nouns in Figure 3.

6 Conclusions Our results shed light on the extent and nature of coherence-sensitivity in reference resolution. Our findings for German show that pronouns are more flexible in their referential behavior than demonstratives, supporting ob-servations by Bosch et al. (2007). With regard to coherence, we found that pronoun interpretation is influenced by coherence relations even in a language where more specific forms for object reference are available.

In addition, regarding the interpretation of demonstratives, our findings show that although coherence does not modulate the antecedent choice of anaphoric demonstratives to the same extent that it influences pronoun interpretation (demonstratives have a clear object preference in all contexts that we tested), demonstratives nevertheless interact with coherence-related processing by guiding comprehenders’ expectations of coherence relations. In particular, we find that object-biased expressions8 trigger an expectation of a result relation (see also Rohde 2008, Rohde & Kehler 2008 on English pronouns). In fact, the connection between demonstratives and result relations, combined with prior claims that demonstratives disprefer topics, brings up interesting questions for future work regarding the relation between information-structural representations and coherence representations.

In addition, these findings contribute to our understanding of the role that grammatical and thematic roles play in reference resolution. On the one hand, one of the defining traits of the coherence approach is the view that anaphor resolution cannot be explained simply in terms of grammatical role. Interestingly, at the same time, we find that grammatical roles/thematic roles (not differentiated in this study) cannot be fully ignored – in particular, there seems to be a persistent connection between result relations and reference to the object/patient. Future work will play an important role in disentangling the effects of grammatical and thematic role.

References Abraham, Werner. 2007. Discourse binding: DP and pronouns in German,

Dutch, and English. In Werner Abraham, Elisabeth Leiss, & Elisabeth Stark (eds), Nominal determination: Typology, context constraints, and historical emergence, 21–47. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

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Lexical vs. Pragmatically Derived Interpretations of Numerals*

Masaaki Kamiya Hamilton College


Akemi Matsuya Takachiho University


Abstract. This paper shows that the pragmatically derived interpretations of the numerals such as ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’ and the lexical counterparts are mutually exclusive with respect to language acquisition. Hence, children do not infer the meanings of the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals based on the lexical counterparts and vice versa.

1 Introduction In the linguistics literature, researchers have been discussing the mechanisms regarding the interpretations of numerals. That is, while ‘two’ means ‘exactly two’, it could mean ‘at least two’ or ‘at most two’ if appropriate contexts are provided (pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals) (Carston 1998, Horn 1972, 1992, Kadmon 2001, and Koenig 1991, among others). In de-velopmental studies, researchers have been concerned with children’s developmental processes of numerals; however, they assume that ‘two’ means ‘exactly two’. The current study will show at what age children come to know the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals. Based on the results of our experiments and comparing ours with Musolino (2004), we will conclude that acquisition processes of lexical ones and pragmatic ones are mutually exclusive. Thus, knowledge of the lexical ones does not entail acquisition of the pragmatic ones automatically, and vice versa. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the previous research on the acquisition of numerals and the theoretical background behind them. Section 3 shows the design of our experiments and their results. Section 4 presents a * We would like to express our gratitude to the families and staff at Takachiho Kindergarten and the students and faculty members at Takachiho University in Tokyo. We also thank Hitomi Hirabayashi, Akina Kuroha, and Menami Tsukamoto for help in collecting child and adult data. We thank Patricia Hironymous and Fred Savarese for their comments on our draft. This paper is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant # 20520523. PI is Akemi Matsuya). The name of authors is alphabetical order.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 353–364. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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general discussion based on the data from the experiments. Section 5 con-tains concluding remarks.

2 Previous Studies There are primarily two streams of thought with respect to the acquisition of the numerals. On the one hand, although a great deal of controversy has ensued over whether a counting set (see Gelman and Gallistel 1978) precedes acquisition of the meaning of number words or not (see Gelman and Gallistel 1978, Gallistel and Gelman 1992, Briars and Siegler 1984, and Fuson 1988, among others), developmental psychologists investigate how children acquire numerals, uniformly assuming that number words semantically refers to ‘exactly N’ and claim that children have acquired the meanings of the numerals around 3 or 4 years of age (see Sarnecka and Gelman 2004). For example, as far as the acquisition of Japanese number words is concerned, based on the results of experiments concerning the children’s comprehension of quantifiers, numerals, and classifiers1, Barner et al. (2009b) concludes that Japanese children are delayed in numeral comprehension due to the usage of classifiers compared to that of English speaking children: a significant delay of the acquisition of numerals is observed in Japanese-speaking children at 2 years of age (Japanese = 0.44 and English = 1.14 in ANOVA analysis). Once they reach 3 years of age, this difference between English-speaking and Japanese-speaking children disappears (3 years and 4 years Japanese = 2.62 and 3.89, and 3 years and 4 years English = 2.25 and 3.38, respectively).

On the other hand, in the linguistics literature (see Carston 1998, Horn 1972; 1992, Kadmon 2001, and Koenig 1991, among others), researchers have been concerned with pragmatically derived meanings of numerals, as in the following examples cited from Musolino (2004: 3): while (1) means ‘exactly N,’ (2) and (3) signify ‘at least N’ and ‘at most N,’ respectively.

(1) A: How many mistakes did you make? B: I made three mistakes.

(2) You need to make three mistakes to be allowed to take the test again.

(3) You can make three mistakes and still pass this test.

1 Barner et al. (2009b) employs (i) the Give-Quantifier task, (ii) the Give-Number task, and (iii) the Classifier Match task, which were revised versions of the tasks in Barner at al. (2009a). In (i) and (ii), the experimenter showed the subjects a red circle and asked them to put a quantity /certain number of a specific kind of fruit into it using a quantifier, e.g. ‘zenbu (= all),’/ a number word, e.g. ‘rokko (= six).’

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The theoretical background behind these studies is briefly summarized as follows. Under Grice’s maxims restricting the quantity of information in ut-terances (4), scalar implicatures are said to be derived from conversational implicatures: ‘Some of my friends passed the entrance examination’ implies ‘Not all of my friends passed the entrance examination.’ This traditional Gricean approach also claims that the propositions of stronger (= more informative) terms are true in a narrower set of circ*mstances than those of weaker (= less informative) ones: ‘All of my classmates caught a cold’ asym-metrically entails ‘some of my classmates caught a cold.’

(4) Maxim of Quantity a. Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current

purposes of the exchange). b. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. (Grice 1989)

Horn (1972; 1989) attempted to apply the Gricean account to numerals. He suggests that like quantifier cases, ‘Linda has three daughters’ asym-metrically entails ‘Linda has three/two/one daughters’ (= ‘at least N’ interpretation): semantically, numerals are lower-bounded. Adding an upward bounding implicature to this lower bounded semantics, ‘Linda has three daughters’ will be able to imply ‘Linda has exactly three daughters.’

Pointing out two problems with the traditional and neo-Gricean approaches on numerals, Carston (1998) raised an objection to them: one is that an ‘at most N’ interpretation was not dealt with and that the so-called ‘scale reversal’ effect (5) could not be accounted for by these strategies. The other is that the three interpretations (6b - d) to (6a), which are set as the conditions of the bet between two people, are conveyed in the utterance and that these interpretations display the truth conditional content of the con-versation. Consequently, numerically quantified NPs are taken to be seman-tically underspecified and to be pragmatically yielded (Carston 1985, Horn 1992 etc.).2

(5) a. That golfer is capable of a round of 100 (and maybe even 90/*110).

2 Carston (1985) assumes the semantic representation of numerals to be the following. (i) [X [N]] X= a variable instantiated by pragmatic enrichment N = a number word

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b. She can counter most of the arguments (and maybe even *some/all). Sadock (1984:143)

(6) a. There will be 20 people there. b. There will be at most 20 people there. c. There will be exactly 20 people there. d. There will be at least 20 people there. Harnish (1976)

Musolino (2004) and Papafragou and Musolino (2003) attempted to capture how children acquire ‘at least N’ and ‘at most N’, which contain a range of entailments and pragmatic effects, as well as ‘exactly N.’ Papafragou and Musolino’s (2003) work concludes that young children treat numeral scales (e.g. ‘two’ and ‘three’) differently from quantificational scales (e.g. ‘some’ and ‘all’) and aspectual scales (e.g. ‘start’ and ‘finish’) unlike adults: the rate of correct responses of numeral scales was lower than that of others. Considering the implications of Papafragou and Musolino’s (2003) results, in order to see whether children and adults have the same representation of numerals and whether children’s interpretations switch from ‘exactly N’ to ‘non-exactly N (= ‘at least/at most N) at some point, Musolino (2004) conducted the Truth Value Judgment Task3 concerning pragmatically derived ‘at least/at most N’, overt (= lexical) ‘at least/at most N’, overt ‘more than N’ and ‘exactly N’ on English-speaking young children. Musolino (2004) claims that preschoolers acquire the knowledge of ‘non-exact’ interpretations, i.e. pragmatically derived ‘at least/at most N’ interpretations, although there were some difficulties with implementation of the experiments, especially with setting up of proper contexts.4 As for the interpretations of overt numerals, children behave similarly to adults with respect to ‘exactly N’ and ‘more than N’. Their performance in ‘overt at least/at most N’ differs from that of adults. Summing up Musolino (2004), English-speaking children tend to acquire pragmatically derived ‘at least/at most N’ earlier than lexical ‘at least/at most

3 In the experiments with respect to pragmatically derived ‘at least/at most N’, the first ex-perimenter performs short stories in front of the subjects and then the second experimenter, who has a puppet, states what he thinks happens in the scenario and asks the subject to answer whether his statement is correct or wrong. In the experiments concerning the overt quantified N, exactly N, and more than N, children are presented cards with zero-to- five smiley faces or stars. Then they are asked to answer whether a card meets the puppet’s request or not, for example, he likes a card with ‘exactly two stars’ 4 According to Musolino (2004), the percentages of correct responses concerning pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ and ‘at most N,’ are 35% and 82.5%, respectively. But the percentage of correct responses of the former rose up to 80% under the improved context.

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N’. Additionally, the semantic representation of the quantified numerals is the same among children and adults. In the following section, we designed some experiments in order to explore cross-linguistic differences in the acquisition of overt and covert quantified numeral expressions between Japanese-speaking and English speaking preschoolers.

3 Experiments 3.1 Experimental Design The purpose of this experiment is to find out (i) whether or not adult speakers of Japanese are able to assign non-exact semantics of numerals (i.e., ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’); and (ii) 5-6 year-old speakers of Japanese can assign non-exact semantics of numerals. In addition, we would like to investigate whether 5-6 year-olds can understand the meanings of the overt counterparts such as sukunakutomo ‘at least’ and seizei ‘at most’. To achieve this ex-periment, we had to create contexts in which numerals could be naturally understood ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’ interpretations. For example, it is plausible to interpret nuta-tu ‘two’ as ‘at least two’ in the context where a child would be given an ice cream if s/he ate two pieces of broccoli. In this situation, s/he ate two pieces of broccoli can be naturally interpreted as ‘at least two pieces of broccoli.’ Example (7a) is the Japanese counterpart of this example. On the other hand, huta-tu ‘two’ can be understood ‘at most two’ in the context where a child can eat two pieces of broccoli if s/he is able to. In this example, two pieces of broccoli should be most plausibly interpreted as ‘at most three’. Example (7b) is the Japanese counterpart.

(7) a. Burokkorii-o huta-tu tabe-tara, broccoli-ACC two-CL eat-if aisukuriimu-o ageru. ice-cream-ACC give ‘I can give you an ice-cream if you eat (at least) two pieces of broccoli.’ b. Boku-wa tabe-rare-temo I-TOP eat-can-even if (burokkori-wa) huta-tu danaa. broccoli-TOP two-CL probably is ‘I can eat (at most) two pieces of broccoli even if I can eat it.’

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3.2 Participants, Method and Procedure We tested 32 Japanese-speaking children (16 boys and 16 girls) between the ages of 5.10 and 6.11 (mean 6.3 year-olds). We chose children of this age group based on Barner et al. (2009a), which reports that by this age, children have already acquired numerals.5 These children were recruited at Takachiho Kindergarten in Tokyo. As a control group, we tested 31 adults who are students and faculty members at Takachiho University. To investigate Japanese children’s interpretations of non-exact semantics of numerals, we used the Truth Value Judgment Task (TVJT, Crain and Thornton 1998). In the TVJT, two experimenters are generally required; one tells the story of each experiment with dolls or visual aids and the other plays the role of a puppet that listens to the story with the participant. By the end of each story, the puppet gives a statement of each story to the participant and the role of the participant is to say ‘true’ or ‘false’ to the statement of the puppet. As a follow-up, the participants are questioned to verify their answers by ac-counting for why they think that the puppet is right or wrong.6 To test Japanese participants, we created stories and made the relevant PowerPoint visual aids so that children could understand the situation and the relevant meanings of numerals. Two experimenters told stories and the third experimenter acted as the puppet. Before conducting individual tests, we started with a group test as a pre-test. The pre-test is made of three control stories. If children could answer these tests appropriately, then they could hear 12 more stories including ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’ numerals. The order of the ‘true’ or ‘false’ answers is randomized so that children cannot predict answers. For adult speakers, we used a videotaped version of the stories, which were the same ones used with the children. They provided answers on a score sheet after watching each story.

3.3 Materials Our experiments had four conditions: two of them were designed for non-exact semantics (‘at least N’ and ‘at most N’) that are pragmatically derived.

5 We also chose this age group to compare with that of English-speaking counterparts (Musolino 2004). Musolino conducts the same experiments to find out whether or not English-speaking children are able to understand non-exact semantics of numerals. 6 It is reported that multilingual children do not have trouble understanding the procedures of the TVJT (English children – Crain and Thornton 1998, Musolino 2004, Musolino, Crain and Thornton 2000; Greek children – Papafragou and Musolino 2003; Kananda (Dravidian) – Lidz and Musolino 2002, among others).

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The other two experiments were to investigate whether or not Japanese children could understand the overt counterparts of the pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’; sukunakutomo ‘at least’ and seizei ‘at most’. In our stories, Pikachu and Potyama (both are characters from Pocket Monster) talk about something. A puppet, Wanwan, who is a character of a popular TV program for Japanese kids, gives a statement to the subject. Below are repre-sentative examples of pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ in (8) and the overt counterparts in (9):

(8) Pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ Pikachu: Boku-wa burokkori-ga kirai. I-TOP broccoli-NOM don’t-like ‘I don't like broccoli.’ Potyama: Demo, tabe-nakya dame dayo. but eat-must bad it is Huta-tu tabe-tara, aisukuriimu-o ageru. two-CL eat-if ice cream cone-ACC give ‘But you have to eat them.’ ‘If you eat two pieces of broccoli, I will give you an ice cream cone.’ Then, Pikachu eats three pieces of broccoli. Puppet: Pikachu-wa aisukuriimu-ga moraeru kana? pikachu-TOP ice cream cone-NOM get-can wonder ‘Can Pikachu get an ice cream cone?’

(9) Overt word seizei ‘at least’ Pikachu: Boku-wa burokkori-ga kirai I-TOP broccoli-NOM don’t-like ‘I don't like broccoli.’ Potyama: Demo, tabe-nakya dame dayo. but eat-must bad it is ‘But you have to eat them.’ Sukunakutomo huta-tu tabe- at least two-CL eat-if tara, aisukuriimu-o ageru. if ice cream cone-ACC give ‘If you eat at least two pieces of broccoli, I will give you an ice cream cone.’ Then, Pikachu eats three pieces of broccoli. Puppet: Pikachu-wa aisukuriimu-ga moraeru kana? pikachu-TOP ice cream cone-NOM get-can wonder ‘Can Pikachu get an ice cream cone?’

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Note that the minimum difference between (8) and (9) is the existence of the overt sukunakutomo ‘at least’.7

3.4 Results The interpretations of the pragmatically derived numerals by adults were 96.7%. Hence, adults had no problem with interpreting a sentence such as (8). The adults’ interpretations of the overt seizei ‘at most’ and sukunakutomo ‘at least’ were 100%. On the other hand, the children’s interpretations were different from those of the adults. In the analysis below, we show whether the true proportion of students getting the pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’ correct is equal to the true proportion of students getting overt coun-terparts (sukunakutomo ‘at least’ and seizei ‘at most’) correct. The alternative hypothesis is that the true proportion of students getting pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ and ‘at most N’ correct is less than that of those getting the overt counterparts correct. Based on the difference in a proportion z-test, we found that the proportion of children correctly interpreting pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ or ‘at most N’ is significantly less than the proportion of students correctly interpreting overt, with a p-value less than .001. Therefore, our study indicates that Japanese 5-6 year-olds children seem to understand the meanings of sukunakutomo ‘at least’ and seizei ‘at most’, while they appear not to have acquired the pragmatically derived ‘at least’ and ‘at most’ interpretations of numerals.

4 Discussion: Cross-­‐Linguistic Differences and Implications of Acquisition Processes

The current study reveals a striking difference between English- and Japanese-speaking children with respect to the acquisition processes of prag-matically derived ‘at least N’ and ‘at most N’ of numerals. Musolino (2004) conducts experiments to find out whether or not 5-6 year-old children whose native language is English are able to interpret pragmatically derived ‘at least N’ and ‘at most N’ meanings of the numerals. The experimental method is TVJT. The relevant example is as follows:

(10) Goofy said that the Troll had to put two hoops on the pole in order to win the coin. Does the Troll win the coin? (Musolino 2004: 16)

7 The example of seizei ‘at most’ is given at Appendix.

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It turns out that these children in Musolino’s study can understand the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals. To determine whether those children could infer the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals from the explicit counterparts (i.e., ‘at least’ and ‘at most’), Musolino conducted experiments to find out whether or not children understood the explicit ‘at least’ and ‘at most’. The results were that these children did not know the explicit meanings of ‘at least’ and ‘at most’. Hence, Musolino assumes that the knowledge of the pragmatically derived ‘at most’ and ‘at least’ is not available in the environment:

(11) Goofy said that the Troll had to put at least two hoops on the pole in order to win the coin. Does the Troll win the coin?

One of the claims that Musolino makes is that children and adults have the same semantic representation for the numerals. Furthermore, Musolino as-sumes that children do not learn these implicit meanings of the numerals from the environment, but that the knowledge of the implicit meanings of the numerals is innately specified. However, Musolino’s study does not show what would happen if children already know overt ‘at least’ or ‘at most’ vocabulary. Would they still interpret pragmatically derived meanings of ‘at least’ or ‘at most’ of the numerals as well as the explicit counterparts? Our study reveals that children who have already acquired ‘at least’ or ‘at most’ vocabulary seem to push back the acquisition of pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals. In other words, knowing the explicit vocabulary such as sukunakutomo ‘at least’ or seizei ‘at most’ does not guarantee or entail that children know the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals. The difference of the acquisition processes of pragmatically derived meanings may not be surprising given the fact that the acquisition of the numerals is delayed in Japanese-speaking children due to the existence of the numeral classifier (Barner et al. 2009a). We do not know what causes the acquisition processes of the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals to differ among languages. However, we do know that the learning processes of both pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals and the explicit ones are distinct and are not mutually helpful to each other. In other words, although the conceptual meanings are similar, they are independent of each other. Hence, our results support Musolino’s experiments: acquiring the prag-matically derived meanings of the numerals has nothing to do with knowing the lexical counterparts. In the same line of thinking, our results show that knowing the explicit lexical words such as sukunakutoko ‘at least’ and seizei ‘at most’ has no effect on acquiring the pragmatic counterparts. We do not know what causes one language (such as Japanese) to delay the acquisition of

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the pragmatic meanings of the numerals and vice versa in English. This implies the autonomy of semantics and pragmatics in our language system.

4 Conclusions In this study, we argued that children do not infer the lexical meanings of ‘at least’ or ‘at most’ based on the pragmatic counterparts, and vice versa. Hence, it is implied that the domains of semantics and pragmatics are independent in the children’s mind at this age. We are not sure why Japanese-speaking children cannot get access to the pragmatically derived meanings of the numerals at an early age, while the accessibility of the pragmatically derived ones is easier for English-speaking children. We also do not know what the situation is with children of other languages. We will reserve the study of this topic for our future research.

Appendix: Pragmatically derived seizei ‘at most’ Pochama: Burokkori-o tabe-nakya dame. broccoli-ACCj eat-must not good ‘You must eat broccoli.’ Burokkori-o tabe-tara, keeki-o ageru. broccoli-ACC eat-if cake-ACC be-given ‘If you eat broccolis, you will have a piece of cake.’ Picachu: Tabe-rare-temo huta-tu da naa. eat-can-even if two-CL is wonder ‘I can eat at most three if I am able to.’ Pochama: Sorezyaa dame. If so not good ‘If so, I will not give you a piece of cake.’ Picachu eats two pieces of broccoli. Can he eat a cake? Overt seizei ‘at most’ Pochama: Burokkori-o tabe-nakya dame. broccoli-ACCj eat-must not good ‘You must eat broccolis.’

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Burokkori-o tabe-tara, keeki-o ageru. broccoli-ACC eat-if cake-ACC be-given ‘If you eat broccoli, you will have a piece of cake.’ Picachu: Tabe-rare-temo seizei huta-tu da naa. eat-can-even if at most two-CL is wonder ‘I can eat at most three if I am able to.’ Pochama: Sorezyaa dame. If so not good ‘If so, I will not give you a piece of cake.’ Picachu eats two pieces of broccoli. Can he eat a cake?

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Papafragou, Anna & Julian Musolino. 2003. Scalar implicatures: experiments and the syntax semantics interface. Cognition, 86 (3). 253–282.

Sadock, Jerrold. 1984. Wither radical pragmatics? In D. Schiffrin (Ed.), Meaning, form and use in context: linguistics applications. Georgetown University Roundtable (pp. 139–149). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 365–379. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Optional and Obligatory Modal Subordination∗

Peter KlechaUniversity of [emailprotected]

Abstract. This paper raises the empirical point that modal subordination is notalways obligatory, and that moreover, this is a point of lexical variation. Somemodals, like will, which I call definite modals, undergo modal subordination obli-gatorily, and some, like gonna, which I call nondefinite modals, do so optionally.I propose a dynamic framework in which, following from Frank (1997), infor-mation states are possible discourse referents. I also propose that these referentsare potentially subject to familiarity presuppositions, whose presence makes amodal definite, and whose absence makes a modal nondefinite.

1 IntroductionThis paper presents novel data concerning the optionality (or lack thereof) ofimplicit conditional readings in various contexts, and proposes to account forthese by adopting a dynamic semantic theory of modal subordination whichcrucially involves lexically variable familiarity presuppositions. The centralcontrast, first partially observed and discussed by Binnick (1971).

(1) a. Don’t go near that bomb! It’ll explode!b. Don’t go near that bomb! It’s going to explode!

As Binnick noted, the second sentence in (1a) must be understood as mean-ing “If you go near it, it’ll explode”, i.e., it is an implicit conditional. Binnickalso claimed that the corresponding sentence in (1b) cannot have such a condi-tional reading, but this is not true; indeed, (1b) can have an implicit conditionalmeaning; the difference is that it does not have to, while will does. To drive thisempirical point home, consider (2), a context in which only the implicit condi-tional meaning is sensible.

(2) a. Don’t drink that coffee. You’ll burn your mouth.

∗ Thanks especially to Itamar Francez and Chris Kennedy, as well as M. Ryan Bochnak, CleoCondoravdi, Kai von Fintel, Klaus von Heusinger, Joe Jalbert, Stefan Kaufmann, Greg Kobele,Marcin Morzycki, Alan Munn, Craige Roberts, Jerry Sadock, Kjell Johan Sæbø, Cristina Schmitt,E. Allyn Smith, Matt Teichmann, and Malte Willer for extensive discussion and feedback; anyfailures are despite their best efforts.

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b. Don’t drink that coffee. You’re gonna burn your mouth.

Clearly, if gonna was incompatible with the implicit conditional meaning, (2b)would be infelicitous; but a conditional reading is found. Observe also the re-verse case, one where the context demands the non-conditional reading, demon-strates that will indeed cannot support such a reading.

(3) a. Go check the incubators. # The eggs’ll hatch.b. Go check the incubators. The eggs are gonna hatch.

Despite the oddness of the conditional reading, that the eggs will hatch if youcheck them, the non-conditional reading cannot be forced in the case of will;the data here robustly shows will cannot support a non-conditional reading.

This paper provides an analysis of these facts, which have never beenconsidered in the formal literature. I follow Roberts (1989), Geurts (1995), andFrank (1997) in analyzing these implicit conditional readings, which Robertsterms modal subordination, as cases of implicit domain restriction on modalexpressions, but with the added feature of familiarity presuppositions (Heim1982) whose presence gives rise to obligatory modal subordination, and whoseabsence allows for optionality.

Importantly, this distinction is not only relevant to will and gonna; rather,it is a distinction that pervades the entire class of modals. Modals generally canbe divided into two subclasses: those that obligatorily undergo modal subordi-nation, which I will call definite modals and those that do so optionally, whichI will call nondefinite modals. Below are some examples.

(4) Definite modals: modal subordination obligatorya. Don’t go near that bomb! It would explode.b. Don’t go near that bomb! It could explode.

(5) Nondefinite modals: modal subordination optionala. Don’t go near that bomb! It’s bound to explode.b. Don’t go near that bomb! It might explode.

This paper focuses on will and gonna as exemplars of these two classes, partic-ularly because they form a minimal pair – besides their dynamic behavior, theyare identical in meaning (observe that there is no truth-conditional differencebetween (1a) and the conditional reading of (1b)). The contrast in dynamic be-havior therefore cannot be ascribed to any quality of the expressions other thansimple lexical idiosyncrasy.

In section 2 I summarize arguments from the literature which show thatwill and gonna are modals and do undergo modal subordination, which is a

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crucial point for the analysis. In section 3 I provide the formal analysis of op-tional and obligatory modal subordination and show that it predicts the relevantdata. In section 4 I consider previous analyses. In section 5 I conclude.

2 Establishing ModalityKratzer (1986) argues that conditionals simply consist of modals (which in-volve quantification over worlds) whose quantificational domain is restrictedto the set of worlds denoted by the if -clause. The proposal by Roberts (1989)to consider implicit conditional readings like in (6b) as involving implicit do-main restriction goes hand-in-hand with this account.

(6) a. You should eat a bagel.b. It would fill you up. (Roberts 1989)

Roberts’s original account does not treat will as a modal, however; rather itassumes it to be a simple tense (as is often the case in the literature, gonna is notdiscussed). The basic analysis of modal subordination developed by Robertstherefore cannot be sensibly applied to will. Instead she proposes an alternatestrategy to account for cases like (7).

(7) a. If Edna forgets to fill the birdfeeder, she will feel bad.b. The birds will get hungry. (Roberts 1989)

In the case of (7b), she proposes that will has a temporal-anaphoric relationwith (7a). According to Roberts, there is a time salient in the discourse, namelythe time associated with the hypothetical feeling-bad event in (7a); will in(7b) then picks up on this time, and the time of the getting-hungry event istaken to be after that of feeling-bad event, by the usual mechanism of tem-poral anaphora. However, in order to make sense of this, the getting-hungryevent must occur in the same worlds as the feeling-bad event; (7b) is thereforeaccommodated as being under the scope of the modal in (7a).

Moreover, the claim that will is a tense is a fairly common one in theliterature on modal subordination; for example, Asher & McCready (2007)claim that will indeed cannot have implicit conditional readings (apparentlycontrary to Roberts) due to its status as a tense1, on the basis of (8) below.

(8) a. A wolfi might walk in. Iti would eat you.b. A wolfi might walk in. # Iti will eat you.

1 This is by no means a central argument for Asher & McCready, but it is worth clearing the air onthis empirical point.

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However, as seen above, will is clearly compatible with implicit conditionalreadings. The problem with (8a) is that the possibility is too implausible to bepicked up by will, whereas would gives rise to an inference of unlikelihoodwhen used in cases like (8a) (Iatridou 2000). Observe the following contrast:

(9) a. You can’t go outside. You’ll freeze.b. You can’t go outside. You’d freeze.

Both of these sentences are felicitous, but (9a) indicates that the hearer’s goingoutside is relatively likely (and is accompanied well by a worried tone of voice)whereas the latter gives rise to an inference of unlikelihood (and goes well witha dismissive tone.)

Given the relative unlikelihood of wolves entering in any given context,would is highly appropriate in (8), and will may be degraded in this contextdue to scalar implicature. By fixing the context to include a more reasonablepossibility, will (and gonna) can certainly have implicit conditional readings,along with a cross-sentence anaphoric dependency.

(10) Don’t leave your journal out on the table. Someonei could read it!a. Theyi’ll discover your secrets!b. Theyi’re gonna discover your secrets!

The singular gender-neutral pronoun they is linked to someone, mirroring (8).While (10) can be explained by Roberts (1989), there are many reasons to

take will (and gonna) to be modals, as discussed in Klecha (2009). One that isparticularly relevant is the fact itself that they undergo modal subordination. Ifwill and gonna are taken to be modals, all cases of implicit conditional readingscan be unified as cases of implicit domain restriction of a modal. Moreover,while Roberts’s approach accounts for will, it is predicted to extend to past andpresent tenses as well; any simple tense which undergoes temporal anaphorashould be able to trigger accommodation of the type proposed by Roberts for(10b). However, this prediction is not borne out.

(11) a. If Martina went to New York, she bought lots.b. #She had fun.c. If she went to New York and bought lots, she had fun.

(11b) cannot have the same meaning as (11c), contrary to Roberts’s prediction.Rather, as argued in Klecha (2009), the fact that will (and gonna) undergomodal subordination and tenses do not is a strong argument for treating theseexpressions as modals, not tenses. See Klecha (2009) for further arguments for

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a modal treatment of will and gonna as well as refutation of Kissine’s (2008)arguments against a modal treatment.

Going forward I will therefore assume will and gonna to be modals, par-ticularly necessity modals whose modal base is contextually variable (à laKratzer 1977), but under the future reading at issue is a metaphysical modalbase (e.g., Kaufmann 2005). In order to simplify the semantics, I will assume,contra Kaufmann (2005), that there is no ordering source.

3 Familiarity and ModalityI adopt a dynamic theory of implicit arguments along the lines of that developedby Condoravdi & Gawron (1996), (which in turn follows from Heim (1982))but which also adapts proposals from Frank (1997). In this theory utterances aretaken to update the information state. An information state is a representationof the information in a discourse that is shared and mutually updated by theconversational participants; both information about the world and informationabout the discourse itself, particularly the discourse referents.

Definite descriptions refer to familiar or salient objects in the discoursewhich are presupposed to already be present in the information state. Indefi-nite descriptions introduce novel objects into the information state, which arepresupposed to have not already been present in the previous information state.Below I lay out a dynamic semantic framework which formalizes this.

3.1 The Basic Dynamic FrameworkFirst, some basic definitions.

Definition 1: Basic Ontology W is the domain of worlds; E is the domain ofindividuals; {1, 0} is the domain of truth values; F is the domain ofassignment functions, functions from variables to objects of any type.

Definition 2: Information States S is the set of information states such thatS := {σ ∈ Pow(W ×F) | ∀〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ . ∀〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . Dom( f ) = Dom(g)}

Definition 2 above says that information states (ISs) are sets of world-assignment function pairs, and moreover that every assignment function in agiven IS has the same domain.

Definition 3: Sentences If X is a sentence, JXK = φ : S 7→ S

Objects within double brackets J.K are taken to be sentences. Definition 3 abovesays that sentences are interpreted as update conditions, or functions from ISsto ISs. Usual function-argument notation is eschewed in favor of the moreiconic σ + φ = σ ′, where σ is the old IS, φ is a sentence meaning, and σ ′

is the new IS.

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Definition 4: Relating Assignment Functions ∀ f ,g ∈ F:

1. f < g iff Dom( f )⊂ Dom(g) and ∀v ∈ Dom( f ). f (v) = g(v)2. f ≤ g iff f < g or f = g3. f <x g iff f < g and Dom(g) = Dom( f )∪{x}4. f x/a = ιg.g(x) = a & ∀v ∈ Dom( f ).v 6= x→ f (v) = g(v) & ∀v ∈

Dom(g).v 6= x→ f (v) = g(v)

Definition 4.1 above says that an assignment function g is an extension of fif its domain is a proper superset of f ’s and for all the variables they have incommon, they map to same objects. Definition 4.2 defines non-proper exten-sion. Definition 4.3 says that g extends f by x if g is an extension of f and theonly thing f has in its domain which g does not is x. Definition 4.4 says thatf x/a defines the function which is just like f , except that it maps x to a; thisneither presupposes that f (x) is defined nor that f (x) is not a.

For a simple example of (in)definiteness in this framework, consider (12).

(12) a. A dogx walked in.b. σ0+ Ja dogx walked inK = σ1 =

{〈w, f 〉 | ∃〈w,g〉 ∈σ0 : g<x f & dog( f (x))(w) & walked-in( f (x))(w)}if ∀〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ0 : x /∈ Dom( f ), else undefined.

In (12), the IS is changed from one which previously did not include an assign-ment for x, σ0, to one which does, σ1; moreover any worlds where a dog didnot walk in are eliminated. This IS can then serve as the context for an utter-ance with a definite DP with index x. Note that this update only proceeds if xwas not defined in σ0; i.e., it bears a novelty presupposition.

(13) a. Itx sat down.b. σ1+ Jitx sat downK = σ2 ={〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ1 | sat-down(( f (x))(w)}if ∀〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ1 : x ∈ Dom( f ), else undefined.

The definiteness of the DP it is represented by a familiarity condition, as inHeim (1982), i.e., a requirement that the variable associated with the DP (above,x), be in the domain of every assignment function in σ1; this condition is satis-fied because x was introduced into σ1 by a dog in (12).

3.2 Information States as ReferentsI analyze modal subordination as involving reference to ISs, or modal bases,following Frank (1997). A modal base is a subordinated IS; i.e., an IS which

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serves not as the input to a matrix sentence, but as the conversational back-ground of a modal expression, along the lines of Kratzer (1977, 1981).

Top-level ISs, i.e., those that serve as the input to a matrix sentence, mayinclude assignment functions which map variables to ISs (i.e., modal bases).An expression may therefore carry an index which maps to a modal base. Bydefault, however, there are no such mappings in an IS; they must be introduced.

Some expressions, like will, require that some IS be familiar in the con-text. Others, like gonna, allow for reference to a familiar IS, but in the absenceof one, can introduce an IS into the context. In order to handle this, I introducethe default notation below.

Definition 5: Default Information States ∀ f ∈F . ∀x ∈VARS . f [x] =[ιg.[x ∈Dom( f ) & g = f ] ∨ [x /∈Dom( f ) & g = f x/{〈w,h〉∈W×F :h= f}]](x)

Definition 5 says that f [x] is defined for two conditions. If x is defined in f ,f [x] = f (x). If x is not defined in f , f [x] returns the minimal IS, one whichincludes all worlds, and for which the assignment function is simply f . This isthe default IS because it entails no information and introduces no new referents.

As also discussed in Kratzer (1977), modal expressions may be lexicallyspecified for which categories of modal base they may take, e.g., deontic, meta-physical, epistemic, etc. I will limit my discussion mainly to metaphysicalmodals to avoid any discussion of ordering sources, which will complicate thepicture. Moreover, the discussion will be limited to metaphysical modality, themodality of the predictive readings of expressions like will, gonna, might, etc.(Condoravdi 2002, Kaufmann 2005).

Definition 6: Accessible Information States MET(w,f) = {〈u,g〉 | u branchesfrom w at utterance time & ∀v ∈ Dom( f ) : f (v) /∈ S . v ∈ Dom(g) &f (v) = g(v) & ¬∃v′ . g(v′) ∈ S}

As defined above, MET is an accessibility relation which takes a world-assignmentpair and gives back the IS that is metaphysically accessible from it. What thisentails is that i) the worlds in the accessible IS branch from the input worldat utterance time2, meaning they are identical up to utterance time but maydiverge beyond that; ii) the assignments are identical to the input assignment,except that they may not themselves include mappings to ISs. This preventsany multiply-sudordinated ISs.3 In order to show how the modal base restrictsthe domain of a modal, I introduce the operator ↑.

2 I will avoid any discussion of times beyond this for simplicity.3 This move is for simplicity. Whether or not this is desirable is an empirical question.

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Definition 7: Restricted Information States ∀σ ,σ ′ ∈Sσ ↑ σ ′ = {〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ ′ | ∃〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . w = u & f ≥ g}

Definition 7 allows for the definition of complex ISs. It says roughly that theworlds in σ ↑ σ ′ are in both σ and σ ′, and the assignments in σ ↑ σ ′ are thosein σ ′ which are equal to or extensions of those in σ .

3.3 The Core AnalysisThe necessary formalisms now being in place, the relevant denotations can begiven. First, I give the denotation for will, which obligatorily undergoes modalsubordination. I will assume that all relevant modal expressions combine witha vP, which denotes an update, and carry an index.4

will If JvPK = φ , then σ+ Jwillm vPK ={〈w, f 〉 | ∃〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . w = u & f = gm/g[m]+φ &∀〈v,h〉 ∈MET(u,g) ↑ g[m] . ∃h′.{〈v,h〉}+φ = {〈v,h′〉}}if ∀〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . m ∈ Dom(g), else undefined.

The denotation says that willm combines with a vP denoting φ to return a func-tion from σ to σ ′ such that, for every 〈w, f 〉 in σ ′, there is some 〈u,g〉 in σ

such that i) u is w; ii) f is just like g except that f (m) is the result of updatingg[m] with φ ; iii) for every metaphysically accessible 〈v,h〉 in g[m], v survivesupdate with φ . Moreover, m is required to be familiar in σ .

This means that will basically does two things. The first is that it updatesthe subordinated ISs with φ ; any novel discourse referents in φ are added tothe assignment functions of each subordinated IS.5 This is the main dynamicof effect of will, and every other modal; it updates the subordinated IS with itssister vP, potentially introducing modally subordinated discourse referents.

The second thing will does is to say that every metaphysically accessibleworld in the subordinated IS survives update with φ . In other words, any 〈w, f 〉in the old IS such that all the worlds in MET(w,f) are not φ worlds will beeliminated. This is the core meaning of will – it requires that φ is true in all the

4 This denotation is actually simplified in at least one way: it suggests that the modal base ofwill is lexically determined to be the metaphysical modal base; however, like most modals, it iscompatible with at least one other category of modal base, not just metaphysically accessible ones.Thus the third line of the denotation should read as in (i), such that all the modal bases will cantake are enumerated.

(i) ACC = MET(u,g)∨ ACC = X(u,g)∨ ... & ∀〈v,h〉 ∈ ACC ↑ g[m]...

5 It also causes any worlds in which φ is not true to be removed from the subordinated ISs, althoughthis is not relevant for necessity modals since they require that φ be true in all worlds of thesubordinated IS.

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salient accessible worlds.As an example, consider (1a), repeated as (14). Without delving into the

semantics of the imperative (or for that matter, negation), I will assume a de-notation for the first sentence which does the minimal work necessary: makinga certain set of worlds salient.

(14) a. Don’t go near that bomb. It’ll explode.b. Jyou go near that bombK = φ

σ0+ Jdon’tm go near that bombK = σ1 ={〈u,g〉 | ∃〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ0 ... g = f m/λ+φ ... }

c. Jit explodesK = ψ

σ1+ Jit willm explodeK = σ2 ={〈w, f 〉 | ∃〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . w = u & f = gm/g[m]+ψ &∀〈v,h〉 ∈MET(u,g) ↑ g[m] . ∃h′.{〈v,h〉}+ψ = {〈v,h′〉}}if ∀〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . m ∈ Dom(g), else undefined.

In (14b), the imperative constrains the context so that for every world-assign-ment pair, the assignment maps m to the set of worlds where the addresseegoes near some previously established bomb. In (14c), will updates each as-signment of m with ψ . It then requires that every metaphysically accessibleworld-assignment pair in which you go near the bomb is a world-assignmentpair in which the bomb explodes. Its presupposition – that m be defined in allassignments in σ1 – is met, since the imperative made sure that m was defined.6

Notice that will does not require that all worlds in f (m) be metaphysicallyaccessible (though some have to be); in other words, the IS that serves as itsdomain of quantification is not the same IS as the one which it makes salient.This is a crucial property of all modals, since modal subordination can takeplace across modal base types.

(15) a. I might get a dogx. But I have to walk itx every day.b. You have to wear a tie. But you won’t like it.

Notice that the second sentence of (15b) means “If you wear a tie, you won’tlike it” not “If you wear a tie, you won’t have to like it” or anything alongthose lines. In other words, the IS made salient by have to is not restricted tojust deontically accessible worlds.

Now consider gonna; it is exactly like will except that it does not have afamiliarity presupposition.7

6 Whether it introduced m or presupposed it is beyond the scope of this paper.7 As with will, gonna’s modal base variability is glossed over.

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gonna If JvPK = φ , then σ+ Jgonnam vPK ={〈w, f 〉 | ∃〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . w = u & f = gm/g[m]+φ &∀〈v,h〉 ∈MET(u,g) ↑ g[m] . ∃h′.{〈v,h〉}+φ = {〈v,h′〉}}

Note that if will is replaced with gonna in (15), the exact same update will pro-ceed. This is desired since gonna can have the same reading will does. How-ever, consider the same situation, but where gonna carries a different indexfrom that carried by the imperative.

(16) a. Don’t go near that bomb. It’s gonna explode.b. Jyou go near that bombK = φ

σ0+ Jdon’tm go near that bombK = σ1 ={〈u,g〉 | ∃〈w, f 〉 ∈ σ0 ... g = f m/λ+φ ... }

c. Jit explodesK = ψ

σ1+ Jit is gonnan explodeK = σ2 ={〈w, f 〉 | ∃〈u,g〉 ∈ σ . w = u & f = gn/g[n]+ψ &∀〈v,h〉 ∈MET(u,g) ↑ g[n] . ∃h′.{〈v,h〉}+ψ = {〈v,h′〉}}

Since n is not in the domain of the assignments in σ1, g[n] denotes the mini-mal IS. This means that gonna quantifies over the whole set of metaphysicallyaccessible worlds rather than some subset of them. Thus the non-conditionalreading is achieved. However, if will were to replace gonna in (16), it wouldfail to update, as n is not defined in the assignments in σ1.

(17) a. Don’tm go near that bomb. It’s gonnam,n explode.b. Don’tm go near that bomb. It’llm,∗n explode.

This is the desired result. Modal subordination is thus analyzed as fully analo-gous to reference in the individual domain, in line with Frank (1997). It is me-diated by assignment function and potentially restricted by presuppositions onthe context, as determined by lexical idiosyncrasy. It is this second fact that isnew here, and which lends further support to Frank’s hypothesis; the usual ma-chinery of assignment functions and familiarity presuppositions is completelyadequate to predict the data.

Notice that the treatment of modal subordination as analagous to individ-ual reference makes a prediction: definite modals like will should be bad indiscourse initial contexts, just like other definite descriptions which carry fa-miliarity presuppositions. This prediction is borne out; as observed by Binnick(1971), will is much worse than gonna discourse-initially.8

8 Register matters greatly here. In more formal and literary registers will behaves much more likegonna, which is absent these registers. (i) would be felicitous in a newspaper setting, as read by a

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(18) Max walks into a room and says...a. #I’ll fail my exam.b. I’m gonna fail my exam.

Notice that this is not because will is temporally anaphoric; unlike the progres-sive, a temporal adverbial like tonight does not improve will discourse initially.

(19) Jasmin walks into a room and says...a. #I’ll watch a lot of TV (tonight).b. I’m gonna watch a lot of TV (tonight).c. I was watching a lot of TV #(last night).

Crucially, while will has a familiarity presupposition and is thus analagousto a definite DP, gonna does not bear a novelty presupposition and so is notanalagous to an indefinite DP. Rather, it is unspecified for definiteness; there isno constraint on the novelty/familiarity of its index.

There is, however, a constraint on what it introduces if its index is novel;it introduces the minimal IS (and then updates it with its prejacent). This be-havior, referring either to a familiar referent or to a default, is not unique tonondefinite modals. Consider the contrast between near there and nearby, asdiscussed by Condoravdi & Gawron (1996).

(20) Graham walks into a room and says...a. #There’s an ice cream truck near there!b. There’s an ice cream truck nearby!

(21) a. I hate going to the gymx. Anna is always hanging out near therex.b. I hate going to the gymx. Anna is always hanging out nearbyx.

This pattern is identical to that displayed by will and gonna; nearby can refer toa salient location or simply the speaker’s location, but near there cannot havethis default reference.

This account does not predict that will always have a conditional meaning.Haegeman (1989) observes that will can be used after a use of gonna.

news anchor, and many other formal contexts.

(i) The president will send 20,000 more troops to Afghanistan.

Crucially, the same sentence uttered in a casual context is infelicitous discourse initially. Thispaper thus constitutes a study of the grammar of colloquial Standard American English in casualregisters.

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(22) It’s gonna rain. The roads’ll be wet.

Here the roads’ll be wet looks like a simple prediction, but my account predictsthis. will picks up on the worlds where it rains, as made familiar by gonna, butsince all the metaphysically accessible worlds are worlds where it rains (asrequired by gonna), will ends up not looking conditional. Any other expres-sion that introduces a superset of the metaphysically accessible worlds as thesubordinated IS will thus allow will to have a nonconditional reading.

4 Previous Analyses4.1 Modal SubordinationThe only other work to address the fact that some modals are better than othersin discourse initial contexts is Asher & McCready (2007, henceforth A&M),although it is not the focus of their paper. In their account, ISs are sets of 4-tuples 〈w, f ,G,F〉 where G is the set of global possibilities and F is the set oflocal possibilities, akin to the subordinated IS in my framework.

For A&M, in the default state, F = G. This is crucially different fromthe analysis presented here, wherein by default no indices are mapped to ISs,which accounts for definite modals’ inability to appear discourse intially. Theydo, however, note that would is “not as good” in (23) as the reverse case.

(23) A wolf would walk in. It might eat you first.

A&M claim that their “account explains this because in an out of the bluecontext, both the local and global possibilities are initially set to a very large setof epistemic possibilities, and it seems implausible that all of those possibilitiescontain a wolf that walks in. But that is what would have to happen in order forthe would statement in (23) to go through” (Asher & McCready 2007: 114).This isn’t a satisfying explanation, however. Consider (24).

(24) A wolf is about to walk in.

In most contexts, this is an absurd statement. It depicts a highly unlikely eventand is almost certainly false, for example, at the time and place of the writingof this paper. However, it is not infelicitous; it is perfectly meaningful and un-derstandable. That is not the issue with (23); the first sentence is utterly mean-ingless, and would still be even if it were uttered in a context where a wolfwalking in is a real possibility. Moreover, this strategy for explaining discourseinitial infelicity is unlikely to account for the will/gonna distinction, since theyare a minimal pair, taking the same modal base/ordering source. The only ade-quate analysis is one which says that these lexical items simply place different

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Optional and Obligatory Modal Subordination 377

presuppositions on the context of utterance.

4.2 FuturesBesides establishing a parameter of variation among all modal lexical items,i.e., whether or not they have a familiarity presupposition, this paper also ad-dresses a long-standing debate on the difference between will and gonna. Arecent and noteworthy account of the will/gonna contrast is in Copley (2002).Her account is centered around the following contrast:

(25) Carissa: Can anyone help set up for the reception?a. Jackson: I will.b. Jackson: I’m going to.

Copley’s observation is that (25a) is a good offer, while (25b) is not. (25b) is fe-licitous, but only as a prediction. (25b) sounds presumptive and inconsiderate,(25a) sounds polite. Copley’s account is that while will is a simple metaphys-ical necessity modal (very much like the character I ascribe to gonna), gonnais a metaphysical necessity modal scoped over by an imperfective operator; itthus quantifies over worlds which branch from the evaluation world during aninterval containing now. The effect of this is that gonna φ entails that φ hasbeen settled for a little while, whereas will φ only entails that it is settled now.

This is intended to capture the inference in (25b) Jackson was alreadyplanning to help set up for colloquium. According to Copley, a felicity condi-tion on offers says that for an utterance to be an offer, it must mean (roughly) “ifyou want p, then p”. The denotation given to gonna rules this out, since Jack-son is entailed to have already decided. However, this account makes wrongpredictions; notice that it is not entailed by (25b) that Jackson has already de-cided; it is also true in a context where Jackson has decided on the spot to helpset up (but is still being rude about it). Furthermore, Copley does not make theright predictions regarding the data discussed in Section 3.

However, there is still the issue of the offer data to be discussed. I ar-gue that there are two wills: one which has the meaning I have argued for,and the other being a dedicated offering expression. First of all, consider thatin Spanish, the simple present is used to make offers, not the future, as seenin (26). This suggests that the expression used for offers in a given languagecan’t be derived from some principle behind the meaning of offers, rather, eachlanguage has some arbitrary lexicalized form for expressing offers.

(26) Ya abro la ventana yo.“I’ll open the window.”

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Moreover, there is also a performative aspect to offer-will not present in theother will, in (27), which is explainable if they are simply separate lexical items.

(27) a. Alice: I’ll make coffee. Ryan: # That’s not true!b. Alice: Don’t go near that! It’ll blow up! Ryan: That’s not true!

I therefore exclude offer-will from the analysis.

5 ConclusionThis paper raises the empirical point that modal subordination is sometimesobligatory and sometimes optional, and moreover that this is a point of lexi-cal variation. Modals can be divided into at least two classes: definite modals,which must have some antecedent in the discourse, and which include at leastwill, would, and could; and nondefinite modals, which include gonna, might,may, bound to, have to, should, and possibly many others. An analysis is thenput forward which provides a distributive, eliminative semantics for modal sub-ordination, one which makes use of familiarity presuppositions (Heim 1982) toderive the crucial contrasts.

The upshot of this proposal is that modal subordination is really nothingspecial; it is simply a case of contextual domain restriction, which is itself aspecial case of anaphora. It is simply a property of the lexical entailments andpresuppositions of the expressions in a given sentence, and is thus subject tolexical variation. This lexical variability suggests that we might find a thirdcategory of modals, in fact, which complete the paradigm and never undergomodal subordination. One such modal may be must.

(28) a. Julia: Someonex might be waiting for me.Rebekah: # Theyx must know you’re not there.

b. Tim: There might be blood in there.Ezra: He must be the killer.

Ezra’s utterance in (28b) cannot mean “If there’s blood in there, he must be thekiller”. The existence of such a modal comes as no surprise in the frameworkI have laid out, since it allows for lexical variability on this front. Moreover,there is nothing special about modals – any semantic category of expressionscan in principle display these basic properties.

(29) Past Habitualsa. My family used to go to Albion. We would drive through Ontario.b. #My family would go to Albion. We used to drive through Ontario.

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Optional and Obligatory Modal Subordination 379

(29) shows that used to can introduce some kind of habitual timeframe, whichwould can then pick up on anaphorically. Discourse initially, however, wouldis infelicitous. The abundance of anaphoric relations across categories make itno surprise that modals display this behavior as well.

ReferencesAsher, Nicholas & Eric McCready. 2007. Were, would, might and a composi-

tional account of counterfactuals. Journal of Semantics 24. 93–129.Binnick, Robert. 1971. Will and be going to. Proceedings of CLS 7. 40–52.Condoravdi, Cleo. 2002. Temporal interpretation of modals: Modals for the

present and for the past. In D. Beaver, S. Kaufmann, B. Clark &L. Casillas (eds.), The construction of meaning, 59–88. CSLI Publica-tions.

Condoravdi, Cleo & Jean Mark Gawron. 1996. The context-dependency ofimplicit arguments. In Quantifiers, deduction, and context, CSLI Pub-lications.

Copley, Bridget. 2002. The semantics of the future: MIT dissertation.Frank, Anette. 1997. Context dependence in modal constructions: University

of Stuttgart dissertation.Geurts, Bart. 1995. Presupposing: University of Stuttgart dissertation.Haegeman, Liliane. 1989. Be going to and will: a pragmatic account. Journal

of Linguistics 25(2). 291–317.Heim, Irene. 1982. The semantics of definite and indefinite nps: MIT disserta-

tion.Iatridou, Sabine. 2000. The grammatical ingredients of counterfactuality. Lin-

guistic Inquiry 31(2). 231–270.Kaufmann, Stefan. 2005. Conditional truth and future reference. Journal of

Semantics 22. 119–128.Kissine, Mikhail. 2008. Why will is not a modal. Natural Language Semantics

16(2). 129–155.Klecha, Peter. 2009. The modality of english futures. Talk, Chronos 9;, Angelika. 1977. What ‘must’ and ‘can’ must and can mean. Linguis-

tics and Philosophy 1(3). 337–355.Kratzer, Angelika. 1981. The notional category of modality. In H.-J. Eikmeyer

& H. Rieser (eds.), Words, worlds, and context, 38–74. de Gruyter.Kratzer, Angelika. 1986. Conditionals. Proceedings of CLS 22(2). 1–15.Roberts, Craige. 1989. Modal subordination and pronominal anaphora in dis-

course. Linguistics and Philosophy 12(6). 683–721.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 381–396. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Direction and Obviation in Plains Cree: A Referent SystemsApproach

Udo KleinUniversity of Bielefeld


Marcus KrachtUniversity of Bielefeld


Abstract. We present a calculus in which the variables occurring in semanticrepresentations are associated with morphosyntactic information, and the seman-tic composition of two representations consists in the identification of variableswith matching morphosyntactic information. Importantly, shared morphologicalinformation can lead to the identification of variables irrespective of the order ofcomposition. This flexibility, we argue, is an important advantage in analysingthe syntax-semantics interface of languages like Plains Cree, where the personand number properties of the arguments as well as the assignment of semanticroles to arguments is almost exclusively determined by the complex morpholog-ical properties of the verb.

1 IntroductionIn type-driven semantics, semantic role assignment depends on the order ofcomposition. If the denotation of see is [[see]] = λy.λx.see’(x,y) with see’(a,b)iff a sees b, then the first argument to which the function applies will be as-signed the semantic role of entity being seen, and the next argument will be as-signed the semantic role of person seeing, so that [[see]]([[Paul]])([[Marc]]) =

see’(marc’,paul’) holds if Marc sees Paul. This order-dependent assignment ofsemantic roles works well if argument linking in a language is determined ex-clusively by word order. But what, if instead the assignment of semantic roles isdetermined by the morphosyntactic information associated with predicate andargument? To illustrate, assume for simplicity that an argument is assigned thepatient-like semantic role if it is accusative, and the agent-like semantic role ifnominative, as in Videt Marcus Paulum. (‘Marc sees Paul.’). Two strategies canbe pursued. First, one could assume that the role of the case morphology is torestrict the hierarchical position in which an NP can occur at the deep structure:if it is marked with accusative it can only occur as a sister of a transitive verb, ifit is marked as nominative, it can only occur as a sister of a verb phrase. So de-spite the various possible surface orders, the deep structure is always [Marcus[videt Paulum]]. Alternatively, one can assume that the accusative morphemedenotes a function acc, which when applied to an NP-denotation n and a func-tion v yields acc(n)(v) = v(n), and that the nominative morpheme denotes a

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nom(n)(v) =

{v(n), if v is unary functionλx.(v(x)(n)), if v is binary function

In the first alternative, case is interpreted as a syntactic filter on permissibleconstituent structure (trees), so that an accusative NP is guaranteed to be thefirst argument of the predicate. In the second alternative, case is interpreted asa function which essentially makes sure that the argument it applies to, i.e. theNP denotation, occurs in the appropriate position in the λ-term. So despite thefact that (word) order plays no role in the descriptive generalization underlyingsemantic role assignment, both strategies use the morphological informationto restrict the order of application, which in turn determines the assignment ofsemantic roles.

The idea we shall develop in this paper is that morphosyntactic (in partic-ular inflectional) information can determine the assignment of semantic rolesdirectly and irrespective of the order of composition. Semantic compositionconsists in identifying variables with matching morphosyntactic information.Assuming that [[videt]] := see’(x,y), and that the denotation of Paulum is z =

paul’, and assuming further that the morphosyntactic information associatedwith the variable y of videt matches the information associated with z of Paulum,we shall provide a calculus which identifies the variable y of [[videt]] with thevariable z of [[Paulum]], and thus assigns the semantic role of entity seen topaul’.

As a case study we have chosen the direction and obviation system inPlains Cree, since in this language the person and number properties of thearguments as well as the assignment of semantic roles to arguments is almostexclusively determined by the complex morphological properties of the verb,and not by word order. In section 2 we sketch the direction and obviation sys-tem in Plains Cree, in 3 we introduce the theory of referent systems, in section 4we provide the analysis of direction and obviation in terms of referent systems,and in section 5 we conclude.

2 Direction and Obviation in Plains CreePlains Cree is one of four dialects of Modern Cree, an Algonquian languagespoken by around 60.000 people in Canada. It has a basically agglutinativestructure, with a comparatively simple nominal inflection, but a formidablycomplex verbal inflectional system.1 Zúñiga (2006), Dahlstrom (1986) and oth-

1 The categories involved in the nominal system are possession, number, gender and obviation (nocase), cf. Zúñiga (2006).

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ers distinguish no less than nine affix positions in the verbal template of PlainsCree. Three of them (the fourth, sixth and eighth suffix) express tense, aspectand mood, whereas the others are related to the direction and obviation system,a fragment of which we present below.

The rich inflectional system of the verb is instrumental in expressing (i)the person and number properties of the verbal arguments, as well as (ii) thelinking between verbal arguments and the semantic roles of the predicate. Theargument linking in Plains Cree can be characterized by three basic features.First, some of the affixes (the prefix and the fifth suffix) impose restrictionson the person and number features of the verbal arguments irrespective of theparticular semantic role of the argument or the number of arguments of a verb.Secondly, the link between semantic roles and arguments is established by thedirection suffix (the second suffix) which adds the person and number infor-mation about the agent-like and patient-like arguments. When the predicate in-volves third person arguments, the direction suffix also adds information aboutwhich of the arguments is proximative (and which obviative). Finally, overtlyrealized third person noun phrases are morphologically marked as proximativeor obviative, so that the semantic composition of noun phrase and verb is de-termined not by word order or position in hierarchical structure, but by sharingthe same morphological feature.

To begin with, consider the following minimal pair:23

(1) a.‘You (sg) run.’

b.‘I run.’

The prefix indicates whether the participants in the relation denoted by thepredicate include a speech act participant, according to the following general-ization:

(2) First Prefix Generalization (based on Zúñiga (2006: 73)):a. ki- is used whenever the addressee or a group containing the ad-

dressee is an argument; else:b. ni- is used whenever the speaker or a group containing the speaker

is argument; else2 All examples are quoted from Zúñiga (2006).3 Glossing: 1, 2, 3: first, second, third person; sap: speech act participant; sg, pl: singular, plural;excl, incl: exclusive, inclusive; dir, inv: direct, inverse; prox, obv: proximative, obviative.

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c. ∅-, i.e. if no SAP is an argument

The final affix -n also encodes information about the person and number of theparticipants, as illustrated by the following examples:

(3) a.‘We (excluding addressee) run.’

b.‘I run.’

The fifth suffix in the verbal template adds information about person and num-ber of the participants according to the following generalization:

(4) Fifth Suffix Generalization (based on Zúñiga (2006: 78)):a. if one participant is 1 exclusive plural, then -nan; elseb. if one participant is 1 inclusive plural, then -nanaw; elsec. if one participant is 2 plural, then -nawaw; elsed. if one participant is 3, then -w; elsee. (if 1SG or 2SG, then) -n

We briefly mention four important aspects of these two generalizations. First,they have an if-then-else structure, or put differently, they involve hierarchies,and secondly, the hierarchies involved differ from one another (and can there-fore not be reduced to one hierarchy).

(5) Hierarchies involved:Slot Description relevant hierarchyprefix highest participant 2 > 1 > 3

2. suffix direction SAP > 3prox > 3obv > 3f.obv

5. suffix person/number 1p > 12/2p > 3anim > sSAP >3inan

Thirdly, these two generalizations are insensitive to the number of arguments apredicate has. To see this note that the transitive verb pehtaw (‘hear’) in (6):

(6) Ki-2-



‘Yousg hear me.’

and the intransitive verb pimipahta (‘run’) in (1a) are both prefixed by ki- and

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suffixed by -n. And fourthly, the generalizations do not make any reference to(specific or generalized) semantic roles, so that first prefix and fifth suffix arefixed by the person and number properties of the arguments irrespective of theirsemantic roles, which can be illustrated by the following minimal pair:

(7) a. Ki-2-



‘Yousg hear me.’b. Ki-



‘I hear yousg.’

The link between arguments and semantic roles is established by the so-calleddirection suffix (the second suffix). The only morphosyntactic difference bet-ween these sentence pairs is the so-called direction suffix -i in (7a) and iti in(7b), which correlates with the difference in semantic role assignment. In (7a)the addressee is the person hearing, and the speaker the person heard, whereasin (7b) the semantic role assignment is reversed.

Together, the three affixes impose restrictions on the person and num-ber of the arguments, but only the direction suffix provides information aboutthe link between arguments and semantic roles. Different participant configu-rations call for different direction suffixes. The local configuration, illustratedabove, involves only speech act participants (or groups containing speech actparticipants). In the mixed configuration, in which one argument is a SAP andanother one is not, the respective direction suffixes are -a and -ikw.

(8) a. Ki-2-


-a-dir(2→ 3)


‘You (sg) frighten him/her.’b. Ki-


-ikw-dir(3→ 2)


‘He/she frightens you (sg).’

And finally, in the non-local configuration, where neither argument is a SAP,the direction suffixes are -e/-a and -ikw.

(9) a. ∅-3-


-e-dir(3.prox→ 3.obv)


‘He (prox) frightens him/her/them (obv).’b. ∅-


-ikw-dir(3.obv→ 3.prox)


‘He/she/they (obv) frighten(s) him/her (prox).’

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The direction suffixes for the different participant configurations are summedup below:

(10) The direction.suffixes (for transitive verbs with animate objects):

local mixed non-localdir -i 2→1 -a SAP→3 -e 3PROX→3OBVinv -iti 1→2 -ikw 3→SAP -ikw 3OBV→3PROX

The proximative-obviative distinction is realized not only in the verbal systembut also in the nominal system. If a third person argument is overtly realizedas a noun phrase, then it is morphologically marked either as proximative or asobviative.

(11) O-3poss-









‘The Creeprox found his comrades.’

(12) Tapwetruly







‘Truly the woman struck down that windigo.’

For space reasons we introduced only a fragment of the actual direction and ob-viation system in Plains Cree. First, we focused on only three out of six affixesrelevant for direction and obviation. And secondly, we ignored a number ofother morphosyntactic categories which are known to be relevant for directionmarking on the verb in Plains Cree. To mention only two, the affixes encodingdirection in Plains Cree depend further on (i) the type of clause,4 and (ii) theanimacy of the patient-like argument. If the argument is inanimate, as in (13a),then the direction suffix -e must be used instead of -a, which in turn must beused in (13b), since the argument is animate.

(13) a. Ni-1-




‘We (excl.) see it.’b. Ni-




‘We (excl.) frighten him/her.’

The linking of arguments and semantic roles by means of the direction and ob-

4 The forms introduced here are basically restricted to independent clauses (belonging to the inde-pendent paradigm), whereas dependent clauses require forms from a different so-called conjunctparadigm.

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viation system poses an important challenge to the theory of semantic composi-tion, in particular to type-drive composition, because the assignment of the se-mantic roles to arguments is not determined by the order of composition but byshared morphological information, namely agreement in proximative/obviativefeatures.5 If the direction suffix is dir(3.obv→3.prox), then a proximate nounphrase denotation will be assigned the patient-like argument, if the directionsuffix is dir(3.prox→3.obv), then it will be assigned the agent-like argument.The analysis of the contribution of first prefix and fifth affix poses an additionalchallenge, since these affixes impose (semantic) restrictions on the person andnumber of the arguments of a predicate, but they do this irrespective of the se-mantic role of the arguments. In section 4 we provide an analysis which meetsboth these challenges in terms of referent systems, which we introduce in sec-tion 3.

3 The Theory of Referent Systems3.1 Semantic Composition by Renaming of VariablesThe semantic structure of lexical items will be analyzed in terms of pairs 〈U,C〉consisting of a set of referents U and a set of conditions C, i.e. by means ofdiscourse representation structures (DRSs).6 Returning to our example (11),we want the composition of the DRSs for the noun phrase o-wicewakan-a (‘hiscomradesobv’) and the verb miskawew (‘find’) to result in:


/∅-miskaw-e-w/efind′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found′(e) � y


/o-wicewakan-a ∅-miskaw-e-w/e,yfind′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found′(e) � ycomrades′(y)

Where the referent x of the NP DRS is identified with the referent y of the verbDRS, which gets assigned the role of entity being found.7 This result can beachieved by (i) renaming the variable x of the first DRS into x1, (ii) renamingthe variables e,x,y in the second DRS into e2,x2,x1 respectively, and (iii) byconjoining the sets of renamed referents and renamed conditions respectively.Put in a nutshell, the semantic composition of two DRSs consists in conjunc-

5 This is not to say that it is impossible to provide an analysis of semantic role assignment in PlainsCree within a type-driven approach to semantic composition.6 Thus, we adopt an algebraic approach to DRT, cf. Zeevat (1989), as opposed to the proceduralapproach of Kamp & Reyle (1993).7 We want these two referents to be identified irrespective of the actual variable name chosen forthe NP referent, in order to account for the fact that the choice of variable name for the NP referentis actually immaterial.

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tion relative to a renaming R of variables



/∅-miskaw-e-w/efind′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found′(e) � y


/o-wicewakan-a ∅-miskaw-e-w/e2,x1find′(e2)p.finding′(e2) � x2e.found′(e2) � x1comrades′(x1)

where R = 〈{〈x,x1〉}, {〈e,e2〉, 〈x,x2〉, 〈y,x1〉}〉. So the renaming of variables iden-tifies some variables (irrespective of their actual names), and keeps all othervariables distinct (even if they have the same names) in order to avoid acciden-tal identification of referents.

Definition 3.1 A referent xaσ consists of the variable symbol x followed by asequence σ ∈ {1,2}∗. Let R be the set of such referents.

Convention 3.1 To ease readability we use also the symbols e, f ,g,h, x,y,z,u,v,w, . . . standing for referents.

Definition 3.2 A renaming r ⊂ R2 is an injective function which suffixes itsargument either with a 1 or with a 2. r is a renaming of a referent system α =

[µ1, . . . ,µn] iff the domain D ⊂ R of r is the set of referents {ref(µi) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}.

Definition 3.3 Let ∆1 = 〈U1,C1〉, and ∆2 = 〈U2,C2〉 be two DRSs, where ∆1contains the variables x1, . . . , xm and ∆2 contains the variables y1, . . . ,yn. Then•(∆1,∆2, 〈r1,r2〉) is defined iff (i) the domain of r1 is the set of variables in ∆1,and (ii) the domain of r2 is the set of variables in ∆2. In this case•(〈U1,C1〉, 〈U2,C2〉, 〈r1,r2〉) = 〈r1[U1]∪ r2[U2],r1[C1]∪ r2[C2]〉, where

(i) r1[U1] = {r1(xi) : i ≤ m},r2[U2] = {r2(x j) : j ≤ n}(ii) r1[C1] = {φi[r1] : φi ∈C1},r2[C2] = {φ j[r2] : φ j ∈C2}

(iii) φ[r] is the result of replacing every variable x in φ by r(x)

The renaming of variables is determined by the morphosyntactic informationassociated with each variable, to be presented in the next subsection.

3.2 Morphosyntactic StructureThe basic idea of the calculus of referent systems, first introduced in Vermeulen(1995) and then extended in Kracht (1999), is that the way in which variablesare to be renamed is decided by the morphosyntactic information associatedwith each variable, and stored in so-called referent systems. Since semanticcomposition of two DRSs proceeds relative to the renaming dictated by themorphosyntax, the renaming of variables provides the interface between mor-phosyntax and semantic composition.

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Every variable in a DRS is associated with morphosyntactic information rel-evant for the identification of this variable. There are three types of informa-tion relevant for the identification of variables, namely hierarchical, linear andcategorial information. Hierarchical information is encoded by the followingvertical diacritics: (i) O (the referent is a functor with respect to merge) (ii)M (the referent is an argument with respect to merge), (iii) ♦ (the referent isan adjunct), and (iv) − (the referent cannot identify any further). The linearinformation is encoded by the following horizontal diacritics: (i) S (referentexpects argument to the right), (ii) R (referent expects argument to the left),(iii) � (referent expects argument either to the left or to the right), and (iv) �(no expectations). The categorial information is encoded by a finite number ofsimple names (which are essentially feature values over a certain namespace)or transformer names (which transform the value of a feature):

[per : 3num : sgcase : −

] [per : 3num : sgcase : −→ acc


Definition 3.4 A vertical diacritic vd is a subset of {M,O}. A horizontal dia-critic hd is a subset of {R,S}.

Convention 3.2 For ease of readability, we use the following conventions forrepresenting vertical and horizontal diacritics:

definition conventionvd ∅ −

{M} M{O} O{M,O} ♦

definition conventionhd ∅ �

{S} S{R} R{R,S} �

Definition 3.5 A diacritic d is a pair 〈vd,hd〉 consisting of a vertical diacriticvd and a horizontal diacritic hd. A diacritic 〈vd,hd〉 is a legal diacritic iff(O ∈ vd∨H ∈ vd)↔ hd , ∅. The diacritic 〈∅,∅〉 is called trivial.

The categorial information will be represented by so called names.

Definition 3.6 A name space N is a triple 〈A,V, f 〉, where A is a finite non-empty set of attributes, V is a finite non-empty set of values disjoint from A, andf : A→ ℘(V) is a valuation function assigning every attribute in A a subset ofV.

Definition 3.7 A simple name N (over a name space N = 〈A,V, f 〉) is a featurestructure over N. A transformer name N is a pair 〈N,N

〉 of simple names.

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We shall use the more compact notation:

cat : vpre : −

suff : −→ +

for 〈

cat : vpre : −

suff : −

, cat : vpre : −

suff : +

〉Let n.a be the value of the simple name n for the feature a. The unification

n1 u n2 is defined if for all attributes a ∈ A it holds that n1.a∩ n2.a , ∅. Thenn1un2 = {[a : v1u v2] : [a : v1] ∈ n1∧ [a : v2] ∈ n2}.

We can now put together the information relevant for the identification ofa referent, by defining so-called argument identification statements:

Definition 3.8 A triple α = 〈x, 〈vd,hd〉,n〉 is an argument identification state-ment (AIS) iff (i) x is a referent, 〈vd,hd〉 a legal diacritic with |vd| < 2, andn a simple name (over a name space N), or (ii) x is a referent, 〈vd,hd〉 a le-gal diacritic with vd = {M,O}, and n a transformer name. Further, let ref(α) =

x,vd(α) = vd,hd(α) = hd,n(α) = n.

Definition 3.9 A list of argument identification statements [µ1, . . . ,µm],m ≥ 1,is called a referent system.

Before providing the definition for the merge of referent systems, we illus-trate this operation by discussing the merge of the referent system of miskaw-e(‘find’) with the referent system of the fifth suffix -w:


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −



f : ♦ R:

cat : trvpre : −suf : −→ +

u : ♦ R:

[per : 3

]v : ♦ R:



[per :1num:sg


[per :2num:sg

] =


e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : +

x1 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y1 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −


First, leftward merge α •l β of two referent systems α and β is defined if (i) αis saturated (i.e. with O < vd(α) for all AISs in α) and (ii) at least one leftwardmerge of AISs is defined. A leftward merge µ/ν of two AISs µ and ν is definedif (i) the horizontal diacritic of ν contains R, (ii) the vertical diacritic of µ isM or ♦, (iii) the vertical diacritic of ν is O or ♦, and (iv) the names of µ and νcan be unified. In our example, the leftward merge of the AISs of the referentse and f is defined, since (i) the horizontal diacritic of f is R, (ii) the verticaldiacritic of e is M , (iii) the vertical diacritic of f is ♦, and (iv) the first name ofthe transformer name of f matches (i.e. can be unified with) the simple name ofe. Further, the AIS with referent u can be leftward-merged with the AIS withreferent x, and the same holds for the two AISs with referents v and y.

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Definition 3.10 The leftward merge of two AISs µ/ν is defined iff (i) R∈ hd(ν),(ii) M∈ vd(µ), (iii) O ∈ vd(ν), and (iv) n(µ) ·n(ν) is defined. If defined, then:

µ/ν = 〈ref(µ)a1, 〈vd(µ)∩vd(ν),hd(µ)〉,n(µ) ·n(ν)〉

where the resulting name m ·n is:

n(µ) ·n(ν) =

n(µ)un(ν), if n(µ),n(ν) are unifiable simple namesB, if n(µ) = 〈A,B〉,n(ν) = C, and A unifies with CC, if n(µ) = A,n(ν) = 〈C,D〉, and A unifies with Dundefined, otherwise

The leftward merge of referent systems is defined as follows:

Definition 3.11 Let α = [µ1, . . . ,µm] and β = [ν1, . . . , νn] be two referent sys-tems. The leftward merge •(α,β, 〈r1,r2〉) of α and β relative to the renaming〈r1,r2〉 is defined iff

• α is saturated• there is an i,1 ≤ i ≤ n such that µ1 accesses νi• for every k with 1 ≤ k ≤ m

– µk / νi+(k−1) is defined– r1(ref(µk)) = r2(ref(νi+(k−1))) = ref(µk)a1, and

• for all j between 1 ≤ j ≤ n with j , i + (k−1), r2(ref(ν j)) = ref(ν j)a2

In this case •(α,β, 〈r1,r2〉) = 〈[εp : 1 ≤ p ≤ n]〉 where:

εp =

{µk / νi+(k−1) if i ≤ p ≤ i + (m−1)〈ref(νp)a2, 〈vd(νp),hd(νp)〉,n(νp)〉 else

Definition 3.12 Let α = [µ1, . . . ,µm] be a saturated referent system and β =

[ν1, . . . , νn] another referent system. Then µ1 accesses νi (1 ≤ i ≤ n) iff (i) eitherµ1 / νi or νi .µ1 is defined, and (ii) there is no νk with i < k ≤ n such that µ1 / νkor νk .µ1 is defined

As it is formulated, the merge requires that the first AIS of the saturated referentsystem access the first AIS from the bottom of the functor referent system forwhich the left- or rightward merge of AIS is defined. The notion of access canbe made dependent on the language, so that for example in some languagesthe merge requires that the first AIS of the saturated referent system can onlyaccess the last AIS of the functor referent system.

The rightward merge of argument identification statements and referentsystems can be formulated analogously.

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392 Klein & Kracht

4 A Referent Systems Analysis of Direction and ObviationIn this section we provide an analysis of the direction and obviation system interms of referent systems, and illustrate this analysis by deriving the followingtwo sentences:

(14) a. O-3poss-









‘The Creeprox found his comrades.’b. Ki-



‘I hear you (sg).’

Combining the sign miskaw with the direction suffix e results in:

/miskaw/ (‘find’)

e :M � :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x : 4� :

[θ : A

]y : 4� :

[θ : P

]efind′(e)p.finding(e) � xe.found(e) � y

/-e/(3prox → 3obv,direct)

e : ♦ R:

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x1 : O R:

[θ : A

]x2 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y1 : O R:

[θ : P

]y2 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −


x1 � x2y1 � y2



e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x1 : −� :

[θ : A

]x22 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y1 : −� :

[θ : P

]y22 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −

]e1find′(e1)p.finding′(e1) � x1e.found(e1) � y1x1 � x22y1 � y22

The referent system of miskaw contains an AIS for the event variable e, andone AIS for each argument variable x and y. Since the event variables of stemand direction suffix have matching morphosyntactic information, they get iden-tified. Moreover, the merge of the two referent systems also identifies x and x1(as well as y and y1), due to the matching value for the θ-role feature. As aresult the variables x and x1 are both renamed to x1 (y and y1 are renamed toy1). Since the referents x1 and x2 of the direction suffix are coreferential, thetwo referents x1 and x22 of the referent system for miskaw-e are also corefer-ent, which in effect means that the referent x22 is assigned the semantic role ofperson finding. Given its associated morphosyntactic information, this referentcan only identify with 3rd person proximate noun phrases.

The attachment of the fifth suffix −w to this base imposes the restrictionthat one referent is third person and the other is either third person or a sin-gular SAP. Moreover, the fifth suffix transforms the suffix value from − to +,

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provided that the base is prefixless.


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −

]efind′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found(e) � y


e : ♦ R:

cat : trvpre : −suf : −→ +

x : ♦ R:

[per : 3

]y : ♦ R:



[per :1num:sg


[per :2num:sg

] =


e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : +

x1 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y1 : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −

]e1find′(e1)p.finding′(e1) � x1e.found′(e1) � y1

The first AIS of the zero prefix provides the morphosyntactic information asso-ciated with the event variable. This AIS can only merge with a variable whoseprefix value is − and whose suffix value is +. If this is the case, it transformsthe prefix value from − to +, making sure that only one prefix can attach to thebase. The next two AISs of the zero prefix contain referents which are corefer-ential and whose categorial information is required to be identical (this is whatthe indices a and b are supposed to mean). The reason for this is as follows.The zero affix must be prefixed to the base, therefore the linear informationassociated with x1 (and y1) is S. However, we would like the resulting refer-ent to be identifiable either to the left or to the right. To achieve this, we adda coreferential referent x2 to the zero prefix, and require that it be identifiableeither to the left or to the right, i.e. with �.


e : ♦ S:

cat : trvpre : −→ +

suf : +

x1 : O S:

[per : 3


x2 : O� :[per : 3


y1 : O S:[per : 3


y2 : O� :[per : 3


x1 � x2y1 � y2


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : +

x : 4� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y : 4� :

[per : 3prox : −

]efind′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found′(e) � y



e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : +

suf : +

x11 : −� :

[per : 3prox : +


x21 : O� :[per : 3prox : +


y11 : −� :[per : 3prox : −


y21 : O� :[per : 3prox : −


e1find′(e1)p.finding′(e1) � x11;x11 � x21e.found′(e1) � y11;y11 � y21

The prefixation of the zero affix then identifies the referents e, x1, y1 of thezero affix with the referents e, x, y of the base miskaw-e-w, respectively, andconsequently the referents x2 and y2, renamed to x21 and y21, are assigned thesemantic roles of person finding and entity found, respectively.

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As can be seen, the referent x21, which bears the role of person finding, canonly identify with referents which are third person proximative, and the referenty21 bearing the role of entity found can only be identified with third personobviative referents. Now the two noun phrases can be combined (in any order).Combining first the obviative NP result in the identification of the referent x ofthe NP referent system with the referent y of the verb, which in turn entails thatthe the semantic role of entity found is assigned to the comrades:

/o-wicewakan-a/x :M � : [prox : -]xcomrades′(x)


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : +

suf : +

x : O� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y : O� :

[per : 3prox : −

]e1find′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found′(e) � y


/o-wicewakan-a ∅-miskaw-e-w/

e2 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : +

suf : +

x2 : O� :

[per : 3prox : +

]x1 : −� :

[per : 3prox : −

]x1,e2find′(e2)p.finding′(e2) � x2e.found′(e2) � x1comrades′(x1)

Finally, combining this verb phrase with the proximate NP results in theidentification of the referent x of the proximate NP with the referent x of theverb phrase referent system, so that this referent gets assigned the semantic roleof person finding.

/o-wicewakan-a ∅-miskaw-e-w/

e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : +

suf : +

x : O� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y : −� :

[per : 3prox : −

]e,yfind′(e)p.finding′(e) � xe.found′(e) � ycomrades′(y)

/awa nehiyaw/x :M � : [prox : +]xcree′(x)



e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : +

suf : +

x1 : −� :

[per : 3prox : +

]y1 : −� :

[per : 3prox : −

]e1,y1find′(e1)p.finding′(e1) � x1e.found′(e1) � y1comrades′(y1)cree′(x1)

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Second derivation:

/pehtaw/ (‘hear′)

e :M � :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x : 4� :

[θ : A

]y : 4� :

[θ : P

]ehear′(e)p.hearing′(e) � xstimulus′(e) � y

/-iti/(1−2, inverse)

e : ♦ R:

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x1 : O R:

[θ : A

]x2 : 4� :

[per : 1

]y1 : O R:

[θ : P

]y2 : 4� :

[per : 2

]x1 � x2y1 � y2



e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x1 : −� :

[θ : A

]x22 : 4� :

[per : 1

]y1 : −� :

[θ : P

]y22 : 4� :

[per : 2

]ehear′(e1)p.hearing′(e1) � x1stimulus′(e1) � y1x1 � x22y1 � y22


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : −

x : 4� :

[per : 1

]y : 4� :

[per : 2

]ehear′(e)p.hearing′(e) � xstimulus′(e) � y


e : ♦ R:

cat : trvpre : −suf : −→ +

x : ♦ R:

[per : 1t2num : sg

]y : ♦ R:

[per : 1t2num : sg

] =


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : +

x : 4� :

[per : 1num : sg

]y : 4� :

[per : 2num : sg

]ehear′(e)p.hearing′(e) � xstimulus′(e) � y


e : ♦ S:

cat : trvpre : −→ +

suf : +

x1 : O S:

[per : 2


x2 : O� :[per : 2


y1 : O S:[per : 1t3


y2 : O� :[per : 1t3


x1 � x2y1 � y2


e : 4� :

cat : trvpre : −suf : +

x : 4� :

[per : 1num : sg

]y : 4� :

[per : 2num : sg

]ehear′(e)p.hearing′(e) � xstimulus′(e) � y



e1 : 4� :

cat : trvpre : +

suf : +

x11 : −� :

[per : 2num : sg


x21 : O� :[per : 2num : sg


y11 : −� :[per : 1num : sg


y21 : O� :[per : 1num : sg


e1hear′(e1)p.hearing′(e1) � y11;y11 � y21stimulus′(e1) � x11;x11 � x21

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396 Klein & Kracht

5 ConclusionReferent systems provide an interface between syntax on the one hand and se-mantics on the other by allowing to detail the way in which variables are beinglinked (i.e. identified) under merge. Certain aspects of the system have beenomitted, such as parameters or quantification, in order to make the presentationfocused. We have shown how referent systems allow for greater flexibility insyntax, by opening up access in argument structure. It should be fairly obvi-ous that merge is a fairly inexpensive operation. It consists in two steps: thefirst is to calculate the resulting argument structure and the substitutions beforemerge, and the step in executing the substitutions and then merging the se-mantic representations. Although complete syntactic flexibility has its price interms of combinatorial explosion, referent systems allow morphology to keepthis search simple by providing clues as to how arguments have to be linked.And it seems that in practice languages do employ ways of keeping this com-binatorial problem at bay.

ReferencesDahlstrom, Amy. 1986. Plains Cree morphosyntax: Uni- versity of California

at Berkeley dissertation.Kamp, Hans & Uwe Reyle. 1993. From discourse to logic. Dor-

drecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Student edition.Kracht, Marcus. 1999. Agreement Morphology, Argument Structure and Syn-

tax. Unpublished manuscript.Vermeulen, Kees F. M. 1995. Merging without mystery or: Variables in dy-

namic semantics. Journal of Philosophical Logic 24(4). 405–450.Zeevat, Henk. 1989. A compositional approach to discourse representation

theory. Linguistics and Philosophy 12. 95–131.Zúñiga, Fernando. 2006. Deixis and alignment. inverse systems in indigenous

languages of the americas. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

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Thematic Roles and the Interpretation of one-­‐another Reciprocals

Chris LaTerza

Maryland University [emailprotected]

Abstract. This paper proposes a novel neo-Davidsonian semantics of one another-reciprocals that appear in several Indo-European languages. Ar-guments are presented that suggest that such expressions be treated as compositionally complex, in contrast to standard approaches that treat them as primitive polyadic quantifiers. A theory of logical form for one another-reciprocals is developed that can account for a non-trivial range of their syntactic distribution as well as a wide range of the attested readings of reciprocal sentences.

1 Introduction This paper addresses the logical form of reciprocal sentences containing one-another reciprocals (OARs), a common type reciprocal expression found in many Indo-European languages. After considering some empirical facts about OARs in the languages where they are found, I will argue that we must view the OAR as a complex expression, contrary to the standard assumption that argument reciprocals (reciprocals that can appear in argument positions) are primitive semantic elements; more specifically, that they are polyadic quantifiers (see Dalrymple et al. 1998 and much subsequent work). I will show that with a certain neo-Davidsonian decomposition, it is possible to treat OARs as being composed of essentially the same one and other that occur outside of OAR constructions, while also accounting for a large amount of the polysemy known to be associated with reciprocals. This will require us to consider some developments of recent work in event semantics, which has already shown to be useful in analyses of reciprocity (Schein 2003, Dimitri-adis 2008, Dotlačil 2010) and other issues concerning plurality in general (Schein 1993, Lasersohn 1995, Landman 2000, Pietroski 2005, Zweig 2008).

The paper will be organized as follows. In the second section, I will highlight some descriptive facts about the distribution of OARs that not only suggest that they are compositionally complex, but also that each part of the OAR (one and other) is associated with thematic content distinct from the

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 397–417. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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other part. In the third section, I will review some of the relevant parts from the reciprocal and event semantics literature, and propose a novel logical decomposition for sentences involving OARs. I will show that the proposals offered here, guided by the empirical facts of section 2, can account for a large portion of the range of attested reciprocal readings. The final section will summarize the results of the paper.

2 The Complexity of OARs In this section I will argue that OARs are structurally complex in that each of its elements, one and other, are separate nominal expressions. While a treatment of this kind might seem obvious, the standard in the reciprocal literature for the past fifteen years or so has been to treat reciprocals expressions like each other and one another as polyadic quantifiers.1

I do not doubt that it is possible for theoreticians to represent the meaning of reciprocal sentences in terms of polyadic quantification. The issue that I am concerned with is if this is the best way that we can model how meaning is represented in the minds of speakers. I believe that we should be wary about including in our model higher order relations like polyadic quantifiers if there is only one family of phenomena (anaphors) that seems to call for such a device. If there is a possibility of accounting for the same facts without climbing dangerously high up the Fregean hierarchy of types, then I believe that possibility should be explored. That is what I intend to do in the rest of the paper.

2.1 Empirical Arguments for Complexity I will show that the empirical facts presented below not only pose serious problems for analyses that treat OARs as primitive, non-decomposable expressions, but they also suggest an idea that will form the basis of the analysis in Section 3: if one and other are distinct nominals, then perhaps they are associated with distinct thematic roles.

Let us first consider the distribution of article determiners within OARs. Articles within OARs can be found in the Romance languages (Spanish (1), French (2), and Romanian (3)), as well as in Bulgarian (4).

1 A type <1,2> quantifier in Generalized Quantifier Theory (see Peters and Westerståhl 2005). In Generalized Quantifier Theory, run-of-the-mill quantificational determiners are classified as type <1,1> quantifiers, because each argument to the determiner has an adicity of one; each one on its arguments is a monadic predicate. Reciprocals have been treated as polyadic quantifiers of type <1,2> in GQT, labeled as such since one of this quantifier’s arguments is a polyadic predicate (the verb).

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The Interpretation of one-another Reciprocals 399

(1) Los estudiantes se seguian los unos tras los otros. the students CL follow the ones behind the others ‘The students are following one another.’

(2) Les étudiants se sont frappé les uns les autres. the students CL AUX hit the ones the others ‘The students hit one another.’

(3) Băieţii s au urmărit unul pe celălalt. boys.DEF CL have followed one.DEF ACC-PART other.DEF ‘The boys followed one another.’

(4) Gostite tancuvaha edin-ija s drug-ija. guests.DEF danced one.DEF with other.DEF ‘The guests danced with one another.’

What is important for us is that it is possible to have article morphology appear on each part of the OAR simultaneously. Though some languages allow multiple articles per nominal (such as the Scandinavian double-definiteness languages), the languages reported above do not allow this and we can take the simultaneous occurrence of two articles as evidence for two distinct noun phrases.

Next we will consider the placement of prepositions that interact with OARs. In Germanic OAR constructions, prepositions are generally placed before the OAR complex, as in English (5) and German (6).

(5) They danced with one another.

(6) Sie erzählten voneinander. they talk about-one-another ‘They talk about one another.’

It seems however that preposition placement in Germanic OARs is the exception to a general pattern. In all the non-Germanic Indo-European languages where I found OARs to be a productive, the preposition always intervenes between one and other.2

2 It is also possible in some contexts, and with certain prepositions, that Germanic OARs can show the one-P-other word order that we find to be pervasive in Indo-European languages. (i) I put the books ones on top of another

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400 LaTerza

Below, we see this in French (7), Spanish (8), Romanian (9), Bulgarian (10), Serbo-Croatian (11), and Ukrainian3(12).

(7) Les étudiants se sont donné des livres les uns aux autres. the students CL AUX gave some books the ones to-the others ‘The students gave books to one another.’

(8) Los estudiantes presentaron los profesores el uno al otro. the students introduced the professors the one to-the other ‘The students introduced the professors to one another.’

(9) Oaspeţii au dansat unul cu celălalt. guests.the have danced one.the.NOM with other.the.ACC ‘The guests danced with one another.’

(10) Te stojat edin do drug. they stand one beside other ‘They are standing beside one another.’

(11) Gosti su plesali jedni s drugima. guests AUX danced one with other ‘The guests danced with one another.’

(12) Divčata hovoryly odna pro odnu. girls talk one.NOM about one.ACC ‘The girls are talking about one another.’

If the OAR were a primitive expression, it should come as a surprise that it is possible to break it up with prepositions, though this is what we find in a majority of languages that have OARs. Furthermore, if we can assume that it is the complements of prepositions that receive the thematic role associated with that preposition, then it is possible to attribute thematic distinctness to each element of an OAR since only one of them appears to be the complement of the preposition in these languages, the other element.4

The last empirical phenomena that I will discuss concerns case mor-phology within the OAR. In certain Slavic languages that use OAR constructions, each element of the OAR inflects for case. Interestingly, the

3 Notice that Ukranian OARs are actually of the form one-one. I will assume that the second one forms a DP with a covert other adjective. 4 Of course this would require us to say something about the Germanic cases where the whole OAR linearly follows the preposition. I suspect that there is either a transformation deriving the Germanic word order from the standard one-P-other order, or that the Germanic order came about by some form of diachronic univerbation.

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The Interpretation of one-another Reciprocals 401

case of one and the case of other are generally different. Consider the Serbo-Croatian (13) and Ukrainian (14).

(13) Studenti su udarali jedan drugog. students.NOM AUX hit one.NOM other.ACC ‘The students hit one another.’

(14) Studenty vdaryly odyn odnoho. students.NOM hit one.NOM one.ACC ‘The students hit one another.’

Considering just these “elementary reciprocal sentences” as they are often called (beginning with Langendoen 1978), it seems that the case of one must by nominative and the case of other must be accusative. However, when we look beyond these simple cases, we see that a deeper generalization can be made. Below are ditransitive construction in Serbo-Croatian (15a) and (16a), and Ukrainian (15b) and (16b) where the OAR is an indirect object. In (15), the interpretation is one where the students introduced the professors to other students (among the students), where in (16) the interpretation is where the students introduced the professors to other professors (among the professors).

(15) a. studenti su predstavili profesore jedni drugima. students.NOM AUX introduced professors.ACC one.NOM other.DAT ‘The students introduced the professors to one another.’ b. Studenty predstavyly profesoriv odni odnym. students.NOM introduced professors.ACC one.NOM one.DAT ‘The students introduced the professors to one another.’

(16) a. Studenti su predstavili profesore jedne drugima. students.NOM AUX introduced professor.ACC one.ACC other.DAT ‘The students introduced the professors to one another.’ b. Studenty predstavyly profesoriv odnyx odnym students.NOM introduced professors.ACC one.ACC one.DAT ‘The students introduced the professors to one another.’

The English sentences that comprise the translations for (15) and (16) are ambiguous. Serbo-Croatian and Ukranian have no such ambiguity because of the case morphology within the OAR. Based on the meaning differences between the two pairs of sentences, in (15), it is the subject that appears to act as the antecedent for the OAR, while in (16) it appears that the direct object is the antecedent. This fact is reflected by the case morphology of the OAR. In (15), where the subject acts as the reciprocals antecedent, the case of one is nominative, the case typical of subjects. In (16), where the objects as

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402 LaTerza

antecedent, the case of one is accusative, the case typically associated with direct objects. Notice that in each example in (15) and (16), the case of other does not vary. The proper descriptive generalization of these case facts seems to be that (i) the case of one will always match the case of the OAR’s antecedent, and (ii) the case of other will always be the case that we would expect based on the position of the OAR. In (13), since the OAR is in direct object position, the case of other is accusative. In (15) and (16), the OAR appears in indirect object position, thus the case of other is dative, the case typical of indirect objects. To the best of my knowledge, this is a novel observation.

The facts presented here call for a complex treatment of OARs. While each argument alone might not be enough to convince one of this, taken together I believe that we have enough reason to seriously consider treating OARs as non-primitive. The data concerning preposition placement and (especially) case distribution not only call for a complex treatment, but also suggest that each element comprising the OAR be associated somehow with thematic content different from the other element. My proposal for exactly how this works will be the topic of 3.3. But before shifting to more formal matters, I want to conclude this section with a discussion of some relevant properties of one and other that are easily observable in their non-OAR uses.

2.2 Anaphoric Properties of one and other In the introduction, I said that we should not only view OARs as complex, but also that we should view that as being composed from essentially the same one and other that we find outside of OAR constructions. In this subsection, I will discuss the relevant properties of these elements as they appear in cases of cross-sentential anaphora. In 3.3, the specific proposals about OARs will encode the same relevant anaphoric properties of these elements as they appear outside of reciprocal constructions.

Consider first the use of other as a cross-sentential anaphor. We can see from sentences like (17) that it is impossible for other to refer to the individuals denoted by its antecedent. Rather, it must refer to something other than what its antecedent refers to, and other than the parts that comprise what its antecedent refers to.

(17) Three boys wore hats. Another wore a sweater.

On the other hand, one does have the ability to refer to an individual that is a part of the plurality denoted by the antecedent. (18), on this interpretation, has the same meaning as (19), with an overt partitive phrase.

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(18) Three boys wore hats. One (also) wore a sweater.

(19) Three boys wore hats. One of them (also) wore a sweater.

Although it is possible for one to refer to a boy other than one that is part of the plurality that its antecedent refers to, this is not always the case; see (20).

(20) Three boys walked in. One walked out.

What is important for us is that one can, on some occasions, be used as a sort of partitive anaphor, referring to a proper part of what its antecedent refers to. When one is used this way, it can act as an antecedent for other so that otherness can be determined with regards to something within a plurality, an option that is not available in (17). We can see this in (21), where other is linked indirectly to three boys by having one as its antecedent, and this in turn acts as a partitive anaphor directly anteceded by three boys.

(21) Three boys wore hats. One wore a sweater. Another wore a scarf.

I believe that the “anaphoric chain” that we see here is exactly what is at work in OARs. This means that in OARs, other inherits one’s partitivity, and as a result otherness is determined by what one picks out. (22) shows a schematic representation about the structure of OARs under this approach.

(22) [S …Antecedenti…[DP …one of themi…]k…[DP…other than thatk…]…]

3 The Logical Form of OARs The last section has outlined facts that any theory of (one-another) recipro-cals should address. I see no way of seriously maintaining a primitive, poly-adic analysis of OARs given the data from 2.1. This, however, puts us in a quandary. Polyadic quantifier analyses have been so popular as of late be-cause they capture facts about reciprocity better than earlier theories advo-cating a complex treatment. However, as Schein (2003) notes, these earlier theories assume a logical syntax where verbs are understood as relational predicates. Like him, I believe that it is possible to revive the goals of these earlier approaches with the tools of neo-Davidsonian semantics. Before re-viewing the relevant event literature and stating my own proposals, I think it is prudent to discuss at least one of the problems that have been at the forefront of the reciprocal literature, which I turn to immediately.

3.1 Polysemy and Reciprocity While reasons of space prevent me from reviewing all of the aspects of the reciprocal literature that I believe bear on the issues raised here, I will at least

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outline what I take to be one of the most central problems for the semantics of reciprocity that nearly the entire literature attempts to address in one way or another. The problem is summarized as such: how is it the case that the sentence in (23) can be true in so many different situations?

(23) The dots are pointing at one another.

This problem has been addressed as early back as Lasnik and Fiengo (1973). However, it was not until work of Langendoen (1978) that we first had an explicit typology of the different readings associated with (23). Langendoen classified these readings according to reciprocal “strength” (borrowing this term from Fiengo and Lasnik). For example, Strong Reciprocity (the strong-est of reciprocal readings) is associated with the reading where every dot is pointing at, and is pointed at by, every other dot. In (Fig. 1), I have included a modern typology of these readings, taken from Beck (2001). Let A denote the plurality associated with the reciprocal antecedent, and R the verbal pre-dicate.

(Fig. 1) I. Strong Reciprocity (SR): ∀x ∈ A: ∀y ∈ A [x ≠ y → xRy] II. Partitioned Strong Reciprocity (PartSR): There is partition PART of A such that ∀X ∈ PART: ∀x ∈ X: ∀y ∈ X [x ≠ y → xRy] III. Intermediate Reciprocity (IR): ∀x ∈ A: ∀y ∈ A: [x ≠ y → ∃zi … zn ∈ A[x = zi & y = zn & ziRzn & … zn-1Rzn] IV. Weak Reciprocity (WR): ∀x ∈ A: ∃y ∈ A [x ≠ y → xRy] & ∀y ∈ A: ∃x ∈ A [x ≠ y → xRy] V. One-way Weak Reciprocity (OWR): ∀x[x ∈ A → ∃y[y ∈ A & x ≠ y & xRy]] VI. Inclusive Alternative Ordering (IAO): ∀x[x ∈ A → ∃y[y ∈ A & x ≠ y & (xRy ∨ yRx)]]

Interestingly, as Langendoen noticed, there are certain entailment relations that hold among the possible reciprocal readings. (Fig. 2) shows these entailments, again taken from Beck (2001).

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(Fig. 2)

Because of these entailments, Langendoen suggested that we take reciprocal expressions as having one meaning, and that meaning should be weak. His reasoning was that if a reciprocal sentence is judged true where the truth conditions are those of a strong type of reciprocity, then the sentence will also be true when the truth conditions are those of a weaker type of reciprocity. For example, if we judge (23) to be true where truth is evaluated in terms of SR, then it will also be true when evaluated in terms of WR. Therefore, if we view the reciprocal as a having a weak interpretation, then we can use that single interpretation in accounting for the truth-conditional meaning of all reciprocal sentences, even if such sentences are used to describe situations where a stronger type of reciprocity holds.

This elegant solution to the polysemy problem was called into question by Dalrymple et al. (1998). They raised the concern that such an under-specification analysis makes incorrect predictions with regard to sentences like (24).

(24) Alvin, Simon, and Theodor know one another.

An account like Langendoen’s would predict (24) to be felicitous in a situ-ation where there is less than full mutual acquaintance among the individuals mentioned in (24); say, where Alvin and Simon know one another, and Simon and Theodor know one another, but Alvin and Theodor never met. However, (24) cannot be used in such a situation. As Fiengo and Lasnik (1973) were the first to suggest, this infelicity seems to come about because stative verbs appear to require strong reciprocity.

I believe the issue raised by Dalrymple et al. as a criticism of underspec-ification analyses for reciprocity should be dismissed. My reason for this that it can be shown that stative verbs impose the same strength requirements even in non-reciprocal sentences.

(25) John and Mary know Bill and Sue.

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It is not possible to have an interpretation of (25) where John and Bill know one another, and Mary and Sue know one another, and that is all the knowing involved. Thus, we should not let the idiosyncratic properties of certain verbs influence theories of reciprocity, since these idiosyncratic properties have shown not to have anything to do with reciprocity in particular.5

The account that I will give below follows in the spirit of Langendoen. Like him, I will propose that OARs have a single weak interpretation. In particular, the interpretation I give is analogous to the fifth reading above, OWR. This means that the conditions imposed by the proposed logical form schema will be met in situations that validate OWR and any stronger type of reciprocity, except in cases where there are independent restrictions on interpretation such as the idiosyncratic properties of certain lexical items as observed in (24) and (25). I say that the proposed interpretation is analogous to OWR because I will use a different metalanguage than what we see in (Fig. 1); a language that has higher-order variables that can range over both individuals and events, and where verbs are not represented as relations. In the next section, I will explicate my metalanguage assumptions.

3.2 Events and Plurality I will assume familiarity with some basic tenets of neo-Davidsonianism, and take it as uncontroversial that an object language sentence like (26) can be represented as (27).

(26) [S John drank the coffee quickly]

(27) ∃e{AGENT(e, John) & DRANK(e) & THEME(e, the coffee) & QUICK(e)}

Notice that, in contrast to logical forms like those in (Fig. 1), the verb is represented as a monadic predicate of events, which is related to it arguments indirectly by thematic relations which share the same event parameter as the verbal predicate. It is assumed that all (declarative) sentences are existentially closed by tacit event quantifiers. For discussion of the many benefits of this type of approach, see Davidson 1967, Casteneda 1967, Carlson 1984, Higgin-botham 1985, Taylor 1985, Parsons 1990, Schein 1993, Kratzer 2002, Pie-troski 2005, and Williams 2007, among many others.

5 See Kerem et al. (2010) for an account of reciprocals that reaches a similar conclusion. For them, strength is attributed to the notion of typicality; e.g., (23) and (24) sound bad when used in the relevant situations because the verb know is typically used in situations of full mutual acquaintance.

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Schein (1993) has urged that the variables used in logical forms like (27) be construed as higher-order variables, in particular, plural variables that can have many values. As an illustration, we can represent (28) as (29).

(28) The boys kissed the girls.

(29) ∃ee{AGENT(ee, the boys) & KISS(ee) & THEME(ee, the girls)

If we can interpret the singular quantifier ∃e in (27) into English as “there exists an event, e”, then we can interpret the plural quantifier ∃ee in (29) as “there exists one ore more events, the ee-s”. Crucially, as will be discussed more below, plural variables are number-neutral: their values can be one or many things. Schein has shown that modifying traditional neo-Davidsonian logical forms with higher-order variables accounts for many of the problems that are addressed in the literature on semantic plurality. The work of Landman (2000) reaches similar results, and even though his particular construal of higher order variables differs from Schein’s (Landman would have the variables in (29) range over sums or Groups), the central idea seems to be shared between these authors. For the purposes of this paper, I will follow Schein and use plural variables, though this is only a personal preference. As far as I can tell, variables ranging over sums or Groups work just as well, so long as these variables remain number-neutral.6

I will take the rest of this section to outline the plural first-order language that I will use to represent sentences with OARs; for a more detailed exposition of these types of languages, I refer the reader to Schein (1993), and Linnebo (2008). This language can be seen as having everything that the language of first-order predicate calculus has (which I will not include here for purposes of space), plus the plural machinery I will describe below.

As for terms in our language, in addition to familiar singular terms, such as singular variables x,e, and singular constants a,b, we have their corresponding number-neutral plural counterparts, xx, ee, aa, and bb. One of the central properties of plural languages is that plural terms can have many values, though they are just as happy with having a single value (Boolos 1984). This number-neutral aspect of plural variables will be important for the present account of OARs.

6 Landman himself makes a distinction between variables that can have just one value and variables that can have a sum as a value. However, as Zweig (2008) shows, it is possible to have number-neutral variables in a Landman-type semantics for plurality.

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There are three types of predicates in this language. First, there is the logical predicate ≤, which we can interpret as is one of; we can translate x ≤ yy into English as “x is one of the yy”. We also have singular and plural monadic predicates. Following Pietroski (2005), I will assume that at least the members of the open-class lexical categories can be represented as plural monadic predicates; e.g. ⟦dogN ⟧ = DOG(xx); ⟦kissV ⟧ = KISS(ee); ⟦smartAdj ⟧ = SMART(xx); ⟦quicklyAdv ⟧ = QUICK(ee). As an idealization, sufficient for the purposes of this paper, assume the following interpretive axiom for plural monadic predicates.7

(30) P(xx) iff ∀x: x ≤ xx[P(x)]

Exceptions to the monadic trend are certain open-class morphemes that are inherently relation. These include same, different, and of particular interest for us, other. I will treat these as formally dyadic, though in this paper, we will only consider cases when these predicates have singular arguments such as OTHER(x,y), which are interpreted as a simple first-order relation. See Moltmann (1992).

The last type of predicate in our plural first-order language is dyadic thematic predicates. Aside from the logical predicate ≤, and the special relational open-class morphemes (same, different, other, etc.), these are the only non-monadic predicates in the language that I will consider here. These predicates represent the interpretation of thematic roles. Again, I will assume an idealized interpretive axiom for these predicates when they appear with plural arguments8 (cf. Schein 2005).

(31) ϴ(ee, xx) iff ∀x: x ≤ xx [∃e: e ≤ ee [ϴ(e,x)]] & ∀e: e ≤ ee [∃x: x ≤ xx [ϴ(e,x)]]

All of these predicates alone count as formulas of the language. If two non-logical predicates share a common parameter, such as P(ee) and Q(ee,xx), then the conjunction of these formulas, P(ee) & Q(ee,xx), is also a formula. The plural quantified expressions ∃vv.F, ∀v: v ≤ vv.F, and ∃v: v ≤ vv.F are formulas if F is a formula. I intentionally leave out discussion of reciprocals with quantificational antecedents since there is not enough space here to discuss treatments of quantificational determiners; however, when necessary

7 Certain plural monadic predicates are taken to be collective; for example, three(xx) can be true of some things taken together, even though it does not hold of any one x such that x ≤ xx. I will put aside this possibility and treat monadic predicates as being distributive in the sense of (30). 8 Outlier effects are pervasive with plural DPs, especially when large pluralities are involved. Again, I will stick to the idealized interpretive axiom, though we will see exceptions to (31) even in this paper.

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I will sometimes use the following notation of Schein’s when representing the content of determiners, and assume that the resulting constituent in logical form is a formula of the language that can be appended to other formulas in the same manner as the previously mentioned quantifiers.

(32) The boys slept.

(33) ∃ee{[the xx: BOY(xx)]AGENT(ee, xx) & SLEEP(ee)}

Having outlined a suitable metalanguage, I will now turn to my specific proposals for OARs.

3.3 Interpreting OARs The goal of this section is to put forth of theory of the interpretation of OARs, and the sentences in which they are embedded, in a way that not only respects the empirical facts from Section 2, but also captures a wide range of the attested readings from 3.1 in a straightforward manner.

I want the logical forms of these sentences to not only reflect that OARs are complex, as argued for in 2.1, but as being composed of the same one and other that we saw in instances of cross-sentential anaphora (Section 2.2). This means that the analysis should include the following two things: (i), that one of OARs is inherently partitive, and (ii) that anaphora in OARs is linked in exactly the same way as it is in (21) and (22), specifically that the antecedent of OARs is only the antecedent to one, and other is indirectly related to this antecedent by being anteceded by one. And since one antecedes other, other inherits one’s partitivity.

I will also propose some additions to the logical form, which are also guided by the facts from Section 2; additions that are necessary for explaining the range of polysemy discussed above. First, I propose that the case facts we saw at the end of section 2.1 reflect the thematic properties of both one and other. I believe that one inherits not only morphological case from its ante-cedent, but also that it inherits its antecedent’s thematic role. When inter-preted, one is associated with whatever thematic relation in logical form that its antecedent is (e.g., AGENT(e,x)), modulo specific values of variables. As for other, I suggest that its thematic role, like its case, be the one typical of the position where the OAR finds itself: if the OAR is a direct object, other will be interpreted as a Theme; if an indirect object, other will be interpreted as a Goal.

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I also propose that the DP containing one has a covert distributive quantifier.9 Much work in the event semantics literature have shown that it is useful to view distributive quantifiers as being immediately followed by sub-event quantifiers in logical form (see, for example, Pietroski and Hornstein 2002; Schein 1993 and elsewhere; Taylor 1985), and I will adopt this view here. There are several benefits to this approach to distributivity. For example, it allows us to apportion different adverbial modifiers to different event arguments, as shown in (34), an example from Taylor (1985).

(34) Gracefully, Sally ate every crisp quickly.

We can interpret this sentence as meaning that the entirety of the eating was graceful, but as far as the eating of each crisp is concerned, this happened quickly. This is represented in (35).

(35) ∃ee{GRACEFUL(ee) & AGENT(ee, Sally) & EAT(ee) & [every(y): CRISP(y)] ∃e’: e’ ≤ ee {THEME(e’,y) & QUICK(e’)}}

From (35), we can see that it is possible to construe some event predicates as being associated with subevents, and others as being associated with the “larger event”. Schein (1993) has shown that this apportionment applies not only to adverbial predicates, but also verbal predicates and thematic relations; an assumption that forms the basis for his argument for thematic separation (see Schein 1993: Ch 4; Kratzer 2003). Observe (36), where the relevant reading is one where the two brothers did all the making, and for each customer, that customer received three slices of pizza.

(36) Two brothers made every customer three slices of pizza.

Schein captures this reading by representing (36) as (37), where the thematic predicate associated with three slices of pizza has its event variable bound by the sub-event quantifier introduced by the distributive DP, every customer.

(37) ∃ee{AGENT(ee, two brothers) & give(ee) & [every x: customer(x)] ∃e’: e’ ≤ ee{Goal(e’, x) & THEME(e’, three slices of pizza)}}

9 Several authors have proposed that some things that are apparently indefinite (such as one here), can sometimes receive a universal interpretation. Consider (i) (i) Three students drank a bottle of beer Covert distributivity has been proposed to account for cases like (i) not only by those working in the plural event literature (Schein 1993, Landman 2000), but also in the DRT framework (Kamp and Reyle 1993).

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I will implement this approach to distributivity in the case of OARs as follows. Assuming that other is interpreted within the scope of one, and that one is interpreted distributively (as “each one”), then the event variable within other’s corresponding thematic relation in logical form will be bound by the sub-event quantifier introduced by the distributive quantifier, in much the same way as the thematic predicate associated with three slices of pizza has its event variable bound in (37).

With these points in mind, I propose (38) as the interpretation of one another. The thematic predicate ϴxx is meant to represent the thematic relation inherited from the reciprocal antecedent, i.e., the same thing whose values form the whole from which the one’s partitivity is determined. The thematic predicate ϴC is meant to represent the “canonical” thematic role associated with the position where the OAR. As the logical form shows, this thematic role is associated with whatever the value of other is, in accord with my proposals above.

(38) ⟦one another⟧ = ∀x’: x’ ≤ xx [∃e’: e’ ≤ ee {ϴxx(e’,x’) & ←contribution of one

[∃x’’: x’’ ≤ xx & OTHER(x’, x’’) & ϴC(e’,x’’)]}] ←contribution of other

We can see that (38) also encodes the relevant properties that we observed at work in the cases of cross-sentential anaphora we saw in 2.2. Specifically, one’s partitivity is represented as x’ ≤ xx, where xx picks out the values associated with the antecedent; and other inherits this partitivity (x’’ ≤ xx) and determines distinctness with regard to what one picks out (OTHER(x’, x’’). We can also see the work of the sub-event quantifier introduced by the distributive quantifier that I claimed is part of [DP…one…]. The sub-events are such that each individual value of one, x’, has its own subevent e’, where itx’ act as a ϴxx, and in that e’ something other than itx’ acts as a ϴC.

Let us now apply the schema in (38) to actual sentences with OARs. Consider first an elementary reciprocal sentence.

(39) The boys hit one another.

(40) ∃ee{[the xx: BOY(xx)]AGENT(ee, xx) & HIT(ee) & ∀x’: x’ ≤ xx[∃e’: e’ ≤ ee{AGENT(e’, x’) & [∃xx’’: x’’ ≤ x & OTHER(x’, x’’) &THEME(e’, x’’)]}]}

We can see here how specific values of ϴxx and ϴC are determined. Since the OARs antecedent has the Agent role, the value of ϴxx is Agent in (40). And

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since the OAR is a direct object, the role of other (40) is the role typical of direct objects, i.e., Theme.

Turning now to more complicated cases, consider when the OAR is an indirect object, in which case it has multiple potential antecedents.

(41) The students introduced the professors to one another.

These are the cases discussed at end of 2.1, where Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian show different case morphology on one, depending on the intended meaning. As I am claiming that both case and thematic role of one is dependant on the reciprocal antecedent, then we should expect that when one is nominative, it is associated with the thematic relation AGENT in logical form, and when one is accusative, it is associated with THEME. The logical forms below show that this association gives the correct interpretations.

Consider first the reading of (41) where the professors are introduced to students. This is the reading that is represented in (42); where the case of one is nominative (cf. 15). Since the antecedent to one here is the subject, one gets interpreted as an Agent, and the whole from which one’s partitivity is determined by what the subject denotes, in this case, the students.

(42) ∃ee{[the xx: STUDENT(xx)]AGENT(ee, xx) & HIT(ee) & [the yy: PROFESSOR(yy)]THEME(yy) & ∀x’: x’ ≤ xx[∃e’: e’ ≤ ee{AGENT(e’, x’) & [∃x’’: x’’ ≤ xx & OTHER(x’, x’’) & GOAL(e’, x’’)]}]}

Consider now the reading where the professors are introduced to professors (cf. 16). Here, one gets interpreted as a Theme, and its partitivity is de-termined with regards to what the direct object picks out, in this case, the professors.

(43) ∃ee{[the xx: STUDENT(xx)]AGENT(ee, xx) & HIT(ee) & [the yy: PROFESSOR(yy)]THEME(yy) & ∀y’: y’ ≤ yy[∃e’: e’ ≤ ee{THEME(e’, y’) & [∃y’’: y’’ ≤ yy & OTHER(y’, y’’) & GOAL(e’, y’’)]}]}

In both readings, other is interpreted as a Goal, which is expected since the OAR is an indirect object.

Admittedly, there are certain situations that this approach predicts to be false, but are not. This concerns situations described by the following sen-tences.

(44) The students are following one another.

(45) The plates are stacked on one another.

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Imagine that the situations are such that there is a student at the front of the line that is not following anyone, and a plate at the bottom of the stack that is not stacked on anything. My proposed logical form would predict (44) and (45) to be false in these situations, because of the universal force associated with one. However, most people, including myself, would judge these sen-tences to be fine in such situations. But before trying to save myself from this problem, let me first consider how the slightly flawed present approach fairs against other proposal to deal with this issue. And to consider this, let us reflect on a bit on the present methodology. I have tried here to revive Lang-endoen’s underspecification approach for the reasons discussed in 3.1. Why is it then that I proposed something analogous to Reading 5 (OWR) and not the weakest reading, Reading 6 (IAO)? Something like IAO is able to capture the truth (44) and (45) as true in the relevant situations, and there exist ac-counts, such as Dalrymple et al’s (1998), that take IAO to be a possible inter-pretation. However, this comes at a price: while approaches that include IAO as a possibility can account for the “edge” cases in (44) and (45), they make bad predictions with regard to comparative sentences like (46) and (47).

(46) #The students are taller than one another.

(47) #The students exceed one another (in height).

A theory with IAO would predict sentences like (46) and (47) to be true just as long as one individual is taller than the rest. The approach outlined in this paper predicts these sentences to be contradictory, and this prediction is borne out, as we can see from the logical form of (47)10 in (48).

(48) ∃ee{[the xx: STUDENT(xx)]AGENT(ee, xx) & EXCEED(ee) & ∀x’: x’ ≤ xx[∃e’: e’ ≤ ee{AGENT(e’, x’) & [∃xx’’: x’’ ≤ x & OTHER(x’, x’’) &THEME(e’, x’’)]}]}

This states, roughly, that every individual is associated (through an event of exceeding) with another individual such that the former is taller than the latter. This is something that cannot be true of every individual, hence the infelicity of (47). So we are left with a choice between two flawed theories, the current one, where we have to make exceptions for “edge” effects, or a theory with IAO, which runs into problems with comparatives. Sauerland (1998) has previously suggested in his work on reciprocals that there is a pragmatic principle, which he calls Benevolence, that allows for a certain 10 I am giving the logical form of (47), and not (46), since they illustrate the same thing, but interpreting (46) would require to me to discuss a neo-Davidsonian treatment of comparative constructions, a digression that unfortunately cannot fit in this paper.

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degree of exception when judging a sentence to be true. If we allow for such a device, then that seems like a step toward saving the present approach in the face of these “edge” cases. Lastly, on par with the discussion above of the strength imposed by stative verbs, notice that it appears we must make ex-ceptions for edges even in cases where reciprocals are not involved, suggesting that theories of reciprocity should not have to worry about accom-modating a more general problem.

(49) The plates are stacked.

I want to close this discussion by briefly mentioning an extension of the current approach. As we know, there are more than just elementary reciprocal sentences that a theory of reciprocity has to account for. We have already looked at non-elementary sentences where the OAR is in indirect object position. I want now to consider OARs as they appear within noun phrases, as in (50).

(50) I enjoyed the artists’ pictures of one another.

We can interpret this sentence with the current approach by modifying (38) so that the existential quantifier introduced by distributive one be of a poly-morphic type. That is, in some cases, it will range over events, and other cases, it will ranger over individuals. This modified version of (38) is shown below in (51). I will use u and uu as singular and plural metavariables, where specific instances of the OAR will dictate whether these variables range over events (e and ee) or individuals (x and xx).

(51) ⟦one another⟧ = ∀x’: x’ ≤ xx [∃u’: u’ ≤ uu {ϴxx(e’,x’) & [∃x’’: x’’ ≤ xx & OTHER(x’, x’’) & ϴC(e’,x’’)]}]

With (51) as our rule for interpreting OARs, the logical form for (50) would be as in (52). In what follows, I will simplify the logical forms for clarity, and only explicitly state the interpretation of nominals when necessary, and when not, I will just provide subscripted variable names. As for the existence nominal thematic roles, and for the specific ones used here, I refer the reader to Barker (1991) for POSS and Barker and Dowty (1993) for OF.

(52) ∃ee{AGENT(ee, Ixx) & ENJOY(ee) & ∃yy[POSS(yy, the artistszz) & PICTURE(yy) & ∀z’: z’ ≤ zz [∃y’: y’ ≤ yy {POSS(y’,z’) & [∃z’’: z’’ ≤ zz & OTHER(z’, z’’) & OF(y’,x’’)]}]

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The only change that we had to make (38) to account for such constructions was to allow the relevant quantifier to range over different types of things; everything else stays the same, such as how thematic roles are apportioned and how antecedence works. We still need to elucidate exactly what determines what the quantifier will ranger over, but roughly, I believe that this is determined by the type of constituent that one is (immediately) embedded in. If it is occurs within a sentence, the quantifier will range over events, as in (41)-(48); if it occurs within a nominal, it will range over individuals, as in (50) and (52). For a more detailed account of this, see LaTerza (2011).

4 Conclusion In this paper I have argued that OARs should be treated as compositionally complex expressions, where each element contributes essentially the same meaning here as in their non-OAR occurrences. I claimed that the only differences in this regard is that the one of OARS is always a partitive anaphor, and that it also contains a covert distributive quantifier. We have seen in 3.3 that a neo-Davidsonian theory designed to reflect the observable distributional properties of OARs (and the relevant cases of cross-sentential anaphora) can account for a wide range of the attested reciprocal readings, regardless of where the reciprocal appears in the sentence. Furthermore, it does so without positing any sort of ambiguity in reciprocal expressions, and also without resorting to polyadic quantification. I am not aware of any other approach that can accommodate such a wide range of readings and syntactic distribution with a uniform semantics for OARs (as we saw in (51)). While reasons of space prevent me from explicating how the logical forms discussed here are composed from smaller meaningful units, I refer the reader to LaTerza (2011) for the details of a recursive specification of semantic values, where I also provide proposals about the LF phrase markers that are interpreted.

References Baker, C.L. 1978. Introduction to Transformational-Generative Syntax.

Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Barker, Chris. 1991. Possessive Descriptions. PhD Dissertation, University of

California, Santa Cruz. Barker, Chris and David Dowty. 1993. Nominal thematic proto-roles.

Unpublished Ms.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 419–433. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Evidentials in Interrogatives: A Case Study of Korean∗

Dongsik LimCCHS-CSIC, Spain


Abstract. This paper concerns a puzzle about the interpretation of Korean di-rect evidential -te- in interrogatives which I call evidential perspective shift inquestions (‘origo shift of evidentials’ in quesitons in Garrett 2001). This puzzleconsists in the evidential being interpreted as regarding a source of informationof the answerer rather than the questioner. Here I introduce a novel semantic ap-proach to this phenomenon which derives it as a consequence of the interactionof the meaning of questions and of evidentials. I will also illustrate the concep-tual and empirical advantages of this view over previous accounts.

1 IntroductionKorean verbal ending -te- introduces the ‘implication’ that the utterer has directevidence relative to the ‘prejacent’.1 For example, unlike (1a), (1b) carries theimplication that the speaker has direct evidence (or the speaker saw) that Johnlooked at the speaker himself/herself. Furthermore, as shown in (1c), -te- alsointroduces a similar implication when used in questions.

(1) a. John-iJohn-NOM



‘John looks at me.’b. John-i



‘John saw me.’Implication: The speaker has direct evidence that John saw thespeaker himself/herself

∗ I thank audiences in California Universities Semantics and Pragmatics (November 21, 2009,UCSC) and in SuB 15 for their questions and comments. I am also indebted to the discussionswith Jean-Roger Vergnaud, Andrew Simpson, Stephen Finlay, Barry Schein, Seungho Nam andChungmin Lee. Special thanks go to Elena Guerzoni, whose detailed comments and suggestionsto the earlier version of this work were greatly helpful. All remaining errors are mine, of course.1 Throughout this paper, the term implication is used to avoid making any theoretical commitmentto the question of whether it is truth-conditional, presuppositional, implicational, or illocutionary.I also extend the notion prejacent to indicate the propositional content of the sentence from thecontext of evidentials. I use this term in a purely descriptive way.

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c. John-iJohn-NOM



‘Did John see me?’Implication: The addressee is expected to answer based on his/herdirect evidence relative to whether John saw the speaker or not

(1) shows that evidentials behave like indexicals (Kaplan 1989): the implica-tion it introduces varies depending on who the speaker is.2 For example, if theutterer of (1b) is Bill, then it is Bill who has direct evidence, and if the uttereris Tom, then it is Tom who has direct evidence. Similarly, the denotation of theindexical, such as na ‘I’, is evaluated from the utter’s perspective. Therefore, ifthe utterer of (1a) is Bill, then the sentence is true iff John looks at Bill, and ifthe utterer is Tom, then it is true iff John looks at Tom.

However, we find that the parallelism between indexicals and evidentialsdoes not appear any more in questions. Both in the declarative (1b) and in theinterrogative (1c), the pronoun na ‘I’ is interpreted as the utterer. However,the evidential implication introduced by -te- is ‘shifted’ from the speaker’sperspective to the addressee’s perspective: in (1b), it is the speaker who hasthe direct evidence, but in (1c), it is the addressee who is expected to have thedirect evidence. Here we have a puzzle of the evidential perspective shift inquestions: if both pronouns and evidentials exhibit indexicality, why are onlyevidentials shifted from the speaker’s perspective to the addressee’s perspectivein questions?

This paper aims to solve this puzzle. Specifically, I will show that thefacts illustrated above can be derived from the standard semantics of indexicalsand questions by assuming a specific lexical entry for evidentials. To do that,first I will outline the theoretical assumptions of this paper: Kaplan’s (1989)semantics of indexicals and Hamblin’s (1973) semantics of questions (Section2). Then I will make my own proposal and show how this proposal explains thepuzzle (Section 3). Next I will compare my proposal with other (plausible butwrong, at least for Korean) proposals (Section 4). Finally I will conclude mypaper and discuss theoretical implications and remaining problems (Section 5).

2 Theoretical Backgrounds2.1 Semantics of Indexicals: Kaplan (1989)Kaplan’s (1989) theory of indexicals is intended to explain the difference be-tween (2a) and (2b):

2 Higginbotham (2009) also pointed out this characteristics under the term First-person authority.

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(2) a. He must be rich.b. The President of GM must be rich.

Suppose that (2a) is uttered with pointing out John as the reference of he. At thetime of utterance, the reference of he does not vary over world of evaluation,and therefore, (2a) is true iff, at the time of the utterance, in every epistemicalternative of the speaker, John is rich. In contrast, (2b) (with de dicto reading),is true iff in every epistemic alternative of the speaker, the president of GMis rich, no matter who the president of GM might be in that world. Here thereference of the definite description the President of GM may vary dependingon the worlds of evaluation (in one world it may be John, while in the otherworld it may be Mary, and so forth).

To account for the difference between indexicals and other definite de-scriptions, Kaplan (1989) proposes that indexicals (like I, here and now), re-ceive world-independent but context-dependent denotations. Once the refer-ence of an indexical is established within an utterance context, it behaves likea rigid designator across worlds of evaluation (Kripke 1980). To formalize thisidea, Kaplan proposes two-step semantics, where the meaning of a sentence,which grammar generates, is called character, a function from contexts to in-tensions. Then a character is evaluated via two steps. First, characters are ap-plied to the context, resulting in intensions. Second, intensions are applied toworlds of evaluation, resulting in extensions. In terms of type-driven seman-tics, this idea can be formalized as (3).3 In addition to this, following commonpractice, I assume the utterance context c is a triple which contains the world,the time, and the speaker of utterance, as in (4).

(3) a. The character of φ : JφKχ = λc.λw.JφKc,w

b. The intension of φ at context c: JφKc¢ = λw.JφKc,w

(4) Utterance context c = <wc, tc, sc>4

Let us see how this system works with concrete examples. First consider (5).

(5) I am rich.

In Kaplan’s proposal, the pronoun I is interpreted as the speaker of the utter-ance s∗ in the utterance context c∗:

(6) J I Kc∗ = J I K<w∗,t∗,s∗> = s∗

3 (3) is from von Fintel (2005). For the original formalization see Kaplan (1989: Ch.XVIII).4 I only specify relevant parameters: for my purpose, other parameter such as the place of utteranceis not required.

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Therefore, the truth-condition of (5) differs depending who the speaker is in c∗,as illustrated in (7). For example, if Mary utters (5) in c∗, then since I refers toMary, (5) is true if and only if Mary is rich in c∗. Similarly, if Tom utters (5) inc∗, I refers to Tom, and (5) is true if and only if Tom is rich in c∗.

(7) a. If s∗ is Mary, then J I Kc∗ = J I K<w∗,t∗,s∗> = MaryTherefore, (5) is true if and only if Mary is rich in c∗

b. If s∗ is Tom, then J I Kc∗ = J I K<w∗,t∗,s∗> = TomTherefore, (5) is true if and only if Tom is rich in c∗

Given this, let us further see how this system works for evidentials, which alsoexhibit indexicality, as we saw in the introduction. Consider (8), for example,where the declarative John-i Bill-ul po-te-la ‘John saw Bill’ contains -te-, andis uttered in the context c∗. Then (8) carries the implication that the speaker s∗

in c∗ has direct evidence that John saw Bill.

(8) JJohn-iJohn-NOM



see-te-DECL‘John saw Bill’Implication: s∗ in c∗ has direct evidence that John saw Bill.

The implication introduced by -te- is speaker-dependent: it varies dependingon the speaker s∗ in c∗. For example, as illustrated in (9), if s∗ is Mary, thenthe implication is that Mary has direct evidence that John saw Bill, and if s∗ isTom, then the implication is that Tom has direct evidence that John saw Bill.

(9) a. If the utterer of (8) is Mary, then s∗ is Mary.The implication of (8): Mary has dir. evi. that John saw Bill.

b. If the utterer of (8) is Tom, then s∗ is Tom.The implication of (8): Tom has dir. evi. that John saw Bill.

2.2 Semantics of Questions: Hamblin (1973)Hamblin (1973) assumes that a question denotes the set of its possible answers,that is, the set of propositions. The shift from propositions to sets thereof isdue to the semantics of wh-words. For example, in yes/no questions, Hamblinassumes the lexical entry (10) for (either overt or covert) whether, where itmaps every proposition to the set containing it and its negation:5

(10) J whether K = { λ pst .pst ,λ pst .~pst }

5 For simplicity I only focus on yes/no questions, but my proposal can easily extend to wh-questions.

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Since a wh-word denotes a set of individuals, properties, or functions takingpropositions, in different stages of semantic computation, we may find one ofthe three cases in (11): either the function is in a set (11a), the argument is in aset (11b), or both are in different sets (11c).

(11) a. [ [ α<σ ,τ> ] [ {β : β ∈ Dσ} ] ]

b. [ [ {α : α ∈ D<σ ,τ>} ] [ βσ ] ]

c. [ [ {α : α ∈ D<σ ,τ>} ] [ {β : β ∈ Dσ} ] ]

Since, in these cases, the usual functional application (FA) rule does not workany more, Hamblin (1973) proposes a new rule, that is, a set-tolerant FA rule, ora point-wise FA rule. This rule can be implemented into type-driven semanticsas (12), a rendition of Hamblin’s rule made by Heim & von Fintel (2001).

(12) Pointwise Functional Application Rule (PFA)If α is a branching node and {β ,γ} is the set of its daughters, then:a. JαK¢ = λw. Jβ K¢(w)(JγK¢(w))b. or {λw. Jβ K¢(w)(x(w)): x ∈ JγK¢}c. or {λw. f (w)(JγK¢(w)): f ∈ Jβ K¢}d. or {λw. f (w)(x(w)): f ∈ Jβ K¢ & x ∈ JγK¢}

whichever is defined.

By these rules, in (11a), each argument in the set β can combine with the func-tion α , returning a set of elements of type τ . Similarly, in (11b), each functionin the set α can combine with the function β , returning a set of elements of typeτ , and in (11c), each function in the set α can combine with each argument ina set β , returning a set of elements of type τ .

Let us see how Hamblin’s (1973) semantics of questions actually workswith a concrete example, that is (13), whose LF is (14):

(13) Did John leave?


{ λ pst .pst ,λ pst .~pst }λw. John left in w

Here the proposition that John left needs to combine with each of two functionsin the set denoted by whether, which can be done via PFA (12c). Therefore,(14) is computed as shown in (15), where we can see that the denotation of(13) is a set of two possible answers (or two propositions), that is, that Johnleft and that John did not leave, as expected:

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(15) J (13) K¢ = J Did John leave? K¢= J Whether (John left) K¢

= { f (λw. John left in w): f∈{λ pst .pst , λ pst .~pst}}= {[λ pst .pst ](λw. John left in w), [λ pst .~pst ](λw. John left in w)}= {λw. John left in w, λw. John did not leave in w}

3 ProposalGiven the backgrounds shown above, I propose that the lexical entry for -te- is(16), where -te- takes a proposition as its argument and returns a character:6

(16) For any utterance context c∗,J -te- Kc∗ = λ pst .λc: sc has only direct evidence relative to p. p(where c is a variable over contexts: a triple of < wc, tc, sc >)

According to (16), for any utterance context c∗, -te- takes a proposition as itsargument and returns a partial character with the definedness condition (thatis presupposition) that the speaker in c only has direct perceptive evidencethat p. When this partial character is applied to a context with the definednesscondition satisfied, it returns the proposition p itself.

This proposal makes the following two predictions. First, if the resultingcharacter is immediately applied to c∗, the evidential presupposition relates tothe utterance context c∗, and is anchored to the utterance speaker s∗. In thiscase, both evidentials and indexicals are interpreted from s∗’s perspective. Sec-ond, when characters of this sort are not directly uttered (for example, whenthey are members of a set of answers), these characters are not directly appliedto the uterance context c∗. In this case, indexicals are still interpreted from s∗’sperspective, whereas evidential presuppositions are not interpreted from s∗’sperspective. In the rest of this section, I will show that the first prediction isborne out in declaratives, and the second prediction is borne out in questions.

3.1 -te- in DeclarativesFirst consider (17).

(17) John-iJohn-NOM



‘John saw me’Presupposition: the speaker has direct evidence that John saw the speakerhimself/herself

The LF of (17) is (18):

6 For simplicity I ignore the temporal interpretation of -te-. Readers interested in this issue arereferred to Chung (2007) and Lee (2010), inter alia.

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(18) (ii)


saw me (i)

For any utterance context c∗ (i.e., the triple < w∗, t∗, s∗ >), the denotation of(18) is derived as follows:

(19) a. J(i)Kc∗ = JmeKc∗ = s∗7

b. J(ii)Kc∗ = J(17)Kc∗

= J-te-Kc∗ (JJohn saw meKc∗ ) (by Intensional FA and (19a))= J-te-Kc∗ (λw. John saw s∗ in w) (by (16) and FA)= λc: sc has direct evidence that J. saw s∗. λw. J. saw s∗ in w

Here we can see that the evidential presupposition that the speaker in c hasonly direct evidence that John saw s∗, is anchored to the context c, which isstill bound by λ . When the speaker s∗ in c∗ utters (17), he/she applies thischaracter to c∗ with the result in (20).

(20) J(17)Kc∗ = [λc: sc has dir. evi. that J. saw s∗. λw. J. saw s∗ in w](c∗)= λw. J. saw s∗ in w (presupposition: s∗ has dir. evi. that J. saw s∗)

When the context s∗ satisfies the presupposition that s∗ has direct evidence thatJohn saw s∗, we get the proposition that John saw s∗ in w. Now we can see thatthe first prediction is borne out in declaratives : both evidentials and indexicalsare interpreted from s∗’s perspective.

3.2 -te- in QuestionsConsider the following question:

(21) John-iJohn-NOM



‘Did John see me?’

In the question like (21), in principle, we have two possible logical forms,with respect to the relative scope between whether and the evidential -te-. Firstconsider the case where whether takes wide scope over -te-, which is (22).

7 A careful reader may wonder how the pronoun gets its denotation from the utterance context.I assume that this is done by Korean sentence final declarative/interrogative endings, which varydepending on the utterance context. For a detailed explanation, see Lim (2010: Ch.5.1).

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whether (i)


λw. John saw me in w

At the node (i), we have the following character which is of type < c,st >:

(23) λc: sc has dir. evi. that J. saw s∗. λw. J. saw s∗ in w

This is the same character as that in declaratives: see (19). However, each func-tion in whether needs a proposition, and not a character, as its argument: see(10). Therefore, we have type mismatch. This means that, for the logical formto be interpretable, -te- should take wide scope over whether as in (24):




λw. John saw me in w

As in declaratives, for any utterance context c∗, me denotes the speaker s∗.Then the question whether John saw me is computed as we saw in Section 2.2,resulting in the set of two propositions in (25):

(25) {λw. John saw s∗ in w, λw. John did not see s∗ in w}

-te-, as a function taking a proposition and returning a partial character (of type< c,st >), combines with each proposition in this set via PFA, and returns a setof two characters in (26):

(26) {λc: sc has dir. evi. that J. saw s∗ in w: λw. J. saw s∗ in w,λc: sc has dir. evi. that J. didn’t see s∗ in w: λw. J. didn’t see s∗ in w}

At this point, let us recall the pragmatics of questions in general. In Hamblin’ssemantics of questions, to ask a question is to present a set of answers to theaddressee. When doing so, none of the answers is directly uttered by the ques-tioner: each answer can be directly uttered only when the addressee chooses itas a true answer. This holds no matter what the type of the answers may be,either propositions or characters. Therefore, it follows that the characters in theset of answers are not directly uttered by the questioner.

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This said, consider (26) again. Here we have the set of two characters, wherepronouns are interpreted from s∗’s perspective, whereas the evidential presup-position is anchored to sc in c, which is still bound by λ . None of the charactersin this set is uttered directly by s∗, the questioner, but each character in (26) canbe uttered only when the addressee chooses one of them as a true answer. Whenchosen, the character as a true answer is uttered by the addressee. Then it is ap-plied to the addressee’s context, and the evidential presupposition is anchoredto the addressee’s perspective. Here we can see that the second prediction isborne out: indexicals are still interpreted from s∗’s perspective, but evidentialpresuppositions are not interpreted from s∗’s perspective.

To summarize, in this section, I proposed that -te- is a function frompropositions to characters, introducing a definedness condition that the speakerhas direct evidence relative to the prejacent. Furthermore, -te- takes wide scopeover wh-words, and a question containing -te- denotes a set of characters andnot a set of propositions (as standardly assumed). I have also shown that, oncewe assume that -te- is a function from propositions to characters, we can derivethe evidential perspective shift in questions from the semantics of -te- and itsinteraction with the semantics and pragmatics of questions in general, with-out any fundamental revision of Hamblin’s (1973) semantics of questions orKaplan’s (1989) semantics of indexicals.

4 Comparison with Other ProposalsIn this section I discuss possible alternatives of my proposal in this paper, andshow why my proposal has theoretical as well as empirical advantages overthese alternatives.

4.1 Potential Pragmatic AlternativeOne might choose to account for the evidential perspective shift in questionsin terms of the pragmatics of questions, rather than the semantic account Iproposed above. The potential pragmatic account is as follows. Suppose that aquestioner asks a question to an answerer about the issue P (the term issue isalso used descriptively here). In genuine information-seeking circ*mstances,the questioner is ignorant of P. This means that, typically, the questioner has noevidence relative to P, no matter what the type of evidence may be. Thereforethe evidential cannot be anchored to the questioner. However, for the addresseeto answer the question, he/she is expected to have evidence relative to P. Hence,the evidential perspective shift.

This kind of pragmatic account makes the following prediction. Supposethat a questioner’s state of information is limited: that is, the speaker only hasreportative evidence about P, which is weaker than direct perceptive evidence.

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In this case, it is reasonable for the questioner to ask a question to the addressee,who is expected to have stronger evidence, that is direct perceptive evidence.Then it is expected in the pragmatic account that the questioner would use thereportative evidential marker in his/her question, to indicate his/her own weakevidence, without anchoring it to the answerer. This prediction is not borne out,however. Consider the following scenario.

(27) John is a detective and is investigating a case of embezzlement in acompany. While interviewing several employees in the company, Johnheard that Mary is the one who embezzled the money. Finally, he in-terviewed Mary and asked a question...

Then imagine that John asked the following question under (27):

(28) #Tangsin-iyou-NOM



‘Did you embezzle the money?’

The pragmatic account predicts that, under (27), the example (28), where Ko-rean reportative evidential -ta- (Lim 2010) is used in a question, would befelicitous: since the speaker only has reportative evidence, and the addresseeobviously has stronger evidence (since she is the embezzler), the reportative ev-idential -ta- should be anchored to the speaker. However, as indicated in (28),this prediction is not borne out, and under (27), (28) is simply infelicitous. Thisindicates that in Korean, the perspective shift of evidentials in questions obliga-torily occurs, and therefore the pragmatic alternative does not explain Koreanfacts: we need an account based on the semantics, as proposed above.

4.2 Garrett (2001) on TibetanGarrett (2001) discusses the evidential perspective shift in Tibetan (which hecalls the origo shift), and claims that, to account for the shift, the extensionof a question should be modified as the set of assertions rather than the set ofpropositions, as shown in (29) (from Garrett 2001: 237):

(29) The revised extension of Who left?Answer-Set(Who left?) = {A<h,s> | λx. Content(A) = x left}In words: the answer set for Who left? is the set of assertions A fromh to s such that there is x such that the content of A is that x left.

Garrett’s (2001) approach bears several problems. First, since both the speakerparameter and the addressee parameter is specified in each answer, it seemsto predict that the shift is optional: it can be either anchored to the speaker or

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to the addressee. However, the evidential perspective shift in Korean is oblig-atory, as we saw in Section 4.1. Second, it is unclear how to compositionallyderive the extension in (29). Finally, again, since both parameters are specifiedin each answer, Garrett (2001) predicts that, when there is a shift, indexicalsshould also shift, but at least in Korean questions the shift of indexicals doesnot occur. Therefore we can conclude that Garret’s proposal do not extend toKorean facts.8

4.3 Faller (2002) on Cuzco QuechuaDiscussing Cuzco Quechua reportative evidential -si- in questions, Faller (2002)observes that a question with -si- is ambiguous between two readings, introduc-ing different implications, as shown in (30) (from Faller 2002: 230):

(30) Pi-ta-swho-ACC-si



‘Who did Inés visit?’(i) Speaker indicates that somebody else is asking.(ii) Speaker expects hearer to have indirect evidence for his/her answer

The reading (i) is similar to the (indirect) quotation of the question: the speakerindicates that somebody else is asking. The reading (ii) is the shifted reading,similar to the evidential perspective shift in questions discussed in this paper.To solve this problem, Faller (2002) assumes that the speech act QUEST(ION)is a request of an assertion to the addressee:

(31) QUEST = REQUEST (ASSERTh(q)) (Faller 2002: 237)

Then Faller assumes scope ambiguity between different illocutionary acts. Inreading (i), the operator EVI takes wide scope over the operator REQUEST, andin reading (ii) REQUEST takes wide scope over EVI:

(32) a. Reading (i): EVI (REQUEST (ASSERTh(q))) (speaker-anchored)b. Reading (ii): REQUEST (EVI (ASSERTh(q))) (addressee-


A question immediately follows from (32): Can we find the similar ambiguityin a question with a different evidential marker in Cuzco Quechua? Faller’s(2002) answer is positive, and her example is (33), where the BPG (best-possible-ground) evidential -mi- is used in a question (from Faller 2002: 230,

8 Note that, due to the similar reason, McCready’s (2007) analysis does not extend to Korean facts,either. McCready (2007) analyzes the perspective shift in some Japanese dialects, but in thesedialects, when the evidential perspective is shifted, indexicals are also shifted, unlike Korean.

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(33) Pi-ta-nwho-ACC-mi



‘Who did Inés visit?’(i) The speaker has the best possible grounds for asking(ii) The speaker expects the hearer to base his/her answer on the bestpossible grounds

The problem in (33) is that, as Faller herself agrees, the ambiguity with -mi- ina question is less clear. Specifically, what does it mean that “the speaker has thebest possible grounds for asking”? According to Faller (2002), the speaker mayhave ‘the best possible grounds for asking’ in two cases. First, we may imaginethe scenario where a teacher is asking a question (34a) to his/her students. Herethe speaker has authority over the hearer and therefore has the best possiblegrounds for demanding an answer. Second, we may imagine the scenario wherea customer is asking a question (34b) to a merchant. In this case the speakerhas very good reasons for wanting to know the answer, and therefore has thebest possible grounds to ask a question.

(34) a. Hayk’a-nhow-much-mi




‘How much is two plus two?’ (Faller 2002: 232, ex.193a)b. Hayk’a-n



‘How much does this cost?’ (Faller 2002: 232, ex.193b)

However, in both examples, the addressee-anchored reading of -mi- is equallyavailable, and therefore it is unclear whether two questions in (34) actuallythe addressee-anchored reading or the speaker-anchored reading. Faller (2002)also agrees that there are ambiguities in (some) questions with -mi- between thespeaker-anchored reading and the addressee-anchored reading, which seems tome that Faller’s account of the shift based on scope ambiguity is less plausible.9

Finally, even though Faller manages to solve all the problems pointedout above, Korean does not show such an ambiguity as Cuzco Quechua. Forexample, in (35), where the reportative evidential -ta- is used in a question, wesee that it only has the reading (ii), that is, the addressee-anchored reading. Thismeans that, no matter what Faller’s analysis on Cuzco Quechua evidentials inquestions may be, it cannot extend to Korean facts.

9 The natural question at this point is how to account for the ambiguity of si in (30). To me thelexical ambiguity seems plausible, but more investigation is required.

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(35) Inés-nunInés-TOP



‘Who did Inés meet?’(i) The speaker indicates that somebody else is asking(ii) The speaker expects the addressee to have indirect evidence forhis/her answer

Summarizing this section, I have shown that the simple-minded pragmatics-based account does not explain the evidential perspective shift in questions inKorean, since in Korean the shift is obligatory in questions. Furthermore, Ialso showed my semantics-based proposal can capture the perspective shift inKorean questions better than other proposals made for other languages.

5 Conclusion and Remaining IssuesIn this paper, I showed that the evidential perspective shift in questions in Ko-rean should be explained in terms of semantics rather than of pragmatics, be-cause the shift obligatorily occurs when an evidential marker appears in a ques-tion. I also explained the perspective shift by assuming that Korean evidentialsare functions from propositions to characters, without making any fundamen-tal revision to Hamblin’s (1973) semantics of questions or Kaplan’s (1989)semantics of indexicals.

There are several open questions which are not clearly answered in thispaper. One of such questions is about similarities and the differences betweenevidentials and other perspective-anchored items such as expressives and utterance-modifying adverbials (Amaral, Roberts & Smith 2007, Potts 2005, Potts 2007,Harris & Potts 2009, i.a.). The main difference between these perspective-dependent items and Korean evidentials is that the former allow the optionalshift in questions, but the latter are obligatorily shifted in questions. Since wehave already seen that Korean evidentials in questions are obligatorily anchoredto the addressee’s perspective, in this conclusion I will only show examplescontaining other perspective-related items. First, consider (36), where the ex-pressive pilemekul ‘damn’ appears in a question.

(36) Ne-nunYou-TOP





‘Did you quit that damn job?’

In (36), the implication introduced by pilemekul can be interpreted in two ways- the speaker may think that the addressee’s job is pretty bad, or the addresseemay think that his/her own job is pretty bad. This shows that the perspective

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shift in (36) is optional, unlike the shift triggered by -te-.The utterance modifying adverbial like solcikhi ‘honestly’ triggers an op-

tional shift in questions, unlike -te-. Consider the following question.

(37) Solcikhi,Honestly




‘Honestly, did John meet you?’

When solcikhi is anchored to the addressee, (36) carries the implication that thespeaker asks the addressee to answer in an honest way. When it is anchored tothe speaker, however, (36) carries the implication that the speaker’s curiosityin asking the question is genuine (or, he/she really does not know anythingabout the answer). This ambiguity shows that, in Korean, utterance-modifyingadverbs are also optionally shifted in questions, unlike evidentials.

The previous two examples suggest to us that (at least) in Korean, ev-identials are different from other perspective-anchored items with respect towhether they are shifted optionally or obligatorily in questions: evidentialsare obligatorily shifted, but others are optionally shifted. This difference maybe due to the difference of implications they introduce: as shown above, Ko-rean evidentials are presupposition triggers, whereas expressives and utterance-modifying adverbials introduce conventional implicatures (Potts 2005) or ex-pressive meanings (Potts 2007, Harris & Potts 2009). However, this accountleads us to another question. Presuppositions are usually regarded as informa-tion which is already given and is shared by conversation participants, but inmany cases, evidentials seem to introduce some new information to the com-mon ground. If evidential implications are presuppositions, how can they in-troduce new information to the common ground?

This question is uneasy to answer. Because of this, Murray (to appear)posits another level of meaning, that is, non-at-issue assertion. However, schol-ars such as Stalnaker (2002) and Schlenker (2007) propose that a certain typeof presuppositions can systematically introduce new information to the com-mon ground, and for the moment I assume that in Korean, the implicationsintroduced by evidentials are such presuppositions. Even though we still needto investigate what kind of presuppositions can introduce new information, butwith other possible questions, I leave this question for future research.

ReferencesAmaral, Patricia, Craige Roberts & E. Allyn Smith. 2007. Review of The Logic

of Conventional Implicatures by Chris Potts. Linguistics and Philoso-phy 30(6). 707–749.

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Chung, Kyung-Sook. 2007. Spatial deictic tense and evidentials in Korean.Natural Language Semantics 15. 187–219.

Faller, Martina. 2002. Semantics and Pragmatics of Evidentials in CuzcoQuechua: Stanford University dissertation.

von Fintel, Kai. 2005. Pragmatics in Linguistic Theory. Lecture Notes, 2005LSA Institute, Harvard and MIT.

Garrett, Edward. 2001. Evidentiality and Assertion in Tibetan: University ofCalifornia Los Angeles dissertation.

Hamblin, C. L. 1973. Questions in Montague English. Foundations of Lan-guage 10. 41–53.

Harris, Jesse A. & Christopher Potts. 2009. Perspective-shifting with apposi-tives and expressives. Linguistics and Philosophy 32. 523–552.

Heim, Irene & Kai von Fintel. 2001. Class notes. ‘Advanced Semantics’, MIT.Higginbotham, James. 2009. Evidentials: Some Preliminary Distinctions. In

Robert J. Stainton & Christopher Viger (eds.), Compositionality, Con-text and Semantic Values: Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore, 221–235.Dordrecht: Springer.

Kaplan, David. 1989. Demonstratives. In Joseph Almog, John Perry &Howard Wettstein (eds.), Themes from Kaplan, Oxford: Oxford Uni-versity Press.

Kripke, Saul. 1980. Naming and Necessity. Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress.

Lee, Jungmee. 2010. The Korean evidential -te: A modal analysis. In Empiricalissues in syntax and semantics 8, CSSP.

Lim, Dongsik. 2010. Evidentials and Interrogatives: A case study from Korean:University of Southern California dissertation.

McCready, Eric. 2007. Context shifting in questions and elsewhere. In E. Puig-Waldmüller (ed.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11, 418–432.Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Murray, Sarah. to appear. A Hamblin Semantics for Evidentials. In Satoshi Ito& Ed Cormany (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory19, Ithaca: CLC Publications.

Potts, Christopher. 2005. The Logic of Conventional Implicatures. Oxford:Oxford University Press.

Potts, Christopher. 2007. The expressive dimension. Theoretical Linguistics33(2). 165–198.

Schlenker, Philippe. 2007. The expressive presupposition. Theoretical Lin-guistics 33(2). 237–245.

Stalnaker, Robert. 2002. Common Ground. Linguistics and Philosophy 25.701–721.

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On the Encoding of the Definite/Indefinite Distinction in Karitiana

Ana Müller

University of São Paulo [emailprotected]

Abstract. This article discusses the role of noun phrases in Karitiana, especially in terms of the possibility that these phrases may express definiteness and indefiniteness in the language. As they are nominals without any overt functional morphemes, our claim is that they do not encode definiteness or indefiniteness in the language. Our claim is that the NPs in Karitiana only have the function of introducing a predicate and a variable in the logical form of a sentence, and that readings related to definiteness and indefiniteness are provided by the morphosyntactic or context in which the nominal phrase is used.

1 Introduction This paper contributes to the description and analysis of the encoding of definiteness and indefiniteness in natural languages in general, by discussing the specific role of noun phrases (NPs) in Karitiana, especially the possibility that they may not express the definiteness and indefiniteness distinction. Cross-linguistically, there are languages such as the Romance and Germanic languages in which the determiners encode definiteness (e.g. the boy), or indefiniteness (e.g. a boy). However, there are other languages in which the determiners do not fulfill this role, such as some languages of the Salish family (see Matthewson 1996). There are also languages such as the creole of Guiné-Bissau and Karitiana in which there are no definite or indefinite articles.

Matthewson (1996) discusses whether the distinction between definite-ness and indefiniteness is necessarily expressed by the grammar of a language or whether this distinction may be outside the grammar in some languages. This paper contributes to this discussion in the sense that it assumes the impossibility of distinguishing between definiteness and indefiniteness in Karitiana solely by means of its grammar. The paper tries to answer the following question: do the NPs in Karitiana express definiteness

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 435–449. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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and indefiniteness as they do in determiner languages such as English or Portuguese?

In Karitiana the NPs are always bare, which means that the functional morphemes, which are responsible for marking functions such as gender, case, definiteness, indefiniteness, and number are not present. The article claims that the NPs in Karitiana: (i) do not encode definiteness or indefiniteness; (ii) they only introduce a predicate and a variable in the lo-gical form of a sentence. Karitiana belongs to the Tupí stock. It is spoken by approximately 400 people who live on a reserve northwest of Brazilian Amazonian region. It is a head final language, but the matrix sentences, in declarative mood, generally occur with the verb in second position (SVO, OVS), whilst in embedded sentences the verb always appears in final position (see Sorto 1999, 2003). In addition, Karitiana basically identifies two tenses: future and non-future. Agreement, mood and tense are marked only in the root sentences, as we can see in (1) below:1

(1) [taso õwã mangat-a-ty] y-ta-pyting-∅ yn. man child lift<VT>OBL 1P-DECL-want-NFT I2 ‘I want the men to lift up the children.’3

Furthermore, as Storto (1999) has observed, Karitiana possesses an ergative-absolutive pattern of agreement, which means that the verb agrees with the subject in intransitive sentences, as shown in the example in (2), and agrees with the object in transitive sentences, as shown in the example in (3).

(2) A-ta-opiso-t na. (Storto 1999) 2P-DECL-listened-NFT you ‘You listened.’ (intransitive)4

(3) An y-ta-oky-t yn. 1 The order for the presentation of the data is as following: on the first line, the morphological segmentation of each word; on the second line, the meaning of each segment; on the last line, the translation into English. The data presented were collected by Ana Müller through field work, except where they are explicitly attributed to another researcher. 2 Abbreviations used: ASS=assertive; ∅=null morpheme; 1P=first person; 2P=second person; 3P=third person; CAUS=causative; CONC=agreement; COP=copula; DECL=declarative; DET=determiner; IMP= imperfect; FUT= future; NFT=non-future; OBL= oblique; PART= participle; PASS=passive; POS=post-position; REDPL=reduplicative; SUB=subordinate; VT= thematic vowel. 3 The translations given are those provided by the speaker or by the researcher in the particular context. It should be remembered that each sentence could have other interpretations. 4 Non-future time (NFT) is equivalent to both past and present time. However, in most cases this time has been translated as past, since this was the form used in the context of the collection of the data.

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2P 1P- DECL-hurt-NFT I ‘You hurt me.’ (transitive)

In order to achieve our aim of verifying whether the NPs in Karitiana encode definiteness, Section 2 looks at the semantics of determiners in natural languages, especially with regard to the definiteness and indefiniteness which they may express. Section 3 describes the characteristics of the NPs in Karitiana. Section 4 deals with whether the NPs in Karitiana encode (in)definiteness. Finally, Section 5 analyses the data from Karitiana, and claims that the NPs in this language do not encode definiteness and indefiniteness, nor do they have the properties which would result from such encoding. We maintain, however, that the role of the NPs in Karitiana is only to introduce a predicate with its variable in the logical form of a sentence.

2 Definiteness and Indefiniteness: the Role of Determiners Human languages have a group of expressions referred to as determiners which contribute to the meaning of an NP, and, of course, of the sentence as a whole. These expressions are responsible for a range of distinctions in languages, such as definiteness, gender, number and case, inter alia. In Romance and Germanic languages, for example, the articles can express a range of distinctions and, because of this, it has become the convention to separate them in accordance with this range. In Portuguese, for example, determiners can be definite (o, a, os, as) or indefinite (um, uma, uns, umas); they can possess masculine gender (o, os, um, uns) or feminine gender (a, as, uma, umas); they can express singular number (o, a, um, uma) or plural number (os, as, uns, umas). However, these distinctions are not expressed in the same way in all languages. As this article focuses on definiteness and indefiniteness, we shall begin by reviewing briefly what definiteness and indefiniteness express.

We assume that one of the main difference between definite and indefinite phrases is the fact that the former indicate something familiar which is already present in the universe of discourse, whilst the latter indicate something which is novel in the discourse (see Heim 1982).5 Thus definiteness is a mark of the familiarity of an entity, and indefiniteness is a mark of the non-familiarity (novelty) of an entity in the discourse. This situation is common in narratives such as children’s stories. Sentence (4) illustrates the expression of the novel/non-novel distinction by articles.

5 In this article, discourse, universe of discourse, and situation, are used in a general sense as synonyms for context.

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(4) A king had a beautiful daughter. The daughter dreamed of becoming a professor.

The reason why (4) is the only adequate sequence stems from the new/familiar relationship which is indicated by the phrases ‘a beautiful daughter’ and ‘the daughter’. Indefinite NPs introduce a new entity into the context and, once this entity has been introduced, it can be referred to again by means of expressions which indicate familiarity. Uniqueness is another property of definites which has been widely discussed in the literature on the subject (see Russell 1905, Heim 1991, inter alia). Definite determiners express uniqueness, i.e. a definite NP states that there is only one entity of the type denoted by the noun. When we read sentence (5) below, for example, we understand that the speaker is referring to a single article which is ready. If there are two or more articles or none, then sentence (5) is not interpretable.

(5) The article is ready.

In the same way, a definite plural NP denotes a single entity composed of the total sum of the relevant entities in the universe of the discourse, as in (6) below:

(6) The articles are ready.

In this case, the definite plural NP expresses that there is a single group of articles which is ready. Indefinite NPs, however, do not presuppose uniqueness. The difference between definite and indefinite NPs can be seen in negative sentences such as (7). While sentence (7a) presupposes that only one single article on semantics was to have been written by João, sentence (7b) does not raise this type of presupposition.

(7) a. João did not write the article on semantics. b. João did not write an article on semantics.

Finally, another property which definite NPs possess is that of anaphoricity: these phrases cause an anaphoric interpretation in relation to an antecedent NP with the same type of denotation. This means that, when two NPs have equivalent meanings, if the second of these is definite, it refers back to the same individual introduced by the first NP, as in (8) below:

(8) a. João ate the pizza, and Pedro ate the pizza, too. b. A dog came in. The dog lay down on the floor.

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The indefinite NPs, however, impose a disjoint interpretation in relation to an antecedent NP with the same denotation, i.e. if there are two equivalent NPs, and the second of these is an indefinite NP, it will not refer to the same entity introduced in the first NP, as in (9) below:

(9) João ate a pizza and Pedro ate a pizza, too.

Following the work of Kamp (1981) and Heim (1982), it has become customary to assume that indefinite NPs are variables. A “variable” is an expression whose value can vary in terms of reference. In Section 5 below, we will see that, as the NPs in Karitiana can be interpreted both in terms of existential quantification as in terms of universal quantification, as is the case with the indefinite NP in English.

So far we have seen that definiteness and indefiniteness possess a number of properties, such as the novel/familiar distinction, uniqueness, and the possibility (or impossibility) of anaphoric reference. Some languages do have expressions which can be classified as “determiners”, but the NPs which contain these determiners do not denote some of the properties we have described above. This is the case with the languages of the Salish family. Matthewson (1996) shows that the Sechelt language, for example, possesses a determiner lhe which does not distinguish between the novel and the familiar.

Let us now return to our target language, Karitiana. If a language such as Sechelt possesses a determiner which does not distinguish definiteness from indefiniteness, what should we expect from a language like Karitiana which has no determiners at all in the structure of the NP? It seems sensible to expect that languages may vary in whether or not they express definiteness and indefiniteness. It is possible that definiteness and indefiniteness will not be encountered in the structure of the NPs in Karitiana. This hypothesis will be considered below.

In this section we have shown that definite and indefinite phrases have three important properties: the distinction between the novel and the familiar, uniqueness and non-uniqueness, anaphoricity and non-anaphoricity. In the next section we will present the characteristics of the NPs in Karitiana, and then investigate whether they encode definiteness or not.

3 Noun Phrases in Karitiana Some of the functional morphemes which mark gender, number, determination, quantification, voice, aspect and time, inter alia, are absent in certain languages. In Karitiana, for example, the structural position of the

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determiner is never overtly filled. In Karitiana, the NP is always bare without any determiners such as the, a or every, which are present in other languages. In Karitiana, the form is always the same and invariable (cf Müller et al, 2006). The data in (10) give evidence concerning the morphology of (in) definiteness, and of the the marking of case.

(10) Taso ∅-naka-’y-t boroja man 3P-DECL-eat-NFT snake ‘(The/A/some) man/men ate (the/a/some) snake(s).’ ‘The/A man ate (a/the/some snake(s)).’ Literally: ‘man ate/eats snake’

In (10), the NPs taso ‘man’ and boroja ‘snake’ do not possess any morpho-logy of case, nor do they have determiners which are realised phonetically. The sentence can be used in different situations, as is shown in the translation (‘The/A man ate (the/a snake (s)’). The data in (11) below show that NPs in Karitiana are not marked for number, nor do they have numeral classifiers. The adverbial adjunct sypomp (‘two’, ‘twice’) is responsible for attributing the number of individuals who take part in the event and/or the number of events. Thus the sentence can indicate that the speaker ate two monkeys, or that he ate monkey twice.6

(11) yn ∅-naka-'y-t sypom-p pikom. I 3P-DECL-est-NFT two-OBL monkey ‘I ate two monkeys.’ or ‘Í ate monkey twice.’

The universal quantifier is also absent from the structure of the NPs in Karitiana. Universal quantification is expressed by a relative sentence (see (12)). In the sentence in (12) above, the insertion of the relative utterance taso akatyym ‘men who are (there)’ makes the interpretation of universal quantification in the sentence obligatory. Demonstrative roles are also played by relative clauses in Karitiana as illustrated by (13) below.

(12) Taso aka-tyym ∅-na-pon-pon-Ø pikom. man cop-sub 3P-DECL-shoot-REDPL-NFT monkey ‘All the men shot at monkeys.’ Literally: ‘Men who be there shot at monkeys.’

(13) Dibm Ø-naka-tat-i ony taso aka. tomorrow 3P-DECL-leave-FUT there man COP ‘Those men will leave tomorrow.’ 6 Numerals are adjuncts in the language (see Müller et al 2006).

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Literally: ‘Men who be there will leave tomorrow’.

In all the cases described so far, it is clear that NPs in Karitiana are bare, i.e. they do not possess functional morphemes, and this brings into question whether they encode definiteness and indefiniteness. If we take up Matthewson’s (1996:19) suggestion concerning the languages of the Salish family, we may ask whether Karitiana has other devices in its grammar (except context or discourse) to express definiteness and indefiniteness, or should we simply say that the distinction between definite and indefinite does not exist in the language? The following section discusses the properties of definiteness in Karitiana, with the purpose of verifying whether they can be expressed by these phrases or not.

4 Do Noun Phrases in Karitiana Express (In)Definiteness? Before dealing directly with the behaviour of NPs in Karitiana, let us begin this section by recapitulating some of the properties of definite and indefinite NPs. In previous sections we have seen that:

(14) Definite NPs: do not introduce a new entity into the universe of discourse; presuppose the uniqueness of or familiarity of the entity they denote; make obligatory an anaphoric reference in the discourse to a previously-mentioned NP which has the same type of denotation.

(15) Indefinite NPs: introduce a new entity into the discourse; do not presuppose uniqueness or familiarity in relation to the entity they denote; are not anaphorically linked in the discourse to a previously- mentioned NP which has the same type of denotation.

In order to facilitate our analysis, this section will be divided into three sub-sections. In the first of these we will discuss the question of the expression of definiteness through the use of NPs in Karitiana; in the second sub-section we will talk about the presupposition of uniqueness in these phrases; in the third sub-section we will deal with the issue of anaphoric and disjoint references in the language.

4.1 (In)Definiteness in Karitiana

Our thesis is that the NPs in Karitiana do not distinguish between definiteness and indefiniteness. In (16) below, we analyse the case of õwã (‘child’). Once again, we will call attention to the absence of functional morphemes in the NPs, which is typical in Karitiana.

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(16) a. Yn DECL-sadna-FUT õwã hadna hyk I DECL-tell-FUT child story about ‘I am going to tell the story of a child.’ b. Py-py-n-a ãdyk-y-n õwã ass-know<VT> IMPF.PASS<VT>NFT child ‘The child was intelligent.’

As indicated in (14) above, we expect that a definite NP will be used in situations like that in (16a), since it is a typical case of the introduction of a novel referent in the background of the conversation. On the other hand, (16b) would require a definite NP because it relates to the sequence of the story, and the referent is already familiar in the universe of the discourse. However, as shown in the data given above, in Karitiana there is no marker which distinguishes an indefinite NP from a definite one: in both cases the bare NP õwã is used.

In terms of anaphoricity, we have seen that definite NPs, unlike indefinite ones, are anaphoric in relation to another NP with the same denotation. The data in (17) and (18) show that bare NPs in Karitiana can be taken up again by a singular pronoun, which is different from the process in English.

(17) Context: the informant narrates his experience with a jaguar. a. Yn ’i-so’oo-t õbaky-ty I 3P-see-NFT jaguar-OBL ‘I saw a jaguar.’ b. Yn i-so’oo-t sojxa õbaky i-‘yt I 3P-see-NFT boar jaguar 3P-eat-NFT ‘I saw that the jaguar was eating a wild boar.’

(18) a. Professo enfermera na-aka-t i-amby-t teacher nurse DECL-COP-NFT PART-come-CONC.COP y-ambip 1P-house ‘A teacher and a nurse came to my house yesterday.’ b. Professor na-aka-t i-le-t livro-ty teacher na-COP-NFT PART-ler-CONC.COP livro-OBL y-’iti hot 1P-daughter to ‘The teacher read the book to my daughter.’ c. Enfermera na-aka-t i- so’kym<VT>∅ nurse na-COP-NFT<VT>CONC.COP

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y-’tiita 1P-mother ‘The nurse looked after my mother’.

In the data provided in (17) above, the NP õbaky (‘jaguar’) is in the environment of a indefinite NP (17a), and also in another environment which is generally occupied by a definite NP (17b). In (18a) both professor (‘teacher’) and enfermera (‘nurse’) are new individuals in the discourse and, as such, can be regarded as indefinite NPs. However, the same NPs appear again in (18b) and (18c) respectively, but are now familiar. Thus the cases presented above demonstrate that the NPs in Karitiana are insufficient on their own to make the novel/familiar distinction. We will deal further with anaphoric reference in section 4.3 below.

4.2 Presupposition of Uniqueness

In section 2, we saw that the definite NPs presuppose uniqueness (and familiarity); the indefinite NPs do not carry this type of presupposition. In Karitiana, the bare NPs are used both in contexts which presuppose uniqueness and in those where this presupposition is not present. Cases like (18) are also examples of the presupposition of uniqueness.

At the same time as examples (18) show us that NPs in Karitiana do not distinguish between definite/indefinite or novel/familiar, they also indicate that the same NPs can be used in contexts that presuppose uniqueness. In the case of (18b,c), they denote unique teacher and unique nurse. Let us now look at some cases where this presupposition is not present (19).

(19) I-so’oot-∅ Inácio sojxa-ty? 3P-see-NFT Inácio boar-OBL ‘Did Inácio see any boars?’

The sentence in (19) asks if Inácio saw two or more wild boars and, as a result, we can say that the NP sojxa (‘boar’) does not presuppose even if there was a wild boar to be seen. We do not attribute the property of uniqueness to the NP in this case, though this would be possible if we were dealing with a definite NP. On the basis of the data analysed above, we can deduce that an NP in Karitiana does not necessarily indicate uniqueness.

4.3 Anaphoricity of NPs in Karitiana

At the end of section 2.1, we showed that the definite NPs oblige us to refer back anaphorically to a previous NP with the same denotation. On the other hand, the indefinite NPs manifest disjoint reference, i.e. they refer to a different individual to the one indicated by the previous NP with a similar

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denotation. In Karitiana, the NPs permit anaphoric interpretations, but these are not obligatory. The data in (20a, b) are examples of disjoint reference between NPs, while the ones in (17-18) are examples of anaphoric reference between NPs.

(20) a. Pyry-’a tyka-n irip akan. ASS-exist IMP-NFT tapir village ‘There is a tapir in this village.’ b. Pyry- ’a tyka-n irip akan ota pip tyym. ASS-exist IMP-NFT tapir village other in too ‘There is a tapir in another village, too.’

As example (20) shows, the two occurrences of the same NP irip (‘tapir’) have disjunctive reference, i.e. they mention two different tapirs, one in each village. In (17), however, there is an anaphoric interpretation of the second occurrence of õbaky (‘jaguar’), in relation to the first occurrence. Whilst the first NP indicates a new entity in (17a), the second NP refers back to the same entity in (17b). Because of this, we can say that NPs in Karitiana can express both anaphoric reference and disjoint reference in relation to an antecedent NP with the same type of denotation.

In this section, we have seen how the NPs in Karitiana are not capable of distinguishing between definiteness and indefiniteness. As a result, the same NP can introduce both entities which are new into the universe of discourse (which is a common feature of indefinite NPs) and refer to familiar entities (which is a common feature of definite NPs) in this same universe. In the same way, the NPs in Karitiana do not necessarily indicate uniqueness. Finally, we have dealt with the question of anaphoricity and have verified that the NPs in Karitiana can refer back to other NPs (which is a feature of definite NPs), as well as having disjoint reference to a previous NP (which is a feature of indefinite NPs). In the next section, we will present an analysis of the data from Karitiana.

5 Analysis In line with the description of the data from Karitiana given in the previous section, let us posit two basic hypotheses: i) the NPs, which are bare nominals, do not encode definiteness and indefiniteness in Karitiana and ii) their function is only to introduce a predicate and a variable in the logical form of the sentence. This variable will be determined, either by means of open or hidden quantification, or by means of deixis. If the two hypotheses are correct, then we can predict the following consequences:

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I. The NPs in Karitiana can occur in both definite and indefinite con-texts.

II. The NPs can occur in both existential and universal interpretations. III. The NPs will not behave like names of kinds.

The first consequence was amply proved by the examples given in sections 3 and 4 above: the NPs in Karitiana do not encode either definiteness or indefiniteness, and it is the context which causes us to interpret them as definite or indefinite when we translate them to English. We will now look at the other two theses.

Since the NPs in Karitiana are always bare and do not encode definiteness or indefiniteness, we predicted in (II) that they will appear both in contexts of universal quantification, and of existential quantification. The data in (21a-b) below show that the NPs in Karitiana produce universal interpretations.

(21) a. Õbaky Ø -na-aka-t kinda-t. jaguar DECL-COP-NFT entity-CONC.COP ‘Jaguars are animals.’ b. Oharyjn Ø-na-aka-t õbaky head.good DECL-COP-NFT jaguar ‘Jaguars are intelligent.’

The examples in (21a, b) are typically generic, and the NP õbaky (‘jaguar’) is being used with a universal interpretation (‘every jaguar is an animal/ intelligent’). The NPs in Karitiana also appear in existential contexts, i.e. those contexts which affirm or presuppose the existence of a certain entity, which confirms the prediction we made earlier. The sentences in (22) below are typical existential structures and appear with the bare NPs in Karitiana. Another situation in which the interpretation is existential is the introduction of a novel entity in the universe of discourse, as in (23) below:

(22) Pyry-kii-t geladera akan pip ASS-COP.PL-NFT fridge village in ‘There are refrigerators in the village.’

(23) Pyry-heredna-n otiyrypo. ASS-appear-NFT star ‘A star appeared.’

The third prediction made in this section was that the NPs in Karitiana would not always behave like names of kinds. In the example in (25) below, the NPs in bold refer to a kind, which is that of dinosaurs.

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(24) Dinosaurs became extinct many years ago.

In line with the work of Carlson (1977), the bare plural in English is considered to be a kind-denoting term, and could be used in the sentences above (‘dinosaurs’) to talk about the extinction of the species of dinosaurs. Thus before we verify if NPs in Karitiana behave like names of kinds, we must look briefly at bare plurals in English. Carlson observed that bare plurals can appear in negative sentences but, unlike indefinite NPs, they are not ambiguous between two interpretations. We can see this in the examples (25) in English.

(25) a. John didn’t see a teacher. b. John didn’t see teachers.

The sentence in (25a) can have two interpretations. The first is that there is a certain teacher and that João did not see him/her. This is what is called a wide scope reading. The second interpretation of (25a) is that João did not see any teachers at all, and this is called a narrow scope reading.

If the NPs in Karitiana are always bare nominals, we could entertain an initial hypothesis that they would behave like names of kinds, as is the case with the bare plural in English. On the other hand, we would expect the NPs in Karitiana to have only narrow and not wide scope. However, on the basis of the description we are undertaking, and of the analysis we are proposing here, we can predict that the NPs in Karitiana will be different from those in English. This means that we are predicting that the bare NPs in Karitiana will allow that sentences similar to (25b) can have two interpretations, one of wide scope, and the other of narrow scope. This prediction is borne out by the data in (26) below.

(26) Enfermera otãm tykiri Ø-na-osedna-j Inácio. nurse arrive when DECL-feliz-FUT Inácio ‘Inácio will be happy when (a/some) nurse(s) arrive(s).’

In the sentence in (26), the NP enfermera (‘nurse’) could be referring to a specific nurse with a wide scope interpretation: Inácio will be happy when a specific nurse arrives. But this NP can also have a narrow scope inter-pretation: Inácio will be happy when any nurse whatever arrives. Thus we can affirm that the NPs in Karitiana do not only have narrow scope, just like the bare nominals in English, and have scopal properties like the ones of indefinite NPs, as we saw above.

Our analysis so far has shown that NPs in Karitiana do not encode definiteness and indefiniteness, and therefore we have not been able to

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identify the presence or absence of any markers which could indicate familiarity or uniqueness in these NPs. We have also noted that despite the fact that they are bare NPs, they do not behave in the same way as the bare plurals in English.

Let us now try to answer the question of whether the NPs in Karitiana are ambiguous in terms of their having definite and indefinite interpretations produced by an ambiguous zero determiner. Or would it be possible to defend the thesis that Karitiana has two zero (or covert) determiners, one definite and one indefinite? These questions are relevant because most theoretical para-digms will assume the existence of empty categories with syntactic roles. We reject the possibility that there is an empty/zero and ambiguous determiner between a definite and an indefinite interpretation in line with the following argument. Let us imagine that there indeed was a determiner that was ambi-guous between definite and indefinite interpretations – call it determiner D. The main problem for D would be its obligation to carry indistinguishable contradictory information. Thus, in a sentence such as (23), we would be faced with something like D otiyrpo (‘D star’), and D could indicate simultaneously ‘the star appeared’ and ‘a star appeared’.

As a result, D would indicate simultaneously that ‘a novel star appeared in the discourse’ and ‘a familiar star appeared in the discourse’, i.e. contra-dictory information would be linked to this determiner, which is incoherent. Another solution would be to recognize the existence of two different empty/zero determiners, one which would encode definiteness and another which would encode indefiniteness. In this case, if there were two different empty/zero determiners which were always possible in the same contexts, the existence of either one of these determiners would be impossible to prove. This hypothesis is therefore vacuous.

Another problem concerning the existence of two empty determiners is their presupposition of uniqueness and their scope. They would indicate that the NP could be simultaneously interpreted as unique (like a definite NP) and as non-unique (like a indefinite NP). In line with this analysis, a sentence such as (26) would have two simultaneous interpretations: Inácio will be happy if the only nurse in context arrives, or if any nurse whatever arrives, which is contradictory and undesirable. In the light of the above, we claim that a zero D, either definite or indefinite, does not exist in Karitiana, and the interpretation of enfermera (‘nurse’) as a single person (wide scope) or as any nurse (narrow scope) would be resolved by the context. Finally, another point which supports our rejection of the existence of one or two zero Ds is that of anaphoricity. Since there would be ambiguity between definite and indefinite Ds (or, if there were two Ds, one definite and the other

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non-definite), then in every sentence in Karitiana with at least one NP, D would necessarily indicate that the NP referred back to in the sentence could simultaneously refer or not refer to the same individual denoted by a previous NP. This means that the NP would make an anaphoric reference (as definite NPs do) and would at the same time have disjunctive reference (like indefinite NPs) in relation to an antecedent NP with the same denotation, i.e. it would have two mutually contradictory meanings.

As we have been demonstrating throughout this paper, the NPs in Karitiana do not possess any functional projections (at least not overt ones), nor do they possess determiners; but they can have both universal and existential interpretations. Furthermore, they do not encode definiteness or indefiniteness, and their fundamental role is to introduce a predicate and a variable into the logical form.

Matthewson (1999) argues that familiarity and uniqueness are certainly properties of definite NPs; however, the absence of familiarity and uniqueness is not necessarily a property of indefinite NPs. It stems from implicatures generated by the existence of definite determiners in languages which have them. In a language without definite NPs, the indefinite NPs or, in the absence of these, the unmarked NPs (as in Karitiana) would not generate the implicatures of non-uniqueness or non-familiarity, but would be neutral with regard to these properties. Thus these NPs could be used indistinguishably in contexts of [+/-familiarity] and [+/-uniqueness].

In the light of the above, we conclude that the NPs in Karitiana are neutral in relation to this difference, and that definiteness and indefiniteness are determined by the particular context. A theoretical consequence of this is that the bare nominals will necessarily have an indefinite interpretation, but do not necessarily have a definite interpretation.

6 Conclusions In this paper, we have tried to verify whether the NPs in Karitiana are able to codify definiteness and indefiniteness. Since Karitiana does not have open determiners or functional categories in its NPs, our aim has been to find out whether the bare NPs alone were capable of encoding definiteness and indefiniteness. We therefore conclude that the NPs in Karitiana are neutral in relation to this difference, and that definiteness and indefiniteness are determined by the particular context.

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References Heim, Irene. 1982. “The Semantics of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases”.

Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts. Heim, Irene. 1991. “Artikel und Definitheit” in: A. v. Stechow and D.

Wunderlich (eds.). Handbuch der Semantik. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 487–535.

Kamp, Hans 1981. “A theory of truth and semantic representation”, in: J.A.G. Groenendijk et al. (eds.) Formal Methods in the Study of Language. Amsterdam: Mathematical Centre. pp. 277–322.

Khim, Alain. 2010. ‘Fully bare nominals in two Creoles: A description and a tentative constructional account’, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, vol.9, n.1.

Matthewson, Lisa. 1996. “Determiner Systems and Quantificational Strategies Evidence from Salish”. Ph.D., dissertation, University of British Columbia.

Matthewson, Lisa. 1999. “On the Interpretation of Wide-Scope Indefinites”. Natural Language Semantics 7:79–134.

Müller, Ana, Luciana Storto & Thiago Coutinho-Silva. 2006 “Number and the count-mass distinction in Karitiana” UBCWPL 19: Proceedings of the 11th WSCLA: 122–135.

Russell, Bertrand. 1905. "On denoting". Mind 14: 479–493. Storto, Luciana. 1999. “Aspects of Karitiana Grammar”. MIT Ph.D.

dissertation. Storto, Luciana & Van der Velden, F. (2005). Karitiana. Povos Indígenasmn

do Brasil. Disponível em karitiana/karitiana.shtm. 2005. Acesso em: 5 may 2008.

Sanchez-Mendes, Luciana. 2009. “A quantificação adverbial em karitiana”. Dissertação de mestrado. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 451–465. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

On Temporal Quantification∗

Edgar OneaUniversity of Göttingen


Abstract. Generally, it is assumed ever since Pratt & Francez (2001) that tem-poral expressions have a context-dependent meaning in the sense that they notonly denote a set of time intervals according to their lexical content but rathertheir denotation is additionally restricted to some contextual time. Hence, Mon-day does not just denote the set of Mondays but a function from time intervalsto the Mondays in them. This is useful in dealing with concomitant quantifierssuch as John kissed Mary every second semester on every Monday for it allowsthem to restrict each other domain of quantification. In this paper I propose away to eliminate this context dependency of temporal expressions building upon an idea of Irene Heim that domain restriction in the temporal domain is amatter of presupposition projection. In particular I argue that temporal prepo-sitions presuppose that their argument, a time interval, intersects a higher timeinterval. This not only helps to derive concomitant quantification but also solvessome classical problems of competing theories.

1 IntroductionTemporal quantification, i.e. the compositional derivation of the truth condi-tions of a sentence like (1), is a classical issue in semantic theory and a hardone at the same time. I think a fair amount of confusion is around in the lit-erature concerning this topic for the most part due to uncertainty about thereadings that should and should not be derived.

(1) John called on every first Monday after every competition that he wonin every second decade.

In this paper I will develop a not too complicated theory of temporal quantifi-cation in the framework of transparent LF that tackles two of these confusions.First, scholars have assumed that time denoting expressions, such as Mondayhave context dependent denotations. I will show that this assumption is boththeoretically and empirically inadequate and I will show how to replace it by∗ This research has been funded by the German Initiative of Excellence, which I gratefully ac-knowledge. In addition I wish to thank Ingo Reich for organizing the Sinn und Bedeutung confer-ence and editing this volume and Regine Eckardt and Sarah Zobel for comments and discussion.Needless to say: all shortcomings are my own.

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postulating that temporal prepositions are presuppositional. Second, real quan-tifier stacking, i.e. applying several quantifiers to the same thematic role, andconcomitant quantifiers that restrict each other’s domain of quantification aredifferent phenomena. In fact, I will argue that it is indeed possible (and at timesnecessary) to apply several temporal prepositional phrases in the same clause.

The first section explains the two problems to be discussed. First, the is-sue of the interaction between temporal quantifiers and tense, which lead tothe introduction of context dependent meanings for temporal expressions, andsecond, the problem of stacked quantifiers. In the following I first present a the-oretical argument against context dependent meanings, followed by a sketch ofa theory for dealing with temporal quantification partly following von Stechow(2002). In passing, I propose a particular version of the well known predicateabstraction rule of Heim & Kratzer (1998). Finally I discuss the case of stackedtemporal prepositional phrases and conclude the paper.

2 The Problems of Temporal QuantificationTemporal quantification is complicated because the interpretation of tempo-ral quantifiers needs to interact with the tense operator, which seems to getquite murky. To see this, consider a fairly simple example like (2) from Ogi-hara (1994). If there were no tense involved the sentence would not pose anyproblems, however as soon as we want to consider the fact that the callingtook place in the past, both conceivable representations that attempt to modelthis interaction in terms of scope given in (2a) and (2b) are nonsensical. Whatwe really need is the representation in (2c), which uses the past as a domainrestriction when quantifying over Mondays, but getting the past to restrict thedomain of quantification of every is compositionally non-trivial, given standardassumptions about the place of tense in the syntactic representation of (2), inparticular, past is not directly combined with Monday.

(2) John called every Monday.a. ∃i.past(i)∧∀x.Monday(x)→ in(x, i)∧ call(J, i)b. ∀x.Monday(x)→∃i.past(i)∧ in(x, i)∧ call(J, i)c. ∃i.past(i)∧∀x.Monday(x)∧ in(x, i)→ call(J, i)

The standard proposal to solve the problem is to assume a higher-order mean-ing of time-denoting expressions such as meeting, Monday, year etc. such thatthey do not simply denote sets of time intervals, as naturally represented in(3a), but rather functions from time intervals into sets of time intervals as in(3b). This is useful, since it provides a lexical slot in time denoting expressionswhich can be used to essentially get the dependency on the past into the restric-

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tor of the quantifier, as required in (2c). The lexical entry in principle allowsfor something like (3c), which allows the interaction between the past operatorand the restrictor of the quantifier every via the variable j. (Getting this to workis still non-trivial but at least the basic ingredients are there.)

(3) a. JMondayK = λ i.Monday(i)b. JMondayK = λ i.λ j.Monday(i)∧ in(i, j)c. JeveryMondayK = λQ.λ j.∀x.Monday(x)∧ in(x, j)→ Q(x)

I will argue in this paper that this way of thinking is conceptually and empiri-cally inadequate and show how to get rid of it.

Temporal quantifiers tend to have another problem as well, namely thatthey may come stacked, as in (4). Pratt & Francez (2001) argue that this isthe very same problem as the interaction with tense. This is because Pratt &Francez (2001) apply both quantifiers one after the other at the clause level,as in (4a), and attempt to model the fact that they restrict each other’s scope.For them, every Monday in (4) quantifies over every Monday that is in everysecond year, just the same way as one would model that every Monday actuallyquantifies over every Monday that is in the past for (2).

I think the argument of Pratt & Francez (2001) is correct, although thecases in which we really need stacking of temporal quantifiers, are rare, anddistinguishable truth conditionally, whenever no real quantifiers are involvedbut rather definite descriptions. For most cases, temporal quantifiers modifyeach other like in (4b), as argued in von Stechow (2002). So, in (4), on everysecond year is interpreted as directly modifying Monday. Therefore, there isno stacking of quantifiers here. We rather have an embedding problem. This ismodeled in a completely different way than the interaction with tense. Such asolution is rather similar to an intuitive treatment of (5), which does not seemparticularly puzzling and crucially has nothing to do with time.

(4) John called every Monday on every second year.a. John called [every Monday] [on every second year]b. John called [every Monday [on every second year]]

(5) Peter called every son of every son of Michael.

Interestingly, the LF-style given in (4a) is used by Pratt & Francez (2001) toderive the so-called short reading of temporal prepositional phrases, readingsthat are ultimately intersective, i.e. the calling must be both every Monday andon every second year, with the twist, however, that only Mondays are consid-ered that are in every second year. An LF-like (4b) is used by von Stechow

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(2002) to derive the so called long reading which only requires the calling tobe on Monday, but knowing that Mondays are within years makes the differ-ence hard to see in such examples. And, finally, Beaver & Condoravdi (2007)use the LF (4a) and derive the long reading with it.

The short readings do exist, however, and cannot be reduced to scopevariation in long readings. Consider (6). The first two readings, (6a) and (6b)are available for von Stechow (2002), Pratt & Francez (2001) and Beaver &Condoravdi (2007), but the third reading, the short reading, is only predictedby Pratt & Francez (2001). That is not quite true, however, for Pratt and Francezwould require either the Tuesday to be after the meeting or the meeting to takeplace on Tuesday, hence, making (6c) truth conditionally equivalent to either(6a) or (6b). Beaver & Condoravdi (2007) are aware of this fact and explicitlypostulate that we only need to derive the readings in (6a) and (6b), the shortreading coming for free then.

(6) John called after the meeting on Tuesday.a. John called after the meeting which was on Tuesday.b. John called on Tuesday which was after the meeting.c. John called in the intersection between Tuesday and the time after

the meeting.

But assume the following scenario. There is a meeting which starts on Mondayat 2 pm and finishes on Tuesday at 2 pm. Now, (6c) requires a calling event totake place between Tuesday 2 pm and the end of Tuesday. I think this readingactually exists and does not boil down to neither (6a), since the meeting was noton Tuesday, nor (6b), since the Tuesday under discussion did not start after themeeting. Superficially, this could be solved by allowing overlapping betweentime intervals instead of inclusion, hence getting the readings (7a) and (7b).Unfortunately, however, not even the reading (7b) captures the short readingentirely correctly, for it would allow the calling to take place in a part of Tues-day that is during the meeting, for instance Tuesday at 1 pm, which is contraryto the fact.

(7) a. John called after the meeting which overlaps Tuesday.b. John called on Tuesday which overlaps the time after the meeting.

Getting a unified account for both kinds of readings is the natural task arising.Such a theory does not exist, however. To be clear, all existing theories failalready in singling out the right Tuesday for the reading in (6c).

Summing up there are two problems to solve. Getting rid of context de-pendent denotations for time-denoting expressions, and distinguishing between

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real temporal PP stacking and the case of embedded quantification.

3 Against Context Dependent DenotationsIt should be the null-hypothesis that temporal expressions have no context de-pendent denotation, so actually one needn’t argue against them, but rather infavor of such denotations. That never actually happened. Still, I will give someadditional reasons to refrain from assuming such denotations.

Intuitively, Monday denotes the set of Mondays simpliciter, just like chairdenotes the set of chairs in a model. In order to get a more constrained setof chairs or Mondays we need to do additional work. Whenever possible weshould not mess around with this intuition. And indeed, even very simple sen-tences like (8) would get problematic if we did.

(8) This is a Monday.

One could argue that Monday is ambiguous. But even this does not seem tohold generally. It rather seems that (8) cannot have a reading which can beparaphrased as This is a Monday in t. Consider for instance the dialogue in (9)and assume that the day Mary killed the cat was two years ago, but indeed aMonday. If Monday denoted Mondays in a salient interval, one would expectthe answer (9b) to be at least conceivable, since the day under discussion is notin the salient interval, hence the sentence is just false. But as a matter of fact, it(9b) is completely nonsensical, whereas the answer (9a) is good.

(9) A: Last year, Peter called every Monday.B: No, the day on which Marry killed the cat was a Monday and Peterdid not call.a. A: No, that Monday is not relevant, for it was more than two years

ago.b. A: ??No, that’s not a Monday, for it was more than two years ago.

Yet another argument involves deictic expressions like today, this year. Suchexpressions also need to interact with the tense operator, hence, it is expectablethat their denotation will also be analogous, including a context dependent vari-able.1 So, we get the representations in (10) or something similar. But bindingj by the past operator would predict that today is part of the past, which is non-sense, for as long as today is not over, some part of it will be part of the presentand part of it will even be in the future.

1 Of course one could assume that deictic expressions are interpreted higher than tense, but evenso, the intersection between e.g. today and past will somehow need to me modeled.

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(10) λ j.ι∧ in(i, j)

A final argument is based on example (11). The example seems perfectly nat-ural. But if, indeed, meeting meant meeting in x and x were bound by past, wewould require a past meeting, however, as the continuation shows, the meetingis a future one although the tense operator is past. This, again, is absolutelyimpossible according to the theory of Pratt & Francez (2001) or von Stechow(2002). In fact the same applies to any theory that uses context dependent de-notations for time denoting expressions.

(11) John called before the meeting, just as he promised. Look, the meetingwill be tomorrow, and he already called.

I conclude that assuming that time denoting expressions have a context depen-dent denotation leads to more problems than it solves. If temporal quantifica-tion can be made to work with such denotations, they should be abandoned. Inthe next section I give an explicit proposal to this extent.

4 The ProposalThe system I propose in the following involves three aspects. First, I need thelexical entries and the syntactic representation. Then, I need a theory of pre-supposition projection. Finally I derive some examples and discuss some of thebenefits of the theory both with embedded quantifiers modifying each othersrestrictor, and with real quantifier stacking.

4.1 Basic ElementsI assume that time-denoting expressions (or event-denoting expressions co-erced to time) have simple lexical meanings as given in (12) for a couple ofexamples. I tacitly assume that all time variables involved in natural languageare intervals and omit writing up their types for simplicity.

(12) a. JMondayK = λx.Monday(x)b. JyearK = λx.year(x)c. JmeetingK = λx.meeting(x)

I further assume that temporal prepositions come with a presupposition of ade-quacy, i.e. they presuppose that the time determined by their internal argumentoverlaps some contextually defined time, as shown in (13). Note that there is ahuge conceptual advantage in including context-dependency in the meaning offunctional words as compared to the lexical denotation of content words: forinstance, all examples discussed in Section 3 do not apply to temporal expres-

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sions headed by a preposition.

(13) a. JduringK = λx.λP.λ i[i∩ x 6= /0].P(x∩ i)b. Jbe f oreK = λx.λP.λ i[i∩ tto(x) 6= /0].P(tto(x)∩ i)c. Ja f terK = λx.λP.λ i[i∩ t f rom(x) 6= /0].P(t f rom(x)∩ i)

For the more technically interested reader: time intervals are treated as orderedsets of time points, as defined in (14) hence the set theoretical operation ∩applies and delivers an interval.

(14) a. x is a time point iff x ∈ T IME.b. chron is a total function: T IME→ R defined in each model M.c. Iff chron(x)< chron(y) then x precedes y.d. a is an INTERVAL iff∀x.x ∈ a→ x ∈ T IME ∧∀x,y.x,y ∈ a∧ chron(x) < chron(y)→∀z.chron(z)> chron(x)∧ chron(z)< chron(y)→ z ∈ a

The operators tto and tfrom are defined in (15a) and (15b) respectively.

(15) a. tto(a) = {x|x ∈ T IME ∧ chron(x)< chron(MIN(a))}b. t f rom(a) = {x|x ∈ T IME ∧ chron(x)> chron(MAX(a))}c. MIN(a) = ιx.x ∈ a∧∀y.y ∈ a∧ y 6= x→ chron(y)> chron(x)d. MAX(a) = ιx.x ∈ a∧∀y.y ∈ a∧ y 6= x→ chron(y)< chron(x)

Further I assume that tense is not an operator but rather a contstant, like aproper name, as given in (16).

(16) a. JPAST K = tto(NOW )b. JFUTUREK = t f rom(NOW )c. JPRESENT K = NOWd. NOW = {x| 2

√(chron(x)− chron(now))2 ≤ r}

now = the deictic time pointr is contextually specified

In addition, I assume that aspect introduces temporal variables into a clause,as shown in (17) and that aspect existentially closes the event variable, but thisassumption is not a necessary ingredient of the theory.2

(17) a. JPERFECT IV EK = λP.λ i.∃τ(e), i)∧P(e)

2 In fact, in order to deal with the distributive readings of temporal quantifiers with before andafter we might need additional interaction with events in the meaning of quantifiers in general, asargued in Krifka (1989), but I think there are alternative possibilities also: e.g. after could meannot longer than x after in those cases.

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b. JPERFECT K = λP.λ i.∃ f ore(τ(e), i)∧P(e)c. JIMPERFK = λP.λ i.∃,τ(e))∧P(e)d. be f ore(a,b) = true iff chron(MAX(a))< chron(MIN(b))e. in(a,b) = true iff chron(MIN(b))< chron(MIN(a))∧

chron(MAX(b))> chron(MAX(a))

Coming to the syntax, I assume that any quantifier comes with a domain restric-tor C and must be raised from the immediate argument position of any temporalpreposition to a position higher than tense, which is more or less classical QR.I assume, further, that temporal quantifiers may appear as sisters of the restric-tor argument of higher quantifiers, similar to von Stechow (2002), as shown in(18). In addition they can also be applied separately to an IP.


QP i


P t jIP

4.2 Presupposition AccommodationRecall the original example (2), repeated here for convenience as (19). Theneeded reading is given in (19a). The problem is that the Mondays quantifiedover must be restricted to Mondays in the past. Therefore, we want the infor-mation that the Monday must be in the past to somehow enter the restrictordomain of the quantifier every. Competing theories achieve this by opening aslot in the representation of Monday such that Monday denotes a Monday insome interval. I rejected this line of attack altogether and proposed that insteadwhat we have is a presupposition triggered by the covert during that its argu-ment is in a contextually salient time. Every Monday will be raised out of theargument position of the preposition and it will end up in the highest possibleposition. The question, now, is whether one can accommodate this presupposi-tion such that it enters the restrictor of every.

(19) John called (during) every Monday.a. ∃i.past(i)∧∀x.Monday(x)∧on(i,x)→ call(J, i)

This could be a case of intermediate accommodation in the sense of Geurts &van der Sandt (1999). However, it has been forcefully argued by Beaver (2001),but see also von Fintel (2008), that intermediate accommodation does not exist.In my view this question is not totally settled and I prefer to remain agnostic

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about this issue. For explicitness I will assume that what looks like intermediateaccommodation is in fact global accommodation. In particular this means thatintermediate accommodation appears to exist because there is a global domainreduction to the very same extent (to avoid presupposition failure).

A formal side note is in order here. I use predicate abstraction in thesense of Heim & Kratzer (1998) to model QR. Predicate abstraction, however,has one particularly unfortunate property, namely that it loses presuppositionsattached to traces abstracted over. Consider the abstract case in (20). The reasonwhy the presupposition attached to 1 is lost is that in the predicate abstractionrule, there is nothing that would save them. While the sister node of 1 is definedfor any g such that R(b,g(1)), the higher node basically frees up this constraint.

(20) Q(b,a) - whether or not R(b,a)

a λx.Q(b,g[1→x](1))

1 Q(b,g(1)) iff R(b,g(1)) by presupposition resolution

b λx.[R(x,g(1))].Q(x,g(1))

The problem can be solved, however, with a small change in the predicateabstraction rule, given in (21). This rule now globally projects presuppositionsafter predicate abstraction as well, just as (presumably) originally intended inHeim & Kratzer (1998).

(21) Predicate abstraction with presuppositions: If γ is a tree consistingof α and β , and α is an index i, then for any g for which Jβ Kg isdefined, JγKg = λx.[Jβ Kg[i→x]is de f ined].Jβ Kg[i→x]

4.3 Embedded QuantificationI will derive one reading of each of the four examples given in (22a), (22b),(22c) and (22d) in the following. The derivations are given in in classical trans-parent LF style.

(22) a. John called every Monday.b. John called every Monday every summer.c. John called today.d. John called before the meeting.

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460 Onea

I first derive the constituent John called with a perfective aspect, which willappear in each of the sentences, as shown in (23).

(23) λ i.∃τ(e), i)∧C(J,e)


λP.λ i.∃τ(e), i)∧P(e)

John calls


Note that any kind of temporal modification is made available by the presenceof aspect. Until the event itself is built up, there is no time variable in playwhatsoever. As noted before, the fact that I existentially close the event variablecan be circumvented by treating it as a pronominal element.

I start with (22a). I assume that every Monday is headed by a covert prepo-sition like on or during. First, I apply during every Monday to the result of (23),as shown in (24). Note that every Monday is only represented by the trace t1,being raised to a higher position in the tree. The whole tree fragment is onlydefined for assignements g such that g(1)∩ i 6= /0, via the presupposition ofduring. In the next step I apply PAST to the result and lambda abstract via therule (21), which now preserves the presupposition.

(24) λx.[x∩ tto(NOW ) 6= /0].∃τ(e),x∩ tto(NOW ))∧C(J,e)

1 ∃τ(e),g(1)∩ tto(NOW ))∧C(J,e)



λ i.∃τ(e),g(1)∩ i)∧C(J,e)

λP.λ i.P(g(1)∩ i)


λx.λP.λ i[i∩ x 6= /0].P(x∩ i)



λ i.∃τ(e), i)∧C(J,e)

Now, all that remains to be done is to apply the QR-ed every Monday whichgoes trivially, as given in (25). The result is defined exactly if every Monday inC overlaps with the past, and suffers presupposition failure otherwise.

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Temporal Quantification 461

The arising reading is this: it is presupposed that all Mondays in C overlapthe past (could be included, of course) and it is stated that in the overlappingpart between each Monday in C and the past interval, there is an event of Johncalling. This predicts that whenever we are explicitly speaking about non-pastMondays, the sentence is strange.

(25) ∀y.M(y)∧ y ∈C→∃τ(e),y∩ tto(NOW ))∧C(J,e)

every Monday

λQ.∀y.M(y)∧ y ∈C→ Q(y)

λx.[x∩ tto(NOW ) 6= /0].∃τ(e),x∩ tto(NOW ))∧C(J,e)

Consider a scenario in which A utters (26) in June. It seems to me that theanswer in (26a) is at least more natural than the one in (26b). This is quitesimilar to the classical behavior of presuppositional sentences like in (27).

(26) A: Speaking about the 52 Mondays this year, John called every Mon-day.a. B: Well, that’s only true for the past Mondays.b. C: ?Of course he did.

(27) A: Speaking about the 82 Million Germans, every German loves hisMercedes Benz.a. B: Well, that’s only true for those who have one.b. C: ?Of course they do.

Let us now consider example (22b). This time, the quantified PP during ev-ery summer modifies directly the NP restrictor of the quantifier every, namelyMonday. We get the structure given in (28).


every summer1

everyMonday on t1


on t2 John called

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462 Onea

The interesting question is, how every summer modifies Monday. The relevantpart of the tree is given in (29). The presupposition associated with on everysummer survives and results in the global presupposition that every summerin C overlaps the past, and the presupposition associated with on every Mon-day is locally accommodated as it ends up being in the restrictor of a universalquantifier. Apart from this, the computation is standard, hence embedded quan-tification poses no problem whatsoever for the system.

(29) ∀z.S(z)∧ z ∈C→∀x.x∩ z 6= /0∧M(x∩ z)→∃τ(e),x∩ tto(NOW ))∧C( j,e)

∀ Sunday1

∀ λ i.[i∩g(1) 6= /0].M(i∩g(1))



on t1

λP.λ i.[i∩g(1) 6= /0].P(i∩g(1))

λx.[x∩ tto(now) 6= /0].

∃τ(e),x∩ tto(NOW ))

∧C( j,e)

The problem of deictic expressions like today comes out trivially in the cur-rent approach, as shown in (30), which simply contains the predicted truthconditions for (22c). Presupposing that the past overlaps today is trivial andharmless.

(30) John called today.a. asserts: ∃τ(e), tto(NOW )∩ ι∧C(J,e)b. presupposes: tto(NOW )∩ ι 6= /0

Finally, let us consider the example (22d), which turns out to be simpler thanexpected, cf. (31). The crucial point is that there is no presupposition that themeeting itself need be in the past. This is because before x only presupposesthat the time before x will overlap the contextual time (the past). In a way, thisis a fairly trivial presupposition, but if we had after every meeting, we had amore meaningful presupposition, as this would really require past meetings.

(31) a. asserts: ∃τ(e), tto(ιx.Meeting(x))∩ tto(NOW ))∧C(J,e)(y)b. presupposes: [tto(ιx.M(x))∩ tto(NOW ) 6= /0].

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Temporal Quantification 463

4.4 Stacking QuantifiersRecall that (6), repeated here as (32), does not boil down to scope ambiguityalone but has a strong short reading. But for the scenario discussed in the in-troduction, this does not seem to suffice. Assume a meeting which starts onMonday at 2 pm and finishes on Tuesday at 2 pm. Now, (6c) requires a callingevent to take place between Tuesday 2 pm and the end of Tuesday. As opposedto Pratt & Francez (2001) and von Stechow (2002) and Beaver & Condoravdi(2007) who actually even fail to find the right Tuesday in such a case (sincethere is no Tuesday in the time after the meeting and no Tuesday which in-cludes the time after the meeting), the theory sketched here fails because itallows, in the second reading, the calling to take place on the right Tuesday,but during the meeting, i.e. in the part of Tuesday that is not after the meeting.

(32) John called after the meeting on Tuesdaya. John called in the overlapping time between the past and the time

after the meeting which overlaps Tuesdayb. John called in the overlapping time between the past and the

Tuesday which overlaps the time after the meeting

For this reason I assume that we need stacking temporal PPs as well to get theshort reading of Pratt & Francez (2001). Fortunately, the system has absolutelyno problems with stacking PPs. I demonstrate in (33) for (32) on a stronglysimplified tree, in which M stands for the meeting and T for the Tuesday.

(33) [tto(NOW )∩ t f rom(M)∩T 6= /0]∃τ(e), tto(NOW )∩T ∩ t f rom(M))∧C( j,e)

PAST λ i.[i∩ t f rom(M)∩T 6= /0]∃τ(e), i∩T ∩ t f rom(M))∧C( j,e)

after the meeting λ i.[i∩T 6= /0]∃τ(e), i∩T )∧C( j,e)

on Tuesday λx.∃τ(e),x)∧C( j,e)

Stacking two real quantifiers which would undergo QR would result in presup-position failure. The problem is that we get two presuppositions hanging onboth traces that depend on each other and thereby make global accommoda-tion obscure. The only system that can handle these is Geurts & van der Sandt

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464 Onea

(1999) but it is not clear whether those readings actually exist. Does (34) havea reading such that it presupposes that for every meeting there is a Tuesdaysuch that that Tuesday overlaps both the time after that meeting and the time ofthe meeting and the calling must have taken place in the part of each Tuesdaythat is after the meeting? I think, the required reading does neither exist nordoes it make particularly much sense. Remember that if the Tuesday was notoverlapping the time of the meeting, we could reproduce the truth conditionswith embedded quantification.

(34) Peter called after every meeting on every Tuesday.

5 ConclusionIn this paper I have shown first of all that it is possible to do temporal quan-tification without assuming any kind of context dependent lexical meaningsfor time-denoting expressions. This is a very important finding as it seems todeliver a solid ground for refuting a number of theories. In passing, a moreelaborate version of predicate abstraction was given and in addition it has beenshown that peculiar cases in which temporal prepositional phrases are reallystacked can be dealt with without any further refinement of the system. Pre-sumably, however, quantifier stacking involving more than one quantifier doesnot occur.

ReferencesBeaver, David. 2001. Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics.

Stanford:CA: CLSI Publications.Beaver, David & Cleo Condoravdi. 2007. On the Logic of Verbal Modification.

In Paul Dekker Maria Aloni & Floris Roelofsen (eds.), Proceedings ofthe sixteenth amsterdam colloquium, 3–11. Amsterdam.

von Fintel, Kai. 2008. What is presupposition accommodation again? Philo-sophical Perspectives 22(1). 137–170.

Geurts, Bart & Rob van der Sandt. 1999. Domain restriction. In Peter Bosch &Rob van der Sandt (eds.), Focus linguistic, cognitive and computationalperspectives, 268–292. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Heim, Irene & Angelika Kratzer. 1998. Semantics in generative grammar.Oxford: Blackwell.

Krifka, Manfred. 1989. Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quan-tification in event semantics. In J. van Benthem, R. Bartsch & P. vanEmde (eds.), Semantics and Contextual Expression, 75–115. Dordrecht:Floris.

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Temporal Quantification 465

Ogihara, T. 1994. Adverbs of Quantification and Sequence-of-Tense phenom-ena. In M. Harvey & L. Santelmann (eds.), Proceedings of semanticsand linguistic theory salt iv, 251–267. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.

Pratt, Jan & Nissim Francez. 2001. Temporal Generalized Quantifiers. Lin-guistics and Philosophy 24. 187–222.

von Stechow, Armin. 2002. Temporal Prepositional Phrases with Quantifiers:Some Additions to Pratt and Francez (2001). Linguistics and Philoso-phy 25(5-6). 755–800.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 467–481. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Focus and wh-Questions in Mongolian∗

Edgar OneaUniversity of Göttingen


Dolgor GuntsetsegUniversity of Stuttgart


Abstract. In this paper we propose an event-anaphor based analysis of Mon-golian focus constructions and wh-questions. Mongolian has two types of corre-sponding wh-question-answer paradigms involving either in situ or ex situ fociand wh-words. The apparent difference between these constructions involves ex-haustiveness on the focus-side and presuppositionality on the question-side. Theanalysis, however, reveals that both contrasts amount to the presence or absenceof an anaphoric event argument. We provide a large set of data that confirm thepredictions of the analysis.

1 IntroductionIn Khalkha-Mongolian (the main Mongolian dialect) two types of wh-questionscan be distinguished with regard to both syntactic properties and interpretation.We call the first type of question in situ and the second type ex situ. In situ ques-tions as (1) are such that the wh-word appears at its base generated position (orat the first merge position in minimalist parlance) whereas in ex situ questions,as in (2) the wh-word appears at some higher syntactic position, which we as-sume to be a kind of focus position. The most striking correlating semanticproperties are that, in a sense, ex situ questions are strongly presuppositional,whereas in situ questions are not: One can answer an in situ question nega-tively, e.g. with nobody, as shown in (1a), whereas for an ex situ question, suchan answer is marked (even infelicitous at times), as shown in (2a).1

(1) TuyaTuya





‘Whom did Tuya marry?’a. Tuya





∗ This research has been supported by the German Initiative of Excellence (Göttingen) and theProject C2 “Case and Referential Context: Argument Realization and Referential Context” as partof the SFB 732 “Incremental Specification in Context” funded by the German Science Foundation(DFG) at the University of Stuttgart. In addition, we wish to thank Andreas Haida, Klaus vonHeusinger, Hans Kamp and Malte Zimmermann for comments and suggestions, and Ingo Reichfor organising the Sinn und Bedeutung conference and editing this volume.1 We explicitly mark focushood only if an example appears without the corresponding wh-question.

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468 Onea & Guntsetseg

‘Tuya married nobody.’

(2) Hen-teiwho-COM





‘Whom did Tuya marry?’a. #Hen-tei





‘Tuya married nobody.’ (The speaker doesn’t want to tell whoTuya married)

In addition, there is a correlation between the syntactic position of the answer-ing constituent and the syntactic position of the wh-word, as can be seen onthe position of hentei ch in the answers above. The arising empirical general-ization is then, that ex situ foci as answers to ex situ questions are necessarilyexhaustive whereas in situ foci may or may not be exhaustive. Examples are tocome.

In this paper we develop an analysis of the observed phenomena, widelyfollowing ideas from Onea (2010) for Hungarian focus, along the followinglines: We assume that ex situ questions are about a particular event and so arethe ex situ answers. The apparent stronger presuppositionality of ex situ ques-tions is then nothing but a result of the fact that events must have participants(otherwise they don’t exist), and the exhaustiveness arises in many but not allcases from the fact that some expressions totally specify the participants of anevent.

2 GeneralizationsMongolian is an SOV language with postpositions, prenominal modifiers, acomplex differential case marking system Guntsetseg (2009, 2010b) and wordorder constrained by grammatical roles and information structure (cf. Poppe1951). Foci in Mongolian receive prosodic prominence and may or may not bemoved from their base position. Our first impression is that a B-accent distin-guishes contrastive topics from foci, which receive A-accents sensu (Bolinger1972). Similarly, topics may or may not be moved.

It is not always trivial to distinguish in situ and ex situ questions (or foci).This is because not only focus gives rise to syntactic movement, and, hence,moved foci may surface as if they were in situ and vice versa. Given that theinformation structurally unmarked overt structure of the Mongolian sentence isthe one in (3a), exemplified in (3), we can only safely conclude that a focus or awh-word is ex situ whenever it precedes some expression that in the unmarkedcase would surface at its left.

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Mongolian Focus 469

(3) Öchigdöryesterday





‘Yesterday, Peter kissed Mary passionately.’a. clausal adverbs > subject > object > verbal adverbs > verb

We remain silent on the hierarchical structure of Mongolian sentences in thispaper. To avoid syntactic complications we limit the analysis to simple tran-sitive sentences. We only use wh-questions about the object. We assume thatwhenever the wh-word is in front of the subject, as in (4a) we have an ex situfocus, and also we assume that whenever the wh-word is after the subject, as in(4b) it may be interpreted in situ (but needn’t be).

(4) a. Hen-igwho-ACC






‘Whom did Peter kiss? Peter kissed Mary.’b. Peter






‘Whom did Peter kiss? Peter kissed Mary.’

Given these assumptions, we have the following observed facts to model: i) exsitu questions are more presuppositional, and ii) ex situ answers are exhaustive.

3 QuestionsAs a general framework for questions we assume a Hamblin-Rooth type ofsemantics in which questions are modelled as sets of possible answers, cf. e.g.Rooth (1992) and Beaver & Clark (2008) as a recent variant.

We assume that wh-questions of the type given in (5) may have two dis-tinct representations given in (5a) and (5b). (5a) says that the semantic valueof a question consists of all possible answers with an existentially closed eventvariable and (5b) says that the semantic value of a question consists of all pos-sible answers with a presupposed event variable. In the second case we say thatthe question is a about a particular event.

(5) Who P?a. {(∃e)(P(e,x))|x ∈ D}b. {P(ιe((∃y)(P(e,y)∧ e ∈C∧MAX(e)))),x)|x ∈ D}

Note, of course, that if the event under discussion is maximal and contextuallyunconstrained, the two representations are completely equivalent, however, ofcourse, in the lack of a context, (5b) suffers presupposition failure. We assumethat ex situ questions have the semantic representation in (5b) whereas in situ

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470 Onea & Guntsetseg

questions have the semantic representation in (5a).We now illustrate: In (6) the ex situ question is not felicitous, as the con-

text does not satisfy the presupposition. In (7) the question with ex situ wh-word is acceptable and clearly refers to the event under discussion that thespeaker has just reported. In (8) the question is felicitous and since the contextmaximizes the event under discussion to Peter’s entire life, the interpretation isas given in the example, just as explained above.

(6) Context: /0a. #Hen-ig




‘Whom did Peter kiss?’

(7) Context: I just saw that Peter kissed a girl, but I didn’t recognize her.a. Hen-ig




‘Whom did Peter kiss in the event you saw?’

(8) Context: I’m sure, Peter kissed some girl or another in his life.a. Hen-ig




‘Whom did Peter ever kiss?’

Evidence that in situ questions do not target the event under discussion is a bitmore involved, as we must make sure that the construction contains in situ foci.Assuming that simple unstressed personal pronouns in Mongolian are inappro-priate sentence topics but full DPs, especially with demonstrative articles, are,the contrast in (9) is enlightning. Note that (9b) is otherwise grammatical andfully acceptable as a general question with no salient event.

(9) Context: I just saw that a woman kissed someone, but I didn’t recognizethe kissee.a. Ter





‘Whom did the woman kiss in the event you saw?’b. #Ter




‘Whom did she kiss in the event you saw?’

An interesting question is what happens in the case of contrastive topics, whichin Mongolian appear in front of the focused expression (or question word).Superficially, one may expect that contrastive topics may not appear with ex

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Mongolian Focus 471

situ foci, for – as argued in Büring (2003) – contrastive topics would signalthe existence of a super-question: e.g. for (10) this would be a who-kissed-whom? type of question, leading to the non-existence of a unique kissing event.However, even though Peter is a contrastive topic in (10), it is clearly part ofthe background. Hence, the event that has to be accommodated involves Peterkissing someone, and not just any kissing event. This correctly predicts that exsitu questions may cooccur with contrastive topics, as shown in (11) (Note thatthe question word appears left to the subject in (11), hence necessarily beingex situ).

(10) PeterCTPeter




‘As for Peter, whom did he kiss?’

(11) Mari-gCTMary-ACC





‘As for Mary, to whom did Peter introduce her?’

Let us now see how we can compositionally derive the difference between theex situ and in situ questions. We assume the existence of a particular syntacticposition which, similar to Hungarian (cf. Onea 2010), is responsible for theevent-presupposition and syntactically requires a [+Foc] feature on its speci-fier, such that only wh-words (bearing focus according to Haida (2007)2) andfoci may appear in its specifier. We assume that the semantics of the E headis the one given in (12). We dub this position EP. Note that the first argumentis the question word, and the second the background. The formula assumesthat question words are quantifiers, but of course, question words are, strictlyspeaking, sets of individuals (treated as generalized quantifiers) in order to de-rive the ordinary meaning of questions as sets of propositions. We leave thispart to the reader, however.

(12) λφ .λψ.ψ(λx.φ(x)(ιe.e ∈C∧MAX(e)∧∃y∈De .φ(y)(e)))

4 FociAnswers to wh-questions contain narrow foci such that the narrowly focusedconstituent matches the wh-word in the question. We assume Alternative Se-mantics (Rooth (1992); Beaver & Clark (2008) as a general semantic frame-work for focus interpretation. In particular: Foci trigger a presupposition oversets of alternative propositions which have to match the ordinary semanticvalue of some question in the context by ⊆ relation.

2 We do not follow his semantic analysis of wh-words, however.

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472 Onea & Guntsetseg

In Mongolian, foci appear at the same syntactic position at which the questionthey answer would appear. Syntactically, we model this by assuming that exsitu foci are moved to EP whenever EP enters the numeration. The reason isthat the [+Foc] feature on the answer must be checked.

Semantically, the effect of the EP is, again, the introduction of the eventpresupposition, and for (13), we get the result in (14). (14) says that in thecontextually unique event of Peter kissing someone, he kissed Mary.

(13) MARI-gMary-ACC



‘Peter kissed Mary.’

(14) a. ordinary meaning:kiss(ιe.e ∈C∧MAX(e)∧∃y∈De .kiss(e,P,y),P,M)

b. presupposed set:{kiss(ιe.e ∈C∧MAX(e)∧∃y∈De .kiss(e,P,y),P,z)|z ∈ De}

It should be obvious now, that for (13) we have just derived the exhaustivenessinference, as it is not possible for an event to have two distinct participants onthe same argument role, even if one contains the other. So, if for e the patientargument is Mary, the event e’ which contains e and has Mary and Jane as apatient argument, must be distinct from e.

The exhaustification works, however, only accidentally, since it is a prop-erty of proper names as generalized quantifiers to maximally cover their re-strictor set. For typical monotone increasing quantifiers such as three womenexhaustification is not expected to arise as the derived meaning ultimately onlysays that in the event under discussion the cardinality of the set of individualswho are both women and have been kissed by Peter is at least three. Any fur-ther exhaustification must be purely pragmatic. This prediction is born out asshown in (15). Note that the lack of contrast between (15b) and (15d) is fullypredicted as in these cases the arguments are treated as a sum individual.

(15) a. Gurvanthree







‘Peter has kissed three girls. And a boy.’b. Gurvan








‘Peter has kissed three girls and a boy.’c. #Mari-g






‘Peter has kissed Mary. And a boy.’

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Mongolian Focus 473

d. Mari(-g)Mary-ACC







‘Peter has kissed Mary and a boy.’

There is an additional test for the contrast between the exhaustification in caseof proper names and other upward monotonic quantifiers, such as three girls.Consider the question in (16). Now an answer like (16a) is correctly predictedto be completely out in our theory, since this would mean that Peter didn’tkiss Mary. An answer like (16b) is, on the other hand, not predicted to beinfelicitous, since Peter kissing three girls is not supposed to be exhaustive.For one thing, of course, in principle (16b) could mean that Peter kissed atotality of three girls, however this is a marginal interpretation in Mongolian.If native speakers are confronted with the dialogue: (16)-(16b) they would saythat Peter kissed a totality of four girls. The fact that (16b) is marked witha question mark rather comes from a more optimal candidate which nativespeakers would prefer: (16c) and (16d) which would include a special markerthat we are speaking about additional girls.

(16) Mari-gaasMari-ABL






‘Except Mary, who did Peter kiss?’a. #Tuya-g



‘Peter kissed Tuya’b. ?Gurvan




‘Peter has kissed three girls.’c. Öshöö




‘Peter kissed also Tuya.’d. Öshöö





‘Peter kissed also three girls.’

Note that this contrast is particularly strong, as not every Mongolian speakerwould have problems with (16b) at all, whereas (16a) is completely out.

We do not discuss downward entailing or non monotonic quantifiers herein detail as their treatment in event semantics is fairly complicated, but notethat similar to Hungarian, cf. Onea (2010), they never occur as in situ foci,as shown in (17). The reason for this is that simply existentially quantifyingover an event variable will not get the correct truth conditions (Krifka 1989),

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474 Onea & Guntsetseg

moving such quantifiers into the EP position, however, correctly predicts thatthey apply to one particular maximal event. If needed, of course, that event canbe extended without any limit.

(17) a. Yagexactly





‘Peter has kissed exactly three girls.’b. #Peter





‘Peter has kissed exactly three girls.’

Note that if explicit negation applies, any kind of foci may appear in situ. Thisis different in Hungarian. The reason for this seems to be that Hungarian hasan explicit syntactic projection which contributes the existential closure of theevent, whereas this is more flexible in Mongolian as far as we can judge at thecurrent stage of our research.

5 PredictionsThe system proposed in this paper has a number of surprising predictions,which are (fortunately) borne out:

For one thing, adjuncts that do not individuate events, such as explana-tions, will never be exhaustified even if they come as ex situ foci. This is be-cause an event may have several reasons and therefore naming one reason orexplanation for an event will not trigger any special individuating informationabout that event. Therefore, in the answer to a why-question there is no differ-ence with regard to exhaustiveness between in situ and ex situ foci, as shown in(19) vs. (21), however, there is still a very clear difference in the interpretationof the questions. (18) must target a particular journey which most probably wasdiscussed in the context, whereas (20) is a general question.

(18) Yagaadwhy






‘Why did you go to Mongolia (on a particular salient occasion)?’

(19) Miniimy















‘I went to Mongolia, because my mother was sick. And because mysister was getting married.’

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Mongolian Focus 475

(20) Chiyou






‘Why did you go to Mongolia (some day)?’

(21) BiI













‘I went to Mongolia, because my mother was sick. And because mysister was getting married.’

In Mongolian the system proposed above predicts that for stative verbs ex situfoci will have difficulties finding the contextually salient event the question oranswer should be about.

Some states can be very well individuated in time, in fact, probably theycan be even thought of as events. Such is the case for having a headache, beingangry with John. This is fairly difficult for more extended events such as havinga car, loving John, dispising John. If so, we may expect that in Mongolian onlyfor the first type of states ex situ questions are available, for they do have well-individuated possible discourse antecedents. Yet this prediction is apparentlywrong, since both (22) and (23) are perfectly acceptable.

(22) Hen-dwho-DAT




‘With whom is Peter angry?’

(23) Hen-igwho-ACC




‘Whom does Peter dispise?’

A closer look shows that there is a difference between these cases: for (23) weneed a context in which someone has informed us that Peter dispises someone.The interpretation of the sentence is identical with (24). Indeed, an answer to(23) is not interpreted as an exhaustive list of people who Peter dispises butrather as an exhaustive list of people that have been mentioned to be dispisedby Peter in the context.

(24) Hen-igwho-ACC







‘Whom did John say that Peter dispises?’

This means that in cases in which an event or a particular temporally well in-dividuated state (which can be under discussion) cannot be reconstructed (or is

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476 Onea & Guntsetseg

hard to reconstruct) from an utterance, an external event (of uttering/ speaking/informing) will be used as a target event: instead of getting a salient event ofPeter dispising someone, we get a salient event of saying that Peter dispisessomeone. We ignore the syntactic details.

It depends on the question semantics employed whether or not questionswill need to have existential presuppositions or not. This issue is not totallysettled, but we are inclined to follow Haida (2007) in saying that questionsdo have an existential presupposition. If this is correct, the fact that nobodyis a good answer in a dialogue as in (25) needs an explanation. We followHaida (2007) in the assumption that negations can be used to protest againsta presupposition, and hence, the acceptability of (25) in English is not a validargument against the presuppositionality of wh-questions.

(25) A: Who do you love?B: Nobody.

But then the question arises why Mongolian behaves differently. So, why isit that when (2a) is used to answer (2) in Mongolian, native speakers get theimpression that the person uttering (2a) is lying, i.e. he does not want to di-vulge the secret, who Tuya married? First, this cannot be because an existentialpresupposition is imposed by the question, as (2a) could simply contradict thatpresupposition. Moreover, it can be shown that even in situ questions do havean existential presupposition. So, for instance, (26), if uttered by a judge or alawyer in court would still be rejected as presuppositional by the defence ifkissing were a crime.

(26) Tershe




‘Whom did she kiss?’

The explanation for the markedness of nobody-type answers for ex situ ques-tions is explained by the anaphoricity of the event which the question is about.Since such an event must exist, no participant of that event can be nobody.So, clearly, if in the answer one says that the participant under question isnobody, we get a contradiction that will be pragmatically interpreted as a non-willingness to divulge a secret. The contradiction is sentence internal, however,and not between the presupposition of the question and the answer, since in theanswer itself an event presupposition is triggered by the ex situ position ofthe answer focus. If, however, one chooses to answer with nobody to such apresuppositional question in situ (remember that nobody can be in situ despitethe downward entailing properties, since it is accompanied by verbal negation)

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only a contradiction between the presupposition of the question and the answerarises. This is still not quite the situation in English, however, since in Mon-golian even in this case the presupposition of the question is stronger (eventrelated) than the one in English (which is merely existential), so we expect inMongolian a presupposition failure marker to be used. Exactly this happens inpractice as shown in (27).

(27) a. Tershe




‘Whom did she kiss?’b. Ter





‘Actually, she kissed nobody.’

The same effect can be reproduced in English, as shown in (28). Note that ifwe omitted the embedding under John said, we would get a plain contradictionbetween A’s utterances.

(28) A: John said that Peter kissed a girl in the coffee break.B: Who did he kiss?a. A: ? He kissed nobody.b. A: Actually, he kissed nobody.

Haida (2007) argues that the uninformativity of a pure existential as an answerto a wh-question is a better test for presuppositionality as shown in (29).

(29) A: Who did you kiss?B: ? Somebody.

The lack of any contrast between (30) and (31) in this respect shows that in-deed, both types of questions in Mongolian are presuppositional, even if onlyone of them is about a particular event.

(30) a. PeterPeter




‘Who did Peter kiss?’b. ?Peter



‘Peter kissed somebody.’

(31) a. Hen-igwho-ACC




‘Who did Peter kiss?’

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b. ?Hen-negn-igsomeone-ACC



‘Peter kissed somebody.’

6 Outlook: Comparison to HungarianIn this paper we have developed a sketchy analysis for two interesting factsabout Mongolian questions and foci: For one thing Mongolian has two typesof questions, namely in situ and ex situ questions, and also two types of typicalanswers containing narrow foci that can appear ex situ or in situ and which,for the most part, strictly correlate with the type of the question. We modelledthis correlation and the arising semantic facts: presuppositionality differencesin the question and exhaustiveness differences in the answers.

The correlation as such is partly purely syntactic: We have assumed aparticular EP projection which attracts focused elements, and since we assumethat question words have a [+Foc] feature, it follows that question words andnarrow foci share the syntactic position in Mongolian whenever EP enters thenumeration. In addition, we have assumed that the E head transforms the eventargument of the clause into a presupposed maximal event, i.e. a contextuallyunique event of the type described in the background part. This explains the ex-haustiveness of ex situ foci for proper names but not for most other quantifiers.Evidence has been given that this prediction is correct. The presupposition-ality difference in the question is not related to the existential presuppositionwh-questions generally have but rather the event-relatedness of the questions.Again, evidence to this extent has been given.

The question arises how Mongolian focus relates to Hungarian preverbalfocus, which is the most prominent example of exhaustive focus in the litera-ture, cf. Szabolcsi (1981); É. Kiss (1998), and, even more importantly, whetherfrom Mongolian anything significant with regard to the general exhaustivenessdebate follows. As a background, it must be noted that there are a number ofcompeting analyses for Hungarian focus. For instance, it has been claimed thatpreverbal focus in Hungarian comes with an exhaustiveness operator similarto only (Szabolcsi 1981; É. Kiss 1998), that exhaustiveness in Hungarian is amatter of exhaustive identification (Szabolcsi 1994) or that Hungarian focusis only exhaustive in an event related manner (Onea 2007), or exhaustivenesscould even be a pure pragmatic implicature (Wedgwood 2005).

The analysis proposed here is very similar to the event-based exhausti-fication analysis proposed in Onea (2007, 2010) for Hungarian. This similar-ity is not incidental, however. While in Hungarian there is only one type ofwh-questions, Mongolian exhibits an analogon to focus-phenomena also in the

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realm of wh-questions. It turns out that it is difficult or even impossible to applyany non-event-based analysis of Hungarian focus to the Mongolian questions,for it is, for instance, not at all obvious what it means for a question to beexhaustive. Consider, for instance, the oddity of (32) even in English, whichstraightly translates to Hungarian and Mongolian.

(32) Only whom did Peter kiss?

Also, the event-based exhaustification approach has a number of predictionsthat are hard to achieve in the competing theories. For instance, the predictionthat there is a strong exhaustiveness difference between arguments and adjuncts(i.e. why-questions) and also the difference between proper names and otherquantifiers. While these predictions seem empirically unclear for Hungarianaccording to Onea (2010), we have provided strong evidence that in Mongolianthey are all borne out.

In addition, one particular prediction of Onea (2010) is that wh-questionsmay come either with existentially bound event variables or with anaphoricevent variables, which can be modelled with the ι operator. Mongolian overtlydistinguishes between these types of questions, if our analyis is on the righttrack. Contextual constraints on the possibility to use these types of questionssuggest that the distinction is, indeed, real.

In a way, then, Mongolian suggests that focus exhaustiveness may gener-ally be related to event-anaphors. A similar analysis, based on event anaphors,has been proposed by Hole (2011) for clefts in Chinese, and Grubic &Zimmermann (2011) for marked foci in Ngamo.

We conclude with a somewhat puzzling difference between Hungarianand Mongolian. While in Hungarian focused all-phrases cannot appear ex situ,that is to say, as immediate preverbal foci, in Mongolian, in some contexts,all-phrases can pop up as ex situ answers to how-many-questions, as shown in(33a) vs. (34a).

This fact seems to suggest that there are differences between Hungarianand Mongolian which have not been accounted for by the analyses of Onea(2010) and the present analysis. Whether this means that after all, it is onlyMongolian and, crucially, not Hungarian to which the event-based analysisshould apply or whether there is some independent explanation of this con-trast, we leave for further research.

(33) HedenHow-many





‘How many persons did Peter kiss?’

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a. Bühall




‘Peter kissed all the persons.’

(34) HányHow-many





‘How many girls did Peter kiss?’ Hungariana. *Péter





‘Peter kissed every girl.’

We do hint, however, at the fact that even in Mongolian, every-phrases cannotbe ex situ foci, which again, is similar to Hungarian, as shown in (35a).

(35) HedenHow-many





‘How many persons did Peter kiss?’a. *Hün




‘Peter kissed every person.’

So the solution of this asymmetry might come for free from a proper analysisof büh (‘all’)-phrases in Mongolian as compared to Hungarian. For instance,Guntsetseg (2010a) shows that as opposed to the single universal quantifierminden in Hungarian, and the three English quantifiers (each, every, all) Mon-golian has four universal quantifiers which strongly differ in their semanticproperties: büh (‘all’), bühen (‘generic every’), bolgon (‘distr. every’) and bür(‘each’).

ReferencesBeaver, David & Brady Clark. 2008. Sense and Sensitivity. Oxford: Blackwell.Bolinger, D. 1972. Accent is predictable (if you are a mind reader). Language

43. 633–644.Büring, Daniel. 2003. On D-Trees, Beans, and B-Accents. Linguistics & Phi-

losophy 26(5). 511–545.É. Kiss, Katalin. 1998. Identificational Focus versus Information Focus. Lan-

guage 74(2). 245–273.Grubic, Mira & Malte Zimmermann. 2011. Conventional and free associa-

tion with focus in Ngamo. In Proceedings of sub15 Saarbrücken, Saar-brücken.

Guntsetseg, Dolgor. 2009. Differential Object Marking in (Khalkha-) Mongo-

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lian. In R. Shibagaki & R. Vermeulen (eds.), Proceedings of the 5thWorkshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, vol. 58 MIT Working Papers inLinguistics, 115–129. Cambridge MA.

Guntsetseg, Dolgor. 2010a. Differential Case Marking in Mongolian. MS.University of Stuttgart.

Guntsetseg, Dolgor. 2010b. The function of case in mongolian. In Proceedingsof the 6th workshop on altaic formal linguistics (wafl 6) (MIT WorkingPapers in Linguistics (MITWPL) 61), 139–153. Cambridge MA.

Haida, Andreas. 2007. The indefiniteness and focusing of wh-words. Berlin:Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, dissertation.

Hole, Daniel. 2011. The deconstruction of Chinese shì. . . de clefts revisited.Lingua accepted.

Krifka, Manfred. 1989. Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quan-tification in event semantics. In J. van Benthem, R. Bartsch & P. vanEmde (eds.), Semantics and Contextual Expression, 75–115. Dordrecht:Floris.

Onea, Edgar. 2007. Exhaustivity, Focus and Incorporation in Hungarian.In Maria Aloni, Paul Dekker & Floris Roelofsen (eds.), Proceed-ings of the sixteenth amsterdam colloquium, 169–174. Amsterdam:ILLC/Department of Philosopty University of Amsterdam.

Onea, Edgar. 2010. Hungarian focus and event anaphors. MS. University ofGöttingen.

Poppe, N. 1951. Khalkha-Mongolische Grammatik: mit Bibliographie, Sprach-proben und Glossar. Wiesbaden: Steiner.

Rooth, Mats. 1992. A theory of focus interpretation. Natural Language Se-mantics (1). 75–116.

Szabolcsi, Anna. 1981. Compositionality in Focus. Acta Linguistica SocietatisLinguistice Europaeae (15). 141–162.

Szabolcsi, Anna. 1994. All quantifiers are not equal: the case of focus. ActaLinguistica Hungarica (42). 171–187.

Wedgwood, Daniel. 2005. Shifting the Focus: From Static Structures to the Dy-namics of Interpretation Current Research in the Semantics PragmaticsInterface. Oxford: Elsevier.

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Relevance Topics*

Sophie Repp Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Abstract. I present a speech act approach to relevance topics (RTs) that builds on Krifka’s (2001) analysis of speech acts as operations on commitment states. RTs can be marked with separating phrases (as for) or as antecedents of rele-vance conditionals. They are speech acts of their own and are used in contexts in which the speaker wishes to address something that was not addressed im-mediately before. A RT must be followed by a speech act that is relevant in relation to the topical element (which subsumes relations of predication and frame setting). Without the RT the discourse would be incoherent because the prerequisites of the subsequent speech act (e.g. Gricean maxims of relevance) would be violated. RTs cannot introduce completely new discourse referents. They must be referential, which in the case of properties as RTs can be achieved by a type shifting operation, but they can also pick up portions of ear-lier discourse by quoting. I compare RTs to hanging topics, which are a diffe-rent type of speech act, as well as to frame setters, which can be expressed by very similar formal means to RTs.

1 Introduction The notion of (sentence) topic has proven difficult to define, the reason being that there are different semantic-pragmatic types of topics, e.g. aboutness topics, frame-setting topics or contrastive topics, that seem to share a kind of family resemblance but cannot be reduced to one unifying characteristic (e.g. Jacobs 2001). In this paper I am concerned with what often is called a free topic or freies Thema in German, and which, for reasons that will become clear instantly, I refer to as relevance topics (RTs). RTs are typically realized by ‘separating constructions’ like was x betrifft (‘as regards x’) in (1). The hanging topic construction illustrated in (2), which has a DP at the left peri-phery and whose referent is picked up by a pronoun in the main clause, is

* This work was supported by the German Research Foundation DFG as part of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 632 ‘Information Structure’ within project A2 at the Humboldt-Universi-tät zu Berlin. Special thanks go to Andreas Haida & Stefan Hinterwimmer for valuable discus-sion. I also thank Manfred Krifka and the audiences at SuB 15, the International Conference of the SFB in July 2010, and the Computational Linguistics Colloquium at Osnabrück University. The corpus data are from the British National Corpus, licensed to the SFB 632.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 483–498. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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often thought to be another instantiation of a free topic (e.g. Altmann 1981). In this paper I will show that the hanging topic construction has different semantic-pragmatic characteristics from RTs and is subject to different re-strictions.

(1) Was [ Peters Geburtstag TOPIC] betrifft, er will einen Traktor. what Peter's birthday regards he wants a tractor ‘As regards Peter’s birthday, he wants a tractor.’

(2) [Peters Geburtstag TOPIC], wir wollen ihn nächste Woche feiern. Peter's birthday we want it next week celebrate ‘Peter’s birthday, we want to celebrate it next week.’

For RTs like the one in (1) I will argue that they are clause-external and con-stitute a speech act of their own that must be followed by another speech act, in (1) this is the assertion that the referent of er wants a tractor. Between the RT and the subsequent speech act there needs to be a relation of relevance. Unlike aboutness topics RTs do not require a predication relation between the topic phrase and the main clause (comment), and unlike frame setters they do not need to restrict the domain of reality with regard to which the truth of the main clause is evaluated. But they can do both (cf. Jacobs 2001). The purpose of a RT is to create a coherent discourse if coherence cannot be established without the RT speech act. For instance, in (3) the phrase with regard to marks an RT. Truth-conditionally this RT can be left out without a meaning change. Discourse-wise, it is crucial: the discourse is incoherent without it.

(3) ...The relative amounts of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate depend on a num-ber of factors of which the most important are pH and temperature. Below a pH of 8 the majority of ammonia is present in the non-toxic ammonium form. Above 8 the toxic form becomes increasingly more prevalent. With regard to [temperature TOPIC], there is approximately five times as much toxic ammonia at a temperature of 20° than at 5°C. [From BNC-FBN Practical Fishkeeping. Peterborough, Cambs: EMAP Pursuit Publishing Ltd, 1992]

Thus, a RT has a discourse-managing function. It introduces a new discourse segment by taking up information that is in the common ground but which is not addressed in the immediately preceding context.

2 Relevance Topics as Speech Acts The speech act view of topics is not new. Searle (1969) identifies a specific act of referring (≈ topic act) and an act of predication. Jacobs (1984) suggests

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that 'free topics' (see above) constitute speech acts of their own. Endriss (2009) spells this out for aboutness topics. Ebert, Endriss & Hinterwimmer (2008) transfer these ideas to conditionals, where the antecedent serves as the topic act and the consequent as the second speech act.

Although all these proposals take a speech act view on topics they are underdefined as regards the actual illocutionary aspects of the speech act. Ac-cording to Endriss (2009), for instance, the speech act character of topics ma-nifests itself as follows. If a topic-comment structure is embedded under an illocutionary operator such as ASSERT and if the topical referent is not fami-liar the update of the common ground proceeds in two steps. In a topic act, a discourse referent/ storage address is created. Then, the comment is applied to it. If the topical referent is familiar it is identified with an existing address and then the comment is applied to it. If the operator is non-illocutionary (e.g. a verb like announce) the establishment of a discourse referent is part of the ordinary semantic content. In this account, the illocutionary aspects of the topic act are characterized in terms of its semantic update effects but not in terms of the social commitments of the discourse participants that arise from performing it. In this sense the account is only 'near-speech act' take on to-pics.

According to Krifka (2001) speech acts are operations that apply to a commitment state s, i.e. a set of social commitments between discourse parti-cipants, and deliver the commitments that characterize the resulting commit-ment state s'. A speech act is an appropriate act A for a state s if s fulfils the 'presuppositions' for the performance of A. I assume that such 'presupposi-tions' include felicity conditions, sincerity conditions and Gricean maxims (e.g. relevance). Some acts create the commitment to react with a correspon-ding act, e.g. questions commit the hearer to answer (cf. Krifka 2001: 13):

(4) If s is a neutral state and Q is a question act, then Q(s) = s′ is a state in which an answer A is expected that will lead back to a neutral state: A(Q(s)) = A(s′) = s″, where Q is appropriate for s, and A is appropriate for s′, and where s and s″ are neutral states and s′ is a non-neutral state

On the basis of this I suggest that the speech act character of RTs should be captured in the following way:

(5) Relevance topics as speech acts ACTsp(RTOPx

sp (s)) = ACTsp(s') = s'', where RTOP x

sp is appropriate for s, and ACTsp is appropriate for s' and relevant in relation to x.

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Let s be a neutral conversational state and RTOPx a relevance topic performa-tive act. The speaker commitment delivered by RTOPx is: I will address x, where x is the topical element. RTOPx(s) = s' is the resulting non-neutral state. s' requires another speech act ACT that leads back to a neutral state s''. The superscript sp both on RTOPx

sp and ACTsp in (5) indicates that the speaker of the RT act and the speaker of the subsequent speech act are the same. This is different for questions, which place a commitment on the hearer to answer (unless they are used as rhetoric devices in monologic discourse). The neutral state s'' is only achieved if ACT asserts something relevant in relation to x. For non-assertive acts, ACT also needs to be relevant in relation to x. However, it will not lead back to a neutral state but to a state that might require yet another speech act, e.g. in the case of questions. Furthermore, before the performance of RTOPx the speaker did not address x (n.b. this does not mean that x was not mentioned in the previous utterance): ACT, if performed without the preceding RTOPx, would have been inappropriate for s.

Applied to example (3) from above we can discern the following se-quence of conversational states and speech acts:

(6) 〈s〉 [RTOP With regard to temperature] 〈s'〉 [ACT there is approximately 5 times as much toxic ammonia at a temperature of 20° than at 5°C] 〈s''〉

In the conversational state s, which is a neutral state, the performance of ACT (= Assert [...]) would not be appropriate due to a lack of relevance at this stage. RTOPtemperature (s) is appropriate because temperature was not addressed immediately beforehand. The resulting state s' is a non-neutral state: It con-tains the commitment of the speaker to address temperature. ACT(s') now is appropriate because ACT addresses temperature. The resulting state s'' is a neutral state because the commitment has been fulfilled by ACT.

(7) and (8) illustrate how a RT can precede a question and a directive, respectively (also cf. Altmann 1981 for such data), which are relevant with respect to the topic act: a plausible reading of (7) is that the meeting was a meeting with the boss, and a plausible reading of (8) would be that the addressee has a problem with the boss and that the speaker recommends calling a friend for advice.

(7) Wegen deinem Chef, war Max eigentlich pünktlich beim Termin? because.of your boss was Max actually on.time at.the meeting ‘About your boss, was Peter actually on time at the meeting?’

(8) Wegen deinem Chef, ruf doch mal bei Sarah an! because.of your boss call PART PART with Sarah on ‘About your boss, go ahead and call Sarah!’

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3 Different Shapes of Relevance Topics The data in (9a-c)(i) suggest that, apart from being introduced with a separating phrase, a RT can be a hanging topic, see (9b)(i), and a relevance conditional (Ebert et al. 2008), see (9c)(i). (9a-c)(ii) reveal, however, that in contrast to the construction with a separating phrase and in contrast to the conditional the hanging topic construction is restricted to cases where the topical referent is taken up in the comment, as in (9b)(i), i.e. there must be a predication relation between topic and comment. (9b)(ii), where such a relation is missing, is unacceptable.

(9) a. Was Peters Gesundheit betrifft,-- what Peter's health concerns ‘As regards Peter's health,--’ b. Peters Gesundheit,-- Peter's health ‘Peter's health,--’ c. Wenn du etwas über Peters Gesundheit wissen willst,-- if you something about Peter's health know want ‘If you want to know something about Peter's health,--’ a / b / c -- (i) sie hat in den letzten Jahren sehr gelitten. she has in the last years very suffered -- ‘it suffered a lot in the last few years.’ a /#b / c -- (ii) es gibt jetzt eine Spenderniere. it gives now a donor.kidney -- ‘the hospital has a donor kidney now.’

The example in (10) from Altmann (1981:49) might be taken to be a coun-terexample to this generalization about hanging topics but there might be independent reasons for its acceptability. The first is that (10) involves an epithet as the anaphoric device (this face by many speaker is viewed as an epithet of slim blonde) so that there actually is a predication relation between topic and comment here. Alternatively, we might assume that the face being a part of the topical referent is sufficient to establish a predication relation in this pointing scenario. These issues need closer scrutiny.

(10) Die schlanke Blondine da drüben, ich glaube, ich habe the slim blonde there over.there I believe I have dieses Gesicht schon einmal gesehen. this face already once seen ‘The slim blonde over there: I think I've seen that face before.’

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Hanging topics differ from RTs with separating phrases also in their discourse characteristics: they can occur at the end of a discourse:

(11) Context: Peter ist in einem Modelleisenbahnverein. Er hat eine CB-Funkanalage, sammelt alte Faxgeräte und liest jeden Elektronikblog, den er finden kann. 'Peter is in a model train club. He has CB radio, collects old fax machines and reads every electronics blog he can get hold of.'

[HANGING TOPIC Peter], er ist ein ganz schöner Geek. Peter he is a whole nice geek ‘Peter, he is quite a geek.’

These data suggest that hanging topics are a different speech act from RTOPx let us call it H-RTOPx. H-RTOPx does not come with the 'presupposition' of RTOPx that the speaker did not address x before the performance of RTOPX. Furthermore, H-RTOPx requires the subsequent speech act to be about x in the predication sense and not just relevant in relation to x. I have not the space to elaborate on hanging topics here (see Frey 2004 for further observations).

4 Two Speech Acts – two Clauses: Relevance Topics in Comparison to Frames

The view that RTs constitute a separate speech act is corroborated by evi-dence for their extra-clausal position. It is instructive in this respect to com-pare RTs to frames. So far I have mainly looked at RTs that 'only' have a rele-vance relation with their subsequent speech act but RTs can also have a frame-setting relation with the subsequent speech act: if they restrict the do-main of reality with regard to which the truth of the proposition expressed by that speech act is evaluated, as in the English (12). In such cases the content of the second speech act is trivially relevant for the domain of the frame.

(12) Changes in primary care: The imposition of the new GP contract. [...]

With regard to [the health care of older people RT] the most salient feature of the new contract is that they will be required to annually invite each patient on their list aged 75 and over to participate in a consultation which should assess the health of the patient. [From BNC-ECE 1849 Victor, C. (1991) Health and health care in later life. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 14-156.]

A corpus analysis investigating the most frequent separating phrases in English (as for x, as far as x is concerned, as to, with regard to x) revealed

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that 42% of the investigated expressions had a frame-setting relation with the main clause.1

I suggest that frame setting is not automatically an instance of relevance topicality. In German, RTs can be clearly set apart from frames. To begin, consider that like in English, in German separating expressions can be used to mark a frame, see (13), which hosts the frame in Spec,C. (14) is the corres-ponding example with a frame adverb. (15) and (16) show that frames are not restricted to a syntactic position that would be characteristic of topics: they are not restricted to a left-peripheral position, or to one before the comment. Note that there does not need to be an intonational break between the frame-setting clause and the remainder of the sentence. The commas in (15) are an orthographical convention.

(13) [CP Was seine Gesundheit betrifft [C' geht [IP es Peter gut]]] what his health concerns goes it Peter good ‘As far as his health is concerned, Peter is fine.’

(14) [CP Gesundheitlich [C' geht [IP es Peter gut]]] healthwise goes it Peter good

‘Health-wise Peter is fine.’

(15) a. Peter geht es, was seine Gesundheit betrifft, gut. b. Peter geht es gut, was seine Gesundheit betrifft.

(16) a. Peter geht es gesundheitlich gut. b. Peter geht es gut gesundheitlich.

Next consider (17), where the separated phrase is not a frame – it does not restrict the domain with regard to which the truth of the proposition that Peter has diabetes is evaluated. Variants (b) – (d) show that the separated phrase must occur before Spec,C, which need not be a clause-external posi-tion but can be (cf. Frey 2004). Note that the judgements for (b) vary but for most speakers the presence of so (‘so’) is strongly preferred. Also note that

1 The corpus analyzed was the British National Corpus. The frequencies of the most frequent clause-initial separating phrases were: as for - 15.9 per million words, as far as - 12.3 pmw, as to - 5.9 pmw, with regard to - 3.3 pmw. 42 % of the separated RTs had a frame-setting function, as indicated above, 23 % had a predication relation with the comment, and 35% had neither a frame nor a predication relation. Amongst the separating phrases, as far as was used more often than the other phrases to mark frames – 76% vs. 20% vs. 46% vs. 26% in the above order (χ2 = 39.24, p < 0.0001). The reason for this is that in contrast to the other separating phrases as far as can be used to mark what can be called a judge, or an epistemic source: a person that restricts the validity of the statement, e.g. as far as I am concerned…, as far as he knows…, which accounts for the great majority (88%) of frames in this category.

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(c) and (d) improve for some speakers if a strong intonational break plus gesture(s) indicate that the separated phrase is inserted parenthetically post-hoc as a correction for mismanaged discourse. Such cases are irrelevant because they are not instances of RTs but – as just specified – correction measures. (18) gives the same set of data with the frame as an adverb, where all variants are completely unacceptable.

(17) a. Was seine Gesundheit betrifft, [CP Peter [C' hat Diabetes]] What his health concerns Peter has diabetes ‘As far as his health is concerned, Peter has diabetes.’ b. Was seine Gesundheit betrifft, [CP ??(so) [C' hat Peter Diabetes]] c. *[CP Peter hat, was seine Gesundheit betrifft, Diabetes] d. *[CP Peter hat Diabetes, was seine Gesundheit betrifft]

(18) a. *Gesundheitlich, [CP Peter [C' hat Diabetes]] health-wise Peter has diabetes b. *Gesundheitlich (so) hat Peter Diabetes c. *[CP Peter hat gesundheitlich Diabetes] d. *[CP Peter hat Diabetes gesundheitlich]

I suggest that (17c-d) and (18), which contain potential frames but no RT, are deviant because restricting an eventuality by a frame to a domain only is allowed if the eventuality principally could be in some other domain (cf. Ernst 2004). Having diabetes can only be defined in the domain of health (in the absence of an easy-to-accommodate metaphorical relation). Note that it is not the presence of the vague predicate (good), that makes the difference in the frame-setting examples. Such a predicate could be argued to provide some variable that must be constrained by the frame. However, frames can co-occur with non-vague predicates (midget), see (19a), and a vague pre-dicate (fat) without an alternative domain as in (19b) is just as impossible as a non-vague predicate without an alternative domain.

(19) a. He is a midget politically. (Ernst 2004: 106) b. *He is fat physically.

Turning to binding we find clear indications that RTs are clause-external whereas frames are not. In (20) the separating phrase is before the CP and the comment is a CP with a filled Spec,C. The pronoun in the comment can be co-referential with the referent, resulting in a predication relation – another trivial instantiation of relevance. In (21), where the separated expression is in Spec,C, the binding options change and the separated expression is inter-

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preted as a frame. The RT in (20) is clause-external, the frame in (21) is clause-internal.

(20) Was Maxi betrifft, [CP eri/k [C' hat sich als sehr nützlich erwiesen]] what Max concerns he has REFL as very useful turned.out ‘As regards Maxi/k, hei/k has turned out to be very useful.’

(21) [CP Was Maxi betrifft [C' hat er*i/k sich als sehr nützlich erwiesen]] what Max concerns has he REFL as very useful turned.out ‘He*i/k has turned out to be very useful as regards Maxi.’

5 Relevance Topics, Referentiality and Familiarity The speech act view on RTs proposed above allows us to explain some cha-racteristics of RTs that would come as a surprise otherwise. The type of expression that may occur as a RT is restricted in a different way than the type of expression that can occur as aboutness topics, which have been studied in some detail with respect to this issue and which have been assumed to be restricted to referential expressions (Reinhart 1981, Jacobs 2001) or quasi-referential expressions (e.g. Ebert & Endriss 2003; Endriss 2009). The latter essentially are indefinites with unmodified determiners. For these quantifiers a sensible representative can be formed from which a discourse referent can be created that can serve as an aboutness topic.

In this section I show that RTs must be individuals (type e) but can also be properties that are turned into individuals by type shifting. In addition, RTs can refer to previous portions of discourse (by quoting). These charac-teristics follow from the addressation function of RTs. Furthermore, the status of RTs as separate speech acts explains why RTs cannot be in the scope of propositional operators in the subsequent speech act (e.g. the generic ope-rator). Finally, RTs must be familiar (in a way to be specified): they cannot introduce new discourse referents. This follows from their discourse manage-ment function. Let us start with the latter aspect.

(22) illustrates that specific indefinites are allowed as RTs if they come with the modifier gewiss ('certain') but not if they occur unmodified. Also note that if gewiss in (22) were replaced with its close relative bestimmt ('certain'), the result would be unacceptable.

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(22) Context: My neighbour has a secret affair with your friend Peter. Was einen *(gewissen) Freund von dir betrifft, meine Nachbarin what a certain friend of you concerns my neighbour war in letzter Zeit verdächtig häufig erst morgens daheim. was in last time suspiciously often only in.the.morning at.home ‘As far as a (certain) friend of yours is concerned, recently my neighbour's been getting home only in the wee hours of the morning.’

If we assume that RTs pick up familiar information (but not information that was immediately addressed before the utterance of the RT) the contrast in (22) follows: Let us take familiarity to mean identifiability as in Ebert, Ebert & Hinterwimmer (to appear), so that a referent is familiar to a speech act participant if s/he can distinguish it from other referents on the basis of a particular property it has. Ebert et al. argue that gewiss signals that the referent of the indefinite can be identified by the speaker, i.e. is familiar to the speaker. They also discuss cases, however, where it is required that both speaker and addressee can identify the referent. These cases are questions. An example is given in (23b), with a minimal variant that uses bestimmt instead of gewiss in (23a) (see Ebert et al. example (70) ff.):

(23) a. Geht Paul immer in eine bestimmte Kneipe? goes Paul always in a certain pub ‘Does Paul always go to a particular pub?’ b. Geht Paul immer in eine gewisse Kneipe? ‘Does Paul always go to a certain pub?’

By asking (23a) the speaker enquires whether Paul goes to a specific pub on a regular basis, without being interested in the actual pub itself (it could be any pub, as long as Paul is a regular there). A felicitous answer could be Yes, but I forget which one it is. By asking (23b) the speaker indicates that it is a particular pub s/he has in mind and that the addressee knows which one that would be, with the pub at issue being noteworthy one way or another – it could be the pub where Paul's prospective girl-friend works. Answering (23b) with yes, but I forget which one it is is inappropriate. So by using gewiss the speaker indicates both speaker and hearer familiarity.

(22) suggests that this is exactly what licenses the gewiss-indefinite as a RT. The referent of the indefinite is picked up as familiar information from the common ground. If the hearer is not able to identify the referent, which s/he could signal by asking Who are you talking about? the purpose of the RT failed: the discourse was incoherent for the hearer. Gewiss cannot be replaced by bestimmt because bestimmt signals that the respective referent can be

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identified by some salient agent, which means that it is not necessarily familiar to speaker and hearer (cf. Ebert et al. to appear). The discourse ma-naging function of the RT would fail. If there is no modifier the specific inde-finite introduces a brand-new referent. Again, this is not possible for a RT.

Let us turn to the felicitous use of specific indefinites in partitive con-structions as in (24). In partitives, the indefinite is used to introduce an indivi-dual from a set that is already familiar, so in (24) the set of animals from which one animal is singled out must be part of the common ground. Note that the accent on eins ('one') is only one prosodic option, it is also possible to place the main accent in the RT on Tiere ('animals'), indicating the presence of (focus) alternatives for animals.

(24) Was EINS der Tiere betrifft, so mache ich mir Sorgen. what one the.GEN animals concerns so make I REFL sorrows ‘As far as one of the animals is concerned, I am quite worried.’

I suggest that familiarity with the set licenses the introduction of the dis-course referent the indefinite refers to in cases like (24). Both speaker and hearer must be able to identify the set. Note, however, that the hearer can adequately react to (24) with Oh yes, which one is it?, which suggests that it is not necessary that the hearer can identify the individual introduced by the indefinite. Importantly, though, this which-question is only adequate if the hearer is at least somewhat familiar with the make-up of the set, i.e. knows which (or what) individuals are members of the set. I leave the particulars of this issue to future research.

Let us next turn to generic interpretations of indefinites, which like specific indefinites have been argued to be acceptable in aboutness topic positions like the left-dislocated position in German, illustrated below (Ebert & Hinterwimmer 2010):

(25) a. Ein Hund, der ist anhänglich. b. Hunde, die sind anhänglich. {a dog / dogs} PRON{SING/PL} be{SING/PL} devoted ‘A dog is devoted. / Dogs are devoted.’

The RT counterpart of (25) is only possible with the bare plural:

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(26) a. *Was einen Hund betrifft, er ist anhänglich. What a dog concerns he is devoted. ‘As for a dog, it is devoted.’ b. Was Hunde betrifft, sie sind anhänglich. what dogs concerns they are devoted. ‘As for dogs, they are devoted.’

Bare plurals like in (26b) have been argued to refer to kinds (Carlson 1977 and many others) and therefore have a referential reading. Singular indefi-nites cannot refer to kinds.2 They are interpreted as one of the arguments of a generic operator whose other argument is delivered by the predicate of the sentence. If, as I argue, the RT is extra-clausal and constitutes a separate speech act the indefinite in (26a) cannot provide the (restrictor) argument re-quired for the generic operator. Note that for the generic operator it is un-reasonable to assume that the argument can be provided by the context as in the case of some other quantifiers. Further note that even though the pronoun er in the second speech act is problematic in (26a) – a speaker can only refer anaphorically with a singular pronoun to a referent denoted by an indefinite if s/he made an epistemically specific use of the indefinite (Kamp & Bende-Farkas 2006) – replacing this offending pronoun by a d-pronoun, analogously to the felicitous (25a), does not improve (26a).3 Since Frey (2004) has shown convincingly that left dislocation in German is a monoclausal structure and since I assume that RTs are extra-clausal we can assume that it is indeed the missing restrictor that is the problem in (26a).4

Let us next look at the unspecific reading of indefinites. (27) can be used in a situation where the speaker wants to make clear that s/he will not buy a dog, and that for a good reason. From the use of the indefinite in (27) 2 Pace sub-kind readings, which would be indicated by an accent on the determiner and under which (27)(a) improves, just as expected. 3 Krifka et al. (1995:88) show that d-pronouns can be used to refer to kinds, which is not given here: (i) Hans fuhr Mercedesi. *Eri war grau. / Dasi ist ein zuverlässiger Wagen. 'Hans drove (a) Mercedesi. Iti was grey. / Thati is a reliable car. 4 Construing sentences like (26a) without a pronoun invariably results in a reading of the indefinite as an unspecific indefinite, see (i), cf. (27) in the main text for a plausible context: (i) As for a poodle, {a poodle / a dog} is demanding. This is predicted by the above analysis. The generic operator takes as its arguments subject and predicate of the second speech act. The RT is still outside its scope. The unspecific reading is available for reasons given in the next paragraphs.

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the existence of the individual does not follow: there is no particular dog under discussion here.

(27) Was einen Hund betrifft, meine Wohnung ist zu klein. what a dog concerns my apartment is too small ‘As far as a dog is concerned, my apartment is too small.’

If the unspecific indefinite does not introduce a referent we expect that we cannot refer anaphorically to it by means of a singular pronoun. This is confirmed by data like the following:5

(28) Wegen [einem Geschenk für Max]i, ich war gestern einkaufen. #Esi hat 5 Euro gekostet. ‘About a presenti for Max, I went shopping yesterday. Iti cost 5 euros.’

The behaviour of unspecific indefinites – to have no existential import – is of course familiar from intensional contexts, where indefinites are interpreted as properties without existential quantification (and where intensional verbs can be assumed to take properties of arguments, cf. Zimmermann 1993). Let us assume that unspecific indefinites as RTs are also interpreted as such pro-perties, and let us see if other expressions denoting properties can occur as RTs as well. This is indeed the case, cf. (29). For reasons of space I illustrate with an English example with a verb in the gerund form, the observations carry over to German non-finite verbs.

(29) [From BNC-FR4 The impact of social policy. Wilding, P & George, V. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul plc, 1984.]

The chances of an unskilled manual worker's child being a poor reader are six times greater than those of a professional worker 's child." There is no evidence

5 The data are not totally clear here. If the second speech act is in subjunctive mood, anaphoric reference with a d-pronoun improves with unspecific indefinites, see (i)-(ii). One way to deal with this would be to say that we do not have unspecific indefinites here (or above) but 'formal' kinds, rather than 'conventional kinds' (Schubert & Pelletier 1989), since kinds can be picked up by d-pronouns (see footnote 3). Also see Krifka's (1995) notion of 'concept', which can also be applied to properties in general. Also cf. Müller-Reichau (2006). All this deserves thorough discussion for which there is no space here. (i) Was eine neue U-Bahnlinie betrifft, die müssten wir dann nächstes Jahr in Planung nehmen (wenn wir sie realisieren wollen). 'As far as a new metro linei is concerned, we would have to start planning thati next year (if we want to build it). (ii) Was ein Geschenki für Peter betrifft, dasi könnte ich bei Dussmann besorgen. 'As far as a present for Peter is concerned, I could buy that at Dussmann's'

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to show whether such differences have changed over the years. There is evidence, however, to show that these differences in school attainment at age 7 do not decrease, but rather increase as children get older. [new paragraph] [As far as passing examinations is concerned RT], the obvious applies. The proportion of children passing Ordinary and Advanced level examinations is positively correlated with social class.

I assume with Chierchia (1984) that non-finite verbs like in (29) denote indi-viduals that are derived from the respective property by a nominalization function. Since this nominalization function applies to properties it also applies to unspecific indefinites like in (27) and (28) – but not to semantic objects denoted by adverbs, prepositions etc.6 This accounts for the fact that adverbs or prepositions cannot occur as RTs (see section 4 for adverb data). Further note that Chierchia (1998) also accounts for the behaviour of kind-denoting expressions with the nominalization function (and the corresponding predicate function), a parallel which resounds in the behaviour of these different expressions as RTs.

The last type of expression I would like to look at are modified quanti-fiers which like unspecific indefinites are excluded as aboutness topics. As RTs they are acceptable:

(30) Was höchstens zwei Fehlschüsse betrifft, what at.most two failures concerns das Prüfungsamt ist gar nicht so streng. the is at.all not so strict ‘As for at most two failures the exam office is not quite so strict.’

(31) Was Peters mindestens 15 Freundinnen betrifft, what Peters at.least 15 girl.friends concerns das Großmaul lebt noch bei seiner Mutter. the big.mouth lives still with his mother ‘As for Peter's at least 15 girl friends, that bigmouth still lives with is mother.’

I suggest that the quantificational phrase in these examples is used as a quote. The quote is used as a name by which the speaker refers to the contents of a previous utterance (also cf. Searle 1969). For instance, in (31) that previous utterance could have been an assertion that Peter has had at least 15 girl 6 We also find non-finite constructions with subjects, cf. (i). These can be analysed as zero-place propositional functions (Chierchia 1984). (i) [As for him having a permanent dwelling RT], where is he supposed to live? [From BNC-K52 Northern Echo. Leisure material].

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friends, or a question whether Peter indeed has had at least 15 girl friends. The RT picks up these utterances. For aboutness topics this is not possible because they must refer to semantic objects. RTs can designate a previous utterance as relevant.

6 Summary I have characterized RTs in terms of their formal and their speech act proper-ties. RTs constitute separate speech acts that function as discourse-structuring devices by committing the speaker to a subsequent speech act which is rele-vant with respect to the RT by adding information, asking a question etc. RTs are different from aboutness topics in that they are clause-external, and in that they have different restrictions with respect to the types of expressions that are licit RTs. I have put this down to the illocutionary characteristics of RTs. Frames need not occupy a structural position that would classify as a typical topic position: left peripheral, or before the topic. I have suggested that they are not topics unless they are also RTs.

References Altmann, Hans. 1981. Formen der Herausstellung im Deutschen:

Rechtsversetzung, Linksversetzung, freies Thema und verwandte Konstruktionen. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Carlson, Gregory. 1977. Reference to Kinds in English: Amherst, University of Massachusetts. PhD thesis.

Chierchia, Gennaro. 1984. Topics in the Syntax and Semantics of Infinitives and Gerunds: Amherst, University of Massachusetts PhD thesis.

Chierchia, Gennaro. 1998. Reference to kinds across languages. NaLS 6. 339–405.

Ebert, Christian & Cornelia Endriss. 2003. Wide scope indefinites as aboutness topics. In Proceedings of SuB 8, 95–110. Univ. Konstanz.

Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Endriss & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2008. A unified analysis of indicative and biscuit conditionals as topics. In Proceedings of SALT XVIII, 266–283. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.

Ebert, Christian & Stefan Hinterwimmer. 2010. Indefinites as direct and indirect aboutness topics. In Caroline Féry & Malte Zimmermann (eds.), Information Structure, 89–158. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ebert, Christian, Cornelia Ebert & Stefan Hinterwimmer. To appear. The two German specificity markers "bestimmt" and "gewiss" In Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Cornelia Ebert (eds.), Different Kinds of Specificity Across Languages. Dordrecht: Springer.

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Endriss, Cornelia. 2009. Quantificational Topics - A Scopal Treatment of Exceptional Wide Scope Phenomena. Dordrecht: Springer.

Ernst, Thomas. 2004. Domain adverbs and the syntax of adjuncts. In Jennifer R. Austin, Stefan Engelberg & Gisa Rauh (eds.), Adverbials: The Interplay Between Meaning, Context, and Syntactic Structure, 103–130. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Frey, Werner. 2004. The grammar-pragmatics interface and the German pre-field. Sprache und Pragmatik 52. 1–39.

Jacobs, Joachim. 1984. Funktionale Satzperspektive und Illokutionssemantik. Linguistische Berichte 91. 25–58.

Jacobs, Joachim. 1997. I-Topikalisierung. Ling. Berichte 168. 91–133. Jacobs, Joachim. 2001. The dimensions of topic-comment. Linguistics 39.

641–681. Kamp, Hans & Ágnes Bende-Farkas. 2006. Epistemic specificity from a

communication-theoretic perspective. Ms. University of Stuttgart. Krifka, Manfred. 1995. Common nouns: A contrastive analysis of Chinese

and English. In Gregory Carlson & Francis J. Pelletier (eds.), The Generic Book, 398–411. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Krifka, Manfred. 2001. Quantifiying into question acts. NaLS 9. 1–40. Krifka, Manfred, F.J. Pelletier, G. N. Carlson, G. Chierchia, G. Link, A. ter

Meulen. 1995. Genericity: An introduction. In Gregory Carlson & Francis J. Pelletier (eds.), The Generic Book, 1–124. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Krifka, Manfred. 2008. Basic notions of information structure. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 55. 243–276.

Müller-Reichau, Olav. 2006. Sorting the world. On the relevance of the kind-level/ object-level distinction to referential semantics. University of Leipzig. PhD thesis.

Reinhart, Tanya. 1981. Pragmatics and linguistics: An analysis of sentence topics. Philosophica 27. 53–94.

Searle, John. 1969. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schubert, Lenhart K. & Francis J. Pelletier. 1989. Generically speaking, or, using discourse representation theory to interpret generics. In Gennaro Chierchia, Barbara H. Partee & Raymond Turner (eds.), Properties, Types and Meaning II, 193–268. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Zimmermann, Thomas Ede (1993). On the proper treatment of opacity in certain verbs. NaLS 1. 149–179.

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Early Implicatures by Children and the Acquisition of Scalar Implicatures*

Stefanie Röhrig

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz [emailprotected]

Abstract. Inquiries into the acquisition of scalar implicatures (SIs) have focussed on the question why children calculate SIs less often than adults. To answer this question several hypotheses, such as the Processing Limitation Hypothesis, the Reference-Set Hypothesis and the Pragmatic Delay Hypothesis have been suggested (Chierchia et al. 2005). All of these studies assume that implicatures are a late acquisition phenomenon, because individual types of implicatures are not distinguished. However, one should not treat all kinds of implicatures in the same way. This study shows that some types of implicatures occur very early and it proves that even 5-year-old children calculate implicatures – although different ones than adults. Based on these findings a new hypothesis on the acquisition of SIs is formulated.

1 Scalar Implicatures Implicatures are additional and implicit meaning-components beyond the meaning of the explicitly uttered statement. Scalar Implicatures (SIs), a subgroup of conversational implicatures, are computed if scalar terms – terms which can be arranged on a scale according to the degree of their semantic strength and informativeness – occur in an utterance. SIs are based on the fact that the meaning of a weaker term is entailed in the stronger one and that the hearer relies on the Conversational Principles (Grice, 1975) and assumes that once a weaker term of the scale is uttered, the stronger one does not hold. Specifically, Grice’s Maxim of Quantity “1. Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange).” and “2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.” (Grice 1975: 45) are involved in the interpretation of scalar terms and the computation of SIs. Depending on which of these two principles the hearer

* This paper is based on my MA-thesis. Special thanks to Regine Eckardt and Hildegard Farke for their supervision. I am grateful to Franziska Kretzschmar for commenting on an earlier version of this manuscript.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 499–514. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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relies on, there are two kinds of scalar implicatures. Upper-bound SIs are inferences from the first Maxim of Quantity, while lower-bound SIs are inferences based on the second Maxim of Quantity.

(1) Some of us have been to the Christmas Market.

The implicature in statement (1) is based on the scale <all, some, none>. When hearing (1), the hearer compares the scalar term some to all and none, the stronger and weaker term of the same scale respectively, and infers that it is neiter true that all of the people went to the Christmas Market nore that none of them went there, since otherwise the speaker should have said all or none. This shows that statement (1) is lower and upper bound at the same time since the hearer expects the speaker to obey the Conversational Maxims and to make his contribution as informative as required but not too informative.

1.1 Acquisition Studies

The acquisition and development of implicatures, especially of SIs, has been widely discussed in literature (Chierchia et al., 2005; Noveck, 2005; Noveck et al., 2007a; Noveck & Sperber, 2007b). One of the first studies concerned with the acquisition of SIs was a study by Noveck (2001) that examined how French children interpret the scalar terms <must – might> and <all – some>. In this experiment children were confronted with three boxes. Two of the boxes were open, so that the participants could see the content. The third box was closed. Participants were then told: “A friend of mine gave me this box and said ‘all I know is that whatever is inside this box looks like this box (experimenter pointed to the Horse + Fish Box) or what’s inside this box (experimenter pointed to the Horse-only Box)’” (Noveck, 2001: 172). Based on this information participants had to evaluate statements about the possible and necessary content of the box. Among some neutral statements, which were designed to check whether the task was understood, there was the critical statement In this box might be a horse. This statement is under-informative, since there has to be a horse in the box. Noveck expected that participants who calculate SIs should reject this statement, since it is underinformative. Participants who do not draw a SI should accept it. Noveck’s findings were that 7-year-old children are the youngest ones that show overall competence in mastering this task and that 7- to 9-year-old children accept the weaker term of the scale <must – might> in a situation where the stronger term is more informative more often than adults. While 72% of the 5-year-old, 80% of the 7-year-old and 69% of the 9-year-old children accepted the statement In this box might be horse (the weaker scalar

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term) although they knew that In this box must be a horse (the respective stronger statement) is more informative in this situation, only 35% of the adults did so. These results show that children accept underinformative statements more often and hence calculate SIs less often than adults.

In the following years, several studies on scalars such as <all – some>, <finish – start>, <at least – at most> and <and – or> were conducted in different languages such as English, Italian and Greek (Chierchia et al., 2001, 2005; Papafragou & Musolino, 2003; Guasti et al., 2005; Noveck et al., 2007a; Noveck & Sperber, 2007b). These studies confirm Noveck’s findings and support the idea that children enrich underinformative statements less often than adults and thus calculate less SIs. Trying to explain these findings several hypotheses, such as the Processing Limitation Hypothesis and the Pragmatic Delay Hypothesis (Noveck 2001; Chierchia et al. 2005) have been proposed in the literature and will be introduced and discussed in 4.1.

2 German Replication Study

2.1 Linguistic Purpose

A modified replication study of the first experiment of Noveck (2001) was designed and conducted to see whether and from which age on German children calculate implicatures. In other areas of language acquisition such as semantics and syntax children overgeneralize meanings, grammatical features or rules beyond its use in adult language before they start using it correctly. (cf. Lust, 2006) Over-generalizations are an important component in the process of language acquisition and children’s understanding and discovery of how language works. I assume that overgeneralizations, which are part of the learning process, are also important for and part of the acquisition of pragmatics. Participants who overgeneralize the first Maxim of Quantity might interpret statements differently than expected. For example, if participants interpret the utterance heard in this experimental setting as exhaustive description of the content of the box and thus as the most informative statement, then a different kind of implicature might be calculated. Consequently, particular attention was paid to statements which might possibly trigger different kind of implicatures. To figure out, whether children stick to or overgeneralize the Conversational Principles and/or calculate other implicatures than adults (e.g. based on a different reading or understanding of the statements), close attention was paid to participants answers and comments.

Additionally, the formulation of the task was modified, so that it did not contain the conjunction or. This was done to avoid the use of a second scalar

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term or any other critical term in the experiment since it could have an additional impact on the results of the reasoning experiment. These changes in the experimental design and evaluation of the resulting data might also be informative with respect to the adequateness of the hypotheses about the acquisition of SIs. If it turns out that children stick to or overgeneralize the Conversational Principles, then the Pragmatic Delay hypothesis (see 4.1) could be rejected.

2.2 Methods

2.2.1 Participants

Seven 5-year-old children, eight 7-year-old children and seven 9-year-old children took part in the experiment. Their mean ages were 5;5 years, 7;6 years and 9;6 years. All participants were native speakers of German and recruited from a kindergarden and primary school in Thuringia.

2.2.2 Materials and Design

The materials were similar to the ones Noveck (2001) used in his study. However, the statements in my experiment were presented in German. Moreover, I only presented the positive statements and added the following additional statements to stress the contrast between the modal verbs könnte (‘might’) and muss (‘must’): In der Box muss auf jeden Fall A sein (‘In any case there has to be A in the box’); In der Box könnte vielleicht A sein (‘There might possibly be A in the box’). This was done to see whether children are more likely to compute SI if the contrast between the statements is stronger. The statement In der Box kann A und B sein (‘There might be A and B in the box’) was added to see whether participants understood and were able to cope with the task. The task was formulated so that it did not contain the scalar term or, to avoid possible influences from other scalar terms.

2.2.3 Procedure

The session began with a short conversation and a pre-task. For the pretask participants were presented with two boxes. Box I contained item A, box II contained items A and B. Children were then given another box which was empty and asked to fill it in the way that it contains the same items as box I or box II in the end. The purpose of this pretask was to see whether the task or setting was too difficult for the participants, whether the logical term or has an impact on children’s calculation of SI in the experiment and to familiarize the children with the situation and task of the experiment.

In the actual experiment subjects were shown three boxes (see figure 1). The first box contained A, e.g. a bear. The second box contained A and B,

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e.g. a bear and a rabbit. Both boxes were opened so that the children were able to see the contents. The third box remained closed. Participants were given a glove-puppet which was supposed to help the child to evaluate the statements they were going to hear. They were told that the closed box contained the same toys as one of the two open boxes in front of them. Then one of the following six sentences was uttered in terms by two puppets that were controlled by the experimenter: (1) In der Schachtel muss B drin sein. (false); (2) In der Schachtel kann A und B drin sein. (true); (3) In der Schachtel muss auf jeden Fall A drin sein. (true); (4) In der Schachtel könnte vielleicht A drin sein. (true); (5) In der Schachtel könnte vielleicht B drin sein. (true); (6) In der Schachtel kann A drin sein (true). The puppets were introduced so that the experiment appears like a quiz-game rather than a test to the children. The procedure was repeated so that each child had evaluated three sets of statements with different toys. Children were told to evaluate the statement either as richtig (‘correct’), halbrichtig (‘semi-correct’) or wrong (‘wrong’).

Figure 1: depicts the experimental design

To test whether children focus on truthfulness or falsity rather than on appropriateness when evaluating a statement, participants were confronted with an argument of the puppets at the end of the session. One puppet said that the statement In der Schachtel kann/ könnte A sein (‘There might/ might possibly be A in the box’) was true while the other claimed that the statement In der Schachtel muss A sein (‘There has to be A in the box’) was correct. Participants were asked to act as a mediator between the two glove puppets.

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2.2.4 Expectations

If participants understood the task properly and in the expected way, they should reject (1) In der Schachtel muss B sein. If a statement is true for at least one of the open boxes, then it is also true for the covered box.

Additionally, SIs can be calculated for statement (4) In der Box könnte vielleicht A drin sein. If participants accept this statement, it indicates that they consider könnte (vielleicht) as compatible with muss auf jeden Fall. While the affirmation of this statement would show that the participant did not enrich the meaning of the weaker scalar term, the rejection of the statement in favour of the stronger scalar term would indicate that he computed a SI. If statements (4) and (6) are evaluated as semi-correct, it indicates that participants realized that these statements are underinformative but do not consider this violation as bad enough to reject the statements.

Statement (6) In der Schachtel kann A drin sein is a variation of statement (4) In der Schachtel könnte vielleicht A drin sein. If participants reject sentence (4) but accept (6), it would indicate that they compute SIs more easily if the distance on the Horn Scale1 between the uttered scalar term and the most informative scalar term is bigger. Moreover, if SIs are calculated more easily if the distance on the Horn Scale is bigger and the scalar term kann (‘might’) should not be weak enough in this kind of reasoning experiment, then sentence (4) should be rejected while its variation (6) should be accepted.

Different kinds of implicatures may be calculated for some of the statements, if participants consider the statements about the covered box as exhaustive descriptions of its content. For example, if the hearer exploits the meaning of the uttered statements and interprets the utterances as upper-bound (as the most informative utterance), then she or he will, for example, not only focus on item B but also on other items that have to be in the box once B is in the box. This kind of interpretation affects the following statements: In der Schachtel muss A sein; In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein; In der Schachtel könnte B sein.

If participants consider the statements as exhaustive descriptions of the content of the box then they are expected to reject statement (5) In der Schachtel könnte B sein because B can only be the content of the box if A is the content of the box as well. Under these circ*mstances statement (3) In der Schachtel muss A sein would also be false, since A alone is only possibly (not

1 Horn Scales are named after the linguist Laurence Horn. Scalar terms are linearly ordered on this scale according to their semantic strength. The most informative term is presented at the left end of the scale, the weakest one at the right.

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necessarily) true for the covered box. The statement In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein is also true under these circ*mstances since A (alone) is only a possible content of the covered box.

In the puppets argument at the end of the experiment children, who evaluate a statement based on its truthfulness or falsity, rather than on appropriateness, are expected to say that both statements are right. Participants who evaluate a statement according to its appropriateness should say that the statement In der Schachtel muss A sein is the better one.

2.3 Results

In the pretask children’s interpretation of the scalar term or in the setting of the actual experiment was tested. This was done to figure out whether a higher amount of 5-year-olds answered the statement In der Schachtel könnte vielleicht A sein of the actual experiment in the affirmative because they understood the task differently than adults. It can be said that nearly all of the participants mastered this pretask well and filled the empty box with the same items as in box I or in box II. The only exception was a 5-year-old girl, who had interpreted the task differently and changed the content of one of the open boxes as well. After the task was explained again she filled the empty box with the correct items. The results show that the vast majority of children interpreted or in this task as exclusive-or and suggest that young children’s reasoning results are not influenced by a different reading of or if the disjunction was used in the actual experiment.

With respect to the expectations of the actual experiment mentioned above, it can be said that more SIs were computed for the weaker scalar term könnte vielleicht than for the stronger one kann. This shows that the distance on the Horn-Scale has an impact on the amount of calculated SIs. Moreover, some participants interpreted the uttered statements as exhaustive descriptions of the content of the covered box and calculated, based on this different interpretation of the statement, a different kind of implicature.

In the situation where participants had to act as mediator because two puppets were arguing whether the statement In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein or the statement In der Schachtel muss A sein was right, 83% of the 5-year-old, 81% of the 7-year-old and 80% of the 9-year-old children favoured the more adequate statement In der Schachtel muss A sein.

The t-value for proportions was calculated with a non-directional test of significance. The results were then compared with the critical t-value of the t-distribution to see whether the results are significant.

The results of the reasoning experiment for each age-group are depicted in table 1. The answers of the 5-year-olds are significantly above chance level

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in three out of six statements. In total the responses for possible conclusions is highly significant and the one for necessary conclusions are highly significant above chance level. This shows that even 5-year-old children are able to master the reasoning task. The 7-year-old children gave answers which are highly significant for four out of six statements. Their answers to necessary conclusions as well as possible conclusions are even highly significant above chance level. The oldest group of participants, the 9-year-old children, gave the expected answers for all of the statements except for In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein. Most of their answers were highly significant above chance level, which shows that they are consistent in their answers and competent enough to master this task.

Table 1: shows the average of correct responses. In this table yes is considered to be the correct answer to the statements In der Schachtel kann/ könnte A sein although it underdetermines the fact that there actually has to be A in the covered box. This is because once a statement is true for at least one of the open boxes, it is also true for the covered box. *: p < .05; **: p < .01

2.3.1 Child-­‐Implicatures

However, if one looks at the responses to the necessary conclusions in table 1, one can see that younger and older children give answers that are highly significant to different types of statements within the group of necessary conclusions. In order to figure out why the statements that got a correct answer, which is significantly above chance level, differ between the age

age (years) statement answer 5 7 9

necessary conclusions muss auf jeden Fall A Yes 82.4** 66.6 94.4** kann A Yes 61.5 94.7** 44.4 könnte/ könnte vielleicht A Yes 50 58.3 38.7

total 64.6* 73.2** 59.3 possible conclusions muss B No 40 63.3 94.4** könnte vielleicht B Yes 80** 80.9** 83.3** kann A und B Yes 100** 91.3** 100** total 74.5** 78.6** 92.3**

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groups, the results and answers of all participants were looked at in more detail. It turned out that younger and older children evaluated the statements at rates that are significantly above chance level for different statements, because their results are influenced by a different interpretation of the state-ment and a different strategy to solve the task.

Table 2: average percentage of child-implicatures for each age group

Some participants, especially the 5-year-old children, appeared to consider the statements as exhaustive descriptions of the content of the box, because they believed that the utterance they heard about the covered box was the most informative one to describe its content. This had an impact on their response to In der Schachtel muss A sein and In der Schachtel könnte B sein. Therefore, they said that the statement In der Schachtel könnte B sein is wrong because in any case B can only be part of the content of the box. The statement In der Schachtel muss A sein was rejected, because it is only possibly but not necessarily true that there is only A in the box. Especially young children calculated this kind of implicature. Since this kind of early implicatures are especially calculated by young children, they are referred to as child-implicatures in this paper.

The data in table 2 shows that even children at the very young age of five do calculate implicatures, e.g. for the statement In der Schachtel könnte B sein and for the statement In der Schachtel muss A sein. Although some of the 9-year-old participants still calculate child-implicatures, this kind of implicature decreases with age. Child-implicatures are upper bound scalar implicatures and based on the first Maxim of Quantity (see above).

Table 3: percentage of participants who considered the statements as exhaustive descriptions of the content of the box

Table 3 shows the percentage of children who understood the uttered statements as exhaustive description of the content of the box. As mentioned

age (years) statement 5 7 9

muss auf jeden Fall A 17.6 29.2 5.6 könnte vielleicht B 33.3 23.8 16.7

age (years) statement 5 7 9

muss auf jeden Fall A 41.2 33.3 5.6 könnte vielleicht B 33.3 33.3 16.7

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earlier, this interpretation is the prerequisite for the calculation of child-implicatures. Table 4 shows the percentage of children who calculated child-implicatures out of those children who interpreted the statements in the way that the content of the box must be exhaustive. The results show that children who considered the statements as exhaustive descriptions are – at least for the statement In der Schachtel kann B sein – in all age-groups very likely to calculate child-implicatures.

Moreover, some of the 5-year-old children calculated an implicature based on exhaustive reading for the statements In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein. They evaluated the statement as halbrichtig because it describes only one of two possible contents of the box. Since this description of the content of the covered box would be wrong if it turns out that there is A and B in the box, they evaluated these utterances as semi-correct. This shows that the children did not only focus on the modal verb of the utterance but on the item mentioned and considered the statements as exhaustive descriptions of the content.

Table 4: shows the average amount of calculated child-implicatures out of those children who interpreted the statements in the way that the content of the box must be exhaustive in percentage. *: p < .05; **: p < .01

Since the evaluations falsch and halbrichtig could indicate both an exhaustive reading of the statement and the calculation of SIs, it could – especially for the halbrichtig-answers – not always be clearly distinguished whether an implicature was calculated or an exhaustive reading was applied to the statement. Therefore, it cannot be said clearly how many percent of children understood this statement as exhaustive description. Moreover, only no-answers and those answers which came with an explanation and clearly indicated that SIs were calculated were included in the results of table 3.

2.3.2 Scalar Implicatures

Concerning children’s calculation of SIs the following can be said: The results of this experiment show that a small but not representative minority of the 5-year-old participants calculated SIs for the statement In der Schachtel könnte A sein. This indicates that they are able to calculate SIs for this statement if they apply the expected (not exhaustive) reading to the statement.

age (years) statement 5 7 9

muss auf jeden Fall A 38.9 93.3** 33.3 könnte vielleicht B 100** 72.2 100**

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The majority (94.7%, see table 1) of the 7-year-old participants did not reject the statement In der Schachtel kann A sein. This is a significantly higher amount than the one of the 5- and 9-year-old participants. This might be because they are equivocal between the exhaustive reading of the utterance and the reading that A is possibly part of the whole content of the box but do not calculate SIs. Table 5 shows that indeed only a small amount of 7-year-olds calculated SIs for this statement. However, for the slightly less informative statement In der Schachtel könnte/ könnte vielleicht A sein, a higher amount of 7-year-olds calculated SIs. This might be because this statement is even more underinformative and because the exhaustive reading is not as adequate for this statement as it is for the slightly stronger one In der Schachtel kann A sein.

Table 5: Percentage of scalar implicatures calculated for the modal statements.

The 9-year-olds are the age-group that calculates the highest amount of SIs. This is probably because the vast majority of this age-group does not apply the exhaustive reading to the statements anymore. This realization is a perquisite to the discovery that the statements In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein are underinformative. Therefore, this age-group calculates SIs much more often than the 5- and 7-year-old children do. It can be said that the amount of calculated SIs increases with the age of the participants. When one compares the results of both underinformative statements with each other, it can be said for all age-groups that the critical statement In der Schachtel könnte/ könnte vielleicht A sein is more likely to trigger impli-catures (see table 5).

When children were asked to act as mediator between the puppets, some of them did indeed consider both statements as right but added that the more informative statement In der Schachtel muss A sein was more appropriate. 20% of the 5-year-old, 50% of the 7-year-old and 75% of the 9-year-old participants said that both statements In der Schachtel kann A sein and In der Schachtel muss A sein are right or that the latter one was more appropriate. The rest of the children said that the puppet who had said In der Schachtel kann A sein was wrong. This shows that more children recognize that this

age (years) statement 5 7 9

kann A 7.6 5.3 44.4 könnte/ könnte vielleicht A 11.1 29.2 50

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statement is under-informative when they are confronted with both statements at the same time and forced to make a decision.

2.3.3 Scalar Implicatures Compared to Child-­‐implicatures

If one compares the amount of calculated child-implicatures with the amount of calculated SIs among the age-groups (see tables 2 and 5) one can see that SIs are increasing with age, while the amount of calculated child-implicatures decreases. While 5-year-olds calculate child-implicatures more often than SI, roughly the same amount of 7-year-olds calculated SI’s for the statement In der Schachtel könnte A sein as they considered the statement as exhaustive description of the content of the box and calculated child-implicatures for the statement In der Schachtel muss A sein. Moreover, 9-year-old children compute SIs much more frequently than child-implicatures.

The reason for this change in the calculated kind of implicature seems to be that the understanding of the task and the conversational maxims which participants focus on seem to differ. While older children and adults seem to value the second Maxim of Quantity and the third Maxim of Manner in this task and setting most, younger children seem value the first Maxim of Quantity and the second Maxim of Manner more than the other maxims. Therefore, the in this setting expected (adult-like) SIs are upper-bound while child-implicatures are lower-bound SIs.

3 Discussion Let us finally turn to the question whether the present results support any of the acquisition hypotheses discussed in literature.

3.1 Acquisition Hypotheses

The Pragmatic Delay hypothesis states that children have semantic but lack pragmatic knowledge. This hypothesis was first proposed by Chierchia et. al (2001). The data of my study shows that 83% of the 5-year-old, 81% of the 7-year-old and 80% of the 9-year-old children favoured the more adequate statement In der Schachtel muss A sein, in a situation where two puppets were arguing whether the statement In der Schachtel kann/ könnte vielleicht A sein or the statement In der Schachtel muss A sein was right. These results as well as the data from Chierchia et al. (2005) show that children know and use the Maxim of Quantity, which is essential pragmatic knowledge for the calculation of SIs. Children even rely on the Maxim of Quantity and therefore assume that the speaker uttered the most informative statement concerning the content of the covered box. Based on this interpretation children calculate child-implicatures. In order to be able to do so, they have to use pragmatic

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knowledge and the Conversational Maxims. The present findings suggest that the Pragmatic Delay hypothesis does not hold for the tested age groups since young children’s evaluations are based on the exhaustive interpretation of the statements and not on a lack of pragmatic knowledge.

The Processing Limitation hypothesis suggests that children have a limited working memory and hence problems to keep and compare two represen-tations of a statement. Due to this disadvantage children are said to calculate implicatures less often than adults. According to Chierchia (2005), children who fail to compute SIs are expected to achieve worse results in a task that requires a good memory system than children who calculate SIs. On the first glance, the fact that older children, who are thought to have a more advanced working memory, calculate more SI than younger ones seems to support this hypothesis.

However, in connection with a different experiment about pragmatic enrich-ment processes in children, a working memory test was conducted with 5-, 7- and 9-year-old children. Children heard and had to repeat non-words of differing length (amount of syllables) and semantic relatedness to known words. This test measured the ability of repeating new and never heard non-words. In order to be able to repeat these non-words, participants have to memorize them based on their length and semantic relatedness to known words in the phonological working memory. First preliminary results show that there is no interaction between the amount of points that participants gained in the working memory test and the amount of implicatures calculated in the experiment (Röhrig, manuscript in preparation). This indicates that the hypothesis that children calculate less implicatures because they have a limited working memory does not seem to hold.

An alternative hypothesis by Chierchia et al. (2005) states that children make their judgements about a statement based on truthfulness or falsity of a statement rather than on appropriateness. If this thesis was right, then children who are confronted with statements In der Schachtel kann/ könnte A sein and In der Schachtel muss A sein are expected to say that both of them are right. Indeed, some participants of this study considered both statements to be right. However, they added that the more informative statement In der Schachtel muss A sein was more appropriate. These results support Chierchia’s hypothesis in the way that they suggest that children do focus on truthfulness and falsity of a statement when making an evaluation. The important point however is that children do not neglect appropriateness in favour of truthfulness or falsity, instead they pay attention to appropriateness at the same time, though to a lesser extent.

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3.2 A New Approach to the Acquisition of Scalar Implicatures

Based on the results of the study described in this paper, the following hypothesis is proposed. Before children calculate the expected SIs in the setting of the experiment described above, they calculate child-implicatures, based on exhaustive readings because they value different maxims of the Conversational Principles more than adults. In particular they overgeneralize the first Maxim of Quantity by using it in situations where it is less appropriate and hence interpret statements differntly than expected. This observation indicates that overgeneralizations, which are an important part of the learning process in many areas of languaguage acquisition, also play an important role in the acquisition of pragmatics.

In the first stage children rely on the Cooperative Principle and over-generalize the first Maxim of Quantity. Therefore, they interpret the statements as exhaustive descriptions of the content of the covered box. Moreover, they use a different strategy to solve the task since they try to match the statements heard with one of the open boxes and evaluate the statement as richtig (‘right’) if it is true for one of the open boxes.

In the second stage children still strongly rely on the first Maxim of Quantity and consider the statements as exhaustive description of the content of the covered box. What is new in this stage is that children begin to fully exploit the first Maxim of Quantity by calculating child-implicatures based on this maxim. In this stage children typically reject the statement In der Box muss A sein by either just saying falsch (‘wrong’) or by explaining Nur A also. Das ist falsch (‘So only A. That is wrong.’). This shows that children are capable of calculating implicatures based on the first Maxim of Quantity. However, they are not aware that the speaker applies to the second Maxim of Quantity and says less than actually meant. Children’s answers are based on the assumption that the speaker obeys the first Maxim of Quantity.

In the third stage children discover that the speaker violated the first Maxim of Quantity and applied to the second Maxim of Quantity as well as the third Maxim of Manner. This realization helps children to understand the uttered statements in a different way. They do no longer overgeneralize any of the Maxims. For this reason the exhaustive interpretation of the statements becomes less prominent and the amount of calculated child-implicatures decreases. Moreover, children do no longer match the sentences heard to one of the open boxes but consider the items mentioned in the statement as possible or necessary part of the content of the covered box. Children now interpret statements in the same way as adults do, but neglect the first Maxim of Quantity. Therefore, they do not calculate as many SIs as adults do.

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In the fourth and final stage children are aware of both maxims of Quantity as well as the third Maxim of Manner. The amount of calculated scalar implicatures increases because children exploit the first Maxim of Quantity.

4 Summary and Outlook In contrast to current research literature, I found that even young children are able to calculate implicatures given an appropriate setting although the statement which triggers an implicature and the type of implicature are not the same as the ones adults calculate. Child-implicatures are upper-bound SIs in this experiment and setting based on the exhaustive reading of statements. The differences between childlike and ‘normal’ or adult type of scalar implicatures in this setting, arise because the conversational maxims that children and adults value most differ. While adults seem to value the second Maxim of Quantity and the third Maxim of Manner most, children seem to value the first Maxim of Quantity and the second Maxim of Manner more than the other maxims of Grice’s Conversational Principles. Therefore, I suggest that different kinds of implicatures should not be treated in the same way. The present results also suggest that implicatures cannot be considered a generally late acquisition phenomenon, because different types of implicatures, in this case child-implicatures and the ‘adultlike’ scalar implicatures, are acquired at different ages and thus have to be distinguished from one another.

References Chierchia, Gennaro, Guasti, M. T., Gulamini, A., Meroni, L., Crain, S. &

Foppola, F. 2005. Semantic and Pragmatic Competence in Children’s and Adults’ Comprehension of or. In Noveck, I. & Sperber, D. (eds.), Experimental Pragmatics, 293–300. Macmillan: Palgrave.

Grice, Herbert Paul. 1975. Logic and Conversation. In Syntax and semantics 3. Speech acts: 41–58.

Noveck, Ira, Pouscoulous, N., Politzer, G. & Bastide, A. 2007a. A developmental investigation of processing costs in implicature production. In Language Acquisition 14, Issue 4. 347–375.

Noveck, Ira. & Sperber, D. 2007b. The why and how of experimental pragmatics. The case of ’scalar inferences’. In Pragmatics, 184–212. Hampshire: Palgrave Mcmillan.

Noveck, Ira. 2001. When children are more logical than adults. Experimental investigations of scalar implicatures. In Cognition 78. 165–188.

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Noveck, Ira. 2005. Pragmatic Inferences Related to Logical Terms. In Noveck, I. & Sperber, D. (eds.) Experimental Pragmatics, 301–321. Macmillan: Palgrave.

Papafragou, Anna & Musolino, J. 2003. Scalar implicatures. Experiments at the semantics - pragmatics interface. In Cognition 86. 253-282.

Röhrig, Stefanie. And = ?!. Ms. Mainz. Röhrig, Stefanie. 2010. The Acquisition of Scalar Implicatures. Göttinger

Schriften zur Englischen Philologie 3. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag.

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Semantic Reconstruction and the Interpretation of Chains*

E. G. Ruys UiL-OTS, Utrecht University


Abstract. This paper explains three known constraints on scope reconstruction – reconstruction is blocked into wh-islands, after remnant movement, and after countercyclic merge – by postulating an underlying condition on semantic reconstruction, which follows naturally from minimalist assumptions on chain formation in combination with the principle of compositionality.

1 Introduction In scope reconstruction, a moved element takes scope at, or close to the posi-tion it occupied before the movement. Consider (1):

(1) someonei is likely [TP ti to arrive ] a. there is some person x s.t. it is likely that x arrives b. it is likely that there is some person x s.t. x arrives

This sentence allows the surface-scope reading (1a), and the reconstructed reading (1b), where someone seems to be interpreted in the position it occupied prior to Raising to Subject.

A major question discussed in the literature on scope reconstruction is whether it should be dealt with by syntactic or semantic means. May’s (1977) solution for (1b) was syntactic: at LF, someone optionally undergoes a movement operation (Quantifier Lowering) that lowers it into the scope of likely. However, lowering movement is not otherwise attested and generally assumed to be impossible. Chomsky's (1993) copy theory of movement made a less problematic syntactic treatment available. On this theory, A-movement creates the structure in (2). Only one copy of someone must be retained at each of the interface levels PF and LF; deleting or ignoring the higher copy at LF, as in (2a), will yield the narrow scope, reconstructed reading.

(2) someone is likely [TP someone to arrive ]

* I am grateful to Eefje Boef, Ora Matushansky, and audiences at SuB15 and the Utrecht Syntax Circle for comments and discussion. Naturally, all errors are my own.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 515–529. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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a. someone is likely [TP someone to arrive ] b. someone is likely [TP someone to arrive ]

The semantic treatment of scope reconstruction was made prominent by Cresti (1995), Rullmann (1995), and others. Such a treatment proceeds on the assumption that the syntactic representation invariably has someone in its surface position (or higher). The reconstructed reading can be derived by postulating that the trace left by movement can function not only as an e-type variable (which yields the surface scope reading, as shown in (3a)) but also as a variable of the type of a generalized quantifier. In this case, function-argument relations are reversed, and the result is the interpretation (3b) in which likely in effect scopes over someone.1

(3) someonei is likely [TP ti to arrive ] a. someone (λxi[likely(^ arrive(xi) )]) ti is x of type e b. (^someone) λXi[likely(^ ∨Xi(arrive))] ti is X of type <s,<<e,t>, t>> ≡ likely(^someone(arrive))

The comparison of syntactic and semantic approaches to scope re-construction in the literature has focused on which approach is better able to account for the interaction between scope reconstruction and reconstruction for binding theory, a topic I will touch on in section 5. In this article I want to provide support for the semantic approach with evidence of a different type. I want to apply to scope reconstruction the same strategy that was employed in evaluating the syntactic and semantic treatments of upward scope shift (Quantifier Raising): I will argue that several constraints on when scope reconstruction can and cannot take place, are best explained by one natural condition on semantic reconstruction. If this account is successful, it con-stitutes an argument in favor of the semantic approach.

The empirical material comes from three previously observed constraints on scope reconstruction. Longobardi (1987) observed that a wh-phrase extracted out of a wh-island does not reconstruct into the island. Barss (1986) showed that extraction followed by remnant movement does not reconstruct. Several authors have observed that late merger blocks scope reconstruction.

For each of these constraints, various explanations are available in the literature. So far, however, no unified account of the phenomena has been

1 Assume, for concreteness, that a GQ-type variable is always intensionalized (type <s,<<e,t>,t>>), and composition can always add ^ and ∨ when necessary (see Cresti 1995:fn 16). I will attempt to abstract away from this issue in my presentation.

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proposed. The present paper proposes that they reflect a more general underlying constraint: semantic reconstruction of a DP into a trace position is possible only if it can be locally determined that the DP and the trace are identical. I will argue in the next section that this constraint makes perfect sense given a semantic approach to reconstruction. Absent an equally plausible syntactic rationale for such a constraint, it provides an argument for semantic reconstruction.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the constraint on semantic reconstruction I propose, and its relation to the interpretation of chains. Sections 3, 4, and 5 discuss the freezing effects induced by wh-islands, remnant movement, and late merger, respectively.

2 On the Interpretation of Chains This section states the condition on scope reconstruction I propose, and shows how a rationale can be provided for it on the basis of the copy theory of movement and the semantic approach to reconstruction.

I assume the copy theory of movement, which is the standard in current syntactic theory. At the same time, I adopt the semantic approach to re-construction. That is, I assume that the downstairs copy of a movement chain is always interpreted as a variable; reconstruction is achieved by ma-nipulating its type. Let us consider what is required in order to interpret a movement chain under these assumptions. First of all, we need to obtain a variable in the place of the downstairs (struck-out) copy of the moved element. Secondly, we need to bind this variable from the landing site. Thirdly, we need to fix the type of this variable. I will deal with the two less crucial questions first.

Consider (4), the syntactic representation the copy theory derives for a simple case of A-movement:

(4) [TP some man [T' T [VP arrived some man]]]

How do we obtain a variable at the foot of the movement chain? One option is to replace the struck-out copy of some man with a variable, or with a larger expression containing a variable (as does the Trace Conversion rule of Fox 2002:67). However, since such a move is at odds with Chomsky’s (1995:225) Inclusiveness Condition, which provides the conceptual motivation for the copy theory, I will assume that traces are not replaced with variables or subject to any kind of trace conversion. A struck-out copy simply is a variable. Technically, what this means is that LF structures are interpreted relative to assignment functions which are defined as functions from syntactic

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constituents to entities in the domain. Semantic composition in (4) proceeds in a bottom-up manner, starting from man. When the DP node dominating some man is reached, it is somehow discovered that this DP is a movement trace (exactly how is a technical question for the copy theory that is not particular to my proposal; assume for concreteness that the presence of unchecked uninterpretable features (Case in (4)) indicates that the element is (part of) a trace). Therefore, what composes with 'arrived' is not the regular semantic value (λX∃x[man'(x) ∧ X(x)]) computed so far; this is discarded in favor of g([DP some man]) (g the current assignment function).

The next step in interpreting a movement chain is to bind the variable from the landing site. In pre-minimalist syntax, which provided indexed variables at the foot of a movement chain, it was standard to assume that the sister of a moved element XPi is interpreted via lambda-abstraction over the variable with index i. The implementation in Cresti (1995) (based on Heim 1993, among others) converted the index on the moved element into a separate syntactic node, as shown in (5):

(5) [TP [some man] [T'2 i [T'1 [VP arrived [NP t ]i ]]]]

This allows for interpretation by familiar means: the index identifies the variable to be abstracted over, and triggers the semantic abstraction rule. There is, however, no syntactic evidence for the operation deriving (5), and it is at odds with the minimalist goal of doing away with indices. I therefore prefer to move the necessary complications into the composition rule for movement derived structures. The proposal is stated informally in (6):

(6) Given a structure [HP A B ], where B has been the target of internal merge due to a relation of Attract between the label of B and a constituent D, [[ HP ]]g is obtained by composing [[ A ]]g with that function h s.t. for every d, h(d) = [[ B ]]g[ D / d].

This tells us to interpret the TP in (4) w.r.t. assignment g by composing [[ some man ]]g with the function h s.t. for every d, h(d) = [[ [T’ arrived some man] ]]g[ [some man] / d ] .

The simple methods I have described for obtaining a variable at the foot of the chain, and for binding it, do not appear to be crucial for the treatment of scope reconstruction phenomena I want to propose. If the reader prefers, (s)he may assume instead, for instance, that a hidden morpheme is affixed to a struck-out copy which functions to replace it with a variable, which is then bound in the manner of (5). I would find this less elegant, but it would not necessarily be incompatible with the constraint on scope reconstruction proposed below.

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This finally brings us to the key question: how does the grammar determine the type of the variable contributed by a trace? Consider an abstract example:

(7) [HP A λD.[H' ... [Z' Z D ]]]

In (7), D has moved, targeting H'. D is the struck-out bottom copy of the chain. As indicated, rule (6) causes the variable contributed by D to be abstracted over at H'. This lambda-expression then composes with A, which in most cases is just the moved element D, but not always, as we will see later. How is the type of D determined?

One option, of course, is to pick any random type. But in most cases, this would cause the composition to fail, if not at Z', then at the point where H' composes with A. This would force the derivational process to backtrack, until a fitting type happened to be chosen for D. I want to abide by the minimalist tenet (which first became relevant in the context of Chomsky's (1995) rejection of global economy constraints, in favor of local ones) that backtracking is undesirable: choices in the derivational process are preferably made once and on the basis of local information.

What I want to propose therefore is this. Any type may be chosen for the variable D, provided that we can be certain that this choice will not lead to a type-clash at the point where the variable is λ-bound, that is, where H' composes with A. If we cannot be certain that the type we pick will allow composition to proceed at HP, then we must default to the lowest possible type, which for a DP will be type e.

The next question is: when can we be certain that a type for D will fit at HP? There is one condition under which we can: namely if A=D. This is because, if A=D, we can pick for D any type that D itself could have (that is, the type of any regular, non-variable interpretation of D). For if we pick a possible type of D for the variable D, then A, being identical to D, will be able to have this type as well.2 And if Type(D) = Type(A), the composition at HP will always fit.

As a result, there are two cases in which we cannot be certain, at the point in the derivation where we are deciding the type of D, which types will fit. One case is: when A≠D. For in this case, in order to determine whether the type we pick for D will fit at HP, we would need to calculate the type of A separately. But this would violate compositionality. At the point where we are deciding on the interpretation of D, we do have access to the type of D

2 There is one exception: if A=D, but A is itself a trace forced down to type e by (8) below. For cases I am aware of, regular type shifting will always make backtracking unnecessary.

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(which we just interpreted, before deciding to discard it and replace it with a variable) but the principle of compositionality does not allow us to make the interpretation of D dependent on the interpretation of some distinct A some-where higher up in the structure. Hence, in this case, D defaults to the lowest type (e). The other case in which we cannot pick all possible types of D for D is when A is outside the local domain of D. Assuming that interpretation proceeds phase-by-phase (Chomsky 2000, 2001), we cannot "see A" at the point where we are interpreting D if A is not in the same phase as D, but in some higher phase. In this case, we do not know whether the expression resulting from λ-binding D will eventually compose with an A identical to D, hence we must again default to the lowest type (e).

In sum, we can pick a higher type for a variable, resulting in semantic scope reconstruction, just in case A=D and we can determine locally that A=D. This constraint is stated informally in (8):3

(8) If D is a trace then D is interpreted as a variable of some type τ. If D is attracted to a phase-accessible target B, and D is identical to the sister of B, then τ can be the type of any non-trace interpretation of D. Alternatively, τ can default to the lowest type compatible with the category of D.

I have argued that this constraint follows naturally from the interaction of standard minimalist assumptions and the principle of compositionality. In the next three sections, I will show how it applies to the data.

3 Why wh-­‐Islands Block Scope Reconstruction This section discusses the scope freezing effect found in island constructions. Consider (9) and (10):

3 A formal implementation of (8) of course presupposes an implementation of Semantic Re-construction. This is not entirely routine. Existing implementations (Cresti 1995, Rullmann 1995) create a syntactic ambiguity by postulating different traces that translate as variables of different types. In a copy theory, the same effect could be achieved by enriching a trace copy with a diacritic that marks its type; this would also, technically, remove the remaining tension between the compositionality principle and (8). But these are clearly coding tricks: there is no independent evidence that a moved DP can leave traces with different properties and indices. I agree with Rullmann (p. 177) that the complication is best moved into the interpretation rule. However, if we are to avoid representationalism, this presupposes a semantic treatment of traces as untyped variables. This can be done by making the type of a variable depend on the as-signment function, and then letting the interpretation of an expression be defined only relative to assignment functions that treat the variable as being of the desired type. I must leave this issue for another occasion.

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(9) How many peoplei do you think ti I should talk to ti? a. For what n: there are n-many people x s.t. you think I should talk to

x b. For what n: you think there should be n-many people that I talk to.

(10) How many peoplei do you wonder whether I should talk to ti? a. For what n: there are n-many people x s.t. you wonder whether I

should talk to x b.* For what n: you wonder whether there should be n-many people that

I talk to.

(9) allows both a wide scope reading for n-many people, paraphrased in (9a), and a narrow scope reading, paraphrased in (9b), which is apparently the result of scope reconstruction undoing the effect of wh-movement. In (10), in which wh-movement of how many people has crossed a wh-island, the re-constructed reading (10b) is blocked, as first observed by Longobardi 1987.

The discussion here can be brief because, for these data, the treatment I propose is a straightforward implementation of the generalization proposed by Frampton (1999), which was stated by Cresti (1995:103) as (11):

(11) *[ … λP … [CP wh [IP … P … ]]] ( P of the GQ type)

The question is how (11) can be explained. As pointed out by Cresti (1995:103), this is a filter that “needs to be defined on a non-local con-figuration.” A variant is needed that can be locally checked. Frampton pro-posed a reduction of (11) to the ECP. Cresti (1995) proposes that (10) is derived via intermediate adjunction to the CP whose Spec is filled by whether. She then states a filter to the effect that traces so adjoined must be treated as type e. This entails that semantic reconstruction cannot be to a point lower than the filled Spec. This achieves the desired local configuration, but, as Cresti admits, her account does not explain why the constraint expressed by the postulated filter should hold.

I assume the syntactic representations for (9) and (10) in (12) and (13), respectively.

(12) [CP How many people do you [vP how many people [vP think [CP how many people [IP I should [vP how many people [vP talk to how many people ]]]]]]]?

(13) [CP How many people do you [vP how many people [vP wonder [CP whether [IP I should [vP how many people [vP talk to how many people ]]]]]]]?

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In (12) how many people moves through the edge of every phase (CP, vP), presumably attracted by a P-feature inserted for this purpose (see Chomsky 2001). As a result, each trace has a local antecedent, hence can be type <et,t> by (8). In (13), the embedded Spec,CP is filled, so that the underlined trace cannot assess the type of the constituent that composes with its binder, which is two phases up. It therefore defaults to type e.4

I feel my treatment of these data is a slight improvement over earlier treatments. First, because it provides a local restatement of (11), with a ra-tionale that makes it less stipulative than Cresti’s filter. But more importantly, because the treatment extends to the scope freezing effects of remnant movement and late merger, which I discuss in the next two sections. No such extension seems possible for existing accounts of (10).

However, my account differs slightly in its empirical predictions from other implementations of (11). On the one hand, it shares the success of (11) and Cresti’s implementation in accounting for the absence of other types of “higher order” readings for elements extracted from wh-islands. E.g., (14) does not allow the functional reading for which book paraphrased in (14a), where the trace is arguably a function-type variable:

(14) which book do you wonder whether every man dislikes t a. *for which function f mapping men to a book, do you wonder whether every man x dislikes f(x) [his oldest, his cheapest, …]

See Cresti (1995) for discussion. On the other hand, Cresti’s implementation covers only filled Spec,CP islands, and does not extend to other weak islands that block reconstruction, such as negative islands. (15) is from Rullmann (1995:198):

(15) a. How many books was John able to read? b. How many books was John not able to read?

(15a) allows reconstruction, but (15b) has only the wide scope reading for n-many books. Rullmann proposes a semantic account in terms of maximality

4 The question arises how (13) can be derived at all. If the wh-phrase does not move through the edge of CP, it is not clear that it can be attracted by the next phase head, given Chomsky's (2000) PIC; but if it does, then why does it not leave a trace in spec,CP, which will then be local to the trace inside the island? One possible solution is suggested by Sabel (2002): the embedded C attracts how many people to a (second) specifier, but this does generate a violation (English +wh C does not tolerate a specifier containing a trace). Hence, the trace in spec,CP is *-marked. The trace is subsequently deleted (as in Chomsky and Lasnik 1993), resulting in only a weak (subjacency level) violation. I will assume that some such solution is possible.

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(which, in turn, does not extend to wh-islands); whether my account can cover (15) depends on whether NegP can be argued to delimit a local context (see Sabel 2002 for some discussion and references).

On the down side, Cresti implements Frampton’s generalization more precisely than (8) does by requiring all traces in the offending configuration to be type e, not just DP-traces. This entails that adjuncts cannot be extracted from wh-islands at all, since they cannot bind e-type variables. My implementation could be adjusted to entail the same prediction: rephrase (8) so that a trace without a local antecedent does not default to the lowest type compatible with its category, but to type e. On the other hand, the prediction is not correct for all adjuncts, as discussed in Rullmann (1995). I will leave this issue for further research.

4 Why Remnant Movement Blocks Reconstruction As (17) shows, A-movement out of a structure that is subsequently fronted does not reconstruct into the fronted constituent.

(16) some politiciani is [AP likely [IP ti to address every rally ]] a. for some politician x: it is likely x addresses every rally b. it is likely that for some politician x: x addresses every rally c. it is likely that for every rally y: for some politician x: x addresses y

(17) [AP how likely [IP ti to address every rally ] ] is some politiciani tAP ? a. for which d, for some politician x: it is d-likely x will address every

rally b. *for which d, it is d-likely that for some politician x: x will address

every rally c. *for which d, it is d-likely that for every rally y: some politician x: x will address y

Whereas (16) allows both wide scope and narrow scope relative to likely for some politician (and, optionally, relative to every rally as well, following local QR of the latter), (17) allows only the wide scope reading roughly para-phrased in (17a), as observed by Barss (1986). Barss’ explanation, based on a Quantifier Lowering theory of reconstruction, was that QL can only move straight down (into a c-commanded position), not sideward and down.

An explanation more in line with current understanding of movement phenomena was proposed by Sauerland (1999), Sauerland & Elbourne (2002) (q.v. for discussion of Barss’ work). A-movement can take place either in syntax, or in the PF branch (provided that this yields an additional scope option); it does not reconstruct. Wide scope in (16) is the result of A-

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movement in syntax feeding into LF. Narrow scope results from PF A-movement, with the pre-movement structure feeding into LF. Given some further assumptions, this approach to A-movement reconstruction predicts the freezing effect in (17), where A-movement is followed by A-bar-movement. Since A-bar-movement must take place in syntax, so must any A-movement preceding it; this yields the wide-scope reading.

There are several problems with this explanation. First, since the ac-count of reconstruction applies only to reconstruction from A-movement, it does not explain why A-bar-movement also fails to reconstruct after remnant movement, as observed by Sauerland. More seriously, the analysis predicts that (under the right conditions) any A-moved element should be able to behave for all syntactic purposes (e.g. ECP effects, superiority, NPI li-censing) as though it had not moved. There is no evidence that this is correct. Finally, details of the analysis aside, the explanation does not of course extend to the scope freezing effects in wh-islands and after late merger dis-cussed in sections 3 and 5.

Sauerland & Elbourne (2002) do present the data in (18) as independent evidence for their theory.

(18) a. *?[Which constraint]i are [good examples of ti ]j always provided tj? b. [Which constraint]i are [good examples of ti ]j always sought tj?

(19) 2x good examples of this constraint are always provided

They argue that (18b) fails to violate the Subject Condition that rules out (18a) because the object can delay raising to subject to PF, as this will allow it to remain in the scope of the intensional verb. However, the ambiguity of (19) shows that the presence of the quantificational adverb in (18a) should also be enough to license PF-movement. While I do not have an account for the contrast in (18), it does not appear to support Sauerland & Elbourne's theory of A-movement reconstruction.

Turning to my analysis, consider the abstract structure (20):

(20) [CP [XP ... ti ... ] [C' C [TP NPi ... XP ]]]

On a semantic approach to reconstruction, we must interpret the top copy of XP. The bottom copy only contributes a variable. Whether NP reconstructs therefore hinges on the type assigned to its trace(s) in the top XP. Since the head of the NP chain does not c-command into the top XP, the λ-binder of the highest of these traces (if there is a λ-binder at all) must compose with something not identical to NP. (8) therefore blocks reconstruction, explaining Barss' observation.

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Before we can make this analysis of (17) more concrete, we need to deal with a serious complication. The NP trace in the fronted copy of XP is unbound. On a syntactic reconstruction approach, this is not a problem: XP moves back down at LF, or we delete the upstairs copy of XP and retain the downstairs copy, and the trace becomes properly bound. But on the semantic reconstruction approach, we must interpret the top copy of XP, so we cannot avoid ending up with an unbound variable. This does not yield a correct interpretation. The phenomenon of remnant movement as such creates a se-rious problem, not just for my proposal, but for the entire semantic approach to reconstruction.

For a concrete illustration of the problem, and of the solution I propose, I will focus on some structurally simpler examples, from Huang (1993):

(21) a. [VP ti love himself], Johni never will tVP b. [VP ti admire Stalin], noonei did tVP Huang proposed that the reconstruction effect in (21a), by which himself is licensed despite VP-fronting, is explained by the VP-internal Subject Hypothesis, which causes the VP to contain a trace of John that A-binds the anaphor. But how is the trace itself bound? Examples like (21b) show that the VP-internal trace must be able to function as a bound variable. The obvious solution is to invoke reconstruction. As noted, syntactic reconstruction solves the problem. On standard assumptions, however, semantic reconstruction is not able to produce the bound reading. We obtain for (21b) the (defective) interpretation in (22a), rather than the desired (22b).

(22) a. (admire(x,stalin)) λpt[ noone (λx.p)] b. noone (λx.admire(x,stalin))

It is important to note that this problem exists independently of the proposed constraint on scope reconstruction. Quite generally, the apparent im-possibility of deriving a meaning for (21a) or (21b) without syntactic re-construction might be taken as damning evidence against any (exclusively) semantic approach to reconstruction. This problem – how to make a semantic reconstruction theory deal with constituents containing a variable, when they have been moved out of the scope of the variable’s binder – has been addressed before. Sternefeld (2001) (q.v. for further references) proposes a solution in which traces are interpreted as variables over functions from assignment functions to normal denotations. It appears that this system might support a solution for scope freezing in (17) as well, although not in the way Sternefeld develops it. While the issue is mostly outside the scope of this

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paper, I will sketch an alternative (partial) solution which fits better with the treatment of chains I am proposing.

The first possibility is to start from these assumptions: that any displaced element functions as a phase (as suggested by one of Chomsky’s (2000) diagnostics for phases), and that an XP that is extracted out of a phase must first move into its edge. We can now propose the derivation (23) for (21b):

(23) [vP noone admire Stalin] [C’noone [T’ did [vP noone [vP noone admire Stalin]]]]

a. λxe[ x admire Stalin ] λX<e,t>[C’ noone λx[T’ [vP x X ]]] b. (λxe[admire(x,Stalin)]) λX<e,t>[C’ noone (λx[vP X(x) ])]

Noone first attaches to the vP phase, and then moves to Spec,TP. Sub-sequently, the lower segment of vP moves to Spec,CP, leaving the underlined trace and stranding the doubly underlined trace. The fronted vP now does not contain a free variable, because it is a movement target subject to the abstraction rule (6); it can undergo semantic reconstruction and then apply to the variable that is the doubly underlined trace of noone. (23a) schematically indicates how different traces function; (23b) clarifies the function-argument relations. The result is equivalent to (22b) by lambda-conversion.

Scope freezing falls out as desired. (24) is from Huang (1993):

(24) [vP ti see everyone], (I am sure) someonei did ∃ > ∀ , *∀ > ∃

Everyone in (24) cannot scope over someone, which indicates that someone does not reconstruct, as per Barss' generalization. The full structure is given in (25a):

(25) a. [CP [vP someone see everyone ] [C' someone did [vP someone [vPsomeone see everyone]]]]

b. [CP λxe[vP xe see everyone] λX<e,t> [C' someone λxe[T’ did [vP x X ]]]]

The boldfaced someone in (25a) cannot reconstruct. The lambda binder of the italicized trace (at the top of the fronted vP) does not compose with the “antecedent” of the italicized trace (the doubly underlined trace), but with the C’. Hence, (8) causes the italicized trace to default to type e; the result is (25b). The rationale is that one would need to inspect the semantics of the C’

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to determine that, indirectly, the types would match for any possible type of someone. The considerations of compositionality built into (8) prevent this.5

This solution does not require any new semantic assumptions, but the syntactic assumptions are not unproblematic. First of all, it is unclear why the subject must move to Spec,vP (and how it can), given that it is already in the edge of the vP-phase. One possible answer is, that this movement step is needed precisely because the vP will otherwise contain a free variable after it is fronted. Another option is that what is fronted in VP-fronting is a constituent slightly bigger than vP (cf. Huang 1993); this constituent functions as a phase when it fronts, so that the subject must move through its edge. Another potential problem is that the analysis requires fronting of a segment of vP. Again, we may speculate that segment movement is allowed here, perhaps exceptionally, because fronting the complete category will front a free variable.

An alternative would be to implement essentially the same solution by manipulating the semantics. Assume that any fronted constituent containing traces in its edge will undergo “lambda-closure”: all free traces in the edge are abstracted over in some fixed order. The terminal trace of the fronted constituent is raised in type accordingly, and then fed the same variables as arguments. This will also deal with cases where more than one element is extracted before remnant movement, although the syntactic treatment can be adapted to such cases as well. For reasons of space, I must leave an exploration of these options for another occasion.

5 Why Late Merger Blocks Scope Reconstruction It has repeatedly been observed (Fox 1999, Fox & Nissenbaum 1999, Bhatt & Pancheva 2004) that counter-cyclic merger blocks scope reconstruction of the XP merged into. Consider just one example (from Fox & Nissenbaum 1999):

(26) I looked for [A a picture] very intensely [B a picture] by this artist ∃ > look for , * look for > ∃

Fox & Nissenbaum derive extraposition in (26) via movement of a picture, creating the chain (B, A), followed by late merger of the PP into B. A is 5 The underlined trace may start out as type e, but also as type <et,t>, because it has a local antecedent (the doubly underlined trace). This means, that the vP trace starts out as ambiguous between types <e,t> and type <<et,t>,t> (those are the types of its "non-trace interpretations" in (8), so both those types are allowed for the vP trace as a variable). But the upstairs copy of the vP can only be type <e,t> (because the italicized trace cannot be <et,t>). This leaves only <e,t> as an option for the vP trace, as the higher type will lead to a mismatch.

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realized at PF, but only B can be interpreted at LF: the countercyclic merger blocks the reconstructed reading. A syntactic theory of scope reconstruction along the lines of (2a) easily explains why: deleting B would leave the PP modifier dangling. On a semantic theory of scope reconstruction, the effect is unexpected, but it is explained by (8): the λ-binder of the variable A com-poses with a non-identical DP, so the variable defaults to type e. Fox's (1999) analysis of the correlation between reconstruction for scope and binding can be captured in this way, as well. I must defer discussion of these and related cases to another occasion.

6 Conclusions I have argued that three constraints on scope reconstruction, which thus far had not received a satisfactory or unified explanation, follow naturally from one underlying condition on reconstruction. While this condition depends on the copy theory of movement (Chomsky 1993), it also relies crucially on the semantic approach to scope reconstruction (Cresti 1995, Rullmann 1995).

Further evidence might be found in the absence of scope reconstruction into Parasitic Gaps and in tough constructions. Further research is also needed into reconstruction in A-chains, and in the relation to Kennedy's puzzle, among other topics.

References Barss, A. 1986. Chains and Anaphoric Dependence. PhD diss., MIT. Bhatt, Rajesh, and Roumyana Pancheva. 2004. Late merge of degree clauses.

Linguistic Inquiry 35. 1–45. Chomsky, Noam. 1993. A minimalist program for linguistic theory.

Reprinted in Chomsky (1995). Chomsky, Noam. 1995. The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, Massachusetts:

MIT Press. Chomsky, Noam. 2000. Minimalist inquiries: the framework. In Step by Step:

Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik, ed. by Roger Martin, David Michaels and Juan Uriagereka. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Chomsky, Noam. 2001. Derivation by phase. In Ken Hale: a Life in Language, ed. by Michael Kenstowicz. 1–52. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Chomsky, Noam, and Howard Lasnik. 1993. The theory of principles and parameters. Reprinted in Chomsky (1995).

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Cresti, Diana. 1995. Extraction and reconstruction. Natural Language Semantics 3. 79–122.

Fox, Danny.1999. Reconstruction, variable binding, and the interpretation of chains. Linguistic Inquiry 30. 157–196.

Fox, Danny. 2002. Antecedent-contained deletion and the copy theory of movement. Linguistic Inquiry 33. 63–96.

Fox, Danny & Jon Nissenbaum. 1999. Extraposition and scope: a case for overt QR. In WCCFL 18: Proceedings of the 18th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. by Sonya F. Bird, Andrew Carnie, Jason D. Haugen and Peter Norquest. 132–144. Somerville, Massachusetts: Cascadilla Press.

Frampton, John. 1999. The fine structure of wh-movement and the proper formulation of the ECP. The Linguistic Review 16-1. 43–61.

Heim, Irene. 1993. Anaphora and Semantic Interpretation: A Reinterpretation of Reinhart's Approach. SfS-Report 07-93, Tübingen Working Papers, University of Tübingen.

Huang, C.-T. James. 1993. Reconstruction and the structure of VP: Some theoretical consequences. Linguistic Inquiry 24. 103–138.

Longobardi, Giuseppe. 1987. Extraction from NP and the proper notion of head government. In The syntax of noun phrases, ed. Alessandra Giorgi and Giuseppe Longobardi. 57–112. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

May, Robert. 1977. The Grammar of Quantification, doctoral dissertation, MIT. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Rullman, Hotze. 1995. Maximality in the semantics of wh-constructions. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.

Sabel, Joachim. 2002. A minimalist analysis of syntactic islands. The Linguistic Review 19. 271–315.

Sauerland, Uli. 1999. Scope Reconstruction without Reconstruction. WCCFL 17. 582–596.

Sauerland, Uli & Paul Elbourne 2002. Total Reconstruction, PF Movement, and Derivational Order. Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 33, No. 2. 283–319.

Sternefeld, Wolfgang. 2001. Semantic vs. Syntactic Reconstruction. In H. Kamp, A. Rossdeutscher & Ch. Rohrer (eds.), Linguistic Form and its Computation. CSLI Publications Stanford, CA, pp. 145–182.

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Be positive! Norm-­‐Related Implications and Beyond

Galit W. Sassoon University of Amsterdam


Abstract. Negative degree questions such as How short is John?, and negative equatives such as John is as short as Mary imply that John is short. Existing theories explain this ‘norm-related’ implication by means of (i) a competition between unmarked and marked antonyms, and (ii) by introducing a standard-variable in parallel with the standard analysis of the positive form John is tall. This paper argues against these principles and in favor of an analysis, whereby the zero on the measurement scales of norm-related adjectives is relative, rather than absolute. This principle captures the fact that norm-related implications arise with many positive adjectives (alongside with their negative antonyms) and are cross-linguistically tied with non-licensing of measure phrases.

1 Introduction: Norm-­‐Relatedness What do we know about norm-relatedness to date? First and foremost, we know that degree questions and equatives with ‘negative’ adjectives trigger norm-related implications. For example, the question how short is Bill and equative Bill is as short as Mary imply that Bill is short, while the question how tall is Bill and equative Bill is as tall as Mary do not imply that Bill is tall. To explain these facts, linguists often exploit notions such as ‘unmarked’ vs. ‘marked’ antonyms; marked expressions have a limited distribution; in certain contexts they are either ungrammatical or infrequent, and their usage is characterized by an interpretation shift, e.g. norm relatedness (Lehrer 1985; Horn 1989). Evidence for the narrower distribution (hence, markedness) of negative adjectives includes in particular their non-licensing with measure phrases and ratio phrases, except in the comparative, as illustrated by the felicity of twice as tall as versus infelicity of #twice as short as, and by the contrasts in (1).

(1) a. Bill is 1 meter shorter than John; *Bill is 1.50meters short b. Bill is 20 years younger than John; *Bill is 20 years young

A markedness-based analysis within formal semantics is proposed by Rett (2007, 2008), who argues that negative adjectives are banned from linguistic contexts in which their substitution with the positive (‘unmarked’) antonym

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 531–546. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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preserves truth conditions. For example, the neutral reading of as short as is banned, since individuals are equally tall iff they are equally short.

A main drawback of this view is that in many pairs of antonyms, the negative and positive members are both norm-related (Bierwisch 1989), as the following examples illustrate.

(2) [Bill and Mary are skinny] a. #Bill is as fat as Mary; b. #How fat is Bill?

(3) [Bill and Mary are fat] a. #Bill is as skinny as Mary. b. #How skinny is Bill?

(4) a. How rich is John? ⇒ John is rich b. John is as rich as Bill. ⇒ John is rich

(5) a. How poor is John? ⇒ John is poor b. John is as poor as Mary. ⇒ John is poor

(6) a. ?This ice-cream is as warm as that one. b. ?How warm is the ice-cream? c. ?How cold is the fire?

(7) a. How heavy is the bag? ⇒ The bag is heavy b. The bag is as heavy as the box. ⇒ The bag is heavy

(8) a. How light is the bag? ⇒ The bag is light b. The bag is as light as the box. ⇒ The bag is light

Furthermore, none of the members of these pairs licenses measure phrases, except in the comparative (Schwarzschild, 2005), and many of the positive adjectives resemble their negative antonyms in rarely licensing ratio phrases (Sassoon 2010). Thus, neither the positive nor the negative is ‘unmarked’.

(9) a. Bill is 1 kg fatter/ skinnier than John; vs. *150kgs fat/ skinny b. Bill is 200$ richer/ poorer than John; vs. 1,000$ rich/ poor c. It is 2° warmer/ colder than yesterday; vs. 20° warm/ cold

Such pairs are prevalent in languages as diverse as English, German, Chinese, Hebrew and Esperanto (Bierwisch 1989; Breakstone 2009; Kennedy 2009). A corpora study of Esperanto, which users are native speakers of a variety of languages, suggests that they are prevalent even in this artificially construed language – most positive adjectives resemble their negative antonyms in rarely licensing ratio phrases (van Cranenburgh et al 2011).

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Hebrew speakers’ judgments concerning nominalizations exhibit parallel patterns (Breakstone 2009; Sassoon 2010). In many antonym pairs, both negative and positive members are marked, as (10b) and (12b) illustrate.

(10) a. Godel/??Katnut ha-bayit; ‘The size/??smallness of the house’ b. Mishkal/??Koved ha-noca; ‘The weight/?‘heaviness’ of the feather’

(11) a. Orex kaful/ shney meter; ‘Double length; 2 meters of length’ b. *Katnut kfula/ shney meter; *‘Double smallness/ smallness of 2ms’

(12) a. Mishkal kaful / 30kg; ‘Double weight / weight of 30kg’ b. *Koved kaful / 2kg; *‘Double heaviness / heaviness of 2kg’

Moreover, in languages like Russian, all adjectives not morphologically marked for comparison are norm-related and do not license measure phrases (Krasikova 2009). Even tall is marked, so to speak.

(13) *Катя низкая, она такая/настолько же высокая, как/насколько и Лариса; ‘Katja is short, she is as tall as Larissa.’

(14) a. Насколько стол широкий? ‘How wide is the desk?’ (very, fairly, little, *20cm) b. *Кровать 80 см *широкая/ *узкая/ шириной. ‘The bed is 80 cm wide.’

Only adjectives morphologically marked for comparison (e.g., the Russian equivalents of English ‘taller’) are ‘unmarked’ – they are neutral and they license measure- and ratio-phrases. All other degree constructions, whereby the adjective occurs with no morphological marking (the Russian equivalents of ‘tall’, ‘more tall’, etc.) are norm-related and ban measure phrases.

(15) a. Катя не выcокая, но она выше, чем Сергей. ‘Katja is not tall, but she is taller than Sergej.’ b. *Катя не высокая, но она более высокая,чем Сергей ‘Katja is not tall, but she is more tall than Sergej.’

These cross-linguistic generalizations call for a unified account of norm-relatedness in natural language, and its interactions with polarity and measure phrases.

2 Existing Theories This paper utilizes a representation of background contexts c via context-sets Wc (sets of indices w consistent with the information in c; Stalnaker 1978),

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such that a statement S is true in c iff ∀w∈Wc, S is true in w; S is false in c iff ∀w∈Wc, S is false in w, and S is undetermined in c, otherwise. Let Dx and Dr be the domain of possible individuals x and degrees r, respectively, and let gradable adjectives denote in indices w measure functions, f(P,w): Dx→Dr; for example, f(tall,w) is a degree function (also symbolized as ftall,w) – a mapping of entities x∈Dx to values r∈Dr. The interpretation of a positive construction, x is P, is the truth value ‘true’ in w iff f(P,w)(x) exceeds P’s standard in w, s(P,w) (Kennedy 1999).

The degree functions of positive adjectives are monotonic with respect to conventional measures, while those of negative adjectives are reversed with respect to those of their antonyms, e.g., the more height one has (wrt any possible measure), the taller one is, but the less short one is. Thus, the ordering imposed by fshort,w is equivalent to the ordering imposed by the reversed height function λx∈Dx. − ftall,w(x). Let us, then, represent this fact by assuming that for any c and w∈Wc, fshort,w is roughly equivalent to ≅ λx. − ftall,w(x). However, the arguments in this paper do not hinge on this analysis of antonymy; they generalize to other contemporary analyses of antonymy (Kennedy 1999, 2001; Heim 2008, etc.)

Theories such as Rett (2008) seek to explain the data with two principles:

(16) a. Markedness (restricted distribution): Norm related implications are due to a competition between marked and unmarked forms. Marked (negative; ‘reversed’) adjectives can be used iff substitution with the ‘unmarked’ antonym does not preserve truth conditions.

b. Null morphemes (‘Pos’/‘Eval’): Norm related implications are explained by analogy with the positive construction, which is normally analyzed as containing a null morpheme – POS or EVAL – that introduces a membership-standard variable into the syntax and semantics. For example, ‘Dan is tall’ is analyzed as conveying that Dan is taller than tall’s contextual standard (Kennedy 1999).

Therefore, since the neutral interpretations of, for example, equally tall and equally short are equivalent, by principle (16a), the latter is not licensed. However, when EVAL enters the derivations, the outcome consists of two non-equivalent norm related interpretation for the positive and negative equatives. Hence, both are licensed. For example, the negative equative Dan and Bill are equally short has a derivation of the form Equally(Eval Dan is short, Bill is Short), which conveys that Dan and Bill are equally short and Dan is shorter than the standard height norm, rs. Likewise, the norm related

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interpretations of negative and positive as equatives and degree questions are different so both are licensed.

This theory is appealing because it is economic and highly intuitive. Can we, then, use a modified version of it to explain the facts concerning antonym pairs whereby the negative and positive are both marked? The answer is no. Norm-related readings with positive adjectives cannot be based on comparisons with an ‘unmarked’ form, because their negative antonyms are also marked – they do not license ratio- and measure-phrases.

The moral is twofold. First, non-licensing of ratio and measure phrases cannot be explained merely as a result of the reversal characterizing negative antonymy, for otherwise the fact that many positive adjectives do not license ratio- and measure-phrases will remain unexplained. Second, norm-related-ness cannot be explained by relying on a notion as general as markedness. What we need to explain is why ‘marked’ adjectives have a constrained distribution in the first place, and the reasons explaining this would probably reveal why they tend to also be norm-related.

A theory that seeks to explain norm-relatedness in terms of reasons for non-licensing of measure phrases will be more explanatory. First, it will explain the cross linguistic patterns. Krasikova (2008), for example, adopts principles (16a, b) to account for the English data; this forces her to propose a different account for Russian, to capture the apparent role of degree morphology in this language. So she is forced to use separate accounts for an apparent cross-linguistic feature – norm relatedness always goes with non-licensing of measure phrases. Second, an account of norm-relatedness which is based on non-licensing of measure- and ratio-phrases has the potential advantage of explaining data pertaining to norm-relatedness in measure- and ratio-phrases. In particular, why is it that when people do use ratio-phrases, as in This paper is twice as short as that one, the result is neutral? After all, other modified equatives (e.g. at least as short as) are norm related.

Additional problems with existing analyses pertain to principle (16b) –the assumption that the derivation and semantics of equatives and degree questions is mediated by a standard variable. One problem pertains to the use of for-phrases in equatives (Sassoon and van Rooij 2011). For-phrases are adjective modifiers indicating what the implicit standard is, as illustrated with the positive construction in (17a). These modifiers cannot modify equatives (17b). When accepted, the for-phrase is an adjective modifier, which pro-duces a shift in the adjective interpretation (17c). Due to this shift, (17c) does not at all entail that the two arguments are equally short.

(17) a. Dan is tall for his age

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(= Dan is taller than tall’s standard, namely his age’s norm) b. *Dan is as short as Bill for their age(s)

(≠ Dan is shorter than short’s standard, namely his age’s norm and Dan and Bill are equally short)

c. Dan is as short for his age as Mary is for her age (≅ Dan is short for his age to the same degree as Mary is short for her age)

Why? A for-phrase can only modify the adjective occurring in an equative, thereby creating a between-adjective equative; Thus it produces a shift in interpretation, not necessarily towards a norm-related interpretation, but towards a deviation interpretation – the adjectival function is replaced with a function assigning to entities the distance between their value and the norm in their respective categories. The for-phrase does not and cannot modify the equative itself, which is straightforwardly explained if and only if no standard parameter is added by virtue of the use of an equative without for.

Similar problems arise with the use of standard boosters like very (compare, for example, the felicity of Dan is very tall to the utterly odd sentences #Bill is as very short as Dan and ?? How very short is Bill?). Why? Again, very cannot modify an equative or degree question by boosting the value of the norm variable, probably because there is no such value in their semantics. In conclusion, equatives and degree questions are inherently different from positive forms. Their derivations are mediated by neither a null morpheme, nor a standard variable (Sassoon and van Rooij 2011).

In sum, an account of norm related implications in these constructions cannot be based on principles (16a, b). Norm-related implications must derive from something else, which characterizes the interpretation of marked adjectives, including positive ones. The rest of this paper will provide an implementation of the idea put forward in this section, namely an account of norm-relatedness that bind it, rather than to a general notion of markedness, to a more specific, pervasive feature of norm-related adjectives crosslinguistically: non-licensing of measure phrases and rarity of licensing of ratio phrases.

3 Accounts Based on Licensing of Measure Phrases I will make use of measurement theory’s explanation of the distribution of measure phrases (Krantz et al 1971), whose relevance to linguistics has already been noted (Klein 1991; Krifka 1989; van Rooij 2010; Sassoon 2010). I will discuss specifically the difference between ratio- and difference-scales, which pertains to the status of the zero on a measurement scale and its

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effects. On this proposal, the so-called ‘norm related implications’ are actually ‘zero related implications’, and the so called ‘Unmarked-’ versus ‘Marked-adjectives’ are adjectives with absolute- versus relative-zeros. Section 3.1 explains these notions in more detail.

3.1 Zero the Hero

Let the domain of degrees, Dr, include a special element, 0∈Dr. Let adjectival interpretations in indices w include, besides a cutoff point, also a zero point – the set of entities whose P value in w is 0: zero(P,w) ={x∈Dx: f(P,w)(x) = 0}. Like the cutoff point, also the zero can be either semantically determined or context relative. P’s zero is absolute in c iff it is index invariant (i.e. the same extent of the given property is regarded as zero in every accessible index; (18a)) and it marks absence of P-hood by comprising P’s absolute lower bound (18b). Otherwise, P’s zero is relative.

(18) Absolute zeros are index invariant lower bounds: a. ∀w1,w2∈Wc, zero(P,w1) = zero(P,w2) b. ∀w∈Wc,∀x∉zero(P,w), f(P,w)(x) > 0).

What, then, distinguishes neutral adjectives (like English tall and old) from norm-related ones (fat, rich, warm and negative antonyms in general)? In the former, the zero is absolute. It marks complete absence of height, width, age, etc. Conversely, in the latter, the zero is relative. The ‘out of the blue’ context fails to determine precisely which entities cease to have any amount of the measured properties. Which entities are minimally fat? Rich? Short? At which point on the warm-cold scale are entities not even somewhat cold? Warm? Our linguistic capacity is as indeterminate with regard to the zero (or minimum) of these adjectives as it is with regard to the cutoff point of tall. If I do not want to be fat at all – not even minimally fat – what weight should I aspire for? If I want to warm up a soup so that it is not at all cold, what temperature should I aspire for?

Some of the adjectives lacking an absolute zero, e.g., short, have no minimum at all, because there is no maximal height. Others, e.g., fat, could have had an absolute zero – 0 weight – but in actuality, fat doesn’t appear to measure mere weight, but rather – overweight. The point at which entities begin to have a noticeable amount of overweight (‘minimum fatness’) is context relative. So is the point at which entities begin to have noticeable deficits compared to the average height (‘shortness’) etc.

Significantly, relative zeros do not have to equal the membership norms. For example, while somewhat open entails open and slightly wet entails wet, one can be somewhat fat, but not fat, meaning that the reference point relative

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to which we begin to measure overweight (fat’s zero) may be different from fat’s norm. Likewise, one can be somewhat short, but not short, meaning that the reference point relative to which we begin to measure height-deficit (the zero) may be different from short’s norm. Notice that according to the economy principle (Kennedy 2007), if there is a point that stands out on a scale (usually either a minimum or a maximum on the scale), the adjective’s norm will be identified with it, rather than be context-relative. This is the case in open/closed; dry/wet, but not in fat/skinny and tall/short. They seem to reference midpoint standards, despite the fact that speakers easily recognize an absolute zero on the height and weight scales, and despite the role that this zero plays in the interpretation of adjectives like, e.g., tall – explaining their licensing of ratio- and measure-phrases (as illustrated shortly).

Finally, notice that sentences such as The surface of the floor is zero (cms) tall are funny or infelicitous, but they are easily interpretable, whereas corresponding examples, e.g., The surface of the floor is zero (cms) short are both funny and senseless (Sassoon 2010). This is because the degrees assigned by short – including those of entities whose height measures zero – are shifted by an unspecified value, which results in a relative zero. In typical contexts of use c, we do not know which entities belong in zero(short) in c (formally, for many w1,w2 in Wc, zero(short,w1) ≠ zero(short,w2)). No absolute ‘zero’ is available, only local zeros. So we have found a common denominator: All norm-related adjectives have relative zeros. We can describe their degree functions as shifted by an index-dependent value, symbolized below as ‘Tran’, from ‘transformation value’. For example, the zero on the Kelvin scale is absolute. Nothing can get any colder. But the zero on the Celcius scale is arbitrary – frozen water exemplifies this degree. The Celsius scale can be defined in terms of Kelvin degrees plus a transformation by exactly 273 degrees. The scales of natural language adjectives can also be described as transformed, but by an undetermined (index relative) value.

(19) a. ∀w∈Wc, ∃Tran∈Dr: fwarm,w = λx. fKelvin(x,w) − Tran b. ∀w∈Wc, ∃Tran∈Dr: fshort,w = λx. Tran − ftall(x,w)

This is not to say that speakers always need to possess a representation of an additive temperature scale a kin to Kelvin; rather, the result of trans-forming Kelvin by different arbitrarily given values constitutes a correct description of the representations speakers do possess for temperature adjectives.

Measurement theory tells us that measure phrases are only licensed with ratio (‘additive’) scales, namely ones with absolute non-shifted zeros (Krantz et al 1971). To illustrate measurement with an absolute zero, consider for

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example, an index w whereby tall maps entities whose height is 1 centimeter to 1, and assume that Sam and Dan’s heights are 50 and 100 centimeters, respectively, and in accordance, they are mapped to the degrees 50 and 100, respectively. Since ratio-based scales have an absolute zero, they assign no negative values, and the values they assign adequately represent differences and ratios between entities’ manifestations of the given property (e.g. height). For examples, we can say that Dan is twice as tall as Sam since the ratios on tall’s scale are meaningful and indeed 100 = 2 × 50. We can also use units and measure phrases as in Dan is 100 cms tall, because the ratios on tall’s scale are meaningful and Dan is in fact 100 times as tall as a centimeter.

By contrast, consider an index w whereby ‘tall’ is linked to a trans-formed function (which is, arguably, the case in Russian), for instance, one that maps entities whose height is 1 centimeter to 0 (λx. height(x,w) − 1; so Sam and Dan are assigned 49 and 99, respectively). Since such transformed (‘difference’) scales have an arbitrary zero, they typically assign negative values, and the ratios between their values are not meaningful; so in Russian, we cannot felicitously say that Dan is twice as tall as Sam because indeed, e.g., 99 ≠ 2 × 49. Likewise, we cannot felicitously say that Dan is 100 cms tall because 99 is not 100 times 0. For similar reasons, English speakers tend to avoid statements such as Sam is twice as short as Dan; reversed and transformed degrees do not capture ratios. Still, measure phrases are okay in morphologically-comparative adjectives in these two languages (e.g., we can say that Dan is 50 cms taller than Sam), because when calculating degree differences, the transformation values cancel out – the difference between Dan and Sam’s tall degrees is 50, and so is the difference between their short degrees ((1 − 100 ) − (1 − 50) = 50); this value is precisely 50 times the value of a centimeter, as stated by the measure phrase (Sassoon 2010).

Absolute zeros are a relatively recent invention, and conceptually, difference scales are still more prominent than additive ratio-scales (Smith et al 2005). For instance, according to judgments of 7-year old children, dividing an object repeatedly will eventually make it disappear, or reduce its weight to zero. Why? Because children use difference-scales and subtraction instead of ratio-scales with division. Correct reasoning typically occurs at age 8-12 or latter, and latter for weight than for matter and space.

These findings are consistent with the linguistic data – most adjectives do not license measure phrases and rarely license ratio phrases (and they do so mainly with round numbers). Data from Esperanto suggest that there is no statistically significant difference between negative and positive adjectives in the frequency of ratio modifiers (as well as nominalizations; van Cranenburgh et al 2010), except for distance predicates like tall. This

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suggests that all negative adjectives are non-additive, but so are also many positive adjectives. In addition, adjectives and their comparative and super-lative forms (which do not require calculation of ratios) are acquired earlier than measure phrases (Tall > Taller, tallest > 2m tall; Beck et al 2010). Finally, nominalization morphology is consistent with this view. After all, height, weight, width and length are all non-generative forms, while most other (non-additive) adjectives tend to combine with other, more generative morphemes, such as ‘-ness’ and ‘-ity’ (e.g., highness, obesity, etc.)

To summarize, ‘markedness’ in adjectives does amount not to negative antonymy, but to the notion of difference scales, meaning – scales with relative zeros, either by virtue of a transformation of an additive base (tall-short), or due to absence of an additive base in the first place (glad-sad). Transformed adjectives do not license measure phrases, but their com-paratives do; they license twice only if context biases towards a non-dominant non-transformed interpretation; we are uncertain about their zero point, and – they are norm-related in equatives and ‘how’ questions. This last feature must be related to the previous features. An account based on this insight is presented in the next section.

3.2 Be Positive!

Norm related implications arise if the adjective’s function is transformed. Why? One possibility is that denotation members always have to have positive degrees (∀w∈Wc, s(P,w) ≥ 0), but non-members may have negative degrees. In each context, entities’ value fails to exceed 0 iff they fail to have a contextually noticeable or significant amount of the measured property. Thus, adjectives cannot be used to rank these entities:

(20) Be positive! Use adjectives P to rank entities whose value in P exceeds zero.

Formally, then, x is P is felicitous in c iff ∀w∈Wc, f(P,w)(x) > 0. This idea has been out there for a pretty long time; as Winter (2005) writes: “a possible explanation, discussed by Seuren and Kennedy, is that the scales of adjectives such as fast and expensive do not exhaust all the physically legitimate values” (Winter 2005: 39). Likewise, Heim and Kratzer (1998) and Kennedy (2007) have argued for various sorts of adjectival domain restrictions, covering among other things, also the role of zeros. But, to the best of my knowledge, the relations have never been worked out in detail, between zeros and norm-relatedness in positive and negative adjectives across languages (see Winter 2005 and Breakstone 2010 for previous discussions). This section includes a preliminary account of these relations and many questions for future research.

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First, notice that the maxim in (20) can only be violated when, in denying P, its application turns P’s negation unusable; i.e., it makes sense to apply not P of entities whose P value fails to exceed 0 in c iff all non Ps fail to do so (∀w∈Cc, s(P,w) ≤ 0), namely in minimum standard adjectives (cf. the door isn’t open vs. #the surface isn’t tall).1 Furthermore, on the basis of (20) we can claim that transformation in negative adjectives has a purpose, namely to avoid negative values. By virtue of transformation, positive and negative antonyms may apply to slightly different domains. Thus, trans-formation is bad for ratio- and measure-phrase licensing, but it is good to tell apart negative- from positive-antonyms (Rett 2007; Tribushinina 2009). Besides these observations, this proposal has the following outcomes.

First, by (20), tall (whose zero is absolute, i.e. marks complete absence of height) can be used to rank entities iff they have some height, but not necessarily much height. Hence, tall is neutral. Conversely, almost only fat entities are surely ‘somewhat fat’ (have a noticeable overweight and so a positive degree). So we can only use fat ‘safely’ to rank denotation members, or at least ‘somewhat fat’ entities.

Second, the strength of an evaluative implication (e.g. fat vs. somewhat fat) varies with the location of the zero. For example, soon after switching on a slow oven to warm up some cold bread, one can ask how warm is the bread? (I am grateful to Ewan Klein for this observation). In this context, soon after the oven is switched on, some heat is added to the bread, rendering it at least ‘somewhat warm’, i.e. more than ‘zero’ warm. This is all that is required for an appropriate use of warm by (20). Similarly, after cutting some part of a very long rope to shorten it, we can ask how short is the rope? Even if the rope is still clearly not short. Also, how brown only implies somewhat brown, even out of the blue (Heim 2009). Stronger constraints, directly relating to cutoff points, cannot capture these judgments (Rett 2007, 2008).

Transformed adjectives may be partial in disguise, if their relative standard is taken to equal their relative zero – this is the case in contexts in

1 Still, with negation, we find evidence for a weaker version, something like “be able to be positive!”. For example, The door isn’t open is okay because the door might be open. However, #The surface isn’t tall is odd because a surface cannot possibly ever exceed zero height. Then again, consider a line X on a screen whose length varies with time and is now zero; reporting the ongoing changes X undergoes one may say that right now, X isn’t long (because it might be long.)

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which, for instance, x is somewhat fat is taken to imply fat. In such cases, we only use the adjectives (even in the comparative) in order to rank members. Thus, the present account converges with the account of norm-relatedness in comparatives of partial (minimum-standard) adjectives (Kennedy and McNally 2005); in contexts in which the relative zero and norm of fat are equated, fatter is norm related for the same reasons sicker or more open usually are – to count as Per one has to have some non-zero degree of P; when this suffices for P-hood, ‘x is Per’ entails ‘x is P’. The standard is context relative, but entities below it are below 0 so they can’t be ranked.

Third, languages like Russian provide additional evidence for relative zeros (even for adjectives like, e.g., tall). Combinations like ‘entirely short’, whereby a maximizer modifies a relative adjective, are just fine in Russian. Yet they do not refer to tall‘s absolute zero, but to some context dependent minimum height (Tribushinina 2009, 2010), namely tall’s relative zero. Again, this zero is clearly not the standard of tall and short. Similar evidence is provided by certain English negative, relative- or partial-adjectives, as in the felicitous and frequent combinations completely different and entirely sick.2 We find similar Hebrew data (e.g., ‘legamrey kar’ ‘entirely cold’ is perfectly grammatical). Such maximizers occur not only with maximum-scale adjectives (clean; closed; full; empty), but also with relative adjectives, and they refer to the (possibly local) zero of those adjectives’ antonyms.

Fourth, (20) is a restriction on the use of adjectives P, but not of other lexical items, including ones decomposed of P, like unP or Per. In fact, although the interpretation of the latter is mediated by P’s degree function, they can be used without implying P-hood. Thus, (20) captures the role of morphology, including the fact that, for instance, unhappy doesn’t imply happy, and shorter doesn’t imply being short. Conversely, less short, as short and how short are correctly predicted to imply short. So (20) captures the role of comparative morphology in Russian, namely the fact that morphologically marked comparatives are neutral and they license ratio- and measure-phrases. Also, for Bierwisch (1989), Krasikova (2009) and Kennedy (2001), more P differs from Per in being norm-related, as (200 predicts.3,4

2 Syrett (2007) shows that maximizers are a cue for the acquisition of standard type – invented labels are regarded as total (maximum-standard) adjectives if modified by maximizers like completely. But Syrett cites relative- or partial- (mininum standard) adjectives like different among the most frequent adjectives licensing maximizers like entirely. 3 Why aren’t measure-phrases licensed here, as in #2m/twice more wide than long? After all, the transformation values cancel out, so relative zeros cannot be the reason. Probably, this construction employs a richer semantics than a mere difference calculation. Independent evidence for this is the fact that noun phrases are freely licensed in this constructions across

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Notice, however, that er-comparatives, being lexical entries in their own right, may have either an absolute or a relative zero. If Per has a relative zero, then only entity pairs whose values in P differ to a contextually noticeable or significant extent, count as somewhat Per. This explains why sometimes Per implies (somewhat) P; e.g ??this feather is heavier than that one is odd, because differences in weight between feathers (unlike, say, bags) are too fine grained for heavier to capture, rendering heavier semi norm-related. The sentence improves if, say, a wet feather is compared to a dry one, since their weights differ more notably (Ewan Klein, p.c.) On a similar vein, we can say that The winter in Antarctica is warmer this year, either if it feels noticeably warmer, or if we report about fine-grained scientific measures that render the two winters discernable.

Fifth, it weighs conveys It weighs a lot, rather than It weighs something (Bierwisch 1989) perhaps due to the triviality of the latter, which, by (20), holds true of all weigh’s domain. A question for the future is whether the meaning of adjectival positive forms (e.g. x is tall) can also derive from triviality (Fox and Hackl 2006; Heim 2009; Rett 2007).

Finally, this account is more explanatory than an account in terms of a mere competition between marked and unmarked forms, in that it generates predictions about cases we previously could not understand. In particular, it explains why ratio phrases are not norm-related (Rett 2007), e.g., a tall person can be twice as short as a house. Why? The licensing of ratio phrases requires an accommodation of a ratio-scale – an absolute zero must be accommodated, which means that the norm relatedness is eliminated.

Also, this account has implications even for mere exceptions to the cross linguistic generalization. Consider, for example, the pair late-early. It is obviously norm related – both How late/ early is the train? and This train is as late/ early as that one imply that The train is late/ early; still, it also licenses measure phrases – both 2 minutes late and two minutes early are felicitous across many languages. These adjectives are also particularly amenable to deviation interpretations (Kennedy 2001). Other examples of deviation readings include, for instance, 2 month short of her birthday, 2 minutes short of time (Schwarzschild 2005), and Dan is (2cms) taller than Mary is short which is a direct comparison of deviations (Kennedy 2001).

languages, as in more a car than a truck and more a bird than a horse (versus #more bird or #birder). 4 This proposal predicts a difference in implications between little fat, slightly fat or barely fat and rather skinney, and between slightly ful and rather empty. Empirical research should ultimately determine whether this prediction is on the right track.

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What explains the norm related implications? Importantly, time is a difference measurement. It has an unspecified or contextually chosen zero (recall that, for instance, year 1 is different in the Christian and Jewish calendars). However, early and late often select contextually determined zeros in an anaphoric or indexical way. For example, the zero may be defined by the time school’s bell rings (the time of an event ebell). In such contexts, Tranlate/early = fTime(ebell). These adjectives, then, are linked with a measure of deviation from the bell time, f(late,w) = λe. fTime(e,w) − fTime(ebell,w) and f(early,w) = λe. fTime(ebell,w) − ftime(e,w) (where ‘e’ is a variable over events). These functions compare ‘transformed’ time values of two given entities; the transformation-values cancel out, and so measure phrases are licensed.

Too is a marker of deviation readings, e.g. in You arrived late, but not too late, the first occurrence of late has a relative zero and norm, while the second is interpreted relative to, e.g., the bell-ringing time, which functions as both the zero and the standard. In Dutch, the use of te (‘too’) is compulsory in these contexts, as in Jullie moeten hier zijn voor de bel; Jullie zien *(te) laat (‘You must arrive before the bell rings; you arrived *(too) late’); te is obligatory for the meaning “after the bell” (cf. Syrett’s 2007 treatment of too as a marker of minimum standard adjectives).

To conclude, directly connecting between non-licensing of measure phrases and norm-relatedness is fruitful. Empirical research is required to determine the precise implications from degree constructions – facts pertaining to sub-deletion comparatives with more; the connection between granularity and norm-relatedness, etc. Finally, maybe derivations with equatives and degree-questions (but crucially not er comparatives) involve a measure phrase variable M, e.g., a projection of the form x is M Adj. (cf. Doetjes 2009; Fox and Hackl 2006). Since negative adjectives like short do not license fine-grained neutral measure phrases like two meters, M can only be saturated by an evaluative entry like very, fairly and for his age. Crucially, even negative modifiers (‘answers’) such as little short or not short allow for, and perhaps even defeasibly suggest, not tall (for empirical findings see Paradis and Willners 2006 and references therein). This idea, too, captures norm relatedness in positive adjectives that fail to license measure phrases (such as fat, warm and rich, in English).

References Beck, Sigrid, S. Krasikova, D. Fleischer, R. Gergel, C. Savelsberg, J.

Vanderelst & E. Villalta. 2010. Crosslinguistic Variation in Comparison Constructions. MS (to appear in Linguistic Variation Yearbook).

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Bierwisch, Manfred. 1989. ‘The semantics of gradation’. In Manfred Bierwisch & Ewald Lang (eds.), Dimensional Adjectives. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Breakstone, Micha Y. 2010 Inherent Evaluativity, MS, MIT. Fox, Danny, and Hackl, Martin. 2006. The universal density of measurement.

Linguistics and Philosophy 29, 537–586. Heim, Irene. 2008. Decomposing Antonyms? Proceedings of Sinn und

Bedeutung 12. 212–225. OSLO. Heim, Irene. 2009. Class notes, MIT. Heim, Irene, and Angelika Kratzer. 1998. Semantics in generative grammar.

Malden, MA.: Blackwell. Horn, Laurence. 1989. A Natural History of Negation, Chicago Uni. Press. Kennedy, Christopher. 1999. Projecting the adjective: the syntax and

semantics of gradability and comparison. Garland. NY. (1997 UCSC PhD thesis).

Kennedy, Christopher. 2001. Polar opposition and the ontology of degrees. Linguistics and Philosophy 24(1): 33–70.

Kennedy, Christopher. 2007. Vagueness and grammar: The semantics of relative and absolute gradable predicates. Linguistics & Philosophy 30.

Kennedy, Christopher and McNally, Louise. 2005. Scale structure and. the semantic typology of gradable predicates, Language 81: 345–381.

Klein, Ewan. 1991. Comparatives. Semantik: Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung, ed. by Arnim von Stechow and Dieter Wunderlich, 673–91. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Lehrer, A. 1985. Markedness and Antonymy. Journal of Linguistics 21(2). Paradis, Carita and Caroline Willners. 2006. Antonymy and negation – The

boundedness hypothesis. Journal of Pragmatics 38(7): 1051–80. Rett, Jessica. 2007. T. Friedman and M. Gibson (eds), SALT XVII 210–227,

Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Rett, Jessica. 2008. Degree modification in Natural language. Doctoral

dissertation. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Rotstein, Carmen and Yoad Winter. 2004. `Total adjectives vs. partial

adjectives: Scale structure and higher-order modifers. Natural Language Semantics 12: 259–288.

Sassoon, Galit W. 2010. Measurement theory in Linguistics. Synthese 174(2): 151–180.

Sassoon and van Rooij 2011, Against the null morphem POS, paper in progress, ILLC, University of Amsterdam.

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Smith, Carol, Gregg Solomon and Susan Carey. 2005. Never getting to zero: Elementary school students’ understanding of the infinite divisibility of number and matter, Cognitive Psychology 51: 101–140.

Syrett, K. 2007. Learning about the Structure of Scales: Adverbial Modifcation and the Acquisition of the Semantics of Gradable Adjectives. Ph.D. thesis, Northwestern University

Tribushinina, Elena. 2010. Boundedness and relativity: A contrastive study of English and Russian. To appear in Languages in Contrast 11.

van Rooij, Robert. 2010. ‘Vagueness and linguistics’. In G. Ronzitti (ed.), The Vagueness Handbook. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.

van Cranenburgh, Andreas, G. Sassoon and R. Fernandez. 2010. Invented Antonyms: Esperanto as a semantic lab. IATL 26, Bar Ilan Uni., Israel.

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English Comparative Correlatives, Conditionals, and Adverbs of Quantification

E. Allyn Smith

Northwestern University [emailprotected]

Abstract. This paper argues that the similarities long observed between English Comparative Correlative sentences (CCs) such as the bigger they are, the harder they fall and English conditionals are the result of the conservativity of generalized quantification and not the identity of the quantifiers involved in conditionals and CCs. I review the similarities, noted by Thiersch (1982), Fill-more (1987) and Beck (1997), inter alia, before presenting new data showing differences in both the kind of quantification (universal/generic v. proportional) and the defeasibility of quantification on the basis of what kinds of Adverbs of Quantification are found with each and how they affect interpretation. I conclude that CCs are not merely a subclass of conditionals as previously theorized (cf. Beck 1997, Lin 2007 and Brasoveanu 2008), positing an alter-native theory in which a proportional quantificational force is part of the lexical meaning of the first the in the CC.

1 Introduction The following are examples of the English Comparative Correlative. Exam-ples (1d)-(1g) are from Google, and (1a) is a common idiom.

(1) a. The bigger they come, the harder they fall. b. The faster we drive, the sooner we'll get there. c. The more a dog eats, the more it drinks. d. The longer they remain, the greater the chances of disaster. e. The larger the barrel, the bigger the curl. f. The further the horizon, the greater the perceived scenic beauty. g. The steeper the diagonal line, the tighter the folds will be in the


Each CC under consideration here has two primary phrases separated by a comma, each beginning with the. These can be clearly clausal, as in, e.g. (1a)-(1d), or appear without verbs, as in (1e). In this paper, I will concentrate on the clearly clausal examples. I'll call the the that begins the first clause the1 and the the that begins the second clause the2.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 547–563. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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The interpretation of the CC in (2) is paraphrased by Beck (1997) in the following way (in (3)). Though Beck is primarily analyzing the German CC, she is clear in her intention for its analysis to apply equally to English. I use her work as the exemplar analysis throughout this paper since it is the first detailed compositional analysis of the semantics of the CC in any language.

(2) The faster we drive, the sooner we'll get there.

(3) ∀w1∀w2 [[We drive faster in (w1) than (w2)] → [We get there sooner in (w1) than (w2)]]

In prose, (3) expresses that the meaning of the CC correlates increases of one kind with increases of another kind across situations/worlds/individuals; here, increases in speed and earlier arrival times are correlated. Though this par-ticular example's correlation is governed by a natural law relating speed and time, in general, neither causation nor any particular kind of functional re-lationship are required. In other words, CCs in English can be used to express seemingly random correlations such as (4) and a variety of non-linear rela-tions as in (5), which is exponential. In addition, a sentence like (6) is judged to be true in a model in which a one-degree temperature difference correlates with a three-goal increase, while a five-degree temperature difference cor-relates with a single-goal increase. Thus, linearity (among other proper-ties) should not be included as part of the semantic representation of the CC. For more on this and related issues, see Beck (1997).

(4) The more prolific the semanticist, the taller her husband.

(5) The greater a number, the greater its square.

(6) The warmer it was, the more goals the team scored.

Given a suitable sentence-level interpretation for the CC, the question is naturally how to compose it. All past work on the semantics of CCs, including Beck (1997), Hsaio (2003), Lin (2007) and Brasoveanu (2008) treat the English CC as a kind of conditional.1 This paper argues that CCs are not a subclass of conditionals but rather that both CCs and conditionals are sub-classes of the group of expressions that involve a generalized quantifier. In section 2, I review the compelling similarities between conditionals and CCs. In section 3, I focus on the differences, including new differences based on

1 Brasoveanu does argue that not all CCs are conditional, but those that he excludes are Roma-nian equative-type CCs that mean something like ‘the difference in height between mom and dad is the same as the difference in height between me and my brother’, so the kind of CCs at issue here are still considered conditionals.

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proportional interpretations (in 3.1) and adverbs of quantification (in 3.2). In section 4, I discuss the repercussions of these new differences for the compo-sitional analysis of CCs.

2 Similarities between CCs and Conditionals Thiersch (1982) observed the first similarities between CCs and conditionals, which were then taken up and added to by Fillmore (1987) and McCawley (1988) who were the first to hypothesize that CCs were a kind of conditional. What follows are some of the similarities between CCs and conditionals. First, both license donkey anaphora.

(7) If a farmer owns a donkey, he loves it.

(8) The more often a farmer milks a cow, the more he appreciates it.

Second, neither allow will as a future tense in the first clause.

(9) If a farmer (#will milk) milks a cow, he will make butter.

(10) The more often a farmer (#will milk) milks a cow, the more butter he can (will be able to) make.

Third, both allow backward pronominalization when the pronoun is in the antecedent but not the consequent.

(11) a. If hei has to wait a long time, Johni gets angry. b. #Hei gets angry if Johni has to wait a long time.

(12) a. The longer hei has to wait, the angrier Johni gets. b. #Hei gets angrier, the longer Johni has to wait. Fourth, in both, tag questions can be formed only on the basis of the second (matrix) clause:2

(13) a. If Max has to wait, Lucy gets angry, doesn’t she? b. *If Max has to wait, Lucy gets angry, doesn’t he?

(14) a. The longer Max waits, the angrier Lucy gets, doesn’t she? b. *The longer Max waits, the angrier Lucy gets, doesn’t he?

2 Whether the CC is an instance of a subordinate-matrix structure is a contentious issue in the literature on the syntax of the CC (cf. Culicover & Jackendoff 1999, Borsley 2004 and den Dikken 2005), but here, I will assume that the first clause of the CC is indeed a subordinate clause, which is the assumption of the semantics literature.

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Beck adds additional similarities to the list. In both CCs and conditionals, the meaning of the subordinate clause restricts the domain of cases under consideration and the meaning of the matrix clause asserts something about those cases. Also in both, when quantification is over worlds, worlds where something miraculous or unexpected happens are ignored (so when you say If he went to the store, he forgot his money, you're excluding worlds in which he gets run over by a car on his way to the market). She says that counterfactual statements are possible in both, as in (15) and (16), though (16) sounds odd to me.

(15) If he had run faster, he would be more tired now.

(16) The faster he had run, the more tired he would be now.

Finally, Beck discusses adverbs of quantification (AQs). There is a long history of work on conditionals (see von Fintel 1994 and Bhatt & Pancheva 2006 for overviews), and one of its most influential observations is the extent to which conditional antecedents serve as domain restrictors of AQs such as always, sometimes, usually, seldom, normally, etc. Like conditionals, AQs show a wide range of quantification, leading Lewis (1975) to hypothesize that what is being quantified over with AQs (and conditionals and therefore, potentially, CCs) is a case. A case is any admissible value assignment for all the variables that occur free in an open sentence modified by an AQ (according to Heim). This importantly includes all participant, time, and world variables. So basically, the AQ is a kind of operator in a tripartite structure of the form [Operator] [Restrictor] [Nuclear Scope] (Heim 1982, Kamp 1981). In the case of AQs (and also modals), the restrictor is typically given by an if-clause, but it can be implicit, meaning that its value is determined almost entirely by context, as in examples like Usually, I go to the store where we're already talking about what I do after school, etc. Similarly, it is possible to have an if-clause restrictor without an explicit AQ or modal, as in (17a) and all of the examples of conditionals we have seen up to this point. Beck argues that CCs once again parallel conditionals in showing the same behavior, as in (18). This observation by Beck is crucial to her analysis, as we will soon see.

(17) a. If I buy fruit, I eat it before it goes bad. b. Usually, if I buy fruit, I eat it before it goes bad. c. If I can buy fruit, I eat it before it goes bad.

(18) a. The more fruit I eat, the less often I get sick. b. Usually, the more fruit I eat, the less often I get sick.

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c. The more fruit I can eat, the less chocolate I crave.

In both cases shown here, Beck argues that the (a) variant without an explicit AQ is understood as having universal (or possibly generic) scope. Beginning with Kratzer (1986), an implicit epistemic modal or universal/generic AQ has been posited as existing in sentences with a bare conditional antecedent. Similarly, then, it could be extended to the analysis of the CC, in which case the universal quantification in the CC would not be a part of the lexical meaning of the. This is the approach Beck takes. Looking at the form in (3) once again, her analysis ingeniously composes the meanings of the, the comparative morpheme, the adverb fast, and we drive to yield 'we drive faster in (w1) than in (w2)'. The same process is used to compose the meaning of the second clause. Thus, the only thing remaining to derive the form in (3) is the default universal/generic AQ that unselectively binds variables across these two expressions and provides the quantificational force and material conditional. This analysis makes a strong prediction that conditionals and CCs will pattern alike with respect to quantificational force and its defea-sibility, which, as we will see in sections 3.1 and 3.2, is not borne out.

3 Differences between CCs and Conditionals Despite the similarities listed in the last section, there are a number of ways in which the conditional and CC are known to differ. Beck notes the following. First, conditionals do not necessarily contain a comparative mor-pheme (or involve a comparative meaning), while CCs do.

(19) If a dog runs, it gets thirsty.

(20) *The a dog runs, the it gets thirsty.

Second, when conditionals do contain comparatives, than phrases are present, unlike the CC.

(21) If Fido runs faster than Spot, Fido will win the race.

(22) *The faster Fido runs than Spot, the more likely he is to win the race.3

Third, CCs require quantification over at least two variables, and con-ditionals, only one. To see this, compare the form in (3), with quantification over two worlds, to the interpretation of a hypothetical conditional, which would quantify over a single world. This last difference might be taken as a

3 Though I have marked this as ungrammatical in keeping with Beck's judgment, see Smith (2010) for a complete discussion of the felicity of than-phrases in English CCs.

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challenge to the sketch of Beck's analysis presented earlier, but Beck proposes that because the default quantifier for conditionals and CCs is unselective, it is additionally polyadic, binding as many variables as nec-essary (and thus is a single quantifier across the constructions). The other two differences are both cases of restrictions present in the CC but not the conditional, which form her basis for arguing that the CC is a restricted subclass of conditionals.

Another difference between the conditional and CC that does not weaken Beck's claim that CCs are a subclass of conditionals but is often overlooked is the following. The conditional paraphrase for the CC in (24) (which appears in (23)) is not equivalent in meaning to that CC.

(23) If you run faster, then you're more likely to win.

(24) The faster you run, the more likely you are to win.

Only (23) can be interpreted as a statement about one particular faster speed rather than as a generalization about any possible faster speed. We can easily construct situations in which (24) would be false but (23) true, showing a lack of synonymy between the two sentences. Suppose we are discussing marathons. In running a marathon, you actually don't want to run too fast or you'll run out of steam too early and not finish the race, so (24) is false because after some cutoff speed, you jeopardize finishing, let alone winning. But it could be that you are talking to a friend before the race and you know her normal marathon pace and also that she is capable of running a little faster without dropping out of the race. In this case, you can utter (23) and have it mean that if she runs one half of a mile faster per hour, she is more likely to win the marathon, without committing yourself to any statements about any other faster speeds or the truth of this statement on any other day or for any other race. In other words, if you uttered (24), you would be committing to the idea that running the fastest speed possible is the best way to win, in this race or any other, whereas uttering (23) merely commits you to the idea that there is some faster speed that would lead to better results but not that it is the fastest she is capable of running. This is likely related to the above-noted difference between single- and double-variable quantification requirements.

The next two subsections discuss differences that do get in the way of the picture presented thus far. In 3.1, I argue that quantification in the CC is proportional rather than universal/generic, and in 3.2, I show that the distribution of AQs is different with CCs v. conditionals, arguing that the proportional quantificational force should not merely be a default.

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3.1 Proportional Interpretations There is a well-known issue regarding what kinds of things to count (farm-ers? farmer-donkey pairs? etc.) in certain kinds of sentences, including condi-tionals.

(25) If a farmer owns a donkey, he is rich.

(26) If a farmer owns a donkey, he is usually rich.

In example (25), under a universal interpretation, it doesn't matter what you count because all farmers, pairs, etc. must verify the statement.4 In (26), on the other hand, the presence of the proportional quantifier usually creates a problem in models like the following, from Heim 1990.

Model for (26): There are 100 farmers, 99 of whom each own one donkey and are poor; the remaining one owns 200 donkeys and is rich.

If we count by donkey-farmer pairs, there are more rich pairs than poor pairs, which should make the sentence true. If we count by farmers alone, it would be false, which is how native speakers judge this sentence (and thus, theories of conditionals are modified to reflect this fact). In this model, then, both (25) and (26) are judged to be false. A similar kind of test can be used here for the purpose of discerning whether there is a difference in quantificational force between the default universal/generic force, as in (25) and an overt pro-portional force, as in (26). If they are truth-conditionally different, we would expect that in a model where most but not all of the farmers, etc., fit the paradigm, (26) would be true while (25) would be false. Toward this end, I surveyed native speakers about examples like the following:

(27) If a dog knows a command, it is intelligent.

(28) If a dog knows a command, it is usually intelligent.

Model for (27) and (28): There are 200 dogs that know commands. 167 know one command and are intelligent. 33 know two commands and are dumb.

As predicted, across a range of sentences of this type, speakers say that examples like (27) are false or ‘weird’ in models like these, while examples like (28) are judged to be true.

4 Kadmon 1990 disagrees, stating that donkey sentences without overt proportional quantifiers can still give rise to asymmetric (proportional) readings of the kind of interest here, but a survey of native speakers showed a judgment difference between examples like (25)/(27) and examples like (26)/(28) for every single participant.

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Now that we have a test for the difference between universal/generic and proportional quantification, the question is which the CC patterns like. If the CC is a subclass of conditional, it should pattern with the universal/ generic conditionals in (25) and (27) in the default case where no overt proportional AQ is present with the CC. The same native speakers, however, rated CCs like (29) and (30) as they would examples like (26) or (28) where an overt proportional AQ was present. Speakers judge (29) to be false in its model and (30) to be true in its model (for the full list of examples and models tested, see Smith 2010).

(29) The more a man loves a woman, the more flowers he brings her.

Model for (29): We know five men. One has nine girlfriends, and his love for each depends upon her behavior. The nicer she is, the more he loves her, and the more flowers he brings her each week. The other four men each have one girlfriend, and even though their love for their girlfriends grows over time, they only bought them flowers during the first couple months of their relationship and now, years later, they don't buy flowers no matter what.

(30) The more a man likes a tie, the more money he paid for it.

Model for (30): There are 400 men who like at least one tie. 250 of the men have three ties each: one they like so-so and paid $10 for, one they like better and paid $20, and one that is their favorite and paid $30 for. The remaining 150 men own 2 dozen ties each and got some of the nicest ones on sale for less than some of the ones they like only so-so.

From this evidence, we see that CCs without an overt proportional quantifier pattern like conditionals with one. Quantificational force in the CC is therefore more restricted than in the conditional and is proportional. This is unexpected if CCs are a kind of conditional, though Beck and others could argue that the subclass of conditionals that CCs are a part of have a pro-portional rather than generic or universal default. In the next section, I show that even that revision would be untenable.

3.2 Adverbs of Quantification As mentioned above, an overt AQ affects the quantificational force of a conditional. This is one of the reasons that Lewis (1975) and Kratzer (1986) originally proposed that if not be a generalized determiner itself, because the quantificational force of a conditional can vary. From the outset, however, not all kinds of forces can occur in the interpretation of the CC. We have already seen that conditionals can be statements about a particular instance, while CCs have to be generalizations about more than two differences (or

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pairs for which there is a difference) of one kind correlated with more than two differences (or pairs for which there is a difference) of another kind. In other words, a form like that in (31) with a simple existential force simply does not model native speaker intuitions that correspond to any CC regardless of modification. (31) is not a possible interpretation of (32) with or without the AQ sometimes, for example, because (31) would be true in a situation where, of all the trips taken, there was only one where faster driving resulted in an earlier arrival, in which case, native speakers find it infelicitous to use a CC.

(31) ∃w1 ∃w2 [[We drove faster in (w1) than (w2)] → [We got there sooner in (w1) than (w2)]]

(32) Sometimes, the faster we drove, the sooner we got there.

Despite the fact that a true existential is not possible, the fact remains that we do find CCs modified by AQs like sometimes, as in (32). Sometimes is certainly closer to an existential than a universal, though the bare minimum it requires seems to differ between the conditional and the CC. This is puzzling; consider, for example, that when it comes to statistical significance, a correlation is either significant or it is not; it cannot be somewhat significant in technical terms (only almost significant). One might hypothesize, then, that CCs only occur with universal or proportional AQs requiring at least a majority of points to be correlated and that sometimes and other existential-type AQs might not be attested (the only examples Beck gives of AQ modification of CCs are with majority-force quantifiers).

To this end, I conducted a corpus search (of Google, given the large size needed to see significant counts of CCs). I searched for AQs in initial position only since they are unambiguously construed as wide-scope modifiers in that position (whereas, in situ, there is the potential for am-biguity and further work is required). For each AQ X, I used the search term “X the more the” for the CC and “X if the” for the conditional. I did the same search with the indefinite article and found similar results, so I am only re-porting the results with the definite here. Note that this means that the results also don't cover CCs with bare plurals, prepositional phrases, etc. after the more, but I used the definite article because searching for “the more” by itself does not uniquely find CCs. Finally, I searched through dozens of pages worth of individual entries for each AQ looking for responses that were not the target, then ran the search again with a limitation that would rid the search of those unwanted responses. For example, the searches for always the more the and always if the turned up many responses with not always, which was

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not the quantificational force of interest, so the searches were run again, excluding not always. The results of the March 2010 search are shown in two tables (for space purposes) below:

Table 1: Results of the March 2010 search

In the first set, we see the universal-type AQs as well as never, which, with the CC, is like sentential negation due to the fact that in-situ negation is unambiguously narrow scope (cf. Beck 1997). Also, the first column gives the counts for the unmodified CC and conditional (i.e. the more the and if the by themselves) to give a sense of the general difference in their frequency. In the second set, we see the existential-type AQs.

There are two particularly important differences between the distributions of AQs with conditionals v. CCs. The first is that usually, often, and sometimes occur much more often with CCs than conditionals (especially when adjusted for their relative overall frequency). The second is that occasionally, seldom, and rarely occur only with conditionals and not CCs (the few results indicated with occasionally and rarely were not instances of the target; they were times when the AQ occurred at the end of one sentence and the next sentence was a CC). This is not consistent with a theory in which CCs are treated as conditionals. Because Google is notorious for fluctuating, I replicated these results at regular intervals. The following set of tables from six months after the original search show that, while there is certainly some variance, the general pattern remains intact, and both of the major differences are replicated.

Unmodified Always Usually Often Never

CC 111,000,000 38,100 5,290,000 7,070,000 5,950

Cond. 783,000,000 2,090,000 3,020,000 2,770,000 540,000

Sometimes Occasionally Seldom Rarely

CC 6,770,000 9 0 4

Cond. 5,090,000 730,000 2,230,000 6,390,000

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Table 2: Results of the September 2010 search

Again, none of the results for the CC with occasionally, seldom, and rarely were actually CCs modified by these AQs, but most of the results with the conditional were, as in (33)-(35).

(33) Rarely, if the cyst is near the main bile ducts, it can cause obstruction and jaundice.

(34) Occasionally, if the Committee is split in its opinion, they may send the vote to the floor with no recommendation.

(35) Seldom, if the subsidence has not been repaired, it can be solved by re- implantation or dorsal pedicle screw fusion of that lumbar segment.

The fact that all of the AQs that can occur with the conditional and not the CC are existential-type AQs adds strength to my contention that there is a proportional quantificational force (which is inconsistent with an existential) inherent to the CC but not the conditional. Similarly, the fact that usually and often occur with the CC much more often than with the conditional could be further evidence of the proportional force, but this will be discussed more below. The puzzling case is sometimes and why it does not pattern with other AQs like occasionally. In the March 2010 search, sometimes appears more often with CCs than conditionals, while in the September 2010 search, it appears with CCs and conditionals in more equal measure considering their overall difference in frequency, but either way, they clearly occur with CCs. The following are examples of conditionals and CCs with the highest-frequency AQs: usually, often, and sometimes, which will help us shed light on this puzzle.

Unmodified Always Usually Often Never

CC 98,200,000 94,400 351,000 524,000 5,400

Cond. 381,000,000 1,480,000 3,130,000 2,390,000 517,000

Sometimes Occasionally Seldom Rarely

CC 1,050,000 17 5 10

Cond. 5,530,000 566,000 1,350,000 5,940,000

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(36) The stiffer the skiboard, the more weight and lean you need to put into carving. Of course, side-cut factors in here too. Often, the more the side cut, like in skiboards with a deep parabolic cut, the easier it is to carve turns.

(37) Usually, the more the sole of the foot that makes contact (leaves a footprint), the flatter the foot. In more extreme cases, known as a kinked flatfoot, the entire inner edge of the footprint may actually bulge outward, where in a normal to high arch this part of the sole of the foot does not make contact with the ground at all.

(38) With layering, sometimes the more the better. When you layer a lot of black, you're like a walking Louise Nevelson sculpture, and that's pretty attractive.

(39) Often, if the cruise is canceled because of weather, the cruise line uses verbiage that allows the line to issue credits as it sees fit.

(40) Usually if the product was a freebie and they didn't say anything negative about it, I don't trust the review.

(41) Sometimes if the wealthy suffer a serious loss, they are probably not well-trained or socialized to cope well with that since they've been successful.

In the cases of usually and often, they seem to be used in both the conditional and CC merely to implicate that there are exceptions to the generalization they modify. This is consistent with the idea that all of these AQs form a Horn scale (Horn 1972) and that a proportional AQ would be used to implicate that no stronger statement (with a universal AQ like always) would be possible. Similarly, sometimes should implicate only sometimes, i.e. the majority of the time, this is not the case. However, this is where we see a difference. Though (38) is but one example, in all of the dozens of examples I looked at, sometimes with a CC implicates something stronger. In the case of (38), it implicates not merely that it is usually not the case that more layering is better (in which case it could be true that no particular relationship holds for the majority of data points); it implicates instead that usually the reverse is true, i.e. more layering is usually worse, but in the case of layering all black, more can be better. In fact, many of the examples on Google are cases where there are two CCs one after another. The first states the generalization, and the second states a generalization to be found among the outliers. Fur-thermore, within the minority of data points that do not fit the larger generalization, the majority of those must fit the counter-generalization in the

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case where sometimes is used. In other words, when looking at the full set of situations in which there is a difference in amount of layering, it is true that only some of them are cases in which more layers are correlated with a better result, but it is also true of the majority of the outliers to the otherwise robust correlation between more layers and a worse result.

I conclude that the proportional quantificational force in the CC is not as easily overridden as that in the conditional. In the conditional, sometimes overrides the universal or generic force, as do a wide range of existential-type AQs. As we have seen, the CC does not occur with any existential AQs other than sometimes, and even then, sometimes is used to indicate a majority cor-relation among the data points that fall outside the stronger correlation in the other direction. I take this as evidence that the proportional force in the CC is part of the lexical meaning of the1 rather than a default, as proposed for the conditional.

Though the differences between conditionals and CCs presented in this section are not an exhaustive list (e.g. the CC can clearly at least appear to be non-clausal, while the conditional cannot), these are the major differences that seem relevant for the broad semantics of the CC that is at issue here.

4 A New Theory Given the evidence from the previous section, I define a quantificational operator CORREL that has a meaning similar to that of MOST/USUALLY to account for the fact that it must be a proportional quantifier. As it is defined in (42), its form is identical to that given for most, but that is just because, as for most, this is a rough approximation. An individual's idea of what it takes to establish a correlation may be more strict depending upon the person. It could also differ reliably from what someone would judge to be true for most, which is why I gave CORREL its own title.5

(42) CORREL(A)(B) = |A∩B| ⊃ |A-B|

If CORREL were a phonologically null default quantifier with the CC, we would expect the CC and the conditional to have the same pattern as AQs, which they do not. I assume that if the quantificational force is not a default, it must be part of a lexical item. Thus, in the revised theory, it is part of the meaning of the1, which heads the subordinate clause. In all other ways, the semantics of the1 can be consistent with Beck's or others' analyses. If what is built as the meaning of the subordinate clause on those analyses is as in (44) 5 Additionally, sets A and B here are sets of pairs, which is a further difference from the unary sets typically assumed to be the arguments of operators such as MOST.

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for the CC in (43), the revised theory would instead yield (45). Then, in both the old and new theories, the meaning of the matrix clause would be as in (46), so whereas Beck and others take the meaning of the two clauses to be the same modulo the lexical meanings of the nouns and verbs that populate them, the new analysis gives them different meanings. This is actually an advantage of the new theory because the1 and the2 do seem to have a different status in the CC. When the clauses are reversed and the matrix comes first, its the does not appear, as in (47). Because the revised theory keeps the cor-relational force needed to compute the sentence meaning in the subordinate the, we would expect the subordinate the and not the matrix the to remain necessary.

(43) The faster we drive, the sooner we'll get there.

(44) [[ The faster we drive ]] = λw1 λw2 .we drive faster in (w1) than (w2)

(45) [[ The faster we drive ]] = λP<s,st> .CORREL(λw1 λw2 .we drive faster in (w1) than (w2))(P)

(46) [[ The sooner... ]] = λw1 λw2 .we'll get there sooner in (w1) than (w2)

(47) We'll get there sooner, the faster we drive.

(48) CORREL(λw1 λw2 .we drive faster in (w1) than (w2))( λw1 λw2 .we'll get there sooner in (w1) than (w2))

The revised sentence-level meaning for (43) is (48) (compare to (3)). This will be true just in case more than half of the pairs of worlds in which we go faster in the first than the second are also pairs of worlds in which we arrive sooner in the first world as compared to the other. This resolves the main problems raised by the data in sections 3.1 and 3.2 in that the quantificational force in the CC is proportional and indefeasible. The two remaining issues are how the CC's meaning interacts with the meaning of various AQs and how to account for the parallels between conditionals and CCs from section 2 now that they are given different analyses.

Though a theory of AQs is beyond the scope of this paper, it seems unlikely that all AQs behave similarly when it comes to the CC. If, as I have proposed, there is a lexically-specified quantifier that is part of the CC, any instance of an overt AQ would seem to be a case of multiple quantification. Cinque (1999) and others have studied this in more detail, suggesting that when there is more than one, each quantifier quantifies over different things: intervals v. subintervals, etc. It seems that this is what is going on in the case of sometimes but that it is somehow the ‘chosen’ existential AQ in that none

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of the others occur with the CC. Since sometimes is used to signal a pattern among outliers, the others are simply infelicitous as they are taken to quantify over the same worlds, etc., as CORREL, which, if accepted, would create an inconsistency in the common ground (the implicature that no more than a few data points fit a generalization would clash with the entailment of CORREL). The other proportional and universal AQs, on the other hand, can quantify over the same worlds, etc., as CORREL without leading to a problem in the common ground since the meaning of the modified CC would entail the meaning of the unmodified CC. This kind of varied pattern (where some combinations are licit and others illicit) is in keeping with the literature on multiple quantification, though much more work needs to be done in this area to determine the validity of an argument along these lines.

As for the similarities between the conditional and the CC, it turns out that none of these are unique to these two constructions. They are true either of other subordinate-matrix constructions or of other constructions involving a conservative operator in the sense of Barwise & Cooper (1981), or both.

(49) Conservativity is the property of being a predicate (OP) on two properties such that OP(A,B) is equivalent to OP(A, A&B).

The conservative operator in the conditional is the default (or overt) AQ, and in the CC, it is CORREL. A generalized quantifier (GQ) analysis has already been applied to the adverbial domain by de Swart (1991), setting a precedent for this analysis. In fact, treating the first clause of CCs as a GQ explains the presence of donkey anaphora if Chierchia (1995) is right that conservativity is at the root of their donkey-sentence-hood. Regardless, sentences that are not conditional show the same patterns observed above, such as (50)-(51) for the lack of future will or Every farmer who owns a donkey loves it for the case of donkey anaphora.

(50) Cats that (*will) mate in the wild (will) have higher fertility rates.

(51) However often he (*will) greet(s) me, that's how often I will greet him.

Though Bhatt & Pancheva (2006) also treat relative clauses as in (51) as conditionals, their definition for what constitutes one is a structure “involving an adverbial clause interpreted as stating the conditions under which the proposition expressed by the main clause is true” (641). Since the matrix clause in the CC is not propositional (yielding a set of pairs of worlds), Bhatt & Pancheva are unwittingly excluding CCs from consideration, as I have argued one should.

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References Barwise, J. & Cooper, R. 1981. Generalized quantifiers and natural language.

Linguistics and Philosophy, 4. 159–219. Beck, Sigrid. 1997. On the semantics of comparative conditionals. Linguistics

and Philosophy 20. 229–271. Bhatt, R. & Pancheva, R. 2006. Conditionals. In M. Everaert & H. van

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Borsley, R. D. 2004. An approach to English comparative correlatives. In S. Müller (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 70–92.

Brasoveanu. 2008. Comparative Correlatives as Anaphora to Differentials. SALT Proceedings.

Chierchia, Gennaro. 1995. Dynamics of Meaning: Anaphora, presupposition, and the meaning of grammar. University of Chicago Press.

Cinque, G. 1999. Adverbs and Functional Heads: A Cross-Linguistic Per-spective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Culicover, P. W. & Jackendoff, R. S. 1999. The view from the periphery: The English comparative correlative. Linguistic Inquiry 30. 543–571.

den Dikken, M. 2005. Comparative correlatives comparatively. Linguistic Inquiry 36(4). 497–532.

Fillmore, Charles. 1987. Varieties of conditional sentences. ESCOL 3. 163–182.

von Fintel, Kai. 1994. Restrictions on quantifier domains. University of Massachusetts at Amherst Phd. Thesis.

Heim, Irene. 1982. The semantics of definite and indefinite noun phrases. University of Massachusetts at Amherst Phd. Thesis.

Heim, Irene. 1990. E-Type Pronouns and Donkey Anaphora. Linguistics and Philosophy 13. 137–177.

Horn, L. 1972. On the Semantic Properties of Logical Operators in English. University of California at Los Angeles Phd. Thesis.

Hsiao, Shu-ying. 2003. On proportional correlative constructions in Chinese and Mongolian. Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature 1. 243–272.

Kadmon, Nirit. 1990. Uniqueness. Linguistics and Philosophy 13. 273–324. Kamp, Hans. 1981. A theory of truth and semantic representation. In J.

Groenendijk, T. Janssen and M. Stokhof, (eds.). Formal Methods in the Study of Language (Part I). 277–322. Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum.

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Kratzer, Angelika. 1986. Conditionals. Proceedings from the Chicago Linguistics Society.

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de Swart, H. 1991. Adverbs of Quantification: A Generalized Quantifier Approach. Groningen University Phd. Thesis.

Thiersch, C. 1982. The harder they come…: A note on the double comparative construction in English. In W. Welte (ed.), Sprachtheorie und angewandte Linguistik: Festschrift für Alfred Wollmann.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 565–579. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

How manyMosts?∗

Stephanie SoltZentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft


Abstract. This paper investigates the various contexts in which the lexical itemmost can be used (e.g. Fred has read most/the most/at most 15 Shakespeareplays; Fred bought the most expensive book), with the goal of determining towhat extent they can be reduced to a single underlying core semantics. It isshown that most across its uses can be analyzed as the superlative form of manyor much, an approach that builds on work by Hackl (2009). However, the ade-quate treatment of most as a proportional quantifier requires also positing a rolefor pragmatic strengthening of semantic meaning.

1 IntroductionThe English lexical item most occurs in a wide range of contexts that on thesurface are difficult to connect. In (1), most is a proportional quantifier mean-ing (roughly) more than half (the majority reading). Most in (2) acts as thesuperlative of many: the preferred interpretation of (2) is that Fred has readmore Shakespeare plays than has any other member of some contextually de-termined set of individuals (the relative reading). In (3), most seems merely tospell out the superlative morpheme. Finally, in (4), most forms part of what iscommonly called a superlative quantifier.

(1) Fred has read most Shakespeare plays majority(2) Fred has read the most Shakespeare plays relative(3) Fred bought the most expensive book adjectival superlative(4) Fred has read at most 15 Shakespeare plays superlative quantifier

Within the semantics literature, the most’s in (1)-(4) have typically beentreated separately, and the possibility that they might have a common semanticshas not received much serious attention (exceptions being Yabush*ta (1999)

∗ Support for this research was provided by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and theDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under the auspices of the EUROCORES ProgrammeLogICCC. For very helpful comments and suggestions, I would like to thank Anton Benz, UliSauerland and Hubert Truckenbrodt, and especially the audiences of Sinn und Bedeutung 15 andof LENLS7, where this work was also presented.

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and Hackl (2009), who each treat a subset of the data in (1)-(4)). The objectiveof the present paper is to investigate the connections between the four most’sexemplified above. Specifically, the question addressed is to what extent all ofthese occurrences of most can be reduced to a single underlying core meaning.

It will be shown that most across all of the uses exemplified here canbe analyzed as the superlative form of many or much, an approach that buildson a recent proposal by Hackl (2009). However, majority most presents anadditional complication that suggests we must also posit a role for a mechanismof pragmatic strengthening of semantic meaning.

2 Hackl (2009): Unifying Majority and RelativeMostLet us begin by considering the relationship between majority and relativemost, as exemplified in (1) and (2). Note first that while these two sentencesare superficially similar, they are truth-conditionally distinct. For example, ifFred has read 12 of the 37 attested Shakespeare plays, and no other contex-tually relevant individual has read more than 10, (2) is true but (1) is false.Conversely, if Fred has read 28 but Barney has read 30, (1) is true but (2) isfalse.

Yet despite their divergent truth conditions, Hackl (2009) proposes thatmajority and relative most can receive a unified analysis as superlative formsof many. Hackl relates the two readings to a well-known ambiguity in superla-tives. For example, (5) can mean either that Fred climbed the highest mountainin existence (the so-called absolute reading) or that he climbed a higher moun-tain than any other contextually relevant individual (the relative reading).

(5) Fred climbed the highest mountain

Building on Heim’s (1999) influential analysis of the superlative, Hackl pro-poses that the distinction between majority and relative most (like the dis-tinction between absolute and relative readings of superlatives) derives froma difference in the LF scope of the superlative morpheme -est. On the majorityreading of most (like the absolute reading of superlatives), -est has DP-internalscope (6a). On the relative reading of most (and of superlatives generally), -esthas wider scope, at the VP level (6b):

(6) a. Majority:Fred has read [DP [NP -est1 [NP d1-many Shakespeare plays]]]

b. Relative:Fred [VP -est1 [VP has read [DP the [NP d1-many Shakespeareplays]]]]

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The scope difference in turn corresponds to a difference in argument struc-ture. On this approach, the superlative morpheme -est is analyzed as a degreeoperator that takes three arguments: an individual x, an expression relating in-dividuals to degrees D, and a set of individuals C representing a comparisonclass.

(7) J-estK(C〈et〉


)(xe) = 1 iff

∀y ∈C [y 6= x→∃d [D(d)(x) ∧ ¬D(d)(y)]]. . . defined iff x ∈C and C has multiple members

When -est is interpreted DP-externally, as is the case with the relative read-ing of (the) most, the comparison class argument C is contextually provided,consisting of a set of individuals of which the individual argument is a mem-ber. For example, in (2), the comparison class might be as in (8a). This yieldsthe logical form in (8b), which in simple terms states that Fred has read moreShakespeare plays than any other member of C:

(8) Fred has read the most Shakespeare playsa. C = {Fred,Barney,Sue,T heresa, . . .}b. ∀x ∈ C[x 6= Fred → ∃d[∃y[ ∧ read(Fred,y) ∧ |y| ≥ d]∧¬∃y[ ∧ read(x,y)∧|y| ≥ d]]]

On the other hand, when -est is interpreted DP-internally, as is the case withmajority most, the comparison class C is equated with the denotation of thenoun phrase. Thus in the case of (1), the comparison class is the set of plural-ities of Shakespeare plays, as in (9a), and the resulting logical form is that in(9b):

(9) Fred has read most Shakespeare playsa. C = {Hamlet uLear,OthellouLearuMacbeth, . . .}b. ∃x[ ∧ read(Fred,x) ∧ ∀y :[x 6= y→ ∃d[|x| ≥

d ∧ ¬|y| ≥ d]]]

The formula in (9b) states that Fred has read a plurality of Shakespeareplays that is larger than any other plurality of Shakespeare plays. Initially, thisdoes not seem to be what we want (Fred does not need to have read the largestplurality of Shakespeare plays, i.e. all of them, for it to be true that he read‘most’ Shakespeare plays). But Hackl argues that non-identity of pluralities(x 6= y) should in this case be interpreted as non-overlap (xu y = /0). On thisinterpretation, (9b) means that Fred has read a plurality of Shakespeare playsthat is larger than any non-overlapping plurality of such plays. That is, (9b)

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is equivalent to the simpler (10), which states that the number of Shakespeareplays that Fred has read is greater than the number he hasn’t read, the appro-priate interpretation for majority most.

(10) |S. plays Fred has read|> |S. plays Fred hasn’t read|

The analysis of most as a superlative thus offers the possibility of unit-ing its majority and relative occurrences. Before considering in greater depthwhether this analysis is fully adequate, in the next sections I will examine howother instances of most can also be brought into the fold.

3 Degree-Based Analysis ofMany/MuchIn extending the analysis to additional cases, I begin with a modification ofHackl’s proposal, based on the degree-based account of adjectives of quantitydeveloped in Solt (2009, 2010). I take most to be the superlative form of bothmany and much (Bresnan 1973). Many and much themselves I analyze not asquantifiers (as for example in Barwise & Cooper 1981) or adjectival elements(as assumed by Hackl), but rather as degree operators. This approach is moti-vated in particular by examples such as (11), in which many cannot be treatedas either a quantifier or a cardinality predicate, but rather describes the differ-ence between two points on a scale.

(11) Many fewer than 100 students attended the lecture

Specifically, I propose the following lexical entry:1

(12) JmanyK = JmuchK = λdλP〈dα〉.P(d)

Here, many and much take as arguments a degree d and an expression P whosefirst argument is a degree argument, and apply P to d. In the quantificationaluses of these terms, the role of linking degrees to individuals is played by a nullmeasure function MEAS, introduced by a functional head of the same name(per Schwarzschild 2006); quantificational force arises via existential closure(see Solt 2009 for a more detailed presentation of this analysis).

With these elements in place, the previously discussed examples of ma-jority and relative most receive analyses equivalent to those obtained underHackl’s proposal. For example, for relative most we have the LF structure in(13), where many has raised from its DP internal position to take VP scope,

1 Here I do not address what distinguishes many from much. In Solt (2009), I argue the differenceis one of dimension: many is specialized for the dimension of cardinality, while much is used forother dimensions.

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and -est has subsequently raised out of the QP containing many:

(13) Fred [VP -est2 [VP [QP d2-many1] [VP has read [DP the d1-MEAS Shake-speare plays]]]]

The lower VP in (13) has the interpretation in (14a), denoting an expression oftype 〈d,et〉, the right type to serve as an argument of many. After application ofd2-many and lambda abstraction over the trace d2 of -est, the resulting interpre-tation is that in (14b), equivalent (notation aside) from the earlier expression.Application of -est now yields the same results as in (8).

(14) a. Jhas read the d1-MEAS Shakespeare playsK == λd1λx.∃y[ ∧ read(x,y) ∧ |y| ≥ d1]

b. Jd2-manyK(Jhas read the d1-MEAS Shakespeare playsK) == λd2λx.∃y[ ∧ read(x,y) ∧ |y| ≥ d2]

Majority most can be handled similarly.While the degree-operator treatment of many/much does not offer imme-

diate advantages in the analysis of relative and majority most, it proves crucialto extending the analysis, as described in the next sections.

4 Adjectival SuperlativeMostLet us turn to most in its adjectival superlative use, as in (3), repeated below:

(3) Fred bought the most expensive book adjectival superlative

What is puzzling about examples such as this is that most seems only tospell out the superlative morpheme, without adding any additional semanticcontent. For example, (15a) and (15b) are parallel in interpretation, suggestingthat most is semantically equivalent to -est.

(15) a. Fred is the smart est studentb. Fred is the most intelligent student

Note also that adjectival superlatives formed with most exhibit the same abso-lute/relative ambiguity as those formed with -est; for example, (3) can eithermean that Fred bought the most expensive contextually relevant book (abso-lute) or that he bought a more expensive book than any other contextually rel-evant individual (relative).

The analysis presented in the preceding section is able to account for thesepatterns. With the entries in (12), many and much are essentially semantically

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empty. This is seen clearly in the derivation in (14), where many acts as anidentity element, taking as argument an expression of type 〈d,et〉 and returning(after further lambda abstraction) the same expression. Adjectival superlativemost can be analyzed as containing a similarly null much. Specifically, an ex-ample such as (3), on the relative reading, has the LF structure in (16), wherethere are again two stages of raising:

(16) Fred [VP -est2 [VP [QP d2-much1] [VP bought [DP the d1-expensivebook]]]]

The lower VP has the interpretation in (17a). Just as in the previous example,application of much followed by lambda abstraction yields the same expres-sion, as in (17b). The superlative morpheme -est may now take this expressionas an argument, yielding the final logical form in (18), the identical result aswould have obtained if -est had composed directly with the lower VP.

(17) a. Jbought the d1-expensive bookK == λd1λx.∃y[book(y) ∧ bought(x,y) ∧ COST (y)≥ d1]

b. Jd2-muchK(Jbought the d1-expensive bookK) == λd2λx.∃y[book(y) ∧ bought(x,y) ∧ COST (y)≥ d2]

(18) ∀x ∈C[x 6= Fred→∃d[∃y[book(y) ∧ bought(Fred,y) ∧COST (y)≥ d]∧¬∃y[book(y) ∧ bought(x,y) ∧COST (y)≥ d]]]

The analysis of most as the superlative form of an essentially null degree op-erator much thus allows the unified analysis to be extended also to adjectivalsuperlative most, which receives an interpretation that is fully parallel to thatof superlatives with -est.

5 Superlative QuantifierMostModified numerals of the form at most n have been the subject of consider-able study in the semantics literature (see for example Krifka 1999; Geurts &Nouwen 2007; Nouwen 2010). But while the term ‘superlative quantifier’ isnow standard, there has to my knowledge been little attempt to connect theiranalysis to canonical examples of superlatives.2 There is, in fact, considerableevidence that such a connection should be made.

First, superlative quantifiers can be paraphrased by explicit superlatives.

2 Though see Krifka (2007) for relevant discussion, and especially Penka (2010) for an analysissimilar to the one developed here.

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For example, the original example (4), repeated below, can be paraphrased as‘the largest number of Shakespeare plays that Fred could have read is 15’.

(4) Fred has read at most 15 Shakespeare plays superlative quantifier

Beyond this, other superlatives have a very similar use in expressing a maximalvalue:

(19) a. Fred is 30 at the oldestb. Fred will arrive by 11 at the latest

And it is not only in English that the meaning of a superlative quantifier isexpressed with a transparently superlative form. German for example uses thesuperlative form not of many, but of high (höchstens, ‘highest’), as in the fol-lowing, the equivalent of (4):

(20) Fred hat höchstens 15 Stücke von Shakespeare gelesen

Perhaps most significantly, Nouwen (2010) points out that superlative quan-tifiers are necessarily interpreted relative to a range of values. For example,(21a) implies that the speaker does not know precisely how many people Fredhas invited. It would be infelicitous if uttered by a speaker who knew the exactnumber of invitees (say, 27), but acceptable in the case where the speaker’sknowledge was uncertain. By contrast, (21b) and (21c) are both felicitous evenin the situation of full speaker knowledge.

(21) a. Fred invited at most 30 peopleb. Fred is allowed to invite at most 30 peoplec. Classes at our institute have at most 30 students

What distinguishes the acceptable uses is that there is a range of actual orpossible values under consideration, and not just a single value. This constraintmirrors a restriction on the superlative to situations where the comparison classhas multiple members. For example, (22a) would be infelicitous if Fred is theonly student I have, and (22b) is odd for a similar reason.

(22) a. Fred is the smartest student I haveb. ?You’re the best mother I have

I would like to propose that these restrictions derive from the same source. Thesemantics of superlatives inherently involve picking the extreme value out of a(non-singleton) set of values. In this respect, superlative quantifiers behave justlike any other superlatives. In the approach to the superlative adopted in this

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paper, the non-singleton requirement is captured as a presupposition on -estthat the comparison class it introduces have multiple members (per (7)). Thissuggests that superlative quantifier most – like other instances of most – shouldlikewise be analyzed as based on a superlative morpheme that introduces acomparison class presupposed to have multiple members.

In Section 2 it was proposed that relative most invokes a comparison classof individuals, while majority most invokes a comparison class of pluralities.What sort of comparison class might we have in the case of superlative quan-tifier most? Here, the most obvious possibility is that it is a comparison classof numbers. Informally speaking, the comparison class C in (4) might be takento be the set of numbers n such that Fred might have read n Shakespeare plays.The sentence could then be analyzed as conveying that 15 is larger than anyother other member of this class or, to put it slightly differently, that 15 hasmore of the property ‘large-ness’ or ‘many-ness’ than does any other memberof C. This implies that the primary descriptive content of the sentence servessomehow to provide the comparison class argument of -est.

In formalizing this, I assume to start the LF syntax in (23), where the su-perlative quantifier has raised from its base-generated position to take sententialscope (here I do not attempt to specify the structure of the QP at many+-est 15,nor do I discount the possibility that certain of its elements raise further out ofthe QP at LF):

(23) [IP [QP at many+-est 15]1 [IP Fred has read d1-MEAS Shakespeareplays]]

Turning to the interpretation of this structure, the semantics given previ-ously for the superlative morpheme are those in (7), repeated below:

(7) J-estK(C〈et〉


)(xe) = 1 iff

∀y ∈C [y 6= x→∃d [D(d)(x) ∧ ¬D(d)(y)]]. . . defined iff x ∈C and C has multiple members

The preceding discussion suggests that in the case of superlative quantifiers, allof the arguments of -est must range over something in the domain of degrees.As a first attempt, suppose that all of the type e arguments in (7) are replacedwith arguments of type d:

(24) J-estK(C〈dt〉



With this modification, the numeral occurring in the quantifier (in the aboveexample, 15) could, as an expression of type d, saturate the ‘individual’ (i.e. x)

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argument of -est. Putting aside for a moment the question of where the maindegree predicate D comes from, we would then seem to have a good candidatefor the comparison class argument C, namely the set of degrees formed bylambda abstraction over the trace of the quantifier in the lower IP of (23).3

(25) C = {d : ∃x[ ∧ read(Fred,x) ∧ |x| ≥ d]}

But here we have a problem. The comparison class as defined in (25) iswell formed. In all but the trivial case in which Fred has read no Shakespeareplays, C has multiple members, a consequence of the semantics of the ‘greaterthan or equal’ operator ≥. And even if ≥ were replaced by =, the presence ofthe existential quantifier ∃ would still guarantee that C is not a singleton set: ifthere exists a plurality of 15 Shakespeare plays that Fred has read, there alsoexists a plurality of 14 such plays that he has read, a plurality of 13 that he hasread, and so forth. Thus we have no account for the fact that an example like(4) is infelicitous in the situation where the speaker knows exactly how manyShakespeare plays Fred has read, and only felicitous when there is some sortof epistemic uncertainty.

A solution to this problem can be developed by drawing on the analysisof many and much introduced in Section 3. Recall that on the definition in(12), many/much has a flexible type, taking as arguments a degree d and anexpression P whose first argument is of type d. Up to this point in the analysis,we have been working with a version of many/much in which P is of type〈d,〈et〉〉. But another possible instantiation of this schema is the following,where many’s second argument has the simpler type 〈dt〉:

(26) Jmany〈d,〈dt,t〉〉K = λdλP〈dt〉.P(d)

Returning to the semantics of -est in (7), if its type e arguments are re-placed with arguments of type 〈dt〉, as shown below, then many as defined in(26) has the right type to saturate its degree predicate D argument.

(27) J-estK(C〈dt,t〉



)And this seems intuitively right, in that, as noted above, the interpretation of (4)seems to involve comparing the ‘many-ness’ of 15 with that of other membersof the comparison class. Continuing along these lines, if we let the numeral 15in this case denote not a single degree but rather the set {d : d ≤ 15}, then itcan satisfy the x argument.4 For the comparison class C we then require a set

3 Here and in what follows I alternate between lambda and set notation.4 In Solt (2009) I provide further evidence that numerals should sometimes be analyzed as denotingsets of degrees, or equivalently scalar intervals, rather than degrees.

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of sets of degrees. The only set of degrees that seems to be available is that in(25), so perhaps C has the form in (28), where I is a variable that ranges oversets of degrees:

(28) C = {I : I = {d : ∃x[ ∧ read(Fred,x) ∧ |x| ≥ d]}}

But this is of course a singleton set, and hence would fail to satisfy the presup-position that C have multiple members.

However, there is a way to derive a well-formed comparison class. Fol-lowing Nouwen (2010), I take examples such as (4) to be covertly modal, in thatthey incorporate a variable that ranges over (epistemically) accessible worlds.The comparison class can then be taken to be not (28) but rather the following:

(29) C = {I : ∃w ∈ Acc[I ={d : ∃x[ ∧ read(Fred,x) ∧ |x| ≥ d]w}]}

So long as there are epistemically accessible worlds that differ in the numberof Shakespeare plays that Fred has read in them (that is, so long as there isuncertainty as to the number he has read), the set in (29) will have multiplemembers. For example, if the possible number he has read is between 6 and8, the members of C are {d : d ≤ 6}, {d : d ≤ 7} and {d : d ≤ 8}. Epistemicuncertainty is thus required to satisfy the presupposition on -est, from whichfollows the implication of (4) that the speaker does not know the exact number.

Formally, (4) receives the following truth conditions, where C is definedas in (29):

(30) J(4)K = 1 iff J-estK(C)( Jmany〈d,〈dt,t〉〉K)(λd.d ≤ 15) = 1...iff ∀I ∈C[I 6= λd.d ≤ 15 → ∃d′[d′ ≤ 15 ∧ ¬I(d′)]]

In simpler terms, the final formula in (30) says that the maximum number ofShakespeare plays that Fred has read in any accessible world is 15. This corre-sponds correctly to the intuitive interpretation of (4).

To conclude this section, I have argued here that superlative quantifiermost can and should receive an analysis that aligns it to superlatives moregenerally. The elements that make this analysis possible are, once again, thedecomposition of most into many/much plus the superlative morpheme, andthe analysis of many/much itself as a type-flexible degree operator which, inthis case, provides one of the arguments of -est. The benefits here are twofold:not only can we extend the unified account of most to the case of superlativequantifier most as well, but we also are able to derive constraints on the use ofsuperlative quantifiers from an independently attested property of superlatives.

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There are, to be certain, questions that remain to be explored. The analysisdeveloped above is not fully compositional, particularly with respect to thederivation of the set that serves as the comparison class. And I have not ad-dressed how the analysis might be extended to cases with overt modals (21b)and plural noun phrases (21c). I must leave these as topics for future work. Butthe results to this point are promising.

6 Majority and RelativeMost RevisitedHaving considered how adjectival superlative and superlative quantifier mostcan be analyzed, let us return to the relationship between majority and relativemost, discussed in Section 2. There is a lot to be said in favor of the unified,scope-based account presented here. It first of all relates the identical form ofthe two most’s to an identical underlying meaning. Furthermore, these paral-lels are not limited to English. As discussed by Boškovic & Gajewski (2008),it is common cross-linguistically for these two meanings to be conveyed by thesuperlative form of many, further evidence that the English facts are not a mat-ter of coincidence. From a different perspective, Hackl demonstrates that thecompositional analysis of majority most as the superlative of many providesan account for the absence of a corresponding ‘minority’ fewest: while mostcharacterizes a subset of a set that is larger than all non-overlapping subsets,fewest would characterize a subset that is smaller than all non-overlapping sub-sets – an impossibility. In short, there are reasons to think that this approach isfundamentally correct.

But side by side with the points in favor of the unified account, there isalso a significant issue with it, a divergence in the behavior of majority andrelative most that it does not, on the surface, account for. The logical formderived in (9) renders majority most logically equivalent to more than half. Butin fact, speakers find most infelicitous for proportions very close to 50%. Forexample, (1) would be inappropriate in the situation where Fred has read 19Shakespeare plays, even though this number exceeds 18, the number he did notread; for felicity, we would require a more substantial difference in the size ofthese two sets. That is, the comparison in (9) is tolerant to small differencesin set size. In this, majority most behaves quite differently from relative most,which allows precise comparisons; for example, if Fred read 19 Shakespeareplays and John read 18, (2) could be true.

This is a non-trivial characteristic that sets majority most apart from rel-ative most (and the other most’s discussed here), and it seems to argue againstthe unified analysis, in favor of an account that treats majority most as a sep-arate lexical item. But in light of the other points in favor of unification, it is

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worth exploring whether this aspect of its interpretation can be accounted forwithin the framework of the analysis developed so far. In the remainder of thissection, I outline one possible way that this might be accomplished.

In Solt (2011), I argue that majority most’s typical ‘tolerant’ interpreta-tion arises as a result of pragmatic strengthening to an interpretation relative toa more weakly ordered degree structure than the cardinal numerals. To see whythis might be the case, note first that the strong tendency for the use of mostto be restricted to situations where there is a significant difference betweenset sizes is reminiscent of cases of what Horn (1984) terms R-based implica-ture, where a more general predicate is pragmatically restricted or narrowed tostereotypical instances. Such implicatures derive from Horn’s R-Principle ‘sayno more than you must’. Examples of R-based implicatures discussed by Horninclude the strengthening of ability modals (such that ‘John was able to solvethe problem’ R-implicates that he in fact solved it) and the restriction of lexicalcausatives such as kill to cases of direct causation.

For such an approach to be extended to most, we must have reason tothink that the prototypical or stereotypical case of a ‘greater than’ relation-ship between two set sizes is the one where the difference is a significant one.Here, findings from research on numerical cognition provide relevant insights.It is now well established that in addition to the capacity to represent precisenumber, humans have a separate and more basic ‘approximate number system’(ANS) that is involved in the representation and manipulation of quantity infor-mation (for an overview of research in this area, see especially Dehaene 1997).In this system, (approximate) quantities are thought to be represented as pat-terns of activation on the equivalent of a mental number line. These essentiallyanalog representations are sufficient to support approximate arithmetic as wellas, importantly, the comparison of quantities. The hallmark of the operation ofthe ANS is its ratio dependence: the differentiability of two values improves inproportion to the ratio between them, and two values insufficiently distant fromeach other (in terms of ratio) are indistinguishable, or perhaps distinguishableonly in a noisy and error-prone way.

The ANS is evolutionarily and developmentally more basic than the abil-ity to represent and compare number precisely, being present not just in liter-ate adults but also in preverbal infants, members of societies without complexnumber systems, and even animals. That is, a mode of comparison that is sensi-tive only to ‘significant’ differences in values is a core component of our mostprimitive numerical capabilities. As such, it is a good candidate for a stereo-typical interpretation of a ‘greater than’ relationship.

The sort of approximate representations of numerosity generated by theANS can be modeled via a scale structure in which degrees are conceptualized

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not as points but rather ranges, with the ‘greater than’ relationship between twodegrees requiring non-overlap of their ranges. Formally, such a degree structurecorresponds to a semi-order (van Rooij 2011), an ordering structure in whichthe ‘greater than’ relationship is transitive but the indifference relationship isnot. Turning back to the interpretation of majority most, when a logical formsuch as that in in (9b) is interpreted relative to a semi-ordered degree structureof this sort, truth will obtain only when the set in question is ‘significantly’larger than any other non-overlapping subset of the domain. This in turn willbe the case only if the proportion in question is significantly greater than 50%,exactly the situation in which most is typically used.

Pietroski et al. (2009) provide evidence that the verification of sentencescontaining most at least sometimes proceeds via the ANS. My claim here isthat this system plays an even more fundamental role in the interpretation ofmajority most. Specifically, the logical form for most can be assessed relativeto a scale whose structure mirrors the output of the ANS. Furthermore, sincethis corresponds to our most basic or primitive mode of quantity comparison,the interpretation of most tends to be pragmatically strengthened via R-basedimplicature to this type of interpretation even in the case where precise numberis available, resulting in the tolerant interpretation discussed above.

We are then left with the question of why similar pragmatic strengtheningdoes not occur in the case of relative most. While I have no conclusive expla-nation, one possibility relates to a subtle difference in logical form between thetwo most’s. The relevant portions of the logical forms are shown below:

(31) a. Fred has read most Shakespeare plays Majorityλ ∧ ∀y :[y 6= x→∃d[|x| ≥ d ∧ ¬|y| ≥ d]]

b. Fred has read the most Shakespeare plays Relativeλx.∀y ∈C[y 6= x→∃d[∃z[ ∧ read(x,z) ∧|z| ≥ d]∧¬∃z[ ∧ read(y,z) ∧ |z| ≥ d]]]

The formula for majority most in (31a) is based on the pairwise comparison ofpluralities (specifically, pluralities of Shakespeare plays) with respect to theircardinalities. It is this sort of comparison that I have argued tends to receive astrengthened stereotypical interpretation that corresponds to our basic capac-ities for approximate comparison of set sizes. But the corresponding formulafor relative most in (31b) is different. Nowhere in this formula are two plural-ities compared directly. Rather, it is individuals (readers) that are compared,the parameter of comparison being the number of Shakespeare plays each has

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read. I hypothesize that this sort of comparison does not stand in the same re-lationship to our approximate numerical capabilities as the previous one. Putdifferently, there is no stereotypical case of a comparison of this nature, and assuch no potential for pragmatic strengthening. The interpretation thus remainsthat provided by the semantics.

The main point of this section is that the ‘tolerant’ interpretation of ma-jority most can be given a pragmatic account, one that aligns it to other in-stances of R-based implicature, and which is motivated by insights into hownumerosity is mentally represented. I have proposed one possible explanationfor the absence of similar strengthening for relative most. This pattern wouldcertainly benefit from more in-depth exploration, and here experimental workon speaker’s interpretation of the various most’s could be useful. Provision-ally, however, I conclude that the particular interpretative properties of majoritymost discussed here can be accommodated within the unified account.

7 ConclusionsMost occurs in a variety of contexts that have traditionally been analyzed sep-arately. I have shown here that despite their surface differences, the variousmost’s share a common core meaning. A unified semantic analysis has beendeveloped by drawing on two proposals which are independently motivated: i)the decomposition of most into many or much plus the superlative morpheme-est; ii) the analysis of many/much themselves as semantically inert degreeoperators. In closing, let me mention two possible extensions of the presentanalysis. The first involves the use of most(ly) as an adverbial element (e.g.‘the paper is mostly finished’, ‘the circle is mostly red’), which shares withthe cases discussed here an element of superlative meaning. The second is thepreviously discussed usage of other superlatives to express the maximum in arange (e.g. ‘30 at the oldest’). I leave these as topics for the future.

ReferencesBarwise, John & Robin Cooper. 1981. Generalized quantifiers and natural

language. Linguistics and Philosophy 4. 158–219.Boškovic, Željko & Jon Gajewski. 2008. Semantic correlates of the NP/DP pa-

rameter. In Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of the North East LinguisticSociety (NELS39), Ithaca, NY.

Bresnan, Joan. 1973. Syntax of the comparative clause construction in English.Linguistic Inquiry 4. 275–343.

Dehaene, Stanislas. 1997. The number sense: How the mind creates mathe-matics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Geurts, Bart & Rick Nouwen. 2007. At least et al.: The semantics of scalarmodifiers. Language 83. 533–559.

Hackl, Martin. 2009. On the grammar and processing of proportional quan-tifiers: Most versus more than half. Natural Language Semantics 17.63–98.

Heim, Irene. 1999. Notes on superlatives. Unpublished manuscript.Horn, Laurence R. 1984. Toward a new taxonomy for pragmatic inference:

Q-based and R-based implicature. In Deborah Shiffrin (ed.), Meaning,form and use in context: Linguistic applications, 11–89. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Krifka, Manfred. 1999. At least some determiners aren’t determiners. In KenTurner (ed.), The semantics/pragmatics interface from different pointsof view, 257–291. Oxford: Elsevier.

Krifka, Manfred. 2007. More on the difference between more than two and atleast three. Paper presented at University of California, Santa Cruz.

Nouwen, Rick. 2010. Two kinds of modified numerals. Semantics and Prag-matics 3(3). 1–41.

Penka, Doris. 2010. A superlative analysis of superlative scalar modifiers. Pa-per presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 15.

Pietroski, Paul, Jeffrey Lidz, Tim Hunter & Justin Halberda. 2009. The mean-ing of ‘most’: semantics, numerosity and psychology. Mind and Lan-guage 24(5). 554–585.

van Rooij, Robert. 2011. Implicit versus explicit comparatives. In Paul Égré& Nathan Klinedinst (eds.), Vagueness and language use, New York:Palgrave Macmillan.

Schwarzschild, Roger. 2006. The role of dimensions in the syntax of nounphrases. Syntax 9. 67–110.

Solt, Stephanie. 2009. The semantics of adjectives of quantity: City Universityof New York Ph.D. dissertation.

Solt, Stephanie. 2010. Much support and more. Amsterdam Colloquium 2009(LNAI 6042) 446–455.

Solt, Stephanie. 2011. On measurement and quantification: the case of mostand more than half. Unpublished manuscript.

Yabush*ta, Katsuhiko. 1999. The unified semantics of mosts. In Sonya Bird,Andrew Carnie, Jason D. Haugen & Peter Norquest (eds.), WCCFL 18:Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Cas-cadilla Press.

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Psycholinguistic Evidence for Presuppositions: On-­‐line and Off-­‐line Data

S. Tiemann, M. Schmid, N. Bade, B. Rolke, I. Hertrich, H. Ackermann,

J. Knapp, S. Beck

Abstract. This paper presents three self-paced reading studies on the processing of presuppositions. In these studies, we investigated the predictions a classical theory of presuppositions would make for the cognitive processing of presuppositions. This concerns mainly the triggering of presuppositions, their verification in a given context and their accommodation in cases where they are not supported by the context. Our studies revealed not only that presuppositions are evaluated on-line, but also that the classical theory of presuppositions makes solid predictions about their processing.

1 Motivation For decades, presuppositions (PSPs) have been a vital topic in the semantic and pragmatic literature (see Beaver & Geurts (to appear) and the literature discussed therein). Up to the present, however, very basic issues surrounding the notion of PSP have not yet been resolved. They primarily concern the linguistic source of PSPs (“triggering problem”) and their behaviour in compound sentences (“projection problem”). It seems fair to say that there is as yet no agreement on what the right theory of PSP is. In recent years, a venue of PSP theory has developed which involves empirical studies, using psycholinguistic methods. These efforts seek to understand PSPs via the way they are processed and evaluated by speakers (e.g. Schwarz 2007, Chemla 2009, Chemla & Bott 2010). Most of these studies deal with very elaborate questions concerning PSPs such as projection in quantified sentences or local versus global accommodation. The goal of our three studies is to go to the very core of PSP processing. This means that we first want to clarify basic questions such as whether it is possible to capture the processing of PSPs at all. Schwarz’s (2007) findings suggest that the processing of PSPs can be made visible within a self-paced reading paradigm. We therefore set up our three experiments to be self-paced reading studies as well, albeit with more basic questions such as ‘When are PSPs triggered?’ (trigger study), ‘When are PSPs validated within a context?’ (verification study), and ‘When does accommodation take place?’ (accommodation study). In this paper, we present the predictions that a classical theory of PSPs makes about their

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 581–595. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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processing and report the results from three studies that were conducted to test these predictions.

2 Theoretical Background In the following subsections, we will lay out what we call a classical theory of PSPs (cf. Heim 1990, Stalnaker 1973, Heim & Kratzer 1998), and the predictions this theory makes for sentence processing. 2.1 Classical Theory of Presuppositions PSPs are restrictions on appropriate contexts. This means that (1) is only felicitous in a context that entails that Sue is a linguist.

(1) Pete knows that Sue is a linguist.

It is generally assumed that the PSP is encoded in the lexical entry of the PSP trigger. Therefore the definition of the PSP trigger know in (2) entails that the truth value of a sentence containing the trigger may be undefined in a world.

(2) [[know]] = λw. λp. λx: p(w) = 1. x believes p in w

The compositional outcome of our example in (1) in the notation of Heim & Kratzer (1998) would then be:

(3) λw: Sue is a linguist in w. Pete believes that Sue is a linguist in w

This means that the PSP as definedness condition is inherited by the whole sentence. As mentioned before, (1) can only be uttered felicitously in a con-text which entails that Susan is a linguist. (4) states this restriction more pre-cisely where c is Stalnaker’s context set. This is the set which contains all “possible worlds where all the propositions that are the background assumptions of speakers are true” (Stalnaker 1973: 450).

(4) c ⊆ {w: Susan is a linguist in w}

A sentence S can only be added to c if c entails the PSP of S, more formally:

(5) S is only felicitous in c if for all w ∈ c: [[S]] (w) is defined

This explains how a PSP as undefinedness (the output of semantic com-putation) is mapped to appropriateness in a context. Von Fintel (2003) calls (5) Stalnaker’s Bridge. For our example in (1) this means that it can be added to a context only if the context establishes the PSP (that Sue is a linguist). If so, it gets updated with the proposition that Pete believes that Sue is a linguist.

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(6) λc: c ⊆{w: Sue is a linguist in w}.c∩{w’:believe(w’)( λw.Sue is a linguist in w)(Pete)}

2.2 Predictions With the classical theory as a starting point, we can derive three predictions with respect to the processing of PSPs. In a sentence like (7) we identified three key areas where we expect semantic peculiarities which should be reflected in the processing.

(7) Pete knows that Sue is a linguist, while Kim's job is unknown.

The first area of interest is the trigger itself (here: know). Because the PSP that is semantically encoded in the trigger alerts the reader that she will have to look back at the preceding context, we would expect higher processing costs for a trigger in contrast to a word which does not trigger a PSP, e.g. believe. This should then be reflected in longer reading times on the trigger when compared with a non-trigger. We investigated this prediction in our trigger study.

The second area where the theory leads us to expect an effect is the critical word (here: linguist). This is the point at which it is known what the content of the PSP is. Thus, a verification process with the context should be started. Our hypothesis is that the explicit falsification of a PSP in the context causes higher processing costs at this point than the explicit verification. Therefore we expect longer reading times on the critical word in a context where the PSP of the sentence (that Sue is a linguist) is falsified than in a context where this PSP is verified. Our verification study aims at exploring this prediction.

The last interesting area is the sentence continuation (everything from the critical word onwards). This is so, because in the case when a PSP is neither falsified nor verified in the context, accommodation should kick in (Lewis 1979). In order to make sense of the sentence, the addressee will update the context with the information conveyed by the PSP. The expectation would thus be that this part of a presuppositional sentence should be harder to process when its PSP is neither verified nor falsified by the context (we will call this kind of context a neutral context). In our accommodation study, we investigate whether the continuation of a presuppositional sentence in a neutral context evokes longer reading times than in a falsifying or verifying context.

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3 Studies The following section reports three studies which test the predictions of the classical theory. Since we expected different triggers to behave differently (cf. Abusch 2009), we selected a range of different triggers from the literature (iterative: wieder (again), definite NP: sein/e/s (his), additive particle: auch (too), aspectual verb: aufhören (to stop), factive verb: wissen (to know)). These triggers were the same throughout all the experiments.

3.1 General Procedure Participants were seated comfortably in a sound-attenuated room. The stimulus material was presented on a computer screen in white on a blue background. First, participants read a global context which introduced the acting people in the test material. Then the trials were presented. A trial began with the presentation of a warning signal followed by a context sen-tence, which was depicted as a complete sentence in the middle of the com-puter screen. After participants had read the context sentence, they pressed a button to request the test sentence. The test sentence was presented word-by-word in a self-paced manner, i.e., the participants demanded each word by a button press. Reading time was measured on-line. After reading the test sentence, participants rated the acceptability of the test sentence within the given context on a four-point scale. This scale ranged from very bad (1) to very good (4). Before each experimental session, participants worked on practice trials to get familiar with the experimental procedure. At the end of each session, they answered yes/no questions. These comprehension questions were included to ensure that participants processed the sentences attentively at a semantic level.

3.2 Trigger Study

3.2.1 Methods and Material Thirty native speakers of German (24 women; mean age = 21.9; age range = 19-29) participated in this experiment. Most of them were students from the University of Tübingen. They had normal or corrected to normal vision. They were paid 20 Euros or got course credit for participation.

Sixty sets of experimental sentences were constructed. Each set consisted of a context sentence and three test sentences. The context sentence served as neutral context (8). The test sentences contained either a PSP trigger (9), a neutral word at the same position as the trigger which makes the sentence se-mantically acceptable (10), or a word at the same position that makes the sentence semantically unacceptable (11).

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(8) Tina ist mit einer guten Freundin shoppen. Tina is with a good friend shopping. ‘Tina is shopping with a good friend.’

(9) Sie kauft wieder rote Handschuhe. She buys again red gloves. ‘She buys red gloves again.’

(10) Sie kauft heute rote Handschuhe. She buys today red gloves. ‘She buys red gloves today.’

(11) *Sie kauft freundlich rote Handschuhe. She buys friendly red gloves. ‘She buys red gloves friendly.’

We created twelve experimental sentence sets for each of our 5 PSP triggers (resulsting in a total of 60 sets). The stimulus material was randomly divided into three parts. The three test sentences of one experimental sentence set were presented in different sessions on different days. The order of pre-sentation was balanced according to a balanced latin square. This was done to make the design and conditions non-obvious to the participants. To avoid response strategies and to mask the purpose of the study, thirty filler sentence sets were constructed. The filler sentence sets were designed similarly to the experimental sentence set concerning their acceptability, but did not include PSP triggers. They were randomly intermixed in the experimental sessions. At the end of one session, twenty out of sixty yes/no comprehension questions (e.g. “Did Tina buy blue gloves?”) were presented.

The design included the factors SENTENCE CONDITION (PSP, acceptable, unacceptable) and TYPE OF TRIGGER (wieder, auch, definite NP, aufhören, wissen). Besides the off-line measures of the acceptability, the reading time of the word before the trigger (trigger -1), the trigger itself, the word following the trigger (trigger + 1) and the final word of a sentences as well as the reading time of the whole sentence (total, mean of all words within a sentence) was measured as on-line data and calculated per letter as dependent variable. The statistical analyses were carried out by analyses of variance (ANOVA). To investigate specific differences between conditions, contrast analyses were performed.

3.2.2 Results For the acceptability judgments we focused on the influences by the CONTEXT/ SENTENCE CONDITION and TYPE OF TRIGGER, as well as on the in-

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teraction of the two factors. For the reading times we report only the influence of CONTEXT/ SENTENCE CONDITION. Off-line Data The statistical analysis revealed that the factor SENTENCE CONDITION influenced the acceptability judgements (F (2, 58) = 574.69, p < .01). The contrastive analysis showed that all context conditions differed from each other (p < .01) in the way that acceptable sentences were judged best, followed by the sentences with a PSP trigger, and the unacceptable sentences (see Figure 1 left side). TYPE OF TRIGGER additionally influenced acceptability judgments (F (4, 116) = 51.76, p < .01). There was also an interaction between SENTENCE CONDITION and TYPE OF TRIGGER (F (8, 232) = 23.86, p < .01).

Figure 1. Left side: Mean Acceptability values for target sentences. Right side: Reading times

for the words of interest. The asterisk marks significant differences between sentence conditions.

On-line Data Reading times for the words of interest are presented in Figure 1 (right side). There was no effect of SENTENCE CONDITION for the word before the trigger (F (2, 58) = 1.38, p > .25). Importantly, however, reading times differed depending on SENTENCE CONDITION for the PSP trigger (F (2, 58) = 179.62, p < .01). The longest reading times were needed for the PSP trigger, less long reading times for the word of the acceptable condition and the least long reading times for the word of the unacceptable condition (all ps < .01). SENTENCE CONDITION evoked a further effect on the word following the

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trigger (F (2, 58) = 12.74, p < .01). The reading times were longest for the words of the unacceptable sentence condition, less long for the words of the sentences with a PSP and least long for the words of the acceptable sentence condition (all ps < .05). An effect of SENTENCE CONDITION was also observed on the final word (F (2, 58) = 3.82, p < .05). Longer reading times were need-ed for the words of the PSP condition compared to the words of the accept-able conditions (p < .05). The reading time of the unacceptable condition did not differ from the others (all ps > .09). The reading times for the whole sen-tence also differed depending on SENTENCE CONDITION (F (2, 58) = 21.52, p < .01). They were longer for sentences containing a PSP compared to the oth-er conditions (p < .01), but the other two conditions did not differ (p > .33).

3.3 Verification Study

3.3.1 Methods and Material Twenty-five native speakers of German (18 women; mean age = 24.68; age range = 19-67) participated in the second experiment. Most of them were students from the University of Tübingen. They had normal or corrected to normal vision. They were paid 16 Euros or got course credit for participation. The data of one participant had to be excluded from the analysis because he did not reach 75% correctness for the comprehension questions.

In this study we constructed two different context sentences. Each context sentence (12, 13) was paired with two test sentences (A, B) in such a way that the content of the test sentence’s PSP was verified (12A, 13B) or falsified (12B, 13A) by the context. If the content of the PSP of a test sen-tence was verified by one context sentence, it was falsified by the other context sentence and vice versa. This design allows the comparison of the same test sentences under a verified and a falsified PSP. Altogether, sixty sets of experimental sentences (twelve sets for each trigger type) were created.

(12) Susanne hat dieses Jahr bereits rote Handschuhe gekauft. Susanne had this year already red gloves bought. ‘Susanne had already bought red gloves this year.’ A Heute hat Susanne wieder rote Handschuhe gekauft und Today has Susanne again red gloves bought and sie gleich angezogen. them immediately put on. ‘Today, Susanne bought red gloves again and put them on right away.’ B Heute hat Susanne wieder keine roten Handschuhe gekauft Today has Susanne again no red gloves bought

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und ärgert sich. and is very upset ‘Today, Susanne didn’t buy red gloves again and is very upset.’

(13) Susanne hat bisher nie rote Handschuhe gekauft. Susanne had until now never red gloves bought ‘Susanne had never bought red gloves until now.’ B Heute hat Susanne wieder keine roten Handschuhe gekauft Today has Susanne again no red gloves bought und ärgert sich. and is very upset ‘Today, Susanne didn’t buy red gloves again and is very upset.’ A Heute hat Susanne wieder rote Handschuhe gekauft und Today has Susanne again red gloves bought and sie gleich angezogen. them right away put on ‘Today, Susanne bought red gloves again and put them on right away.’

To avoid repetitions of sentences of the same set, the stimulus material was divided into four sessions. Each possible pair of a context and a test sentence was presented in a different session. Participants completed each session on a different day.

The experiment included the factors CONTEXT CONDITION (PSP verifying context vs. PSP falsifying context) and TYPE OF TRIGGER. Acceptability judgments and reading times (per letter) of single words were collected analogous to Study 1. We expanded the analysis to one additional word, the so-called critical word. This is the word on which the content of a PSP is known to be verified or falsified by the context. In the above mentioned example it is the verb bought.

3.3.2 Results Off-line Data CONTEXT CONDITION influenced the acceptability judgments (F (1, 23) = 484.53, p < .01) in that sentences in a PSP verifying context were judged better than sentences in a PSP falsifying context. The factor TYPE OF TRIGGER additionally influenced acceptability judgments (F (4, 92) = 213.40, p < .01) and there was also an interaction between CONTEXT CONDITION and TYPE OF TRIGGER (F (4, 92) = 91.79, p < .01). Acceptability judgments are presented in Figure 2 (left side).

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Figure 2. Left side: Mean Acceptability values for target sentences. Right side: Reading times

for the words of interest. The asterisk marks significant differences between sentence conditions.

On-line Data Reading times for the words of interest are presented in Figure 2 (right side). There were no effects of CONTEXT CONDITION on reading times for trigger –1, trigger, trigger + 1, and the final word (all ps > .59). Most importantly, however, reading times differed depending on CONTEXT CONDITION on the critical word (F (1, 23) = 12.66, p < .01). Longer reading times were needed for the falsifying context condition compared to the verifying context condition. This effect propagates to the whole sentence as longer reading times were needed for the falsifying context condition than for the verifying context condition (F (1, 23) = 4.87, p < .05).

3.4 Accommodation Study

3.4.1 Methods and Material Thirty native speakers of German (21 women; mean age = 25.33; age range = 19-38) participated in the third experiment. Most of them were students from the University of Tübingen. They had normal or corrected to normal vision. They were paid 15 Euros or got course credit for participation.

Sixty sets of experimental sentences were created. One set consisted of three different context sentences (14, 15, and 16) and one test sentence (17) that contained a PSP. Each context sentence of a given set was presented with the test sentence. The context sentence verified the content of the PSP of the test sentence (14), falsified the PSP’s content (15), or was neutral with respect to the PSP (16). Hence there were three different context conditions.

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This design again allows the comparison of the same sentence in different ex-perimental conditions. The stimulus material was presented in three sessions, where each context sentence of an experimental sentence set was presented in a different session. Participants worked on the sessions on different days and the order of sessions was balanced across participants.

(14) Susanne hat bereits rote Handschuhe gekauft. Susanne had already red gloves bought. ‘Susanne had bought red gloves before.’

(15) Susanne hat bisher nie rote Handschuhe gekauft. Susanne had until now never red gloves bought. ‘Susanne had never bought red gloves until now.’

(16) Inge hat bisher nie rote Handschuhe gekauft. Inge had until now never red gloves bought. ‘Inge had never bought red gloves until now.’

(17) Heute hat Susanne wieder rote Handschuhe gekauft und sie Today has Susanne again red gloves bought and them gleich angezogen. immediately put on ‘Today, Susanne bought red gloves again and put them on right away.’

Analogous to Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, thirty filler sentence sets were designed in parallel to the experimental sentence sets but without a PSP. At the end of each session, twenty out of sixty yes/no comprehension questions were presented.

The experiment included the factors CONTEXT CONDITION (PSP verifying context, PSP falsifying context, PSP neutral context) and TYPE OF TRIGGER. The same words that were investigated in the second experiment were also investigated in the third experiment.

3.4.2 Results Off-line Data As in the previous Studies, the factor CONTEXT CONDITION influenced the acceptability judgements (F (2, 46) = 377.20, p < .01). The contrastive analysis showed that all context conditions differed from each other sig-nificantly (all ps < .01) in that sentences with a verifying context were judged best, followed by the sentences with a neutral context, and the sentences with a falsifying context (see Figure 3 left side). TYPE OF TRIGGER additionally influenced acceptability judgments (F (4, 92) = 35.30, p < .01).

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An interaction between CONTEXT CONDITION and TYPE OF TRIGGER was observed (F (8, 184) = 61.41, p < .01). Figure 3. Left side: Mean Acceptability values for target sentences. Right side: Reading times

for the words of interest. The asterisk marks significant differences between sentence conditions.

On-line Data Reading times for the words of interest are presented in Figure 3 (right side). There were no meaningful significant effects of CONTEXT CONDITION on reading times for trigger – 1, trigger + 1, the critical word, and the final word (all ps > .07). Reading times differed depending on CONTEXT CONDITION for the PSP trigger (F (2, 46) = 3.96, p < .01). Longer reading times were needed in the neutral context condition compared to the falsifying context condition (p < .01). The reading time of the verifying context condition did not differ from the others (all ps > .08). A similar pattern was present in reading times for the whole sentence (F (2, 46) = 3.68, p < .01). Reading times were longer in the neutral condition than in the falsifying condition (p < .01), but the reading times of the verifying context condition did not differ from the others (all ps > .15). A theoretical interesting trend of CONTEXT CONDITION on reading times on the critical word was observed (F (2, 46) = 2.83, p < .08).

4 Discussion Off-line Data The off-line data of the trigger study and the accommodation study provide further interesting results for the theory of PSP triggers. In both experiments, auch (too) and sein (his) got the lowest acceptability ratings in neutral con-

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texts. The result for auch is not very surprising since the additive particle is commonly regarded as a “hard-core” trigger (Kadmon 2001: 207) whose PSP is very hard to accommodate. The appearance of auch is thus highly in-appropriate in a context which does not entail its PSP. It is however interesting that the definite NP patterns with auch in this respect. The definite article is commonly seen as a soft trigger which does not impose a lot of difficulties when uttered in a context which does not entail the PSP of the sentence. In fact, Spenander (2002) found in a corpus study that 58% of the definite determiners in spoken language are used in a context which does not provide a salient referent. Yet, the acceptability rates of the two experiments show us that the use of the definite determiner in a neutral context does not go through as smoothly as expected. A theoretical discussion of these results would go beyond the scope of this paper, but it becomes apparent that the class of PSP triggers is not as hom*ogenous commonly assumed. This has already been discussed in Abusch (2009) and should receive further attention in future theoretical considerations.

Surprising are the relatively good acceptance rates for the definite determiner in supposedly falsifying contexts in the verification and the accommodation study. It has to be noted that in 50% of the falsifying contexts, we tried to explicitly falsify the uniqueness condition of the definite determiner (e.g. “Fritz has two dogs. Susanne fed his dog.”). Bade (2010) concludes that these results suggest “that the uniqueness condition for singular definite descriptions is not a very strong one”. They thus support Heim (1983) in denying Russell (1905) and claiming that definites “presuppose existence but not uniqueness” (Heim 1983: 233). On-line Data The hypotheses we started out with on the basis of the classical theory of PSPs are repeated below and on the next page.

I. Trigger: Needs more attention because it alerts the reader that she will have to look back at the preceding context

⇒longer reading time of a trigger vs. a neutral word

II. Critical Word: It is known what the content of the PSP is. A verification process is started immediately.

⇒longer reading time when verification fails vs. succeeds

III. Continuation: Accommodation in case the PSP is neither verified nor falsified in the context

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⇒longer reading time in neutral contexts vs. verifying/falsifying contexts

The trigger study provides supporting evidence for prediction I. The results of this experiment revealed that words which trigger a PSP evoked sig-nificantly longer reading times than words which do not trigger a PSP. A cautionary remark: It is obvious that we have to deal with the fact that we are talking about three different words here. We tried to match them in frequency using the CELEX database (Baayen, Piepenbrock, & van Rijn 1993) and length, but this was not always possible. However, the effect we find on this word cannot be due to a frequency effect, which would predict that more frequent words are read faster, since the PSP trigger was always the most frequent word (M = 1334.10 in 6 million), the word in the acceptable condition was the second most frequent word (M = 379.31 in 6 million), and the word in the unacceptable condition the least frequent word (M = 85.98 in 6 million). A further interesting effect emerges after the word of interest. In the semantically unacceptable condition, reading times increase after the word of interest but decrease relatively quickly after that. In the PSP con-dition however, reading times are significantly longer compared to the control condition with the semantically acceptable word throughout. In other words, whilst the semantically unacceptable condition imposes processing difficulties for a rather short time span, the PSP condition is more difficult to process once the PSP trigger is known. This is also reflected in the reading times on the whole sentence where only the PSP condition differs significantly from the other two conditions. Since the sentences with a PSP were presented in a context which was neutral with respect to the content of the PSP, the processing difficulties can be assumed to reflect the cost that arises when the reader tries to incorporate the content of the PSP in the con-text. That is when the reader goes through the process of accommodation. This observation is supported by the results of the accommodation study.

In the verification study, we saw that a sentence carrying a PSP in a fal-sifying context needs longer to read on the critical word than in a verifying context. This study provides us thus with supporting evidence for the second prediction. Our hypothesis about this region of the sentence is that at this point, Stalnaker’s Bridge applies and it becomes evident that a sentence is used inappropriately in the case where the PSP is explicitly falsified by the context. This conflict between the PSP of the sentence and the context is mirrored in the longer reading times on the critical word in the falsifying condition. The verification study reveals that PSP justification is checked as soon as the reader encounters the critical word.

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The accommodation study shows that sentences carrying a PSP in a neutral context take longer to read on the critical word than the same sentence within a context which explicitly falsifies or verifies the content of the presuppo-sition. This is to be expected from the theory, because at some point, the processor will start to search the context set for the relevant information. In the verifying context, the information is readily available. In the falsifying context, the PSP is established to be false. In the neutral context, however, the relevant information cannot be found in the context but it is also not explicitly not there. In order to make sense of the sentence, an accom-modation process should be started. The fact that there is a trend on the critical word strongly suggests that this process happens immediately. Especially in the light of the trigger study, where a sentence carrying a PSP in a neutral context needed significantly longer to read than a sentence which did not trigger a PSP at all, we are very optimistic that further studies will provide us with more solid evidence for the third prediction.

5 Conclusion and Outlook In accordance with Schwarz’s (2007) findings, the results of the three conducted studies strongly suggest that the processing of PSPs can be captured in psycholinguistic experiments. We have seen that PSP processing happens on-line. As a next step, we plan to stabilize the results with follow-up studies. These will be further reading time experiments as well as ERP experiments. Once we get to the core of how PSPs are triggered (trigger study), validated within a context (verification study), and accommodated (accommodation study), we will eventually be able to tackle more contro-versial theoretical questions such as the projection problem or the differences between PSPs and implicatures.

References Abusch, Dorit. 2002. Lexical alternatives as a source of pragmatic pre-

supposition. In B. Jackson (ed.), Proceedings of SALT XII. CLC Publications: Ithaca NY.

Baayen, R. Harald, Richard Piepenbrock & Hedderik van Rijn. 1993. The CELEX lexical database [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia, PA: Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania [Distributor].

Bade, Nadine. 2010. How are presuppositions triggered? Evidence from presupposition processing. MA Thesis. Tübingen.

Beaver, David & Bart Geurts. 2011. Presupposition. In E. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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Chemla, Emmanuel. 2009. Presuppositions of quantified sentences: Ex-perimental data. Natural Language Semantics 17. 299–340.

Chemla, Emmanuel & Lewis Bott. 2010. Processing presuppositions: Dynamic semantics vs. pragmatic enrichment. Ms. IJN, LSCP, Cardiff University.

von Fintel, Kai. 2003. Pragmatics: Notes on presupposition. MIT, MA. Geurts, Bart & Rob van der Sandt. 1991. Presupposition, anaphora and

lexical content. Text Understanding in LILOG, Integrating Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence, Final Report on the IBM Germany LILOG-Project. 259–296.

Heim, Irene. 1983. On the projection problem for presuppositions. In D. Flickinger et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Second West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. 114–125.

Heim, Irene. 1990. Presupposition projection. In R. van der Sandt (ed.), Reader for the Nijmegen Workshop on Presupposition, Lexical Meaning, and Discourse Processes. University of Nijmegen.

Heim, Irene & Angelika Kratzer. 1998. Semantics in generative grammar. Oxford University Press.

Kadmon, Nirit. 2001. Formal pragmatics. Blackwell: Oxford. Karttunen, Lauri. 1974. Presupposition and linguistic context. Theoretical

Linguistics 1. 181–194. Lewis, David. 1979. Scorekeeping in a language game. In R. Bauerle, V.

Egli, and A. von Stechow (eds.), Semantics from Different Points of View. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Russell, Bertrand. 1905. On denoting. Mind, New Series 14. 479–493. van der Sandt, Rob. 1992. Presupposition projection as anaphora resolution.

Journal of Semantics 9. 333–377. Schwarz, Florian. 2007. Processing presupposed content. Journal of

Semantics 24. 373–416. Stalnaker, Robert. 1973. Presuppositions. Journal of Philosophical Logic 2.

447–457. Spenader, Jennifer. 2002. Presuppositions in spoken discourse. Doctoral

Dissertation, Computational Linguistics, Stockholm University.

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Verification Strategies for Two Majority Quantifiers in Polish*

Barbara Tomaszewicz

University of Southern California [emailprotected]

Abstract. We provide experimental evidence suggesting that the logical structure of linguistic expressions can directly influence aspects of non-linguistic cognition. Specifically, we show that quantifier semantics provides a set of instructions to visual verification processes. Each of the two Polish majority quantifiers większość and najwięcej biases a distinct verification strategy that is used as a default under time pressure. Each canonical verification strategy overrides other alternative strategies for truth verification as proposed in Lidz et al. (2009).

1 Introduction Lidz et al. (2009) propose that the lexical semantics of natural language quantifiers is transparently associated with canonical procedures for the verification of the truth/falsity of sentences in which they appear. In particular, Lidz et al. (2009) and Pietroski et al. (2008) provide experimental evidence that when processing the proportional quantifier most in the context of a visually presented scene, English speakers are biased towards using a certain verification strategy rather than an alternative. This is taken to be evidence in favor of a particular semantic representation of most, which in turn provides a direct set of instructions to the visual system that can override other cognitively available verification strategies.

We provide further experimental evidence that quantifier semantics is transparently associated with a canonical verification strategy. We tested the processing of two majority quantifiers in Polish in a task similar to that of Lidz et al. The proportional większość has the semantics of English most, * I would especially like to thank Roumi Pancheva and Elsi Kaiser, as well as Barry Schein and Toby Mintz, for their invaluable comments and/or help with the experiments. Thanks are also due to Hagit Borer, Jeff Lidz, Victor Ferreira, Jon Gajewski, Robin Clark, Tom Buscher, Katy McKinney-Bock, Mary Byram, Ed Holsinger, Krzysztof Migdalski, Dorota Klimek-Jankowska, Grzegorz Jakubiszyn, Ewa Tomaszewicz, Marcin Suszczyński and the students of IFA at Wrocław University and WSF Wrocław. My work was partially supported by an Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities Grant from USC to R. Pancheva.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 597–612. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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while the relative najwięcej has the meaning of ‘the largest subset’. We obtained three notable results. First, the proportional większość is associated with the same pattern of accuracy as English most, directly replicating the findings of Lidz et al. for Polish. Second, the relative najwięcej is verified by a distinct strategy directly related to its semantics. Third and most important, each strategy is canonically followed during the processing of the respective quantifier. In principle, given that both strategies are easily available to speakers of Polish, when participants judge a scene, where either would yield the correct truth value, they could switch to the more efficient strategy. This is, however, not what happens: participants always perform in accordance with the strategy associated with the quantifier in the stimulus sentence.

Our findings illustrate that two closely related quantifiers can be as-sociated with distinct verification procedures, in line with their lexical se-mantics, and that each procedure is used consistently as an instruction to the visual system. The conclusion is that the logical structure of linguistic ex-pressions can directly influence aspects of non-linguistic cognition.

2 Background Research Question Lidz et al. (2009) advance a novel hypothesis that there is more to meaning than just empirical adequacy and compositionality. There can be several truth-conditionally equivalent compositional specifications of a linguistic ex-pression, but not all of them form equally “good psychological hypotheses” about how the derived truth-conditions are verified.1

The proportional quantifier most can be specified in at least three truth-conditionally equivalent ways, as shown in (1). Pietroski et al. (2008), Lidz et al. (2009), and Hackl (2009) devised experiments to look “beyond” the truth conditions of (1) to see how the meaning of a sentence containing most con-strains the way people verify it against a visual scene.

(1) Most of the dots are yellow. (a) |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > 1/2 |Dot(x)| (b) |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |Dot(x) & ~ Yellow(x)| (c) OneToOnePlus({Dot(x) & Yellow(x)}, {Dot(x) & ~ Yellow(x)})

The semantic specifications in (a) and (b) both provide instructions to the visual cognition system to estimate the cardinality of the set of yellow dots

1 Note that judging a sentence to be true/false in a given context involves: (i) compositionally determining what the truth conditions are; and (ii) determining whether these conditions obtain in the context. This means that verification procedures can in principle be independent of the algorithms that produce truth conditions, as discussed in Pietroski et al. (2008).

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and to compare it with the cardinality of another set. They differ in what that other set is. (1a) requires that the cardinality of the total set of dots be ob-tained (and its half calculated). In effect, it calls for an algorithm equivalent to that of More than half of the dots are yellow. (1b), on the other hand, is linked to an algorithm for verification that requires an estimate of the car-dinality of the non-yellow set (which may employ an estimate of the total but does not need to). The alternative in (1c) does not require an estimate of car-dinalities or comparison, but relies on matching the yellow dots with the non-yellow dots. The strategies in (1a-c) are semantically equivalent, but not all of them turn out to be psychologically viable options for the verification of the truth value of sentences containing most against visual stimuli of arrays of dots.

Hackl (2009) used a self-paced counting paradigm with rows of dots in two colors to establish that most and more than half are processed differently. His results exclude (1a) as a representation of the meaning of most and, con-sequently, as a verification strategy associated with most, at least as far as explicit counting is involved.2 Pietroski et al. (2008) further tested the two al-ternative options in (1b-c) and found that even when the arrangement of dots favored verification by the one-to-one correspondence relation (dots were arranged in pairs, with some yellow dots unpaired with the dots in the other color), the response accuracy patterns did not differ from the condition where the dots were scattered on the screen. No change in accuracy patterns across conditions indicates that (1c) was never used to verify (1).

(1b) can be straightforwardly used to verify (1) when the displayed dots are in two colors only, e.g., yellow and blue, as they were in the experiments of Hackl (2009) and Pietroski et al. (2008). The cardinality of the target yel-low set can simply be compared to the cardinality of the blue set, i.e. the non-yellow set in (1b). When the non-yellow set contains dots of multiple colors, obtaining its cardinality requires further computation. Lidz et al. (2009) used multiple colors in their experiment to test whether this computation is based on the components directly expressed in the meaning of (1). Lidz et al. pro-pose that the second argument of the “>” relation in (1b) can be transparently computed by subtraction as stated in (2a) below. Otherwise, the set of all non-yellow dots has to be selected as specified in (2b).

2 However, the assessment of cardinality does not always require explicit counting but can be obtained by the Approximate Number System (ANS) (Dehaene 1997, Feigenson et al. 2004). Halberda et al. (2008) have shown that children who have not yet learned to count are perfectly able to understand sentences containing most.

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(2) Two alternative computations of |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |Dot(x) & ~ Yellow(x)|

(a) Subtraction strategy: |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |Dot(x)| – |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| (b) Selection strategy: |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |{Dot(x)&Red(x)}∪{Dot(x)&Blue(x)}∪{Dot(x)&Green(x)}∪…|

Lidz et al. (2009) point out that the Selection procedure in (2b) is not plausible for psychophysical reasons. A heterogeneous set of non-yellow, multi-colored dots that are scattered among yellow dots is not automatically selectable as its specification involves a negation of an early visual feature, the color yellow (Wolfe 1998). The Subtraction procedure in (2a), on the other hand, is based on the psychological evidence from Halberda et al. (2006) that multiple color sets can be enumerated in parallel, but crucially, this is possible only for the total set of dots and two color subsets (i.e. total, target and one color distractor sets), but no more.

Given this psychophysical evidence, Lidz et al. (2009) hypothesize that most is verified using the Subtraction strategy in (2a), at least in the general case. The strategy involves the following steps: (i) selecting the superset of all dots and estimating its cardinality; (ii) selecting the set of yellow dots and estimating its cardinality; (iii) subtracting the cardinality of the yellow set from that of the superset to obtain an estimate of the cardinality of the set of non-yellow dots; and (iv) comparing the cardinalities of the sets of yellow and non-yellow dots. Since the selection of the superset and one color subset is done automatically, the Subtraction strategy should always be available, independently of how many color sets there are on the screen. However, on screens with dots in only two colors, Selection becomes a viable strategy as well. Given the findings of Halberda et al., both the yellow set of dots and the distractor color set of e.g., blue dots, are automatically selected and their car-dinalities can be directly compared. Moreover, in this special case Subtrac-tion involves more steps than Selection and thus may turn out to be dispreferred (see (3)).

(3) The steps in the computation of Subtraction vs. Selection Subtraction (irrespective of no. of colors) Selection (two colors) 1. Estimate the total. 1. Estimate the target set. 2. Estimate the target set. 2. Estimate the distractor set. 3. Subtract the target set from the total. 3. Compare with the target set. 4. Compare the difference with the target set.

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Lidz et al. (2009) presented participants with the sentence Most of the dots are blue, and they had to judge it true or false against a visual display of dots in 2 to 5 colors in varying ratios of blue to non-blue dots. The array of dots appeared on the computer screen for 150ms.3 Lidz et al. predicted that if par-ticipants use the Selection strategy they should be successful when there are only two colors on the screen. With higher numbers of colors, their per-formance should rapidly decline, given that they would need to determine the cardinality of each subset of non-blue dots (e.g. red, green, etc.) and sub-sequently sum the results. The Subtraction hypothesis, on the other hand, predicts no difference in accuracy between screens with dots in two colors and those with 3-5 colors, because the cardinality of the non-blue set is obtained solely on the basis of the cardinality of the total and the blue sets.

The results of Lidz et al.’s experiment support the Subtraction hy-pothesis because the participants’ performance did not differ in accuracy as a function of the number of colors in the display, but only as a function of the ratio (in adherence to Weber’s law). Crucially, on screens with just two col-ors, the alternative Selection strategy is in principle available to the visual system, and it would even be computationally less costly and more accurate (cf. (3)). Yet, even here Subtraction was used, since the accuracy was not higher on the two color screens. Thus, Lidz et al. conclude that Subtraction is the default procedure for verifying most under time pressure. On the basis of this finding they formulate the Interface Transparency Thesis (4):

(4) “A declarative sentence is semantically associated with a canonical procedure for the verification of its truth value that is biased towards those algorithms that directly compute the relations expressed in the meaning.” (Lidz et al. 2009: 2)

3 Polish Most1 and Most2 Majority Quantifiers We address the question why Subtraction, as in (2a), is the verification strategy for (1). One reason could be that under time pressure, the Selection strategy (2b) is only possible when there are two color sets, given the findings of Halberda et al. (2006). The Subtraction strategy (2a) is usable under time pressure independently of the number of distractor color sets, and because of

3 Under time pressure, counting is impossible, as typical rates of overt and covert counting have been reported to be about 240ms per item (Whalen el al. 1999). The ANS is not subject to such speed limitations. It generates an approximate representation of the number of items in a set in adherence to Weber’s law: the discriminability of two quantities is a function of their ratio. Numbers can thus be represented as 'noisy magnitudes' for the purposes of basic arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction (Wiese 2003).

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this universality it can be adopted as the canonical verification strategy for most. On this view, Selection in (2b) is excluded not by the semantics of most but by the properties of visual cognition. We show that the Selection procedure is possible under time pressure, with more than two colors if per-formed step-wise, yet it is used only when directly specified in the meaning.

We extend the predictions of the Interface Transparency Thesis to crosslinguistic data, providing evidence that the Polish counterpart of the English quantifier most also comes with a verification strategy defined by Subtraction as in (2a). The result is further – and directly – supported by a control condition with a closely related quantifier, which unambiguously requires a Step-wise Selection strategy defined below.

(5) Step-wise Selection strategy: |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |Dot(x) & Red(x)|, & |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |Dot(x) & Blue(x)|, & |Dot(x) & Yellow(x)| > |Dot(x) & Green(x)|, & …

This control condition in a within-subjects design, where the same group of participants is tested on both items, provides additional evidence for the Interface Transparency Thesis. Comprehenders appear to be biased towards the use of one particular verification strategy that is associated with a given lexical item. They continue to use it even when an alternative strategy, biased by a closely related item, is cognitively available and could even be less computationally costly.

Polish has two majority quantifiers: większość (from now on Most1) is a counterpart of English most, while najwięcej (Most2), has the meaning of “the largest subset”. Most2 is true when the cardinality of the target set is greater than the cardinality of each of the distractor sets separately; therefore its interpretation necessarily involves multiple selection and comparison with each distractor set. The two quantifiers are closely related morphologically.

(6) The morphology of Most1 and Most2 (a) Most1: większość, ‘majority’ więk- -sz- - ość ‘many/great’ adjectival comparative‘-er/more’ nominalizer (b) Most2: najwięcej, ‘largest subset / the most’ naj- -więc- adverbial superlative ‘-est/most’ ‘many/great’ -ej adverbial comparat. ‘-er/more’

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(c) wiel-e / więc-ej / naj-więc-ej; wielk-i / więk-szy / naj-więk-szy many more most great greater greatest

3.1 Materials and Methods We conducted an on-line visual verification task, asking twenty native speak-ers of Polish to evaluate the truth of (7) and (8) against 200ms displays of arrays of colored dots, manipulating (i) the ratio between the target color set and the (largest) distractor sets and (ii) the number of distractor color sets.

(7) Większość kropek jest żółta. Most1 dots is yellow ‘Most dots are yellow.’

(8) Najwięcej jest kropek żółtych. Most2 is dots yellow ‘Yellow dots are the largest subset.’

Each participant judged 360 displays presented in 2 blocks (180 for each quantifier, half requiring a ‘yes’ and half a ‘no’ response). Participants saw the test sentence for 7s, and after each stimulus was flashed for 200ms, they had 3.8s to respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ by a button press. Yellow dots were present on every display, together with 1 (e.g., Fig. 2), 2 or 3 (Fig. 1) other distractor color sets. Ratios of yellow and non-yellow dots were 1:2 (Fig. 2), 2:3 (Fig. 1) or 5:6.4

4 On the true screens for Most1 the cardinality of the yellow set was more than half of the total. For Most2 the yellow set never exceeded the half but was bigger than the largest competitor color set. False screens were costructed analogously. Thus, Most1 and Most2 had identical screens only on the two color set condition. If with Most2 the largest subset was bigger than the half of the total, we would have no way of checking if the participants switched between strategies.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

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3.2 Predictions By the Interface Transparency Thesis (4) each quantifier should come with its own verification strategy, which should be used even when the alternative would yield the correct truth value. There is a body of psychological evidence pointing to the fact that the selection of a target by the visual system is affected by the strategy adopted either consciously or unconsciously (Trick 2008). From this perspective, an empirical finding that Most1 and Most2 induce selective attention differently would underscore the importance of fine-grained compositional semantics in real-time sentence processing.

Given that Polish Most1 has exactly the same meaning as English most, we predicted that the Polish sentence in (7) should result in the same pattern of accuracy.

The semantics of Most2 involves Stepwise Selection of each color set and comparison between the target set and each distractor set as defined in (5). Therefore, we expected to find a significant effect of distractor in ad-dition to a significant effect of ratio. The semantic specification of Most2 suggests that selective attention should discriminate more than two target color sets, but if this is not possible under time pressure, the performance on the screens with more than two colors will greatly decline as hypothesized by Lidz et al. (2009).

Direct comparison of Most1 and Most2 on the screens with dots in two colors can have two predicted outcomes. Since both strategies are used by the speakers of Polish, on two color screens participants could use whichever strategy is computationally less costly and more accurate under time pressure. The computation by Selection requires fewer steps than Subtraction when there are dots in two colors only, as shown in (9).

(9) Subtraction procedure and Stepwise Selection procedure (a) Subtraction (irrespective of no. of colors)

Stepwise Selection

(b) multiple colors (c) two colors 1. Estimate the total. 1. Estimate the target set. 1. Estimate the target set. 2. Estimate the target set. 2. Estimate 1st distractor set. 2. Estimate 1st distractor

set. 3. Subtract the target set from the total.

3. Compare with the target set. 3. Compare with the target set.

4. Compare the difference with the target set.

4. Estimate 2nd distractor set.

5. Compare with the target set. 6. Estimate 3rd distractor set. 7. Compare with the target set. 8. …

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If the semantic representation guides verification, then with Most2 the non-yellow set should be selected directly and the accuracy should be greater than with Most1 where the non-yellow set is computed through Subtraction. Al-ternatively, if the accuracy is the same with both quantifiers on the same screens, it would mean that Subtraction is not used globally for Most1 and participants are able to switch to the Selection strategy in favorable circ*mstances. The crucial findings for English most were that the OneToOnePlus pairing and the Selection strategy were never used. In Polish, however, Stepwise Selection is used for Most2, which makes it possible that participants can switch between Subtraction and Selection for the two color screens where the two quantifiers lead to the same truth value. Such a finding would argue against the Interface Transparency Thesis.

If participants are overall successful with Most2 just as with Most1 but their performance differs on two color screens, it would suggest that it is not the case that Selection is cognitively ‘harder’, but that it depends on how selective attention is induced by the specifics of the linguistic input. Such a result would also suggest that canonical verification strategy is directly com-putable from the relations specified in the semantics of a sentence that is sensitive to sublexical components. Individual morphemes could be taken to contribute not only to the meaning of Most1 vs. Most2 but also to the inter-face with visual cognition.

3.3 Results

3.3.1 Most1 (Większość) We conducted a 3x3x2 Repeated Measures ANOVA crossing the three levels of ratio and the three levels of number of distractor and truth/falsity of screens (i.e. whether ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is the correct answer). Our predictions were met – there was a significant effect of ratio (F(2, 38) = 76.072, p < .001), but no significant effect of distractor (F(1.47, 27.98) = 1.637, p = .215) (means can be seen in (10)). There were no significant interactions. The truth/ falsity of screens with respect to the test sentence had no effect on the accuracy of participants’ judgments, which can be seen in (11).

The significant effect of ratio and no significant effect of distractor for Most1 is the same as the findings for English most in Lidz et al. (2009). Most1 is thus compatible with the Subtraction verification procedure in (2a). The selection of the target and the total is not affected by the number of distractor sets, but only by the ratio between the target set and the distractors.

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(10) Accuracy of responses for Most1

(11) Most1 on true and false screens

Most1 – true screens only Most1 – false screens only

In the experiments of Pietroski et al. (2008) and Lidz et al. (2009), par-ticipants showed a bias towards a particular verification strategy for most, which resulted in a different pattern of accuracy than if a hypothesized alternative procedure had been used. We provided a control condition where an alternative verification procedure is necessary. We show that Subtraction continues to be used even on those conditions, where Selection can easily be performed and would in fact yield more accurate results.

3.3.2 Most2 (Najwięcej) Our predictions were borne out: in addition to the effect of ratio F(2, 38) = 124.77, p < .001, there was a significant effect of distractor F(2, 38) = 17.34,









1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio






Error bars: SE

0.797 0.763 0.769







1 distractor 2distractors





Error bars: SE









1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio




1 distractor (F)2 distractors (F)3 distractors (F)Error bars: SE









1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio




1 distractor (T)2 distractors (T)3 distractors (T)

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p < .001 (mean responses are in (12)). There was also a borderline significant interaction between ratio and distractor F(4, 76) = 2. 48, p = .051.

(12) Accuracy of responses for Most2

(13) Most2 on true and false screens

Most2 – true screens only Most2 – false screens only

The graph in (13) shows a difference in accuracy patterns between true and false screens. There is no significant main effect of truth/falsity of screens (the overall mean for true screens .721, for false .783), so it is not the case that making a false judgment is easier. However, the significant interactions between distractor and truth/falsity, p < .001, and between ratio, distractor and truth/falsity, p < .001, indicate that participants made judgments










1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio




Error bars: SE


* 0.801 0.7670.688







1 distractor 2distractors





Error bars: SE










1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio




1 distractor (T)2 distractors (T)3 distractors (T)Error bars: SE 0.3








1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio




1 distractor (F)2 distractors (F)3 distractors (F)Error bars: SE

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differently for true and false screens depending on the ratio and number of distractor colors.5

While accuracy rates with Most1 were affected only by the ratio, accuracy rates with Most2 were affected both by ratio and by the number of color sets. These results for Most1 and Most2 are consistent with the verification strategies in (2a) and (5), respectively. Since Subtraction (2a) does not depend on the number of distractor color sets, its computational cost remains the same as the number of distractors increases. Stepwise Selection (5), on the other hand, does become more computationally costly as the number of distractors increases.

Thus, Most1 is not verified by Selection, as defined in (2b), although Selection is a psychologically plausible strategy given its use in (5). It is not psychophysics that forces the Subtraction strategy for Most1 and English most. The instructions for the visual system are obtained directly from the relations expressed in the semantics. With Most1 attention is never directed towards the individual distractor color sets, as predicted by the Interface Transparency Thesis. Further support for the thesis comes from the com-parison of accuracy patterns on the condition when the screens for Most1 and Most2 were identical.

3.3.3 Most2 vs. Most1 on Two Color Screens Lidz et al. (2009) argued for English most that the fact that accuracy was not greater on the two-color condition means that the information automatically computed by the visual system was not used. Therefore, the reason for the failure to directly select the comparison set must be the semantic re-presentation of the sentence. Our results provide more direct evidence for this conclusion. Our participants behaved differently depending on which quan-tifier was used, even though the screens they judged were the same and either strategy would provide the correct judgment.

The patterns of accuracy for each quantifier were very different. In both cases the accuracy rates were a function of the ratio, but on true screens par-ticipants were significantly more accurate when selecting ‘yes’ with Most2. When selecting ‘no’ on false screens, they were more accurate with Most1.

5 This is not surprising since the Selection and comparison procedure is different at each step for the confirmation and disconfirmation of (8), i.e. Yellow dots form the largest subset. E.g., on a screen with 8 yellow, 10 blue, 7 green, 6 red dots, it is enough to notice that blues form the largest subset to disconfirm (8). With 8 yellow, 7 blue, 6 green, 5 red dots, comparison with each color set is needed to make sure that yellows are the most. What is surprising is the low accuracy with the disconfirmation of (8) on the two color screens. Apparently, judging that (8) is false with 8 yellow and 10 blue dots is harder than judging (8) true with 10 yellow and 8 blue dots.

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Separate ANOVAs for true and false screens yield a significant main effect of quantifier type (F(1, 19) = 10.49, p = .004 for true screens and F(1, 19) = 11.122, p = .003 for false screens.

(14) Most1 and Most2 on the two-color condition

true screens only false screens only

The different performance with each quantifier is fully predicted on the account that each involves a distinct verification strategy that is consistently used even when the screens are exactly the same. Different behavior (de-pending on the quantifier used) on the very same screens indicates not only that participants do not switch to a more efficient procedure, but that the way the procedures differ is specified by the semantics.

On screens with two color sets the computation for both Most1 and Most2 requires the comparison between the yellow and the non-yellow set. The instructions for how to perform this comparison are different for each quantifier, even though the components for the computation provided by the visual system are the same: the yellow set, the non-yellow set, the superset.

The accuracy with Most1 was no different on true and false screens; the means for each ratio were almost identical. This result if fully predicted by Subtraction – the same computation is performed for both positive and neg-ative judgments: e.g., with 8 yellow and 7 blue dots (true) and 8 yellow and 10 blue dots (false) (i) estimate the target yellow set, 8, (ii) estimate the total, 15 (true) or 18 (false), (iii) subtract the target from the total 15-8 or 18-8, (iv) compare the cardinalities from (i) and (iii) 8 > 7 (true) or 8 > 10 (false).

With Most2, in order to confirm that yellow dots form the larger of the two sets, the non-yellow set is selected directly. This results in higher accuracy than confirmation with Most1 where the non-yellow set is com-puted. A ‘no’ judgment with Most2, however, results in significantly more








1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio



yMost2 - false screensMost1 - false screensError bars: SE








1:2 ratio 2:3 ratio 5:6 ratio




Most2 - true screensMost1 - true screensError bars: SE







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errors than with Most1, e.g., on a screen with 8 yellow and 10 blue dots.6 Despite this puzzling effect of accuracy drop with Most2 on false screens, it is clear that each quantifier relies on a dedicated strategy for verification. Participants do not switch to the more advantageous strategy (e.g., they do not use Selection to more accurately confirm the truth of sentences with Most1, or Subtraction to more accurately disconfirm the truth of sentences with Most2). The two distinct accuracy patterns provide strong evidence that the lexical meaning of the functional morphemes that build up Most1 and Most2, and their logical syntax, are interfacing with the visual cognition dur-ing the verification process.

4 Conclusions Our experiments indicate that semantics provides a direct set of instructions to visual cognition processes. Each of the two Polish quantificational expressions większość (Most1) and najwięcej (Most2) biases a particular verification strategy that is used as a default under time pressure. Each canonical verification strategy overrides other cognitively available strategies for truth verification as proposed in Lidz et al. (2009). The following pre-dictions were met:

(i) Polish Most1, like English most, is verified using the Subtraction strategy. The accuracy in the verification of a sentence containing Most1 is sensitive to (i) the ratio between the cardinality of the target color set and (ii) the cardinality of the set of dots in other colors. Response accuracy was unaffected by the number of distractor color sets. The significant effect of ratio and no effect of the number of distractors with Polish Most1 directly re-plicate the findings of Lidz et al. (2009) for English most.

(ii) A closely related quantifier Most2 requires the Stepwise Selection strategy. The response accuracy with Most2 depends on both the ratio and the number of distractors. The availability of Stepwise Selection with Most2 indicates that it is not psychophysics that precludes the use of Selection with Most1 and English most. This result provides direct evidence for the Interface Transparency Thesis put forth by Lidz et al. (2009), according to which very-fication procedures bias those algorithms that directly compute the semantic representation.

6 This result could be related to the so-called “confirmation bias” observed in psychology (Nickerson 1998), so that participants were more likely to overestimate the yellow set and underestimate the non-yellow set. On the 5:6 ratio condition the difference between the yellow and the non-yellow set was only 1-2 dots.

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(iii) Our results also suggest that each verification strategy is canonical in that it is followed consistently for each lexical item. Specifically, this is indicated by the finding that the same group of participants behaved differently depending on the quantifier. On the two color condition where sentences with Most1 and Most2 were either both true or both false, participants did not switch to the more effective strategy; rather, the properties of the linguistic input directly influenced the unconscious decision making system associated with visual cognition.

Importantly, the results confirm and extend the proposals and findings of Pietroski et al. (2008), Hackl (2009), Lidz et al. (2009) that the com-positional semantics of quantifiers interacts in predictable ways with the visual system during verification.

References Dehaene, Stanislas. 1997. The number sense: How the mind creates mathe-

matics. New York: Oxford University Press. Feigenson, Lisa, Stanislas Dehaene & Elizabeth Spelke. 2004. Core systems

of number. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8(7). 307–314. Hackl, Martin. 2009. On the grammar and processing of proportional quan-

tifiers: most versus more than half. Natural Language Semantics 17(1). 63–98.

Halberda, Justin, Len Taing & Jeffrey Lidz. 2008. The development of “most” comprehension and its potential dependence on counting-ability in preschoolers. Language Learning and Development 4(2). 99–121.

Halberda, Justin, Sean F. Sires & Lisa Feigenson. 2006. Multiple spatially overlapping sets can be enumerated in parallel. Psychological Science 17. 572–576.

Lidz, Jeffrey, Paul Pietroski, Tim Hunter & Justin Halberda. 2009. Interface Transparency and the Psychosemantics of most. Article in press. Natural Language Semantics.

Nickerson, Raymond S. 1998. Confirmation bias: a ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises. Review of General Psychology 2. 175–220.

Pietroski, Paul, Jeffrey Lidz, Tim Hunter & Justin Halberda. 2008. The meaning of most: Semantics, numerosity and psychology. Mind and Language, 24(5). 554–585.

Trick, Lana M. 2008. More than superstition: Differential effects of featural heterogeneity and change on subitizing and counting. Perception and Psychophysics 70(5). 743–760.

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Whalen, John, C.R. Gallistel & Rochel Gelman. 1999. Nonverbal counting in humans: The psychophysics of number representation. Psychological Science 10(2). 130–137.

Wiese, Heike. 2003. Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 613–628. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Accomplishments: their Telos and their Structure∗

Lucia M. TovenaUniversité Paris VII


Abstract. This paper explores the relevance of a goal directed characterisa-tion of the internal structure of accomplishments. The notion of ‘plan’ enablesus to talk about the hom*ogeneity and the continuity of the activity phase at asufficiently abstract level, and about non-hom*ogeneity when one consider thestructure of instances of accomplishments in global terms, i.e. including culmi-nations. Evidence is provided for this intensional characterisation that enriches adefinition the aspectual class based on temporal conditions.

1 IntroductionIn this paper we examine arguments for appealing to event-centred criteria incharacterising accomplishments and more generally in identifying subevents.Initial motivation for our inquiry came from facets of the interpretation of sen-tence (1) highlighted by two situations in which it is appropriate.

(1) Max repaired the radio in one hour.a. Max took to pieces only half of the device, worked on that half and

put it all back into one functioning unit in an hour.b. Max fiddled around with the device for 15 minutes, sat still for 15

minutes and then worked with his hands actively on the device for30 more minutes and succeeded.

In the situation described in (1a) the theme is not incrementally fully affected,and in the situation described in (1b) action is not visible throughout the hour.The first issue has been raised by Rothstein (2004) and presented as a problemfor the analysis of the telicity of accomplishments based on the notion of in-cremental theme proposed by Krifka (1998). The second point, in our opinion,raises a problem for Rothstein’s analysis based on temporal schemata, in whichthe notion of incremental activity is characterised by a chain structure. In thispaper, we look at existing analyses in a perspective that gives prominence to

∗ Many thanks to the audiences at VIII Workshop on Formal Linguistics, Sinn & Bedeutung 15,DIP-colloquium at University of Amsterdam, and to B. Copley, J. Guéron and D. Van de Velde forcomments and remarks.

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the goal oriented internal structure of accomplishments in their intensional def-inition. We point out how the distinction between conceptual intensional eventsand real extensional ones is fruitful for discussing the relation between the partswithin an accomplishment, not just between partial and completed events, asdone w.r.t. progressivised accomplishments. The notion of ‘plan’ – a term re-ferring to the conceptualisation of an event driven by a goal – enables us to talkabout the hom*ogeneity and the continuity of the activity phase of accomplish-ments at a sufficiently abstract level, and about their non-hom*ogeneity whenone consider the structure of instances of these events in global terms, i.e. in-cluding the culmination. In section 2, we provide a quick review of key notionson the aspectual class of accomplishments established by Vendler in his classiccontribution. In section 3, Krifka’s and Rothstein’s analyses are summarisedand the issues raised by example (1) are further discussed, then in section 4we present a goal directed view of accomplishments and the proposal by vanLambalgen & Hamm (2005). Empirical traces of plans and interaction betweenplans and temporal information are discussed in section 5.

2 Accomplishments in Vendler’s ClassificationVendler (1967) has defined four classes that help us to classify the Englishverbs according to the most common time schemata they imply. They arestates, activities, achievements, and accomplishments. Duration and hom*ogene-ity are two crucial properties in his classification. Duration is taken to ex-plain the compatibility of accomplishments and activities with the progressive,which involve periods of time. In this, they contrast with states and achieve-ments, which involve time instants. hom*ogeneity is exploited for distinguish-ing accomplishments from activities: “Any part of the process is of the samenature as the whole”(Vendler 1967: p.101) only for the latter class, cf. theirdifferent behaviour when combining with temporal adverbials of the form in #time/ for # time. Activities go on in time in a hom*ogeneous way. If Max ran foran hour, then it is true that he ran at any time during that hour. On the contrary,accomplishments are not hom*ogeneous. If Max built a sand castle in an hour,then it is not true that he built one at any time during that hour.

Grounding aspectual distinctions exclusively on temporal properties ofmoments and intervals of time is not satisfactory, as Vendler himself noted.The non-hom*ogeneity of accomplishments follows from their characterisingproperty, i.e. their proceeding “toward a terminus which is logically neces-sary to their being what they are”(Vendler 1967: p.101). As a consequence,their temporal structure is organised into ordered parts, none of which includesthis terminus, apart from the very last one. This view naturally meshes with

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our conceptualisation of the event as made up of parts that are causally re-lated at some level. In short, order and a local form of hom*ogeneity are theingredients of Vendler’s notion of incrementality. Incrementality is relevant foraccomplishments and activities, as it goes together with duration, which setsachievements aside, and with a form of change, which sets states aside.We turnto it next.

3 Telicity and Incrementality of Accomplishments3.1 Incrementality via a hom*omorphism between Part StructuresKrifka (1998) characterises telicity (2) as the property of an event predicate Xthat if it applies to an event e, then it does not apply to a part of e that beginsor ends at a different time. Thus, all parts of e that fall under X are initial (INI)and final (FIN) parts of e.

(2) ∀X⊆UE [TELE (X)↔∀e,e’∈UE [X(e)∧X(e’)∧e’≤Ee→INIE (e’,e)∧FINE(e’,e))]]

Quantised predicates, as opposed to cumulative ones, fall in the group of telicevent predicates. If an entity is in the denotation of a quantised predicate, it doesnot have proper parts that also are in the denotation of the predicate. Quanti-sation and cumulativity are relevant also for nominal predicates. The transferof properties from arguments to the event is regulated by conditions on thethematic roles of the participants. They are mappings from the structure of theobject to that of the event and vice versa.

(3) mapping to subevents (MSE)For all x,y in the domain of entities P and all e in the domain of eventsE, MSE(θ ) iff θ(x,e)∧ y <P x→∃e′[e′ <E e∧θ(y,e′)]

(4) mapping to subobjects (MSO)For all x in the domain of entities P and all e,e′ in the domain of eventsE, MSO(θ ) iff θ(x,e)∧ e′ <E e→∃y[y <P x∧θ(y,e′)]

Strict incrementality is a property of theta roles and is defined by the joint effectof MSE, MSO, a constraint that requires subevents that correspond to subob-jects to be unique, a constraint that requires parts of an object to be participantsin unique subevents, and by excluding situations where both object and eventare atomic. The net result is that the extent of the incremental accomplishmentdescribed in (5) is determined by the extent of the theme and the eating of thelast part of the apple marks the culmination of the eating event.

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(5) Max ate the apple.

As the event grows temporally in (5), the part of the path related to the eventvia a theta role also grows (Krifka 1998). The path determines the incrementalstructure of the event. However, one can truthfully utter sentence (1) to describesituation (1a) where the theme is not incrementally fully affected, and telicitywould have to come from a quantised theme without MSE property.

(1) Max repaired the radio in one hour.a. Max took to pieces only half of the device, worked on that half and

put it all back into one functioning unit in an hour.

Krifka is aware that the extent of the theme is too narrow a domain for thehom*omorphism characterising the accomplishment, and has proposed to useproperty scales measuring an abstract dimension rather than physical entities,and considered specific pragmatic requirements.1Krifka’s proposal might bemodified by using very abstract property scales to measure events, not objects,but this results in a departure from the appealing initial intuitions behind themappings between theme and event, that are the essence of his proposal.

3.2 Incrementality as Accumulating Quantities of a ProcessRothstein (2004) has claimed that the generalisation developed by Krifka doesnot suffice to cover the reading (1a) where the theme is only partially involved.In her analysis, an accomplishment is an activity paired with a BECOME event,which is a change of state that ‘accompanies’ it.2 It has an incremental structurebuilt with stages3 (Rothstein 2004: 38), and its crucial role is to measure theaccomplishment’s progression. The activity part is related to the developmental

1 E.g. the eating in (5) is taken to be completed before the disappearance of the whole apple becausethe core is disregarded. However, this type of pragmatic requirement concerns the identification ofthe borders of the object, not its progressive coverage.2 Dowty’s (1979) BECOME operator applied to Φ yields formulae true at non-minimal intervalss.t. ¬Φ is true at the initial bound and Φ at the final one. Rothstein’s BECOME events characterisethe incremental part of change events ‘from ϕ to φ , where ϕ is a state which entails ¬φ ’(Rothstein2004: p.155) and φ is the state lexically specified by the accomplishment predicate. It is not clearhow ϕ can be characterised other than as the stative antonym of φ by stipulation.3 Rothstein’s proposal uses the notion of stage from (Landman 1992), which is an event e that‘develops into’ e′ and shares with it relevant properties of the event description, i.e. not just anypart of e′ qualifies as a stage. For the purpose of accomplishments, a stage is a subevent e of theprocess part that can be described by the same property that would be used to describe the processpart. The notion of stage helps Landman (1992) to ground the notion of normality, needed in hismodal analysis of the progressive, in the properties of the event descriptions. In this way he getsaround the problem noted in the literature that if a plan is associated with an agent, it cannot beused for establishing truth conditions when there is no agent planner, e.g. with inanimate subjects.

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structure of the BECOME event via an incremental relation INCR4 that fixesthe order of the parts. In other words, an accomplishment is an incrementalprocess defined to be isomorphic to a chain lattice that encodes two essentialbits of information, namely incrementality and culmination. The incrementalcomponent is represented via the chain structure and is defined w.r.t. an orderprovided by pragmatics and associated to the activity part of the event. Theupper bound of the chain is said to coincide with the culmination that is to beassigned to the activity part to build the whole accomplishment. The templatefor accomplishments is as in (6).

(6) λyλe∃e1,e2[e=s(e1te2)∧ ACTIVITY<X>(e1) ∧ Ag(e1)=x ∧ Th(e1)=y∧ BECOME<Y>(e2) ∧Arg(e2)=Th(e1)∧ INCR(e1,e2, C(e2))] (Rothstein 2004: p.108)

The radio lying untouched is a problem for Krifka’s proposal.5 Max’s beingidle is one for Rothstein’s because it does not fit in her chain structure of ho-mogeneous stages. One can truthfully utter (1) to describe situation (1b) whereaction is not visible throughout the hour, and the theme is not directly affectedat times like in (1a).

(1) Max repaired the radio in one hour.b. Max fiddled around with the device for 15 minutes, sat still for 15

minutes and then worked with his hands actively on the device for30 more minutes and succeeded.

Rothstein’s positing an incremental process amounts to grounding on the eventand on pragmatics the incrementality that Krifka grounds on the theme, butwhen the activity part is not locally hom*ogeneous, incrementality cannot begrounded on it. Landman’s notion of stage is the counterpart of Dowty’s ac-tivities downward closure postulate on intervals, as both characterise activitiesand capture a local form of hom*ogeneity in accomplishments.

4 INCR(e1,e2, C(e2)) in (6) reads as e1 is incrementally related to e2 w.r.t. the chain C(e2).5 It might be one for Rothstein too, because the BECOME event is constrained to be a changeof state ‘which happens to the theme’ (Rothstein 2004: p.108). The situation is not entirely clear,because either the BECOME event simply provides a temporal constraint and ensures the transitionfrom ¬P to P, in which case it could be disconnected from the theme; Or it defines a change in thetheme that should be incrementally regular, because of the chain structure.

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4 The Structure of Complex Events4.1 The Link between the PartsBoth Krifka’s and Rothstein’s analyses pursue previous work. Krifka’s pro-posal develops Dowty’s (1979), who models accomplishments and their telicityin thematic terms. For Dowty, the attainment of a certain result state is causedby the culmination of a process under the impetus of an agent. The operatorCAUSE he uses in the logical structure, helps him coding the difference be-tween achievements and accomplishments thematically, in terms of causationand not in terms of temporal properties of the event. In his view, “accomplish-ments are partly defined by the changes of state with which they terminate”(Dowty 1979: vii). In Dowty’s proposal, causality is expressed as a relationbetween propositions rather than subevents, and is based on Lewis’s theoryof causal dependence according to whom a counterfactual dependence amongevents is a counterfactual dependence among the corresponding propositions.6

According to Krifka, the culmination of the event is introduced indirectly inthe characterization of the event by identifying it thanks to the quantization ofthe theme.

Rothstein’s proposal is reminiscent of Vendler’s aspectual classificationbased on the temporal properties of the predicates. As seen above, for Vendlertwo components are related, i.e. an accomplishment is a process terminated bya finishing point expressed in the predicate, and the telicity that characterisesthis type of predicates is brought about by a change corresponding to the transi-tion to a resulting state. But he adds that “Somehow this climax casts its shadowbackward, giving a new colour to all that went before” (Vendler 1967: 102). Ina way, the whole event is named after the last link in a causal chain. Roth-stein explicitly rejects any causal link between process and resulting state. Sheleaves to pragmatic the task of saying something about the nature of this link,but uses a sum of events to enforce temporal contiguity. In her proposal, theincrement in the event is computed w.r.t. a ‘natural and inherent order’ of theparts of the event determined by real-world knowledge and represented by theorder in the chain structure of the BECOME event.

In Krifka’s and Rothstein’s analyses, the processive part and the culmina-tion are not directly linked, they just belong to the same unit. The unity of theevent is constructed either all in the theme or all in the temporal structure. There

6 As a potential exception to his proposal, Dowty mentions the class ‘creation of a performanceobject’, exemplified by produce a play, perform a sonata. Dowty notes that ‘the state of havingreached the end of the performance of a sonata does in a sense define the successful completion ofperform a sonata’(Dowty 1979: p.186), but adds that this is little enlightening (in contrast with thecrucial role of the coming into existence of a letter in the truth conditions of write a letter).

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is a form of identity that boils down to structural similarity. In the following, weexplore a way to capture the link in the spirit of Vendler’s quotation above. Theunity of accomplishments is grounded in their being events described as goaldriven. The notion of plan is not meant to place conditions directly on what theprocess leading to the culmination consists of, rather it provides an intensionaldefinition that associates constraints on what can be going on at intermediarystages with constraints on what the global view on the situation has to be.

4.2 Goal Oriented Actions and PlansSuppose that Max is thinking about the problem during the 15 minutes of pausesitting still in (1b). One may suggest that some repairing activity goes on allthe same. We still seem to have a problem in Rothstein’s approach, because theincremental structure is defined in a way that can be read as a constraint impos-ing hom*ogeneity in a local form, via Landman’s notion of stage, while barringit in a general form, since the telos must be excluded. Stages have been devisedby Landman to deal with the progressive, where coidentification of (sub)eventsis possible because the model provides the set of possible extensions. But (1b)highlights the difficulty in getting at an intensional characterisation of the as-pectual class by looking at the extensional parts.

Continuity w.r.t. a goal is the second aspect of accomplishments to whichexample (1) draws our attention. The continuity suggested by taking ‘sittingstill’ to mean ‘progress in the repairing by thinking about the problem’ is afeature accomplishments share with activities. The change that marks the cul-mination of an accomplishment is due to a force that drives the elements of thewhole structure continuously. The goal is an ingredient of the representationof the event, but it is not a temporal relation on its parts. It is what enables usto make sense of the complex internal structure of the event, since it recon-ciles the activity part, which in itself needs not be strictly hom*ogeneous – nodivisive lexical predicate is applied to it – but is seen as incremental, with anentity being created, be it an abstract one like the state of a functioning radioor a performed sonata, or less so abstract like a house. Lexical aspect classesidentify types of situations, which can then be described with linguistic expres-sions. Plans are goal driven conceptualisations of eventualities and the expres-sion of a plan relies on the fact that ‘Aktionsart’ choices are ways to encode anevent type while simultaneously possibly indicating related preceding and/orsubsequent event types. Rothstein’s incremental process and isomorphic chainlattice amount to the unfolding of the plan and could be made to correspond tothe traversal of an abstract path in Krifka’s terms.

We are interested in plans to which we can refer with verbs and the con-stituents they form. Plans lexicalised by predicates can be viewed as intensional

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characterisations of streamlined sequences of subevents. In intensional seman-tics in the style of Lewis, expressions are represented by arbitrary functions of(worlds and other) indices to sets of objects. Moschovakis (1994) has exploredan alternative view that may be more promising from the cognitive point ofview, according to which the intension of an expression is the algorithm thatcomputes its extension. An algorithm is a semantic object, a form of knowl-edge representation that shows one how to use a set of operations she alreadyknows to compute a result.

A plan allows us to enforce the presence of some structure within theevent and may express a cause relation, but not necessarily one that is foundin the physical reality. We draw inspiration from the work of van Lambalgen& Hamm (2005: 36), who say “Planning means setting a goal and computinga sequence of actions which provably suffice to attain the goal.” In this frame-work, a correct plan is like an abstract procedure according to which a goal issurely achieved in every world in which the premises are met. We would addthat it is perceived as standardized at this abstract level.7

The plan is part of the description conveyed by the verb and is not themaking of a sentient agent, therefore it should be kept separate from contin-gent epistemic considerations. It embodies the intensional property of telic sit-uations and (complex) activities. The fact that an agent may have partial knowl-edge of the world and the presence of contingent facts become relevant in therealisation/implementation of a plan. Partial knowledge opens the possibility ofthere being unexpected events that may affect the realisation of a plan, becausethey may change properties in the context. Van Lambalgen and Hamm’s defi-nition relates to the notion of minimal model, where the events that happen areall and only those required to happen by the axioms of the system. This rests onthe idea that all changes must be due to a cause, and a property persists unlessan event causes its change. Normality is envisaged in terms of consequencesof a set of premises. In this way, it is possible to keep distinct the plan, whichis defined exclusively with respect to the goal, from its actualisation, which isdetermined also by other states of affairs arising or falling back and which canalter the compatibility of a world with the minimal model. In using a predicate,the speaker commits herself to the validity of the intensional characterisationw.r.t. her knowledge state. The commitment w.r.t. the actualisation is mediatedby temporal information, and progressivised accomplishments illustrate one ofthe several nonmonotonic phenomena in natural language, cf. section 5.3.

7 The algorithmic process for a plan is far from standardized, as van Lambalgen (p.c.) points out.When people agree on what the goal state is, variation could arise when defining what causes thisgoal state, so as to perform the appropriate sequence of actions to get at it.

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4.3 Causes and PlansWe follow van Lambalgen & Hamm (2005) in seeing causation as a notionpertaining to the physics of events, but relevant to humans in structuring a cog-nitive plan from which (the description of) an event originates. Van Lambalgenand Hamm implement Moschovakis idea of meaning as algorithm in an eventcalculus in order to represent the semantics of verbs. They primarily use flu-ents, which are time-dependent properties as well as partial changing objects,and time-independent event types, which can initiate and terminate fluents.8

They characterise expressions in aspectual classes via an eventuality structurethat is a quadruple like in (7). Each element may be left empty or be filledwith an object of the appropriate category, i.e. e for an event and f for a fluent.All the four elements are necessarily instantiated in eventualities representingverbs in the accomplishment class.

(7) An eventuality is a structure ( f1, f2,e, f3), wheref1=cause: represents an activity, something that exherts a force;f2=theme: represents a parametrised object or state, which is driven bythe force f1;e=culmination: is the culminating event, representing the canonical goal;f3=result state: represents the state of having achieved the goal.

Eventuality structures are used to build scenarios, which are a conjunction ofstatements that state the specific causal relationship holding in a given situation.An elaborate internal structure is specified for each entry, and variation fromperson to person is allowed to a certain extent. These statements are expressedin their event calculus, which contains a truth-predicate stating that a fluent fholds true at a time point t, and four primitive predicates that are determinedby axioms or definitions.9 This apparatus is sufficient for the first of two dif-ferent notions of cause van Lambalgen and Hamm use in defining the internalstructure of scenarios associated with lexical entries. This notion is concernedwith instantaneous change, e.g. a collision. The other notion is concerned withchange induced by ongoing action or due to a force that exherts its influencecontinuously and culminates in the result state, e.g. filling a bucket or pushinga cart. Continuous change is concerned with incremental processes and is mod-elled using two other primitive predicates of the calculus, devised for changing

8 The entity event represents actions with or without being initiated by an agent. A fluent is thetransformation of first-order formulae into terms. Events happen and fluents hold, so that they canbe arguments for the truth-predicate.9 They concern: i) a fluent that is true initially in the discourse considered and not interrupted orterminated; ii) an event type e that happens at time point t (thus becoming an event token); iii) anevent that initiates a fluent or iv) terminates it.

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partial objects. Trajectory states that if a fluent holds from time point t to t +d,then at t +d another fluent starts to hold. This predicate establishes the causallink and allows us to represent e.g. a force whose influence changes the degreeof completion of a house in a building event, with no need to assume a fullhouse in some possible world. Release states that the law of inertia10 is sus-pended so that a force can have an impact on a fluent. This predicate allowsa modification of the stages of an object without specification of concomitantoccurrences of events causing the changes, hence it captures the intuition thate.g. there aren’t separate actions that initiate and terminate the fluents height(x)for various values of x in an event of filling a bucket. Together, they enable usto represent the situation in (1) both if the functioning property is viewed asacquired gradually or all at once at the end.

In accomplishments, the force is the tension toward the goal and this givesconceptual unity and hom*ogeneity to a potentially disparate set of subevents.In particular, the identification of the goal is what enables us to apply thesame description, e.g. ‘build a house’, to different sets of subevents, cf. the dif-ferent building processes followed in different cultures. The increment needsnot correspond to fluents representing physical properties of a theme, as illus-trated by example (1). Differences are all the more evident in the case of non-conventionalised accomplishments. The different streamlined sets of subeventscorrespond to different programs that implement Moschovakis’s abstract algo-rithm corresponding to Frege’s sense or intension, and to our plan, which theyall share. Such sets or programs compute/determine the denotation of the term,Frege’s referent, and justify its belonging to a specific coherent class.

5 Plan’s Empirical Traces and Other Considerations5.1 The Plan’s Continuity: Gaps, Lulls and SupereventsAs pointed out above, sentence (1) can be used to describe situation (1b) whereaction might not be visible throughout the time interval. We have proposedthat the change that marks the culmination of an accomplishment is presentedas due to a force that exherts its influence continuously. The plan encodes thecontinuity of the tension towards the goal of repairing the radio, and is un-affected by Max’s sitting and thinking. His searching the space of causes offaulting functioning is part of the progression towards the goal.

This view of plans as encoding a tension towards the goal extends toactivities, where the goal is the actualisation of the activity itself. In this sense,activities can be viewed as culminating at each minimal subinterval. In our

10 Expressible as ‘normally, nothing changes’, this law takes care of the properties that do notchange as the result of an action, cf. the Frame Problem identified in artificial intelligence.

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view, this tension is at the root of the hom*ogeneity Landman (2008) is after inhis discussion of lulls in a Vienna waltz, during which a person is ‘dancing’also when standing still, at particular points in the sequence of steps. Landmanidentifies two axes that we interpret as follows. There is an incremental axis ofprogression for the event, along which the plan of the waltzing is mapped, andwhich is projected onto a segmental axis for time along which the actualisationis plotted. Landman insists that progression on the incremental axis is possibleas long as we are willing to say that the same event is continuing. We linksuch willingness to the adherence to the plan. Specifications on the intention ofthe agent may be added. In his example, dancing a Vienna waltz is a complexactivity socially defined according to a plan. The dancers must stand still atgiven times, but the temporal trace of the event contains no gaps because ofthis, because all subevents of the object under description in the incrementalaxis are parts that can be added along the segmental axis.

Gaps usually come from other events, and correspond to subintervalswhose length should not be added to the duration of a given event. But negligi-ble interruptions cannot be told apart from non negligible interruptions merelyin temporal terms, because they may or may not be seen to belong to the incre-mental axis, as illustrated by the phenomenon of event-internal pluractionality(Tovena 2010). The plan needs to be taken into consideration. Consider first anaccomplishment. Sentence (8a) is not understood to say that Luisa never everstopped in her eating the apple, e.g. to scratch her nose. Sentence (8b) also doesnot bar negligible interruptions, yet it presents the eating as being discontinu-ous in a way (8a) is not. The same modification is possible in activities, cf. (9).The goal oriented view tells us how to sort subevents into parts that belong to abigger event, and gaps that do not. The verb in (8b) helps one to make precisethat the event contained lulls that come under the same event description, hencecannot be neglected in computing the duration although the ‘rule’ that gaps arenot taken into account applies as usual. In a mangiucchiare-event, the eatingis ‘purposefully’ disrupted w.r.t. its canonical unfolding, in the sense that theseidle times are presented as relevant for the standard communicative goal forwhich that type of sentence can be used. The suffix on the verb in (8b) overtlymarks that the plan has been modified with respect to its canonical form.

(8) a. Luisa ha mangiato la mela. (Italian)‘L. ate the apple.’

b. Luisa ha mangiucchiato la mela.‘L. ate the apple on and off.’

(9) a. Luisa ha dormito tutto il giorno.‘L. slept the whole day.’

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b. Luisa ha dormicchiato tutto il giorno.‘L. dozed (fitfully) the whole day.’

Going back to situation (1a) once more, we see that the continuity of the planis preserved even in case there are some false starts or failed attempts, in thesense of wrong diagnosis of the problem, which is not the case for the in-cremental process the way is defined by Rothstein. A goal oriented view ofaccomplishments makes it possible to see the analogy between false starts andthe case of events that have parts that do not directly affect a portion of thetheme, e.g. putting up or taking down the scaffolding in an event of building ahouse, which (Rothstein 2004: 9) considers to be a serious problem for Krifka’stheory of incrementality.

Up to here, what said was useful for ‘plain’ and progressivised accom-plishments alike. Example (10) shows an interesting discrepancy w.r.t. identi-fying superevents. The issue was discussed by Ogihara (1989), who talks of theneed of seeing a (coherent) unit for the agent when an amalgamation of someatomic events counts as collective event.

(10) Max ate/ #was eating three rolls.

Ogihara refers to the agent’s intention, which is external to our notion of plan.However, the simple past presents iteration of atoms and unique supereventas equivalent interpretive options, while the latter is the one required for theprogressive and not directly supported by a plan. This observation boosts theidea of algorithm as a piece of descriptive knowledge with a classificatory rolemore than as a way to compute uses and get extensions. van Lambalgen andHamm’s treatment seems to ascribe equal felicity to the options in (10).

5.2 Agency and AccomplishmentsPrototypical accomplishments can be combined felicitously with manner ad-verbs, cf. (11). The modification can be seen as introducing an additional con-dition which is the availability of an agent. Yet, the notion of plan is not inher-ently associated with that of a (volitional) agent. The data in this section showthat this is the typical case but it is not the expression of a constraint.

(11) Louise intentionally crossed the street.

Accomplishments with inanimate subjects, seem not to naturally occur as thecomplement of finir (finish), which is a typical test for telicity, cf. (12).11,12

11 Thanks to Brenda Laca for the observation and the example.12 The complement of finir must be introduced by de for the telicity test to work. When it isintroduced by par we get the inchoative reading, which is fine for the corresponding form of (12a).

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(12) a. #Les vagues ont fini de creuser un trou dans le rocher. (French)‘The waves finished digging a hole in the rock.’

b. Les vagues ont creusé un trou dans le rocher.‘The waves digged a hole in the rock.’

The problem could be due to finir and its requirement for a volitional agentsubject, rather than to telicity. However, first, note that (12a) remains odd evenif we add a volitional agent (13). Second, inanimate subjects are not completelyruled out, if the unfolding of the event follows a program (14). Furthermore,the telicity of the predicate in (12b) is not so well established although it passesthe test with in # time, see (15) where tout works as an egressive marker.

(13) #Max a fini de creuser un trou dans le rocher.‘M finished digging a hole in the rock.’

(14) La machine a fini de laver le linge.‘The washing machine finished washing (the linen).’

(15) #Max/#Les vagues ont creusé tout un trou dans le rocher.‘M/The waves digged up a hole in the rock.’

The contrast between (12a) and (14), and the marginality of (15), are explainedaway in terms of whether it is possible to add to the implementation of a plana constraint defining an action terminating the process which is not specifiedonly contextually. The vagueness of creuser un trou does not seem to interferewith the need for picking a time at which the result state of a hole being thereholds (12b), but it does interfere when such a time should mark the completionof the digging (15). In other words, we may not be sure of when exactly thepredicate starts to hold, but we feel confident enough to judge when the timeis inside the interval at which the sentence is taken to express a true proposi-tion. When the identification of such an exact time is relevant, as in (12a) and(15), the vagueness of the predicate affects the felicity of the sentence. Recallalso Dowty’s observation that the conventional implicature of finish should in-clude the ‘definability’ of the property describing the whole event in terms ofthe properties of its steps. Typically, the characteristics of a perspective takenon a situation are the intentional state of the agent, but they can also be thecharacteristics of the physical layout of the relevant actors in the situation, cf.(16).

(16) The tomatoes finished ripening.

Tomatoes do not ‘plan’ to ripen, but it is in the nature of fruit to do so, and thescenario would contain actions that are natural events with no specified agent.

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Culmination is determined by a given value in the dimension along which theprogression is recorded. The terminating point is the onset of the state denotedby the adjective from which the deadjectival verb is derived, cf. (Kearns 2007).

5.3 Plans and Temporal InformationThe notion of normality mentioned above, envisaged in terms of consequencesof a set of premises and axioms, is relevant for the expression of a plan viathe assertion of a proposition expressed by a sentence containing given lexicalexpressions. Hence, the speaker commits herself to the feasibility of the plan inthe actual world at speech time with respect to reference time. Normality con-cerns the applicability of a plan. Actualisation usually requires normality up tocompletion. When speech time precedes the final time of the eventuality underdiscussion, a second form of normality checking is possible and concerns theactualisation of the plan. Here is where unexpected events enter the scene andnonmonotonicity is relevant. A first case to mention is due to the progressiveaspect and is known as the ‘imperfective paradox’. Although PROG ϕ entailsϕ for atelic predicates, such as run – e.g. (17a) entails (17b) – this entailmentseems not to hold for telic predicates, such as build a hut in (18), in which anevent’s anticipated culmination is at issue.

(17) a. Max was running.b. Max ran.

(18) a. Max was building a hut.b. Max built a hut.

In possible worlds modal-style analyses (cf. Dowty 1979; Landman 1992), pro-gressive creates an intensional context, and it is enough for completion to takeplace in worlds in the set of inertia worlds or in the closest world to which itis reasonable to move. Instead, we suggest that by assuming that plans comewith sets of conditions that must be met when the scenario starts, the speakercommits herself to the feasibility of the plan in the actual world at utterancetime w.r.t. reference time, not to its completion. The point of interruption pastwhich one would move counterfactually can only be brought about by unex-pected events, which are external to the commitment. Truth conditions for sen-tences with progressive forms must include compatibility between the worldat reference time and the conditions on the model imposed by the predicate,but no commitment is taken on the full realisation, i.e. on the stability of themodel. The counterfactual move is not required in a nonmonotonic approach(Hamm & van Lambalgen 2003).

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Futurate sentences contain verbs in present tense form and convey that a future-oriented eventuality is planned (19). They are another relevant configuration.Here speech time precedes the initial time of the eventuality.

(19) Exams begin next week.

Futurates assert the existence of a plan providing for the actualisation of aneventuality according to Copley (2008). Our notions of plan differ, and wethink that the commitment is not so strong, although it is heavier than in thecase of choosing a progressivised accomplishment predicate. The plans be-hind accomplishments are not concerned with positioning goals in time. Thefuturate reading looks as if the speaker commits herself to the fact that the pre-misses are satisfied at utterance time w.r.t. reference time concerning an eventthat is to be started in the future. She minimally commits herself to not fore-seeing events that could interfere with the applicability of the plan, throughoutthe interval up to the beginning of the actualisation, temporally suspendingnonmonotonicity.

ReferencesCopley, Bridget. 2008. The plan’s the thing: Deconstructing futurate meanings.

Linguistic Inquiry 39. 261–274.Dowty, David R. 1979. Word meaning and montague grammar. Dordrecht:

Reidel.Hamm, F. & M. van Lambalgen. 2003. Event calculus, nominalisation, and the

progressive. Linguistics and Philosophy 26. 381–458.Kearns, Kate. 2007. Telic senses of deadjectival verbs. Lingua 117. 26–66.Krifka, Manfred. 1998. The origins of telicity. In Susan Rothstein (ed.), Events

and grammar, 197–235. Dordrecht: Kluwer.van Lambalgen, Michiel & Fritz Hamm. 2005. The proper treatment of events.

Oxford: Blackwell.Landman, Fred. 1992. The progressive. Natural Language Semantics 1. 1–32.Landman, Fred. 2008. 1066: On the differences between the tense-perspective-

aspect systems of English and Dutch. In S. Rothstein (ed.), Theoreti-cal and crosslinguistic approaches to the semantics of aspect, 107–166.Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Moschovakis, Yiannis. 1994. Sense and denotation as algorithm and value. InLogic colloquium ’90, 210–249. Berlin: Springer.

Ogihara, Toshiyuki. 1989. The semantics of the progressive and the perfect inEnglish. DYANA deliverable R2.3.A, ESPRIT BR3175.

Rothstein, Susan. 2004. Structuring events. Oxford: Blackwell.

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Tovena, Lucia M. 2010. Pluractionality and the unity of the event. In MariaAloni & Katrin Schulz (eds.), Amsterdam colloquium 2009, 465–473.Heidelberg: Springer.

Vendler, Zeno. 1967. Linguistics in philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 629–644. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Nominal Reference in two Classifier Languages∗

Tue TrinhMassachusetts Institute of Technology


Abstract. In this paper, we first present observations that have been made con-cerning the distribution and interpretation of nominals in Mandarin Chinese andpropose an account for them. We will then contrast Mandarin Chinese with Viet-namese, and show that differences with respect to the syntax and semantics ofnoun phrases between these two languages can be reduced to the fact that theydiffer minimally in lexical resource. Implications of the analysis for a theory ofsemantic variation are also discussed.

1 Mandarin ChineseMandarin Chinese is a “classifier" language of the East Asian variety. Thus,count nouns in this language cannot combine directly with numerals withoutthe mediation of grammatical morphemes: the classifiers (cf. Ren 1968; Cheng& Sybesma 1999, 2005; Lee 1986; Li & Thompson 1989; Shyu 1995; Tang1990; Tsai 1994, 2001; Xu 1996). For example, ‘one dog’ has to be expressedas yi zhi gou, where yi is the numeral ‘one’ and gou is the word for ‘dog’. Theword zhi is the classifier which enables gou to combine with yi, so to speak.I am going to assume, following several works, that the numeral c-commandsboth the classifier and the noun, and that the classifier c-commands the noun,as in (1).

(1) NumP








It turns out that each constituent of NumP can appear independently in sen-tences. For example, the bare noun gou, the classifier phrase zhi gou and thenumeral phrase yi zhi gou can all be arguments of verbs. However, these cat-egories differ both in distribution and interpretation. This fact is captured suc-∗ I thank Irene Heim and Gennaro Chierchia for valuable discussion.

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cinctly in a quote from Cheng & Sybesma (2005: 263): “In Mandarin, bareNPs can be interpreted as definite, indefinite or generic. Num-CL-NPs [nu-meral phrases] and CL-NPs [classifier phrases] are invariably indefinite [...]All indefinites occur in postverbal position only.”1 Cheng and Sybesma’s ob-servation is replicated by several other researchers, and will be illustrated withexamples in the following subsections. Some facts which pertain to the useof nominals as predicatives (i.e. complements of the copula verb) will also bepresented. These, to the best of my knowledge, are novel.

1.1 Interpretation of NPThe sentences in (2) exemplify the interpretation of NP in subject positions:(2a) shows that bare nouns (NPs) can be definite, singular or plural, and (2b-c)evidence the generic reading of NP, both as arguments of individual-level pred-icates such as ‘to be intelligent,’ and kind-predicates such as ‘to be extinct.’

(2) a. Goudog




(Cheng & Sybesma 1999: 510)

‘The dog(s) / *a dog / *dogs want(s) to cross the street’b. Gou



(Yang 2001: 20)

‘The dog(s) / dogs is/are intelligent’c. Gou



(Rullmann & You 2006: 176)

‘Dogs are extinct’

The sentences in (3) are examples of NP in post-verbal position. We can seethat NP in object positions has all the readings that NP in subject positions has,plus the indefinite reading, which is number-neutral. Thus, kanjian gou (seedog) can mean ‘see the dog,’ ‘see the dogs,’ ‘see a dog,’ or ‘see (some) dogs.’

(3) a. WoI




(Rullmann & You 2006: 176)

‘I saw the dog(s) / a dog / dogs’

1 As can be seen from their examples, Cheng and Sybesma intended the term “generic” tomean both ‘kind-refering’ (or ‘D-generic’), as in dogs will be extinct, and ‘characterizing’ (or‘I-generic’), as in dogs like meat (Krifka 1987; Krifka, Pelletier, Carlson, ter Meulen, Chierchia& Link 1995). We will use “generic” in the same way here. Note, also, that we exclude from thediscussion the so-called “quantity interpretation” of numeral phrases (‘five children cannot finishten bowls of rice’), under which these phrases can occupy subject positions (Li 1998). If the anal-ysis proposed below is correct, numeral phrases in this reading must have more structure than thatrepresented in (1). I leave this topic to future research.

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Two Classifier Languages 631

b. WoI



(Cheng & Sybesma 1999: 510)

‘I like dogs’c. Turing



(Leo Chen personal communication)

‘Turing invented the computer’

(4a) and (4b) illustrate the use of NP as predicatives (Leo Chen, T.-C. JamesHuang, Zhang Min personal communication). Again, we witness number-neu-trality: the bare noun gou can be predicated of a singular subject like Fido, ora plural one like Fido and Pluto.

(4) a. FidoFido



‘Fido is a dog’b. Fido





‘Fido and Pluto are dogs’

1.2 Interpretation of CLPThe next category, CLP [classifier phrase], can only appear in post-verbal posi-tions, as evidenced by the contrast in (5). In addition, it can only be interpretedas a singular indefinite: (5a) has the implicature that the speaker bought onebut not two books.

(5) a. Zuotianyesterday






(Rullmann & You 2006: 175)

‘I bought a book yesterday’b. *Zhi





(Cheng & Sybesma 2005: 262)

Just like NP, CLP can function as predicatives. However, it differs from NPin that it requires a singular subject: zhi gou can be predicated of a singularindividual such as John, but not of a sum individual such as Fido and Pluto(Leo Chen, T.-C. James Huang, Zhang Min, personal communication).

(6) a. JohnJohn




‘John is a dog’b. *Fido






(‘Fido and Pluto are dogs’)

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1.3 Interpretation of NumPThe numeral phrase has basically the same syntax and semantics as the clas-sifier phrase: it can only appear in post-verbal positions, and interpreted as anindefinite, as (7) shows.

(7) a. WoI






(Yang 2001: :133)

‘I read three books’b. *Sange






(Li 1998: :694)

(‘Three students were hurt at school’)c. *yi






(Cheng & Sybesma 2005: :262)

(‘A dog (generally) likes to eat meat’)

NumP can also appear post-copula, in which case the subject must match thepredicative in number. (8) shows that the phrase liang zhi gou (two CL dog)can be predicated of Fido and Pluto, but not of Fido alone.

(8) a. FidoFido







‘Fido and Pluto are two dogs’b. *Fido





1.4 SummaryThe facts just described are summarized in (9). The generalization is that allnominal categories can be indefinites or predicatives, but only bare nouns canbe generic or definite. Furthermore, Mandarin Chinese does not allow indefi-nite subjects.

(9) Generalizations about Chinese NP, CLP and NumPa. Indefinite and predicative: all categoriesb. Definite and generic: NPc. Subjects cannot be indefinite

1.5 The Universe of DiscourseWe turn now to the analysis. The starting point will be a domain of quantifi-cation U which contains both singularities and pluralities (U = {a,b,c, ...,a+b,b+ c,a+ b+ c, ...}), as assumed in many previous works (Chierchia 1998;Landman 1989; Link 1983; Schwarzschild 1996). The sum operator + which

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maps singular to plural individuals, and the ‘part of’ relation ≤ which partiallyorders U , are understood in the usual way (i.e. x+x = x,x+y = y+x,(x+y)+z = x+(y+ z),x≤ y↔ x+ y = y).

It would help to define two notions which will feature in the analysis tobe developed below. First, given any subset P of U , an atom of P, or a P-atom,will be a P-individual which has no proper part which is itself a P-individual.

(10) Atoms of Px ∈ AT (P) iff x ∈ P∧∀y((y ∈ P∧ y≤ x)→ (y = x))⇒ ‘x is a P atom iff x is P and has no proper part which is P’

Second, the maximal element of P will be that individual which has everyelement of P as part. This definition employs the notion ‘supremum of P’,which is defined in (12).

(11) Maximal element of PMAX(P) = SUP(P) if SUP(P) ∈ P, undefined otherwise⇒ ‘The maximal element of P is that individual in P which has everyindividual in P as part’

(12) Supremum of Px ∈ P→ x≤ SUP(P) and ∀y(y ∈ P→ y≤ z)→ SUP(P)≤ z⇒ ‘The supremum of P is the smallest individual that has every ele-ment of P as part’

To illustrate, suppose P = {a,b,a+ b}. Then, MAX(P) = SUP(P) = a+ b.If P = {a}, then MAX(P) = SUP(P) = a. If P = {a,b}, SUP(P) = a + bbut MAX(P) is undefined. A consequence of (11) is that if P = AT (P), thenMAX(P) is defined only if P is a singleton.2

Last but not least, I assume that U contains a set G of kinds. FollowingChierchia (1998) and Chierchia & Turner (1988), I assume that kinds are atomsof the universe, i.e. G⊆ AT (U). At the same time, they are intensional entities,or more precisely, they are individual concepts, i.e. G ⊆UW . The idea is thateach kind k is an individual correlate of a property P: it maps each possibleworld w to the sum individual which encompasses all individuals which are Pin w. This will be made more precise below.

2 To see this, let P = AT (P) and MAX(P) be defined. It follows from the definition of MAX(11) that there is some x such that (i) MAX(P) = x, (ii) x = SUP(P), and (iii) x ∈ P. Given thatP = AT (P), it follows that (iv) x ∈ AT (P). Now suppose P is not a singleton. Then there is somey such that (v) y ∈ P and (vi) y 6= x. Given the definition of SUP (12), it follows from (ii) and (v)that (vii) y ≤ x. Given the definition of AT (10), it follows from (iv), (v) and (vii) that y = x. But(vii) contradicts (vi). Thus, P is a singleton. QED.

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1.6 Semantic Interpretation1.6.1 PredicativesI turn now to the semantics of nominals in Mandarin Chinese. Following Chier-chia (1998), I assume that nouns in classifier languages are “cumulative” pred-icates, and that the function of CL is to make predicates “atomic.” The defini-tions of “atomic” and “cumulative” are given in (13). Basically, X is an atomicpredicate if the extension of X necessarily consists of atoms of X , and X is acumulative predicate iff the extension of X is necessarily a set closed under thesum operation (cf. Krifka 1989; Quine 1960).

(13) X is an atomic predicate iff JXKw = AT (JXKw)X is a cumulative predicate iff JXKw =+AT (JXKw)


The classifier CL is defined as in (14). It denotes the atomizing function AT ,which applies to a set and yields the atoms of this set.

(14) JCLKw ⊆ D<e,t>×D<e,t>JCL XKw = AT (JXKw)

From the definition of CL in (14), we can derive the theorem that classifierphrases are atomic predicates.

(15) Theorem 1[CL X ] is an atomic predicate4

We can now explain the predicative use of NP and CLP. Since NP is cumu-lative, its extension includes both singularities and pluralities, which means itcan be true of both singular and plural individuals, as shown in (16a-b). SinceCLP is atomic, it can be true of only singular individual, as shown in (16c-d).Assuming that analytically false sentences are ungrammatical (cf. Von Fintel1993; Gajewski 2003; Abrusán 2007) we explain the contrast seen in (6).

(16) a. JFido shi gouKw = 1 iff JFidoKw ∈ {a,b,c,a+ b,b+ c,a+ c,a+

3 +P is the closure of P under +, i.e. +P = {SUP(Q) : Q⊆ P}. For example, if P = {a,b,c} then+P = {a,b,c,a+b,b+c,a+c,a+b+c}. In this and all subsequent definitions, free variables areto be understood as universally quantified over.4 We prove Theorem 1 by proving that JCL XKw = AT (JCL XKw). Given the definition of CL (14),this means proving that AT (JXKw) = AT (AT (JXKw)), or more generally that AT (P) = AT (AT (P)),i.e. that x ∈ AT (P) iff x ∈ AT (AT (P)). Now it follows from the definition of AT (10) that if x ∈AT (AT (P)) then x ∈ AT (P). The same definition implies that we can prove the other direction byshowing that if x ∈ AT (P) then ((y ∈ AT (P)∧ y ≤ x)→ (y = x)), i.e. that if (i) x ∈ AT (P), (ii)y ∈ AT (P) and (iii) y ≤ x, then y = x. Given, again, the definition of AT (10), it follows from (ii)that (iv) y ∈ P, and from (i), (iv) and (iii) that y = x. QED.

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b+ c}b. JFido he Pluto shi gouKw = 1 iff JFidoKw+JPlutoKw ∈{a,b,c,a+

b,b+ c,a+ c,a+b+ c}c. i JFido shi zhi gouKw = 1 iff JFidoKw ∈ {a,b,c}d. JFido he Pluto shi zhi gouKw = 1 iff JFidoKw+JPlutoKw ∈{a,b,c},

i.e. iff ⊥

As for the numeral phrase NumP, we follow Ionin & Matushansky (2006) andassume that only individuals of the same cardinality can be counted. One wayto flesh out this idea is to require that the predicate P which is the complementof a numeral necessarily contain only individuals of the same number of P-parts. This is written into the definition of numerals, as exemplified by thedefinition of liang in (17).5

(17) JliangKw ⊆ D<e,t>×D<e,t>Jliang XKw is defined iff ∃n(∀w′(∀u(u ∈ JXKw′ → |u|JXKw′ = n)))If defined, Jliang XKw = λx(x ∈+JXKw∧|x|JXKw = 2)

From (17) we can derive the theorem that the complement of liang must be anatomic predicate, and also that the numeral phrase itself is an atomic predicate.

(18) Theorem 2 - Jliang XKw is defined iff X is an atomic predicate6

(19) Theorem 3 - Jliang XKw is an atomic predicate7

The predicative use of NumP follows: as liang zhi gou (two CL dog) denotes aset of pluralities of dogs, or more precisely a set of duos of dogs, only a pluralindividual like Fido and Pluto can be in that set. A singular individual like Fidocannot be in the extension of liang zhi gou. Again, assuming that analyticallyfalse sentences are ungrammatical, we explain the contrast seen in (8).

(20) a. JFido he Pluto shi liang zhi gouKw = 1 iff JFidoKw + JPlutoKw ∈{a+b,b+ c,a+ c}

5 Notationally, |x|P denotes the number of P-parts of x, i.e. |x|P = #{y|y ∈ P∧ y≤ x}.6 Theorem 2 is proved as follows. Suppose X is not atomic. From the definition of “atomic" (13),it follows that for some w′, AT (JXKw′ ) 6= JXKw′ , hence AT (JXKw′ )⊂ JXKw′ . This means that thereexists some u ∈ JXKw′ such that u /∈ AT (JXKw′ ), which means there is some v ∈ JXKw′ such thatv < u, i.e. such that |v|JXKw′ 6= |u|JXKw′ . It follows from (17) that Jliang XKw is not defined. Nowsuppose X is atomic. Then for all w′, JXKw′ = AT (JXKw′ ), hence for all w′, |u|JXKw′ = 1 for allu ∈ JXKw′ , which means that Jliang XKw is defined. QED.7 Here is the proof. Suppose JliangXKw is not an atomic predicate. Then for some w′, JliangXKw′

contains v and u such that v 6= u and v+u= u. By assumption, |v|JXKw′ = |u|JXKw′ = 2. As v+u= u,|v+u|JXKw′ = |u|JXKw′ = 2, which means v = u. This contradicts our assumption. QED.

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b. JFido shi liang zhi gouKw = 1 iff JFidoKw ∈ {a+ b,b+ c,a+ c},i.e. iff ⊥

1.6.2 GenericsWe now come to the generic reading of nominals. First, let us consider D-genericity, i.e. kind-predication exemplified by sentences such as ‘dogs are ex-tinct’ or ‘dogs are related to wolves.’

Chierchia (1998) advances a theory of kind reference which include thefollowing assumptions. (i) There is a linguistic operator – which we will sym-bolize as “K” in this paper – that maps nominal predicates (i.e. expressions oftype < e, t >) into names of kinds (i.e. expressions of type e). (ii) Kinds are“individual concepts of some sort [...] functions from worlds [...] into plural-ities, the sum of all instances of the kind [...].” (iii) The operator is a partialfunction, which means that some nominal predicates are not in its domain, i.e.“not all individual concepts are going to be kinds” (Chierchia 1998: 349-350).

We will adopt these assumptions. We flesh out Chierchia’s idea in thefollowing definition of K.

(21) JKKw ⊆ D<e,t>×GJK XKw = λw(MAX(JXKw)) if JK XKw ∈ G, undefined otherwise

Thus, K combines with a predicate X and yields an individual concept, a func-tion from each possible world w to the maximal X-individual in w. Further-more, the individual concept denoted by [K X] must be a kind: [K X] is unde-fined if it does not denote a kind.

Given the definition of K, it is clear how to generate kind-predicationsentences, i.e. the D-generic reading. The LF of ‘dog extinct’ will be somethinglike (22a), which will have the meaning that the kind dog, or canis, is extinct.

(22) a. α


K gou


juezhong leb. JαKw = 1 iff canis ∈ JextinctKw

Let us now turn to the I-generic reading, as exemplified by sentences such as“dogs are intelligent.” We will assume, following several works, that the I-generic reading comes about via a generic operator, GEN, which takes a kindand returns a generalized quantifier (Krifka 1987; Krifka et al. 1995; Chierchia1998). Basically, GEN takes a kind and a predicate and returns true iff instances

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of the kind generally fall under the predicate. The definition of GEN is givenin (23).8

(23) JGEN XKw is defined iff JXKw ∈ GIf defined, JGEN XKw = λP<e,t>(generallyx(x≤ JXKw(w)→ x ∈ P))

So a sentence such as ‘dogs are intelligent’ will have the LF in (24).

(24) a. α



K gou


hen jiling

b. JαKw = 1 iff generallyx(x ≤ JK gouKw(w)→ x ∈ Jhen jilingKw),i.e. iff it is generally the case that instances of canis in w areintelligent in w.

We have explain how bare nouns can have the generic reading, i.e. how theycan denote kinds and restrict GEN. It remains to explain why classifier andnumeral phrases cannot be generic. Again, we will base the explanation on anidea in Chierchia (1998: :350), namely that “something which is necessarilyinstantiated by just one individual [...] would not quality as a kind” (Chierchia1998: 350). We explicate this idea by postulating the constraint in (25), whichbasically says that [K X ] would denote a kind only if for some world w’, thesum individual which represents [K X ] in w’ is plural. We have defined [K X ]as function from worlds to MAX(X). This means that [K X ] is a kind only ifMAX(X) consists of more than one X-atoms in some possible world.

(25) JK XKw ∈ G only if for some w′, |MAX(JXKw′)|AT (JXKw′ ) > 1.

Thus, a predicate like gou ‘dog’ can combine with K because there is a possibleworld where the maximal dog consists of more than one dog-atom. But a pred-icate like ‘being identical to Gennaro Chierchia’ will not be able to combinewith K, because in every world, the maximal element in this predicate consistsof exactly one Gennaro atom. Given (25), we can prove that K cannot com-bine with an atomic predicate, because if X is an atomic predicate, MAX(X) is

8 The generic operator assumed in Chierchia (1998) also selects a kind as its restrictor, even thoughthis is not stated explicitly in Chierchia’s paper (I thank Gennaro Chierchia for pointing this out tome). For how the word “generally" in the definition of GEN is to be understood, see Krifka (1987);Krifka et al. (1995).

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either undefined or contain just one X-atom.9

(26) Theorem 4JK XKw is undefined if X is an atomic predicate

Because genericity is expressed via kind-reference, and kind reference requirescumulative predicates, it follows that classifier phrases and numeral phrasescannot have a generic interpretation, because as we have proved, both of thesecategories are atomic predicates.

1.6.3 DefinitesWe come now to the definite reading of nominals. Recall that in Chinese, onlybare nouns can be definite. Given that only bare nouns can denote kind, thisfact suggests that definiteness is also expressed via kind-reference in Chinese.It turns out that there is a very natural way that this can be done. We havedefined kinds as function from worlds to maximal individuals, and it is runof the mills to analyze definiteness in terms of maximality (cf. Kadmon 1990;Roberts 2003; Sharvy 1980). So all we have to do is to define an operator EXTwhich takes an individual concept and applies it to the evaluation world.10

(27) JEXT XKw = JXKw(w)

This means that EXT combined with [K X ] will give us the meaning of ‘theX .’ It also means that only [K X ] can combine with EXT , because only [K X ]denotes an intension. And since only bare nouns can combine with K, onlybare nouns can be definite. So the LF in (28a) will give us the meaning ‘thedog is intelligent’ in a world where there is exactly one dog, and the meaning‘the dogs are intelligent’ in a world where there are more than one dogs.

9 Theorem 4 is proved as follows. Let X be an atomic predicate and w′ be a world. Given thedefinition of “atomic predicate” (13), JXKw′ = AT (JXKw′ ). We have proved in footnote 2 thatMAX(JXKw′ ) is defined only if JXKw′ is a singleton. Thus, |MAX(JXKw′ )|AT (JXKw′ ) = n only ifn = 1. Since w′ is an arbitrary choice, no w′′ is such that |MAX(JXKw′′ )|AT (JXKw′′ ) = n and n 6= 1.This means that no w′′ is such that |MAX(JXKw′′ )|AT (JXKw′′ ) > 1. Given the constraint on G (25),JK XKw /∈ G, and given the definition of K (21), JK XKw is undefined. QED.10 In this sense, EXT has the same function as the operator ∨ of Montague (1973).

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(28) a. α



K gou


hen jiling

b. JαKw = 1 iff MAX(JgouKw) ∈ Jhen jilingKw, i.e. iff the dog(s) inw is/are intelligent in w

1.6.4 IndefinitesIndefinite reading is only available to object nominals in Chinese. To accountfor the possibility of indefinite objects, we assume that verbs and objects inChinese can compose via the rule of Restrict (Chung & Ladusaw 2004), andExistential Closure applies at the VP level, binding free variables in it (Heim1982; Diesing 1992). To account for the impossibility of indefinite subjects inChinese, we assume that subjects in Chinese cannot reconstruct into VP (Tsai2001), hence cannot be existentially closed. The LF of John kanjian gou ‘Johnsaw dog’ is given in (29a), its truth conditions in (29b).

(29) a. α

John1 β

∃2 γ

t1 kanjian gou2b. JαKw = 1 iff ∃x(saw( j,x)∧ x ∈ JgouKw)

By hypothesis, JgouKw contains both singular and plural dogs, which meansJohn kanjian gou is true iff John either saw a single dog, or he saw a pluralityof dogs. This is the result we want (cf. (3)). If instead of gou ‘dog,’ we havethe classifier phrase zhi gou ‘CL dog’ or the numeral phrase yi zhi gou ‘one CL

dog’, we predict the sentence to have the implicature that John saw a singledog (cf. Zweig 2009).

2 VietnameseVietnamese is a classifier language, just like Chinese. The two languages re-semble each other with regard to every aspect of nominal syntax and semanticssave the expression of definiteness. Recall that in Chinese, NPs (bare nouns)

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can be definite, while classifier phrases (CLP) and numeral phrases (NumP)cannot. Vietnamese differs from Chinese in a rather bizarre way: it shows theexact opposite. Classifier and numeral phrases can be definite in Vietnamese,while bare nouns cannot.

(30) a. Chodog




‘Dogs / *The dog(s) like(s) to eat meat’b. Con





‘The dog likes to eat meat’c. Hai






‘The two dogs like to eat meat’

Our account of this difference has two components. The first is the assumptionthat Chinese and Vietnamese differ with respect to lexical resource: instead ofEXT , Vietnamese has T HE, which is defined in (31).

(31) JT HEKw ⊆ D<e,t>×UJT HE XKw = MAX(JXKw)

This allows CLP’s and NumP’s to have the definite reading. The LF for (30b),for example, would be that in (32).

(32) α


T HE γ

con cho


thich an thit

The second component of the account is a preference principle which says thatwhen both K and T HE can be used, i.e. when neither of them causes typemismatch, K must be used.11

11 Chierchia (1998) proposes the same preference of the kind operator over the definite article.Chierchia’s framework makes it possible to motivate this preference. The account developed hereis incapable of this task. Thus, we will leave (33) as a primitive for the present.

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(33) Preference PrinciplePrefer K to T HE!

The LF in (34) would then be ill-formed. This explains why bare nouns cannotbe definite in Vietnamese.

(34) ∗α


T HE cho


thich an thit

3 Remaining Issues and Conclusion3.1 Inventory of Semantic RulesThe contrast in (35) in English motivates Chierchia’s (1998) rule of DerivedKind Predication (DKP). (36) shows the LF of (35a) and how it is interpretedunder application of DKP.

(35) a. John bought dogsb. *John bought dog

(36) a. α

John β

bought γ

K dogsb. DKP(JαKw) = ∃x(bought( j,x)∧ x≤ JK dogsKw(w))

Crucially, DKP requires the relevant nominal in the input to be a kind term. Asdogs can and dog cannot denote a kind, we predict that DKP is inapplicablein (35b), while it is in (35a). Now in order to rule out (35b), we also have tosay that English cannot express indefiniteness by way of Restrict/ExistentialClosure, since of it could, (35b) would be well-formed with the meaning of‘John bought a dog.’

Can we use DKP for Chinese and Vietnamese instead of Restrict and Ex-istential Closure to effect the indefinite reading for bare nouns? The answerseems to be negative. Recall that we take numeral phrases in these languagesto be of type < e, t >, and to be atomic predicates. This means that DKP cannotapply, since atomic predicates cannot be mapped to kinds. We would then pre-

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dict that numeral phrases cannot be interpreted as indefinites, which is wrong.Now suppose we say numeral phrases are generalized quantifiers, i.e. expres-sions of type < et, t >. Then we would correctly predict the indefinite readingof these phrases to be possible, but we would also predict - incorrectly - thatindefinite numeral phrases are possible in subject positions.

Thus, what we have to say is that English has DKP but not Restrict /Exis-tential Closure, and Chinese and Vietnamese have Restrict/Existential Closurebut not DKP. In other words, we have to assume that languages vary not onlywith respect to lexical representation, but also in the inventory of interpretiverules.

3.2 ConclusionResearch on how the mass count distinction plays out in different languagespromises to inform our understanding of the relation between grammar, cog-nition and the physical world. Investigation of the contrast between numbermarking and classifier languages, and of the micro variation among languagesof both types, should be of special relevance. A vast amount of work in thesemantic literature has been devoted to the meaning of noun phrases in numbermarking languages. Analyses of classifier languages, however, have been fewerand less rigorous, and the micro variation between them has not received muchattention. In this paper, we attempt to take a small step toward eliminating thisdiscrepancy: we present a set of facts concerning the distribution and inter-pretation of nominals in two classifier languages – Mandarin and Vietnamese– and derive these facts from precisely formulated assumptions. Our proposalbuilds entirely on suggestions that have been made in previous works. Thus,we contribute no “new idea.” Our aim is rather to show which old ideas canbe selected – and explicated in certain ways – to capture the observations, andwhat implications this has for the parametric theory of language.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 645–660. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

On the Rise and Fall of Declaratives

Tue TrinhMIT


Luka CrnicMIT


Abstract. This paper argues for a new way of thinking about semantic and prag-matic effects of particular sentence intonation patterns. The main focus of thepaper is on the so-called rising declaratives, i.e. sentences that have the surfacestructure of a declarative sentence but are pronounced with a rising pitch contour.Rising declaratives differ from both declaratives with a falling pitch contour andquestions in their pragmatic effect. Our goal is to account for this difference.We propose that rising intonation contour is syntactically realized. Its semanticimport is to determine the resolution of a variable in the speech act projection,i.e. rising intonation operates on speech acts. The pragmatic effects associatedwith rising declaratives are shown to follow from this minimal assumption andthe independently motivated tenets of speech act theory.

1 IntroductionRising declaratives are declarative sentences with a rising pitch contour, whichwe indicate with a question mark in the following examples. They are knownto exhibit pragmatic effects distinct from those of declarative sentences with afalling pitch contour (e.g. Gunlogson 2003). Most prominently, rising declara-tives elicit a a yes/no response from the addressee, similar to polar interroga-tives. This is shown in (1) where the utterance by A is naturally followed by B’sresponse with yes or no. An utterance of a falling declarative does not generallyrequire such a response.

(1) Elicitation of responseA: John has a sister? / Does John have a sister?B: Yes. / No.

However, besides the obvious similarity in function between rising declar-atives and polar interrogatives, there are several facts that distinguish thesetwo classes of expressions. These facts suggest that rising declaratives expresspropositions in a way polar questions do not. In this respect, rising declarativesresemble falling declaratives. As seen in (2a), a rising declarative can be pickedup by the propositional anaphor that and claimed to be true in the actual world.Clearly, this is not possible with polar questions: they denote sets of proposi-tions and, accordingly, are not true or false (Hamblin 1973; Karttunen 1977).

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This is illustrated in (2b) where the indicative be correct cannot be felicitouslypredicated of the anaphor. Although polar questions may make certain propo-sitions salient, these do not enjoy the same discourse status as the propositionsintroduced by rising declaratives. This is shown by the B’ response in (2b)where the use of subjunctive mood is obligatory.

(2) Predication of correctnessa. A: John smokes? / John smokes.

B: That’s correct.b. A: Does John smoke?

B: #That’s correct.B’: That would be surprising.

Furthermore, (3a) shows that consent to and dissent from a conjunction of tworising declaratives is equivalent to affirming or negating a conjunction of twopropositions, respectively. For example, a positive reply to A’s utterance in (3a)entails that I smoke and I drink, while a negative reply entails that either I don’tsmoke or I don’t drink. On the other hand, a single yes or no response to aconjunction of two interrogatives is not possible, as is shown by the infelici-tous discourse in (3b). Thus, rising declarative discourses but not polar ques-tion discourses parallel (dis)agreement patterns found with conjoined fallingdeclaratives (4).

(3) Conjunctiona. A: You smoke? And you drink?

B: Yes. (I smoke and drink.) / No. (I smoke but don’t drink.)b. A: Do you smoke, and do you drink?

B: #Yes. / #No.

(4) A: John smokes and he drinks.B: Yes. (He smokes and drinks.) / No. (He drinks but doesn’t smoke.)

Another property which assimilates rising declaratives to falling declarativesis the inability to license NPIs, as illustrated by the unacceptable (5a). The in-ability to license NPIs sets rising declaratives apart from regular interrogativessince the latter can license NPIs, as is shown in (5b).

(5) NPI licensinga. *John lifted a finger to help?b. Did John lift a finger to help?

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Finally, rising declaratives differ from interrogatives in being ‘prejudiced’ or‘biased.’ There are many types of examples in the literature that illustrate this.We focus on three examples discussed by Gunlogson (2003) which we take tobe representative. (6) shows that a rising declarative is inappropriate in contextswhere the speaker is supposed to be neutral, e.g. in an unbiased committeehearing. In such a neutral setting, the polar interrogative in (6a) is appropriate,indicating that the speaker does not know about the political affiliations of thehearer. On the other hand, it is inappropriate to use a rising declarative in sucha context. Intuitively, this is because a rising declarative leaves the impressionthat the speaker suspects the hearer to be a communist, which is incompatiblewith the hypothesized neutrality of the hearing.

(6) Committee hearinga. Are you a member of the Communist Party?b. #You are a member of the Communist Party?

(7) shows that rising declaratives cannot be used as conversation openers. Anutterance of a rising declarative in (7) requires there to have been a precedingexchange between the speaker and the hearer concerning the whereabouts ofLaura. This is incompatible with an out-of-the-blue context.

(7) Initiating a phone conversationa. Is Laura there?b. #Laura’s there?

A similar point is raised by (8). Suppose I am sitting in a windowless room andmy friend comes in. If I want to know whether it is raining outside, I can askfor this information by uttering a polar interrogative (8a). However, it wouldbe strange for me to use a rising declarative in this context – unless my friendis holding an umbrella or is all wet. Thus, the use of rising declarative requiresthe speaker to have reasons to believe that the expressed proposition is true.

(8) Windowless rooma. Is it raining?b. #It’s raining? (appropriate only in the presence of an umbrella...)

We have presented four types of differences between rising declarative andpolar interrogatives. These differences relate primarily to what types of objectsseem to be made available by the respective phrases (propositions vs. sets ofpropositions) and to what conditions rising declaratives and polar questionsimpose on the context (bias). On the other hand, we have also seen differences

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between rising and falling declaratives: only the former elicit a yes/no response.An adequate theory of rising declaratives should provide an account of theseasymmetries. The goal of this paper is to provide such a theory.

In Section 2, we review three previous accounts of rising declaratives andsome of their difficulties. In Section 3, we present our analysis and derive thefacts described in Section 1. The analysis builds on two ideas: (i) speech actoperators are syntactically represented and parameterized and (ii) rising intona-tion may constrain/determine their parameters. We also show that our proposalis immune to the objections to previous accounts that we discuss in Section 2.In Section 4 we discuss some extensions of the proposal and conclude.

2 Previous AccountsThis section reviews three representative accounts of rising declaratives andsome of the issues that they face. The first is Gunlogson’s commitments ac-count (2002; 2003); the second is Šafárová’s modal account (2005; 2007); thethird is that of Truckenbrodt (2006).

2.1 Gunlogson’s AccountGunlogson (2002; 2003) models the context of conversation as a pair < cs,ca>,where cs represents the public commitments (public beliefs) of the speakerand ca represents public commitments of the addressee. The main componentof Gunlogson’s proposal are the update rules in (9), which say that a fallingdeclarative updates the speaker’s public commitments, while a rising declara-tive updates the addressee’s public commitments. Thus, Gunlogson establishesa sort of form-function parallelism, in the sense that all declaratives are uni-formly propositional and are used to update public commitments of discourseparticipants. In the following, we use ↑ to indicate rising intonation and ↓ toindicate falling intonation.

(9) Update rules< cs,ca >+ ↓ φ =< cs∩ JφK,ca >< cs,ca >+ ↑ φ =< cs,ca∩ JφK >

However, the update rules in (9) do not on their own explain why rising declar-atives are perceived as biased questions. Gunlogson addresses this issue byproposing specific definitions of ‘bias’ and ‘question.’ Specifically, she pro-poses that a context < cs,ca > is ‘biased toward a proposition p’ iff p canbecome public commitment of both speaker and addressee, but ¬p cannot. Inother word, c is biased toward p iff at least one discourse participant has com-mitted herself to p.

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(10) Bias< cs,ca > is biased toward p iff for some x, cx⊆ p

The notion of ‘question’ is defined as ‘not changing the commitment set of anydiscourse participant.’ This is formulated in (11).

(11) Questionφ counts as a question iff < cs,ca >+φ =< cs,ca >

According to these definitions, it holds that a rising declarative counts as aquestion just in case there is bias, i.e. if the addressee has publicly committedherself to the propositional content of the declarative.

(12) ↑ φ is a question iff ca⊆ JφK

An example that Gunlogson presents to support this treatment is the exchangein (13). With her utterance, A publicly commits herself to the proposition thatshe has a sister. Upon A’s utterance, B knows that A has a sister. Nevertheless,B can follow A’s utterance with a rising declarative. According to Gunlogson,B’s utterance feels like a question exactly because A has publicly committedherself to having a sister.

(13) A: I have to pick up my sister from the airport.B: You have a sister?

The main problem with this account is that it predicts that whenever a risingdeclarative is used as a question, it must be clear to both speaker and addresseethat the answer will be yes. Thus, it is not clear what B is asking in (13): Bcannot be asking whether A has a sister, since after A’s utterance, B knows thatA will give a positive answer. Now, suppose that B pretends not to know this.Gunlogson then predicts that B’s utterance is not a question anymore. This isbecause to pretend not to know that A has a sister, B must also pretend thatA has not committed herself to the proposition that A has a sister. Accordingto the characterization in (12), B’s utterance can then not be intended as aquestion.

Another problem for Gunlogson’s theory is that it predicts that a neg-ative answer to a rising declarative is always a contradiction. Imagine that Aresponds with “no” to B in (13). A would clearly be contradicting herself. Gun-logson predicts that any negative answer to a rising declarative should feel thesame way. This does not seem correct in the light of the following data.

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(14) A: I bought Critique of Pure Reason yesterdayB: You read Kant?C: No. I just want to have it on the shelf.

Finally, we believe that Gunlogson’s definition of ‘question’ is unmotivated. Itis true that questions have been defined in such a way that they do not contractor expand the context set (e.g. Groenendijk 1999). But isolating this featureand elevating it, in contrast to some other features of question, to the definingproperty of questions requires further support.

2.2 Šafářová’s AccountŠafárová (2005, 2007) develops a modal analysis of rising intonation whereshe treats the final rise as a modal operator of epistemic uncertainty akin tomight. In her account she utilizes update semantics (Veltman 1996) and a mod-ified Groenendijk & Stokhof semantics of the question operator, whereby thecontext is modeled as an equivalence relation on a set of possible worlds. Theupdates are defined as in (15).

(15) a. c[p] = c∩{(i, j)|JpK(i) = JpK( j) = 1}b. c[♦φ ] = c if c[φ ] 6= /0, otherwise c[♦φ ] = /0c. c[?φ ] = c∩{(i, j)|(i, i) ∈ c[φ ] iff ( j, j) ∈ c[φ ]}

The next three ingredients in Šafárová’s system are the definitions of strengthand answerhood and a formalization of Grice’s maxims of conversation.

(16) φ is stronger than ψ iff c0[φ ]⊂ c0[ψ]1

(17) ψ is a answer to ?φ iff either (a) or (b) holds:a. ψ = φ

b. There is an answer χ such that c0[ψ][χ] = /0 and there is no an-swer χ ′ such that χ ′ is a formula of propositional logic (i.e. con-tains no ? or ♦) and ψ is stronger than χ ′.

(18) Maxims of conversationa. Relation: every statement is an answer to an unresolved question

(explicit or accommodated)b. Quality I: every statement is the strongest statement with respect

to cs

1 To be more precise, iff dom(c0[φ ])⊂ dom(c0[ψ]), where dom(δ ) = {i|(i, i) ∈ δ}. For expositorypurpose, we will write ‘c[φ ]’ instead of ‘dom(c[φ ])’, when it is intuitively clear what is meant.

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With these concepts in hand, Šafárová (2007: 311) proposes the following anal-ysis for rising declaratives:

[W]e take the meaning of the final rise to be that of [...] Veltman’s (1996) ♦-operator [...] [U]ttering [♦φ ] accommodates [the question ?♦φ ] which has ♦φ ,φ and ¬φ among its answers. In a rational conversation, participants cooper-ate on finding the strongest possible answers to questions that have been raised(whether overtly or accommodated). Therefore, if a ?♦φ question has been raisedand there is a participant who knows that either φ or ¬φ is the case, she has tosay so. Thus, a rising declarative [..] will frequently be followed by a ‘response’.Crucially, this response is not an answer to the rising declarative but to the ques-tion accommodated due to the use of the rising declarative.

The proposal faces certain issues. The most apparent issue, acknowledged byŠafárová, is the difference between a rising declarative and a sentence headedby might, which is what Veltman’s ♦ was intended to model. More to the point,it is not clear why rising declaratives and existential modal sentences triggersuch distinct conversational effects.

Furthermore, the derivation of the positive bias of rising declaratives isproblematic in her system. To do this, Šafárová employs the following maxim:

(19) Quality II: every φ is non-redundant(φ is redundant iff cs[¬ψ] = c[¬ψ], where ψ results from stripping φ

of all instances of ♦)

Given the assumption that cs⊆ c (the speaker believes what is common ground),it follows from Quality II that the speaker of ♦φ “believes ¬φ to be less likely”in the sense that “there are less ¬φ worlds in c than in cs” (Šafárová 2005: 365).Namely, for ♦φ to be non-redundant, it must hold that cs[¬φ ] 6= c[¬φ ]; thismeans, assuming cs⊆ c, that cs[¬φ ]⊂ c[¬φ ]. However, it is not clear how thisreasoning explains the bias of rising declaratives. Suppose c = {i, j,k, ...},cs ={i,k} and c0[¬φ ] = {i, j}. Then ♦φ is not redundant (as cs[¬ψ] 6= c[¬ψ]), but¬φ is likelier in cs than in c, which contains a whole sequence of ¬ψ worlds,starting with k. Furthermore, in both c and cs, ¬ψ is at least as likely as ψ .

2.3 Truckenbrodt’s AccountTruckenbrodt (2006) develops an account that builds on two ideas. The firstrelates to the semantic import of intonation: using a falling declarative ↓ φ

commits the speaker to φ , similar to Gunlogson; using a rising declarative ↑ φ

simply indicates the absence of this commitment, unlike in Gunlogson. Thesecond idea is that uttering a declarative ↓ φ or ↑ φ , the speaker conveys thathe wants the hearer to make it common ground that φ . Truckenbrodt elegantlyemploys these notions to derive the pragmatic effects discussed above. Namely,

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by uttering ↑ φ the speaker, on the one hand, indicates that it is not the case thatshe believes φ and, on the other hand, indicates that she wants the hearer tomake it common ground that φ . If the speaker believes that the hearer does notbelieve that φ , it is not possible to expect her to make it common ground thatφ . Thus, the speaker who utters ↑ φ must believe that the hearer believes thatφ , and this is the bias that Gunlogson claims accompanies rising declaratives.

What we think is problematic for Truckenbrodt’s theory is the fact thatrising declaratives elicit a response in a way falling declaratives do not. Truck-enbrodt could claim that the ability of rising declaratives to elicit a responsefollows from the speaker not believing that φ and her expressed desire that φ

be made common ground: this desire would not be satisfied if the addresseedoes not utter ↓ φ . However, this raises the question why the same does nothold for falling declaratives. In both cases the addressee plays a crucial role inmaking φ common ground; it is not clear why the belief states of the speakershould make a difference.

To summarize, we have presented three representative accounts of ris-ing declaratives. Although all three approaches shed important light on risingdeclaratives, we pointed out issues that they face. The first was the accountby Gunlogson (2002, 2003). We have argued that its main difficulty was tocome to terms with the questioning nature of rising declaratives in a non-ad-hoc manner. The second account was the modal treatment of rising declarativesby Šafárová (2005, 2007). Besides pointing to dissimilarities between modalsand rising declaratives, we have argued that it is not entirely successful in ac-counting for the positive bias of rising declaratives. The third approach wasby Truckenbrodt (2006). We pointed out an issue with deriving elicitation ac-companying rising declaratives. In the following section, we develop a noveltreatment of rising declaratives that avoids the issues described in this section.

3 AnalysisThis section introduces our analysis of rising declaratives. We share with Gun-logson and Truckenbrodt the idea that the bias of rising declaratives superveneson the belief of the hearer in the propositional content of the sentence. Unlike inGunlogson, beliefs enter our analysis only indirectly, via the logic of assertion.This resembles the strategy pursued by Truckenbrodt. We begin this sectionby looking at the speech act of assertion and the Performative Hypothesis. Wepropose that rising intonation ‘inflects the performative prefix,’ i.e. we arguethat the semantic import of rising intonation is to determine the interpretationof a variable in the speech act projection. We conclude by deriving the factsdiscussed in the first section.

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3.1 Ingredients: Assertion, Belief, Performative HypothesisAssertion is one of the most studied topics in linguistics. Accordingly, there aremany theories dealing with it. However, all theories seem to agree that asser-tion has at least the two properties discussed in this subsection. It is these twoproperties that form the basis of our account. First, asserting a proposition p re-quires believing that p. We call this principle the Sincerity Principle, adoptingSearle’s terminology.

(20) Sincerity Principle (cf. Searle 1969; Grice 1975)Assert only what you believe

The second principle is a constraint proposed by Robert Stalnaker. It says thatan assertion must be false in some worlds of the context set. In other word,assertion of p means that p is not in the common ground, i.e. not presupposed.We call this principle the Informativity Principle.

(21) Informativity Principle (Stalnaker 1978)Assert only what is not mutual belief, i.e. what is not presupposed

The next ingredient of our theory is the assumption that speech act theoryis part of semantic theory. This is subsumed by the Performative Hypothe-sis which says that sentences are headed by speech act operators and that theinvestigation of speech acts is just the investigation of the meaning of theseoperators. This idea is explicitly expressed in a quote by Gazdar (1979: 18f):2

Every sentence has a performative clause in deep or underlying structure [...]The subject of this clause is first person singular [...] Illocutionary force is se-mantic (in the truth-conditional sense) and is fully specified by the meaning ofthe performative clause itself.

We assume that declaratives used as assertions are headed by a speech act op-erator, ASSERT, which incorporates the logic of assertion delineated above (cf.Ross 1970; Lakoff 1970; Sadock 1974; Gazdar 1979; Krifka 1995, 2001; Tenny& Speas 2004: among others). These assumptions are illustrated on a concreteexample, the sentence John smokes, in the following. The LF of the sentenceis given in (22). We have an ASSERT operator c-commanding the proposition-denoting constituent. The semantic import of the whole sentence is that thespeaker asserts that John smokes. This entails, given the Sincerity and Infor-mativity Principles, that the speaker believes that John smokes and that it is notpresupposed that John smokes.

2 It is important to point out that Gazdar did not endorse the Performative Hypothesis.

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(22) a. α


John smokesb. JφKc = 1 iff the speaker in c asserts that John smokes

⇒ the speaker in c believes that John smokes⇒ that John smokes is not in the common ground in c

All variants of the Performative Hypothesis tend to have it as part of the mean-ing of the ASSERT operator that the assertor is the speaker; this is reflected inGazdar’s quote above. However, in contrast to other approaches, we proposethat ASSERT can inflect for person and that this inflection is reflected in the in-tonation of the sentence. In particular, rising intonation indicates that ASSERT

has a second person feature, while falling intonation indicates that the assertoris the first person, i.e. the speaker.

(23) Falling declarativesa. John smokes ↓b. α


John smokes

(24) Rising declarativesa. John smokes ↑b. α


John smokes

The question that now arises is how the sentences headed by ASSERT, such as(24b), are used. They are descriptions of the world, so they are either true orfalse. So uttering a sentence is giving a description of the world. Now, givinga description of the world is proposing that that description be accepted asaccurate. Thus, we assume the following rule for using declaratives:

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(25) Rule for using declarativesA declarative φ is used in context c to propose that c be updated toc∩ JφK.

It follows immediately from this rule that the speaker of (24b) is proposing tomake it common ground that the hearer asserts that John smokes.

(26) CorrolaryA rising declarative ↑ φ , i.e. a sentence with the structure [ASSERTH φ ],is used in context c to propose that c be updated with the propositionthat the hearer asserts that φ .

3.2 Deriving the FactsWith the above tools in hand, we can now return to the facts described in Sec-tion 1. The first fact that we need to account for is the response elicitation effectof rising declaratives.

(1) A: John has a sister? / Does John have a sister?B: Yes. / No.

In our system, this is due to the fact that uttering a rising declarative meansmaking a proposal. A response is expected when a proposal is made. Thisis particularly pressing with rising declaratives where it is proposed that thehearer asserted something and has thus committed herself to a particular propo-sition. In the case of falling declaratives, where the agent parameter is resolvedto the speaker, a proposal is made as well. The self-verifying nature of thislatter case makes a response from the hearer either redundant or inappropriate.

The second fact involves the difference between polar interrogatives andrising declaratives with respect to making available propositional antecedents.

(2) a. A: John smokes? / John smokes.B: That’s correct.

b. A: Does John smoke?B: #That’s correct.B’: That would be surprising

In (26a), the anaphor that picks up the proposition-denoting complement ofASSERT (27). As we can see in (28), it is not unusual that that can refer toembedded propositions.

(27) a. ASSERTH [φ John smokes]b. Thatφ is correct

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(28) A: Mary thinks [φ John smokes]B: Thatφ is correct

However, as we can see in (29), an embedded question seems not to be ableto deliver a unique salient proposition that can be anaphorically referred to bythat.

(29) A: Mary knows [φ whether John smokes]B: *Thatφ is correct

Now, suppose that the question in the (b)-example in (2) consists of a speechact operator QUEST and a question-denoting constituent φ . We correctly expectthat φ cannot be picked up by that.

(30) a. QUESTS [φ whether John smokes]b. *Thatφ is correct

A related set of data was observed in responses to conjoined rising decla-ratives. Unlike with polar interrogatives, a single response to conjoined risingdeclaratives is possible, similar to what we find in (dis)agreement with fallingdeclaratives.

(3) a. A: You smoke? And you drink?B: Yes. (I smoke and drink.) / No. (I smoke but don’t drink.)

b. A: Do you smoke, and do you drink?B: #Yes. / #No.

Namely, a rising declarative expresses a proposition, so a conjunction of tworising declaratives will also express a proposition; this proposition can be agreedwith or contested.

(31) a. You smoke? And you drink?b. [[ASSERTH you smoke] and [ASSERTH you drink]]c. H asserts that H smokes and H asserts that H drinks

If the response to conjoined rising declaratives is yes, we commit ourselvesto the same inferences as when agreeing to conjoined falling declaratives or,more appropriately, a falling declarative where the complement of ASSERT is aconjunction.

Now, disagreeing with a falling declarative ↓ φ is not contesting that thespeaker asserted φ but contesting the content of φ . Although it is intuitivelyclear why this should be the case (it is non-sensical to contest that the speakerasserted φ ), it is puzzling that no can then be treated as contesting the proposi-

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tion embedded under ASSERT. We propose that this is also what is going whencontesting rising declaratives. In particular, by a negative response to a con-junction of rising declaratives, one is contesting at least one of the conjunctsand, accordingly, the propositional content embedded under the assertion oper-ator. A more thorough investigation of negative responses to and disagreementwith rising and falling declaratives is left for further work.

The strategy just outlined is not available for conjoined polar interroga-tives. Following the standard treatments of questions, a conjunction of two po-lar questions is either a four-way partition (cf. Groenendijk & Stokhof 1984) ora set of four propositions in Hamblin semantics. Now, a yes or no response re-quires a bi-partition or a set of two propositions (one being the negation of theother) – otherwise yes or no cannot identify the appropriate cell or propositionas an answer. Accordingly, we predict a yes or no response to be infelicitousafter a conjunction of polar interrogatives.

The inability of rising declaratives to license NPIs also follows straight-forwardly since changing the person feature of ASSERT does not create an af-fective environment which would license NPIs.

(5) a. *John lifted a finger to help?b. Did John lift a finger to help?

As for the bias of rising declaratives, here is how we account for it. First, it isnatural to assume that when the speaker S proposes that the hearer H assertsthat φ , S must believe that the conditions for H’s assertion of φ are satisfied.One of these conditions, as we have seen, is that H believes that φ (SincerityPrinciple). Accordingly, a rising declarative ↑ φ gives rise to the inference thatthe speaker believes that the hearer believes that φ and will acquiesce to theassertion. In the committee hearing example the reasoning proceeds in the fol-lowing way: if I utter (32b), I make the proposal that you assert that you are acommunist; this means I must believe that you are in a position to assert thatyou are a communist, i.e. I believe that you believe that you are a communist.This is exactly the prejudice that we want to account for.

(32) a. Are you a member of the Communist Party?b. #You are a member of the Communist Party?

Note that we also account for the fact that rising declaratives can be used tosignal an “informative presupposition”, as seen in (33), repeated in (33).

(33) A: I have to pick up my sister from the airport.B: You have a sister?

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B’s utterance is a proposal that A asserts that A has a sister. The principleof Informativity dictates that what is asserted is not presupposed. Thus, B ineffects proposes to make the information that A has a sister non-presupposedinformation, which is intuitively the case here: B does not doubt that A has asister, but only lets A know that this fact was not mutual belief.

Finally, our system does not face the issues that we have presented forthe accounts of Gunlogson and Šafárová. First, our system does not precludenegative responses to rising declaratives. However, more work is needed tounderstand how the negative response gets to be interpreted as contesting theradical of the speech act; this constitutes a well-known problem for all propo-nents of the Performative Hypothesis. Second, we derive bias from the coreprinciples of the logic of assertion. Third, the response-eliciting behavior ofrising declaratives is shown to follow from general properties of conversation– we rely on the intuitive idea that certain proposals to add something to thecommon ground require agreement (rising declaratives), while others are auto-matically accepted due to their self-verifying nature (falling declaratives).

4 Conclusion and OutlookWe proposed a new analysis of rising declaratives in English. Its core ingredi-ents are the ideas that the speech act operator ASSERT is part of the structure ofthe sentence (the Performative Hypothesis) and that it is parameterized. One ofthe parameters of ASSERT is the agent/authority of the speech act. We proposedthat rising intonation conditions this parameter to be second person, i.e. risingintonation ‘inflects the performative prefix’. Falling intonation, on the otherhand, lets the parameter be resolved to default first person. We have shown thatan assortment of facts follows from this assumption once we couple it with thestandard logic of assertion; we have also shown it to be immune to the mainproblems of some other approaches. However, since we adopt the PerformativeHypothesis, we do inherit some of its issues, e.g. the puzzle of disagreement ornegative response. We plan to address these issues at a different occasion.

There is a natural extension of our theory from sentences describing as-sertions to sentences describing other speech acts. That is, we hypothesize thatnot only ASSERT but also QUEST and IMP operators are parameterized andsome of their parameters can be shifted. This seems desirable, in particular inlight of the data in (34) and (35), which need to be explored further.

(34) A: Are you going home?B: Am I going home?A: Yes, are you going home?

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(35) A: Open the window!B: Open the window?A: Yes, open the window!

Finally, there is a salient fact concerning rising intonation that our proposal onits own does not account for: rising intonation is a root phenomenon, i.e. itseffects cannot be restricted to embedded clauses.

(36) Mary knows John came ↑6= ‘Mary knows that you assert that John came’

There is an obvious route that we could take: since we have characterized ris-ing intonation as an operator/modifier on speech acts, we could stipulate thatspeech acts cannot be embedded. This would require further argumentation.

ReferencesGazdar, G. 1979. Pragmatics: implicature, presupposition and logical form.

New York: Academic Press.Grice, P. 1975. Logic and conversation. Syntax and semantics 3. 41–58.Groenendijk, J. 1999. The logic of interrogation: Classical version. Proceed-

ings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory IX 109–126.Groenendijk, J. & M. Stokhof. 1984. Studies on the Semantics of Questions

and the Pragmatics of Answers, unpublished Ph. D: University of Am-sterdam dissertation.

Gunlogson, C. 2002. Declarative questions. Proceedings of Semantics andLinguistics Theory 12. 144–163.

Gunlogson, C. 2003. True to form: Rising and falling declaratives as questionsin English. Routledge.

Hamblin, C. 1973. Questions in Montague English. Foundations of Language10. 41–53.

Karttunen, L. 1977. Syntax and Semantics of Questions. Linguistics and Phi-losophy 1. 3–44.

Krifka, M. 1995. The semantics and pragmatics of polarity items. LinguisticAnalysis 25(3-4). 209–257.

Krifka, M. 2001. Quantifying into question acts. Natural Language Semantics9(1). 1–40.

Lakoff, G. 1970. Linguistics and natural logic. Synthese 22(1). 151–271.Ross, J.R. 1970. On declarative sentences. R. Jacobs and P. Rosenbaum. Read-

ings in English transformational grammar 222–272.Sadock, J.M. 1974. Toward a linguistic theory of speech acts. Academic Pr.

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Šafárová, M. 2005. The semantics of rising intonation in interrogatives anddeclaratives. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9, 355–369.

Šafárová, M. 2007. Nuclear rises in update semantics. In M. Aloni, A. Butler& P. Dekker (eds.), Questions in dynamic semantics, 295–314. Elsevier.

Searle, J.R. 1969. Speech acts: An essay in the philosophy of language. Cam-bridge University Press.

Stalnaker, R. 1978. Assertion. Syntax and Semantics 9. 315–332.Tenny, C.L. & P. Speas. 2004. The interaction of clausal syntax, discourse

roles, and information structure in questions. In Workshop on Syntax,Semantics and Pragmatics of Questions, Université Henri Poincaré, 12p.

Truckenbrodt, H. 2006. On the semantic motivation of syntactic verb move-ment to C in German. Theoretical Linguistics 32. 257–306.

Veltman, F. 1996. Syntax and Semantics of Questions. Journal of Philosophi-cal Logic 25. 221–261.

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Degree Possession Is a Subset Relation (as Well)*

Zhiguo Xie Cornell University [emailprotected]

Abstract. The structure and meaning of possessive verbs have received several competing analyses in the literature. Almost all the analyses were developed based on the English ‘have’ and were intended to apply crosslinguistically. In this paper I consider the peculiar degree use of the Chinese possessive verb yǒu, in the ‘X+ yǒu + Y + G(radable predicate)’ construction. This degree use of yǒu takes a covert small clause as the underlying object that specifies a subset relation between two degree intervals. In this use, yǒu does not make se-mantic content contribution, and only provides a formal mechanism for its subject to bind a variable in the covert small clause object. The degree use of yǒu shares the same structure and meaning as its other uses. In addition, I argue that no existing alternative analysis of possessive verbs can capture the degree use of yǒu. In this sense, the paper locates among several analyses of pos-sessive verbs the most explanatorily adequate one, through examining a language-specific phenomenon.

1 Introduction The structure and meaning of possessive verbs have received a considerable amount of discussion in the literature. It is well-accepted that they can appear in a variety of surface constructions and have a rather unconstrained range of meanings. Intuitively, the meanings of the English verb ‘have’, for example, range from being very clear (1a-c), to being less clear (1d-e), to being very vague (1f-g) (Cowper 1989, Belvin 1993, Ritter & Rosen 1997).

(1) a. John has a new car. (possession) b. John has a headache today. (experience) c. John had a talk with his son. (event) * I am indebted to Mats Rooth and John Whitman for valuable discussion at various stages of the research. Thanks go to Zhong Chen, Ed Cormany, John Hale, Xiao Li, Liangyue Lu, Sarah Murray, and Ming Xiang, who gave me useful suggestions on how to present the idea. Different versions of the paper were delivered at the 8th GLOW in Asia (Aug. 2010, Beijing), the 15th Sinn und Bedeutung (Sept. 2010, Saarbrücken), Cornell University (Jan. 2011), and the Ohio State University (Feb. 2011). I thank the audiences of all these occasions, Kjell J. Sæbø and Qiong-peng Luo in particular, for comments and questions. Of course, all remaining errors are my own.

In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 661–676. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

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d. John had many visitors today. (experience?) e. John had a guy shouting at him. (event?) f. The baby often has a story at bedtime. (?) g. The shirt had a button pop off of it. (?)

This heterogeneous range of surface meanings of ‘have’ is not unique to English (see Gutiérrez-Rexach 2006 for similar data in Spanish). In Chinese, the exact meaning of the possessive verb yǒu, often taken to be the equivalent of the English ‘have’, can too fall anywhere between being very clear and being pretty murky, as illustrated below.

(2) Zhāngsān yǒu yī liàng xīn chē. (possession) Zhangsan have one CL new car ‘Zhangsan has a new car.’

(3) hěnduō dìfang dōu yǒu zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng. (existence) many place all have this CL situation ‘This kind of situation exists in many places.’

(4) Wáng yīshēng jīntiān yǒu hěnduō bìngren. (experience?) Wang doctor today have many patient ‘Dr. Wang has many patients today.’

(5) tā guāng běijīng jiù qù le yǒu hǎojǐ tàng. (?) he alone Beijing EMP go ASP have quite a few round of trip ‘He went to Beijing quite a few times, (let alone other places.)’

(6) tāde chènyī yǒu ge niǔkòu diào le. (?) his shirt have CL button pop off ASP ‘His shirt has a button pop off of it.’

Given the divergent surface meanings that possessive verbs like ‘have’ and yǒu can express, it is reasonable to ask Question 1 below. On the intuitive level, the different uses of possessive verbs appear to be related in terms of the structure and meaning. Therefore, it is an interesting research topic to explore whether and how they are reducible to a common syntactic repre-sentation and semantic derivation.

There have already been several competing proposals in the literature that attempt to give a unified analysis of possessive verbs (Freeze 1992, Landman

Question 1: Do possessive verbs in the variety of surface patterns have a single underlying structure and a single core meaning?

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2004, Partee 1999, Ritter & Rosen 1997, Sæbø 2009, Iatridou 1996, among others). Almost all of the analyses were developed based on the English ‘have’. They were nevertheless intended to apply crosslinguistically. Though empirical evidence within English probably can help pick one analysis over the others, language-specific patterns from other languages may be of more immediate use for the purpose. In this paper, I discuss the degree use of the Chinese possessive verb yǒu. While using Chinese data to address Question 1, I also hope to answer another related question given below.

In Chinese there exists a construction – what I call the possessive degree construction – where the possessive verb yǒu takes a degree-denoting object. The construction provides an essential clue to answering the two questions raised above. In the next section, I present the general pattern and properties of the possessive degree construction. Then, in section 3 I discuss some non-degree uses of yǒu to motivate the small clause-based analysis of possessive verbs (Sæbø 2009, Iatridou 1996). This is the analysis that I adopt for non-degree uses of yǒu and that I hope to extend to its degree use. In section 4, I analyze the possessive degree construction and argue that the overt degree-denoting object of yǒu in the construction is always supplemented by an appropriate covert predicate. The predicate specifies a subset relation be-tween two intervals of degree, and contains a variable that is eventually bound by the subject of yǒu. Yǒu does not have any semantic content. Rather, it only provides a formal mechanism to make the binding possible. Moreover, the binding is necessary because otherwise the subject would be redundant (Sæbø 2009). In this sense, the degree use of yǒu is not different from its non-degree uses, in that for all the uses the verb embeds a small clause as the underlying object. In section 5, I discuss three existing alternative analyses of possessive verbs and show that they all face some empirical or theoretical challenges when being extended to the possessive degree construction.

2 Chinese Data The Chinese possessive verb yǒu can embed a similar variety of linguistic expressions to its English counterpart ‘have’. In addition, the Chinese verb can appear in the construction in (7), to express that X exceeds or equals Y in terms of the dimension specified by the gradable predicate G.

(7) X + yǒu + Y + G

Question 2: Is there any independent, crosslinguistic evidence to validate one analysis of possessive verbs and rule out the others at the same time?

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The sentence in (8) is a concrete illustration of the general pattern. Here zhāngsān corresponds to the X element, Lǐsì the Y element, and gāo the G element. The sentence means that, to put it a bit verbosely, Zhangsan exceeds or equals Lisi in terms of the dimension specified by ‘tall’ (i.e. height).

(8) Zhāngsān yǒu Lǐsì gāo. Zhangsan have Lisi tall ‘Zhangsan is at least as tall as Lisi.’

It is worth some space to discuss a few essential restrictions on the individual components in the construction. First, the construction expresses comparison between X and Y along the dimension specified by G. For the comparison to be meaningful, the referents of X and Y must be comparable with respect to the dimension. Otherwise, pragmatic infelicity would arise. The infelicity of (9) is due to the mundane fact that sunlight cannot be measured along the dimension specified by zhòng ‘heavy’ (i.e. weight).1

(9) %yángguāng méi yǒu zhuōzi zhòng. sunlight not have table heavy ‘%The sunlight is not as heavy as the table.’

Second, in addition to being an entity- or event-denoting expression, the Y element also can be a measure phrase. In this case, G can be omitted if the context is clear regarding the dimension for the measure phrase. For example, if the speaker and hearer are explicitly discussing the height of individuals and excluding width and thickness, the adjective gāo ‘tall’ in (10) is optional:

(10) Zhāngsān yǒu liù yīngchǐ (gāo). Zhangsan have six foot tall ‘Zhangsan is at least six feet tall.’

Third, because the G element specifies a dimension against which X and Y are measured, G must be an element that expresses a gradable notion. Non-gradable predicates cannot characterize a dimension and thus cannot act as G. The sentence in (11) is ungrammatical, because something is either imported or not, and there is nothing in between. When the gradability requirement is met, G can be an adjective, adverb, or verb phrase ((8), (10), (12), (13)).

1 The ‘%’ symbol indicates pragmatic infelicity, and ‘*’ indicates ungrammaticality.

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(11) *zhè ge páizi yǒu nà ge páizi jìnkǒu. this CL brand have that CL brand imported ‘*This brand is at least as imported at that one.’

(12) Zhāngsān pǎo de yǒu Lǐsì kuài. Zhangsan run DE have Lisi fast ‘Zhangsan runs at least as fast as Lisi does.’

(13) Zhāngsān méi yǒu Lǐsì zūnjìng lǎoshī. Zhangsan not have Lisi respect teacher ‘Zhangsan does not respect teachers as much as Lisi does.’

Fourth, a demonstrative pronoun such as zhème ‘this’ and nàme ‘that’ can intervene between Y and G, without affecting the meaning. The sentence in (14) contains nàme between Lǐsì and gāo and has the same meaning as (8).

(14) Zhāngsān yǒu Lǐsì nàme gāo. Zhangsan have Lisi that tall

The possessive degree construction has been discussed in many Chinese grammar books and descriptive linguistics literature (Lü 1980, Zhu 1982, inter alia). However, as far as I know, it has received no theoretical analysis so far, despite the fact that possessive verbs in general have drawn considerable theoretical attention over the past two decades. In particular, there exist four major groups of analyses of possessive verbs. The gist of each group is given in (15). Because almost all the discussion is based on the English ‘have’, in (15) I use ‘have’ to represent possessive verbs. None of the analyses explicitly address the question of whether they are applicable to the possessive degree construction, probably because English does not have the exact equivalent of the construction. In this sense, the possessive degree construction deserves serious consideration. It is likely that it can be used as a test to tell which analysis or which analyses of possessive verbs is/are on the right track. In this paper I show that the construction does indeed endorse the small clause analysis over the three alternative analyses. In the next section, I will first cite some non-degree uses of yǒu as empirical motivations for the small clause analysis.

(15) a. Locative existential (Freeze 1992) ‘Have’ sentences and existential sentences have the same underlying structure and are similarly derived.

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b. Semantic incorporation (Landman 2004): ‘Have’ denotes a ‘contentless’ relation saturated by its relational

object. c. Type-shifting analysis (Partee 1999): ‘Have’ specifies some relational property to its object. d. Small clause analysis (Sæbø 2009, Iatridou 1996): ‘Have’ embeds a small clause that links the subject and the object.

3 Motivating the Small Clause Analysis Sæbø (2009) and Iatridou (1996), among several others, proposed that the underlying object of possessive verbs is a small clause (SC), which can be either pronounced or unpronounced. The SC object consistently contains a variable, either in the argument or in the predicate of the SC. Possessive verbs make no content contribution. They only make it possible and nec-essary for their subject to bind a variable in the SC object.

It is a legitimate question to ask at this point whether the SC analysis, originally developed based on English ‘have’, can be extended to the Chinese possessive verb yǒu. Because of the similar behaviors of non-degree uses of yǒu and ‘have’, as evident from the example sentences in (1-6), the analysis can be maintained (at least) for non-degree uses of yǒu. Out of space con-sideration, in this section I discuss just a few pieces of evidence from Chinese to support this claim.2

First, non-degree uses of yǒu can take an explicit SC as the object. In this case, the SC must contain a variable which the subject of yǒu can bind. This variable is usually the internal argument of a relational noun in the SC. For example, in (16) the overt object of yǒu, yīxiē língjiàn huài le ‘some parts broken’, expresses a proposition on its own and is an SC. The noun língjiàn ‘a (mechanical) part’ expresses a relational notion because a part is always a part to some host (a computer, a car, etc.). The internal argument of the rela-tional noun língjiàn behaves like a variable which needs to be bound by the matrix subject. The sentence can be paraphrased as (17), which does not contain the verb yǒu and has the internal argument of língjiàn ‘a part’ filled by jīqì ‘a machine’. The equivalence of meaning indicates that in the original sentence (16) yǒu has no semantic role to play. It only provides a mechanism such that the matrix subject can fill the internal argument of the relational noun. Sæbø (2009) has explicitly argued that the saturation is achieved through the matrix subject binding a variable in the SC object. 2 Chinese has no morphological tense or semantic tense (Lin 2005). Thus in Chinese it is difficult to tell small clauses from regular clauses. For simplicity I stick to using the term ‘small clause’.

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(16) jīqì yǒu yīxiē língjiàn huài le. machine have some part broken ASP ‘The machine has some parts broken.’

(17) yīxiē jīqì língjiàn huài le.

Second, when non-degree uses of yǒu take a definite phrase in its object, the phrase must be followed by an overt predicate. The overt predicate has to include a covert variable for the matrix subject to bind. For example, in (18) xià chǎng bǐsài ‘the next competition’ refers to one particular competition and is a definite expression. Its presence in the sentence is ungrammatical unless it is supplemented by a predicate such as yào cānjiā ‘has to attend’. Crucially, the predicate itself contains a variable which corresponds to the agent role for cānjiā ‘attend’. The matrix subject binds the covert variable. Yǒu makes the binding possible and necessary. The sentence, just like in (16), can be paraphrased as (19) without the verb yǒu but with the subject of yǒu filling the subject position of the resulting clause. Again, the equivalence of the two sentences suggests that yǒu makes no semantic contribution to the meaning of the sentence, except for providing a formal mechanism whereby the subject of yǒu binds a variable in the SC object.

(18) tā hái yǒu xià chǎng bǐsài *(yào cānjiā). he still have next CL competition must attend ‘He still has the next competition *(to attend).’

(19) tā hái yào cānjiā xià chǎng bǐsài.

The two cases that I have considered both involve an overt SC as the object of yǒu. There exist many cases in which yǒu embeds a surface DP object without an overt supplementing predicate. For such cases, the surface DP can be understood to be supplemented by an implicit predicate. For instance, for the ‘canonical’ possessive use of yǒu, its surface object is a DP (20). With the SC analysis of possessive verbs, the possessive interpretation does not come from the verb yǒu per se. Rather it is contributed by a covert predicate which requires the referent of the subject to be in possession of the referent of the object. Crucially, the predicate cannot be a random one, but is restricted by an essential attribute of the object with respect to the subject. A person and a book, for example, are essentially related by the possessor-possessee relation (Gutiérrez-Rexach 2006). On the other hand, the predicate contains a variable for the matrix subject to bind; otherwise the subject would be redundant. Given all the considerations, the covert predicate for the canonical possessive

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interpretation of possessive verbs is something like ‘belonging to e’, with the variable e being bound by the matrix subject.

(20) Mǎlì yǒu yī běn shū [ shǔyú e]. Mary have one CL book belong to ‘Mary has a book.’

To cast the above discussion in a more formal manner, I follow Sæbø’s (2009) syntactic specification and semantic representation of possessive verbs. In his analysis, possessive verbs assume the semantic role of abstraction. They transform the SC object into a predicate by abstracting over a variable xi co-indexed with the matrix subject. However, in order to avoid yǒu making counter-intuitive direct reference to variable indexing, the matrix subject undergoes Quantifier Raising ((21), from Büring 2004). The predicate transformed out of the SC absorbs the trace of the QR-ed subject. The trace variable binder introduced by the QR, via variable assignment, makes the variable coming from the SC bound by the subject (23). The matrix subject has to bind the variable in the SC, to avoid the fate of being redundant. As an illustration, the Logical Form and semantic derivation of the sentence in (20) is given in (24), with some irrelevant details omitted.

(21) i. substituting a trace ti for a DP Qi; ii. adjoining Q (without the index) to a dominating node; iii. adjoining a trace binding operator ui to the sister of Q.

(22) [[ have]] = λф(st) λxe. ф (s is the type of states)

(23) [[ ui]] f = λф λz. [[Ф ]] f [iàz] ( f is a variable assignment function.)

(24) S: ∃xbook(x) ∧ belong-to(Mary)(x) Mǎlì S: λz.∃xbook(x) ∧ belong-to(z)(x) u3: λф λz. Фf[iàz] S: .∃xbook(x) ∧ belong-to(f(3))(x) t3 VP: λy.∃xbook(x) ∧ belong-to(f(3))(x) yǒu: λфλy.ф SC: ∃xbook(x) ∧ belong-to(f(3))(x) yīběnshū shǔyú e3

Hopefully, thus far I have established that the SC analysis of possessive verbs can provide a successful account of non-degree uses of Chinese yǒu. The

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most natural next step is to examine whether this analysis can be main-tained for the possessive degree construction. This step is a logical variant of Question 1 raised in section 1. In the next section, I show that the SC analysis indeed can be extended to the possessive degree construction.

4 Analyzing the Degree Use of yǒu One essential component of the SC analysis of possessive verbs is, obviously, that their underlying object is consistently an SC. In an attempt to apply the analysis to the possessive degree construction, the first task should be to determine the SC for the construction. For convenience of reference I will use (8) as my example sentence.

(8) Zhāngsān yǒu Lǐsì gāo. Zhangsan have Lisi tall ‘Zhangsan is at least as tall as Lisi.’

It is worth pointing out that Lǐsì gāo in the overt object position of (8) cannot be an SC. Here is some evidence for the claim. First, suppose it is an SC, then it would express some proposition. Because yǒu does not affect entailment, one would then expect (8) to entail the proposition expressed by Lǐsì gāo, whatever it is.3 However, the entailment does not go through.

Second, as discussed in section 2, a demonstrative pronoun such as nàme ‘that’ and zhème ‘this’ can optionally intervene between Lǐsì and gāo, without affecting the meaning. In Chinese, these demonstrative pronouns cannot make reference to a proposition. This is another piece of evidence that Lǐsì gāo does not denote a proposition and cannot be an SC.

Third, a limited number of dimension nouns can act as G. For example, in (25) the Y element zúqiú ‘a soccer ball’ is followed by the dimension noun dàxiǎo ‘big-small, size’. It is obvious that zúqiú dàxiǎo is not an SC. Rather it denotes a degree, the size of a soccer ball.

(25) nà ge mógū yǒu zúqiú dàxiǎo. that CL mushroom have soccer ball size ‘The mushroom is at least as big as a soccer ball.’

From the evidence discussed above, I conclude that the ‘Y + G’ chunk itself is not an SC. Instead it denotes a degree, viz. Y’s degree on the dimension specified by G. For example, in (8) gāo provides the dimension (i.e. height)

3 I deliberately remain vague here, because, if used as a clause, Lǐsì gāo can mean ‘Lisi is tall’ or ‘Lisi is taller’, depending on the context in which it is used.

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against which Lisi is measured. Lǐsì gāo denotes Lisi’s height, not the proposition ‘Lisi is tall’ or some other proposition.

We have already seen that the possessive degree construction expresses some comparative relationship. For a comparison to make sense, the two comparison items have to be comparable in the first place. For the possessive degree construction, one comparison item is Y’s degree on the dimension specified by G (e.g. Lisi’s height for (8)); the other comparison item has to be some degree associated with X.

Furthermore, the degree denoted by the other comparison item cannot be just any random degree associated with X (e.g. Zhangsan’s width for (8)). Rather, it is X’s degree along the dimension specified by G (e.g. Zhangsan’s height for (8)). This restriction is guaranteed by the fact that Chinese does not allow cross-dimension comparison using a comparative construction. For example, while (26) is perfect in English, its Chinese equivalent is not grammatical. The interested reader can refer to Kennedy (2007) for dis-cussion on this crosslinguistic contrast.

(26) The door is taller than the table is wide.

(27) *mén gāo bǐ zhuōzi kuān. door tall than table wide

Thus, the two comparison items of the possessive degree construction are degrees on the same dimension. Independently, a degree on a dimension is modeled as an interval that ranges from the minimum point on that dimension to where the degree ends. It is not the maximum point of the degree interval (Seuren 1978, von Stechow 1984, Kennedy 1997, 2001). One motivation for this representation of degree comes from the Cross-Polar Anomaly (CPA) as illustrated by (28), which involves positive and negative pairs of adjectives. Treating degrees as points cannot explain the anomaly. In addition, in the interval-based representation, degrees are classified into two types: positive degrees vs. negative degrees. The CPA is anomalous because it involves comparison of degrees of opposite polarity (Kennedy 1997, 2001).

(28) *The computer is more expensive than the book is cheap.

It follows that the possessive degree construction compares two degree intervals. Moreover, the two degree intervals fall on the same dimension and have the same starting point. I assume that possessive verbs generally char-acterize essential relations (e.g. possession, kinship, part-whole, etc.) between the subject and the object. Only when an essential relation is impossible will an ‘accidental’ relation (e.g. location, custody) come to rescue (Gutiérrez-

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Rexach 2006). The most essential relation that can exist between two intervals as specified above is one interval being the sub-interval of the other. But which one is the sub-interval, and which one is the super-interval? To answer this question, it is helpful to look at some other uses of possessive verbs for hints.

Possessive verbs can express the part-whole relation. On the intuitive level, the part-whole relation coincides with the subset relation. For example, (29) says that the three relevant doors exist as part of the house. It is equivalent to saying that the set whose elements are the three doors is a subset of the set that contains all the constituents of the house. Possessive verbs can characterize the kinship relation as well. The kinship relation can also be construed as a subset relation. For (30), the set that contains the cousins is a subset of the set that contains, say, all John’s relatives. In addition, the locative use of possessive verbs, as exemplified in (31), characterizes a ‘part-whole’ relation that is restricted to a location (e.g. ‘on his left leg’) (Gutiérrez-Rexach 2006). Hence the locative use can be understood as involving a subset relation, too. For space consideration, I will not discuss how other non-degree uses of possessive verbs characterize the subset relation. The discussion based on the English ‘have’ applies to (at least the non-degree uses of) the Chinese yǒu.

(29) The house has three doors.

(30) John has cousins.

(31) John has a birthmark on his left leg. (Gutiérrez-Rexach 2006)

It is clear that the set associated with the object is the subset, and the set associated with the subject is the superset. That is, the subject of possessive verbs is ‘super-ordinate’ to the object. I assume that the same consideration applies to the possessive degree construction. In addition, the subinterval relation is tantamount to the subset relation.4 Therefore, for the possessive degree construction ‘X + yǒu + Y + G’, X’s degree on the dimension specified by G is the superinterval/superset; Y’s degree on the dimension is the subinterval/subset. My analysis thus far predicts that for the possessive degree construction to be true, X’s degree on the dimension specified by G is a superinterval/superset of Y’s degree on the same dimension. More con-cretely, for (8) to be true Zhangsan’s height has to be a superinterval of Lisi’s height. This prediction conforms to native intuition.

4 In this paper, I chose to use ‘subinterval’ rather than ‘subset’ when discussing the possessive degree construction, simply because I think it more intuitive to use the former.

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Under the SC analysis of possessive verbs, yǒu cannot directly set up the subinterval/subset relation between the two degrees in the possessive degree construction. Moreover, the ‘Y + G’ chunk explicitly contributes one of the two comparison items, but there is nothing in the surface construction that contributes the other comparison item, viz. X’s degree on the dimension specified by G. Under the SC analysis of possessive verbs, both the second comparison item and the subinterval relation should have an independent place in the representation.

More explicitly, the second comparison item and the subinterval relation are given by the covert predicate supplementing the overt object of yǒu and the binding of a variable in the covert predicate by the matrix subject. In general, the covert predicate supplementing the ‘Y + G’ chunk is something like ‘being a subinterval of e’s degree on the dimension specified by G’, with the variable e being bound by the subject. For (8), the covert predicate is ‘being a subinterval of e’s height’.

Under this specification, the degree use of yǒu also takes a covert SC as its underlying object, which contains a variable in the predicate for the matrix subject to bind. Just like its non-degree uses, the degree use of yǒu makes no content contribution to the semantics of the sentence in which it appears. It provides a formal means to make not only possible but also necessary the binding of the variable in the SC object by the matrix subject.

The formal syntactic representation and semantic derivation for (8) are given in (32). Here I assume gāo ‘tall’ to be a function from an individual to the height of that individual. Obviously, (32) is exactly parallel to (24). This suggests that the degree use of yǒu is not different from the non-degree uses in terms of the syntax and semantics. All the verb accomplishes is ab-straction: it indirectly contributes a lambda for a variable in its object, which is always an SC on the underlying level.

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(32) S: tall(Lisi)⊆ tall(Zhangsan) Zhāngsān S: λz.tall(Lisi)⊆ tall(z) u7: λф λz. Фf[iàz] S: tall(Lisi)⊆ tall(f(7)) t7 VP: λx.tall(Lisi)⊆ tall(f(7)) yǒu: λфλy.ф SC: tall(Lisi)⊆ tall(f(7))

Lǐsì gāo being a subinterval of e7’s height. tall(Lisi) λx. x⊆ tall(f(7))

As an interim summary, the SC analysis of possessive verbs not only explains the non-degree uses but also the degree use as exemplified by the Chinese possessive degree construction. Hence, the analysis is explanatorily adequate in treating all uses of possessive verbs. The adequacy of the SC analysis suggests that possessive verbs have a single underlying structure and a single core meaning in the variety of surface patterns where they appear. The discussion so far has answered Question 1 raised in section 1.

As pointed out earlier in this paper, the SC analysis is just one of the proposals that are available in the literature regarding the syntax and semantics of possessive verbs in general (see (15)). Can any of the three competing analyses provide an equally satisfactory account of the possessive degree construction? If the answer is negative, then the possessive degree construction is a good test to endorse the SC analysis and rule out the alternative analyses. The next section shows that this is indeed the case.

5 Competing Analyses In section 2, I divided the analyses competing against the SC analysis into three groups: Locative Existential (Freeze 1992), Semantic Incorporation (Landman 2004), and Type-shifting Analysis (Partee 1999). In this section I give a brief summary of each proposal and explain why it cannot be extended to the Chinese possessive degree construction.

According to the Locative Existential analysis, possessive sentences of various kinds are existential sentences with a locative argument in the subject position. Extending the proposal to the possessive degree construction, it amounts to saying that, just like existential sentences in Chinese, the con-struction has an underlying structure in which the matrix subject starts as a

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preposition phrase of some form. This runs afoul of native intuition. More explicitly, if the subject of the possessive degree construction is a preposition phrase in the underlying structure, it would have to predicate of the location of the degree denoted by the ‘Y + G’ chunk (e.g. Lǐsì gāo). A degree is not an individual but an interval on a dimension. It cannot be predicated of or restricted by a preposition phrase. This is evident from the ungrammaticality of the sentence in (34), as compared to (33).

(33) yī běn shū zài zhuōzi shàng. one CL book at table on ‘There is a book on the table.’

(34) *wǔ mǐ zài zhuōzi shàng. five meter at table on

The semantic incorporation analysis proposed by Landman (2004) holds that ‘have’ denotes a ‘contentless’ relation between two entities and a state. The object of ‘have’ denotes a ‘contentful’ counterpart of such a relation. After the object intersects with ‘have’, the result is exactly the same as the object. The rest of the proposal does not matter for the purpose of this paper. As Landman himself admitted, the analysis is restricted to cases where ‘have’ embeds relational nouns. It cannot be extended to the possessive degree construction, because the ‘Y + G’ chunk does not express a relational notion of any sort. Lisi’s height (Lǐsì gāo), for example, is a degree that exists on its own right and does not have to relate to anything else for it to be degree.

The type shifting analysis by Partee (1999) differs from Landman’s in that there is a division of labor between ‘have’ and its object. Both are ascribed relational denotations. In addition, in its semantics ‘have’ specifies some property for its object. One general drawback of this analysis is an un-natural prediction it makes, viz. that ‘have’ is lexically ambiguous among all the possible properties that it can establish for its object. There is another more specific problem with the analysis when extending it to the Chinese possessive degree construction. Because the semantics of ‘have’ is defined with reference to what object it takes, the analysis requires the degree use of yǒu to include in its semantics the gradable predicate G. Intuitively, it is un-desirable for a possessive verb to incorporate an adjective, an adverb or a verb in its semantic denotation.

6 Conclusions The degree use of yǒu is not different from its other uses in terms of the structure and meaning. They all take a small clause as the underlying object,

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which can be either overt or covert. Yǒu is a functional item that does not have semantic content on its own. It just provides a formal mechanism for its subject to bind a variable in its small clause object. The small clause analysis provides a satisfactory explanation of the degree use of yǒu. I have shown that other alternative proposals available in the literature all face empirical or theoretical challenges. The discussion suggests that the small clause analysis best captures the whole range of uses of possessive verbs.

References Belvin, Robert. 1993. The two causative haves are the two possessive haves.

In Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society 29–1. 61–75. Chi-cago: CLS.

Büring, Daniel. 2004. Crossover situations. Natural Language Semantics 12. 23–62.

Cowper, Elizabeth. 1989. Thematic underspecification: the case of have. In Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 10. 85–93.

Freeze, Ray. 1992. Existentials and other locatives. Language 68. 553–595. Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier. 2006. Beyond the (in)definiteness restriction: A

unified semantics for have. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11. 291–304. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Iatridou, Sabine. 1996. To have and have not: On the deconstruction approach. In Proceedings of WCCFL XIV. 185–201. Stanford: CSLI.

Kennedy, Christopher. 1997. Projecting the adjective: the syntax and semantics of gradability and comparison: UCSC Phd. Thesis.

Kennedy, Christopher. 2001. Polar opposition and the ontology of degrees. Linguistic & Philosophy 24. 33–70.

Kennedy, Christopher. 2007. Modes of comparison. In Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society 43–1. 141–165. Chicago: CLS.

Landman, Fred. 2004. Indefinites and the type of sets. Oxford: Blackwell. Lü, Shuxiang. 1980. Xiandai hanyu babai ci [Eight hundred words of modern

Chinese]. Beijing: Commercial Press. Partee, Barbara. 1999. Weak NPs in HAVE-Sentences. in Compositionality

in Formal Semantics. 282–291. Oxford: Blackwell. Ritter, Elizabeth & Sara Thomas Rosen. 1997. The function of have. Lingua

101. 295–321. Sæbø, Kjell Johan. 2009. Possession and pertinence: the meaning of have.

Natural Language Semantics 17. 369–397. Seuren, Pieter A.M. 1978. The comparative revisited. Journal of Semantics 3.


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von Stechow, Arnim.1984. Comparing semantic theories of comparison. Journal of Semantics 3. 1–77.

Zhu, Dexi. 1982. Yufa jiangyi [Lecture notes on grammar]. Beijing: Commercial Press.

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In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15,pp. 677–690. Universaar – Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.

Divergent Approximators∗

Erin ZaroukianJohns Hopkins [emailprotected]

Abstract. We often mark uncertainty in our utterances with words like maybe,but when we mark uncertainty on numerals, some surprising effects, includingapproximation, result. This paper describes these unexpected effects and pro-vides a possible world semantics analysis. This analysis will in turn inform ourview on other scalar modifiers, like approximately. Additionally, it will helpidentify a complication for so-called slack regulators (e.g. loosely speaking, ex-actly), pointing to the unexplored importance of modality in differentiating ap-proximators. I will propose that some approximators, like maybe, have modalcomponents and behave differently from non-modal approximators, like approx-imately, most noticeably in their ability to accommodate contextual information.

1 IntroductionLanguage allows us to express ourselves with varying degrees of precision (i.a.Lakoff 1973; Lasersohn 1999; Krifka 2009). Some words like tall have a mean-ing that varies with context, while other words like heap lack a precise mean-ing altogether. Furthermore, there are terms with precise meanings that can beused imprecisely, where context allows. For example, the numeral twenty canbe used to refer to something that costs $20.00 exactly, or where contextuallyappropriate a speaker could round and use twenty to refer to something thatcost $19.50. Additionally, there are countless modifiers that affect precision,such as roughly, more-or-less, and exactly.

Various authors have highlighted these different types of imprecision intheir analyses. For example, Sauerland & Stateva (2007) distinguish forms witha precise meaning from those which lack a fixed precise meaning. This sepa-rates the numeral twenty, which has a precise meaning of 20.0, from the ad-jective tall and the noun heap, which have no such meaning. Similarly, Syrett,Kennedy & Lidz (2010) distinguish forms that tolerate imprecision pragmat-ically from those that are semantically context dependent. This separates the∗ Many thanks to Kyle Rawlins, Charley Beller, Kristen Johannes, Mike Oliver, and Lilia Riss-man for their invaluable discussion. Thanks also to the audience at the Mid-Atlantic Colloquiumof Studies in Meaning, as well as the audience and reviewers at Sinn und Bedeutung 15. This re-search was supported by an IGERT grant to the Cognitive Science Department at Johns HopkinsUniversity.

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numeral twenty, which can be used in a round sense where context allows,from the adjective tall, which varies depending on what it modifies (e.g. tallperson vs. tall building), but does not vary depending on the level precisionappropriate to the context the way twenty does.

Here I propose an additional distinction, one that differentiates betweenmodal and non-modal approximators. I will illustrate this by first examiningthe modal maybe as a marker of uncertainty, which, in the right context (viz.when applied to a scalar), leads to an approximate reading. We will then com-pare this type of approximation to that which arises from the use of the non-modal approximately. The differences between these two approximators willfollow largely from their differing modal statuses, with the most striking dif-ference being their differing abilities to accommodate contextual information.We will then compare these types of approximation to pragmatic halos (Laser-sohn 1999), which suffice for non-modal approximators, but which cannot suf-ficiently describe approximators with a modal component.

2 Uncertainty and ApproximationAn approximate reading can arise when scalars are marked as uncertain. Thiscan be seen most clearly with scalar numerals combined with the modal maybe.

2.1 Uncertain NumeralsWhen we use words like maybe to mark our uncertainty with respect to anitem, our interlocutor might entertain alternatives to this uncertain item. Forexample, in the exchange in (1) Bill thinks John won the race, but he is notcertain, which he expresses through his response maybe John.

(1) a. Ann: Who won the race?Bill: Maybe John.

b. {John, Mary, Peter}

As a result of Bill’s uncertainty, Ann may entertain other likely winners, assketched in (1b).

When the uncertain item is a numeral, we find a strong tendency for theset of alternatives to resemble approximation, as in (2).

(2) a. Ann: How many people competed?Bill: Maybe twenty.

b. {18, 19, 20, 21, 22}

This approximation becomes even more salient if we consider a similar re-sponse Bill could have made, namely approximately twenty, where the alterna-

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tives entertained by Ann would again look like (2b).Approximation, however, does not occur with all uncertain numerals, as

demonstrated in (3). When giving the number of the player with the most fouls,Bill indicates his uncertainty with maybe, again uttering maybe twenty.

(3) a. Ann: Which player has the most fouls?Bill: Maybe twenty.

b. {20, 6, 77, 15}

Here, however, this uncertain numeral is unlikely to give rise to approxima-tion. Instead, Ann may consider other players likely to have numerous fouls,independently of their number.

Additionally, we find that when this approximation effect occurs, therange of alternatives depends on the numeral. For example, if twenty in (2)is replaced with twenty-seven, the range of alternatives tends to be smaller.

(4) a. Ann: How many people competed?Bill: Maybe twenty-seven.

b. {26, 27, 28}

In summary, uncertain numerals lead to three questions: why do uncertain nu-merals give rise to approximative readings, as in (2), why do some uncertainnumerals fail to give rise to approximative readings, as in (3), and why do someuncertain numerals give rise to more approximate readings than others, as in(2) vs. (4)?

2.2 Uncertain Numerals ExplainedThese puzzles can be given a formal explanation using a possible world seman-tics, such as the one described in Kratzer (1991), along with Krifka’s (2009)conception of numerals. Here we will consider alternatives to be sets of pos-sible worlds (i.e. worlds consistent with the epistemic modal base). These setsof worlds will be ordered in terms of their plausibility by an ordering source,as sketched in figure 1.

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w wJohn



w w20





alternatives/sets ofpossible worlds

more plausible

Figure 1: Alternatives as sets of worlds, ordered according to a modal base.Here, for example, wJohn represents the set of worlds where John won the race,and w20 represents the set of worlds where twenty people competed.

Following Krifka (2009) we will assume that numerals represent a range whichcan be characterized as the values which fall within one standard deviation(σ ) of the uttered numeral (µ) on a normal distribution over the number line.For example, twenty in the sentence This book cost twenty dollars used in arelatively imprecise context can be considered to have σ = 2, such that twentythen represents values in the range µ±σ or [18−22], as shown in fi-gure 2. Thenormal distribution represents the probability of each value being true, withprobability decreasing as the distance from µ increases. Beyond one standard

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deviation (i.e. beyond the shaded area in figure 2), probability is assumed toolow for consideration.1

... 16 18 20 22 24 ...... µ−2σ µ−σ µ µ +σ µ +2σ ...

Figure 2: A normal distribution centered at 20 with σ = 2

This range information can be expressed as the propositions pσ in (5), whichpicks out worlds where the value intended by the speaker (y) falls within onestandard deviation (σ ) of the uttered numeral (µ), and a family of functions pxin (6), which picks out worlds where the intended value (y) falls within σ−x ofthat number (µ) for 0 < x < σ .2 We will let y assign to any world the numericvalue intended by the speaker in that world, representing public uncertaintyabout what value the speaker intends.

(5) pσ = λw.y(w) ∈ {Jµ−σK, ...,Jµ +σK}(6) px = λw.y(w) ∈ {Jµ− xK, ...,Jµ + xK},0 < x < σ

We can see how this works in the example sentence from above This book cost

1 For simplicity we will assume strict cut-offs at µ±σ . It seems, however, that the border shouldbe fuzzy, which might result from difficulty determining a precise σ from context. Alternatively,an applicable use of fuzzy sets is discussed in Lasersohn (1999).2 As described here, this results in a linear probability curve, not the Gaussian one described above,a problem which will not be addressed here.

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twenty dollars with µ = 20 and σ = 2. Here pσ = λw.y(w) ∈ {J20−2K, ...,J20+2K} (i.e. picks out set of worlds where the value y intended by the speakerin that world is between 18 and 22) and px = λw.y(w)∈ {J20− xK, ...,J20+ xK},0 < x < 2.

As for maybe, I will treat it as involving an epistemic modal possibilityoperator. For uncertain numerals (e.g. maybe twenty), the modal base will con-tain the sets of worlds consistent with pσ (i.e. worlds within σ of µ) and theordering source will contain the worlds consistent with the propositions in pxfor 0 < x < σ (i.e. will order more closely worlds where the value is closer toµ).

We now have an explanation for the approximation that arises from uncer-tain numerals: only worlds where values close to the uttered numeral are truewill be epistemically accessible, so only these values will be plausible alter-natives. We also have an explanation for why approximation does not alwaysoccur with uncertain numerals: this effect only happens with scalar numerals,like in (2), not with numerals acting in a non-scalar labeling capacity, as in (3),which do not represent ranges and are therefore not associated with pσ and pxlike scalars are.

And finally, if we consider Krifka’s pragmatic preference for simple ex-pressions, we have an explanation for why the range of alternatives depends onthe numeral, as we see when maybe twenty in (2) leads to a wider range of alter-natives than maybe twenty-seven in (4). A pragmatic preference for simple ex-pressions leads more complex numerals like twenty-seven to represent smallerranges (i.e. induce smaller σs) than simpler numerals like twenty. Since twenty-seven has a smaller σ , its pσ allows a smaller range of possible worlds, leadingto its narrower interpretation as an uncertain numeral (see Krifka (2009) fordetails).

To summarize the explanations offered here, first, uncertain numerals giverise to approximative readings because they involve pσ and px in their modalbase and ordering source respectively, so possible worlds are those in whichthe numeral is close to the uncertain numeral. Some uncertain numerals fail togive rise to approximative readings because they are not scalar and thereforeare not associated with pσ and px. Some uncertain numerals give rise to moreapproximate readings than others because they are associated with larger σs,so pσ allows a wider range of possible worlds.

2.3 Uncertain ScalarsNumerals are not unique in expressing ranges, so this approximation effectshould not be unique to numerals either. Specifically, we expect that wheneversome appropriately range-representing expression is marked as uncertain, it

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gives rise to approximation. And this is indeed the case.We can see this, for example, with uncertain colors, as in (7) and (8).

Here, if blue is interpreted as a scalar representing a range of colors within theblue spectrum (i.e. as not necessarily representing one specific hue), a rangeof colors (here with wavelengths from purple to green) might be entertained asalternatives.

(7) a. A: You say you got a good look at John’s car. What color is it?B: Maybe blue.

b. {425nm, ..., 525nm}

We even see an effect of complexity, much like we did with twenty vs. twenty-seven. Here, the more complex color term cyan gives rise to a smaller rangeof alternatives (here with wavelengths within the light blues) than the simplercolor term blue, since the more complex cyan will be pragmatically associatedwith a smaller σ .

(8) a. A: You say you got a good look at John’s car. What color is it?B: Maybe cyan.

b. {450nm, ..., 500nm}

This approximation effect can be seen with any item that is used scalarly, in-cluding such an unlikely term as beef stroganoff. To see this, consider a scalarinterpretation of beef stroganoff, like the one required in the sentence It wasonly approximately beef stroganoff. Using this scalar interpretation, considerthe sentence What John cooked was maybe beef stroganoff. This gives the read-ing that what John cooked was somewhere near the ideal of beef stroganoff, orapproximately beef stroganoff.3

So, the same phenomena we saw with uncertain numerals happen withother scalars, and the same explanation applies: the scalar represents somerange, and when combined with the modal maybe this range information rep-resented in pσ and px enters into the modal base and ordering source such that

3 Sauerland & Stateva (2007) provide a different take on this kind of construction. Theyconsider approximately beef stroganoff infelicitous in (i) because scalar approximators (ex-actly/approximately) can only combine with scalar items.

(i) Judgments from Sauerland & Stateva (2007)a. What John cooked was definitely/maybe beef stroganoff.b. # What John cooked was exactly/approximately beef stroganoff.

Here, I suggest that beef stroganoff can in fact be scalar, and when it is, maybe beef stroganoff andapproximation beef stroganoff give rise to a similar type of scalar approximation. This is muchlike the similarity between maybe twenty and approximately twenty discussed above.

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scalarly-close items are more likely alternatives.

2.4 Other Uses ofmaybeAt the beginning of section 2.3 it was remarked that any appropriately range-representing expression gives rise to approximation when marked as uncertain.The qualifier appropriately is present to exclude certain readings, especiallythose involving epistemic vagueness and uncertain labels, described below.

The non-numeral scalars discussed above (e.g. cyan) are subject to an-other kind of approximation, termed epistemic by Sauerland & Stateva (2007).This concerns uncertainty regarding the precise meaning of the word in ques-tion, as can be seen with the word heap. Saying This pile of rice is maybe aheap may mean that the speaker knows exactly how many grains of rice thereare, but is unsure if together they constitute a heap. Similarly, The color ismaybe cyan may mean that the speaker knows exactly which hue they have inmind, but is unsure if it can be called cyan. This is not the kind of vagueness Iam concerned with here. Rather, I am interested in the case where the speakerdoes not know the hue, but believes it to be close to cyan.

Another case of uncertainty is the uncertain label discussed in the contextof (3), where the word modified by maybe is acting as a label, not a scalar. Itshould be kept in mind that this type of label reading is available for all theexamples above and can cause them to lose their approximate reading, whichagain is only available when they are interpreted as scalars.

An interesting case related to this labeling reading can be seen in (9) and(10), as pointed out by Stephanie Solt (p.c.).

(9) Context: Ann organized, but did not attend, a party last night and hopesthat at least 75 people attended. Bill attended the party and does notknow exactly how many people were there, but believes the number tobe 40, give or take 10.Ann: How many people were at the party?Bill: Maybe fifty.

Here, it seems that Bill chose his response to best fit Ann’s expectations, ratherthan to reflect the number he really thought was most likely, 40. He chose thehighest likely value, 50, to minimize Ann’s disappointment. This seems to bean instance of labeling. Bill had several answers he could have given, and forpragmatic reasons he chose the one called fifty.

Note that this ‘exaggeration’ can go down as well as up, so long as is inthe direction of the hearer’s goals. Compare (10a), where Ann is hoping for alow temperature, with (10b), where Charlie is hoping for a high temperature.

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(10) Context: Bill thinks that the temperature is around freezing (32°F).a. Ann: I hope it’s cold enough to go ice skating. How cold is it?

Bill: Maybe 30.b. Charlie: I hope it’s too warm to go ice skating. How cold is it?

Bill: Maybe 35.

This exaggerative use of maybe does not seem to impede communication, sinceit is intonationally distinguished from the non-exaggerative use. In particular,this maybe is typically stressed and drawn out, and is often accompanied bya grimace. Therefore, it is unlikely that Ann or Charlie would interpret Bill’sresponse as a scalar (i.e. as representing a range of values centered around theexpressed numeral, as in (11c)) such that the actual value could be even closerto their goal value. Instead, they should recognize this as an exaggerative usedand entertain alternatives along the lines of (11b).

(11) Context: Bill thinks that the temperature is around freezing (32°F).a. Ann: I hope it’s cold enough to go ice skating. How cold is it?

Bill: Maybe 30.b. {30, 31, 32, 33, 34}c. #{28, 29, 30, 31, 32}

2.5 Alternatives as ApproximationConsidering the similarity in interpretation between maybe twenty and approxi-mately twenty, we might wonder if the interpretation of maybe John in (1)could be thought of as approximation too. This seems quite possible, providedthat we are able to determine the appropriate scales to range over. To see this,we can think of John as representing a point on some set of scales. Alterna-tives to John then are like John in certain relevant respects (e.g. speed, pre-disposition to race, and susceptibility to performance anxiety) and representpoints on these relevant scales that fall close enough to John to be consideredlikely. There is a marked difference between maybe/approximately twenty andmaybe/approximately John, which will be discussed in section 3.2.

3 Other ApproximatorsWhile we have seen that uncertain numerals can give rise to approximation,many other modifiers give rise to approximation as well, and the analysis ofuncertain numerals here can inform the way we think of these other approxi-mators.

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3.1 ApproximatelyApproximately gives rise to approximate readings (e.g. approximately twentypeople), but not the way maybe does. Instead, approximately expresses thatsomething falls within a range (e.g. that the number of people falls within somerange around twenty), with a denotation like (12).4

(12) JapproximatelyK = [λn.λy.∃z ∈ {Jµn−σnK, ...,Jµn +σnK}|#y = z]

Here again µ corresponds to the uttered numeral, and approximately takes ascalar n and some y and returns true if the location of y is within the con-textually-determined σ of n on the relevant scale.

For example, in approximately twenty people,Japproximately twenty peopleK= [λn.λy.∃z ∈ {Jµn−σnK, ...,Jµn +σnK}|#y = z](JtwentyK)(JpeopleK)= [∃z ∈ {Jµ20−σ20K, ...,Jµ20 +σ20K}|#people = z]

and if we again assume µ20 = 20 and σ20 = 2, this yields= [∃z ∈ {18, ...,22}|#people = z]

(i.e. there is some number in the range [18−22] which is equal to the numberof people, i.e. the actual number of people is in the range [18−22]).

Approximately shows the same range effects as maybe, as can be seen byreplacing maybe with approximately in (2) and (4) (note that approximatelycannot replace maybe in (3) to give rise to a reading like (2b), since twentyhere is not scalar). These approximative effects are captured in the denotationin (12), which incorporates σ to determine its range.

This denotation also captures an important difference, shown in (13).

(13) a. It’s Susan’s birthday today, and she’s maybe thirty.b. # It’s Susan’s birthday today, and she’s approximately thirty.

Here approximately in (13b) is unable to accommodate the fact that it is Susan’sbirthday (i.e. that ages like 28 and three months are impossible).5 With maybein (13a), on the other hand, this information can easily be accommodated in themodal base, excluding incompatible ages from consideration. This differenceis reflected in the denotation above in (12), where z is drawn from a continuousrange. Note that approximately is still technically consistent with it being Su-

4 For approximately’s counterpart, consider: JexactlyK = [λn.λy.∃z ∈ {Jµn−σnK, ...,Jµn +σnK}|#y = z, defined if σn<σc,n] (takes a scalar n and some y and returns true if the location of y iswithin the contextually-determined σ of n on the relevant scale, where σ is less than some smallcontextually-determined value)5 Note that approximately is acceptable in a very precise context (e.g. Actually, she’s 30 years 14hours and 22 minutes), but this is not the reading that I am considering.

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san’s birthday, but it suggests that intermediate values are possible. This resultsin strangeness, requiring a certain amount of work on hearer’s behalf in orderto fit the utterance to the context.

So, through associating scalars with the kind of information describedby Krifka, the similarities between maybe and approximately, as well as theirdifferences, can be captured. These are summarized briefly in (14).

(14) approximately– non-modal– does not accommodate con-textual information– uses σ for range

maybe– modal– accommodates contextual in-formation– uses σ for modal base

Since approximately is not modal, it is unable to accommodate contextual in-formation, but since it draws on σ in determining range, it gives rise to thesame roundness effects as maybe.

3.2 Atomicity in ApproximationThis discussion of approximately brings up a new question: why is approxi-mately twenty people as a response in (2) is less offensive than approximatelythirty in (13b)? More specifically, why does approximately twenty people notmean that there may have been, say, 21.7 people? The solution here is atomic-ity. In particular, people are considered atomic, and so only integer-incrementsof people are considered in (2). Years, on the other hand, are readily divisible,so non-integer increments are considered in (13b).

Similarly, we can see that the alternatives arising from maybe John do nottend to be the same as the items that fall within the denotation of approximatelyJohn. Approximately John seems to point to some (possibly hypothetical) per-son who differs from John only slightly. Maybe John gives a more macroscopicreading, allowing for alternatives that differ more sharply from John. This dif-ference may be due to contextual information accommodation: you are pre-sumably searching for actual people, not hypothetical John-like people, so formaybe John the range (σ ) needs to be wider if it is to include any alternativesnot already ruled out by world knowledge. For approximately John, on theother hand, the range will contain hypothetical entities even without widening.

4 HalosThe analysis presented above is reminiscent of Lasersohn’s (1999) pragmatichalos. According to Lasersohn, some element α is surrounded by a halo of

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elements which differ from α in pragmatically ignorable ways.6


α ′

α ′′

α ′′′halo containing true α

and ‘true enough’ α ′, α ′′,α ′′′

Figure 3: α with its halos, containing α ′, α ′′, and α ′′′, which differ from α

only in pragmatically ignorable ways.

It would seem that the propositions in the modal base and ordering sourceabove are the same as the information structuring these pragmatic halos (i.e.the information used to determine what is pragmatically ignorable and how toorder based on similarity). However, one difference soon becomes apparent,which is seen most clearly through slack regulators.

Slack regulators like the hedges roughly, loosely speaking manipulatepragmatic halos, functioning to more-or-less expand JαK to include its halo.7

For example, while JtwentyK is only true for 20 exactly, Jroughly twentyK istrue for values that differ from twenty in pragmatically ignorable ways.

To see how the information used in the possible worlds account differsfrom one using pragmatic halos, compare the use of maybe with the hedgeroughly in (15).

(15) a. It’s Susan’s birthday today, and she’s maybe thirty.b. # It’s Susan’s birthday today, and she’s roughly thirty.

Again, maybe can readily accommodate the fact that it is Susan’s birthday, butwith roughly, this does not have the same effect on the halo, leading to infelic-ity.8 And this behavior is not specific to the term roughly. Even round numbers(e.g. twenty when it represents [18− 22]) do not accommodate this kind ofoutside information. So, while there is overlap in the information structuring6 Lasersohn writes: “Given an expression α denoting some object x, I like to think of the set thecontext associates with x as arrayed around x in a sort of circular cluster, so I will call this set,together with its ordering relation, the PRAGMATIC HALO of x, or, extending the terminology, asthe pragmatic halo of α”, (Lasersohn 1999: 527) and “HC(α) is understood to be a set of objectswhich differ from JαKM,C only in ways which are pragmatically ignorable in C;≤α,C is an orderingof HC(α) according to similarity to JαKM,C”, (Lasersohn 1999: 548).7 Jloosely speaking ΦKM,C =

⋃HC(Φ)− JΦKM,C (Lasersohn 1999: 545)

8 Note that roughly (like approximately) is acceptable in a very precise context.

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Divergent Approximators 689

pragmatic halos and the information structuring possible worlds, the overlap isnot complete. Halos deal with precision (px, pσ ) only, while modals accommo-date precision as well as additional contextual information.

additional con-textual informa-tion

pσ , px



4.1 The Hedge likeNow that this distinction between modal (e.g. maybe) and non-modal (e.g. ap-proximately) approximators has been noted, we may expect to find modal itemslike maybe which have been mis-classified as slack regulators. And indeed thisseems to be the case for Siegel’s (2002) like. In her analysis, like α denotesa variable corresponding either to α or an element within α’s halo. As canbe seen in (16), however, like can accommodate outside information, just likemaybe.

(16) It’s Susan’s birthday today, and she’s, like, thirty.

In other words, like, like maybe and unlike approximately, is felicitous in con-texts which require discontinuous sets of alternatives. This cannot be explainedby halos and suggests that there is some modal semantic component to like suchthat outside information can be accommodated in its modal base, explaining thefelicity of (16).

In summary, halos are similar to the present analysis in the way they de-termine the range of alternatives/approximation, but halos involve pragmaticprecision only. An additional dimention, modality, is required to capture thedifferences highlighted in (13), (15), and (16). The means of approximationdiscussed here are divided as shown in (17).

(17) a. Modal: maybe, likeb. Non-modal: approximately, roughly, pragmatic slack/halos/round-


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690 Zaroukian

5 SummaryBy examining constructions like maybe twenty I show that information asso-ciated with numerals can be incorporated into a possible worlds semantics.This analysis describes their approximating behavior as well as their diver-gence from constructions like approximately twenty. Scalars represent ranges,with closer values being more probable. In modal contexts (e.g. maybe twenty),this information is incorporated into the modal base and ordering source suchthat plausible alternatives are those scalarly close, resembling approximation.It can also be seen that, while this same information may be used in pragmatichalos, use of contextual information sets these types of approximation apartand suggests that certain hedges contain modal components. The approxima-tors with a modal component can then accommodate contextual information,while non-modal approximators cannot.

ReferencesKratzer, Angelika. 1991. Modality. In Arnim von Stechow & Dieter Wunder-

lich (eds.), Semantik: Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössis-chen Forschung, 639–650. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Krifka, Manfred. 2009. Approximate interpretations of number words: A casefor strategic communication 109–132. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Lakoff, George. 1973. Hedges: a study in meaning criteria and the logic offuzzy concepts. Journal of Philosophical Logic 2. 458–508.

Lasersohn, Peter. 1999. Pragmatic halos. Language 75. 522–551.Sauerland, Uli & Penka Stateva. 2007. Scalar vs. epistemic vagueness: Ev-

idence from approximators. In Proceedings of SALT 17, Ithaca, NY:CLC Publications, Cornell University.

Siegel, Muffy E. A. 2002. Like: The discourse particle and semantics. Journalof Semantics 19. 35–71.

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Sinn und Bedeutung 15

Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference ofthe Gesellschaft für Semantik

Edited by

Ingo ReichEva HorchDennis Pauly





Sinn & Bedeutung – the annual conference of the Gesellschaftfür Semantik – aims to bring together both establishedresearchers and new blood working on current issues in naturallanguage semantics, pragmatics, the syntax-semantics interface,the philosophy of language or carrying out psycholinguisticstudies related to meaning.

Every year, the conferencemoves to a different location in Europe.

The 2010 conference – Sinn & Bedeutung 15 – took place onSeptember 9 - 11 at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, organizedby the Department for German Studies.

universaarUniversitätsverlag des SaarlandesSaarland University PressPresses Universitaires de la Sarre

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