Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity:- Chapter 31 :- Of Diamonds and Deception:- A Look at Human Insurance (2024)

Following my successful investigation of the Coca Cola Company at its branch in Hong Kong, I left China behind although it wouldn't be the last time I visited that wonderful country. In the form of Cassidy Grainger I journeyed with the other Coca Cola girls to the city of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. First by bus, then plane and by bus again. We were part of a marketing tour to promote the limited edition Coca Cola Banana. Apparently, the Malaysian branch had some trouble organising the event and had to rely on Hong Kong, which angered the girls. Our first destination was the Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall, where we would spend the next few days looking cute and handing out free samples. Little did my adopted group know I had no attention to stay with them, despite the fact I found the outfit I had taken from the real Cassidy most comfortable. No, my mission was to find this First Royal Malay LLC insurance company mentioned by the board members. All I had to go on was a name, so my first task was to assume the form of a local girl using her home as a base to conduct the research and to rest. Little would I know how much I was going to have over the next day. It would be as if I was in my own detective simulation, something I have always been fond of since I was a little girl. As always the MiB would be the villains chasing me, the dogged investigator as she tries to uncover the truth...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 17:30pm Saturday 6th September 2024

"Remember girls. You need to say 'Here have a taste of the tropics! Enjoy new co*ke Banana!' all the while smiling and looking cute. The mall will be closing in a couple of hours, so pull out all the stops!" Came the voice of Michael Wuo as he handed each of the girls, Ellana included a bottle of ice cold co*ke Banana as they fanned out not to far from the promotional stand. I haven't a chance to savour the taste myself yet. I wonder if it's a revolting as Cassidy thought. Well I will find out for myself soon enough. I just need a change of clothes and face, then I can begin my investigations. It's too bad all I have to go on is a name. But all I need is the internet. After 15 minutes of smiling and handing out samples to a number of young humans, Ellana had noticed a young local girl on her own approaching with a smile on her face. Flashing her a smile back, Ellana appraised her. She was a strikingly beautiful young woman with supple tanned heart shaped features, high cheekbones and big brown almond shaped eyes. Framed by a curtain of long dark brown hair loose about her shoulders. Her slim petite form hugged by a white short sleeved Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt with tight blue denim shorts and black sandals. A hint of a gold silver pendant under her shirt, with a matching bangle on her right wrist and anklet on the left wrist. Her smart phone hung between her breasts, straw bag looped over her shoulder. Yes she is perfect. I just need to get her alone. Judging by the way she's looking at me, that won't be too difficult. Putting on her best smile, Ellana held out the bottle of co*ke.

"Here have a taste of the tropics! Enjoy new co*ke Banana!" Said the cute blonde American girl as she held out the bottle of co*ke. Wow she is so pretty! Just like all western girls. I would sooner...share the co*ke with her in bed. thought Azizah Nur bint Omar as she accepted the co*ke from the startlingly attractive cola girl. "Wow! That does taste great. What's your name, beautiful?" She said after taking a swig. No Azizah! You shouldn't assume. What if she's offended by that or isn't into other girls? She is American after all and you never know with them. The blonde Cola girl simply smiled co*cking her head. "My name is Cassidy Grainger, honey. And you are?" Azizah blushed slightly as she introduced herself. Why I'am getting all hot and bothered. I would like to get to know her better but Fatimah might get worried. "Well, that's a very pretty name Azizah. You have a pretty face. Why don't we..." Cassidy gently caressed Azizah's forearm, eliciting a strong moan of desire from the girl as she felt increasingly attracted to the blonde. "...go somewhere more private and get to know each other better. Perhaps share that co*ke." Cassidy whispered into Azizah's ear. Her desires overriding her common sense, she took hold of Cassidy's hand. "Lead the way, Cassidy." She said breathlessly.

Ellana grinned as she led the girl, Azizah down a deserted part of the mall towards a broom cupboard. As soon as they reached the door, Ellana clamped a hand around the girl's throat muffling her cry of betrayal before gripping her throat, releasing her pheromones as she pinched the girls vulnerable nerve clusters. Azizah let out a low aroused rattle as she slumped unconscious in Ellana's arms. Eyes rolling into the back of her head as she was dragged inside the waiting broom cupboard. Humans are such lustful creatures. Too bad it often leads them into danger. "Sorry, Azizah. No co*ke for you." She whispered into the girls ear.

Setting both the bottle of co*ke and Azizah's body down onto the floor, Ellana reluctantly stripped off the outfit she had stolen from Cassidy Grainger before taking the unconscious girl in her arms assuming her form with a kiss on those young lips. Looping the phone over her head. " Azizah Nur bint Omar, 19, Off Duty Waitress. She as both a fondness for co*ke and pretty western girls. Despite coming from a not so conservative side of her family, Azizah is in the closet about her sexuality and keeps it hidden from her family. She also loves her cousin, Fatimah but finds her conservative values annoying. She's hear with her cousin, who's waiting for her in the parking lot." Ellana said as she removed Azizah's jewellery putting them on herself then sliding off the sandals. Holding up the girl's arms, Ellana pulled the tank top up over her head before unhooking her solid white t-shirt bra slipping it off her chest. Letting the half naked girl flop back onto the floor, Ellana admired Azizah's cute little A-cup breasts with full dark brown puffy areolas as she clasped on the bra. She then unbuttoned the girls jeans shorts peeling them from her slender waist down her long tanned legs, followed by the matching g-string thong that protected her small cl*tor*s, topped with a faint trimmed strip of dark brown hair, and pert plum shaped buttocks. After she got dressed in the rest of Azizah's clothes, looping the phone over her head then the back over her shoulder, Ellana bound the petite naked form with duct tape, gagging her with a strip. After dragging the girl deeper into the cupboard, Ellana scooped up the bottle of co*ke then left the cupboard. Using Azizah's memories, Ellana made her way through the mall to the parking lot.

Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall Parking Lot 17:45pm

That doesn't taste half bad. I think Cassidy was wrong when she thought it was revolting. I'am going to tell Nikki all about this when I see her. Shame I couldn't snatch a sample for her. Ellana twig a long swig of the co*ke Banana finding it surprisingly sweet and refreshing, as she approached a pick up truck. Behind the driver's seat, busy texting was Fatimah Azizah's cousin. She was an attractive girl with diamond shaped tanned features, slender cheekbones and bright hazel eyes. Her hair covered by a pink hijab with studded ears. She was dressed in a black buttoned long sleeve shirt, skinny blue jeans and brown leather booties. She is also a suitable form as well, but it wouldn't serve me right now to replace her. Best to play along, for now. As she walked over to the passenger side door, Fatimah looked up a smile dancing across her lips as she put down her phone. Opening the door, Ellana slid onto the passenger seat slamming the door shut. "Hey, Azi. Did you find that top you had your eye on?" Asked Fatimah as Ellana buckled on the seatbelt. Ellana shook her head, feigning disappointment. "No, I'am afraid they didn't have the colour I wanted. But at least I got a free bottle of co*ke." She brandished the co*ke bottle before taking another swig. Fatimah shook her head smiling. "You and your co*ke. I swear you have the stuff pumping through your veins." They both laughed as Fatimah buckled in. "Come I will take you home. You can grab some dinner." She said as she switched on the ignition, pulling out of the parking lot onto the main road.

5km from Azizah Nur bint Omar's Residence 17::56pm

As Ellana finished off her Banana co*ke, she noticed a large advertisem*nt sign on the side of the road which read First Royal Malay LLC: We have you covered no matter the storm. below a symbol of a rearing lions head. Ellana co*cked her head as they drove towards it. First Royal Malay LLC? That does ring a bell. Is it the same one as I heard in Hong Kong? Or a different one? I can't be sure but I will go there anyway. Once I have done a little research of course. In the drivers seat, Fatimah noticed her interest. " They are really trying to expand their market share. By taking contracts from well known clients, like co*ke." She said gesturing to the passing sign with her head. Her interest piqued Ellana turned to face her. "They? What do you mean, Fatimah?" Fatimah flashed her a bemused look as she kept her eyes on the road. " You remember right? That I told you just last week that I had been hired by FRM as a receptionist. I showed you my fancy ID card and everything?" Ellana shook her head as she waved it off. " Oh it must be this damn heat. It makes me forgetful." Fatimah chuckled. "Or it's that co*ke your so fond of. It rots your brain as well as your teeth." Ellana just smiled as she sized the girl up. Looks like it's worthwhile to replace the cousin after all. With her form, clothing and ID I could get in no problem. Now to become her. "So do you want to go back to your place? It's not too far away." Ellana shook her head, a plan forming in her mind. "No, let's go back to your place. I can find my way back home from there." Fatimah looked at her nodding. "Well it's quite a distance from your place, but suit yourself. You could jump on a bus or something." As the girl came to a roundabout, she went left instead of right Ellana smiled a small smile. So gullible. How I missed replacing family members.

The Residence of Fatimah bint Abdul 18:15pm

"So would you like to come in for a quick coffee? Or a tea?" Fatimah asked as they pulled up outside her modest dwelling. Ellana sensing her opportunity turned. "I would love a mug of coffee, Fatimah." She replied with a small smile. Getting out of the truck, she put herself closely behind the unsuspecting Fatimah ready to pounce as soon as she closed her door. "Chasing co*ke with coffee? You will be bouncing off the walls. But you did always have a sweet-what?! Hey! What are you doing, Azizah?" The girl cried as Ellana pinned her to the wall gripping her shoulders. "I'am just thanking you for the ride home, "cousin"." She laughed ironically as she caressed Fatimah's cheek, the girl's eyes glazing over as she let out a low moan of desire. Ellana then lent in planting a kiss on Fatimah's lips, one that she returned with hunger. They can never resist. No one can resist a little Zenobian touch. She felt Fatimah slump unconscious against the wall, arms hanging loosely at her side as she let out an aroused rattle. Grinning with her new face, Ellana dragged the girl into her bedroom.

"Fatimah bint Abdul, 22, Receptionist at First Royal Malay LLC." Ellana said as she tossed Fatimah's body onto her bed, stripping off Azizah's clothing before straddling the unconscious girl. "Fatimah has an idea of Azizah's interests but isn't going to betray her trust. Not when she confided in Azizah about enjoying a beer once in a while." After removing Fatimah's Hijab, which revealed long jet black locks knotted into a sensible bun, Ellana copied the hairstyle then took out her ear studs, putting them in before unbuttoning her shirt revealing a lace trim pink camisole covering her B-cup breasts. Pulling Fatimah into a seated position, Ellana slipped off the shirt from her shoulders then holding up her arms pulled the camisole up over her head letting the half naked girl flop back onto the bed. Admiring Fatimah's lush B-cup breasts with dark brown perky circular areolas, as they wobbled from the impact Ellana slipped on the undergarment then unbuckled her booties from her feet as she unzipped her skinny jeans, peeling them from her hips and down her long tanned legs. Sparing no thought for the girls modesty, Ellana whipped off Fatimah's matching pink bikini shorts revealing a full womanhood crowned with a trimmed triangle of raven coloured pubic hair. After dressing in the rest of Fatimah's clothes, Ellana dragged her off the bed by her ankles stashing in the wardrobe along with her cousins clothes. I haven't eaten since the train to Hong Kong. Time to fix myself something to eat then it's the research. With that she left the bedroom, making her way to Fatimah's kitchen.


Once she had whipping up a particularly tasty if a little spicy rice dish cooked in coconut milk and leaves, Ellana used Fatimah's laptop to research The First Royal Malay LLC. Well that's handy, Fatimah practically lives within walking distance of her workplace. It's just a block away. All I need to do is pick out a nice outfit, grab a shower and turn in. I need all my strength for tomorrow. Clearing away her leftovers, she wasted away a couple of hours watching Malaysian television before picking out an appropriate outfit for tomorrow from Fatimah's wardrobe; a grey suit jacket with matching pencil skirt, crimson blouse and Hijab, black heels and red red lace lingerie. After a particularly refreshing shower, Ellana then donned Fatimah's night clothes turning in for the night, dreaming of Nikki and Coca Cola.

Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall 21:00pm Task Force Ellana Tech Van

"Well that was G back in Hong Kong, they have just found the cola girl and have already neuralysed her." M yawned as she replaced her communicator into her suit, holding her head in her hands. L nodded as she came over offering a steaming cup of coffee to her young partner. "P is already seeing to flashing the rest of her friends and getting them back home." She said stifling a yawn as the door to the van swung open. "Well, we just found another of Ellana's victims this one a local girl. Said something about a very friendly blonde girl with a free bottle of co*ke then nothing. She did say she had gotten a lift to the mall from her female cousin, however. " The two female agents shook their heads before they began to chuckle. "Beware of Zenobians bearing gifts, eh boss?" M joked as they all let out tired laughs sipping into their coffee. L then turned to P. "Did the girl give her cell phone number? We need to know if she has acquired another form. " Behind P, N wheeled around to face them. "Yes, boss. I will start tracking it now and I should have something by morning." Letting out an exhausted sigh, P took a seat taking a deep gulp of coffee. "That's all very fine and well, Linda. But wouldn't it more prudent to find out where she is actually going first. We haven't really figured that out yet and we have a number of competing theories." Opposite them M finished her coffee. "Maybe it's like Lin..uh..the boss said. She's heading to that insurance company First Royal Malay something." L smiled as she took a sip of her steaming black liquid. "Like I always say, rookie. Always go with your gut. Besides, we will find out soon enough come morning."

5km from the Residence of Fatimah bint Abdul's Residence Sunday 7th September 2024 08:00am

After recieving the girls phone location from N and propping themselves up with two cups of coffee each, the two agents hopped into their sedan leaving the support team to finish up at the mall. As they drove down the road, M noticed a large sign by the side of the side of the road advertising the First Royal Malay LLC. She smiled gesturing with her head. "Look at that, boss. A big ass ad for a posh insurance company? Well if we have seen it so has Ellana. I will bet my jump wings that's where she's heading." In the driver's seat, L turned a grin dancing on her lips. "We will make an agent of you yet rookie."

Outside Fatimah's apartment block 08:30am

Having decided to walk to the office, it only being 5 minutes away, Ellana had fixed herself a hearty Malaysian breakfast and another refreshing shower. As soon as she left Fatimah's apartment, locking up then walking down the stairs to the street level she noticed a very familiar black sedan pull up on the side of the road. Her two nemeses emerging from the car looking around. Well that took them long enough. But they have no idea, who I have replaced. Not yet. I have a clear head start. Looping her stolen handbag over her shoulder, Ellana walked innocently past the two agents grinning as she had fooled them once again. Next stop the office. With a little spring in her step, she put one foot in front of the other.

M said with a low whistle, as they looked up at the apartment block. As a pretty girl wearing an Hijab walked right past them. "That's...a lot of apartments, boss. Are we sure that N got the right address? They all look the same." Reaching around her head, L slapped her upside the head. "Secure those negative waves, rookie. She's here I can feel it." Rubbing her head gingerly scowling, M fell into step beside L as they begun their search. After an hour of pointless wandering around the block, M was breathless. "Come on boss, admit it we are lost. We don't even have an apartment number." She grimaced between breathes as L nodded. "I will admit that we probably have bitten off more than we could chew, M." The young agent rolled her eyes groaning. "You say that now bo-ow!!" That earned another cuff to the head as they walked back to the sedan. "Let's call P, he can comb the scene better than we can. Anyhow, we have given Ellana enough of a head start." Getting behind the drivers seat, she updated P on the situation. "Alright we will search the apartment, Linda. By the way, we have the address of that insurance company. Good thing it's only a 5 minute drive away." Thanking her lover, she replaced the communicator in her suit pocket. Gunning the engine, she turned to M. "Onwards and upwards, rookie." The young agent, still rubbing the back of her head nodded as she buckled up.

The First Royal Malay LLC company offices 09:45am

After about an hour of greeting humans through the revolving doors with a smile, alongside her two fellow receptionists Ellana was growing bored. This is just as boring as my stint behind the desk at Coca Cola. Except I'am not alone this time. I really need a new form and quick. Just as she was about to excuse herself, Ellana noticed her old friends come straight through the revolving doors. Well, well, well. Guess who the bearcats dragged in? They got here quicker than I expected. And not even in disguise this time, how disappointing. Time to have some fun. As the two agents approached her desk, taking off their sunglasses, Ellana put on her best welcoming smile. "Hello and good morning. My name is Fatimah. How may I help you?" She asked as both agents did a double take before L cleared her throat. "Hi we...uh...want to get into your office, to speak to your boss. National security matter, very urgent." Suppressing the urge to snort Ellana co*cked her head. "Really? You don't look Malaysian? Do you have an appointment?" L lent on the desk, fixing her a cold stare with her green eyes. "No, but I didn't say it was Malaya's national security." Ellana had to admit she was quite attractive when she was intimidating, but she remained impassive. "I ask you again. Do you have an appointment?" Next to L, M sighed impatiently rolling her eyes. "Look lady, we are in bit of a hurry. We have reason to believe a dangerous...person is in your building. Let us past or else." She stressed the last part as Ellana's smile just widened. "Sorry no appointment no entry, please leave." The agents looked at each other sighing before reaching into their pockets. "Security! Please escort these people from the premises. They don't have an appointment and threatened me." Two security staff appeared behind the agents manhandling them. "Get your hands off me!" M cried as her guard got her into an arm lock. "You'll regret this! You hear me!" Yelled L was they were dragged away from the desk, beyond the revolving doors. Ellana snigg*red as she savoured every second of their distress. Now that should buy me some time. Time to update my look.

"Excuse me, may I be excused? I need to go the bathroom." Ellana asked one of girls a pretty girl called Adelia, who nodded. "Okay, sure. Just don't take too long. It's going to get busy soon, new girl trust me." Taking her leave, Ellana left the front desk entering the women's toilet off the lobby. Keeping the door ajar, she bided her time waiting for a suitable female to happen by. One you thing you can always count on, is there is always a human female that needs the toilet for one reason or the other. Makes my job so easy. Sure enough after five minutes she spied a comely young woman approaching the bathroom door. She was a pretty little thing with heart shaped features, high cheekbones and slanted brown eyes her long brown hair tied into a ponytail. Hugging her athletic slim curves was a white one length dress, over which was a black suit jacket with matching strappy heels and studded earrings. Waiting until the woman was about to enter, Ellana flung open the door. "Hi. How badly do you to go, hm?" She grinned as she reached for the lapel of her jacket. "Huh? What are you, wait?!" Before the girl could say anything more, Ellana pulled her inside by her lapel and in one smooth motion grabbed her mouth spinning her around to clamp a hand around a slender neck. The girl let out panicked muffled whimpers, as Ellana dragged her into a cubicle. "Shh! Pretty thing. To your rest, allow me to take your shift." She whispered into the struggling woman's ear, pinching her vulnerable nerve clusters. Letting out an aroused muffled rattle, the woman slumped into Ellana's arms unconscious arms hanging limply at her sides. "There's a good girl. Now lets get you out of that outfit, dear. You won't be needing it." She said sitting the female onto the toilet bowl.

Shedding Fatimah's clothes, Ellana straddled the unconscious girl on the toilet bowl assuming her form with a kiss as she loosened the girls scrunchie, taking out her hair studs. "Chi-Tze Tengku, 23, Administration Assistant. She only has a few more days left working this boring job of endlessly stamping forms, until she starts a new career as a legal secretary for a prestigious law firm here in Kuala Lumpur. Chi-Tze is looking forward to doing something more than shuffling papers around, particularly if it involves sharing a handsome suit along the way." After adopting Chi-Tze's hairstyle and inserting her jewellery, Ellana unstrapped the heels before stripping off her suit jacket from her slender shoulders. Unzipping the dress from the rear she peeled the garment from Chi-Tze's athletic body, leaving the girl wearing only her black lace bralette with matching shorts, stockings and suspenders. Reaching around the half naked woman's back, Ellana unclipped her bralette revealing a firm buoyant pair of C-cup breasts with dark brown perky circular areolas. Clipping on the bralette, she unfastened the stockings from the belt gently rolling them down her long tanned legs before whipping off the lace shorts exposing a small trimmed cl*tor*s decorated with a strip of dark brown pubic hair. After pulling off the belt and putting on the lingerie, Ellana got dressed in the rest of Tzi-Che's clothes zipping up her dress then pulling on the jacket. Now fully dressed she tore up Fatimah's Hijab binding her limbs and gagging her, then once the naked athletic girl was secured Ellana locked the cubicle climbing over the door landing on the other side. Finding a ever handy "out of order" sign, the Zenobian stuck it on the cubicle concealing the naked girl as she left the bathroom. Using the woman's memories, Ellana walked back through the lobby getting on a waiting elevator, pressing the button for the 3rd floor.

First Royal Malay LLC Offices 3rd Floor 10:25am

After what seemed like her one thousandth stamped form, Ellana was starting to feel the familiar pangs of boredom. I can't really blame Chi-Tze for switching careers. How anyone can do this sort of work and find it fulfilling is anyone's guess? I think I did the woman a favour by giving her a break from this drudgery. As for me... Putting down her stamp, Ellana rose up from her chair taking a stretch before walking out of her cubicle and down a deserted corridor. Scanning the office doors, she came across a wooden door with the legend Imanina Ratsanari:- Insurance Investigator on a brass plaque. Ellana's eyes widened. Are they anything like the detectives in our crime simulations? They were my favourite growing up and I'am still partial to them now. Well I have to take this opportunity. Smiling Ellana opened the door.

Imanina Ratsanari sat at her desk, finishing the report on her latest case. Another day, another fraudster ends up in white collar prison. I love my job. At 31, Imanina had been working for FRM for near on eight years. She was an attractive woman of Javan descent with rounded tanned features, smooth elegant cheekbones and almond shaped grey eyes framed by a curtain of long brown hair hanging around her shoulders. Her petite frame emphasised by a dark green suit jacket with matching knee length skirt and sensible lumps, underwhich was a black silk blouse. Gracing her slender neck was a silver necklace with earrings that matched. Suddenly the sound of her door opening drew or attention away from her MacBook. "Excuse me? Is everything alright miss? Are you lost?" She asked a pretty young girl wearing a white dress with a black suit jacket, the look of an administration assistant about her. Curious she got up from her desk walking around it. To her surprise her visitor closed the door behind her. "No I'am fine thank you. I'am right where I need to be." The girl said advancing on her with a raised hand. Imanina reared back in shock. "What are you doi-agh!?" She felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck, letting out a brief squeak as she was rendered instantly unconscious. "Didn't see that one coming did you, investigator?" Ellana quipped as she took Imanina under her arms sitting her back into her chair.

Once she had stripped off Chi-Tze's clothes, Ellana straddled the unconscious woman in her chair assuming her form with a passionate kiss. Feeling her form shift, she removed the woman's jewellery. "Imanina Ratsanari, 31, Insurance Investigator, First Royal Malay LLC. She grew up poor but has a love for detective stories and movie noir that inspired her to get into the life. She's loves her job and is thinking of going into business for herself as a PI. You're a kindred spirit, dear." Ellana smiled as she put on Imanina's jewellery before slipping off her shoes then unfastening her jacket, slipping it off her shoulders. Laying the jacket on the desk, Ellana unbuttoned her blouse revealing C-cup breasts emphasised by a dark green lace plunge bra before reaching around Imanina's waist unzipping her skirt from the rear. Pulling the garment from around her waist down her long legs, Ellana whipped off her matching thong exposing a small tidy cl*tor*s crowned with a triangle of trimmed brown pubic hair. After pulling up the underwear, she stripped off Imanina's blouse before unfastening her bra from the front admiring her well rounded C-cup breasts with rose petal brown areolas. Getting dressed in the rest of the investigators clothes, Ellana tore up Chi Tze's white dress binding and gagging the attractive naked form of Imanina then picking her up under her shoulders, stashed her inside the cabinet behind her desk along with the remains of Chi Tze's clothes. Closing the door on the naked woman, Ellana took her seat. All I need is a case. She thought crossing her fists on the desk.

Outside First Royal Malay LLC 10:30am

"Well it looks like they are turning away everyone that's wearing a black suit. Male or female. So we aren't getting in dressed like this." L said as they observed a number of employees and clients being barred entry by security, leaning against the body of their black sedan in the company parking lot. Next to her, M crossing her arms shook her head. "Come on boss. I don't think Ellana's in there." Before L could reply she heard the familiar chime of her communicator from her jacket pocket, taking it out she flicked it open putting it on speaker. "Hey Linda. We just finished our sweep of the apartments and you never guess what we just found?" Rang out the voice of Agent P. L smiled as she heard his voice but braced herself for the worst. "Lets hear it, Paddy." P took a deep breath. "Well we found a very confused, naked young lady who said something about getting kissed by her cousin. And if you liked that then your going to love this. She works as a receptionist at First Royal Malay LLC, right where you guys are know. Sending you her details." Taking a look at the face on the communicators screen, the two agents groaned. "Sonofabitch! That smug faced bitch! I'am so going to enjoy slapping the cuffs on her today!" Cried M as L thanked P, hanging up. "Now we really need to get back--" The sound of a car horns caused them to look up as they narrowly avoided getting run down. "I'am very sorry but we are in a hurry. Get out of the way!" Came the voice of the Malaysian driver as the agents walked around the side of the car. The passenger window lowering to reveal two young women wearing different coloured suits. That weren't black.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked a pretty auburn haired woman in a British accent, hair done up in an elegant knot. She was dressed in a blue pantsuit with matching heels and a white halter top. She's my size alright, and I like the colour. Next to her sat an elegant young woman with sculptured features framed by a ash blonde shoulder length bob. She was wearing a red suit jacket, matching knee length skirt and matching pumps, a white lace camisole underneath. "Why are you looking at us like that, churl. Move along." She said nervously as the two agents glanced at each other smiling. And M can squeeze into blondies outfit no problem. Taking out her neuralyser, L popped on her MiB sunglasses as M approached the driver with hers drawn. Holding it front of the women, L pressed the button the women staring blankly ahead. "Ladies, would you be so kind to get out of the car and strip off those suits and give them to us?" L grinned as the haughty British women had no choice but to comply, getting out of the car. " I will never get over that. Reminds me of Tokyo, boss. Those two stewardesses. Well at least these clothes will actually fit us, this time." In just minutes, the agents watched with amazement as the women undressed. Soon they were dressed in only their expensive underwear. The red head clad only in her blue lace backless wonderbra and matching thong, while the blonde was dressed only in her white lace g-string, her perky B-cups with stiff full pink areolas exposed to the morning breeze. "Huh? I guess the camisole top was part of the suit." M said as she clamped a hand over the blonde's mouth, muffling her cries snaking an arm around her neck cutting off the blood supply to her brain. The young woman let out a muffled rattle as she slumped in M's arms. While L applied a rear pressure nerve press to the red heads neck. The woman let out a low groan as she was lowered to the tarmac by the veteran agent. After binding the scantily clad women with cable ties and gagging them with duct tape, the agents bundled the unconscious women into the trunk. "Okay let's get changed and quickly." She said as they stripped off their black suits.

"Well, it looks like I'am an Harriet Mercer." L glanced at her British Petroleum ID before putting it back into her stolen blue jacket, as the two agents sat in the back of the petrol executives sedan, the neuralysed driver parking up the car. "And that makes me a Jennifer Albright. But boss, there is no way this is going to work. The receptionists already know our faces." M replied straightening her stolen red skirt. Grinning L took out her MiB glasses, putting them on. "You know these good old glasses aren't just for the neuralyser you know." M scoffed shaking her head. "Seriously boss? That's never going to work? The sunglasses don't even match the suits. Ow!" L slapped the upside of her head. "What I have told you about those negative waves, M? Let's go." Rubbing her head, M slipped on her glasses before they left the car. Taking out her neuralyser, L flashed the driver. "Go. Take a break, you've earned it." The man complied exiting the vehicle and walking across the road to a nearby Costa. Straightening their stolen suits, the agents strode towards the front entrance.

10:45am FRM LLC Lobby

As they walked through the double doors, the agents noticed a man dressed in black getting turned away. "Come on Daud, Johan! You know me? I work here! I got you your job here Daud. You have to let me in, it's important!" One of the guards, Daud shook his head. "Sorry Mr Choi but orders are orders. We can't let anyone in dressed in black." Mr Choi shook his head. "What?! That's like 90% of the workforce, you idiots. Fine. I will come back later." The man turned on his heel as the agents approached the reception desk manned by two receptionists, the lack of a third all too conspicuous. L cleared her throat. "Excuse me? My name is Ms Harriet Mercer and this my associate Ms Jennifer Albright." She gestured to M. "We are with British Petroleum and have an appointment with Mr Muhammad Osman, to insure our assets in the Andaman Sea at 11:00am." The girl didn't even look at them as she typed in their names. "Yes. I have you right here. Please sign in and I will let Mr Osman know of your arrival. Flashing the girl a smile the agents compiled before walking towards the elevator banks. "Well colour me surprised. She never even looked up." M said as they entered the lift. "Oh ye of little faith." L joked as she pressed the button to the third floor.

FRM 3rd Floor 10:50am

Leaning back into her chair Ellana looked out of the massive window that afforded her an excellent via of Kuala Lumpur city. Wow! Look at those twin towers in the distance! Such fabulous architecture, but I'am not here to look at the skyline. I need a case. As if to answer her prayers, there was a knock at the door. "Enter." Ellana said as the door opened to review a pretty young Malaysian woman, clutching a small dossier to her breasts. According to Imanina's memories, this was Nadia her secretary. "Good morning Ms Ratsanari. I have new case for you." Ellana smiled as she walked around the desk, accepting the dossier. "Ms Junaidah Kiambiang, heiress to the shipping company and one of our most prestigious clients, has just had her expensive diamond necklace stolen. The police are on the scene but considering the items value, it something you should look into. The Inspector leading the investigation is a Nur Mawar Awang." Ellana grinned as she tucked the file under her arm. "Thank you, Nadia. Please hold my calls and lock up the office. I have a case to solve." Bading her good luck, Nadia did as she was instructed. Giddy as an academy first year, Ellana strode down the corridor towards the elevator in front of her. To her surprise, M & L came off the elevator walking towards her. Hmm? I see they got around that no black suit order. I wonder who they had to steal those suits off. Still, I have to give credit to them for their resourcefulness and those suits look good on them. But I will always be one step ahead. Maintaining a straight face, Ellana strode right past them onto the waiting open elevator. Pressing the parking level button, Ellana let out a little chuckle as the lift descended.

As the agents passed an attractive middle aged woman in a green suit, they began to try every office. "Are you sure she's even up here boss? If she's still the receptionist then we would have bumped into her at the front desk." L moved from door to door. "Ellana isn't stupid, rookie. She saw us don't forget and knowing her she will be getting a new look as soon as possible. We just need to find..." Her voice trailed off as she came to a locked door marked Ms Imanina Ratsanari:- Insurance Investigator . "Keep a look out rookie, I will pop the lock." She said taking out her bobby pins as M kept watch. After thirty seconds, the door clicked upon. "Age before youth, rookie." L smiled as she entered the room with M right behind her. They entered a large well proportioned office, a large wooden desk with a MacBook perched on it, a decent view of Kuala Lumpur behind it. A cabinet off-site to the left was slightly ajar. L signaled her partner drawing her stun pistol, as M sighed approaching the cupboard. "Why is it always the cabinet? I have a bad feeling about this..." With L covering her, M opened the cabinet. "Whoa, sh*t!" She cried as the bound naked body of an unconscious woman fell on top of her, pinning her to the carpeted floor. "Damn it! I hate it when they do that!" She cried as L approached her laughing, M blushed slightly. "Please, boss. Don't tell Vicky about...this. She gets jealous very easily." L rolled the naked woman off of M before extending her a hand, pulling her up. "My lips are sealed, rookie." The young agent did a double take as saw the woman's face. "Wait! We just passed her in the corridor! That means..." "...She's the god damn investigator and she will be in the underground parking by now, let's go!" L finished her sentence as they swept from the room hurrying down the nearest stairwell.


Shooting out of the stairwell door, entering the underground parking lot the agents where greeted to the sound of Ellana's car engine igniting watching her pull out of the garage. "God damn it!" L swore as Ellana pulled away. Running back onto street level, L remembered the sedan the BP executives had arrived in. "Get in rookie! After her!" The young agent nodded as they ran over to the car jumping inside. Ignoring the muffled screams and thumps from the cars trunk, L started the engine and pulled out quickly. It didn't take her long to get back on the Zenobians tail. "Boy, aren't those Brits in the back in for a rough ride!" Quipped M as they maintained their distance from Ellana. After 30 minutes, they followed her to a large mansion outside which was crawling with police officers. Pulling up they observed their quarry being let through the gates. "Well we aren't getting in dressed like this? Ideas boss?" L scanned the wall to the side of the manor. "Just give a minute a rookie, I think I have found something." She said as she spied an hole in the wall.

Kiambiang Manor 5km outside Kuala Lumpur 11:28am

This is so awesome! It's like I'am in my very own detective simulation! Just like the MS Island Princess! Okay, Ellana game face on. She thought as a policeman showed her inside into an opulent parlour room, where a detective who could only be Inspector Nur Mawar Awang, was questioning two young women. One was an attractive woman wearing only a light blue silk night dress, that did little to hide her petite figure, was sitting on her couch. She had tanned diamond shaped features with high cheekbones, and dark brown almond shaped eyes framed by long curly dark brown hair. Ellana recognised her from her photograph as Junaidah Kiambiang. While standing next to her was a slim attractive girl wearing a long sleeve black maids outfit, complete with white lace frilled apron, collar and cuffs. Her rounded features crowned with a black Hijab. The police officer cleared his throat. "Begging your pardon inspector, but the insurance investigator as arrived." Letting out an exasperated sigh, Inspector Awang approached her holding out his hand. "Inspector Awang, robbery homicide. I take it your Ms Imanina Ratsanari from the insurance company. You're a little late, aren't you? I was just wrapping up." Ellana shook his hand, unimpressed. "I would like to interview them, Inspector. I need to hear for myself the events of last night." The Inspector rubbed his arm across his forehead. "Okay, but they will only tell you what they just told me. I doubt will get anything more from them." Ellana looked over to the two women. "Allow me to be the judge of that, Inspector. What's the maids name?" The inspector looked down at his notes. " A Ms Hasmah Noor bint Abdullah." Ellana nodded as she thanked the men before approaching the women.

"Ms Kiambiang? My name is Imanina Ratsanari, investigator from the FRM. Could you tell me what you told the inspector? About the events of last night and what lead to the necklace behind stolen?" Ellana said rubbing her hands together as the heiress glanced to her maid before lighting a cigarette and taking a quick drag. "Well it was midnight and I heard a crash from downstairs. Hasmah and I went downstairs to discover a man dressed head to toe in a black catsuit. He had switched off the alarms and had a gun. He held us both at gunpoint, where he ordered poor Hasmah to empty the safe. That's where we-I kept the necklace. He then took off into the night." She glanced side long at her maid who nodded profusely, puffing out a stream of blue smoke. "Yes. It was so terrifying. I saw my life flag before my eyes." Hasmah said with crocodile tears as Inspector Awang appeared at Ellana's side. "You see, like I said. It's an open and shut case." Ellana however, wasn't convinced. They are lying, the nervous glances and the story it's rehearsed. I don't how the inspector didn't pick up on it. I would question the maid, she is the weak link but I don't have the time. But there's another sure fire way... She turned to the Inspector. " I would like to question the maid. Alone and away from her mistress. She may be hiding something, 'detective'." She ironically stressed the word as the man let out an impatient sigh, the women shooting nervous glances at each other. "Why? She's already told us about the catsuited man. He's our suspect." Rolling her eyes, Ellana shook her head. "It doesn't occur to you she might be lying." Awang blinked for a moment, thinking it through. "Er...maybe you could be onto something." Grinning Ellana co*cked her head. "That's fine. I'am more than happy to do your job for you." Scowling the inspector turned to the maid. "You, miss. Go with the inspector while I finish with your mistress." Looking nervously to the heiress, who nodded at her, Hasmah fell into step beside Ellana who lead her down a corridor to a deserted side room.

As she opened the door letting the maid enter first, Ellana readied her hand raising it eyeing up the right side of the girl's neck. "Look, Ms Investigator. I told you and the inspector what I know. I-uh-we aren't hiding anyth-agh!" Ellana swiftly chopped the maid on the right hand side on her neck, closing the door at the same time. The girl was rendered instantly unconscious. "It's alright my dear. I have other ways to ascertain the guilt of you and your mistress." Ellana whispered in the maids ear as she took her weight under her shoulders, lowering her to the ground before shedding the investigators clothes.

Taking the unconscious maid in her arms, Ellana assumed her form with a kiss as she pulled off her hijab revealing chestnut brown hair tied into a knot. "Hasmah Noor bint Abdullah, 22, Personal Maid to Ms Kiambiang. Her mistress asked her to lie in return for a large payout to help with her mothers medical bills. She doesn't regret taking the money because she did it for her family. That's interesting, she knows of a hidden compartment in a desk in the mistresses room. Only she, the butler and Hasmah knew of this. It has the incriminating evidence I need. Thanks, Hasmah." Ellana smiled to the unconscious maid, adopting her hairstyle before untying the lace apron from around her waist, then slipping off the shoes. Rolling the maid onto her side, Ellana unbuttoned her dress from the rear peeling the garment from her slender shoulders, off her petite attractive form clad only in her cream underwired bra and matching bikini briefs. Whipping off the panties from between the maids legs first, Ellana admired her small womanhood topped with a trimmed strip of chestnuts brown pubic hair and pert tanned peach shaped buttocks. Pulling up the stolen underwear, Ellana unclasped Hasmah's bra flipping her onto her back to get a glimpse of her small but rounded B-cup breasts with brown circular perky areolas. Getting dressed quickly in the rest of the maids uniform, setting on the hijab, Ellana tore up the investigators blouse binding and gagging the naked maid before stashing her in a nearby cabinet. Wasting no more time, she swept from the room using the maids memories to guide her.


Once she had entered Ms Kiambiang's bedroom, Ellana went straight for the desk on the far side of the room. With Hasmah's memories finding the hidden compartment was easy. "Here we are!" Laying the hidden drawer on the desk, she rifled through the papers. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The house as been mortgaged thrice and the mistress cannot pay. All of these debts are with foreign banks and companies. There isn't any way the police would know about them and the "Inspector" wouldn't have them look. But this alone won't be enough to get him to change his mind and arrest the woman. It was then the door opened. "What are you doing, Hasmah?! Are you crazy?! Put that away this instant! If the police see that, we are done for!" Well, I think a direct admission would be enough for the inspector... co*cking her head, Ellana approached the heiress hand raised. "Well it's a good thing that I'am not your maid, dear." Ms Kiambiang blinked in surprise. "Hasmah?! Have you gone insane-ugh!?" Ellana cut her off with a quick chop to her neck. "Me? Never better! But your looking at jail." Ellana quipped as she lowered the unconscious heiress to the wooden floor before stripping off the maids uniform.

Taking the unconscious heiress into her embrace, Ellana assumed her form with a kiss as she unlaced the girl's night dress from the rear, peeling it from the woman's petite body. " Junaidah Kiambiang, 23, Heiress to Kiambiang Shipping Ltd. She is heavily in debt through several bad investments which is her motive for the fraud. Having insured the necklace for 10 million ringgit, which is enough to pay her debts. The necklace is still hidden in the house in a crawlspace in the servants quarters." Ellana said as she stepped into the night dress, admiring the slim naked form of Junaidah her small A-cup breasts with pink rose petal areolas, clean shaven full cl*tor*s and pert plum shaped buttocks. After lacing up the dress, Ellana binding the heiress's wrists and ankles with torn strips from the maids dress before gagging her with a strip of the hijab before rolling the girl's naked body under her four poster bed. Smiling, Ellana scooped up the documents as she left the room. Time for my confession.

The rear of Kiambiang Manor the Same Moment

After climbing through a human sized hole in the wall she had spotted from the car, L waited as M gingerly made her way through. It was going fine until she had snagged her red jacket on a loose piece of masonry. "sh*t! Boss, I'am stuck! You're going to have to pull me out!" Rolling her eyes, L grabbed her partner's head then pulled. The blonde agent was yanked through but with a loud tearing sound as her jacket came apart at the seam. "God damn it! I real!y liked this jacket! Now I really need a change of clothes. Why is it always me!" "Shh!" L held up her finger as they heard two female Malaysian voices say something in their direction, preceding their footsteps. Signalling M to take up ambush position against the wall opposite, L readied herself her training kicking in. As soon as the women rounded the corners, the agents struck fast. L grabbed the first woman's arm pulling her into an embrace, arm around her throat hand braced at the back of her hand, appling pressure. The girl slumped unconscious in her arms letting out a short rattle of breath, as she lowered to the ground. While M pulled her victim into a rear naked chokehold, cutting off the blood to her throat with practiced ease, clamping a hand around her mouth to silence her desperate cries. As the woman's consciousness faded, eyes rolling back into her skull the agents appraised their victims.

"Cops? Again? Why are we always mugging cops? Why not maids or hell those bunny girls again. Ow!!" L cuffed her partner over the head as they appraised the two unconscious policewomen at their feet. The one she was kneeling over was wearing a black long sleeve uniform shirt, her badge on the left breast while her nameplate read Aidah Nadira bint Muhammad, with matching trousers held by her equipment belt and sensible shoes. Hair covered by a black Hijab. While M's officer had a short sleeve shirt, with the name "Catherine Tam" she had light brown hair tied into a bun. Both where attractive young athletic women, who definitely were two sizes too small. "What are you waiting for, rookie? Get her out of that uniform!" L said as she unclipped Aidah's equipment belt before unbuttoning her shirt. As the two agents stripped out of their expensive suits, M continued to grip. "Boy will I be glad to get out of south east Asia, the uniforms are always way too tight and small." They then got dressed in their stolen police uniforms, standing over the scantily clad bodies of the unconscious officers. Aidah wearing only a cream lace camisole with matching shorts, her sleeping pretty face framed by shoulder length black hair. Whereas, Catherine was only dressed in a solid white t-shirt bra with matching bikini briefs. M chuckled as she watched her boss pull up Aidah's hijab. "Boss you are just spilling out of that outfit. I can see your b-ow!!" L fixed her with a cold narrow stare. "One more word, rookie. And I will throw back through that wall!" After binding and gagging the young officers, the agents dragged them into the bushes. "Okay, rookie let's go get her." L said as they walked towards the front doors of the manor, M pulling the officers hat low over her blonde hair.

Kiambiang Manor 11:55am

"Ah Miss Kiambiang? You haven't seen your maid or that investigator around have you?" Inspector Awang said as Ellana entered the parlour. She walked up to him, but before she could open her mouth she spotted too familiar friends enter the room flanking the doors to the hall. And now they returned to robbing women two sizes to small. Somewhere there are two naked cops with bruises in the bushes. They will never learn. Luckily it looks !Ike they have no clue that I'am right here. She thought as she regarded them, L was wearing a long sleeve uniform with a hijab while M had gone long sleeves. Taking her eyes from the agents, Ellana cleared her throat. "Inspector? I wish to make a confession. It was I and the maid who tried to defraud the insurance company by faking it's theft..." Within five minutes, she had laid out everything even handing over the documents. The Inspector sighed. "So the investigator was right all along? She's going to be insufferable when she finds out. In any event. This is a very serious matter, Ms Kiambiang." He signalled M&L to walk over standing either side of her. "I'am arresting you for fraud and for wasting police time. You do not have to say anything that you may later say in court, that will be later giving as evidence. Take her away." He said to the agents who looked clueless at each other before catching on. Taking Ellana under her arms, the two agents lead her from the mansion into a waiting police car. Getting in, Ellana saw L talking into her communicator about "P getting down here as soon as possible." As M regarded her on the back seat before they drove away from the manor. Looking down at her wrists, she had noticed the idiots hadn't even cuffed her. And here I thought they were professionals. She chuckled as she leant back into her seat.

1KM outside Kuala Lumpur City Centre 12:30pm

With the patrol car stuck in traffic, Ellana waited for her opportunity to escape from her nemeses as they whispered in hushed tones on the front seats. "Boss we really should be getting back to Ellana. She may have gotten away by now or stolen another identity." On the driver's seat L turned to face her partner. "You worry too much rookie. By now P and the rest of the Task Force will be at the manor. She as nowhere to go. Once we get back, we can get out of these clothes and back into our suits." Then chiming came from L's shirt pocket. "Well speak of the devil..." With the agents distracted, Ellana looked to the rear door next to her. By the Goddess! It's open, of all the luck. Well, it's now or never. Opening the door gently and quietly, she slipped out of the patrol car running down the embankment onto a deserted side road. Nearby she heard the sound of a two stroke engine.

"Linda? Where the hell are you two? We are already at the manor." Came P's voice through the communicator as L put it on speaker. "Hey, P. We robbed a couple of police officers and got roped into doing some actual police work. We should be along soon." P let out a long sigh. "Well that's all very well and good, but we have a situation back here. Ellana as stripped not one but two women. Her latest victim is Ms Kiambiang a young heiress." L and M let out a whoop high fiving before returning to P. " Really? That's great! We have her in the back..." M then turned to look at the back seat, mouth dropping in shock. "Erm, boss..." She touched L's shoulder as they both looked at the empty back seat, passenger door wide open. They then looked at each other. "sh*t!" They cried in unison. L hung up her communicator as they leapt from the car. "Why the f*ck didn't you cuff her!? And you left the door open?! What the hell!" She rounded on M who reared back throwing out her arms. "How the hell was I supposed to know, what the detective was yammering on about!? We don't speak Malay!" L roared in frustration as she slammed her hands on the cars hood.

Hearing the sound of the two stroke getting closer, Ellana still in her stolen night dress laid in the middle of the road getting a good luck at the approaching driver. It was a young human female, astride a red moped. She was a comely girl with gentle heart shaped features, high cheekbones and slanted brown eyes. Her long light brown hair tied into a long ponytail, under a black crash helmet. Her petite form hugged by a black tank top with a huge tiger faced splashed over her A-cup breasts, blue denim skirt and black sandals. Her ears studded with a Chinese character necklace gracing her slender neck. Perfect. All she needs to do is stop and she's all mine. Ellana grinned as the scooter cut out on front of her.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:47 pm, edited 12 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity:- Chapter 31 :- Of Diamonds and Deception:- A Look at Human Insurance (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.